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A deadline is a specific time limit for completing a task and can be set for personal and
professional tasks. It can be associated in many ways, such as assignments for
students, task completion for employees, project delivery for government officials, etc.
Deadlines can be necessary to keep your work organised, manage it, and plan your
work accordingly beforehand.

Deadlines can create positive as well as negative effects. Positive in setting a target and
trying to complete it before the assigned time. It helps in developing a form of discipline
and punctuality and stops one from procrastinating. Deadlines can also motivate people
to work efficiently and effectively to achieve their targets. It can also create a negative
effect, such as being unable to deliver your best work due to time constraints. If a
student is unable to submit their assignment on time due to personal reasons, it affects
their marks, and they usually score less. A project unable to meet its deadline can affect
the lives of the people it impacts. Unrealistic deadlines can affect work quality and
creativity and can cause burnout.

For me, hearing the word ‘deadline’ usually creates a picture of being in a state of panic
and hurry. The “dead” in the deadline feels like the end of one’s comfort. From my
experience, I usually get worked up when a deadline for an assignment approaches and
try to avoid doing other tasks and focus on the task even if it affects my health or sleep
cycle. But it also forces me to work on the assigned reading when I would have
procrastinated and avoided my way through due to the fear of getting fewer marks.

In conclusion, deadlines are a good way of managing tasks promptly as it motivates

people to complete their tasks on time. However, it is essential to set realistic deadlines
that are not a challenge to achieve.

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