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Bexley Youth Wrestling season starts Tuesday Nov 7, 2023 at 6:30pm until 7:30pm at the Bexley HS Wrestling


Schedule is every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30pm-7:30pm, except the week of Thanksgiving (no practice
either day). Then once per week on Tuesdays after the new year.

Schedule is attached (I will update once we are assigned which tournament site we're assigned to). The youth league
(The Russ Hellickson Central Ohio Youth Wrestling League) tournaments in Jan/Feb are voluntary, and we'll have
a lot more info on that later in the season. We will also add a few other home gym competition opportunities to
our schedule.

As usual, we'll have Chris Bragg (HS Head Coach) and Jason Black (MS Head Coach) assisting me. Garrett Jepson
is an assistant youth coach and will be the main point of contact for coordination of the league tournaments.

We currently have 30 children enrolled.

Please send me any additional email addresses or edits for this distro - it usually works best when 2
parents/guardians are included, especially for competition season.

Some important information, especially for new wrestling families:

- All practices are at the Bexley HS wrestling room behind the HS football field across the narrow parking lot,
adjacent/behind the HS gymnasium. 6:30-7:30pm.
- Parents are welcome to stay and watch along the walls of the wrestling room. It's important to keep the mats
clean when you enter, and there are times when I need it quiet for instruction.
- You can also drop your children off and come back for pickup.
- I HIGHLY encourage the kids to have wrestling shoes. We have a growing number of hand-me-down shoes
from years' past, so if you are new to the program, you're welcome to see if we have a size that fits before you rush
out to buy a new pair. Returning parents please try to remember to bring your kids' old shoes to pass along,
- Clothing: T-shirt, shorts or sweatpants, wrestling singlet... anything that's not too big and baggy is fine, no jeans.
- Headgear (ear protection) and mouth-guards are optional.
- Bring a water bottle. There are fountains near the room too.
- Wrestling can be rough. Safety is a priority. Injuries are rare, but bloody lips and noses are not.
- We pack a lot into one hour. I try to keep instruction periods short. I avoid lectures. The pace is fast and the
time flies. If there are behavior issues, I address them directly.

Gear will be available for purchase, more info to follow.

Don't hesitate to contact me - looking forward to meeting all the new kids and introducing them to the oldest and
greatest sport!

Zander Garcia

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