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TOPIC: Several reasons pollute the environment.


Household Environment pollution Your own idea


+ How does each component contribute to the pollution of the environment?

 Phần 1,2,3, opinion
+ In your opinion, which is the most serious factor?
 In my opinion, The most important reason is the consciousness of each person.
Because if they are conscious, they will not pollute the environment. Therefore, to
protect the environment, we should live consciously, put garbage in the right
place and should punish violations.
+ How can we protect the environment?
 There are many different ways to protect the environment, such as not littering.
Use natural materials, Use clean energy, Save paper, Prioritize recycled
products, Use the advances of science, Treat pollution in wastewater before
discharging into the environment, Use solar energy and clean energy sources…
 There are many causes leading to environmental pollution today.
The first, Factories may not be the only cause of damage, but they are
certainly among the top causes. Pollution is caused by the amount of
wastewater, garbage and emissions released by businesses into the
environment, companies do not build tanks for untreated wastewater, but
they discharge it directly into the environment leading to surrounding areas.
All are heavily polluted. The sencond, environmental pollution by means of
transport. The means of transport today are many leading to large cities
with heavy air pollution due to smog. Next, it is also by the household. That is

the serious lack of awareness and indifference of the people. Many people
think that the things they do are too small, not enough to harm the
environment and they continue to discharge domestic waste into the
environment. In my opinion, The most important reason is the consciousness
of each person. Because if they are conscious, they will not pollute the
environment. Therefore, to protect the environment, we should live
consciously, put garbage in the right place and should punish violations. To
sum up, There are many reasons that cause environmental pollution, so each
person should be conscious of protecting the environment as well as
protecting themselves.

TOPIC: Historical buildings should be protected.

Witness the past

Attract tourists Historical buildings Your own idea

Help the young learn about


+ Are there historical buildings in any cities, or towns?

 Con Son - Kiep Bac relic site

 An Phu - Kinh Chu relic site

+ Are historical buildings important in social life?

 Yes, because it helps to create a distinct beauty for that region, it helps the younger
generation to be grateful to the heroes who have built the country and in addition, it
helps to increase income for some of those militiamen. .
+ What roles do historical buildings play?

 Các phần first, second, third, and finally.

 Historical buildings need to be protected. First of all, it helps people learn
more about the nation's history. Those historic buildings are the clearest
evidence that the country has experienced any historical milestones. Second,
the works will help young people today see historical imprints in real life, not
through boring books. And that will help them learn more about history.
Third, historical buildings have been contributing a significant part to the
cultural characteristics and development of the country. Visiting tourists also
deciding whether to travel in that country or not must also see if the
architectural features in that country are distinctive enough to attract them.
Those proves that it contributes significantly to the development of tourism
through the uniqueness and antiquity of the buildings. Instead of destroying
buildings, let's decorate those buildings so that it becomes a historical
destination for economic development for the country. And finally, those
ancient buildings are also a memorial for children and grandchildren to
remember. The previous generation tried so hard have the country and
typical culture as we see it today. Those architectures remind us that we must
not forget our roots with these beautiful quintessence. In short, historic
buildings are very important to the community and the entire nation, so they
need to be preserved and promoted for their inherent beauty, not

TOPIC: There are some pros when using renewable energy?.

Save money

Good for health Renewable energy Your own idea


+ What is renewable energy?

 Renewable energy is energy from sources that are naturally replenishing but flow-
limited, it brings a lot of benefits.
+ Is renewable energy popular nowadays?
 Renewable energy is very popular today. Because it is very convenient and brings
many benefits to people as well as the surrounding environment

+ What are the advantages of renewable energy?
 Phần first, second, third, opinion.
 Renewable energy is energy from sources that are naturally replenishing but
flow-limited, it brings a lot of benefits. Firstly, Renewable energy is not only
good for the environment but also good for our pocket. Because, renewable
energy plants require less maintenance. And, we do not have to depend on
foreign energy sources. If we use renewable energy sources, we will be
independent. Secondly, It helps to improve health through the environment.
If we used our energy sources more often we would all reap health benefits.
From then on, we will no longer get diseases caused by radiation or diseases
from the environment. Thirly, Renewable energy contributes to "greening"
the earth in general and the auto industry in particular. In the future, cars
using renewable electric energy will fill the streets of the globe. In my opinion,
it helps create new jobs. because when using renewable energy, a lot of
workers will be needed to work, this will help the unemployed to have a job
and the unemployment problem in our country will be reduced. To sum up,
Renewable energy is one of the new and modern industries. It brings so
many benefits and changes people's lives. Besides, it also brings some
disadvantages, but as long as we know how to use it properly, it will be okay

TOPIC: There are several reasons to study art.
Enjoy life more

Improve Art classes Your own idea


Help us think creatively

+ What kinds of art classes are available in your town?
 My town has swimming classes and drawing classes. Classes are full of people.
The facilities there are very complete and convenient.
+ Should people of age take part in art classes?
 I think yes. Because there are classes to help them exercise to improve their
health. And especially they can do what they like.
+ Why should we join art classes?
 because I think taking art class helps us reduce stress, have new joy in life.
Sometimes taking that class can help us discover our own talents.
 Art is a very developing industry today and is being studied by many people.
Firstly, It helps us enjoy life. Pleasure is one of the most important reasons to
pursue a degree in Arts. If a student chooses this path, it is because they have
a vision and a passion for learning the arts. Secondly, Art will improve our
imagination. Because, Art requires a person with a rich imagination. If your
imagination is not so rich, you can study art it will help you with that. And
studying the art of your imagination will always be there. Finally, It is help us
think creatively. Art has a lot of topics to study and create. This diversity
keeps students engaged and the interesting course structure opens their
creative minds so they can come up with new ideas. In my opinion, If you are
a travel enthusiast, studying art is a reasonable choice. because Many
universities offer the opportunity to study abroad, whether it is for a
semester or a full year. This helps to expand your knowledge and skills.
Furthermore, a graduate career, such as fashion design, can go on to take
you around the world. To sum up, Studying art is also a good choice for you, if
you love creativity and experimentation. However, we also need to know
what our strengths are so that we can choose the most suitable profession.

TOPIC: There are some challenges for Elderly People in Our Society.

Low income

Poor health The old age Your own idea

Feeling lonely
+ Is it common for people to be fearful about becoming old? Why?
 Yes, beacause bh that's right. Because when we grow old we will have to die,
have to leave our loved ones and will never be seen again.
+ Is your town populated by a large number of elderly people?
 it's not too much. Because where I live is not too crowded and mostly young
+ What are the difficulties that come with becoming older?
 I think that the body will become weak, no resistance, wrinkled skin, blurred
vision. Besides, there will be more diseases.

 It is well known that as a society we are living longer thanks to improved

living conditions and health care. While being able to grow old is something
to be thankful for, in many respects there are a number of challenges older
adults face that we all need to pay more attention to. Firstly, When you get
old, your health will not be good. Because as we age, our resistance will also
decrease, our ability to prevent diseases is not good, for example, the eyes
cannot see clearly, are not strong, can't eat too much...Secondly, it makes our
flood income very low. Currently, most companies have an age requirement
when hiring employees, and they don't hire the elderly. They feel that the
elderly are not healthy enough to work. When we go on the road we will see
old people begging on the street. Finally, they will feel lonely. Their family
members are all very busy, do not have time to take care of their elderly
parents or they will take their parents to a nursing home. In my opinion The
challenge for the elderly is that the lifestyle and lifestyle are different from
that of young people. Elderly people often go to bed early, eat nutritious
food, walk slowly and dress differently from young people. To sum up, Elderly
people have many challenges, you need to understand and sympathize with
them. Besides, we must know how to help the elderly .


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