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Students' mental health is becoming increasingly important because it directly influences their
academic success. There is a notable trend in research to understand how stress, anxiety, and
other mental health issues affect a student's ability to excel in science. Teachers play a vital role
in addressing students' struggles in science subjects. Ongoing professional development
programs for educators are concentrating on equipping them with the most effective teaching
practices and pedagogical techniques to enhance the accessibility and engagement of science


Many junior high school students face challenges regarding their science subjects. One primary
reason for this struggle is that they often find these subjects uninteresting and irrelevant. The
lack of interest can be attributed to uninspiring teaching methods, outdated curricula, or the
failure to bridge science concepts with real-world applications. Also, students' mental health and
well-being are critical factors that significantly influence their ability to study science. Anxiety,
stress, and other mental health concerns might impair their concentration and motivation in class.


This research project aims to accomplish several important objectives. First and foremost, it
seeks to provide valuable recommendations for educators, parents, and policymakers to address
and alleviate the challenges junior high school students face in science education. By identifying
effective strategies and interventions, this research empowers these critical stakeholders with the
tools to support students effectively.


This research holds significant potential to drive positive changes in science education. Firstly, it
can pave the way for enhanced educational practices. The findings of this study have the power
to enlighten educators about the specific challenges students encounter in their science education
journey. With this knowledge, educators can develop more effective teaching methods and
strategies, ultimately creating a more engaging and enriching learning experience for students.

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