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Causes of Stress: Its Effect to the Academic

Performance of the Grade 11 Students in

La Salvacion National High School

A Mixed Method Research Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

Salvacion, Tigaon, Camarines Sur

In Partial Fulfilment

Of the Requirements in Practical Research 2












Table of Contents

Chapter I: Background of the Study.


Objective of the study

Statement of the problem

Scope and delimitation

Significance of the study

Chapter II: Review of related of the Study.

2.1 Related literature

2.2 Related studies

2.3 Research hypothesis

2.4 Conceptual frameworks

2.5 Theoretical framework

2.6 Definition of terms

Chapter III: Methodology

3.1 Research Design

3.2 Research Instrument

3.3 Respondents of the study

3.4 Sampling method

3.5 Statistical treatment

Chapter I


Background of the Study

Stress is a condition of mental or emotional stress or

tension brought on by challenging or unfavourable situations. It

is a sensation of emotional or physical tension. Every

circumstance or idea that gives you cause for annoyance, rage, or

anxiety can trigger it. This appears to be one of the elements

that influences how much students participate and perform well in

class. Moreover, stress is a mental tension that can impair kids'

academic performance and prevent them from learning and

participating fully in class. The pupils also put others before

themselves in order to work with their teachers and fellow

students. So, the purpose of this study is to ascertain how

stress affects the academic performance of La Salvacion National

High School students in Grade 11. The objective is to assist the

respondents in reducing the pressure they experience and actively

participating in class.

Even the mere mention of the word "stress" conjures up images of

a higher incidence of depression, fear of cardiovascular disease,

and other potentially fatal conditions. A student frequently

makes a mad dash from one side of campus to the other in an

effort to get to their next class on time. Since classes are

scheduled back-to-back, there is less or no time to even eat.

Take, for instance, it is three o’clock and a student is

extremely hungry. This week, they have got three mid-semester

examinations to study for, and backlog of 300 pages to read. They

are meeting with a study group tonight to finish studies on a

rushed research presentation. Too bad they have also got three

other assignments due tomorrow, so it looks like they will not be

getting much sleep tonight.

To create the foundation for a students to reach academic

excellence, one should consider the impact of factors such as the

personality of a teacher, how a students communicates with peers,

the degree to which a students feels stress, and extent to which

a student’s family provides emotional and psychological support.


The principal goal of the study is to minimize the effects

of stress in academic performance of Grade 9 students in La

Salvacion National High School.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. To identify the factors of stress that affecting the academic

performance of Grade 11 students.

2. To determine the effects of stress in academic performance of

Grade 11 students.

3. To develop a coping mechanism for stress on academic

performance of Grade 11 students in La Salvacion National School.

Statement of the Problem

Stress among student is quite common in the world many of

them are not aware that they are affected by stress. Stress in

academic institutions is now a day’s higher as they may create

negative and positive impact if it is not treated properly.

Specifically, it will seek to answer the following questions:

What are the cause and effect of stress towards the Grade 11

students in La Salvacion National High School?

What is the academic performance of Grade 11 students in La

Salvacion National High School?

What is the relationship between the cause of stress and effects

to the academic performance of the Grade 11 in La Salvacion

National High School.

Significance and purpose of the Study

A group of researchers from La Salvacion National High School

consider the current study to be great help to the students,

parents, teachers, school and future researchers.

Students- The findings of this research are beneficial for the

students to minimize pressure that they are feeling.

Parents- This study is great help for every parent for the reason

of this study could be one of reliable aid for their children

who’s suffering from stress.

Teacher- This study will benefit the teachers to lessen the

absentees of their students to participate actively in their

discussion. Additionally, it will also allow them to think

strategies on how to handle students academic performance and

mental issues.

School- The result of this study is also a big contribution to

school because this research paper can be added to library files

to serve as source of information of the students who are

conducting research. This paper can serve as their reference for

their related literature and study. It can also be use to create

programs to help students suffering under academic stress.

Future researchers- This study can be very beneficial for the

future researchers because it can serve as their references when

also conducting research related or connected to this current

study and further expand this idea.

Assumptions of the Study


The null hypothesis will be used in this study below:

Ha: There is significance relationship between the cause of

stress and effects and the academic performance of the Grade 11

students in La Salvacion National High School.

Ho: There is no significance relationship between the cause of

stress and effects in the academic performance of Grade 11 in La

Salvacion National High School.

Scope and Delimitation

The study is deemed to be carried out with the principal focus

on the students in La Salvacion National High School.

This will be conducted of the year 2022-2023. The accessible

respondents have a total of 30 students.

The information gathered exclusively, and unrelated information

is invalid.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at La Salvacion National High

School. This will be conducted at the year 2022-2023. This

research study will focuses to the grade 11 students. The

information will be gathered exclusively and the unrelated

information invalid.

Definition of Terms
Stress- any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or

psychological strain. Stress is your body’s response to anything

that requires attention or action. It can affects the academic

performance of the students and hindrance them to actively

participate in the class. This is the main focus of our study.

Academic stress- it is a mental anguish concerning a certain

anticipated frustration associated with school failure or even an

awareness of the possibility of such failure.

Academic Performance- Refers to how the student obtains a score

in a given exercise in class, homework or exams. It is measured

by the grades they get and also their participation in class

(Nana and Gowtham 2014)

Stressors- these are requirements of the internal or external

environment that alter balance, which effects physical and

psychological well-being and requires actions to restore balance,

Douglas (1992).


Related Literature

Stress has become an important subject in research studies

in academic as well as the society. Academic stress in students

has long been the subject of research and researchers have

recognized various important stressors including missions ,

unhealthy competition among students in the class , fear of

failure in academic success , inadequate finances , poor

interpersonal relationship with teachers and family issues

(Fairbrother and Warn , 2003). At the institutional level , some

stressors are the overcrowded conference rooms , the semester

system and the insufficient resources to carry out academic work

studies that academic factors were mainly responsible for higher

stress levels among undergraduates.

Students experience stress due to various factors

including time management issues , financial issues , interaction

with teachers , personal subjective goals , social behaviour and

adjustment in lack of cultural support (Wilks , 2008). Admission

process, high expectations of parents, curriculum with complex

concepts, unsuitable school hours, unbalanced student-teacher

relationship, physical classroom environment, unhealthy student-

teacher interaction, strict and fast discipline rules, too many

tasks or complex, teaching methodology, the careless attitude of

the teacher and the emphasis on weaknesses rather than

recognizing strengths (Masih and Gulrez, 2006).

Academic stress occurs when the academic demands exceed the

resources available to a person whom he or she adapts and this

stress should not be ignored because it negatively affects the

general adjustment of students (Hussain, Kumar and Husain, 2018).

Stress can negatively affect a students academic performance, so

it is important for students to manage stress in order to

overcome the negative effect of stress (Mushtaq, I., and Khan,

S.N. 2012).

Related Studies

Reddy et al. (2018) in their study concludes that stream wise

difference in stress wise difference in stress does not exist in

students. It is important to deal with stress at personal, social

and institutional level. Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life

skills training, mindfulness, meditation, and psychotherapy have

been found useful to deal with stress. To identify the main

reason of stress is the key to deal with it. Professionals can

develop tailor made strategies to deal with stress. The

integrated well being of the students is important not only for

the individual but for the institute as well.

Dimitrov (2017) in his study claimed that stress can be addressed

by ensuring that the students give utmost importance to their

welfare. Food, exercise, work, recreation are some of the areas

to focus on. He also concluded that the education system is more

to do with the academic qualifications and does not contribute

enough to the holistic development of students.

Students are usually conditioned in a way that makes them fearful

to take up upcoming challenges as the focus is only the academics

and not the development of a go getter mentally. There are not

many choices for the medium of education. English being the only

option available can pose as a hindrance for the students from

rural background. There are not many courses that are available

that are employment centric. Fresh graduates need more

communication skills development for better placements.

Subramani and Kadhiravan (2017) revealed the link between

academic stress and mental health among students. He endorsed

that academic stress and mental health are correlated and that

students are cramped with the academic structure. Parents and

school pressurize the students way too much for the higher grades

that disheartens the students, further to add there is not enough

support from the parents and school in terms of guidance. The

students are mentally healthy when they perform constructively in

the academic forums. They also propounded that students from

private schools are more pressurized as compared to students from

government schools due to the excess of homework and other

academic related assignments. Significance difference in mental

health of students from private and government school was found.

He asserted that students from private schools have a different

nurturing and vast exposure as compared to government school

students who belong to poor socio economic background and lack of

exposure. This is one of the reasons for the escalation of


Sharma et al. (2016) in their study stated the use of various

methods to curb stress. Doing one physical exercise on daily

basis can address the concern of stress. Once can also adopt to

various time management tools and get involved with leisure

activities which can benefit student. Also, it was suggested that

colleges should have a conducive ambience to curtail the stress.

Change in the style of delivery from teachers end and providing

mentors can bring fresh air to the teaching style.

Prabu (2015) researched on the higher secondary students and

implied that male students are more stressed than the female

students. Urban students academic stress is greater than the

rural students. Government school students stress is lower than

the private school students’ stress. Students from science stream

are more stressed than the students from arts.

Kaur (2014) acknowledged that mental health of teenagers get

affected due to the academic stress. Girls with academic stress

were found to have poor mental health as compared to the boys.

This was accounted on the study that parents at times put

pressure and strain on students that leads to deteriorated mental

Conceptual Paradigm

This study utilized the IPO or the INPUT, PROCESS, OUTPUT


The INPUT of the study includes the academic performance of

Grade 11 students at La Salvacion National High School.

The PROCESS comprises the survey questionnaire and interview.

Lastly, the OUTPUT of this study understands or determine

the cause of stress; it’s effect to the academic performance of

Grade 11 students in La Salvacion National High School.

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.


Academic performance -Survey Cause of Stress:

of Grade 11 students questionnaire. It’s effects to the

from La Salvacion -Interview. Academic performance

National High of Grade 11 students

School. in La Salvacion

National High School

will be determine.


Theoretical Paradigm
The Schachter- Singer Theory of emotion

According to the Schachter-Singer theory of emotion, developed

in 1962, there are two key components of an emotion: Physical

arousal and a cognitive label. In other words, the experiences of

emotion involves first having some kind of physiological response

which the mind they identifies.

Many cognitive theories of emotion emerged during the 1960s, as

part of what is often referred to as the “cognitive revolution”

in psychology. One of the earliest of these cognitive theories

was one proposed by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer, Known as

the two-factor theory of emotion.

This theory determines that experiencing and identifying

emotional states are functions of both physiological arousal

cognitive interpretations of the physical state.

The Cannon-Bard Theory

The Cannon-Bard Theory. States that the lower of the brain

also called the thalamus, controls your experience of the

emotion. At the same time the higher part of the brain, also

called the cortex, controls the expression of emotion, it is

believed that those two parts of the brain react simultaneously.

This theory was proposed in the 1920s by Walter B, Cannon and

Philip its also referred to as the “Fight or Flight” response.

This theory determine the impact of Fight or Flight on your

health stress begins in your brain and your senses communicate

potential dangers to it. The Cannon-Bard theory proposes that

your amygdala process what you see and hear, translating possible

danger to the hypothalamus. Your amygdala processes emotions:

When it communicates potential danger, your brain has a stress

response to stay and fight the danger or run away.

The Theory of James-Lange

The James-Lange theory of emotion suggests that physical

changes in the body happen first, which then leads to the

experience of emotion. Essentially, emotion stem from your

interpretation of your physical sensation. For example, your

heart beating wildly would lead you to realize that you are


This theory is one the earliest attempts to explain what

causes emotions. Proposed independently by psychologist William

James and physiologist Carl Lang, the James-lange theory of

emotions suggested that emotions occur as result of physiologist

reactions to events.
Figure 1: Theoretical Framework

The Cannon-Bard Theiry of

James lange theory of emotion.

Cause of Stress: Its effects to the Academic

Performance of Grade 11 in La Salvacion
National High School.

The Schachter Singer Theory of


Research Design

A case study is a process or record of research in which

detailed consideration is given to the development of a

particular person, group or situation over a period of time. The

case study was undertaken over a period of two months through a

series of visits to the school.

face, by telephone, computer or post. The questionnaire that was

formulated is composed of 1 part only. It is referring to the

level of acceptance of the proposed on interventions of the


Research Instrument

The researchers of the study utilized a prime guide

questionnaire in order to gather information to meet the research

objectives or goal of the study. A questionnaire is a research

instrument consisting a series of question for the purpose of

gathering information from the respondents. Questionnaires can be

thought of as a kind of written interview. They can be carried

out face to


The study required individualized inventory of the Grade 11

students. However in this research study, the sample size of

respondents was identified through the process of random

sampling. This is to avoid too much consumptions of time during

the data gathering procedure, for the reason that the data

gathering was just inserted in the class hour of the students.

The survey questionnaire was given accordingly. Hence, the study

required thirty (30) respondents wherein, in the three sections

of Grade 11 students ten (10) respondents each was required


The target respondents of this study are 30 in total from

the grade 11 students at La Salvacion National High School.

Table 1. Profile of the Respondent.

No. of Respondents


Grade 11-Jude 10
Grade 11-Matthew 10

Grade 11-Andrew 10

Total: 30

Data Gathering Procedures

This study used a letter to get a permission especially to

the school principal for the chosen respondents to get their

perception about the causes of stress: It’s effects to the

Academic Performance of the Grade 11 students in La Salvacion

National High School. In this Study a research instrument was

utilized to gather the necessary data to be answered by the

respondents for answering.

This survey questionnaires were administered to the chosen

respondents of this study. The researcher explained the purpose

of the survey. Next, the researcher collected the questionnaires

with their answers.

The data were then consolidated and tallied. The results were

then evaluated and interpreted using appropriate statistical

Statistical Treatment

The respondents answer were tallied and organized according

to the criteria specified in the questionnaire. The statistical,

following, to wit.

Frequency and Percentage Description; In analysing and

interpreting the data gathered from the respondents.

Weighted mean: This will be used to determine the responses of

the students to the research survey about the causes of stress;

Its effect on the Academic Performance of the Grade 11 students

in La Salvacion National High School.

Scale Range of Mean Level of Stress

4 Extremely Stress

3 Often Stress

2 Sometimes Stress

1 Never Stress

























































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