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According to the article of Qiang, Hong-feng, and Bao-jun (N.D.), the major innovations in
economics and culture, as well as the evolution of higher education and significant changes in the
pattern of economy and politics in the modern world, not only have a significant impact on college
students, but they also present a slew of new issues, opportunities, and threats to students' ideological
and political work. As a result, with a new outlook, college students' mental health should improve.
College students' mental health is a complex, dynamic operation. The effects of both their psychological
characteristics and their external environment, which concern genetics, psychology, and social culture,
are factors influencing mental health. Institutions of higher learning must pay attention to mental health


According to the journal of Cleofas (2019), as a major social institution, the school must be able
to promote a positive social atmosphere for its students in order to improve their mental health and
overall quality of life. Several studies have linked student engagement and achievement to mental
wellbeing and vice versa, as well as the beneficial impact of social and emotional learning programming
on students from various backgrounds. Improved social and emotional behaviors among students can
have a significant effect on academic and life achievement. School administrators should allow more
students to participate in co-curricular activities in light of the current findings. In order to entice
students to participate, it is necessary to revisit the structure and aims of student organizations, as well
as to conceptualize exciting events.

A mountain of troubling data about rising mental health problems has health advocates and
providers worried about the need for additional support for struggling students and the ability of
colleges to provide it. Maintaining meaningful peer relationships among students, as well as their
connections is essential. In this researcher’s study, it is related in terms of the students’ mental health
being affected in some coping mechanisms based on the different developed and experienced problems
encountered this time of pandemic as well as the need.



According to the article of Petersen, Norgaard, and Traulsen (2015), students find stimulants to
be an effective tool for preventing procrastination, particularly when they are disinterested,
overburdened, or insecure. It demonstrates that productivity enhancement techniques aren't just about
improving outcomes, outputs, and prospects in a quantitative context. Students often evaluate their
own accomplishments in terms of the quality of their work experience. It goes on to say that using an
ethnographic approach makes it easier to research standards as they emerge, as students face moral
uncertainty not because it improves study skills and outcomes, but because it makes work more
enjoyable. As a result, it attempts to nuance simplistic progressive concepts of personhood.


According to the journal of Moneva and Baguia (2018), the use of the internet does not always
increase a student's interest in learning, and information-gathering abilities have little correlation with
academic success. Students only do these things if they are needed, and they use the internet to gather
information if necessary. It is, however, high as compared to their academic success and productivity.
Supporting student learning programs necessitates a lengthy process and detailed protocol. To maximize
the usage of the internet for academic and non-academic reasons, teachers must provide instruction
and students must submit to teachers in order to ensure that the internet is used properly and correctly
to ensure quality education.

The relation of these journals to this study is that senior high school students use stimulants to
achieve gratification in the study situation, for example, to alleviate stressful mental states or to
heighten an already high level of excitement. It means that despite of many unprecedented challenges
that students are facing right now, they are coping mechanisms that can make it the students’
productivity lessen and there are some coping mechanisms that improve students’ productivity in order
to make the work and learning bearable.



Febrilia and Warokka (2011) stated to their journal that students' ability to interpret information
is influenced by their mood. Memory, categorization, innovative problem solving, decision-making, and
learning are all dynamic cognitive functions that require flexibility, integration, and use of cognitive
content. It adds to the body of knowledge in western societies by proposing a new correlation between
positive and negative mood and students' learning, as well as the effect of that learning on students'
academic success in Indonesian universities, which is rarely investigated in non-western societies. The
data was gathered using questionnaires and a survey of 106 students in their active academic semester
who had a mid-term test (assessment). The test model has an optimal match, according to the results of
structural equation modeling research. It indicates that good mood has no effect on learning, negative
mood has a negative impact on learning, and learning has a positive impact on student academic


According to the journal of Mangaoil (2018), in the education or learning process, students must
improve not only their intelligence but also non-intellectual factors. Various psychological factors that
affect students' academic performance, specifically study patterns, attitudes, and methods. The students
are prompt in completing academic assignments and are free of needless pause and distractions in
terms of study habits and attitudes. Although it was revealed that students have academic motivation,
which refers to the persistence and dedication to excel in academic work, it was also revealed that they
have a variety of study methods. Furthermore, the academic self-engagement program was created to
assist students in improving the following non-intellectual factors, especially students' compliance with
educational practices and requirements, which had the lowest mean. A tendency to use power to
manipulate the instructor in order to achieve special consideration and a perception of isolation or
rejection in the academic environment, expressed as hostility, which has an effect on academic

There are different coping mechanisms that may affect the mood of students, it may be bad and
it may be good. In relation to this study, students should be able to motivate themselves to the
relentless will and the high spirit of learning. If these students are able to maintain high motivation in
learning, which are supported by the teachers and education institutions, it could be expected to
minimize the negative influence of mood on learning and academic performance amidst this uncertain



According to the article of Mirghani, Mohammed, and Almurtadha (2015). there is association
between sleep quality and academic performance. Poor sleep quality and daytime sleepiness have been
reported to be associated with poor academic performance, cardiovascular events, and motor vehicle
accidents. Poor sleep is associated with lack of concentration and inability to function during the day
that affect academic performance. In the present study they excluded those with grade D (failing) which
is the most important group to focus on; also they were not able to control for potential confounders
like stress. Experiments conducted on humans showed that sleep deprivation leads to impairments of
memory, concentration and performance.


According to the article of Toyong (2020), being sleepy in class may have a significant effect on a
student's academic success. Sleep deprivation can be dangerous and even fatal. It is a fundamental
requirement of life and an essential component of education. There was a significant positive
relationship between number of hours of night sleep and academic performance. This suggested that
the high number of hours of night sleep is connected to high academic performance. On the other hand,
students with less sleep had low academic performance. The implications could be used by
policymakers, school administrators, and teachers to teach pupils, including parents, how to use cell
phones and other devices safely. Parents must establish sleeping time or lights-off laws, as well as limits
on the use of mobile phones. To achieve high scholastic achievement, school administrators and
teachers must craft a well-planned and well-designed strategy on assigning assignments and homework.
A sleeping time or routine must be established.
The relationship of it in this research study is that the strong relationship being evident between
good sleep quality and high academic performance. It is related to a goal that measures to improve the
sleep quality among students. Students desired to enhance the living environment by providing high-
quality health education. Maintaining proper sleep hygiene and better scheduling your lectures are
highly recommended.


Han Qiang, Song Hong-feng, Zhang Bao-jun (n.d.). The significance and countermeasures of college
students' mental health education. Management College, Jilin Normal University of China.

Cleofas J.V. (2020) Student involvement, mental health and quality of life of college students in a
selected university in Manila, Philippines, International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25:1, 435-
447, DOI: 10.1080/02673843.2019.1670683

Petersen, M.A., Norgaard, L.S. & Traulsen, J.M. (2015).Pursuing Pleasures of Productivity: University
Students’ Use of Prescription Stimulants for Enhancement and the Moral Uncertainty of Making Work
Fun. Cult Med Psychiatry 39, 665–679

Moneva, J. & Baguia, M. (2018, February) Productivity Of The Senior High School Students Using The
Internet. The International Journal Research Publications 7(10), 84

Febrilia, I. & Warokka, A. (2011) The Effects of Positive and Negative Mood on University Students’
Learning and Academic Performance: Evidence from Indonesia. Faculty of Liberal Arts, Prince of Songkla

Mangaoil, A. (2018). “Psychological Factors and the Academic Performance among High School
Students: Basis for Academic Self-Engagement Program” in SIPATAHOENAN: South-East Asian Journal
for Youth, Sports & Health Education, Volume 4(2), October, pp.139-150. Bandung, Indonesia: Minda
Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI with a print-ISSN 2407-7348.

Mirghani, H.O., Mohammed, O.S., Almurtadha, Y.M. et al. (2015). Good sleep quality is associated with
better academic performance among Sudanese medical students. BMC Res Notes 8, 706

Toyong, P.J. (2020, January) Sleeping Habits, Classroom Behavior, and Academic Performance of SHS
Students. English Language Proficiency in Asian Countries

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