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Stress has become part of students' academic life. Therefore being a student

expect to face many academic demands. For example, school examination, answering

questions in the class, sh owing progress in school projects, written works and

performance tasks. Stress in now understood as a life style crisis (Masih and Gulrez,

2006). No doubt, school is tough. When we are faced with challenged, we responds to

stress in a different way but too much stress can lead to health problems. For example if

you have recently been involved in an argument or have an upcoming deadline on your

projects. You may feel stress because you will do an extra efforts, new responsibilities

and major change. However, the stress will be reduced or removed once those are

resolved. The researchers choose this study " Impact of academic stress level on the

performance of the grade 11 students in General Mathematics" to prove if stress level has

a big effect to academic performance. The researchers observed, a lot of students

experience this scenario. We can see that stress indeed relate to the academic

performance of students. As we've noticed, senior high school students should set own

goals, take their own responsibilities and needed to be mature because of high parental

expectations. Academic stress has been identified as the primary cause of these alarming

figures (Lee and Larson, 2000). Academic stress is one of the main stresses, a type of

distress. Academic means taking different exams writing, different text and completing

assignments. In short, academic measure what a person has learned. The main objective

of the study was to find if there exists academic stress among students and to understand

the level of academic stress faced by students. The study also used a quantitative research

design because it aims to measure the level of academic stress and to determine its risk

factors in grade 11 students.

In academic life of students, they easily have misunderstandings with what is

been taught in school and don't know what to do. Many of them also forget easily what

have they know or have been taught because their minds are burdened with the issues that

are stressing them up. The researchers believed that this study will help the students to

know how stress affect the students academically as well as to help the school to give an

action, suggestion, and solution.


This study aims to determine the impact of academic stress level on the academic

performance of the Grade 11 students in Pamukid National High School.

This study shall seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of;

a. Students Performance (Grades in General mathematics)

2. What are the effects of academic stress level to the performance of the Grade 11

students in General Mathematics subject?

3. Is there a significance relationship between academic stress level and the performance

of the Grade 11 students in General Mathematics?


This study will focus on the Impact of academic stress level on the performance

of the Grade11 students and also the purpose of this study is to prove and to know how

academic stress level affect the performance of the Grade 11 in students in General

Mathematics subject. The respondents will be the 30 students coming from Pamukid

National High School. The study is delimited only on the Grade 11students taking

General mathematics.


The research will be conducted inside the campus of Pamukid National High

School to know the impact of academic stress level on the performance of the Grade 11

students in General Mathematics subject.

Pamukid National High School is located in Zone 3 Pamukid, San Fernando, Camarines


Figure 1: Location of the study


Students - the result of this study will provide knowledge about the stress. At the end of

this study, the students can be able to know how to management their stress so that their

study will not be affected.

Teachers - they will be aware of handling their students and make some alternative ways

or treatment on how to relieve stress.

Parents - this study is important for them wherein the children can share problem about in

school, friends or even love life problem. The parents will have an idea on how to handle

their children and make them award from negative effects of stress.

Future Researchers - this research may also benefit future researcher for they can use this

as reference for their studies. It can also give them ideas and serve as guide of their



Ho: There is no significant relationship between academic stress level and the

performance of the Grade 11 students in General Mathematics subject.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between academic stress level and the performance

of the Grade 11 students in General Mathematics subject.


Impact of Academic Stress Level on

the performance of the Grade 11
students in General Mathematics.

Academic Stress Academic

Level Performance

Figure 2: Conceptual Framework

Academic performance of the students is very important. Therefore, the

researchers want to know if there a significant relationship on the Impact of academic

stress level on the performance of the Grade 11 students in General Mathematics subject.

Nowadays, students are facing into high level education. By that it is very necessary to

study this kind of topic.


- is feeling how students reach on the situation especially in examination, quizzes,

and performance tasks.

General Mathematics

- is a subject wherein the focus was primarily on the types of functions such as

piecewise, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions as well as solving equations

and inequalities, identifying the domain and range.

Academic Stress

– is a stress experiencing of the students to their studies (e.g. examination, quizzes

and performance tasks)


- is the behavior of the students during mathematics subject. (e.g. examination,

quizzes, and performance tasks)

Impact- it refers to the level of stress experiencing of the students that is affecting their

academic performance.

Level – it refers to measure the stress of the students on their studies in General





Huli (2014) noted that disturbed family dynamic, peer pressure, inability to cope

with studies, drug abuse, lack of competence are major reason for stress during

adolescence. While exploring the academic stress and its management coping

mechanism, Mishra and Michelle (2000) found that time management behaviors had a

greater buffering effect on academic stress than leisure satisfaction activities and

significant gender, differences exised among all the measures. Females had more

effective time management behaviors than males, but also experienced higher academic

stress and anxiety males benefited more than female from leisure activities.

Struthers et al. (2000) noted that students who engaged in problem focused coping were

more likely to be motivated and perform better than students who engaged in emotion -

focused coping. Tung and Chahal (2005) examined the relationship between stress and

adjustment and found no significant causal relationship between stress and the

adjustment. Leung et al., (2010) indicated that academic stress was a risk factor that

heightened student anxiety levels and that parental emotional support was a protective

factor that contributed to better mental health among children. However, paternal

informational support delivered to children during times of high academic stress appeared

to heightened student anxiety levels. Busari (2011, 2014) indicated that stress inoculation

technique is an effective method of fostering adjustment to academic stress among

university students.

Emotions play the most important part in this situation. According to Wondimu

et al. (2012) in their study, the uneasy feeling such as panic, clueless and helplessness

when working on something related to mathematics tends to affect the mathematical

performance especially for students. They also found that mathematical self-concept and

mathematical anxiety are reciprocally related. Prima et al. (2010) had listed that

mathematic anxiety among engineering students manifested such as fell mathematics is a

difficult subject, always fail in mathematics, always writing down in mathematics class,

anxious if don’t understand and lost in interest in the subject of mathematics. In addition,

Kiamanesh (2004) has conducted a research on the factors affecting Iranian student’s

achievement in mathematics subject. He found out that mathematics self-concept, home

background, teaching, and attitude towards mathematics were the most important factors

that affected the student’s achievement. Their study says that emotion factor is one of the

main factors of academic stress that can affect the performance of the students in

mathematics subject.

Parents and friends involvement in study techniques could be an influencing

factor for students’ participation in mathematics course positively in higher level

institution. According to Aarnos and Perkkila (2012) study, mathematic anxiety can be

caused by environmental factor. He stated that negative experience with parents or

teachers in viewing mathematical might affect their children as negative attitudes and

beliefs. This finding supported by Maryam et al. (2010) describes that students will

affect mathematic attitudes such as try to avoid mathematic course with negative attitudes

and belief in mathematics. This will result their ability to successful to complete

mathematical problems. It also can affect the performance of students in academic field

with a mathematical component as mentioned by Nunez-Pena et al. (2013). Their study

assessed that the effect of mathematical anxiety and negative attitudes towards

mathematics in academic performance found that the student who experienced

mathematical anxiety will badly affected their performance in mathematics.




This study is quantitative in nature since the research questions we seek to answer

leads to numerical data. Specifically the study is descriptive-correlation design because

this is a study in which the researcher is primarily interested in describing relationships

among variables, without seeking to establish a causal connection. This research aims to

describe if the impact of academic stress level is related to the performance in General

Math subject. As well as how this two variable being connected or related. The

researchers choose descriptive-correlation design because it focusing to describe the

relationship between these two variables and also it is suited for the study conducted that

needed an accurate data.


The researchers respondents will be the grade 11 students coming from Pamukid

National High School. The researchers decided to use randomly sampling to get 30



The research instrument of the study researchers made survey questionnaire

consist of different questions that will sought to answer by the target respondents which

is the grade 11 students of Pamukid National High School.

The survey questionnaire will consist of 30 questions. The first part of the survey

deal with the students profile in terms of grade. The second part includes different

questions that has connected or related on our topic "Impact of Academic Stress level on

the performance of the grade 11 students in General Math".


In gathering the data the researchers will get the list of the grade 11 students. The

researchers will ask the permission of the adviser to conduct this research during the

vacant time of their students. After the approval of the adviser the researchers will start to

distribute the survey questionnaire to grade 11 students. And also we will get their

grades in General mathematics then the researchers will use Judgmental sampling to get

the 30 respondents from grade 11 students to be the final list of respondents. The

researchers will give enough time to the respondents to answer. After that, the researchers

will collect all the questionnaires to analyze all the answer of the respondents.


To interpret the data, the researchers will employ the following statistical

treatment: the percentage and ranking are the tools to be used to compute for all data that

were gathered.

This will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution of

personal related variables of the respondents.

1. Percentage


% = F/n × 100


% - Percentage

N - total number of respondents

F - Frequency

100 - constant value




This chapter presented, analyzed and interpreted all the data gathered in this

study. Presentation done through the use of tables. Analysis and Interpretation of the data

done after tabular presentation.

Table 1.1: Grades of the Respondents

Grades Frequency Percentage

90-100 above(Outstanding) 2 6.67%
80-89(Very Satisfactory) 13 43.33%
70-79(Fairly Satisfactory) 15 50%
Total 30 100%
The table shows that 50 % of the respondent got between 70-79 grades in General

Mathematics and 43.33 % or 13 of the respondent got between 80-89 grades in General


Table 2.1: Response of the respondents in each question to the Emotions Factor

Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Factor 1: Emotions
1. I feel like I have no control over my 0 0% 25 83.33% 5 16.67% 30 100%
grades in math.
2. I feel my heart race when doing or 4 13.33% 18 60% 8 26.67% 30 100%
thinking about Math.
3. I get emotionally upset when doing or 0 0% 23 76.67% 7 23.33% 30 100%
thinking about Math.
4. I get sweaty or clammy hands when 1 3.33% 17 56.67% 12 40% 30 100%
doing or thinking Math.
5. I feel butterflies in my stomach when 1 3.33% 9 30% 20 66.67% 30 100%
doing or thinking about math.
6. My stomach gets physically upset when 2 6.67% 10 33.33% 18 60% 30 100%
doing or thinking about math.
7. My muscle feel tense and I feel tense 0 0% 14 46.67% 16 53.33% 30 100%
and I feel stiff when doing or thinking
about math
8. I have trouble sleeping after working on 1 3.33% 12 40% 17 56.67% 30 100%
math or the night before math class or a
math test.
9. I feel like I have no urinate more 1 3.33% 12 40% 17 56.67% 30 100%
frequently when in math class or working
on a math assignment or test.
10. I get headaches or neck stiffness when 2 6.67% 12 40% 16 53.33% 30 100%
doing or thinking about math.
Total 12 4% 152 50.67% 136 45.33% 30 100%

The table shows that most of the respondents experience moderate level of stress

with their own emotions with total number of 152 or 50.67% in General Mathematics

subject. And the tables shows that majority of the respondents answered sometimes they

feel like they have no control over their grades in math. Then 23 out of 30 respondents

answered sometimes they get emotionally upset when doing or thinking about Math.18 or

60% of the respondent feel that their heart race when doing or thinking about Math

sometimes. More than of the respondents get sweaty or clammy hands when doing or

thinking Math sometimes.

Table 2.2: Response of the respondents in each question to the Assessment Factor

Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Factors 2: Assessment F P F P F P F P
11. I tend to do very poorly on math tests. 3 10% 21 70% 6 20% 30 100%
12. I feel I like need to prepare much more 7 23.37% 21 70% 2 6.67% 30 100%
for math tests than for other subjects.
13. Math tests are much more stressful to 12 40% 14 46.67% 4 13.33% 30 100%
me than other tests.
14. When studying for a math test, I find 1 3.33% 21 70% 8 26.67% 30 100%
myself showing anxious behavior.
15. I feel that I understand certain math 2 6.67% 21 70% 7 23.33% 30 100%
concepts in class but do poorly on tests.
16. I have trouble concentrating during 0 0% 22 73.33% 8 26.67% 30 100%
math tests.
17. I do not feel confident when taking math 2 6.67% 15 50% 13 43.33% 30 100%
tests no matter how much I study.
18. I feel that I am not confident with my 6 20% 23 76.67% 1 3.33% 30 100%
idea's method of solution during math tests.
19. I generally feel that tests in any subjects 4 3.33% 17 56.67% 9 30% 30 100%
are a reflection of my worth as a person.

20. During math tests, I find myself 6 20% 15 50% 9 30% 30 100%
comparing my progress to those around me.

Total 44 14.67% 190 63.33% 66 22% 300 100%

Table 2.2 shows that most of the respondents experience moderate level of stress

based on the assessment factors with the total number of 190 or 63.33%. Also this table

shows that 23 out of 30 respondents answered sometimes they feel that they are not

confident with their idea's method of solution during math tests. Then 22 respondents or

73.33% answered that sometimes they have trouble concentrating during math tests. And

21 or 70% of the respondents feel that they understand certain math concepts in class but

do poorly on tests. 21 out of 30 respondents answered sometimes when they are studying

for a math test, they find their self-showing anxious behavior.

Table 2.3: Response of the respondents in each question to the Environment Factor

Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Factor 3: Environment F P F P F P F P
21. I feel that I will never be able to 0 0% 10 33.33% 20 66.67% 30 100%
learn math no matter how hard I try.
22. I feel that others have a more 0 0% 25 83.33% 5 16.67% 30 100%
"mathematical "or "logical " mind than
I do.
23. My parents and/or friends tell me 5 16.67% 21 70% 4 13.33% 30 100%
about their own struggles and
frustrations with math.
24. I rely on other people to help me 3 10% 23 76.67% 4 13.33% 30 100%
with day to day math situations.
25. I feel that in math, answers are 6 20% 18 60% 6 20% 30 100%
either right or wrong and there is little
room for anything in between.
26. I have bad math teachers that I 5 16.67% 3 10% 22 73.33% 30 100%
really disliked for one reason or
27. I find myself worrying about other 4 13.33% 14 46.76% 12 40% 30 100%
people's math abilities and comparing
them to my own.
28. I feel that although I am quite 3 10% 14 46.67% 13 43.33% 30 100%
talented at some things, none of them
help me with math.
29. I have been punished or 2 6.67% 13 43.33% 15 50% 30 100%
embarrassed in math class for not
understanding something.
30. I feel like I have never really 6 20% 4 13.33% 20 66.67% 30 100%
understood math and I am faking my
way through it.
Total: 33 11% 146 48.67% 121 40.33% 300 100%
The table 2.3 shows that most of the respondents experience moderate level of

stress with their own Environment Factor with the total number 146 or 48.67%. And this

also shows that 25 out of 30 respondents answered sometimes they feel that others have

a more "mathematical "or "logical " mind than they do. Then 76.67% of the respondents

rely on other people to help them with day to day math situations sometimes. 21 out of 30

respondents answered that sometimes their parents and/or friends tell them about their

own struggles and frustrations with math.

Table 2.4: Total Score of each Factor to the questionnaire

Factor Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Emotions 12 4% 152 50.67% 136 43.33% 300 100%
Assessment 44 14.67% 190 63.33% 66 22% 300 100%
Environment 33 11% 146 48.67% 121 40.33% 300 100%
Total 89 9.89% 488 54.22% 323 35.89% 900 100%
Table 2.4 shows that most of the respondents experience moderate level of stress

caused by Emotions and Assessment and the Environment Factor of the respondents in

General Mathematics subject with the total number of 448 or 54.22%. And this table

shows that most of the respondents feel more stress in Assessment factor (63.33%)

towards General Mathematics subject followed by Emotions factor (50.67%) and

Environment factor with the total number of 146 or 46.67%. This result indicates that

assessment factor plays the most important factors in General Mathematics that caused of

moderate stress of the respondents.

Table 3.1: Response of the respondent that got 70-79 grades in General
Mathematics based on the Emotions Factor
Always Sometimes Never Total
(3) (2) (1)
Factor 1: Emotions
1. I feel like I have no control over 0 0% 13 86.67% 2 13.33% 15 100%
my grades in math.
2. I feel my heart race when doing 3 20% 9 60% 3 20% 15 100%
or thinking about Math.
3. I get emotionally upset when 0 0% 13 86.67% 2 13.33% 15 100%
doing or thinking about Math.
4. I get sweaty or clammy hands 1 6.67% 8 53.33% 6 40% 15 100%
when doing or thinking Math.
5. I feel butterflies in my stomach 1 6.67% 2 13.33% 12 80% 15 100%
when doing or thinking about math.
6. My stomach gets physically 1 6.67% 6 40% 8 53.33% 15 100%
upset when doing or thinking about
7. My muscle feel tense and I feel 0 0% 6 40% 9 60% 15 100%
tense and I feel stiff when doing or
thinking about math
8. I have trouble sleeping after 2 13.33% 3 20% 10 66.67% 15 100%
working on math or the night
before math class or a math test.
9. I feel like I have no urinate more 0 0% 9 60% 6 40% 15 100%
frequently when in math class or
working on a math assignment or
10. I get headaches or neck stiffness 1 6.67% 3 20% 11 73.33% 15 100%
when doing or thinking about math.
Total 9 6% 72 48% 69 46% 150 100%

Table 3.1 shows that the respondents that got 70-79 grades in General

Mathematics are experience moderate level of stress with the total number of 72 or 48%

with their own emotions. Also this table shows that most of the respondents that got 70-

79 grades in Gen. Math answered sometimes they feel like they have no control over their

grades in math and also they get emotionally upset when doing or thinking about Math

sometimes. Then 9 out of 15 respondents that got 70-79 grades in Gen. Math answered

they feel like they have no urinate more frequently when in math class or working on a

math assignment or test. 8 out of 15 respondents that got 70-79 grades in Gen. Math

answered they get sweaty or clammy hands when doing or thinking Math.

Table 3.2: Response of the respondents that got 70-79 Grades in Gen. Math in each
question based on the Assessment Factor

Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Factors 2: Assessment F P F P F P F P
11. I tend to do very poorly on math 3 20% 10 66.67% 2 13.33% 15 100%
12. I feel I like need to prepare much 4 26.67% 11 73.33% 0 0% 15 100%
more for math tests than for other
13. Math tests are much more stressful 8 53.33% 4 26.67% 3 20% 15 100%
to me than other tests.
14. When studying for a math test, I find 1 6.67% 11 73.33% 3 20% 15 100%
myself showing anxious behavior.
15. I feel that I understand certain math 2 13.33% 10 66.67% 3 20% 15 100%
concepts in class but do poorly on tests.
16. I have trouble concentrating during 0 0% 12 80% 3 20% 15 100%
math tests.
17. I do not feel confident when taking 2 13.33% 8 53.33% 5 33.33% 15 100%
math tests no matter how much I study.
18. I feel that I am not confident with 2 13.33% 13 86.67% 6 40% 15 100%
my idea's method of solution during
math tests.
19. I generally feel that tests in any 1 6.67% 8 53.33% 6 40% 15 100%
subjects are a reflection of my worth as
a person.
20. During math tests, I find myself 3 20% 6 40% 9 60% 15 100%
comparing my progress to those around
Total 26 17.33% 93 62% 31 20.67% 150 100%
Table 3.2 shows the respondents that got 70-79 grades are in the level of moderate stress

with the total number of 72 or 48% with their assessment in General Mathematics. And this is

also shows that most of the respondents 13 or 86.67% that got 70-79 grades feel that they are not

confident with their idea’s method of solution during math tests sometimes. 12 out of 30

respondents that got 70-79 grades have trouble concentrating during math tests. 11 or 73.33% feel

they need to prepare much more for math tests than for other subjects sometimes and when they

are studying for a math test; they find themselves showing anxious behavior sometimes. 10 or

66.67% of the respondents that got 70-79 grades feel that they understand certain math concepts

in class but do poorly on tests and they tend to do very poorly on math tests sometimes. 8 out of

15 respondents that got 70-79 grades in General Mathematics answered math tests are much more

stressful to me than other tests.

Table 3.3: Response of the respondents that got 70-79 Grades in Gen. Math in each
questions based on the Environment Factor

Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Factor 3: Environment F P F P F P F P
21. I feel that I will never be able to learn 0 0% 6 40% 9 60% 15 100%
math no matter how hard I try.
22. I feel that others have a more 0 0% 14 93.33% 1 6.67% 15 100%
"mathematical "or "logical " mind than I
23. My parents and/or friends tell me about 3 20% 7 46.67% 5 33.33% 15 100%
their own struggles and frustrations with
24. I rely on other people to help me with 2 13.33% 11 73.33% 1 6.67% 15 100%
day to day math situations.
25. I feel that in math, answers are either 4 26.67% 10 66.67% 1 6.67% 15 100%
right or wrong and there is little room for
anything in between.
26. I have bad math teachers that I really 3 20% 2 13.33% 10 66.67% 15 100%
disliked for one reason or another
27. I find myself worrying about other 4 26.67% 8 53.33% 3 20% 15 100%
people's math abilities and comparing them
to my own.
28. I feel that although I am quite talented 3 20% 7 46.67% 5 33.33% 15 100%
at some things, none of them help me with
29. I have been punished or embarrassed in 2 13.33% 9 60% 4 26.67% 15 100%
math class for not understanding
30. I feel like I have never really 4 26.67% 4 26.67% 7 46.67% 15 100%
understood math and I am faking my way
through it.
Total: 25 16.67% 78 52% 47 31.33% 150 100%
Table 3.3 shows the respondents that got 70-79 grades are in the level of moderate

stress with the total number of 72 or 48% with their environment in General

Mathematics. And this is also shows that most of the respondents that got 70-79 grades

answered sometimes they feel that others have a more "mathematical "or "logical " mind

than they do.11 out of 15 respondents that got 70-79 grades they rely on other people to

help me with day to day math situations.10 or 66.67% of the respondents that got low

grades feel that in math, answers are either right or wrong and there is little room for

anything in between but never they have bad math teachers that I really disliked for one

reason or another.

Table 3.4: Total Score of each Factor of the respondents that got 70-79 Grades.

Factor Always Sometimes Never Total

(3) (2) (1)
Emotions 9 6% 72 48% 69 46% 150 100%
Assessment 26 17.33% 93 62% 31 20.67% 150 100%
Environment 25 16.67% 78 52% 47 31.33% 150 100%
Total 60 13.33% 243 54% 147 32.67% 450 100%
Table 3.4 shows that most of the respondents that got 70-79 grades are experience

moderate level of stress based on the Emotions and Assessment and the Environment

Factor of the respondents in General Mathematics subject with the total number of 448 or

54.22%. Then most of the respondents that got 70-79 grades feel more stress caused by

Assessment factor (62%) towards General Mathematics subject followed by environment

factor (52%) and emotions factor with the total number of 146 or 46.67%. This result

indicates that assessment factor plays the most important factors in General Mathematics

that caused of moderate stress of the respondents that got 70-79 grades in General

Mathematics. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between Academic stress level

and the performance of the Grade 11 students in General mathematics.



This chapter presents the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations on the study.

This study will focus on the Impact of academic stress level on the performance

of the students and if there a significant relationship on the Impact of academic stress

level on the performance of the Grade 11 students in General Mathematics in Pamukid

National High School. The whole sample of this study consists of total thirty students.

Majority of the respondents got 70-79 grades in General Mathematics. The findings

revealed that most of the Grade 11 students experience moderate level of stress caused by

Emotions and Assessment and the Environment Factor in General Mathematics subject

and most of the respondents feel more stress in Assessment factor towards General

Mathematics subject followed by Emotions factor and Environment factor. The result

indicates that assessment factor plays the most important factors in General Mathematics

that caused of moderate stress of the 30 respondents. Based on the findings this are the

most effect that cause by their own Emotions sometimes they feel like they have no

control over their grades in math and they get emotionally upset when doing or thinking

about Math also they feel that their heart race when doing or thinking about Math. And

then this are the most effect to the students caused by Assessment Factor sometimes they

feel that they are not confident with their idea's method of solution during math tests.

And they have trouble concentrating during math tests. Also this are the Effect of the

Environment factor to the students sometimes they feel that others have a more

"mathematical "or "logical " mind than they do and they rely on other people to help

them with day to day math situations sometimes.

According to the findings there is a significant relationship between Academic

stress level and the Performance of the students. Based on the result of this study,

Assessment factor identified as the highest score related on the cause of moderate stress

of the respondents that got 70-79 grades in General Mathematics followed by

environment factor and emotions factor. The result indicates that assessment factor plays

the most important factors in General Mathematics that caused of moderate stress of the

respondents that got 70-79 grades in General Mathematics.

The main aimed of the study was to find if there exists academic stress among

students and to understand the level of academic stress faced by the students of this study

and also to know the effect of Academic Stress Level to the performance of the students.

Based on our study "Impact of academic stress level on the performance of the Grade 11

students in General Mathematics, researchers found out that Academic stress level can

affect the performance of the students. Therefore, there is a significant relationship on the

impact of academic stress level on the performance of the Grade 11 students in General

Mathematics. The study used questionnaire to know the impact of academic stress level

on the performance of the Grade 11 students in General Mathematics. In able to deal with

this study, all the data gathered are necessary to handle and work on this research, as well

as to adapt new information and ideas about if academic stress level affect the

performance of the students in General Mathematics.

In this study, researchers gave 3 specific questions which aims to determine the

impact of academic stress level on the academic performance of the Grade 11 students in

general mathematics through this research question it can help the researcher to have an

idea or point of view to go in this study to become more useful. This study found that

there is a significant relationship between Academic stress level and the Performance of

the students. Based on the result of this study, Assessment factor identified as the highest

score related on the cause of moderate stress of the respondents that got low grades in

General Mathematics followed by environment factor and emotions factor. The result

indicates that assessment factor plays the most important factors in General Mathematics

that caused of moderate stress of the respondents that got low grades in General

Mathematics. Therefore, it can be concluded that students with low score in academic

stress will perform better in General Mathematics subject.


On this basis of present study some recommendation for student in the school are

drawn as follows:

Students - students should be taught study skills so that they can cultivate good and

effective study skills. Remember, a grade is just an indicator of learning, not a statement

of your intelligence or worth. Emphasize that you care more about your effort and

learning than the letter grade. Also we recommend that all students should be motivated

and have self-confidence to ensure that their stress in mathematics will not affect their


Teachers - they will be aware of handling their students and make some alternative

ways or treatment on how to relieve stress. Also, appreciating students hard work as soon

as possible because it will help to motivate the students positively towards their study and

academic achievement. Try not to do well on your own experiences as a predictor for

how your students will experience school and math. Instead, talk about how your

experiences will help you navigate your students to succeed.

Parents - Parents should improve the level of control and care of their children, show

more interest and concern. If your child isn’t meeting his own, or your, expectations for

math grades, think about what is causing the low grades. If a math gap is causing

problems, give your child the tools to thrive. Strong study skills and habits help high

school students tackle the academic challenges. Encourage your child to plan ahead for

tests, to ask questions in class.

School head - must always pay attention and care for the students development.


Aarnos, E. & Perkkila, P. (2012). Early sign of mathematics anxiety? Procedia Social and
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Maryam, K., Rohani, A.T. & Sahar B. (2010). Relationship between mathematical
thinking, mathematics anxiety and mathematics attitudes among university students.
Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences.

Prima V., Tutut, H., Muhamad, N.A.W., Ahmad O. & Suriya K.S. (2010). Exploring
mathematics anxiety among engineering students. Procedia Social and Behavioral

Wondimu A., Alexander M., Hans K. & Greetje V.D.W. (2012). Reciprocal relationships
between math self-concept and math anxiety. Journal of Elsevier 22 (pp. 385-389).

Brenda R.J., Jolien L., Marthe S., Sanne H.G. Van der Ven, Sharon K., Han L.J. Van der
Maas. (2013). The influence of experiencing success in math on math anxiety, perceived
math competence and math performance. Journal of Elsevier 24, (pp. 190-197).

Kiamanesh, A.R. (2004). Factors affecting Iranian students’ achievement in Mathematics.

In C. Papanastasiou (Ed.), IEA International Research

Busari, A.O. (2014). " Academic Stress among Undergraduate students: Measuring the
effect of stress Inoculation techniques ",Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences.

Dear Respondents,
Good day! We are the researchers from Grade 12 General Academic strand and
our study is about “Impact of academic stress level on the performance of the Grade 11
students in General math.” The purpose of this study is to examine main sources of
academic stress among the grade 11 students and its impact on student performance. The
study is being conduct in various sections. Your responses will remain anonymous and
will be linked to you personally. We hope that you will grant our request for this will
truly help us to finish our research. Thank you so much.

Respectfully yours,
Sheila Mae T. Onan
Merie Joy B. Sibulo
Marlyn C. Parol

Name (Optional):_________________________________________________________
Age: ____________
Gender: Male Female
Direction: Put a check mark in each statement if you do and experience if whether it
is always, sometimes or never.

Factor 1: Emotions Always Sometim Never

(3) es (1)
1. I feel like I have no control over my grades in
2. I feel my heart race when doing or thinking about
3. I get emotionally upset when doing or thinking
about Math.
4. I get sweaty or clammy hands when doing or
thinking Math.
5. I feel butterflies in my stomach when doing or
thinking about math.
6. My stomach gets physically upset when doing or
thinking about math.
7. My muscle feel tense and I feel tense and I feel
stiff when doing or thinking about math
8. I have trouble sleeping after working on math or
the night before math class or a math test.
9. I feel like I have no urinate more frequently when
in math class or working on a math assignment or
10. I get headaches or neck stiffness when doing or
thinking about math.

Factors 2: Assessment
11. I tend to do very poorly on math tests...
12. I feel I like need to prepare much more for math tests than for other
13. Math tests are much more stressful to me than other tests.
14. When studying for a math test, I find myself showing anxious
15. I feel that I understand certain math concepts in class but do poorly
on tests.
16. I have trouble concentrating during math tests.
17. I do not feel confident when taking math tests no matter how much I
18. I feel that I am not confident with my idea's method of solution
during math tests.
19. I generally feel that tests in any subjects are a reflection of my
worth as a person.
20. During math tests, I find myself comparing my progress to those
around me.
Factor 3: Environment
21. I feel that I will never be able to learn math no matter how hard I
22. I feel that others have a more "mathematical "or "logical " mind
than I do.
23. My parents and/or friends tell me about their own struggles and
frustrations with math.
24. I rely on other people to help me with day to day math situations.
25. I feel that in math, answers are either right or wrong and there is
little room for anything in between.
26. I have bad math teachers that I really disliked for one reason or
27. I find myself worrying about other people's math abilities and
comparing them to my own.
28. I feel that although I am quite talented at some things, none of them
help me with math.
29. I have been punished or embarrassed in math class for not
understanding something.
30. I feel like I have never really understood math and I am faking my
way through it.


3- High Level of Stress

2 - Moderate Level of Stress
1- Low Level of Stress

Department of Education
Region V
Division of Camarines Sur
San Fernando , Camarines Sur

October 11, 2018

Dear Mrs. Luciano,

Good day! We are the Grade 12 General Academic researcher of Pamukid High
School and currently conducting a researcher about “Impact of Academic Stress Level on
the performance of grade 11 students in General Mathematics”.

In this regard, we are asking your permission to allow us to conduct a survey

among the students in your subject. We are also very thankful if you can provide us the
list of grades of grade 11 students taking General Mathematics.

Knowing your concern for education, We hope that this request will earn your
approval for this will truly help us to finish our research.

Truly yours,
Merie Joy Sibulo
Sheila Mae Onan
Marlyn Parol


Practical Researcher II teacher


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