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There are several reasons why the implementation of

the Rizal Bill became controversial, and as we further

discuss the topic we will learn why this bill became
controversial. In our elementary and high school days,
we are taught that our National Hero is no other than
Dr. Jose Rizal right? In every textbook it is taught that
Jose Rizal is the national heroes of the Philippines.

But did you know that, Jose Rizal is not the official
National hero of our country, indeed there are no laws
that will proclaim that Rizal is our official National hero.
So, Why there is no yet official national hero? Because
there are 9 qualified national heroes that could be our
official national heroes.

So the question why is Rizal's life and works the only

literature being studied? It is because among the 9
national heroes, Rizal is the most recognizable and
greatest that is why it is like it’s already given the title to

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