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Student name: AYALA CAJAS, Jhan Piers Chapter: 5

FIRST PART: (3-4 minutes)

FIRST: write your sum up (approximately 12 lines)

This chapter begins with Hazel thinking about Gus, because that day it was his turn to call, but he didn't. After, Hazel
thinks about it and decides to call him, Augustus answers and the conversation begins. Within all of this, Gus began
to make a joke, in which he was reading an email from Hazel's favorite author, Peter Van Houten of the book "An
Imperial Affliction", Gus kept reading until Hazel stopped him; she was shocked and asked, what’s going on? Gus
started to explain that the author Van Houten had an assistant and he was able to contact her by getting Van
Houten's email. Hazel, feeling so excited, asks Gus for her email and also writes to Van Houten.
After all that, in another scenario, Gus invites Hazel on a picnic to join him, like a romantic date. They talk about the
email from Van Houten, who told them that if they ever went to Amsterdam, he could answer the questions they had
about the book he had written, and Gus and Hazel think about how they could travel.

SECOND: (relate the extract with other chapters -three- of the book) (approximately 15 lines)

In chapter 1, Gus invites Hazel to watch a movie at his house, because Gus wants to get to know Hazel
better, likewise in chapter 5, Gus invites Hazel to a picnic, Hazel tells that she liked Disney when she was
little, Gus starts asking more questions to continue getting to know Hazel.

In Chapter 4, Gus and Hazel talk about the book "An Imperial Affliction '', where Gus mentions that the book
is very interesting (Intrestin) and that it becomes very exciting every time. As in Chapter 5, again Hazel talks
to Gus about the book "An Imperial Affliction", where Gus explains that he is surprised by the outcome of
the book.

In chapter 4, in "the night of the broken trophies" Hazel visits Agustus, who was with his friend Isaac, he
suffered from eye cancer, Isaac was sad because his girlfriend had broken up with him, Hazel approaches
to help with his frustration, consoling him. In the same way in chapter 5, Hazel visits Isaac after his eye
surgery, so that she can talk to him, and help him with the sadness of losing both eyes. In both chapters I
can see Hazel's concern for Isaac, for being one of his friends.

THIRD: (express your opinions on the characters, events, ideas and themes presented in the
extract) (approximately 10 lines)

From what I read in chapter 5, I was able to rescue what it means to help others in difficult situations, as it
would be the first case when Hazel visits Isaac after his eye surgery to provide him with moral support, but if
I would have been Hazel, I would have visited Isaac with Gus and brought him a gift like a flower, a stuffed
animal, or a piece of fruit to make him feel more comfortable with the visit.
In the second case, it would be when Gus gives Hazel the wish that she could travel to see Van Houten
when she had no hope left. As I already mentioned, both cases generated in me the interest of supporting
others, although it was not like Gus giving wishes, but rather providing emotional support in the most difficult
moments of their lives.

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