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As seen from the video about Cholera, proper hygiene and sanitation are the key on
safety and security of one’s health and to prevent causing outbreak. So, how could one
person carry fecal matter into his mouth while being oblivious to it? The answer relies on
the harmful microorganisms that can come from different factors such as water, food,
fomites or utensils, vectors such as flies and rats that touch our food and even our
fingers. Feces, despite not being directly exposed to some of the agents still might
contain fecal matters when it is passed through different factors. An example would be
the situation that was shown in the video where as a person disposed fecal matters near
bodies of water which resulted the contamination of the fluids that are then ingested by
the future host. These human fecal matters contain millions of harmful bacteria that
should not inhibit the human body—when exposed to, it will bring great danger to one’s
lives. With this being discussed we now have an idea upon where sanitation and hygiene
apply. Sanitation and hygiene are a part of basic human decency and most especially our
safety therefore sanitation and hygiene should be practiced all the time—when eating,
when handling food, doing skincare, changing one’s clothes—everything should be
related to sanitation. This basic skill is so easy to practice yet it is sometimes
overlooked, some are unaware of it’s use and how this simple practice could save lives

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