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Canvas business model

1. Costumers (at first inside the country than outside of it):

a. +18 age
b. Alcohol drinkers
c. Wine lovers
d. People buying gifts
e. Tourists
f. Organizations

There is a growing demand for local wine; the demand for bottled wine and old
indigenous grape/wine varieties is high.

2. Value proposition:
a. Indigenous grape and wine varieties unique to the market
b. Organic and high quality product
c. Local production
d. Production by technologies unique to the country
3. Channels:
a. Inner
i. Wine bars
ii. Wine shops
iii. Restaurants
b. Export markets – through distributors
4. Customer relations:
a. Direct marketing activities – Presentations/ Degustation’s in wine shops/bars
b. Marketing through the wine promoters (governmental or private agencies) –
conferences, joint degustation with other companies)
c. Social media marketing
Wine is about relationships and there is high loyalty towards the producers, so direct
relationship and the storytelling is very important for the industry.
5. Revenues:
Costumers buy bottled wines; the prices are set after the consultation with wine
experts and market and cost analysis. The sales are done through:
a. Retail sales through wine bars/shops
b. Sales to companies
c. Export sales through distributors
6. Key resources:
a. Land in a region suitable high quality wine making
b. Cellar and house near to the land
c. Knowledge and experience in wine making
d. Knowledge of wine industry
e. Knowledge in business making
f. Family support (financial/knowledge)
g. Existing connections in the village (connections for machinery, labor)
h. Existing grape varieties in the reserves
7. Key activities:
a. Vineyard creation (2 years)
b. Wine making
c. Wine bottling, labeling
d. Wine sales/marketing
8. Partnerships:
a. Ministry of agriculture
b. National wine agencies
c. Wine bars/shops
d. Distributors
e. Other wine companies
f. Special suppliers: People in the village with technological resources
9. Costs:
a. Costs for seeds
b. Costs for labor (planting + care + harvest)
c. Costs for machinery rent
d. Cost for bottles and labels + bottling and labeling machines
e. Cost of distribution

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