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Five factor model is most important aspect that every HR manager should consider while recruiting

any employee for specific work position. For example, many work is based on repetitive task, in that
case, if HR manager appoint an employee who is moody and looking for creative work that creates a
problem for organisation.

To avoid this type of issue, McCrae and costa presented five- factor model theory in 1987. However,
revised theory of it (1992) used widely for personality test of employees. This theory helps to select
right candidate for right post.

While talking about the management trainee, a candidate should have to possess trait, openness to
experience. According to this dimension, a person is creative, curious and have imaginary foresight.
As a management trainee, a person should be always curious to learn new things, acceptance of new
environment and ability to think about future prospects. This personality trait is always ready to
tackle any unforeseen situation within an organisation. They are making decisions by considering
long term aspects. Management is all about the managing and the placing and controlling the things
and people in effective manner to achieve organisation’s goal. In this trait, person can easily adapt
the changing situation and take decisions and plan accordingly. They have independent mind, rather
than following they entertain new concepts and policies.

For an example, production manager noticed that current product is target only limited group. Like
Horlicks (a drinking product) only made a product for children. To earn more profit, now they focused
on targeting women group. A manager focused on the need of the women and customised the
Horlicks specially for 30+ ages of women.

Thus, this type of personality trait, engage with various aspects, perception and patterns in the
organisation for smooth function and future growth and I consider as most important personality
trait I look for as a management trainee.

In other words, open people engage with the various percepts, patterns and
perspectives that clamor for space in our mind—information is like catnip
for their brain

five traits are related to job satisfaction with neuroticism showing a negative correlation with
job satisfaction and conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness positively related to
job satisfaction (Judge, Heller & Mount, 2002).

The Five Factor Model of personality can help curb

counterproductive behavior

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