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Name: Stalyn Orlando Nuñez ARIAS

Date: 23/10/2023

Course: C1


Hello, my name is Stalyn, I am a civil engineering student, I am 24 years old, I live in

Riobamba, and my favorite hobby is listening to music.

My future plans are: to graduate from university, together with my friends I would like
to found a construction company to be able to carry out civil engineering and
architectural work, I want to have experience for a certain period of time and travel to
Spain to obtain a master's degree in hydraulic works, since In Ecuador this demand for
services is very needed, I also want to know many countries, know their cultures and

When I am 30 years old I want to continue working independently, and then join the
public sector, I want to generate a lot of employment to reduce unemployment, I want to
live in the city of Quito, there I will found an extension of my construction company, to
apply the experience and connect with more people related to civil construction.

I want to build homes for low-income people, for mothers who are victims of violence,
for families who lost their homes due to natural phenomena, I also want to build a
shelter for animals such as cats and dogs, implementing adoption, sterilization, and
veterinary care, so that we all have a decent society.

I would like to get married at 35 since I feel that it is the appropriate age to achieve
personal goals. I want to be a useful person for society, be part of the solution, help
people, be aware that nature must also be respected, that is why I will found a
reforestation campaign and water care.

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