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Arief Adi Nugroho

In the topic of reading passage and the lecturer mainly discuss about controversy with deforestation.
Both of them have strong arguments that deforestation will impact for farm, residential area, and

First, the passage explains that deforestation will produce many farmlands that can be fulfil their
food storage for living and if surplus it can be exported to other cities. However, the lecturer thinks
that will destroy the environment of rainforest and unique ecosystem. It can be benefit for short
term but not in long term. The solution is trying alternative way with no soil by farm with
hydroponics method.

Next, according to the passage, the deforestation will make new residential area for living. It
because the increasing populations but not enough in living space. Besides, it will attract investor to
buy the area. Furthermore, the lecturer states that it will impact for reducing oxygen which produce
mostly by rainforest. It was created profit for some people to make more money but dangerous for
ecosystem in long term.

Thirdly, the passage explains if we do deforestation, it will produce source of income. By cutting the
woods it can benefit for paper, furniture and lumber also making thousand of job. Furthermore, the
lecturer thinks only the small group of business will take more advantage for their profit mainly
applicated in developed nation such as Thailand and Indonesia.

Finally, both of them still have their perspective when talk about deforestation. Their arguments
have positive and negative sides in many aspects that can be debated.

In my opinion, I think the local government should build a public library for new public facility. The
large donation can be useful to improve the community with improve a lot of knowledges. As we
know, the level of interest in reading in many areas is very low. It caused by a little of existing public
library. If we can make great design and pleasure library for reading it will attract many people who
never reading and grow their sense of reading.

First, I preferred to build new library to decreasing using of gadget to killing our free time. The result
we can save our eyes from radiation which produced by gadget. It really dangerous for health of eye
and can impact for many diseases in future.

Second, I recommend to build new library to afford many books which expensive to buy and rare.
The library has access to collect many books that not spread in public and has special price to buy
many books. If the library is completed with many varieties of books it will make readers more
enthusiastic to know the details.

Finally, I choose build library as public facility to push our level in reading. We can develop our city
by develop our knowledges.

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