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Intro :Good morning, Respected teacher and my fellow classmates my group which consists of myself,

Eshal Praveesh,Calvin Siddharth, Ethan Vaz and Ethan Lobo will be presenting on the topic of prevention
and control of diseases. We will be diving into all the facts and info required to understand and
implement the problems and solutions .Get ready to embark on one of the most informative guide to
healthy habits, prevention ,cure and control.

Body:Firstly, let us understand the basics of sanitation, sanitation is basically the removal of harmful
elements which can cause diseases in the human body. Sanitation is a must for every human, without
which humanity can suffer. There are two main methods of sanitation Hand wash, which is used for
washing of hands, and washing body soap, which removes dirt and kills germs. it gives a good smell of
the body. Lastly, hand sanitizer is a portable method of sanitation for your hands which uses alcohol so
it evaporates.

Prevention of spreading of diseases when a person is sick: When a person contracts a disease like
coronavirus, people are always advised to be quarantined and wear masks and maintain social
distancing. People are supposed to be self-conscious especially when they are sick, travelling outdoors is
a big no-no. The sick person must always cover his mouth while coughing or sneezing either with his
elbow or a tissue to prevent any possible contamination of his surroundings

Prevention of contraction of disease: when a person is not sick, he is always expected to follow basic
cleanliness and hygienic practices. He must avoid touching his face after touching areas which many
people have touched . Furthermore, he should recognise when a person is sick and avoid being close to

personal responsibility in personal hygiene is crucial for maintaining our overall health and well-being.
We are accountable for adopting regular practices that prevent the spread of infections and diseases.
This includes frequent handwashing, brushing twice a day to prevent cavities and oral issues to bathing
with utmost care to remove bacteria and dirt from our body. Taking our responsibilities also extends to
managing our diet, ensuring the intake of proper nutritional value for our body to ensure a healthy
immune system and skin. Additionally, we should be mindful of our surroundings by keeping our rooms
clean and the streets by not littering we can prevent the growth of mosquitoes and house flies. By
embracing personal hygiene we can improve our daily functions not only to protect ourselves from
illnesses such as viral fever or dengue.

The government has instituted several innovative measures to protect public health in India, a
notable initiative being the Pulse Polio Programme. This program is intended to provide nasal
vaccines to children, effectively stopping the spread of polio and ensuring a healthy future
generation Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is another noteworthy effort that highlights the importance
of hygiene and sanitation. By addressing issues related to environmental pollution, the
campaign plays an important role in preventing disease and promoting overall well-being. These
efforts include the National Nutrition Mission, which focuses on improving the nutrition of
children and pregnant women. Aiming to reduce malnutrition-related diseases, the mission
contributes to community long-term health and resilience. Together, these forward-thinking
policies go beyond simply protecting individuals; They are laying the foundation for a resilient
and healthy India in the times to come, and fostering a sense of collective well-being and

Vaccines help protect individuals from a variety of infectious diseases by triggering the immune system
to recognize a specific pathogen and fight Vaccines with targeted microorganisms that have been
developed weak or unworked ancient the body’s immune system recognizes and destroys these harmful
substances Equips for prevention

Historically, vaccination has played an important role in eradicating diseases such as measles and greatly
reducing the spread of polio, measles, tetanus and others Health care has been revolutionized by
infectious diseases reducing viral emergence and preventing epidemics.

However, misinformation exists about vaccination, leading to hesitation about vaccination.

Understanding the science behind vaccination, safety and shared benefits is critical to wider adoption
and implementation, ensuring a healthier future for communities around the world

In conclusion, preventing and controlling diseases is really important for everyone's health.
It's like creating a shield against sickness. We need to use different tools to build this shield,
like vaccines, information about health, keeping things clean, and finding problems early.
Imagine it's like playing a game where we try to stop the bad guys (diseases) from entering
our community. We need a strong team of players – that's us, the people, along with
doctors, researchers, and the government. By working together, we can make sure
everyone knows how to stay healthy, get vaccines to fight off the bad guys, and keep our
surroundings clean.
Thank you for your patience have a wonderful day

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