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Teens and social media

Social media has become an integral part of many teenagers' lives, allowing them
to connect with friends, share their thoughts and experiences, and explore new interests.
However, it can also come with negative consequences, such as cyberbullying, online
harassment, and excessive screen time. Cyberbullying in particular has become a
significant concern, with teens who are bullied online more likely to experience anxiety,
depression, and suicidal ideation. Online harassment can take many forms, including
name-calling, spreading rumors, and posting hurtful comments or messages.
Excessive screen time is another concern associated with social media use. While
some teens may be able to use social media in moderation, others may struggle to limit
their time spent on screens. Too much screen time can lead to physical health issues such
as obesity, vision problems, and poor sleep quality. It can also negatively impact mental
health, contributing to symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Despite these risks, social media can also have positive benefits for teens, providing
a platform for self-expression and connection with others. Parents and educators can help
teens navigate social media in a healthy way by providing guidance and support. This
includes discussing the risks and benefits of social media use, setting limits on screen time,
and monitoring their online activity.

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