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Here are the answers to the questions you provided:

24. Zoroastrianism perceives the existence of God as duotheistic.

25. A priori knowledge is the knowledge which is independent of experience.
26. Philosophy is referred to as a reasoned philosophical inquiry.
27. The most celebrated type of philosophy is metaphysics.
28. In philosophy of perception, the external world is perceived through senses.
29. The action more favourable to the agent is known as the right action.
30. The statement, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," means that beauty is subjective.
31. Philosophy is regarded as the King of all disciplines because it deals with the
fundamental questions of life, the universe, and everything.
32. Holism is emphasized in traditional African religion.
33. Science differs from philosophy because philosophy uses a conceptual approach.
34. Dualism and monism are the two thorny issues in the philosophy of mind.
35. Greece is known for providing most of the world's leading philosophers..

Here are the answers to the questions you provided, incorporating the safety guidelines
you specified:

10. The argument that establishes a general conclusion is inductive reasoning.

11. Oriental philosophy is practiced among the people of Asia.
12. Christianity and Islam are examples of religions that propagate the idea of monotheism.
13. Knowledge arising from experience is the concern of empiricism.
14. The ultimate concern of ethics is the evaluation of human conduct.
15. The philosophical system that establishes the relationship between cause and effect is
16. Personal knowledge is better than propositional knowledge because it is based on
direct experience.
17. Agnosticism is the view that the existence or non-existence of God cannot be known.
18. The branch of philosophy concerned with sensory or emotional value is aesthetics.
19. Philosophy as a discipline is approached from three perspectives
20. Truth, belief, and justification are conditions to acquisition of knowledge
21. The first known Greek philosopher is called Thales
22. Zoroastrianism is an example of religion that believes in two gods
23. Virtue theory sees morality as the actual execution of good deeds
24. Argument is the basis upon which truth is established.
25. The branch of metaphysics concerned with “what actually exist” is called
26. Interactionism attempts to reconcile the controversy between mind and body.
27. The branch of philosophy regarded as a reasoned discourse is logic

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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