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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vice President for Academic Issues and Research

Course: English A2
Code: 900002

Activity guidelines and evaluation rubric – Task 2: English

is easy and fun. Writing Task.

1. Activity description
Type of the activity: Group - Collaborative
Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 1
Activity higher score: 100 points
Activity starting date: Monday, Activity deadline: Sunday, October
October 09th, 2023 29th, 2023

In this activity, it is expected to achieve the following learning results:

To understand and recognize the different topics in the e-book (modules 1 - 3),
through producing sentences, reading small descriptions, and other language
activities, using the vocabulary and linguistic structures according to level.

Para esta tarea tenga en cuenta:

• Las participaciones o aportes compartidos en el foro dentro de los 3 últimos días

antes de cerrar la tarea no serán realimentadas por su tutor y serán evaluados
acorde con el nivel medio o el nivel bajo descrito en la rúbrica de evaluación.
Resolución rectoral 006808 del 19 de agosto de 2014 que habla sobre los
trabajos colaborativos y uso de medios diferentes al foro
• Se espera que la producción escrita sea de autoría propia y por ningún motivo
tomada de internet u otra fuente. De igual manera, el uso de traductor debe ser
de forma mesurada y solo de consulta. En caso de identificar plagio, su tarea
será calificada con cero (0,0).

Task outline:

• Download the “Anexo 1 – Task 2 - English is easy and fun. Writing


• You will write directly on the discussion forum Unit 1 Task 2. Avoid attaching
files to receive feedback from your course mates and tutor.
Step 1: Module exercises. Upload 3 exercises.
Step 2: Participation in the Student’s Talking Time (STT). 2 Participations
Step 3: Simple past and past progressive. (Write sentences according to the
Step 4: Write a Story in simple past and past progressive of each picture.
Step 5: Reflection and personal growth.

To develop this task, consider:

At initial information environment, you must:

• Check constantly the course agenda.

At learning environment, you must:

• Study and develop the activities in the e-book – Modules 1- 3

• Read the activity guide exhaustively.
• Write directly on the discussion forum Unit 1 Task 2. Avoid attaching files to
receive feedback from your course mates and tutor.
• Participate in the forum since the beginning of the task.

At evaluation environment, you must:

• Upload the final product in a .pdf document.
Name of the activity: Group__ WritingTask
Example: Group_876_WritingTask

Individual work evidence:

• Participate in the forum since the beginning of the task.

• Develop the chosen part in each step of the guide.

Group work evidence

• Compile all the steps of the all participants in one document.
• One student uploads the document in the evaluation environment.
2. General guidelines for the development of the evidence to
For the group work evidence, consider the following guidelines

• Every member of the group must participate with academic contributions in

the activity development.
• Before delivering the requested product, all the requirements indicated in this
activity guide must be checked.
• The final product must be sent in the Evaluation Environment by one student.
• Each student is responsible for his/her process.

In any case, the standards of reference must be complied. Academic plagiarism must be
avoided. Students can support the written products by using the Turnitin tool found on
the virtual campus.

Consider that in the agreement 029 of December 13, 2013, article 99, it is considered as
offenses that undermine the academic order,
Among others, the following: literal e) “Plagiarism, that is, submitting as of its own
authorship the all or part of a work, document or invention made by another person.

It also implies the use of quotes or false references or proposing quotes where there is
no match between it and the reference” and literal f) “Reproducing or copying for profit,
educational materials, or results of research products, which have intellectual rights
reserved for the University.

The academic sanctions the student will face are the following:

a) In cases of academic fraud demonstrated in the respective academic work or

evaluation, the grade that will be imposed will be zero points without prejudice to the
corresponding disciplinary sanction.

b) In cases related to plagiarism demonstrated in the academic work whatever its

nature, the qualification that will be imposed will be zero points, without prejudice to
the corresponding disciplinary sanction.
Evaluation rubric Format

Type of the activity: Group - Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate at Unit 1
Activity higher score: 100 points
High level: The student selects 3 activities (one per module) in
the E-book Online Content and work on them. The student
shares the module activities in the forum correctly executed.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 7 to 10

First evaluation
Medium level: The student selects less than 3 activities
(one per module) in the E-book Online Content and work on
them. The student shares the module activities in the forum
correctly executed.

The student shares the module activities in the forum with

This criterion mistakes.
represents 10
points of the If your work is at this level, you will get from 3 to 6
total of 100 points.
points of the
activity. Low level: The student doesn’t select the activities of the
module to work on them.
The student doesn’t share the module activities in the forum.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 to 2

Second evaluation High Level: The student presents at least 2 evidences of
standard: participation in the STT and fills the chart correctly.
Participation in the
STT If your work is at this level, you will get 20 points.

Medium Level: The student presents less than 2 evidences of

This criterion participation in the STT but the charts or some charts have
represents 20 incorrect information.
points of the total
of 100 points of If your work is at this level, you will get 10 points
the activity.
Low Level: The student does not present evidence of his/her
participation in the STT.

If your work is at this level, you will get 0 points

High level: The student develops the steps oriented by the guide
according to the academic contents of the course for this activity.

Third evaluation If your work is at this level, you will get from 10 to 15
standard: points
contents. Medium level: The student develops most of the steps oriented
by the guide according to the academic contents of the course for
this activity.
This criterion
If your work is at this level, you will get from 5 to 9 points
represents 15
points of the
Low level: The student does not develop the steps oriented by
total of 100
the guide according to the academic contents of the course.
points of the
The student develops the steps oriented by the guide, but they
are not according to the academic contents in the course.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 to 4

Fourth evaluation High level: The student answers the questions and constructs
standard: the sentences given properly according to the academic
Language knowledge he/she has obtained in the development of this
development activity.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 25 to 30

This criterion
represents 30 Medium level: The student answers the questions and
points of the total constructs the sentences according to the academic knowledge
of 100 points of he/she has obtained in the development of this activity, but the
the activity. sentences have some mistakes in the writing process.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 16 to 24


Low level: The student does not answer the questions, or the
sentences given according to the academic knowledge he/she
has obtained in the development of this activity.

The student answers the questions and constructs the sentences

given, but the sentences have a lot of mistakes and show the
lack of understanding of the topics in this activity.

If your work is at this level, you will get from 0 to 15

High level: The student participates in the forum on time to let
the tutor provide feedback to his/her activity.
Fifth evaluation
If your work is at this level, you will get from 13 to 15
standard: Forum
Medium level: The student participates in the forum in the last
days of the activity and the tutor cannot provide feedback to
his/her activity.
This criterion
represents 15
If your work is at this level, you will get from 6 to 12
points of the total
of 100 points of
the activity.
Low level: The student does not participate in the forum.

If your work is at this level, you will get 0 points.

Sixth evaluation High Level: The student demonstrates reflective thinking in all of
standard: the questions included in this task, (step 5). The student self-
Reflection and assess critically his/her score for this criterion.
personal growth.
If your work is at this level, you will get from 7 to 10 points.

This criterion Medium Level: The student shares the answers to some
represents 10 questions of his reflection and personal growth in relation to his
points of the total performance, (step 5).
of 100 points of
the activity. If your work is at this level, you will get from 4 to 6 points

Low Level: The student does not share the answers to the
questions of his reflection and personal growth; and / or does not
self-assess or share his/her score.

The student does not participate in the forum; and / or plagiarism

is demonstrated in her/his work.

If your work is at this level, you will get 0 points

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