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Loerraine S.


Enumerate the processes of painting for Action Theory. Write a brief explanation for each.

1. Putting - is to place (anything) to get it into or out of a specific location or position.

2. Dripping - is a form of abstract art which the paint is dripped on the canvas.
3. Brushstroke - the configuration given to paint by contact with the bristles of a brush and also the
paint left on a surface by a single application of a brush or palette knife.
4. Splashing - Artists that create paint splatter or paint splash art use brushes and other
implements to flick, throw, or drip paint onto a canvas, rather than brushing paint directly onto
that surface.
5. Pouring - is a painting technique where the paint is mixed with some type of substance and then
poured onto a surface. A

Analyze the following image and relate it to Institutional Theory

This is the label of Ginebra San Miguel. The art is created by National Artist Fernando Amorsolo and
known as “Marco Demonio”. The Ginebra San Miguel is the name of brand of a gin in which the Ayala
Corporation looks for an artist since their bottle is not recognizable by people. This relates to
Institutional Theory because Fernando Amorsolo made a label that reflect the brand name which bears
Michael the Archangel. This made the label displaying the image of St. Michael the Archangel,
victoriously battling the vanquished demon, which becomes highly recognizable to the public.

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