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(English For Vocational Purposes)

Anggota Kelompok :
1. Annisa Triani Wulandari V1023080
2. Insan Elia Ivanka - V1023036
3. Valen Meilani Putri - V1023072

Insan : “Hi, Len. Where do you live?”

Valen : “Hi, San. I live in Surakarta, but I have lived in China.”
Nisa : “Really? Have you ever lived in Shanghai?”
Valen : “Yeah, I have lived in there.”
Insan : “Wow, Amazing!”
Nisa : “What is your favorite Chinese food?”
Valen : “My favorite food is dumplings.”
Insan : “Me too, how about you Nis?”
Nisa : “I like noodles.”
Insan : “Me too”
Valen : “What are you going to do at the weekend guys?”
Nisa : “No, I am free.”
Valen : “Let’s go to the Gacoan on Sunday.”
Insan : “Of course, how about you Nis?”
Nisa : “Yeah, how about we go to the cinema after that?
Insan : “It sounds good, I am always free at any time.”
Valen : “What do you do when you are not studying? You are always free.”
Insan : “I am a task jockey.”
Nisa : “Wow, that’s cool.”
Insan : “Just kidding.”

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