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a golden handshake a payment given to sb.

who is
made redundant or retires
a blatant lie very obvious and intentional
an evasive answer an answer that fails to admit
or deny the allegations
an avid reader very enthusiastic about
something (often a hobby)
a permissive society the type of society in which
there is a great amount of
a terminal illness an illness that cannot be cured
and will lead to death
a breathtaking view extremely impressive or
a foregone conclusion a result that you can be certain
about before it happens
a staunch supporter strong and loyal in your
opinions and attitude
constructive criticism having or intended to have a
useful or beneficial purpose
a vicious circle a situation in which one
problem causes another
wishful thinking a belief that something that
you want to be true is true
an irresistible temptation a strong desire that is
impossible to control
a working knowledge enough knowledge of a
system, subject, language etc.
a compulsive liar someone who lies about
everything for no reason
capital punishment the legally authorized killing of
sb. as punishment for a crime
a resounding success a great success
a golden opportunity an excellent chance to do or
get something
a crushing blow a major defeat or setback
a recurrent dream a dream that you have again
and again
bitterly disappointed extremely disappointed
ridiculously cheap very cheap
prohibitively expensive too expensive
widely available easy to get, easy to find and
highly recommended suggested as being good for a
particular job or purpose
blissfully happy very happy, extremely happy
fiercely competitive strongly competitive
deeply offended very upset and angry
stunningly beautiful extremely beautiful or
spotlessly clean completely clean
highly unlikely very unlikely
vastly overrated not as good as some people
think or say
virtually impossible nearly or almost impossible
fully insured under insurance
fundamentally different completely different
readily available easily available
heavily dependent dependent to a great degree
bitterly disappointed very disappointed
excruciatingly painful very painful
patently obvious clearly obvious

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