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iiuiiy luiii 6ien soan sdch ud Ddo tgo chuyen Anh Ngd VFIRSTBOOK


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Trung tam Bien soqn sdch od Ddo tgo chuyen Anh NgU VFIRSTBOOK



(Tdi ban, sita chCta ua bo sung)

>t Dank cho hoc sinh Idp 12 tuyen thi Dai Hoc - Cao Dang
* Bien somtheonoi dung va(Unhhudngmde thi

Tron Bo SGK:

Download Ebook Tai: Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vi^t

Lai NOIDAU Phan I :

Quy thay CO giao va cac em hoc sinh than men!
Ky thi t u y i n sinh vao cac truong dai hoc, cao dang la mot thi'r thach Ion doi voi
cac em hoc sinh. Hoa chung voi khong khi on luyen miet mai cua cac em tren khap
ca nuoc, chiing toi ngay dem nghien cuu ya bien soan nhmig trang sach tieng Anh
b6 ich. N 6 i com trong thai gian nay la cuon Luyen gidi dS trm'rc ky thi Hai hoc ha bai theo phuang phap trac nghiem la hanh dong ciia y thi'rc tir duy nham
miin Bdc - Trung - Nam Tieng Anh. chpn ra mot phuo'ng an diing nhat trong so nhieu phuang an de nghi doi vai mot

Dieu CO ban truoc tien la cac bo de trong cuon sach nay duoc bien soan bam sat cau hoi.
cau true de thi tuy^n sinh vao cac truong dai hoc, cao dang cua Bp Giao due va Dao
tao. Dong thai, cac cau hoi dugc bien soan dira tren trong tam kien thi'rc xuyen suot
chuong trinh cac em theo hoc a nha truang. Cuon sach khong nham muc dich on • Bao quat kien thi'rc
luyen de hoc sinh "trung t u " khi thi nhung mong nguyen rang se la nguoi ban chi
• H Hieu sau ve van de kien thirc va van d^ ciia cau hoi
duong dan loi khong th^ thieu cho cac em biet di sau vao con duang kien thuc ma
minh se gap lai trong de thi tuyen sinh chinh thuc cua Bo Giao due va Dao tao. H Ife H Chii dong trong t u duy
H S SI s Kha nang phan tich va phan doan van de doc lap
Hau het noi dung cua cuon sach dugc chinh soan gia - thay giao N G O V A N
H HI s H M T6c do '
M I N H nhieu nam ixng dung vao chuong trinh luyen thi dai hoc va tren thuc te da g§t
hai thanh cong qua ket qua thi cua cac em hoc sinh. Cac ban doc gia se nhan ra loi Do dcS, thi sinh khi lam bai thi trac nghiem cung phai van dung va thi hien cac
viet ciia cuon sach nay dugc tac gia the hien phan Ian voi giong dan giang bai gan yeu to tren mai c6 dugc ket qua tot.
gui nhu- tren lap hoc.
Moi cau hoi chung toi deu dien giai kien thuc rat ro rang voi ngon ngu gian d i ,
de hieu. Muc dich ciia dieu nay khong chi giup cho cac em tiep can va nam that CUAMdlVANDE TRONGDE THI TUYEN SINH DAI HOC-CAO DANG
virng ki^n thuc ma con huang cho cac em nhieu sir img dung trong cac truang hop
khac cua de tuyen sinh. VAN DE 1

Cu6n sach khong chi giup cho cac em hoc sinh tir on luyen ma con la mot tai P HAT A M (P R ON U N CI A TI ON )
lieu rat hiru dung doi vdi quy thay c6 giao, cac bac phy huynh dang quan tam giup
con em minh chu^n bi kien thuc d^ buoc vao ky thi tuyen sinh sap t o i .
Loai cau hoi nay kiem tra nang lire nhan biet va phan biet each phat am ciia
Du chung toi da c6 ghng rk nhieu trong qua trinh bien soan nhirng cuon sach at
n g u v e n a m va p h u a m .
han con nhieu thieu sot. Rat mong nhan dugc y kien dong gop tir quy ban doc than
quen va gan xa de cu6n sach dirge hoan thien han trong nhiJng Ian tai ban. Ddc thii cua moi cau hoi: M o i cau hoi thuang c6 bon phuang an A , B, C , va
D. M o i phuang an la mot tir hoan thien c6 chira thanh phan phu dm hoac nguyen
Nhd sach Khang Viet xin trdn trong gi&i thieu t&i Quy doc gid vd xin Idng
dm (CO the) giong nhau. Nhung chi c6 MOT thanh phan phu dm hoac nguyen dm
nghe moi y kien dong gop decuon sach ngdy cdng hay horn, bo ich han. Thu xin
trong so bon phuang an ay c6 each phat am K H A C voi ba sir lira chpn con lai.
gui ve:
Nguyen tdc ra cle thi: N g u a i soan de thi bao gia cung dua ra H A I phuang an
Cty T N H H Mot T h a n h V i e n - D i c h V u V a n Hoa K h a n g V i ? t .
trong so B O N phuang an cua mot cau hoi eo chira thanh phan phu dm hoac
71 D i n h T i e n Hoang, P. Dakao, Q u a n 1, T P . H C M
nguyen dm dugc phat am nhu nhau ma thi sinh c6 the de dang nhan ra. V a i hai
Tel: (08) 39115694 - 39111969 - 39111968 - 39105797 - Fax: (08) 39110880 phuang an con lai, doi hoi thi sinh phai can than de chgn ra mot.
Hoac email:; thay giao Ngo Van Cdch i^iai guyel van de: • - ,
Minh - Email: -
- Loai gap H A I phuang an chira phu dm hoac nguyen dm dugc phat am nhu
Tron Bo SGK: nhau.
X i n chan thanh cam on!
Luyfit gidi de tru&c ki t/ii DH 3 miin BJc, Trung, Nam Tieng An/i - Ngd Van Minh Cty TISHH MTVDVVH KItang Vi^t
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- Tap trung thai gian va nang lire de nhan ra thanh phan phu dm hoac manh nhu nhau ma thi sinh co the de dang nhan ra. V a i hai phuang an eon lai,
ngiiyen dm cua mot trong hai tir nay c6 each phat am giong ho$c khac vol hai doi hoi thi sinh phai can than de chgn ra mot.
phuong an da dugc L O A I G A P . Cdch giai quyet van de:
• Hay tham i<hao each phat am cua phu dm va nguyen dm trong phan tong quat - Dgc to cac phuang an de trg gii'ip viec tim ra vi tri dugc phat am nhan manh
ngCr phap chua d phan sau cua sach. cua tir.
Chi'ms minh: - Loai gap H A I phuong an chua vi tri thanh phan dirge phat am manh nhu nhau.
Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose - Tap trung thai gian va nang lue de nhan ra tir chua vi t r i thanh phan dugc
underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the phat am manh giong hoac khac voi hai phuong an da dugc L O A I GAP.
following questions. • Hay tham khao phuang phap tim vi t r i trgng am ciia tir trong phan tong quat
ngu phap chiia o phan sau ciia sach.
1 A . ivory B. writer C. final D. window
Chung minh
2 A . cjieck B. chemistry C. change D. cheap
Mark the letter A. B. C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
(Trich D E T H I T U Y E N SINH C A O D A N G ) differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
BAI G A I AP DUNG P H U O N G PHAP (fuestions.
1. A . agreement B. elephant C. mineral D. violent
• 1. A . ivory B. writer C. final D. window
2. A . electrician B. majority C. appropriate D. traditional
Ta nhan ra nguyen am { t r o n g hai phuong an L O A I G A P B. writer va C. final
dugc phat am /al/. N h u vay, con lai hai truong hgp A . ivory va D. window. Ta
(Trich D E T H I T U Y E N SINH D A I HOC N A M 2012)
de dang nhan ra nguyen am i trong D. window dugc phat am la / I / . NghTa la
nguyen am i trong piiuong an A . ivory chac chan dugc phat am la /al/. BAI GAI AP DUNG P H U O N G PHAP
Vay dap an dung ciia cau hoi so 1 la D. • 1. A . agreement B. elephant C. mineral D. violent
• 2. A . clieck B. chemistry C. cjiange D. dieap
Ta de dang nhan ra hai tir Ian lirgt chua trong B. elephant va D. violent ccS
Ta nhan ra ch trong trong hai phirong an l . O A l G A P A . dieck va D. cjieap
thanh phan dugc phat am Ion hon (trgng am) rai vao am vi thu nhat. V o i hai
dugc phat am la / t f / . Vay. con lai hai tnrang hgp B. chemistry va C. diange. Ta phuong an con lai A . agreement va C. mineral, sau khi dgc Ion hai tir nay len, ta
khiing gap kho khan de nhan ra C. mineral co thanh phan dugc phat am Ion hon
khong gap kho khan de nhan ra cji trong C. change dugc phat am la / t f / .
(trgng am) rai vao am vi t h u nhat. Vay dap an diing ciia cau hoi na\a A .
NghTa la thanh phan d i chi'ra trong ba phuang an A , C, va D co each phat am
nhu nhau. Vay dap an dung cua cau hoi so 2 la B (ch trong cjiemistry dugc phat • 2. A . electrician B. majority C. appropriate D. traditional
am la /k/). v• Ta de dang nhan ra hai t u Ian lugt chua trong B. majority va D. traditional co
thanh phan dugc phat am Ion hon (trgng am) rai vao am vi thu hai. V o i hai
VAN DE 2 phuong an con lai A . electrician va C. appropriate, sau khi dgc Idn hai tir nay
len. ta khong gap kho khan de nhan ra C. appropriate co thanh phan dugc phat
T R O N G AM ( S T R E S S ) am Ion hon (trgng am) roi vao am vi thu hai. Vay dap an diing cua cau hoi nay
l.oai cau hoi nay kiem tra nang lire nhan biet vi tri nhan trong am cua tir.
Thuc vay: .; . •
Dcic thii ciia moi cau hoi: M o i cau hoi thirong co bon phirong an A, B . C , va D.
1. A/o'gri:mont/ /'elif(3)nt/ /'minarol / /'vaiabnt/
Moi phuang an la mot tir hoan thien va co chua vj tri thanh phan dugc doc nhan
manh (trong am). Nhirng chi co M O T tir trong bon tir irng vai bon phirong an co 2. A /ilek'trijn / /ma'd^tJriti/ /g'proupriot/ /tra'difangi/
chi'ra vj tri thanh phan dirge doc nhan manh khac vai ba sir lira chon con lai.
Njiuven tdc ra de thi: Nguoi soan d^ thi bao gia ciing dua ra H A ! phuong an
i trong so B O N phuong an cua mot cau hoi co chua thanh phan Tron
dugcBo phat
SGK: am
Luy?n gidi de trir&c M thi DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Nam Tiing Anh - Ngd Ebook Tai:
VHn Minh Cty TNHHMTVDVVH Khang Vi^t

VAN D E 3 Dinh dang cau hoi: H o i ve c u m tir c6 d i n h . T a c h i can q u a n sat t h a n h ph§n a

new hohhy (mol ihii lieu khien mai). ta q u y e t d j n h ngay phu-ang an A. up. V i ta
CAU H O I C O N H I E U SLT LLTA C H Q N (MULTIPLE CHOICE) c h i CO take u p : theo d u o i m o t so t h i c h nao do

BAN CHAT CIIA VAN DE '""^ • 2. T h e bad w e a t h e r caused serious damage to the c r o p . I f o n l y it warmer.
Loai cau lioi nay tap trung xoay vao cac cum tir c6 djnh, tir vimg. ngfr phap. A. were B . had been C. has been D . was
L U A T C H U N G : Cac t h i sinh can doc cac p h i r o n g an tra l o i t r u o c de xac d i n h Djnh dang cau hoi: H o i ve ngfr phap. T a c h i can quan sat t h a y If only, ta
m i i c t i e u c i i a cau h o i la h o i ve ngfr phap, cum tir c6 dinh hay tir vyng. Xac L O A I G A P hai p h u o n g an C. has been D . was v i c h i i n g k h o n g t o n tai t r o n g d a n g
d j n h h i n h thi'rc cua cac p h i r a n g an tra i o i da d u n g hay chira. I f o n l y . C o n hai p h i r o n g an A . w e r e va B. had been, nghTa la d i i n g t h i qua khir
THONG L E : BSt k y luc nao g i a i de t h i ma dac biet la d ^ t h i theo h i n h thurc d a n hay qua k h i r hoan t h a n h . Ta nhan ra d g n g t i r caused la h i n h thiirc qua khir
t r i e n g h i e m , t h i sinh h i o n dirge nhac n h a P H A I D O C D E T H A T C A N T H A N . d a n . d i e n ta sir viec dfi qua. D o vay ta de d a n g q u y d t d j n h B. had been la dap an
D a y la m o t viec l a m can t h i e t n h i m g neu cac t h i s i n h c u tap t r u n g C A N T H A N d u y nhat d i i n g .
qua t h i v 6 h i n h c h u n g d i e u nay se phan tac d u n g t r o n g viec g i a i q u y e t theo • 3. Y o u s h o u l d l o o k up the m e a n i n g o f n e w w o r d s in the d i c t i o n a r y
p h u a n g p h a p tr§c n g h i e m . T h a i g i a n rat q u a n t r o n g . Neu m o t cau h o i , c h u n g ta misuse t h e m .
keo dai t h e m 2 hoac 3 g i a y t h i v a i 80 can h o i , ta se mat bao n h i e u t h a i gian?
A . so that not to B. so not to C. so that not D . so as not to
L i e u r a n g c h i i n g ta c6 g i a i hoan t h i e n de t h i ngay k h i t h a i g i a n theo q u y d i n h ciia
Djnh dang cau hoi: H o i ve ngir phap. Ta loai ba p h i r a n g an A . so that not to
B o G i a o due va D a o tao ket thi'ic hay k h o n g ?
B. so not t o , va C. so that not that de dang. V i theo ngay sau so that la m o t m e n h
PI N C . D O C v o l T H O N G L E :
de. l a k h o n g c6 i i i n h thirc nhir p h i r o n g an B. D o v a y , ta c h o n D la p h i r o n g an
X e t da> thiV tir cac chCr cai sau d a y : A B C D E F G H K . (1)
d u y nhat d i i n g . Q u a that theo sau so as to + V n g u y e n
T a lai xet: A B C D F G H K (2)
• 4 s m o k i n g is a causative factor o f m a n y diseases, there is n o ban
N 6 i i CO de bai y e n c a u : H a y c h o n ra m o t chiT cai I'rng v a i m o t p h u o n g an tra
on t o b a c c o a d v e r t i s i n g .
l o i p h i i h o p nhat de d i e n vao c h o t r o n g cua (2).
A. However B. T h e r e f o r e C. A l t h o u g h D . In spite o f 'Y
A. P B. R C. S D. E
Dinh dang cau hoi: H o i ve ngfr phap. T a thay smokin}i....nuwv diseases la
T h e o (2) ta de d a n g nhan ra c h u cai p h u h o p nhat cho c h o t r o n g la E, tuc la
p h u c m g an D . T a K H O N G C A N phai doc tir A d^n K m a i t i m d u g c chfr cai con mot m e n h de. T i r d a y , ta loai p h u o n g an D v i sau hi spite of + N. H a i phuo-ng an

t h i d u t r o n g (2) la E. Fa c h i can quan sat nhiTng y e u to di'rng ngay t r i r a c v i m g A . H o w e v e r va B. T h e r e f o r e k h o n g logic ve nghTa v a i m e n h de. D o d o , ta quyet

t r o n g CO D C —> B ^ theo t i n h logic thir tir ciia b a n g c h i r cai t h i E la lira d i n h C . la dap an d u y nhat d i i n g .

c h o n d u y nhat d u n g . Hoac ta c h i can q u a n sat cac yeu to theo ngay sau v i i n g • 5. Scientists have a lot o f research i n t o r e n e w a b l e energy sources.
t r o n g C O F—> G —<• H —• theo t i n h logic thi'r tir cua b a n g chfr cai t h i E la lira A . done B. solved C. carried D . made
c h o n d u y nhat d u n g . Djnh dang cau hoi: H o i ve c u m tir c6 d i n h . Ta c6 do a research: thi/c hieri
T o m lai c h i m g ta se mat nhieu thoi gian de phai doc tir A den K m a i t i m CHOC ii^iieii ci'ni. D o d o , ta c h o n ngay A. la dap an d u y nhat d i i n g .
du-gc chfr cai c o n t h i e u t r o n g (2) la E. T h a y vao d o , c h u n g ta c h i can doc thanh
• 6. The restaurants on the island are expensive, so it"s w o r t h a packed lunch.
phan di'rng ngay t r i r o c hoac ngay sau v i m g t r o n g la d i r g e . T r o n g m o t so trucrng
A . taken B. t a k i n g C. to take D . take
h o p c h i m g ta c h i can doc p h o i h o p ca hai t h a n h phan theo ngay t r i r o c va theo
ngay sau v i i n g t r o n g t h i c6 the chon dap an de d a n g . Djnh dang cau hoi: H o i ve ngfr phap. T a c6 // '.v worth + V-ing: That dang de j

Pltuonii pluip lam hai nay t/iuirng dp (lung cho cac cau hoi ve ngie phap lam gi. V a y , ta c h o n B. t a k i n g la dap an d u y nhat d i i n g . ri •

hay cum tir co dinh. (Trich DE T H I T U Y E N S I N H D A I H O C 2012)

Chimg minh: i,
• L i t i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o take a n e w h o b b y such as c o l l e c t i n g stamps or
going fishing.
A . up B . in C. o v e r
Tron Bo SGK:
D . on
Luy$n gidi Oe trudc k\ DH 3 mijn Bdc, Trung, ISam TiJng Anit - Ngd Van Minh Cty TNHH MTVDVVH Khang Vi^t
Download Ebook Tai:
VAN DE 4 People said that, he was a new hero (sai thi vai cau goc).
• 3: / didn V arrive in time to save the hoy.
A. The boy wasn't saved by me.
B. Unless 1 was late, I wouldn't save the boy.
Loai cau hoi nay xoay vao ba van de chu yeu: Dien dat ctia cac dien ngir, cau
C. I f I arrived in time. 1 would save the boy.
true ngfr phap tiroTig dong va ket hoD gifra cau true ngfr phap va dien ngfr.
D. Had 1 arrived in time, 1 could have saved the boy. Ji> i
Hinh thirc de ra: Co mot cau van hoan chinh da cho (cau goc). Ben dirai la
Muc tieu hu'o'ng den la ngfr phap ket hop vai dien ngfr.
bon cau dien dat ung vai bon phuong an tra lai. Trong do chi c6 M O T phuang
an dien dat dung y nghTa va hop ngfr phap nhat doi vai cau goc. Nam bat muc tieu: Toi da khong den kip liic de cini thdng he.

V I E C P H A I L A M : Doc cau goc that i<y de nam bat y nghia va hinh thfrc Ki^m djnh: D. Had I arrived in time, I could have saved the boy. Phuang an
ngfr phap cua no. Muc dich ciia viec nay la de giup chung ta xac djnh muc tieu nay da diing cau dieu kien loai III de dien dat tron y cua cau goc. Cac phuong an
phai di tim trong bon phirong an ben dirai la dien dat ciia tu/cum tir hay ngir con lai khong phu hop ve nghTa va hinh thurc ngu phap vai cau goc.
phap va L O A I G A P ciic phirong an c6 hinh thi'rc dien dat hay ngir phap khong (Trich Ngan luing de thi thir tuyen sinh cua M I T N A P H A V I E T N A M )
tircmg dong
Chirng minh: VAN DE 5
• 1: Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train left.
P H A T H I E N L OI S A I ( E R R O R I D E N T I F I C A T I ON )
A. The train leaves as soon as we arrive at the station.
B. N o sooner had I arrived at the station than the train left.
Loai cau hoi nay tap trung vao hai ITnh vuc ngir phap va cum t u co djnh ma
C. I had arrived hardly at the station when the train left.
chiT yeu la ngu- phap.
D. The train didn't leave early as we had expected.
Hinh thi'rc: Trong moi can dua ra co bon (theo thuong le) thanh phan dirge
Muc tieu hu-o'ng den la N g u phap. Cau goc dang sir dung cau true c6 djnh gach chan irng vai cac ky t u A , B, C, D. Trong do co mot phuang an khong phu
Hardly when : vira thi hgp vai can van da cho. Chung ta hay chi ra phuang an nay.
Nam bat muc tieu: Khi c6 cau true Hardly ...when....: ...thi...., ta lien Cach giai quyet: Hay doc cau van can than, sau do ket hgp giira cac thanh
tuang ngay den cau true dong nghTa No sooner...than...: ....vim ...thi....
phan dirge dua ra lam phuang an dap an va cac thanh phan con lai trong can.
Kicm djnh: Qua that phirong an B la toi uu. Cac phuang an con lai nhu A Neu xac dinh ngu phap da on thi hay tap trung vao cac dien ngu (co djnh).
khong dirt7c chon vi iianh dong dang a hien tai; phuang an C tir hardly dung sai Chirng minh: / '
\ tri; phuang an C dien dat sai y vai cau goc
• I . He considered to buy a new house but he has already changed his mind
• 2: Nobody can deny that he is a new hero.
A. Everybody said him to be a new hero.
because he supported his two daughters who are studying at the university.
B. it is a fact that he is a new hero.
C. He is known by a new hero. Giai quyet: Sai hinh tiiuc ngfr phap. A . to buy la khong phu hgp trong cau
D. People said that, he was a new hero. van tren. Ta co consider + V-ing.
Muc tieu hu-6"ng den la dien dat tir ngir. • 2. Please contact us it'you are in need with our services again. ^
Nam bat muc tieu: Khong ai co the phu nhan rang anh ta Id mot nguai hiing A R C D , \
Giai quyet: Sai hinh thi'rc dien ngiJ. D. with la khong dung. Ta co in need of:
Kiem djnh: B. It is a fact that he is a new hero: Sir that la anh ta Id mot can, CO nhii can
nguai liimg nu'ri. Cac phuong an khac nhir A. Everybody said him to be a new
(Trich Ngan hang de thi thu tuy^n sinh ciia M I T N A P H A V I E T N A M )
hero (diing khong hop thi): C. He is known by a new hero (saiTron
y vaiBo
LMyfn gidi Oi Iru6c Id thi DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Sam Tieng Ebook
Anii - Ng/i Tai:
Van Minli
^ Cty T!\HH MTV DVVH Khang Vi^l

V A N DE 6 Vtifi dans dien dot cd noi duns theo sat vtri doan van M cho

OPC H I E U ( R E A D I N G COMPREHENSHION) N g u y e n t a c : Phai d o c va n a m bat y - noi d u n g cua cau h o i t r u o c luc doc

doan v a n .
M U C f ) i C H C l I A O E T H I : Kic>m tra nang lire c a m t h i i n g o n ngfr ciia cac
K y n a n g d o c d o a n v a n : T a p t r u n g vao hai ky n a n g D Q C L U O T de lay t h o n g
thi sinh.
tin v a D O C C A N C A N H da lay y.
C o h a i d a n g d a c t h u : D i e n ti'r v a n c h o t r o n g va c h o n p h i r o n g an dien dat c6
C a c h the hien: Sau khi doc v a n a m bat y - n o i d u n g cua can h i i i x o n g . doc
n o i d u n g t h e o sat \ o i d o a n v a n da c h o ,
do len doan v a n . neu thay c o noi d u n g lien quan t h i hay d u a ra l o i giai c h o cau
Vt'ri tlana dien tir vao cho trdna: D o a n van c h o san c 6 m o t so c h o bi k h u y e t
hoi a \ K h o n g can phai d o c het ca doan van r o i m o i suy nghT c h o n dap an.
t i r / c u n i tir. B e n d i r o i c 6 cac can hoi i i n g v o l m o i c h o t r o n g . M o i can h o i c 6 b o n
C h u n g minh:
p h i r a n g an t r a l o i n h i r n g c h i c 6 m o t p h i i o n g an tra Idi d u o c chap nhan. H a y doc
Traditionailv i n A m e r i c a , h e l p i n g the p o o r w a s a matter f o r p r i v a t e charities
bon p h i r o n g an t r a l a i t r i r a c de xac d i n h de bai h o i ve ngfr phap. t i r v i r n g . c u m
tir CO d j n h ha> gioi tir. l a c u n g IKMI doc l u o t that nhanh ca doan van ( k h o n g qua or local government. A r r i v i n g i m m i g r a n t s depended m a i n l y o n predecessors

B A p h i i t ) de n a m bhi n o i d u n g c o ban toan b a i . K h i l a m b a i , cac t h i sinh nen from their homeland to help them start a n e w life. In the late 19"' and early 20'''

t r a n h toi d a v i e c d o c lap lai n h i e u ca doan van de t i m ra cau tra l o i c h o m o t cau centuries, several European nations instituted p u b l i c - w e l f a r e p r o g r a m s . B u t

h o i v i rat mat t h a i g i a n m a viec l a m nay that sir k h o n g can t h i e l . such a movement w a s slow t o take h o l d in t h e U n i t e d States because the rapid
pace o f i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n and the ready a v a i l a b i l i t y o f farmland seemed t o
Chi'rng m i n h :
confirm the b e l i e f that a n y o n e w h o w a s w i l l i n g t o w o r k c o u l d f i n d a j o b .
W e send o u r c h i l d r e n t o school to prepare them f o r the t i m e w h e n they w i l l be
Most o f the programs started d u r i n g the Depression era were t e m p o r a r y r e l i e f
b i g and w i l l have t o w o r k for themselves. T h e y learn their o w n language . . . ( I ) . . .
measures, but o n e o f the p r o g r a m s - Social S e c u r i t y - has b e c o m e an A m e r i c a n
they w i l l be able t o tell others cleariv what they w a n t and what they k n o w and
institution. Paid for b y d e d u c t i o n s f r o m t h e paychecks o f w o r k i n g p e o p l e . Social
understand w h a t . . . ( 2 ) . . . tell t h e m . T h e y learn f o r e i g n . . . ( 3 ) . . . in order to be able
Security ensures that retired persons receive a modest m o n t h l y i n c o m e and also
to benefit f r o m w h a t people in other countries w r i t t e n and said, and t o make
provides unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and other assistance t o
people f r o m other countries understand what they themselves mean.
those w h o need it. Social Security pavments t o retired persons can start at age 6 2 ,
• 1. A . so that B. n o w that C . so f a r D. so l o n g
but many wait until age 6 5 . when the payments are s l i g h t l y higher. Recently, there
• 2. A . the others B. other C. others D. another has been concern that the Social Securit\ f u n d mav not have enough m o n e y to
• 3. A . c u l t u r e s B. c u s t o m s C . languages D. habits fulfill its obligations in the 2 1 " centurv. w h e n the p o p u l a t i o n o f elderl> A m e r i c a n s
is expected t o increase d r a m a c t i c a l l v . Policy makers have proposed various ways
G i a i q u y e t : C a u 1 h o i v c n g i l phap. D o c b o n p h u o n g an bcMi d i r o i , ta biet
to make up the a n t i c i p a t e d deHcit. but a long - t e m i s o l u t i o n is still being debated.
dirge d i e u n a v . Q u a n sat theo ngav sau c h o t r o n g la m o t nienh de c 6 sir d u n g
d a n g S + m o d a l s + V n g u y e n . l a de dang chon A . so that la p h i r o n g an t o i iru v i In the years since R o o s e v e l t , other A m e r i c a n presidents have established
t r o n g cac phirorng an dira ra t h i c h i c6 .s(;zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
thaf + S + moikils ) Vtiguyen de tao ra assistance programs. Thes e include M e d i c a i d and M e d i c a r e ; food stamps,
m e n h de t r a n g ngfr c h i m i i c d i c h . certificates that people c a n use to purchase f o o d ; and p u b l i c h o u s i n g w h i c h is
C a u 2 h o i v e ngfr p h a p . f a L O A I G A P B. other v a D . another v i t h e o nhir ta biet built at federal expense and made a v a i l a b l e to persons o n l o w i n c o m e s .
other t A' t a n o t h e r + ( o n e / N ) + V ( s 6 i t ) . T a c h o n C . others v i others ( m o t so
Needy A m e r i c a n s can also t u r n to sources other than the g o v e r n m e n t f o r help.
k h a c ) + V ( s 6 n h i e u ) . PhiroTig an A . the others (so c o n l a i ) , k h o n g p h i i h o p v 6 i y
A broad spectrum o f private charities and v o l u n t a r y organizations is available.
cua d o a n v a n .
Voluntecrism is on t h e rise i n the U n i t e d States, especially a m o n g retired persons. |
C a u 3 h o i v e h o p tir. T a co forehini^iicif^cs: n^oai ngil: D i r a v a o y ciia cau It is estimated that almost 5 0 percent o f A m e r i c a n s over age 18 d o volunteer w o r k ,
thir hai t r o n g d o a n v a n , ta q u y e t d i n h dirge dieu nay. and nearly 75 percent o f U . S . households contribute m o n e y t o c h a r i t y .
Tron Bo SGK:
Luy?n gidi Ok tru&c kl tht DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Nam TIeng Anh - J\go Van Minli Cty TNHHMTVDVVH Khang Vi$t
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Question 1: New immigrants to the U . S. could seek help from
A. the US government agencies B. volunteer organizations
Phtn I I :
C. the people who came earlier D. only charity organizations _ GIOITHIEU 24 Oi THI THIJTUYIN SINH DAI H O C
Question 2: It took welfare programs a long time to gain a foothold in the U.S.
due to the fast growth o f OE T H I THLTSO 01
A. population B. urbanization ^ Th&i gian lam bai: 90 pit lit ^
C. modernization D. industrialization
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
Question 3: The word "instituted" in the first paragraph mostly means
differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
A. '"enforced" B. "introduced" C. "executed" D. "studied"
questions. ' *'
Question 4: The Social Security program has become possible thanks to
Question!: A . simplify B. magnificent C. conclude D. physique
A. people's willingness to work B. enforcement laws
Question 2: A . rescue B. particular C. geography D. mistake
C. deductions from wages D. donations from companies
Question 3: A . lettuce B. desire C. prefer D. upstairs
Question 5: Most o f the public assistance programs after the severe Question 4: A . clemantary B. pessimistic C. infinitive D. representative
economic crisis. Question 5: A . influence B. liberate C. gratitude D. incredible
A. did not become institutionalized B. did not work in institutions
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
C. were introduced into institutions D. functioned fruitfully in institutions
answer to each of the following questions. ..
Question 6: That Social Security payments w i l l be a burden comes from the
Question 6: Mr. Lee retired, he had worked as a Marketing consultant
concern that
for the Biotech company.
A. the program discourages working people A. Since B. By the time C. For D. Provided that
B. younger people do not want to work Question 7: Avery Johnson participating in the commercial fair held
C. elderly people ask for more money in Japan last year.
D. the number o f elderly people is growing A . considered B. persuaded C. made D. refused
Question 7: Persons on low incomes can access public housing through Question 8: As there were too many participants at the seminar, the main speaker
A. state spending B. federal expenditure them into four smaller groups for discussion.
C. low rents D. donations A. divided B. enrolled C. submitted D. provided
Question S: Americans on low incomes can seek help from Question 9: A : How are you doing?
A. government agencies B. federal government B:
A. I am walking along the street. B . Thanks for asking.
C. non - government agencies D. state government
C. I am carrying out the project. D. Great. A n d you?
Question 9: Public assistance has become more and more popular due to the...
Question 10: It is interesting to a business course after the conference.
A. people's growing commitment to charity
A. take up B. take over C. take after D . take in
B. innovations in the tax system i
Question 11: Our sales team twenty members who completed successfully
C. young people's voluntarism only the basic requirements. • • *'
D. volunteer organizations A . releases from B. put aside C. abides by D. consists o f
Question 10: The passage mainly discusses Question 12: M r . Chen managed to open the door he had no the key.
A. immigration into America B. public assistance in America A. much to B. because C. i f only D. on behalf o f
C. funding agencies in America D. ways o f fund - raising in America Question 13: No sooner his retirement than he wasn't received approval
(Trich de thi tuyen sinh cua Bp Giao due va Dao tao) from the board o f directors.
A. did John announce B. John had announced
Tron Bo SGK:
C. John announced D. had John announced . . v^
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Question 14: - "Can I have some more soda?" Question 25: The staff prefers to fly than to use other models o f transportation
because it is much more
A r m f II11 B . I t s my pleasure A. significant B. convenient C. contended D . excessive
C, Don'i mention it D. make yourself at home Question 26: His webpage explaining the process o f course selection together with
Question 15: He wondered his son looked like after living aboard for a consulting services is to any participant interested in receiving help.
long time. A. touch B. description C. regularity D. available
A. which B. how C. when D . what Question 27: A t the latest meeting of Business Advisor^' Council, the newly
Question 16: O w i n g to the heavy fog, the flight from Tokyo to N e w Y o r k w i l l elected president that any new business be applied to the laws.
be A. obligated B. compensate C. proposed D. satisfied
A. overdue B. unpunctual C. expired D . unscheduled Question 28: Bod\e ideas or thoughts by certain actions.
Question 17: We had no reason to disbelieve his account o f what happened. either intentionall_\r unintentionally.
A. not to refuse to take over something A. transmits B. disposes C. registers D . decline
B. to barely imply Question 29: The band launched a movement that redesigned the
C. to disapprove o f what happened specification of rock music in this country for the rest o f the decade.
D. not to believe that something is true A. effect \^. effective C. effectively D. effectiveness
Question IS: Mr. Steve: Are there an\s available? Question 30: we had deicided to cancel the flight to Toronto last week.
Shopkeeper: A. I f B, I f only C. Ever when D. Should
A. 1 hc\t me two thousand dollars.
Mark the letter A, R, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part
B. Yes. Ihey are convenient.
that needs correction in each ofthe/ollowinf; questions.
C. No. fhey were made in Viet Nam.
n . Yes. l e t me check in the warehouse. Question 31: M r . C hen has done a great contribution to the building o f the
Question 19: Mr. Pennington: i can't find my hat anywhere." A B C D
Mrs. Jane: " " countiAside.
A. I t s time you bought another one. Question 32: Advancing in computer technology are allowing you to reach
B. I t s on my dresser. A B C
C. It suits _\ou. , ' any part in the world b} clicking a mouse.
1). It's no use wearing the tie. D
Question 20: - "Vm going to Cuba for business." Question 33: N o sooner had the professor stopped the lesson when bell rang. ,
A. Congratulations! B. Never mind. Question 34: 1 he singer has rarely ne\er give a more impressive live show
C. Let me check your flight number. D. I wish you a good trip. A B c
Question 21: Despite the fact that every cigarette pack has a warning from than the one tonight. . ,
Surgeon General, those who still smoke are smoking more heavily. D
A. printing B. printer C . printed D. to print Question 35: The number o f mone\ that vou gave me last week was not my refund.
Question 22: In 2006. the United States go\c:::mcnt May 11 to be A B C D
Endangered Species Day.
!^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
A. declared B. suggested C . issued D. criticized
flat is CLOSET in meaninf- to the underlined part in each of the followin}>
Question 23: fhe youth w i l l our traditional operations.
A. carr> on B. result in C . run off D.bring about
Question 24: The policeman ... .the victims to a safe place as quickly as possible. Question 36: Whatever 1 said he didn't get rid o f smoking.
A. evacuated B. a Iterate C . flashed Tron Bo SGK:
D. exaggerated A. carry out B. give up C. g o o f f D . put o f f
luyeti f;iaidc tnroc ki nil t)H3 mikn B&c, ImHS, mM Img AHH -l\gO van Minn Lty II\HH .MIV DVVH Kltangl^iet
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Question 37: The vast number ofnew businesses has been in danger o f bani<cruptcy. Question 46: "I am sorry for not finishing the project by deadline. Mary, " he said.
A. insensitive B. increasingly C. tremendous D. cautious A. He accused Mary o f not having finished the project by deadline.
Question 38: Since her parents' death, she has lived with her uncle. B. He congratulated Mary on having finished the project by deadline. ,
A. died for B. cried for C. Mar\d rather he finished the project by deadline.
C. been brought up D. in touch with D. He apologized to Mary for not having finished the project by deadline.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase Question 47: L/nfortunate/y. I Mas unable to attend Mr. Miller's performance last
that is OPPOSITE in meaning to underlined part in each of the following night
questions. A. Not attending Mr. Miller's performance last night made me happy.
B. However busy was I , I attended M r . Miller's performance last night.
Question 39: Workers are always advised to be cautious when entering and
leaving the place due to a recent fire. C. M r . M i l l e r ' s performance last night was so boring that I didn't attend.

A. careless B. unfriendly C. ambitious D. factual D. 1 wish 1 had attended M r . Miller's performance last night.
Question 40: They couldn't continue the big project because o f lack o f workers. Question 4fi: You should take a taxi so thai you won't be late for the meeting.
A. plenty B. property C. series D. limitation o f A. Unless you take a taxi, you w i l l be late for tiie meeting.
B. Without a taxi, you could have gone to the meeting on time.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is C. Pro\d that you take a taxi, you w i l l be late for the meeting.
closet in meaning to each of the following questions. I). Seeing that you took a taxi, you were not late for the meeting.
Question 41: I regretted nol having applied for the interesting Job. Question 49: \'o longer does tlic man smoke.
A. I wish I could apply for the interesting j o b . A. 1 he man has been smoking. B. Phe man has a habit o f smoking.
B. I should have applied for the interesting j o b . C. The man didn't stop smoking. D. The man quit smoking.
C. 1 must have applied for the interestingjob. Question 50: The hurricane destroyed hundreds of buildings in the city.
D. I apologized for having applied for the interestingjob. A. The hurricane resulted in destruction o f hundreds o f buildings in the city.
Question 42: " I didn 7 steal your handbag, Mary, " Peter said. B. Ihc hurricane resulted from destruction o f hundreds o f building in the city.
A. Peter accused Mar y o f having stolen his handbag. C. Despite the appearance o f the hurricane, hundred o f buildings in the city
B. Peter admitted having stolen Mary's handbag. haven't in danger o f destruction.
C. Peter said that he didn't steal Mary's handbag. D. 'Hie hurricane appeared, however, hundreds o f buildings in the city have
D. Peter denied having stolenm Mary's handbag. been destroyed.
Question 43: The farm provides the residents with fruits and vegetables.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. Fruits and vegetables are produced on the farm by the residents.
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60.
B. The residents are supplied with fruits and vegetables by the farm.
C. The residents take advantage o f the farm to grow fruits and vegetables. THE B E A T L E S
D. The residents are no longer to use the farm to grow fruits and vegetables.
In the l')60s, fhe Beatles were probably the most famous pop group in the
Question 44: It is over twenty years since we last got in touch with them.
whole world. Since then, there have been a great many groups that have achieved
A. We have beer getting in touch with them for over 20 years.
enormous fame, so it is perhaps difllcult now to imagine how sensational the Beatles
B. We haven't gotten in touch with them for over 20 years. were at that time. They were four boys from the north o f England and none o f them
C. We didn't use to get in touch with them for over 20 years. had any training in music. The\d by performing and recording songs by black
D. We can't help keeping getting in touch with them for over 20 years. Americans and they had some success with these songs. Then they started writing
Question 45: "To me, we should go to a remote area on the holidays, " he said. their own songs and that was when they became really popular. The Beatles changed
A. He suggested going to a remote area on the holidays. pop music, rhcy were the first pop group to achieve great success from songs they
B. He advised his co-workers to go to a remote area on the holidays. had wriiieii themselves. After that it became common for groups and singers to write
C. He let other people go to a remote area on the holidays. their own .songs. The Beatles did not have a lon^ career. Their firsthit record was in
D. He found it impossible to go to ? remote area on the holidays.
Tron Bo SGK:
1963 and they split up in 1970. Theyrs|<#jpped,dei«gTl}vQ ll96 6
Luy^n gidi di trir&c ki tlii DH 3 miin Bdc, Trung, !Sam Tieng An/i - l\goEbook
Van Minh Cly TNHHMTVDVVHKItang Vift
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because it iiad become too dangerous for them - their fans were so excited that they Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
surrounded them and tried to tatce their clothes as souvenirs! However, today some o f sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.
their songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out. Throughout the
world many people can sing part o f a Beatles song i f you ask them. The Winterthur Museum is a collection and a house. There are many
Question 51: The passage is mainly about museums devoted to the decorative arts and many house museums, but rarely in
the United States is a great collection displayed in a great country house. Passing
A. How the Beatles became more successful than other groups
through successive generations o f a single family, Winterthur has been a private
B. Why the Beatles split up after 7 years
estate for more than a century. Even after the extensive renovations made to it
C. The Beatles" fame and success
between 1929 and 1931, the house remained a family residence. This fact is o f
D. Many people's ability to sing a Beatles song importance to the atmosphere and effect o f the museum. The impression of a
Question 52: The four boys o f the Beatles lived-in house is apparent to the visitor: the rooms look as i f they were vacated
A. came from the same family only a short while ago whether by the original owners o f the furniture or the most
B. were at the same age recent residents o f the house can be a matter o f personal interpretation. Winterthur
C. came from a town in the north o f England remains, then, a house in which a collection o f furniture and architectural elements
D. received good training in music has been assembled. Like an English country house, it is an organic structure; the
Question 53: The word sensational" is closest in meaning to house, as well as the collection and manner o f displaying it to the visitor, has
changed over the years. The changes have coincided with developing concepts o f
A. notorious B. bad C. shocking D. popular
the American arts, increased knowledge on the part o f collectors and students, and
Question 54: The first songs o f the Beatles were
a progression toward the achievement o f a historical effect in period-room displays.
A. written by themselves B. broadcast on the radio
The rooms at Winterthur have followed this current, yet still retained the character
C. paid a lot o f money D. written by black Americans o f a private house.
Question 55: What is not true about the Beatles?
fhe concept o f a period room as a display technique has developed gradually
A. The members had no training in music.
over the years in an effort to present works o f art in a context that would show
B. They had a long stable career.
them to greater effect and would give them more meaning for the viewer.
C. They became famous when they wrote their own songs.
Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum, the period room
D. They were afraid o f being hurt by fans. represents the decorative arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an
Question 56: The Beatles stopped their live performances because :....'.-,;f opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or place o f manufacture.
A . they had earned enough money
Question 61: What does the passage mainly discuss? ;'
B. they did not want to work with each other
A . The reason that Winterthur was redesigned ,m. / i c •
C. they spent more time writing their own songs
B. Elements that make Winterthur an unusual museum i it.
D. they were afraid o f being hurt by fans.
C. How Winterthur compares to English country houses ' '
Question 57: The year 1970 was the time when
D. Historical furniture contained in Winterthur
A. they split up B. they changed pop music
Question 62: The phrase "devoted to" in line 1 is closest in meaning to
C. they started their career D. they stopped doing live performances
A. surrounded by B. specializing " '* jn
Question 5H: What the fans o f the Beatles often did was
C. successful in D. sentimental about
A. sing together with them B. take their clothes as souvenirs
Question 63: What happened at Winterthur between 1929 and 1931?
C. ask them to write more songs D. ask them why they should separate
A . The owners moved out B. The house was repaired
Question 59: Some songs o f the Beatles now
C. The old furniture was replaced D. The estate became a museum
A. are still famous as they used to be B. became too old to sing
Question 64: What does the author mean by stating "the impression of a lived-in
C. are sung by crazy fans D. are the most famous
house is apparent to the visitor" (lines 5 - 6 ) ?
Question 60: The tone o f the passage is that of.
A. Winterthur is very old '''' |
A . admiration B. criticism C. neutral Tron Bo SGK:
D. sarcasm
B. Few people visit Winterthur ' ''^
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C. Winterthur does not look like a typical museum possible, follow crew commands and do not take personal belongings with you. Do
D. The furniture at Winterthur looks comfortable not jump on escape slides before they are fully inflated, and when you j u m p , do so
Question 65: The word "assembled" in line 9 is closest in meaning to with your arms and legs extended (80) front o f you. When you get to the
A. summoned B. ,!• '.'i appreciated ground, you should move away from the plane as quickly as possible, and never
C. brought together D. fundamentally changed smoke near tiie wreckage.
Question 66: The word "it" in line 9 refers to
Question 71: A. industry B. section C. research D. field
A. Winterthur B. },i,;<a.. collection C. surviving
Question 72: A. survive
B. survival D. survived
C. English country house D. visitor ricril v izyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
no J 'a
Question 73: A. direction B. observation C. instructions D. installation
Question 67: The word "developing" in line 1 1 is closest in meaning to
Question 74: A. fasten B. enlarge C. endanger D. install >
A. traditional B. exhibiting C. informative D. evolving
Question 75: A. tightly B. lighting C. tired D. heavily
Question 68: According to the passage, objects in a period room are related by all
Question 76: A. energic B. alternative C. changing D. magical
o f the following RXCFPT
Question 77: A. complete B. completion C. completely D. completing
A. date B. style
Question 78: A. protection B. prevention C. barning D. transportation
C. place o f manufacture D. past ownership
Question 79: A. evacuate B. disappear C. dismiss D. c o n f l i c t * ,
Question 69: What is the relationship between the two paragraphs in tiie passage?
Question 80: A. in B. on C. from
A. Paragraph 2 explains a term that was mentioned in Paragraph i .
B. F.ach paragraph describes a different approach to the display o f objects in a THE END
C. Paragraph 2 explains a philosophy o f art appreciation that contrasts with that D I E N Gl\\P A N
explained in paragraph i .
Question 1 A. simplif\/ B. m a g n i f i c e n t / m f e g ' n i f l s n t /
D. Each paragraph describes a different historical period.
Question 70: Where in the passage does the author explain u h j displays at C. conclude / l o n ' k l u l d / D. physique / f l ' z i l k /
Winterthur have changed? Dap an dung la A: siniplif}' c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhiit. Cac ti'r
A. lines I . - 2 B. l i n e s 4 - 5 C. l i n e s 6 - 8 D. lines 1 0 - 1 2 con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.

Question 2 A. rescue/'reskju:/ B. particular/p3'tlkJ3b(r)/

Read tlie following' passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80. C. geography /cl3i'Dgrnfi/ D. mistake / m i s ' t e l k /
According to airline (71) statistics, almost 90 percent o f airline Dap an dimg la A: rescue co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu nhat. Cac tir con
accidents are survivable or partially unsurvivable. But passengers can increase their lai CO dau trong am danh \ao am tiet thi'r hai.
chances o f (72) by learning and following certain tips. Experts say that Question 3 A. lettuce/'letis/ B. desire/di'zals/ 'at.i'i .
you should read and listen to safet> (73) before takeoff and ask questions i f
C. prefer / p r i ' f D l / D. upstairs /Ap'stesz/
you have uncertainties. You should (74) your seat belt low on your hips
and as (75) as possible. O f course, you should also know how the release Dap an dung la A: Icttiice co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat. Cac tir
mechanism o f \ o u r belt operates. During takeoffs and landings, you are advised to con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.
keep \i)ur feet flat on the floor. Before takeoff you should locate the nearest exit Question 4 A. elemantary / e l i ' m e n t r i / B. pessimistic / p e s i ' m i s t i k /
and an (76) exit and count the rows o f seats between you and the exits so
C. infiniti\ / i n ' f l n o t i v / D. representative / r e p r l ' z e n t o t i v /
that you can find them in the dark if necessary.
Dap an dung la C: in/initivc co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai. Cac tir
In the event that >ou are forewarned o f the possible accident, you should put con lai co dau Irong am danh vao am tiet thi'r ba.
your hands on your ankles and keep your head down until the plane comes to a
Questions A, i n f l u e n c e / ' i n f l u s n s / B. l i b e r a t e / ' l l b a r e l t /
(77) stop. I f smoke is present in the cabin, you should keep your head low
and cover your face with napkins, towels, or clothing. I f possible, wet these for C. gratitude / ' g r n e t l t j u l d / D. incredible / i n ' k r e d a b l /
added (78) against smoke inhalation. To (79) TronasBo SGK:as
Dap an dung la D: incredible c6 dau trong am danh Download
vao am ti6t Ebook
thu hai.Tai:
tir Question II. Dap an dung la P. consists o f Ta c6
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu nhat. consist of: bao gom
Question 6. Dap an dung la B . By the time n i a i thich ve mat v nahTa: D6i ban hang ciia chung toi gom c6 20 thanh vien,
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: Ta c6 nhifng ngirai da qua huan luyen cac budc kinh doanh ca ban. , ^ ^ ,

By the time + clause (qua khi'r dan), clause (qua khir hoan thanh) Cac phirang an khac khong phu hop: . / , n*
A. release from: thoat ra tir ,
Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hop: i /, A %>, . B. put aside: gat sang mot ben
- A. Since + clause (qua khi'r dan)/m6c thai gian, clause (hien tai hoan thanh)
. C. abides by: tuan theo ,fV nhi-bnrn ; n / « .
- C. For + khoang thai gian, clause (hien tai nhoan thanh) Question 12. Dap an dung la B. because: bai vi ^.^^ ^^^.^,
- D. Provided that + clause (hien tai dcm), clause (tuong lai don) r.iai thich ve mat nuij phap:
Question 7. Dap dung la A. considered
Because + clause: Bai vi
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap:
Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hop:
consider + V-ing: xem xet viec gi - A . much to + N : mac dii
Cac phu-ang an con lai khong phu hop: - C. i f only + clause: gia ma, irac gi
- B. persuade + s.o + V-to inf: thuyet phuc ai lam gi - D. on behalf o f + N : thay mat cho
- C. make + s.o + Vnguyen: khien ai lam gi Question 13. Dap an dung la D. had John announced
- D. refuse + V-to inf: tir ch6i lam gi Giai thich ve mat ngu' phap:
Question 8. Dap an dung la A . divided. Ta c6
No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + S + V2/ed: viia moi thi.
I divide s.t into: chia cai gi thanh Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngir phap.
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: V i c6 qua nhieu nguai tham gia vao buoi hoi thao Question 14. Dap an dung la D. make yourself at home: X i n ci'r tir nhien nhir d nha.
nen vi dien gia chinh da phan chia ho thanh bon nhom de thao luan cac van de. Giai thich ve mat ngiT nghTa: - Toi dimg them mot it soda nhe?
Cac truong hop con lai khong phu hop: Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hgp y nghTa: V/HV' ;
- B. enroll (v) dang ky tham gia - A . I ' m full: Toi no roi.
- C. submit (v): nop, de Irinh - C. Don't mention it: Dirng c6 ban tam ve dieu ay.
- D. provide s.o with s.t: cung cap cho ai cai gi - B. It's my pleasure: Do ia niem vui cua toi. "
Question 9. Dap an dung la D. Great. And you? Question 15. Dap an dung la I ) , what
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: - Anh c6 khoe khong? Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: ()ng ta thSm nghT khong biet cau con trai cua minh
'« - Toi rat khoe. Con anh thi sao? trong nhu the nao sau mot thai gian dai d nude ngoai.
Cac phirong an khac khong phii hop: Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp.
A. I am walking along the street: l o i dang di dao ngoai duang. Question 16. Dap an dimg la B. unpunctual: khong dung g i d
- B. Thanks for asking: Cam on anh c6 lai hoi tham. Giai thich ve mat ngCr nghTa: Do c6 suong mil day dac nen chuyen bay tir Tokyo
- C. 1 am carrying out the project: l o i dang thuc hien dir an nay. den New York se den khong diing gid.

Question 10. Dap an dung la A . take up: theo, theo du6i Cac phucrng an con lai khong phii hgp: * ' '
- A. overdue: qua han 'i
Giai thich ve m a t j i g i r nghTa: That hay d^ chung ta theo hoc mot khoa kinh
doanh sau hoi nghi. - C. expired: het han ni ; i ^
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp: - D. unscheduled: khong C O Ijch trinh
- B. take o\cr: cam quyen, dieu hanh Question 17. Dap an dimg la D. not to believe that something is true = disbelieve:
- C. take after: giong > liet khong tin tutmg
- D. take in: cho a tro Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp:
- A. not to refuse to take over something: khong tir chdi tiep quan van de gi
Tron Bo SGK: 23
Luy^n gmi ue irum *i ini un J mien Bar, i nin<^, mm i wn); nnn -1 vun ivnnn
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- B. to barely imply: hau nhir khong c6 ngu y Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
- C. to disapprove o f what happened: khong tan thanh vai nhfrng gi da dien ra. B. alterate: xen kc
Question 18. Dap an dung la D. Yes. Let me check in the warehouse: Vang con a. C. flashed: sang len, chieu sang "*
D6 toi k\km tra them trong nha kho. I), e.-iaggerated: khuech daizyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONML
i, *
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hop: Question 25. Dap an dimg la B. convenient: thuan tien
- A . They cost me two thousand dollars: Chung c6 gia hai ngan do la. ' ''^ (;i|ii j j l j c i i ve mat y nghTa: Nhan vien nay thich di lai bang may bay hon cac
- B. Yes. They are convenient: Vang. Chung rat thuan tien. " ' phirong tien khac vi tinh thuan tien.
- C. No. They were made in Vietnam: Da khong. Chung dirge san xuat d Viet Nam. Cac phmrng an con lai khong phii hgp: - -
Question 19. Dap an dung la B. It's on my dresser: No d tren ban trang diem cua em. A. significant: quan trgng, co y nghTa
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Anh khong tim thay cai mii dau ca. C. contended: thi dau, tranh tai
Cac phirong an con lai khong phu hop: D. excessive: v i r r t qua
- A . it's time you bought another one: Da den luc anh phai mua mot cai m o i . > Question 26. Dap an diing la D. available
- C. It suits you: No hop v6i anh day. fi " • ^ Jd da b\k:
- D. It's no use wearing the hat: That v6 ich khi doi cai mii nay. be available to s.o: san c6 cho ai
Question 20. Dap an dung la D. I wish you a good trip: Clu'ic anh mot chuyen di
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Trang web ciia ong ta giai thich qua trinh chgn lira
thanh cong.
khoa hoc cung nhir dira ra nhiTng loi tir van rat can thiet ciio tat ca cac ban hoc vien.
Giai thich ve mat ngCr nghTa: Toi chuan bi di den dat nirac Cuba.
Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hop:
- A. touch: chain \ao
A. Congratulations! CluTc mimg anh!
- B. description: sir mo ta
B. Never mind: D u n g bao gio ban tam ve dieu ay. - C. regularity: tinh deu dan
C. Let me check your flight number: De toi kiem tra chuyen bay. Question 27. Dap an dimg la C. proposed: de nghi
Question 21. Dap an dung la C. printed la da biet:
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Mac cho tren moi bao thuoc la deu ccS cau canh bao
SI + propose that + S2 + Vngiiyen
ve sue khoe nhirng nhung nguoi hut thuoc la van hut ngay mot nang han.
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp:
Giai thich ve ngCr phap: Dimg V3/ed nhu mot tinh tir mang y nghTa bi dong.
- A. obligated: thirc hien bon phan
Cac tuong hop con lai khong plui hgp.
- B. compensate: den bii
Question 22. Dap an dung la A . declared: cong bo
- D. satisfied: lam cho hai long
Cac phirong an con lai khong phu hgp y nghTa: ]^..,^^^ ^^.^^
Question 28. Dap an dimg la A . transmits: truyen di
- B. suggested: de nghi
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ngon ngir hinh the truyen di y kien hoac suy nghT ciia
- C. issued: ban bo, cap
chiing ta bang hanh dgng dii do la c6 y hay khong c6 y.
- D. criticized: phe binh
Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
Question 23. Dap an dung la A. carry on: tiep tuc
- B. disposes (oO: giai quyet. xir ly
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: The he tre se ke tuc cac phong trao truyen thong.
" C. regi.sters: dang ky tham gia
Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hgp:
" I ) , decline: tir choi, suy sup
- B. result in: hau qua dim toi dau
Question 29. Dap an dimg la C. efTeclively (adv): mot each hieu qua
- C. run otT chay d i . cha\n %
Qjai_thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta can trang tir dung ngay triioc dgng tir tlurong.
- D. bring about: gay ra
Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hgp.
Question 24. Dap an dimg la A . evacuated: so tan
Question 30. Dap an dimg la B. I f only: gia ma
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Vien canh sat da so tan cac nan nhan den mot nai an
, Giajthich ve mat ngu phap: Chi c6 If only mai dirge dimg diiy nhat mot menh de
toan nhanh nhat ccS the.
^^tao day dii nghTa ciia mot can. Cac phirang an con lai can phai c6 hai menh de.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 31. Dap an dung la A . done • made Download Ebook Tai:
Q Danh gia: Hai dien ngfr "da khong" va "le ra" deu mang ban ch§t cua sir viec da
V i ta c6: make a contribution to: cong hien cho cai gi .xay ra trong qua khir. Ben canh do, chiing con the hien y hoi tiec hoac su trdch
Question 32. Dap an dung la A . Advancing • Advances moc. , , '
V i ta c6: + Ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc co cau triic
N l + giai tir + N2 + VQMl). Regret + (not) + V-ing: tiec vi da (khong) lam gi
Quan sat cau goc, ta tliay are dang dirge dung. y6'\g an B. cau true chii dao ciia no la:
Question 33. Dap an dung la C. when • than
Should + have + V3/ed: le ra nen lam dieu gi
V i ta c6:
N o sooner .than. Ban chat ciia can true nay la the hien y hoi tiec hoac su trdch moc v6 dieu gi da
Question 34. Dap an dung la A . rarely • khong diing qua. Nhan dinh ve dieu nay. nen B la phuong an dugc lira chgn.

V i ta c6: Tir phu dinh never dang diroc dung trong cau. V a rarely (hiem khi) o Danh gia: ''"^ >

cimg mang nghTa phu dinh. 1 lai tir phu dinh khong dung trong ciing mot cau. Regret + (not) + V - i n g va Should + (not) + have + V3/ed: tiec v i da
Question 35. Dap an dung la A . number • amount [ (khong) lam gi va le ra (khong) nen lam dieu gi
V i ta c6: Chiing ta c6 the linh hoat diing hai can triic nay de thay the cho nhau.
the amount o f + danh tiir khong dem dirge Cac phuong an khac khong phii hop:
Question 36. Dap an diing la B. give up = get rid of: tir bo Phirang an A dang diigc sir dung cau triic:
Cac phirang an khac khong phii hgp: .S' + wish + chaise (S + could/would + Vn^iiyen), the hien dieu iroc
- A. carry out: thirc hien muon dieu gi tra nen khac hon trong tirong lai hoac a hien tai
- C. go off: bop CO No khong logic ve y nghTa voi cau goc.
- D. put o f f tri hoan Phirong an C dang diioc sir dung cau triic:
Question 37. Dap an diing la C. tremendous = vast: menh mong, khong 16, rat Ion Must + have +- V3/eci: At han da lam gi, the hien sir phan xet hay suy
Question 38. Dap an diing la C. been brought up: dugc nuoi duong doan (c6 ca so) ve dieu gi da xay ra trong qua khir.
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp: No khong logic ve y nghTa voi cau goc.
- A . died for: diet cho Phirong an D mang can triic:
- B. cried for: rao hang apologize for st/V-ing: xin loi ve dieu gi/lam g i .
- D. in touch with: lien he vdi No khong logic ve y nghTa voi cau goc.
Question 39. Dap an dimg la A . careless * cautious: bit can ^ can than • MiV rong: 1 wish I iiad applied for the interesting j o b .
Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hgp: I f only I had applied for the inlcresting job.
- B. unfriendly: khong than thien Question 42. Dap an diing la D. l.y giai:
- C. ambitious: tham vong + Ve mat v nghTa: "Toi da tdioni^ lay Irgni cdi li'ii xdch cua hgn. Mary g. " Peter
- D. factual: sir that 'loi. Hay noi each khac la: Pelcr dd phu niuiu viec lay Irgm cdi tui xdch cua Mary.

Question 40. Dap an dimg la D. limitation of = lack of: thieu, hut o Danh gia: Cau goc dang iV hinh thirc cau tuang thuat true tiep. Hinh thirc phii
djnh "da khong (didn't + Vngu>en ) . . . " dirge dien dat lai "denied + V - i n g . . . : phii
Cac dap an khac khong phii hcrp:
nhan". Tire la la dimg nipt dong tir mang y iig/iia phu dinh d^ thay the- cho ///////
- A. plenty: nhieu
'hi'fc phii dinh cua mot dong tir.
- B. property: tai san
^ V g j n a i ngir phap: Ta can nluV , ,„. ,i ;
- C. series: hang loat
Question 41. Dap an diing la B. Ly giai: Cau trirc tiep c6 dang: didnT + Vnguycn
+ Ve mat v nghTa: Toi l/igl .sir tiec vi eta khong nop ho sa I'tng tuyen vcio cong vice • • T
iln'i vi ciy. Hay noi each khac: Le ra toi nen nop ho scri'mg tuyen vao cong viec thu Cau gian tiep: denied + having + V3/ed
vi ciy. I^an chat ciia hai cau triic tren la khang djnh dd Idionii /dm gi.
Tron Bo SGK: 1 r;r
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• D a n l i g i a : T r o n g cau trirc tiep d u n g clidn 7 + Vn^iiyem da k h o n g l a m . . . t h i ta c6 no longer: k h o n g con n u a
thO d i c n dat v tren t r o n g cau gian tiep la clcnifd + having » V3/ed: choi ho lain
N o d u g c d i i n g t r o n g h i n h thi'rc cau k h a n g d j n h de c h i vk sir v i e c hay hanh
g'l... H a i cau true trC-n hoaii toan m a n g y nghTa n h u nhau.
d o n g nao d o da t u n g x a y ra va c h a m dirt t r o n g qua khi'r. N o k h o n g l o g i c y nghTa
l a da b i e t : deny » V-i)i^: phii nhan lain ^i: t r o n g cau t r u e t i e p d i i n g t h i qua
v a i cau goc.
k h u d o n , k h i q u a g i a n t i e p ta c h u y e n t h i qua khi'r d a n t h a n h t h i qua khi'r hoan
• M d r g n g : Fruits and vegetables are p n i d u c e d on the f a r m by the residents =
t h a n h . D o v a y , d i d n ' t + V n g u y e n ( t r u e t i e p ) se c h u y e n t h a n h d e n i e d + h a v i n g +

Residents use the fann t o g r o w f r u i t s and vegetables.
V3/ed ( g i a n t i e p ) .
Question 44. D a p an d u n g la B. Ly g i a i :
Cac phircmg an khac k h o n g phii h o p :
- P h i r a n g an A d a n g dirge sir d u n g can true:
+ Vc mat n t i u nuhTa: DtJ hern hai nnrai nam troi qua ke sir Idn SLUI ciing ohimg 'i'(>'i
lien lac fx.'- H a y noi each khac: Cliiing toi dd khong fi«w 4« wiipr.wig .uidi
accuse s.o + of + V-inf^: k h i e n trach/to cao ai lam g i .
htm hai mmri nam qua.
N o k h o n g logic ve y nghTa v 6 i cau goc. a {)anh gia:
P h i r o n g an B d a n g d u g c sir d u n g can true: K h o a n g t h a i g i a n + ke tir Ian sau c u n g ... lam g i
adniil + r-///^': thira nhan lam gi. = . . . k h o n g l a m gi + k h o a n g t h a i g i a n .
N o k h o n g logic ve y nghTa v a i can goc.
+ V e mat n g u phap: Cau goc d a n g sir d u n g cau true:
- P h i r o n g an C k h o n g p h u h o p v o i h i n h thi'rc ngir phap. K h i cau t u a n g thuat true
It is + k h o a n g t h a i gian + since + clause (qua khir d o n ) : Da bao nhieu
tiep d u n g t h i qua khiV d o n t h i k h i c h u y e n qua cau t i r a n g thuat g i a n t i e p ta phai d u n g
t h a i gian ke tir Ian sau c i n i g ai do lam g i )
thi qua k h i r hoan t h a n h .
• M o l o n g ; Peter said to M a r y he liad not stolen her handbag.
T a CO cau triic dong y nghia voi no la:

Question 43. D a p an d u n g la B. L y g i a i : S + has/have + not + V v , . d + for + k h o a n g t h a i g i a n : ai do da k h o n g

+ V e mat v nghTa: "\'6n<^ irai ndv ciin,i^ cap ran qua cho dan cu- Ironi^ vitng." Hay l a m g i t r o n g k h o a n g t h a i gian

n o i each khac la: "Dan cir irong viing diiyc cung cap rau c/ua lir nong Irai ndyy • Danh gia:
a D a n h g i a : H a i each d i e n dat: " N o n g trai c u n g c a p . . . = . . . d u p e c u n g cap t u n o n g
t r a i " . D a y c h i n h la h i n h ihirc dien dat cua each ncSi c h i i d o n g , b i d o n g . S + has/have + not + V , ,,,| + f o r + k h o a n g t h a i gian

+ V e mat n g u phap : Can goc d u n g h i n h thi'rc c h u d o n g , v o i cau true

p r o v i d e s o w i t h s.t: c u n g cap c h o ai cai g i

' 9^ = It is (has been) + k h o a n g t h a i gian + since + S + last + V i cd

Cac p h i r o n g an khac k h o n g phu h g p :

T a lai c6: s u p p l y s.o w i t h s.t: c u n g cap c h o ai cai g i - P h u a n g an A : Chung toi tiep tuc lien lac vai ho trong h(rn hai nuroi nam qua.

Q i i a n sat ta tha\g an B d a n g d u n g h i n h thi'rc bi d o n g ciia cau true supply N o k h o n g logic ve y nghTa v o l cau goc.

s.o Willi S . I de d i e n dat t r o n y nghTa ciia cau goc. S + has/have + been + Vjnj,

a D a n h giaj '"" "

la h i n h thi'rc cua t h i hien tai hoan thanh tiep d i e n . D i e n ta hanh d o n g hoac sir
p r o v i d e / s u p p l y s.o w i t h s.t: c u n g cap cho ai cai g i viec da .\ay ra t r o n g qua k h u keo dai t d i hien tai v a nhan m a n h sir tiep tuc t r o n g
Cac p h i r a n g an khac k h o n g phu h g p : tuang lai.
- Phmvng an A : Rau ci'i qua se dirge san xuat tren n o n g trai nay b o i nhCrng n g u a i - P h u o n g an C : Toi clnra tinig lien he voi ho trong hon hai imroi nam Inarc.
d a n . T h i r c te, rau cii qua da vd dang dirge t r o n g a n o n g trai (cau goc d u n g t h i hien
S + d i d n ' t + use ^- V t o inf: da chira t u n g lam g i
tai d o n ) . D o v a y . p h i r o n g an nay k h o n g logic ve mat y nghTa.
- P h u a n g an C : NhCrng n g u a i dan tan d u n g n o n g trai nay de t r o n g cac loai rau Y noi hanh d o n g c h u a t u n g xay ra truac day. N o k h o n g logic \ d i y nghTa cau goc.
qua. Ta c 6 c u m t i r : P h u i m g an D : Chung toi khong the khong lien lac voi ho trong hai mtnri nam qua.
Take advantage o f s.t: Igi dung/ tan d u n g d i e u g i ( y t i c h c u e )
C a n ' t + help + V„,j,: k h o n g the k h o n g lam g i
N o k h o n g logic ve mat y nghTa v a i cau goc.
- P h i r a n g an D : N g u a i dan k h o n g con sir d u n g n o n g trai nay de t r o n g rau qua N o k h o n g logic v a i y nghTa ciia cau goc.
nua. Ta da biet: Tron Bo SGK:
Luyftt gidi di tm&c kl thi DH 3 miin Bdc, Trung, Nam Tiing Anit - Ngd Van Minh Cty TNHH MTV DVVH KItang Vi,
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Question 45. Dap an la A. L y giai: - Phirong an B dang sur dung cau true
+ Ve mat v nghTa: ""Then toi, chung ta rten di den mot vimg ddt xa x6i irorig nhtmg j congratulate s.o on doing sth: chuc mung ai ve viec gi.
ngdy nghi tai^ anh ta noi. Hay noi each khae; Anh ta de nghi ciing vai moi nguai Hinh thurc nay khong logic ve mat ngu nghTa vai cau goc.
di dc'n mot vitng ddt xa xdi trong nhimg ngdy nghi tai. - Phirang an C dang su dung hinh thuc ngir phap:
a Danh gia: Cach dien dat Chung ta nen ... va anh ta de nghi vai moi nguai...,
S| + would rather + Si + WjkA- Ngucri nao do mu6n ai lam gi hon.
dSu ham y nguofi noi CO tham gia hanh dong.
+ Ve mat ngu phap: Cau tucrng thuat true tiep su dung hinh thue Hinh thuc ngir phap nay khong dien dat logic ve mat ngir nghTa vai cau g6e.

We should + V b a r e i n r : chiing ta nen lam dieu gi Question 47. Dap an dung la D . L y giai:
D6i qua cau tuang thuat gian tiep: S (nguai noi) + suggested + V - i n g + Ve mat v nghTa: Khong may thay, toi khong the tham du buoi biiu diin ciia 6ng
Miller toi qua.
Ban chat cua hai cau true tren deu ham y nguai noi eo tham gia hanh dong.
Hay noi each khae la: Ifac gi toi da tham du buoi bieu dien ciia ong Miller toi
• Danh gia:
We should + V n p i y e n v(;n S (nguoj noi) sugget +Vint.: Chung ta nen ...
+ Ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc dang sir dung thi qua khu don de noi den mot su
Cac phuang an khae khong phu hop:
viec da dien ra trong qua khiir. Do do, ta phai sir dung cau dien dat va i wish khong
- Phuang an B: Anh ta khiiyen dong nghiep di den mot nai xa trong nhimg ngdy
CO that trong qua khiir:
nghi tai. N o khong logic y nghTa vai cau goc vi nguai noi khong tham gia hanh
I S + wish + clause (thi qua khiir hoan thanh)
dong, ta CO cau true:
advise s.o + Vto inf: khuyen ai lam gi Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hop:
- Phuang an A: Khong tham du buoi hieu dien ciia ong Miller toi horn qua lam
- Phuang an C: Anh ta cho phep nhimg ngia'ri khc'ic di den mot nai xa xdi trong
toi hanhphuc. Cau nay khong logic ve y nghTa vai eau goc.
nhuvg ngdy nghi tai. N o khong logic y nghTa vai cau goc. Ta eo cau true:
- Phuang an B: Mac dii ban nhimg toi da tham gia buoi bieu dien ciia ong Miller
let s.o + Vhaaini: cho phep ai lam gi toi qua. Cau nay khong logic ve y nghTa vai cau goc.
- Phuang an D: Anh ta nhgn thdy di den mot nai xa xdi trong nhimg ngdy nghi tai - Phuang an C : Buoi hieu dien cua ong Miller toi qua qua chdn den noi toi du
Id diet! khong the. N o khong logic ve y nghTa vai cau goc. Ta c6 cong thuc: khong tham du. Cau nay khong logic ve y nghTa vai eau goc.
S + find + it + adj + Vioini: A i do cam thay nhu the nao khi lam gi Question 48. Dap an diing la A . L y giai:
Question 46. Dap an dung la D. Ly giai: + Ve mat y nghTa: Ban nen bat taxi de khong hi tre buoi hop.
+ Ve mat y nghTa: '"Toi xin loi vi da khong hodn thdnh du an dung thai hgn, Mary Hay noi each khae la: Neu ban khong bat taxi thi hgn .se hi tre buoi hop.
a, " anh ta noi. + Ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc dang diing hinh thurc cau dieu kien loai 1 eo su dung
a Danh gia: Cau goc dang a hinh thuc cau tuong thuat trirc tiep. Cau true should + Vnguyen the. Dua vao y nghia ciia cau goc, ta cung c6 the diing eau triic
cua cau dieu kien loai 1 voi tir unless (Neu khong/Trir phi). Ta can luu y menh de
\.j sorry For + V-ing: xin loi ve viec g i . . .
dung vai unices luon c6 hinh thirc khang dinh vi ban than unless da bao ham nghTa
Vi dugc dien dat lai theo hinh thCrc ngir phap khae
phu dinh.
' apologize to s.o for doing sth: xin loi ai do v i da lam gi Cac phuang an con lai khong diing:
+ Ve mat mCr phap: Ta cSn nha + Phuang an B: Neu khong cd taxi thi ban c6 the di den buoi hop diing gia.
Cau true tiep c6 dang: S + tobe + sorry + for + V - i n g Without + N/N.P. S + could/would + have + V3/ed: N ^ u khong....thi . . . .
Cau gian tiep: S + apologize to s.o for doing sth
Day la hinh thiirc dac biet cua cau dieu kien loai H I . Cau nay dien ta khong dung
Ban chat cua hai cau true tren la dien ta sir xin loi ai do v i da lam gi. ve mat y nghTa so vdi cau goc.
Cae phuang an khae khong phu hap: ^^ , + Phuang an C : Mien la ban don taxi thi ban se tre buoi hop.
- Phuang an A dang sir dung cau true
Provided that + clause (thi hien tai dan), clause
accuse s.o o f doing sth: khien trach, to cao ai lam gi. (thi tuomg lai dcm): Mien la | ,n
Tron Bo SGK:
Hinh thuc ngu phap nay khong logic ve mat ngir nghTa vai cau goc.
L H r n i g m i UL l i m n 'jJilLLi^'' ' ' " " * • ' ' '""f>'' """ ' *" " " —
f)ay cliinh la hinh tlu'rc can 6\ki kien loai I v a i cum
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tir Provided thai = If: Neu. BAI DICH B E NGHI
Cau van nay dien ta kliong di'ing vc mat y nghTa so vai cau goc.
+ Plnrong an D: Boi ri han don la.xi iien ban kfion}^ hi Ire hiidi hop. NHOM NHAC BEATLES
Seeing that + clause, clause: Bai v i Vao thap nien 1960, Beatles dugc biet den la mot nhom nhac theo phong
Cau na\n ta khong diing ve mat y nghTa so voi cau JIQC. each dan gian hien dai noi ti^ng nhit tren toan the giai. Ke tir do, c6 rk nhieu nhom
Question 49. Dap an la D . I.y giai: nhac noi ti^ng ra dai. V i vay, c6 the noi chung ta kho hinh dung dugc sir anh huang
cua Beatles vao thai diem do. Ho la bon chang trai den tCr mien BSe nuac Anh va
+ Vc mat V nuhia: \^m)i dan (m«ihmg£tmUeJihmx-mm
khong ai trong so hg dirge dao tao chuyen nghiep ve am nhac. Ho khai nghiep bang
Hay ncii each khac J i : X^inn djiK <imx'1'^^ ^ f^*^'-
each trinh dien va thu am nhirng bai hat cua nhom nguai M y da den va hg da thanh
\imm-oiiipbap:. Ciu p^'ic ehu 4am ^ v n g dang thurc dao ngu cua trang tir
cong tir nhirng bai hat do. Sau do, ho bat dau tir sang tac nhac va chinh giai doan nay
mo Um^tT J
la luc hg that sir noi tieng. Beatles da lam thay doi dong nhac nhe duong dai. Ho la
No longer + tof) dong tir + S . . . : khong con nixa.
nhom nhac dau tien thanh cong vai nhirng bai hat tir sang tac. Ve sau, viec tir soan
Cau viet lai c6 th6 su dung mot trong cac cau true sau: nhac de hat tra nen pho bien trong cac nhom nhac va ca sy. Nhom Beatles khong
quit * \ ' - i n L ; : tir bo vice gi. theo duoi nghe hat lau dai. Ban nhac noi tieng dau tien cua hg dugc thu am vao nam
1963 va nhom da tan ra vao nam 1970. Hg khong bi^u dien tryc tiep tir nam 1966 bai
uci r i t i o f • \: tir bo vice gi
vi qua nguy hicm khi nhirng ngirai ham mg cuong nhiet cir c6 vay quanh ho d^ giat
ui\ up t V-mg: tir bo viec gi
lay ao lam vat ky niem. Tuy nhien, ngay nay mot so bai hat cua nhom van con noi
s t e p • \ ' - i n g : tir bo viec gi tieng nhir hoi moi ra miit. Nhieu ngirai tren khSp thI giai c6 thI hat mot doan bai hat
S • ...not +...any more/any longer:.... khong con... nira. do nhom Beatles sang tac neu ban yen cau hg.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop: Question 51. C. Chii de chinh cua doan van la:
• I'lurong an .\ diiu ony: van chua ho hul thiuK. Thi hien tai hoan thanh C . Sir noi tieng va thanh cong ciia nhom Beatles. (No dugc de cap xuyen suot
t i c p i l i c n o hinh (hue khaiiu dinh <ii: nhan manh vice hut thuoc cua ngiroi dan ong trong bai van.)
na\n con Can n;i\n dat khong logic vc mat noi dung so \i cau goc. A. Nhom Beatles tra nen thanh cong hon nhirng nhom khac nhu the nao.
1 Plnrong an B: \^in'ri dan oni^ c6 tlioi c/iwn hut thmk. [)icn dat khong logic ve B. Tai sao nhom lai giai tan sau 7 nam. - i tsbt
mat noi dung so \ o i can goc. D. Nhieu nguai c6 the hat mot bai hat cua nhom Beatles.
+ Plnrong an C: S^iwn dan 6n\i da lihon^ tir ho viec htit thuoc. Dien dat khong Question 52. C. Bon chang trai nhom Beatles den tir mot thj tran a mien Bkc nuac
Igic \ mat noi dung so \(Vi cau goc. Anh. Trong bai c6 de cap a dong 4: "They were four hoys from the North of
Question 50. Dap an dung la A . I.y giai: Enyland... " ( H g la bon chang trai d^n tir mien BSc nuac A n h . . . )
+ Vcimat y ng.hTa: I'ran hdo da />ha hiiv hany, tram toil nhii Irony thiinh pho. A. Cling mot gia dinh.
Ha\i each khac: Iran hdo dii dan den viec hiiny tram Ida nhd irony thanh B. Cimg mot do tu6i. I
phd hi phd htiy. D. Dugc dao tao tot ve am nhac.
Danh gia: f)Oii voi dong tir result, ta can kru y: ' Question 53. C. Tir sensational c6 nghTa gan v a i tir shocking: sir nao dong du-
+ result in: kcl (/iia diin den ddii doi trong tam t r i
-t result from: kel tpia lie ddu nid cd A. Tieng xau " >
Cac plnrong an con lai khong dinig: BTe
- Plnrong an B: Tran hdo Id kel qua cua viec phd huy hiiny tram Ida nhd Irony ihiinh D. N o i tieng
pha la CO cAu triic nlur da dugc noi o' tren: result from: kel qua do ddu ind cd. Question 54. D . Nhung bai hat dau tien cua nhom Beatles dugc sang tac bai nhirng
- Plnrong an C: Mac dii cd sir xual hien cua Iran hdo nhimy hiiny tram Ida nhd nguai M y da den. -*^i*<d •
irony lliduh phd van klidny ndin Irony nyuy ca hi tan phd. Dien dat khong logic ve Doan van c6 de cap a dong 5 va 6: "They started by performing and recording
mat y nghTa so \ 6 i can goc. •^ongs hy black Americans and they had some .success with songs ". (Ho khoi
- Phuxrng an D: Trdn hdo xudl hien. luy nhien. hiiny tram Ida nhd Irony Ihiinh •^Bhiep bang each trinh dien va thu am nhung bai hat cua nhom nguai M y da den
pho ltd hi idn phd. Dien dat khong diing y nghTa. hg da thanh cong
Tron Bo SGK: vai nhirng bai hat do.)
LU}ifU glU} uy trUUL m llll Ull J mien UUL, ttuu^, i ^um i icfij; /inn -1 ^gu r un imrnr
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A. Tir sang tac Question 60. A. Diem nhan cua bai viet la sir ham mg.
B. Phat tren radio B. Sir phe binh
C. Dugc tra nhieu tien C. Sirtrung lap ,i
Question 55. B. Dieu khong dung ve nhom Beatles la ho c6 mot nghe on djnh D. S u c h e n h a o i'i.'^xv "ii\>mx\

lau dai. BAI D I C H D E NGHI u

Trong bai c6 de cap a dong 10 va 11: "The Beatles did not have a long career ".
(Nhom khong theo duoi nghe hat lau dai.) Bao tang Winterthur chinh la mot bg suu tap va cung la mot ngoi nha. Co rSt
nhieu bao tang chi chuyen trung bay nhirng tac pham nghe thuat va nha co, nhung
A. Cac thanh vien khong c6 sir dao tao ve am nhac.
hiem co vien bao tang nao a nuae M y co mot bg suu tap da dang duge trung bay
C. Ho tra nen noi tieng khi tir sang tac nhac.
trong mot ngoi nha rgng Ion d mien que. Trai qua nhiJng the he lien tiep nhau trong
D. Hp sg ngiiy hiem tir nh&ng nguai ham mo. mot gia dinh, Winterthur da tirng la tai san ca nhan trong han mot the ky. Tham chi
Question 56. D. Nhom Beatles khong bieu dien trirc tiep boi vi ho sg nguy hiem do sau khi dugc nang cap toan dien vao giira nam 1929 den nam 1931, ban chat cua
nhCrng nguai ham mg gay ra. ngoi nha van khong thay doi. Dieu nay co tac dong tich cue doi vai bau khong khi
Dieu nay du-gc de cap a dong 12, 13, 14 doan cuoi bai van: "They stopped va an tugng cua bao tang. Khach tham quan co the de dang nhan biet rang thirc
doing lire performances in 1966 because it had become too dangerous for them - chat day la mot ngoi nha co nguofi a: can phong trong ei'r nhu the no chi mai bj bo
their fans were so excited that they surrounded them and tried to lake their clothes trong each day mot thai gian ngan, nguai ta khong biet lieu nhirng ngudi chu ban
as souvenirs!" ( H g da khong bieu dien trirc tiep tu' nam 1966 boi vi qua nguy hiem dau cua ngoi nha hay la nhirng ngudi chu gan day nhat mdi chinh la chu nhan that
khi nhifng nguoi ham mg qua cuong nhiet cir co vay quanh hg giat lay ao lam vat sir. Tiep do, Winterthur van giCr lai dugc nguyen ven la can nha co bg suu tap tat ca
ky niem.) cac san pham trang t r i ngi that va nhirng tac pham nghe thuat da dugc suu tam.
Tuong t u nhu mot ngoi nha nong thon d nude Anh, Winterthur co cku true rat tinh
A. Hg da kiem du tien.
xao, can nha ciing nhu bg suu tap hay la each trung bay v d i du khach, da thay doi
B. Hg khong muon lam viec ciing nhau.
Cling vdi thai gian. Sir thay doi nay dien ra dong thdi vdi nhirng quan diem nghe
C. Hg danh nhieu thai gian han de soan nhac.
thuat cua nude M y dang dugc hoan thien, no cung giup nang eao sir hieu biet cua
Question 57. A. Nam 1970 la nam nhom tan ra. mot so thanh phan trong xa hoi bao gom cac nha suu tam ciTing nhu gidi sinh vien,
B. Hg da lam thay doi nen nhac nhe duang dai. va tien trinh hudng den nhirng thanh tuu ed tac dong mang tinh Ijch su trong nhirng
C. Hg bat dau lap nghiep. cugc trien lam theo tirng giai doan phat trien. Mac dau nhirng can phong tai vien
D. Hg ngirng bieu dien true tiep tren san khau. bao tang Winterthur da di theo xu hudng nay, no van con luu g i u nhirng net dae
Question 5H. B. Viec ma ngirai ham mo cua nhom thirang lam la giat lay ao de lam trung cua mot ngoi nha.

vat ky niem. Y tudng ve viec trung bay tac pham theo tirng giai doan dugc xem nhu la mot
each thirc trung bay dugc hoan thien dan dan qua nam thang nhSm mue dich the
Dieu nay dirge nhac den a euoi doan van: "...their fans were so excited that
hien nhirng tac pham nghe thuat trong mot boi canh nhat djnh ma ed the lam cho
they surrounded them and tried to take their clothes as soin'enirs!" ( . . . nhirng
khach tham quan thirc sir nhan ra gia tri han la chi biet qua y nghTa ben ngoai ciia
ngirai ham mg qua cuong nhiet ci'r co vay quanh hg giat lay ao de lam vat ky niem.)
tac pham. Khac biet vdi nhirng bao tang Ijch sir t u nhien thi bao tang nay lai trung
A. Hat ei'mg vcVi hg.
bay cac tac pham nghe thuat doe dao theo mot each cue ky song dong va day Idi
C. Yeu cau hg viet them nhieu bai hat. < > cuon, dong thdi giiip ta hieu them nhirng gi lien quan den cd vat chang han nhu
D. Hoi hg nguyen nhan nhom tan ra. kieu dang, thdi gian va nai ehung xuat hien.
Question 59. A. M o t so bai hat cua nhom bay gia van eon noi tieng nhu ngay xua. Question 61, B. Doan van chu yeu de cap den van de gi?
Doan cuoi bai van co de cap a dong 14, 15: "However, today some of their A. Nguyen nhan ciia vi^c bao tang Winterthur duge thiet ke lai (khong dugc de
songs remain as famous as they were when they first came out". (Tuy nhien, ngay cap trong bai).
nay mot vai bai hat cua hg van con noi tieng nhu hoi mai ra mat.) B. Nhirng nhan to lam cho bao tang Winterthur trd nen doe dao (y nay xuat hien
B. Da qua 16i thai d^ co the hat. xuyen sudt trong ca doan van).
C. Dugc nhirng nguai ham mg cuong nhi^t hat. C . So v d i cac bao tang d mien que nude Anh thi Winterthur nhu the nao.
D. N o i tieng nhat. / , , , D. Nhung do vat Ijch sir trong Winterthur (day chi la mgt y trong doan van).
Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 62. B. Cum tii devoted to a dong 1 c6 nghTa gSn x\hk v a i : Question 68. D. Dira vao doan van, nhCrng chu the ciia viec trirng bay cac tac phani
A. surrounded by: duoc bao quanh bai theo tirng giai doan lien quan den tat ca cac yeu to sau ngoai trir:
B. specializing in: chuyen ve cai gi, chuyen tarn ve van de gi A. date (n): thai gian
C. successful in sth: thanh cong trong viec gi B. style (n): kidu dang W ,»
D. sentimental about sth/sb: da cam, nhay cam ve cai gi/ai C. place o f manufacture: nai san xuat, nai xuat hien
Question 63. B. Dieu gi da xay ra a Winterthur giira nam 1929 va 1931? D. past ownership: quyen sa hiru trong qua khur
Ngoi nha da duoc sua chiJa v i : trong doan 1 ciia bai c6 de cap "Even after the Doan 2 co de cap: "... arts in a lively and interesting manner and provides an
extensive renovations made to it between 1929 and 1931. the house remained a opportunity to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture.
family residence ". Question 69. A. M o i quan he giOa 2 doan trong bai van nay la gi?
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:
Doan 2 dien giai thuat ngO dugc de cap a doan I .
A. Nhfrng ngiroi chu nha da don di
Ta quan sat thay cuoi doan 1 co nhae den thuat ngir p e r i o d - r o o m : "a
C. Nhiing CO vat da dirge thay the
progression toward the achievement of a historical effect in period-room
D. Ngoi nha tro thanh vien bao tang displays", (tien trinh huang den nhirng thanh tiru co tac dong mang tinh lich sir
Question 64. C . Tac gia ngu y gi khi noi rang: "Khdch tham quan c6 the de dang trong nhCrng cugc trien lam theo tiing giai doan phat trien.) va dau doan 2 dicMi giai
nhgn hiet rang thirc chat day la mot ngoi nha co ngirai 6" (dong 5, 6) nghTa cua thuat ngfr do: "The concept of a period room as a display technique has
Winterthur khong giong nhir nhOng bao tang khac: Doan 2 c6 de cap: developed gradually over the years in an effort... " (Quan niem \ viec trirng bay
"Comparable to the habitat group in a natural history museum an opportunity tac pham theo timg giai doan dirge xem nhir la mot each thirc trung bay dugc hoan
to assemble objects related by style, date, or place of manufacture ". thien dan dan qua nam thang nham muc dich...).
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:
B. M o i doan mo ta mot each tiep can khac nhau doi v6i viec trirng bay cac tac
A. Winterthur rat efi. pham nghe thuat trong vien bao tang.
B. It ngu'oi tham quan Winterthur.
C. Doan 2 giang giai triet ly ciia viec danh gia nghe thuat trai v6i quan diem a
D. Do \at trong Winterthur rat tien nghi. doan 1.
Question 65. C . Tir "assembled" a dong 9 co nghla gan nhat vai
D. M o i doan mieu ta mot giai doan khac nhau ciia lich sir. ' ' '
l a co: assemble (v): ihu thgp. tu tap Igi = brought together (v): gom lai, hop lai
Question 70. D. Can hoi mang nghTa: Tdc gia giang gicii ly do viec truvg hay (f
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop: vi^n hdo tang Winterthur thay doi a doan ndo?
A. summon (v): trieu tap
-Dong 10-12.
B. appreciate (v): danh gia cao
Question 71. A . industry Question 72. B. siirv i \ a l
D. fundamentally changed: thay doi can ban
Question 73. C. instructions Question 74. A . fasten
Question 66. A. Tir " i t " a dong 9 de cap den:
Question 75. A . tightly Question 76. B. alternative
Doan i CO de cap: "Winterthur remains, then, a house ... country house, it is an
Question 77. A . complete Question 78. A . protection
organic structure: the house, as well as the collection and manner of displaying it
Question 79. A . evacuate Question HO. A . in
to the visitor, has changed over the years. " ' ' '' '
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop: ' '' '' K h a i thac tir virng:
B. bp siru tap - Airline industrv': nganh hang khong
C. ngoi nha a nong thon nuoc Anh - statistics: so lieu thong ke, nganh thiing ke
D. khach tham quan - survivable: co the song sot unsurvivable: khong the song sot
Question 67. D. Tir "developing" a dong 11 co nghTa gan nhat vai - belt: day an toan operate: van hanh. boat dong
Cae dap an con lai khong phii hgp: - takeoffs: sir ha canh observation: sir quan sat
A. traditional (a): truyen thongzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
V | o - installation: sir lap dat vao instruction: sir chi dan
B. exhibiting (a): tinh chat pho bay - evacuate: sa ciru conflict: va chain, xung dot
C. informative (a): co tac dung nang cao kien thurc, mang tinh thong tin
D. evolving (v): hoan thien, phat trien Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 14: I shall do the j o b to the best o f my
D E T H I THU* S O 0 2
Th&i gian lam bai: 90 phut A. capacity B. ability C. knowledge D. talent
Question 15: "Where did you put your book? " - " "
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer A . On the desk ,, , B. It costed me five dollars.
to each of the following questions. C. It is useful D. By my father
Question I: advertising is so widespread in the United States, it has had an Question 16: my Japanese friends speak English so y o u ' l l have to speak
enormous effect on American Mfe. Japanese.
A. Since B. Why C. Because o f D. On account o f A. Both o f B. Neither o f C. A l l o f .j D. Some o f
Question 2: I f they are not careful with their accounts, their business w i l l go Question //.-Traveling by air is not cheap, and it isn't interesting
A. poor B. bankrupt C. penniless D. broken A. either B. too C. neither D. also
Question 3: The cat was to wait for the mouse to come out o f its hole. Question IS: I f you don't mind, we'd rather now.
A . patient enough B. so patient C. enough patient D. too patient A. left B. leave C. to leave D. leaving
Question 4: I f parents don't very well, their children w i l l be unhappy. Question 19: IVfary was the last applicant
A. get over B. get o f f C. get on D. get away A. to be interviewed B. to be interviewing
Question 5: The man who was taken to hospital had been for three hours. C. to interview D. to have interviewed
A. unfeeling B. indifferent C. unconscious D. sensible Question 20: The numbers add to 70.
Question 6: John never comes to class on time and A. o f f B. up C. in D. out
Question 21: The equipment in our office needs
A. neither doesn't peter , , B. neither does peter
A. modern B. modernizing C. modernize D. modernization
C. so does peter D. so doesn't peter
Question 22: , the results couldn't be better.
Question 7: Hair color is one o f characteristics to be used in identifying
A. No matter what hard he tried B. No matter how hard he tried
C. Although very hard he tried D. Despite how hard he tried
A. the most obviously B. most obvious
Question 23: Kate: "Thanks for your help, Judy."
C. obviously the most D. the most obvious
Judy:" "
Question 8: He left when he failed the exams the second time.
A. It's my pleasure B. With all my heart
A. discouraged B. annoyed C. undecided D. determined
C. Never remind me D. Wish you a happy day
Question 9: o f the workers has his own work.
Question 24: This is my business and you have no right to
A. Every B. Each C. Other D. A l l
A. intervene B. interfere C. interrupt D. breaking
Question 10: Jim asked a good restaurant.
Question 25: The lift is out o f So, w e ' l l have to walk.
A . i f is this B. i f this is C. i f was that D. i f that was
A. function B. order C. running D. work
Question II: 1 was very late. So, by the time I got to the station at 7.30, the 7.15
train Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
A . left B. has left C. was leaving D. had left closet in meaning to each of the following questions.
• ' ' •
Question 12: In the United States is generally the responsibility o f
Question 26: We haven'I heardfrom her for over ten years. r
municipal government is always very good.
A. It's been over ten years since we last heard her.
A . for water treatment B. where water treatment
B. She said goodbye to us ten years ago.
C. which water treatment D. water treatment
C. We last heard from her for ten years.
Question 13: John resigned as vice president in 1832 couldn't get along with
D. It is over ten years since we last heard from her. , ^ ;
President Andrew Jackson.
Question 27: "Couldyou show me the way to the bookstore?"' she said.
A. because o f B. it was because
A. She wants me to show her the way to the bookstore.
C. because he D. because
B. She asked me i f I could show her the way to the book store.
Tron Bo SGK:
C. She required me to show her the way to the book store. Ebook Tai:
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
D. She asked me i f could I show her the way to the book store. differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
Question 28: She tried to persuade him lo get rid of smoking, but she was questions.

unsuccessful. • <, * Question 36: A. lemonade B. magazine C. performance D. hospitality zyxwvu

A. She tried in vain to persuade him to get rid o f smoking. ,.i.j<ii4^c. JI ) ^Mev//V>« i 7 ; A. mausoleum B. participate C. invitation D. malnutrition
B. She was keen on persuading him to get rid o f smoking. Question 38: A. intcresl B. manage C. harmonize D. machinery
C. She must have been successful in persuading to get rid o f smoking. Question 39: A. mathematics B. personaiit\. recommend D. infrastructure
D. She had difficulties in persuading him to get rid o f smoking. Question 40: A. presence B. reality C. lecture D. newspaper
Question 29: I can do everything for you because 1 believe you.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part
A. I can do everything for you because I confide on you.
that needs correction in each of the followinf; question.^.
B. I can do everything fbr you because I confide in you.
C. There is nothing I can do for you because I confide in you. Question 41: 1 found it is necessarv for you to come here on time. '""»
D. I can do everything for you because you are dependable. * A B C D
Question 30:1 appliedfor the position of a secretary, hut I haven't received Question 42: It is important that she complains about the problem to Mr. John
any replies from ihem. A B C D
A. M y application for the position o f a secretary was turned down. Question 43: The plane to Malavsia was late 10 minutes so we .
B. I was refused to apply for the position o f a secretary. A B
C. I w i l l be dismissed from applying for the position o f a secretary. c o u l d n ' t meet y o u as early as possible.
D. I gave up appl_\g for the position o f a secretary. V D
Question 31: We hare run on/ of rice. Question 44: Thev studied hardly so that they can pass the examination easily.
A. There is no rice. B. There isn't any rice. A B C D
C. There a little rice. D. There is no more rice. Question 45:The concert was so bored that ail the audience had gone home before
Question 32: Everybody has his own good points. A B C •
A. People said that he has his own good points.
it ended.
B. It is the fact that c\erybody has his own good points.
C. People said that he had his own good points.
Question 46; Thank you \'er\ much for your letter whom I received few
D. We can't deny he had his own good points. ^,
Question 33: They object to people laughing at their mistakes.
days ago.
A. They object to laughing at their mistakes.
Question 47; 1 haven't heard from you when you left for Da Nang.
B. They object to laugh at their mistakes. ^' ' ''
C. They object to being laughed at their mistakes. ^'
Question 48; Unless there are no taxis, we w i l l walk to school.
D. They object to be laughed at their mistakes. ' ' <*
Question 34:1 suggested you go to visit him now.
Question 49; This car belongs with my brother. He bought it m 2008.
A. I suggested going to \t him now. B. You must have gone to visit him.
C. Yo u should have gone to \t him. D. You had better go to visit him now.
Question 50; We are looking forward to see you as soon as possible.
Question 35: Ms. Lan is promt of her English.
A. Ms Lan prides on her F.nglisli. B. Ms Lan prides with her English.
C. Ms Lan boast o f her English. D. Ms Lan's English is admired.

Tron Bo SGK:

iMvdH SW aezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
KI mi UH JzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
nuu, i mna, i wm i wn^ mm - ; ^jju » un mum -
mri TV mm
Download Ebook Tai: C/FzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
l[\HHimr D VVH Kliang Viet
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer Question 56: Why did a lot of kids have chains around their necks with keys attacked?
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60. A. Schools didn't allow them to wear jewelry, so they wore keys instead.
For more than six million American children, coming home after school means B. They would use the keys to enter their houses when they came home.
coming back to an empty house. Some deal with the situation by watching TV. C. They were fully grown and had become independent. nii i i r
Some may hide. But all of them have something in common. They spend part of D. They had to use the keys to open school doors.
each day alone. They are called "latchkey children". They are children who look Question 57: What do latchkey children suffer most from when they are at home
after themselves while their parents work. And their bad condition has become a alone?
subject of concern. A. Fear B. Tiredness C. Loneliness D. Boredom
Lynette Long was once the pinciple of an elementary school. She said, " W e Question 58: Lynette Long learned to latchkey children's problems by
a school rule against wearing jewelry. A lot of kids had chains around their A. talking to them B. visiting their homes
necks with keys attached. I was constantly telling them to put the keys inside the C. interviewing their parents D. delivering naires *
shirts. There were so many keys; it never came to my mind what they meant." Question 59: What is the most common way for latchkey children to deal with
Slowly, she learned that they were house keys. fears?
She and her husband began talking to the children who had keys. They learned A. Talking to the Longs B. Hiding somewhere
• of the effect working couples and single parents were having on their children. Fear C. Lying under a TV D. Having a shower
was the biggest problem faced by children at home alone. One in three latchkey
Question 60: It's diflFicult to find out the number of latchkey children
children the Longs talked to reported being frightened. Many had nightmares and
were worried about their own safety. because
The most common was latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. A. they hide themselves in shower stalls or under beds
They may hide in a shower stall, under a bed or in a closet. The second is TV. They B. they do not give information about themselves for safety reasons
often turn the volume up. It's hard to get statistics on latchkey children, the Longs
C. there are too many o f them in the whole country
have learned. Most parents are slow to admit that they leave their children alone.
D. most parents are reluctant to admit that they leave their children alone
Question 51: The phrase "an empty house" in the passage mostly means
t A. a house with nothing inside B. a house with no people inside Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
C. a house with too much space D. a house with no furniture sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.
Question 52: O n e thing that the children in the passage share is that Very few people in the modem world obtain their food supply by hunting and
gathering in the natural enviroment surrouding their homes. This method of
A. they all watch TV B. they all wear jewelry
harvesting from nature's provision is the oldest known subsistence stragy and has
C. they spend part of each day alone D. they are from single - parent families
been practised for at least the last two million years. It was, indeed, the only way to
Question 53: The phrase "latchkey children" in the passage means children
obtain food until rudimentary farming and the domestication of wild animals were
' who introduced about 10,000 years ago.
A. look after themselves while their parents are not at home Because hunter - gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their
B. close doors with keys and watch TV by themselves agricultural cousins, their numbers have dwindled, and they have been forced to
, C. are locked inside houses with latches and keys live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arctic wastelands. In higher
D. like to carry latches and keys with them everywhere latitudes, the shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life.
Question 54: The main problem of latchkey children is that they Such conditions have caused a greater dependence on hunting, and on fishing along
A. watch too much television during the day , the coasts and waterways. The abundance o f vegetation in the lower latitudes of the
B. arc growing in numbers ,; tropics, in the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a variety
. ' C. suffer a lot from being left alone of plants. In short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet and have
D. are also found in middle - class families limited possibilities for the development o f subsistence societies.
Question 55: What is the main idea of the first paragraph? Contemporary hunter - gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric
V A. Bad condition of latchkey children. B. Children's activities at home. ancestors. We know from the observation o f modem hunter - gatherers in both
C. How kids spend free time. D. Why kids hate going home. Africa and Alaska that a society based on hunting and gathering must be very
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mobile. While the entire community camps in a central location, a smaller party Question 68: According to the passage, which of the following is NOT mentioned.'
harvests the food within a reasonable distance from the camp. When the food in the A. Hunting or fishing develops where there are no or short growing seasons.
area has become exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site. We B. The environmental differences produce no effect on subsistence societies.
also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most hunter - gatherers, along C. Harvesting from the natural environment had existed long before farming
with a strict division of labor between the sexes. These patterns of behaviour may was taken up.
be similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period. D. The number of hunter - gatherers decreases where farming is convenient.
Question 69: According to the author, most contemporary and prehistoric hunter-
Question 61: The word "domestication" in the first paragraph mostly means *
gatherers share
A. teaching animals to do a particular job or activity in the home
A. only the way of duty division B. some restricted daily rules
B. hatching and raising new species of wild animals in the home
C. some patterns of behaviour D. some methods of production
C. making wild animals used to living with and working for humans
Question 70: Which of the following would serve as the best title of the passage?
D. adapting animals to suit a new working environment
A. Hunter-gatherers: Always on the Move
Question 62: According to the passage, subsistence societies depend mainly on
B. Hunter-gatherers and Subsistence Societies
C. A Brief History of Subsistence Farming
A. agricultural products B. hunter - gatherers' tools
D. Evolution of Humans' Farming Methods
C. nature's provision D. farming methods
Question 63: The word "marginal" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
to " " sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to HO.
A. suburban B. abandoned C. forgotten D. disadvantaged The country is more beautiful than a town and (7!) to live in. Many
Question 64: In the lower latitudes of the tropics, hunter - gatherers people think so and go to the country for the summer holidays though they can't
A. have better food gathering from nature live there all the year round. (72) have a cottage (73) in a village
B. can free themselves from hunting (74) they can go there whenever they can find the time.
C. harvest shorter seasonal crops 1 English villages are not all (75) but in some ways they are not very
D. live along the coasts and waterways for fishing different (76) each other. (77) every village has a church. The round
Question 65: According to the passage, studies of contemporary subsistence or square tower of which can be seen for many miles around. Surrounding the
societies can provide a church is the (78) where people are buried.
A. broader vision of prehistoric natural environment The village green is a wide stretch of grass and houses or cottages are built
B. deeper insight into the dry - land farming round it. Country life is now (79) comfortable and many villages have
C. further understanding of modern subsistence societies water brought through pipes into each home.
D. further understanding of prehistoric times Most villages are so close to some small towns (80) people can go
there to buy what they can't find in the village shops.
Question 66: The word "conditions'" in the second paragraph refers to
A. tile environments where it is not favorable for vegetation to grow Question 71: A. peaceful B. pleasant C. pleasanter D. fairly
B. the situations in which hunter - gatherers hardly find anything to eat Question 72: A. Some B. Almost C. Most D. Others
C. the places where plenty of animals and f1sh can be found Question 73: A. to build B. building C. having built D. built
D. the situations in which hunter - gatherers can grow some crops Question 74: A. so that B. in order to C. so on D.for instance
Question 67: A tvpical feature of both modern and prehistoric hunter - gatherers is Question 75: A. like B. alike C. likely D. similar
that Question 76: A. to B. from C. with D.about
A. they don't have a strong sense of community Question 77: A. Most B. Most of C. Almost D. Almost of
B. they live in the forests for all their life Question 78: A. churchyard B. port C. path D. roundabout
C. they don't have a healthy and balanced diet Question 79: A. fairly B. alike C. rarely D. hardly
D. tlic_\n change their living places Question 80: A. and B. that C. however D. nevertheless

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DIEN GIAI DAP AN . B. indifferent (a): khong khac nhau
. D. sensible (a): hicu. co hoac bieu 16 6c xet doan
Question I. Dap an dung la A. Since
Question 6. Dap an dung la B. neither does peter
Giai thich ve mat ngiT phap: Ta da biet sau Since la mot menh de dung de chi ly do.
Giai thich ve mat ngiT phap: Dung Neilher de dap lai y CUNG KHONG. Co hai
Since + clause: V i T~] van de chung ta can luu v:
Cac phuong an C. Because of va D. On account of khong phii hop cau tnic ngir Mot la: ve truoc phai co hinh thirc hoac y phii djnh.
phap. Ta da biet Hai la: Ve dap lai dung voi Neither khong baozyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXW
g\b co hinh thirc phu djnh.
because of/on account of + N/N.P: vi
Neither + t r g dong tir/dong tir tobe + S.
Phuong an B. Why: tai sac. khong logic y nghTa cua cau van da cho.
Ta khong dung So + tm dong tir/dong tir tobe + S de dap lai y phii djnh.
Question 2. Dap an dung la B. bankrupt: pha san
Question 7. Dap an diing la D. the most obvious
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Neu ho khong than trong khi sir dung von thi ho se
Gjai thich ve mat ngu phap: Ta can sir dung hinh thiirc tinh tir obvious a viing
rai vao tinh trcingphc'i sari.
trong ciia cau van \ dong tir tobe (is) dang dugc diing. Hon nira, "obvious" la mot
Cac trucTng hop khac khong logic ve mat y nghTa:
tinh tir dai ncn trong truong hop nay no phai tuan theo hinh thirc so sanh nhat cua
- A . poor (a): ngheo tinh tir diii. < •
- C. penniless (a): khong mot xu dinh tiii the most + long adj
- D. broken (break - broke): lam v a Dich nghTa: .ifaii loc la mot trong ninmg dgc diem rd rang nhdt de nhan dien
Question 3. Dap an dung la A . patient enough con ngm'ri.
Giai thich ve mat ngu' phap: Diem ngir phap chinh cua cau hoi nay la each diing Question H. Dap an diing la A. discouraged (a) nan long, nan chi
Enough. Ta da biet Enough ccS hai vj tri chinh: no dung ngay sau tinh tir va trang tir
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Anh ta thay nan chi khi anh ta rot ky thi Ian thir hai.
nhung dung ngay truoc danh tir.
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hop voi y nghTa cau goc.
adj/ adv + enough: du
- B. annoyed (v): lam phien '
Y,-_,/ , enough + noun: du
- C. undecided (a): khong quyet doan, do du
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hop cau true ngu phap: - D. determined ( v ) : quyet tam, xac dinh
- B. so patient. Ta c6 cau true: Question 9. Dap an diing la B. Each: moi, mot
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta da biet
[i ••••SO + adj/adv + that + clause: ...qua ...•den noi....
- D. too patient. T a c6 cau tnic: Each o f + the /tinh tir so huu + danh tir dem dirge so nhieu + dong tir so it

too + adj/adv for (s.o) + Vto inf: ...qua den noi khong the lam gi Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngir phap:
- A. Every + danh tir dem dugc so it + dong tir so it
- Phuong an C. enough patient, sai hinh thiirc ngir phap.
- C. Other + danh tir dem dugc so nhieu + dong tir so nhieu
Question 4. Dap an dung la C. get on well: hoa thuan
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Neu bo me song khong hoa thuan thi con cai se bat hanh. - D. A l l + o f + the/tinh tir so huu + danh tir dem dugc so nhieu + dong tir so nhieu

Cac truong hop khac khong logic ve mat y nghTa: Question 10. Dap an diing la D. i f that was

- get over: vugt qua Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: Quan sat cau de cho, ta biet day la hinh thirc cau
tuong tluiat gian tiep (co dong tir tucmg lluuTt asked). Ta loai hai phuong an A. if Is
- get off: thoat khoi, thoat ra, biroc xuong xe tau
this va / i . if this is v i thi hien tai don khong ton tai trong hinh thirc cau tuong thuat
- get way: di nghi
gian tiep ma cu the la trong truimg hgp nay. Ta loai phuong an C. if was that vi
Question 5. Dap an diing la C . unconscious: bat tinh
hinh thirc cau tucrng thuat gian tiep khong co trucrng hgp dao dong tir len truoc chii
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ngucri dan ong duoc dua den benh vien da bat tinh
ngCr hoac dai tir chi dinh.
trong ba gia dong ho.
Question II. Dap an diing la D. had left
Cac truong hop khac khong logic ve mat y nghTa:
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: Cau triic ngu phap chu dao ciia cau van da cho la
- ' A. unfeeling (a): khong co cam xiic, v6 cam .'
By the time. Ta da biet:
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Question 17. Dap an diing la A . either
By the time + clause (qua khi'r dan), clause (qua khi'r hoan thanh)
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta diing dien ngfr either de dap lai y CUNG
Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngCr phap.
KHONG cua v^ truac, cu the nhir sau: (and) + chii ngu + t r g dong tir /dgng tir tobe
Question 12. Dap an dung la B. where water treatment
+ not + . . . . + either
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta thay cum tir In the United States: a nuac My, la
(and) + chii ngir + t r g dong tir /dong tir tobe + not + . . . . + either.
tir chi nai chon. Do vay: '
Cac phu-cmg an con lai khong phii hgp:
y,;,; ta diing dai tir quan he where de thay the cho cac tir chi nai chon.
. B. too: ta khong diing phuang thirc too (ciing vay) de dap lai y phii dinh cua ve
Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hop vai hinh thirc ngir phap cua cau van da cho. trirac. N o chi dugc diing trong cau khang djnh.
Question 13. Dap an diing la C. because he .,. - C. neither: ta khong diing neither a cuoi cau de the hien y phii dinh ciia ve
Giai thich vc mat ngCr phap: Ta c6 trirac. No chi dirge sir dung a dau cau:
Because + chii ngil + dong tir: B6i vi Neither + trg dgng tir/dong tir tobe + chii ngir ,
, Cac plurong an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngir phap: - D. also: ta khong dimg also a cuoi cau.
A. because o f + danh tir/cum danh tir Question Hi. Dap an diing la B. leave ^

- B. it was because: phirang an na\g phii hgp vi ta thay ve John in 1832 (iiai thich vc mat ngCr phap: Quan sat can van da cho, ta nhan thay can triic
la mot menh de nen ta khong can diing menh de giai thieu nhir It was because. would rather dang dugc hoi. Ta can nha would rather c6 hai truiVng hgp:
- D. because, ta quan sat diriig nga\c coiildn 7 khong c6 cliii ngir nen ve nay SI + would rather + S2 + V2/ed + than + V2/ed: Ngirai nao thich ai khac
chira phai la mot menh de. lam gi hon lam gi (hai chii ngu khac nhau)
Question 14. Dap an diing la B. ability: kha nang S + would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vngiiyen: Ngirai nao thich lam gi
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Toi se lain con^ viec nay hdn^ het nang lire ciia han lam gi (ciing chii ngir)
m'lnh. Cac tririrng hgp ciin lai khong phii hgp ngfr phap:
Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hgp: - A. left: hinh thirc qua khir don ciia dong tir leave.
- A. capacity (n): sire chira. kha nang tao ra - C. to leave: hinh thirc V-to i n f ciia dgng tir leave.
- C. knowledge (n): sir hieu biet - D. leasing: hinh thirc V-ing ciia dgng tir leave.
- D. talent (n): tai nang Question 19. D;ip an diing la A . to be interviewed. ^
Question IS. Dap an diing la A . On the desk: a tren ban. Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Mary IdzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQP
I'nig vien sau ciing dinrc phong van.
Giai thich \ mat y nghTa: Ban da de ciioii sdch a dan? Ciiii hoi nay bat dau Giai thich ve mat ngfr phap: Dira vao y nghTa cua cau van da cho. ta chon hinh
bang where nen cau tra lai can phai xac dinh dia diem hgp y cau van. thirc bi dgng cua dgng tir interview. Can van tren da sir dung hinh thirc nit gon
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp: menh de quan he. l i o n nfra, no dang diing diC'ii ngfr the last, nen ta phai c6 hinh
- B. It costed me five dollars: Toi phai tra 5 do la cho ciion sdch nay (phuong an thirc to + Vnguyen > .
nay chi phii hgp vai cau hcM How much: bao nhieu tien)'^ Cac phirong an con lai khong phii hgp vai hinh thirc ngfr phap.
- C. It is useful: \'d hini dung (cau tra lai nay chi phii hgp vai cau hoi How is the - B. to be interviewing: khong phai hinh thirc bi dong.
hook?/Why did you buy this book?). - C. to interview: khong phai hinh thirc bi dong.
- D. By my father: Do bo toi (cau tra lai nay chi phii hgp vai cau hoi who...?). - D. to have interviewed: khong phai hinh thirc bj dong.
Question 16. Dap an diing la B. Neither of: khong trong so Question 20. Dap an diing la B. up
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Khong ai trong so nhmig nguvi ban a Nhgt cua toi Gjtii thich ve mat v nghTa: Con so (so lirgng) len den 70.
noi tieng Anh do vciy ban .se phai giao tiep vai hp bang tieng Nhgt. Ta c6: add up to * so dem: len tai
Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat y nghTa: Cac phuang an con lai khong ket hgp vai dgng tir add de tao ra nghTa.
- A . Both o f + us/them/you/danh tir d^m dirge so nhieu: Ca Question 21. Dap an diing la B. modernizing
- C. A l l o f + us/them/you/danh tir dem dirge so nhieu: Tat ca.... Giai thich ve mat ngiT phap: Ta da biet,
- D. Some o f + us/them/you/ danh tir dem dugc s6 n h i l u : Mot s6 trong.... S.t + need + V - ing: Cai gi can dirge lam (ham y bi dgng)
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luYcn f^idi dS tru&c ki thi DH 3 mien BJc, Trung, Nam TiJng Anh - Ngd Van Minh Cty TNHH MTVDVVH KItang \
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Cac phircmg an con lai khong phu hgp: nghTa va hinh thuc ngir phap ciia phuong an D la dap an duy nhat diing.
- A . modern (a): hien dai Ta can nha:
- C. modernize (v): hien dai hoa S + have/has + not + V3/ed + for + khoang thai gian
- D. modernization (n): sy hien dai hoa = It is + khoang thai gian + since + S + last + V2/ed
Question 22. Dap an dung la B. N o matter how hard he tried: Du anh ta c6 gang
Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hgp:
nhieu bao nhieu.
- A . It's been over ten years since we last heard her. Ta tam djch: Da han 10 nam
Giai thich ve mat ngij phap: Ta da biet,
troi qua ke tir Idn sau citng chung toi biet tin tire co dy. Phuang an nay khong hgp
N o matter how + adj/adv + S + V : Du di chang nua
ngir phap v i hear from S.O: biet tin tire ciia ai. Quan sat cau tren, ta th^y thieu giai
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp: tir from ngay truac tir her.
- A . N o matter what hard he tried: sai hinh thuc ngCr phap (No matter what he - B. She said goodbye to us ten years ago: Co ta tam biet chung toi each day 10
tried hard) nam. N o khong ro y nghTa vai cau goc.
- C. Although very hard he tried: sai hinh thuc ngir phap (Although he tried very - C. We last heard from her for ten years: Sai hinh thuc ngir phap. Chung ta
hard) khong diing giai tir for trong truang hgp nay.
- D. Despite how hard he tried: khong c6 hinh thuc ngO phap. Question 27. Dap an dung la B. She asked me if I could show her the way to the
Question 23. Dap an dung la A . It's my pleasure: Do la niem vui cua toi /Toi lay bookstore.
lam vinh hgnh ve dieu nay. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: ""Ban co the chi cho toi du&ng den hieu sdch duac
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Kate: Cam on sir giiip do ciia ban, Judy nhe. khong?''zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
C O ta noi.
Judy: Do la ni^m vui ciia t o i / T o i lay lam vinh Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc da cho la hinh thuc cau tuong thuat true
hanh ve dieu nay. tiep a dang cau hoi khong co tir de hoi. K h i thuc hien c h u y i n doi cau hoi khong co
Cac phuong an khac khong phu hgp: tir de hoi d hinh thirc cau true tiep qua cau gian tiep thi ta can phai diing if/whether
- B. With all my heart: Bang sir nhiet huyet de bat dau cau tudng thuat gian tiep. Va ta phai thuc hien cac hinh thuc chuyen doi
- C. Never remind me: Dung bao gia nhac nha toi dieu nay cac yeu to nhu dai tir nhan xung, tinh tir sa hiru, dai tir chi djnh, Them nCra, can
hoi d true tiep khi qua gian tiep thi no khong con hinh thirc cua mot cau hoi.
- D. Wish you a happy day: Chiic ban mot ngay tot lanh
Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp v i :
Question 24. Dap an dung la B. interfere: can thiep vao I)
- A . She wants me to show her the way to the bookstore: Khong hgp hinh thirc
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Day la chuyen rieng cua Id! anh khong co quyen can
ngir phap v i chiing ta khong dugc phep diing hinh thuc hien tai dan ciia dgng tir
thi?p vao.
want (neu dugc phai la wanted) trong trudng hgp nay.
Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hgp:
- C. She required me to show her the way to the bookstore: Co ta yeu cau toi chi
- A . intervene (v): can thiep, dk ngan khong cho dieu gi xay ra, de thay doi ket qua cho CO ta du&ng den hieu sdch. Dong tir tudng thuat required: yeu cdu, khong phii
- C. interrupt (v): lam gian doan hgp v d i y nghTa ciia cau goc.
- D. breaking (v): su lam hong, sir be gay - D. She asked me i f could I show her the way to the book store: Co ta hoi toi lieu
Question 25. Dap an dung la B. order. Ta co: Out of order: hu hong toi CO the chi cho co ta du&ng den hieu sdch duac khong. Ta quan sat thay cau gian
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Thang may bi hong nen chung toiphdi di bo. tiep nay sai ngir phap v i chir could duac dat ngay trudc chu ngij I .
Cac phirang an khac khong phu hgp: •ri" ;</ Question 28. Dap an dung la A. She tried in vain to persuade him to get rid of
- A . function (n): chuc nang ' • smoking.
- C. running (V-ing): van hanh, chay Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Co ay da co gSng thuyet phuc anh ta bd thudc la
- D. work (v): lam vice nhung khong thanh cdng = Co ay da co gSng vd ich trong viec thuyet phuc anh ta
Question 26. Dap an dung la D. // is over ten years since we last heardfrom her bd thuoc la.
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Chiing toi da khong biet tin tuc gi vi co ay trong hom Ta c6:
10 nam nay = Dd hov 10 nam troi qua ke tir Idn sau cling chung toi biet tin tire cua try in vain + V-to inf: cd gang trong sir vd vgng khi lam gi
CO ay. Cac phuong an khac khdng phii hgp:
Tron Bo SGK:
Dya vao y nghia tuang tac giua cau goc da cho va phuang an D , nen ta chgn y B. She was keen on persuading him to get rid o f smoking: Co dy rdt quan tam
lJWJVIIj,IUI m, limit III I I I ! U l l ^ i i H l - H IJUI-, i i i n i j i ) J mm i i i - i i g J i i i i i I . j , u >uilj||||||| — zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
i vi I V ijy
L/>' i i Mi t i v n nnuFi)' > i( /
Download Ebook Tai:
den vi^c thuyc'/phuc anh la ho ihiwc hi. NcS k h o n g d u n g v 6 i y ngliTa c i i a c a u g o c . C a c p h i r o n g a n c o n lai k h o n g p h u h o p :
C . S h e m u s t h a v e been s u c c e s s f u l in p e r s u a d i n g to get r i d o f s m o k i n g : Ai hcin c6 - A . There is no r i c e : khong cd gao. K h o n g d u n g n h u y nghTa c a u g o c .
ay dd ihdnh cong trong viec thuyet phuc anh la ho Ihudc la. T r a i v a i y nghTa c u a
- B . T h e r e isn't a n y rice: khong cd hal ggo ndo cd. K h o n g d u n g nhir y nghTa c a u goc.
cau goc.
- C . T h e r e a little r i c e : Con mdl it ggo. K h o n g d u n g n h u y nghTa c a u g o c .
D. S h e h ad d i f f i c u l t i e s in p e r s u a d i n g h i m to get r i d o f s m o k i n g : Co la dd gap .
Question 32. D a p a n d i i n g l a B . // is the fad thai everybody has his own good
kho khan Irong viec ihuyel phuc anh la ho ihuoc Id. T r a i v a i y nghTa c i i a c a u g o c .
T a can n h a : ;! ^4^^^,
G i a i t h i c h v e m a t y nghTa: Tdl ca mpi ngirai ai cung cd diem mgnh = Sir thai Id
get r i d o f = g i v e up = quit = stop + V - i n g : bo d i e u g i ai Cling cd diem mgnh. ; . , • «. ;>
be keen on = be interested in = be fond o f = l i k e + V - i n g C a c t r u a n g h g p c o n lai k h o n g phu h g p :
t h i c h l a m gi - A . P e o p l e said that he has h i s o w n good points: Ngirdi la ndi rang anh la cd
m u s t + h a v e + V 3 / e d : at han da l a m gi diem mgnh. N o k h o n g d u n g v o i nghTa ciia c a u g o c .
h a v e d i f f i c u l t y in + V - i n g : gap k h o k h a n trong v i e c gi - C . P e o p l e said that he h a d h i s o w n good points: Ngurri la noi rang anh la cd
diem mgnh. NcS k h o n g d u n g v o i nghTa c u a c a u g o c .
Question 29. D a p an d u n g la B. / can do everylhing for you hecausc I confide in you.
- D . W e can't d e n y he h a d h i s o w n good points: Chiing la khong the lir choi rdng
G i a i t h i c h v e m a t v nghTa: Toi cd i/ic hiin hdl k}- dieu gi cho han vi Idi lin han.
anh la cd diem mgnh. N o k h o n g d u n g vcVi nghTa c u a c a u g o c .
C a c trircmg h o p c o n lai k h o n g pliii h o p :
Question 33. D a p a n d u n g la C . They objecl to being laughed at their mistakes: Hp
A . 1 c a n do e v e r v t h i n g f o r \ o u because I c o n f i d e on y o u : T a k h o n g c 6 c o n f i d e
ghel hi ngirdi khdc che cirdi vdo cdc diem sai.
G i a i thi'ch v e mat y nghTa: Hp ghel ngurri la che cirdi vdo cdc diem sai ciia hp.
C . T h e r e is n o t h i n g I c a n do f o r y o u because I c o n f i d e in y o u : Khong cd dieu gi
C a c p h i r o n g an c o n lai k h o n g phu h g p :
idi cd ihe Idni cho ban vi loi lin vdo han. N o k h o n g logic v e nghTa c i i a c a u g o c .
- A . T h e y object to l a u g h i n g at their m i s t a k e s : Hp khong thich lirphe hinh nhiing
D. I c a n do e v e r y t h i n g f o r \ o u because y o u are d e p e n d a b l e : Toi cd ihe Idm nioi
diem sai ciia hp. K h o n g logic y nghTa c u a c a u g o c .
dieu cho han vi han Id ngudiphii ihudc. N o k h o n g logic v e nghTa c u a c a u g o c .
- B . T h e y object to laugh at their m i s t a k e s , sai h i n h thurc ngir p h a p .
T a can nho: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
- D. T h e y object to be laughed at their m i s t a k e s , sai h i n h thi'ic n g u p h a p .
• ' ;' "I t c o n f i d e i n : tin t u o n g v a o ai
T a can nho:
Question .W. D a p a n d i i n g la A . My application for ihe posiliou of a secretary wa.s
object to + V - i n g : ghet l a m d i e u gi
turned down.
Question 34. D a p a n d u n g la D. You had heller go to visit him now: Bgn nen di
G i a i thi'ch v e m a t y nghTa: Toi dd nop hd sa livg luyen vdo vi Iri Ira ly nhimg toi
thdni anh la hdy gid.
dd khong nhdn duxrc hoi dm ciia hp = Hd s(r I'mg luyen vdo vi iri Ira ly ciia toi da
hi ti'r chdi.
G i a i t h i c h v e mat y nghTa: Toi de nghi hgn di thdm anh la hdy gid (ngirdi ndi
khong lham gia hdnh dpngj.
C a c p h i r o n g a n c o n lai k h o n g phu h o p :
C a c p h u a n g dn k h a c k h o n g phii h g p :
- B . I w a s r e f u s e d to a p p l y for the position o f a s e c r e t a r y : Toi dd hi id chdi nop hd
sa vdo vi Iri Ira ly. N o k h o n g sat y nghTa c u a c a u g o c . - A . 1 suggested g o i n g to v i s i t h i m n o w : Toi de nghi chiing la di thdm anh la hdy

- C . I w i l l be d i s m i s s e d f r o m a p p l y i n g f o r the position o f a s e c r e t a r y : Toi se hi gid. K h o n g d u n g vcSi y nghTa ciTa c a u g o c .

logi khoi vice dir luyen vdo v/ //•/ Ira ly. K h o n g p h u h o p v o i ngfr c a n h c u a c a u v a n - B . Y o u must h a v e gone to v i s i t h i m : At hdn hgn dd di ihdni anh la. K h o n g d u n g
da c h o . v o i y nghTa c u a c a u g o c .
- D . I g a v e up a p p l y i n g f o r the position o f a s e c r e t a r y : Toi dd lir hd viec d\r tuyen - C . Y o u s h o u l d h a v e gone to v i s i t h i m : Le ra bgn dd di thdm anh la. K h o n g d u n g
vdo vi tri tra ly. N o k h o n g d u n g vofi y nghTa c u a c a u g o c . v o i y nghTa c u a c a u g o c . 'jTnr:f:
T a can n h a : T a can n h a :
turn d o w n = refuse + V - t o i n f : tir c h o i suggest + V - i n g : de nghj ai k h a c c u n g l a m gi ( n g u a i n o i t h a m g i a hanh d g n g )
d i s m i s s f r o m : loai ra k h o i d a u S I + suggest + S 2 + ( s h o u l d ) + V n g u j e n : n g i r a i n a o k h u y e n ai k h a c l a m g i
Question 31. D a p a n d u n g la D. There is no more rice. ( n g i i o i n o i k h o n g t h a m g i a hanh d g n g ) I
G i a i t h i c h v e m a t y nghTa: C'hung Idi dd het ggo. Tron Bo SGK:
Question 35. Dap an dung la A. Ms. Lan prides on her English: Ebook
Co Lan Tai:ve
tu hao
trinh do tieng Anh cua minh. S.O find + it + adj + (for s.o) + V-to inf: A i do cam thay ra sao khi lam g i .
Cac pliuang an con lai khong phu hgrp:
Question 42. Dap an diing la B. complains • complain
- B. Ms. Lan prides with her English. Cau van sai hinh thurc dung tir. thich ve mat ngir phap: ta da biet
- C. Ms. Lan boast o f her English: Co Lan khoe khd ndng tieng Anh cua minh. .^^
It is important that + S + Vnguyen (bat chap moi chu ngir):
Khong phu hop vai y nghTa cua cau goc.
That la quan trong
- D. Ms. Lan's English is admired: Khd ndng tieng Anh cua c6 Lan duac nguai
khdc than phuc. Khong phu hop vai y nghTa cua cau goc. Question 43: Dap an dung la A. plane • flight '
Ta can nho: Ciiai thich \k mat y nghTa.- Chuyen hay den Malaysia da chgm 10 phut do vgy
chting toi khong the gap anh sam hern.
, ^ S.o + be proud o f = S.o + pride + oneself on S.t: ai tir hao ve dieu g i .
Question 44. Dap an dung la B. hardly • hard
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: ta co hard (adv): chdm chi, sieng ndng, vat vd;
differs front the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following hardly (adv): hdu nhtr khong co
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ho da hoc hdnh sieng ndng dS co the vuat qua ky thi
Question 36. A . lemonade / l e m a ' n e l d / B. magazine /maega'zin/ de dang.
Question 45. Dap an diing la A. bored • boring
C. performance /pa'fDimans/ D. hospitality / h o s p l ' t g e b t i /
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap:
Dap an dung la C: performance c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac
tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r ba. Ta diing tinh tir co hinh thirc ING mang y chu dong doi v6i chii ngir la
vat. sir viec.
Question 37. A. mausoleum/mDisa'lilam/ B. p a r t i c i p a t e / p Q l ' t l s i p e l t /
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Buoi hoa nhac qua chan den noi tat ca khan gia deu
C. invitation / i n v l ' t e l / n / D. malnutrition / m a g l n j u : ' t r l / n /
bo ve truac liTc ket thuc.
Dap an dung la B: participate c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir
Question 46. Dap an dung la C: whom —> which
con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu ba.
Giai thich: Dai tir quan he Which diing de thay the cho vat va no lam chirc nang
Question 3H. A . interest/'intrast/ B. manage/'mcTenlctj/ chii ngir hoac tan ngO. Dai tir quan he Whom diing de thay the cho nguai va no lam
C. harmonize / ' h a i m a n a l z / D. machinery / m a ' / i l n a r i y churc nang tan ngir.
Dap an dung la D: machinery c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai. Cac tir Question 47. Dap an diing la C: when —» since -A '
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat. Giai thich: T h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua khir dan
Question 48. Dap an diing la A: Unless —> I f J'
Question 39. A . mathematics/mseBa'maetlks/
Giai thich: Menh de diing vdi Unless khong a the phii dinh vi nguyen Unless = |
B. personality /pSisa'naebti/ If...not...
C. recommend / r e k a ' m e n d / ^Mf.v//V>/i-/P. Dap an diing la B: with —• to
D. infrastructure/'lnfr3strAktf3(r)/ Giai thich: Something + belong to + someone: Cai gi thudc ve ai
Dap an dung la D: infrastructure c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet t h u nhat. Question 50. Dap an diing la C: see —> seeing >o). ,
Cac tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Giai thich: Look forward to + V-ing: Mong ngong dieu gi
Question 51. Dap an diing la B. "an empty house" dirge hieu theo logic la nha
Question 40. A . presence /'prezns/ B. reality /rl'aelati/
khong C O ngiriri. Cac lira chon khac khong hgp logic:
C. lecture/"lektfaCr)/ D. n e w s p a p e r / ' n j u : s p e l p 3 ( r ) / A. nha ben trong chang CO gi ca ,
Dap an diing la B: reality co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir con C. nha CO qua nhieu khoang trong • .
lai CO dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhSt.
D. nha khong co do dac
Question 41. Dap an dung la B. is necessary • necessary Question 52. Dap an diing la C. Thong tin a cau 4 va 5 doan 1: But all of them
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: ta da biet have something in common. They spend part of day alone. Nhimg tat ca nhimg
Tron Bo SGK:
54 • • •
tri' cm ay dcii co m ot diem c/ iiin^. C '/ ii'iiif! c/ii cd m ot minfi Download Ebook
Ironi^ m ot .sd ^/V>Tai:
do Cac c h g n lira kliac k h o i i g c 6 t h o n g t i n ho t r g :
troiif^ ii}^dy. B. sir nitM m o l
Cac lua chpn khac k l i o n g c 6 t h o n g tin lio t n r : C. sir CO dan
A . tat ca deii x e m T V [). sir b u o n chan
B. tat ca d c u d e c nfr t r a n g Question 5H. D a p an d u n g la A . T h o n g t i n a can 1 va 2 doan 3: She and her
D. c l u i n g la con cai ciia n l i u n g gia dinh clia m c d o n than husband bcfian talkinf- to the children who had keys. They learned of the effect
Question 5.?. D a p an d u n g la A . I h o n g t i n a ciiu 6 va 7 doan 1: They are called workinfi couples and single parents were haviu},' on their children. Bd vd c/iong
"latchkey children". They are children who look after themselves while their hcil dau hoi c/iincn nhirng Ire deo c/iia k/ida. /lo hicu ra cdi hchi cjua cua nhCmg
parents work. ('hi'iny^ duoc ^oi Id "nhm i^ dim Ire deo chin k lidn nhd". Chimg Id cap v(/ c/idng ban di /dm vd nhmig cha me dan l/idn dang gay ra cho con cdi ho.
nhini\ i di'ni Ire phai lir lo lieu cho m inh khi chci m c di / dm vice. Cac c h g n lira kluic k h o n g c 6 t h o n g t i n h o t r g :
Cac c h g n lira khac k h o n g co t h o n g t i n ho t r g ; B. den t h a m gia d i n h chi'ing
B. d u n g c h i a k h o a de khcSa cua roi x e m t i \ mot m i n h C. p h o n g \an cha mc chi'ing
C. bj k h o a c u a g i a n i t r o n g nha bang then cua va chia k h o a I ^ . phan phat cac ban can hoi t h a m d o y k i e n
D. t h i c h di dau c u n g m a n g t h c o then cira va chia khoa '' Questhtn 59. f ) a p an d u n g la B . T h o n g t i n 6 can 1 va 2 doan c u o i : The most

Question 54. D a p an d u n g la C . T h o n g t i n 6 doan 3: Fear was the hifff^est problem common was latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. They may hide

faced by children at home alone. One in three latchkey children the Lonf^s talked in a shower stall, under a bed or in a closet. C 'dch ihdng dung nhdl dc ddi p/id vdi
ndi so /idi md n/iinig dint ire deo chia k/ida timang dimg /d an Iron. C/iung cd the
to reported hein}> friffhtened. Many had nif;htmares and were worried about their
trdn Irong htidng lam. dirdi gam giirmig /lodc /d Irong lu.
own safety. Si/ lidi Id van de Idn nhdl m d Ire em a nhd m ol minii pliai ddi rncil. Mot
Cac c h g n lira khac k h o n g ccS t h o n g t i n ho t r g :
phdii ha so Ire em m d dni^ hd I.on^ hoi c/ iiiven hao rang chiini^ cam ihdy s a hdi.
A . noi c l u i \ e n \ a i o n g ba L o n g
Nhit'ii Ire gap dc m oiig vd lo / dug ciio sir an lodn cua chiing.
Cac sir lira c h o n khac k h o n g du y hoac k h o n g c 6 t h o n g t i n h o t r g : ; C. nam d i r a i cai t i \

A . x e m qua n h i e u t i v i vao ban ngay D. d i tSm

B. tang len ve s o l u g n g Question 611. D a p an di'mg la B . T h o n g t i n a 2 cau doan c u o i : It's hard to }>et
satistics on latchkey children, the Longs have learned. Most parents are slow to
D. Cling dirge bat gap t r o n g cac gia d i n h t r u n g liru
admit that they leave their children alone. O n g ba L o n g nhan ra la kJKi lay dirge
Question 55. D a p an d u n g la A . T h o n g t i n o doan I : And their bad condition has
so lieu t h o n g ke \ tre e m phai d e o c h u m c h i a khoa. D a so cha m e ngan ngai k h o n g
become a subject of concern. Vd lin/i canh /di le cua c/n'oig dd Ira l/ tdnh m ol de Idi
m u o n tlu'i nhan r a n g h g t h i r o n g dc con a nha m o t m i n h .
dang / () ngai.
Cac c h g n lira khac k h o n g c 6 t h o n g t i n ho t r g :
Cac c h g n lira khac k h o n g c 6 t i i o n g t i n lio t r g : >
A . c h i i n g t r o n t r o n g b u o n g tarn hoac d i r a i gam g i i r a n g
B. cac boat d g n g o' nha cua tie e m I. •
B. c h u n g k h o n g c h i u c u n g cap t h o n g t i n ve ban than v i n h i r n g l y d o an t o a n .
C. tre e m d u n g t h i g i a n i n h nhir tiie nao
C. c(S qua d o n g loai tre em nay tren khap ca luroc.
D. \ sao tre e m ghet \ nha
Question 61. D a p a n d u n g la C . D j n h n g h i a c u a domesticalion: sir ihudn hda/
Question 56. D a p an d u n g la B . T i i o n g t i n a c u o i doan 2: Slowly, she learned that
thudn dirdiig.
they were house keys. Dan dan /id /vet rang dd /d nhim g chiec chia k / nk i n/ id.
Cac c h g n lira c o n lai sai nghia:
Cac c h g n lira khac k h o n g c 6 t h o n g t i n ho t r g :
A . huan iuyen d g n g vat la mot vice dac thii t r o n g nha
A . t r i r a n g hgc k h o n g cho phep tre e m deo nCr t r a n g , d o v a y chi'ing deo c h i a khoa
B. ap c h o n a va n i i o i d i r a n g n h i r n g c h u n g loai d g n g vat m a i t r o n g nha
de thay the
D . la cho d g n g \at t h i c l i n g h i v a i m o i t r i r a n g lam v i e c m a i
C. c l u i n g da hoan toan t r u o n g thanii va da tir lap
Question 62. D a p an d u n g la C . T h o n g t i n a cau 2 doan 1: This method oj
D. c l u i n g da piiai d u n g chia khiSa de imV c o n g t r i r a n g ^ har\'e.\tinf; from nature's provision is the oldest known subsistence stragY and has
Question 57. f)ap an d u n g la A . T h o n g t i n a cau 3 doan 3: Fear was the bijif^est been practised for at least the last two million years. Phirong phap tlui I n a m t i r
problem faced by children at home alone. Sa hdi /d van de /an nhdl md Ire em d nguon c u n g cap cua tir nhien la chien lirgc ton tai a mirc d o t o i thieu co xira nhat
nhd m dl m iiili p/ iai ddi m at. t i n i g dirge biet den m a con n g i r a i thirc hanh toi thieu t r o n g suot 2 trieii nam vira qua.
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Cac chon lira con lai sai y.
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Question 68. Dap an dung la B. ''nhimg khdc biet ve moi truong khong anh hm'mg
Question 63. Dap an dung la D. Djnh nghTa cua marginal: (of land) that can not cac xa hoi ton Igi a mire toi thieu" la mot y sai: thong tin a cu6i doan 2: In
produce enough food crops to make profits: (chi dat dai) khong san xuat du lirong short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet and have limited
thirc de dem lai Igi nhuan. possibilities for the developrnent of subsistence societies. Tom lai, nhirng khac biet
Cac chon lira con lai sai nghTa: A: thuoc ngoai 6, B: bj bo ph^, C: bj lang quen ve moi truong da han che so mon an va gioi han nhOng kha nang phat trien cac xa
Question 64. Dap an dung la A. Thong tin a cau 4 doan 2: The abundance of hoi CO muc s6ng toi thieu.
vegetation in the lower latitudes of the tropics, in the other hand, has provided a Cac lira chon con lai deu dung vai bai van:
greater opportunity forgathering a variety of plants. Ngiroc lai, sir phong phii cua A. san ban va danh ca phat trien noi nao ma khong co mua gieo trSng hoac miia
thirc vat a cac vT do thSp han cua viing nhiet doi da cung irng co hoi ion de thu hai t r S n g t r o t n g i n ngiii
nhieu loai cay khac nhau. jj; > C. thu Iugm tir moi truong t u nhien da ton tai r§t lau truoc khi nong nghiep ra doi
Cac chon lira con lai sai nghTa: _ <inij*!:.. - h u h <,i'! ricflj n - j h H D. so lugng ngiroi san bat hai Iugm giam sut khi ngh^ nong tro nen thuan tien hon
B. c6 the tir giai thoat khoi cong vice san bat Question 69. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin a cuoi bai: These patterns of behaviour
C. thu hoach cac giong cay trong theo mija ngan ngay hon may he similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period.
D. song doc bo bien va thiiy 16 de danh bat ca Nhimg mo thirc hanh vi nay co the tirang tu nhu nhirng mo thirc hanh vi ma con
Question 65. Dap an dung la D. Thong tin or dau doan cuoi: Contemporary hunter ngmri da thifc hanh va<> lh<)i dai Do Dd cij.
Cac chgn lira con lai deu sai ngi dung bai van:
- gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric ancestors. NhOng ngir&i san
A. chi CO chung each phan chia nhiem vu
bdt hai lin/m dirmig chi c6 thi giiip chung la hieu rd to tien thai lien sir cua chung ta.
Cac chon lira con lai sai nghTa: C. chi CO chung mot so it oi cac luat le h^ng ngay
Nhirng nghien ci'ru ve cac xa hoi hien dai dang song a muc toi thieu c6 the mang D. chi CO chung mot so phirong phap san xuat
lai Question 70. Dap an dung la B. ''nhimg ngm/i .scin bdt hai hram va cac xa hoi sdng
a mire toi ihieii'
A. mot hinh anh bao quat hon ve moi truong tir nhien thai tien sur
B. mot hieu biet sau sac hoii ve canh tac tren dat dai kho Cac nhan de con lai khong phii hgp vol ngi dung bai van:
C. hi^u biet them ve cac xa hoi hien tai dang song a mure toi thieu A. nhung nguoi san bat hai Iugm: luon luon di chuyen
Question 66. Dap an dung la A . Thong tin o cau 2 doan 2: In higher latitudes, the C. vai net ve lich sir nghe nong de song a muc toi thieu
shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life. Such D. sir tien hoa cua cac phirong phap nong nghiep cua con nguoi
conditions have caused....Tai cac vido cao hvm, nhirng mua trong trot ngan han Question 71. Dap an dung la C . pleasanter (a): thodi mdi han, de chiu km (dang so
da lam han chi' sir hien dien cua thuc vat. sanh hon cua tinh tir ngSn)
Cac chon lira con lai sai nghTa: Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp:
B. nhirng tinh luiong ma nhirng ngiroi thg san hay hai iugm hau nhu khong tim A. peaceful (a): hoa binh, yen binh '
dirge cai gi an B. pleasant (a): thoai mai, de chiu * '
C. nhCing nai CO t h i tim thay rat nhieu dong vat va ca ) D. fairly (adv): ngay thang, mot each cong bSng, hoan toan, ro rang
D. niiiJng tinh huong trong do nhimg nguoi san bat hai lirgrm c6 the trong mot so cay N h u ta biet: and dien ta y bo sung; diing d^ noi tir, cum tir hoac menh de co vai
Question 67. Dap an dung la D. Thong tin a 2 doan cuoi: We know from the tro ngCr phap ngang nhau.
observation of modern hunter - gatherers in both Africa and Alaska that a du: I like tea and coffee, {tea va coffee deu la danh tir)
society based on hunting and gathering must be very mobile. Quan .sat nhirng Ta quan sat thay, ve truoc cau van dang sir dung dang so sanh hon ciia tinh tir
ngin'ri san hiil hai htam hien dai a chdu Phi va Alasica, chiing ta co the biet rang dai beaiiiiful. Do vay, sau and phai la dang so sanh hon cua mot tinh tir (pleasant
mol xa hoi del/ ca .sa Iran sc'm bdn va hai liram thi phdi rat ca dang. ~^ pleasanter).
Cac chon lira con lai sai nghTa: Question 72. Dap an diing la A. some: mot vai '• •
Mot dac trung cua nhirng ngirofi san bat hai Iugm hien dai va tien sur la Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: rrrisl;;
A. ho khong co y thuc cong dong manh B. almost: hau het : '
B. ho song trong rung tron doi C. most: nhat, nhieu nhat, hon ca
C. ho khong CO mot che do an uong lanh manh va quan binh D. others: nhirng... khac (con lai)
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Question 73. D a p an d u n g la D. b u i l t D E T H I THLTSO 03
Ta d u n g q u a khi'r p h i i n ti'r hiiill de rut gon m e n l i de q u a n he ( 6 d a n g bi d o n g ) . Thai gian Idm hdi: 90 pit tit
Can goc la: S o m e have a cottage ( w h i c h was) b u i l t in a v i l l a g e so that they can go
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
there w h e n e v e r t h e y can f m d the t i m e .
closet in meaning to each of the following questions.
Cac h i n h thirc d o n g tir d cac dap an ( A , B, C ) k h o n g p h i i h o p v o l cau v a n . ''•,1

Question 74. D a p an d u n g la A . so that Question I: I was late because I didn't catch the last ferry. ,
T a c 6 : so that + clause (S + m o d a l s + V n g u y e n ) : d e . . . . - m e n h de c h i m u c d i c h A . I f I had caught the last f e r r y , I w o u l d n ' t have been late. :s; < :
Cac dap an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h o p v o i cau v a n : A B. I f i caught the last f e r r y , I w o u l d n ' t be late. ;
B. in o r d e r to + V n g u y e n + . . . : de in xiT Uf c i iJ'H - J C. I f I \verc you. I w o u l d be on t i m e . •..;..! -MI
C. so on: van van ru« OSMJJ U\^V> D. i f I liad missed the last f e r r v , I w o u l d n ' t have been late. .
D. f o r instance: v i d u Question 2: We conhln'l play football because of the heavy rain. , ,
Question 75. { ) a p an d u n g la B. a l i k e ( a ) : giong nhau, trnmg lir nhif nhau A . I f it didn't r a i n , w e c o u l d play f o o t b a l l . j
Cac d a p an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h o p v o i cau v a n : B. T h e h e a \ rain prevented us f r o m p l a \ i n g f o o t b a l l .
A . l i k e ( p r e p ) : g i o n g n h a u . niur nhau C. I f it hadn't r a i n e d , w e c o u l d p l a \.
E x : She has a b o o k l i k e m i n e : C o ta co mot c u o n sach g i o n g c u o n sach ciia t o i . D. It rained h e a v i l y and w e couldn't pla} f o o t b a l l . u',v'
C. l i k e l y ( a ) : c o kha n a n g . co th§ xay ra - t o b e l i k e l y t o d o s.t/to be l i k e l y t h a t . . . Question 3: "I'm sorry. Mary. I broken your glasses. "
D. s i m i l a r to sb/sth ( a ) : g i o n g a i / cai gi A. 1 t o l d M a r y I had b r o k e n her glasses " '' •
Question 76. D a p an d u n g la B . f r o m B. I a d m i t t e d b r e a k i n g M a r y ' s glasses. 'i '"'
T a c o : be d i f f e r e n t f r o m sth: khac v o i cai gi C. I d e n i e d b r e a k i n g M a r y ' s glasses.
Cac gicVi tir c o n lai k h o n g the ket hop v o i c u m tir tren. ^ D. I a p o l o g i z e d to M a r y f o r h a v i n g b r o k e n her glasses.
Question 77. D a p an d i i n g la C . a l m o s t ( a d v ) : gun nhit; hem nhu Question 4: "Why don't you go to the place to see her?''
- V e mat ngfr phap: almost t h i r o n g d i v o i n h i r n g d a i tir bat d j n h nhir: anybody, A . Unless you go to the place, y o u can sec her.
anything, no one. nobody, everybody, every. B. I suggested \u s h o u l d go to the place to see her. " . .
Cac dap an c o n lai k h o n g phii h o p v o i cau v a n : C. I w o u l d rather \ o u go to the place to see her. *
Question 78. D a p an d i i n g la A , c h u r c h y a r d ( n ) : nghla dia. khii dcil nha thr D. I w o u l d rather go to the place to see her.
Cac dap an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h o p v o i cau v a n : Question 5: I can't afford to buy a new house.
B. port ( n ) : c a n g A . A n e w house is so e x p e n s i v e that I can buy it.
C. path ( n ) : d i r a n g m o n , loi d i B. A n e w house is t o o e x p e n s i \ for me to b u y . .IT'
D. r o u n d a b o u t ( n ) : v o n g x u y e n C . It is such an e x p e n s i v e house that I can h a r d l y b u y it. 1
Question 79. D a p an d u n g la A . f a i r l y ( a d v ) : hodn todn, that . v ; / ( c h o n nghTa cua tir D. I w o u l d rather b u y a n e w house. >. ;
theo doan v a n ) Question 6: He is going to repair the car for me tomorrow.
Cac dap an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h o p v o l cau v a n : A . He is g o i n g to have the car repaired t o m o r r o w .
B. a l i k e ( a ) : g i o n g n h a u , t i r o n g tir B. 1 s h o u l d have had the car repaired t o m o r r o w .
C . rarely ( a d v ) : h i e m k h i C. I'm l o o k i n g f o r w a r d to h a v i n g h i m repair the car. ih < ! •
D. h a r d l y ( a d v ) : hau nhir k h o n g , c h i vira m o i D. I'm g o i n g to have h i m repair the car t o m o r r o w .
Question 80. D a p an d i i n g la B . that: ngm/i md, vat ma, nai md (dai tir q u a n he) Question 7: Mary was ill because she studied all night last night.
A . a n d : va ( l i e n tir n o i tir, c u m tir hoac m e n h de - d i e n ta y bo sung) A . M a r y .studied all n i g h t last n i g h t and they made her i l l .
C. h o w e v e r : t u y n h i e n ( d i e n ta y trdi ngmrc) B. M a r y ' s illness o n a c c o u n t o f s t u d y i n g a l l n i g h t last n i g h t .
D. nevertheless: t u y n h i e n , t u y the m a ( d i e n ta y trdi ngimc) C. I f M a r y hadn't studied all n i g h t last n i g h t , M a r y w o u l d have been i l l .
D. M a r y was i l l since she studied all night last n i g h t .
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Question 8:1 appliedfor the position of the manager but I was turned down. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
A. 1 won't succeed in applying for the position of the manager. to each of the following questions.
B. My application for the position of the manager was turned down. Question 16: the time you get to the theatre, the play will have finished.
C. He is refusing to get my application for the position of the manager. A. Until B. On C . In D. By
D. I couldn't work as the manager because of the application. Question 17: She tried to prevent the dog running into the road.
Question 9: Beer as well as wine isn't good for your health. A. from B. to C . against D. for
A. Beer and wine are not good enough for your health. Question 18: They wasted time searching for the car key.
B. Beer isn't good for your health, so wine is. " " A. priceless B. extremly C . expensive D . valuable
C. Neither beer nor wine is good for your health. blifo. • i j i j ( arj-// ! li ,
Question 19: Candidates should note that the for entries for the examination is
D. Either beer or wine is good for your health.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
; ini l.;::! ! \l, ,il 5"" May. . r
Question 10: My father is living with me. My younger sister is living with me too. A. deadline B. term C . period D. closure
A. Either my father or my younger sister is living with me. Question 20: The train will be leaving in five minutes so you better hurry up.
B. Neither my father nor my younger sister is living with me. A. had B. should C . will D . would
C. I live with my father and my younger sister is, too. Question 21: My sister's tooth still gives her some pain. She gone to the dentist
D. Not only my father but also my younger sister is living with me. yesterday.
A. must be B. would have C . should have D. could be
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part Question 22: So many people buy things credits nowadays.
that needs correction in each of the following questions.
A. on B. by C . in D. from , ,
Question 11: 1 have such many things to do now that 1 have no free time Question 23: Comets are rarely bright enough to be seen with
A B A. nake eye B. the nake eye C . naked eye D. the naked eye
to help you do the routine. Question 24: I got up early this morning for this examination.
C D A. so that I don't be late B. in order that 1 can be late
Question 12: Whales and Sharks are stij] be hunted for food, medicine, and other C . in order to be late D. so that 1 won't be late i5
; A B C D Question 25: A good of English will help you find a job more easily.
products. A. expectation B. knowledge C . condition D. satisfaction
Question 13: They have been in London in October and this is the first Question 26: the bad weather, the plane landed safely.

A A. In spite B. Despite
C . Despite the fact that D. Though it '/ • ;
' invitation for dinner with an English family.
Question 27: The firemen were able to the fire quickly.
A. make up B. put out C . keep down D. put away
Question 14: Had it not been for the die of the Prime minister, the bill wouldn't
Question 28: There are two pens. I take the blue and you take
A. the others B. another C . the other D. others
have been passed.
Question 29: We will refund the money to you if the goods are not to your
Question 15: The thing that would astonish anyone comes for the first time into
A. satisfaction B. pleasure C . ideas D. faith
Question 30: Guns are toys for children. You should choose another ones
' '• '' the service quarters of a hotel would be the fearful noise and disorder
for them.
A. inconvenient B. uncomfortable C . unaccountable D. unsuitable
during the rush hours. Question 31: His parents died when he was 5. He was homeless at that time and he
^'dn't have his own happy
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A. childhood B. likelihood C . memory D. diary
Luy^n sua dc trutiv m rm tui J mien mu; irung, i\am iieng Ann - isjin * an Mimr
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Question 32: 1 lie librarian went to look in the cupboard rare books are kept, C. Sorry, we don't have a mobile.
A which l i . where C. in that D. there D. The post office is full o f packages.
Question 33: Unfortunately, his illness turned out to be extremely So he was Question 45: How long w i l l it take us to replace the lights in the meeting room?
kept in isolation. A. A few hours. ' ' ' :
A. influential B. infectious C. individual F). inoffensive B. Replacing the lights is waste. ' ' •''
Question 34: I ' m very busy. Don"t me by the silly questions. C. Redecorating this room is necessary. ' ; i ' ( , . ; • . , • / • , ( ?• i -

A. interrupt B. argue C. annoy I ) , contact D. He is a skillful technician. .l* .,,.,.!,,,^ ., , . ;

Question 35: Because he managed to escape from the crash, both o f his legs were
A/flrA the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
broken. Has he gone to sec a ?
differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
A. journalist B. surgeon C. specialist D. inspector
questions. * ; ,
Question 36: insects occur in large numbers, and they can terrible damage,
particular to grow ing crops that in some parts o f the world people frequently suffer Question 46: A . patience B. occasion C. significant D. laboratory
from famine. Question 47: A . economic B. favourable C. influence D. prosperous
A. do such B . d o so C. make such 1). make so Question 48: A . necessity B. hesitant C. powerful D . nominate
^Mi '.v//Vm.?7.\Vater at 1()0"C'. Question 49: A . institute B. literature C. publicity D. mobilize
A. frcc/es B. fro/cn C. melts 1). boils Question 50: A . projector B. modify C. qualify D . reasonable
Question 3S: It is worth this book. Jill zyxwvutsrqponml
' i i

b u N ing B . t o buy C. to buying D. not buying Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
Question 39: Please contact us i f \ o u arc . need o f the services atiain. sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60.
A. on B. at C. in I), about
Probably the most famous film commenting on the twentieth - century
Question 40: It was clear tiiat the young couple were .of taking charge c
technology is Modern Times, made in 1936. Charlie Chaplin was motivated to
make the film by a reporter who, while interviewing him, happened to describe the
.\ responsible B. reliable C. capable I), able
working conditions in industrial Detroit. Chaplin was told that healthy young farm
Question 41: How did you get there?
boys were lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines. Within four or
A. 1 booked tickets for tiic concert some da\ ago.
five years, these young men's health was destroyed by the stress o f work in the
B. I uas in a hurry so that I can take the bus. factories. »w) Jct^
C. I just dro\'e there.
The film opens with a short o f a mass o f sheep making their way down a
D. There was much traffic in the city this morning. crowded ramp.
Question 42: Whose dictionary is this? Jt ^ T ^
Abruptly, the film shifts to a scene o f factory workers jostling one another on
A. It is written in F:ng!ish. '• * their way to a factory. However, the rather bitter note o f criticism in the implied
B. I lent Mr.Steve it yesterday evening. comparison is not sustained. It is replaced by a gentle note o f satire. Chaplin
C". Mr.Chen, an excellent expert in language wrote it. prefers to entertain rather than lecture.
I). I think >our brother left it. Scences o f factory interiors account for only about one - third o f Modern
Question 43: Which color do you prefer? Times, but they contain some o f the most pointed social commentary as well as the
A. I he blue is displayed every day. most comic situations. No one who has seen the film can ever forget Chaplin
B. Mv boss's getting on the yellow train. vainly trying to keep pace with the fast - moving conveyor belt, almost losing his
C. T he white one is nice. Tiind in the process. Another popular scene involves an automatic feeding machine
n. Don"! care. It "s my duty. brought to the assembly line so that workers need not interrupt their labor to eat.
Question 44: Where can we make a phone call, sir? The feeding machine malfunctions, hurling food at Chapline, who is strapped in his
A. Call fee here is verj' expensive. position on the assembly line and cannot escape. This serves to illustrate people's
B. Go ahead and vou can see a post office opposite a high school. utter helplessness in the face o f machines that are meant to serve their basic needs.
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Liiven giiii etc triioc Jit/iTnTJ i mien liac. tnini;. yam i wng /tun -1 ^gv > uii mmn
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Question 51: According to the passage, Cliaplin got the idea tor Modern Times C. criticize the factory system o f the 1930s
from D. discuss the disadvantages o f technology
A. a conversation B. fieldwork C. a movie D, a newspaper
Read the followin}^ passafje and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
Question 52: The young farm boys went to the city because they were sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 61 to 70.
A. attracted by the prospect o f a better life
B. driven out o f their sheep farm Reading to oneself is a modern activity which was almost unknown to the
* )
C. promised better accommodation ' « ; 11 M scholars o f the classical and medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the
term "reading" undoubtly meant reading aloud. Only during the nineteenth centur\
I), forced to leave their sheep farm ; zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
H; *. i(; * ' <
did silent reading become commonplace.
Question 53: The phrase "jostling one another" in the third paragraph is closest in
One should be wary, however, o f assuming that silent reading came about
meaning to
simply because reading aloud was a distraction to others. Examinations o f factors
A. hurrying up together B. jogging side by side related to the historical development o f silent reading have revealed that it became
C. running against each other D. pushing one another the usual mode o f reading for most adults mainly because the tasks themselves
Question 54: According to the passage, the opening scence o f the film is intended ' changed in character. n j
The last century saw a steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the
A. to introduce the main characters o f the film number o f readers. As the number o f readers increased, the number o f potential
B. to produce a tacit association listeners declined and thus there was some some reduction in the need to read
C. to give the setting for the entire plot later aloud. As reading for the benefit o f listeners grew less common, so came the
flourishing o f reading as a private activity in such public places as libraries, railway
D. to reveal the situation o f the factory workers
carriages and offices, where reading aloud would cause distraction to other readers.
Question 55: The word "vainly" in the fourth paragraph is closest in meaning to
Towards the end o f the century, there was still considerable argument over
whether books should be used for information or treated respectfully and over
' ' A . recklessly B. carelessly C. hopelessly D. effortlessly
whether the reading o f materials such as newspapers was in some way mentally
Question 56: The word "This" in the fourth paragraph refers to weakening. Indeed, this argument remains with us still in education. However,
A. the situation o f young workers in a factory whatever its virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by
B. the scene o f the malfunction o f the feeding machine the printed mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a
C. the malfunction o f the twentieth - century technology specialised readership on the other.
D. the scene o f an assembly line in operation By the end o f the twentieth century, students were being recommend to adopt
Question 57: According to the author, about two - thirds o f Modem Times attitudes to books and to use reading skills which were inappropriate, i f not
A. entertains the audience most B. is rather discouraging impossible, for the oral reader. The social, cultural and technological changes in
C. was shot outside a factory D. is more critical than the rest the century had greatly altered what the term "reading" implied.
Question 61: Reading aloud was more common in the medieval world because
Question 58: The author refers to all o f the following notions todescribe Modern
A. few people could read to themselves
B. there were few places available for private reading
A. satire B. criticism C. entertainment D. revolution
C. silent reading had not been discovered U) .jii,,,
Question 59: Which o f the following statement is N O T true according to the
D. people relied on reading for entertainment '
Question 62: The word "commonplace" in the first paragraph mostly means " ".
A. In Modern Times, the factory workers' basic needs are well met.
A . attracting attention B. for everybody's use
B. Modern Times depicts the over - mechanised world from a social viewpoint.
C. most preferable D. widely used
C. The working conditions in the car factories o f the 1930s were very stressful.
Question 63: The development o f silent reading during the last century indicated
D. The author does not consider Modern Times as a perfect film.
Question 60: The passage was written to A. an increase in the number o f books
A. explain Chaplin's style o f acting B. an increase in the average age o f readers
B. review one o f Chaplin's popular films Tron Bo SGK:
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C. a change in the status of literate people Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
D. a change in the nature of reading sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
Question 64: Silent reading, especially in public places, flourished mainly because
Dear Editor,
I went to New Zealand on a student programme last year and I'd like to
A. the decreasing need to read aloud
....(71).... you about it. I was very ....(72).... when 1 knew I was going to New
B. the development of libraries T'"^'"!''' \ y^*""""-; , Zealand because I had never been there before. 1 didn't think about the problems of
C. the increase in literacy speaking English ....(73).... I met my host family. At first I couldn't communicate
D. the decreasing number of listeners with them because my English was so bad. All the eight years I ....(74).... been
Question 65: It can be inferred that the emergence of the mass media and learning English wasn't much use at all, ....(75).... we didn't have real practice at
specialised reading materials was an indication of nqinw school. Even though my grammar was good, my pronunciation wasn't. My
A. a decline of standards of literacy problem is pronouncing "1" and "r". For example. New Zealand people often asked
B. a change in the readers' interest "What do you eat in Thailand?" I wanted to tell them that we eat rice, but they
C. an improvement of printing techniques * ' - didn't understand when I said "We eat lice". My host mum helped me a lot
D. an alternation in educationalists' attitudes by. ...(76).... my bad pronunciation. I usually practised by talking to myself when I
Question 66: The phrase "a specialized readership" in paragraph 4 mostly means had a shower, so no one could hear me. After four months my English was
....(77).... better. Apart ....(78).... English I learnt to make my own breakfast and
lunch. I had to ride a bicycle to school every day. I went swimming and tried
A. a status for readers specialized in mass media
waterskiing and sailing, ....(79).... was wonderful. But the most valuable thing was
B. a limited numbers of readers in a particular area of knowledge
that I learnt to be ....(80).... myself and to be independent.
C. a requirement for readers in a particular area of knowledge
D. a reading volume for particular professionals (Kittiya Leelawipat. Commercial College, Bangkok, Thailand.)
Question 71: A. say B. tell C. talk D.speak
Question 67: The phrase "oral reader" in the last paragraph mostly means "a
Question 72: A. exciting B. excites C. excited D. excite
person who "
A. takes part in an audition B. is good at public speaking Question 73: A. after B. until C. when D. while
C. is interested in spoken language D. practises reading to an audience Question 74: A. had B. have C. has D. having
Question 68: A l l of the following might be the factors that affected the Question 75: A. although B. even C. because D. so
continuation of the old shared literacy culture EXCEPT Question 76: A. to correct B. correct C. corrects D. correcting
A. the inappropriate reading skills B. the printed mass media Question 77: A. more B. many C. much D. a lot of
C. the diversity of reading materials D. the specialized readership Question 78: A. from B. with C. for D. to
Question 69: Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the Question 79: A. where B. which C. who D. what
passage? Question 80: A. with B. on C. to D. by
A. Reading aloud was more common in the past than it is today.
B. The decline of reading aloud was wholly due to its distracting effect.
C. The change in reading habits was partly due to the social, cultural and Question I. Dap an dung la A. If I had caught the last (rain, Izyxwvutsrqponmlkjih
M'ouldn't have been
technological changes. late.
D. Not ail printed mass media was appropriate for reading aloud. Giai thich ve mat y nghra: T6i da den tre vi toi khong don duac chuyenphd cuoi
Question 70: The writer of this passage is attempting to Cling = Neu toi don dirac chuyen pha cuoi cung thi toi dd khong den tre.
A. show how reading methods have improved Ly luan v nghTa: Sir viec din tri da xay ra (I was late). Phuang an A sir dung
B. explain how reading habits have developed _ cau dieu kien loai III de bieu dat y gia sir trai vai thiic te trong qua khu.
C. change people's attitudes to reading J f clause (qua khir hoan thanh), main clause (S + could/would + have + V3/ed
D. encourage the growth of reading Cac phu-orng an con lai khong phu hop:
sj. J f i . " ><• • .
Tron Bo SGK: - B. I f I caught the last ferry, I wouldn't be late: Neu toi don duac chuyen phd thi
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toi se khong hj trt'. Cau van tren dang sir dung cau dieu kien loai I I . Ta da biet cau Question 4. Dap an dimg la B. I suggest you should go to the place to see her.
dieu kien loai II dien ta dieu gia sir khong that a hien tai. Giai thich ve mat nghTa: "Tai sao ban khong di den do de gap co ta.^ " = 7V5/ co
I f clause (qua khir don/were), main clause (S + could/would + Vnguyen lai de nghi Id ban nen di den do de gap cd ta.
I.y luan y ujjhTa: Hinh thirc cua cau goc la mot cau hoi. N h m i g ban chat cua no
Dieu nay khong logic y nghTa ciia cau goc.
la mot lai khuyen. Ta can luu y:
- C. I f I were you, I would be on time: Neu toi la ban thi toi se den diing gia.
Khong CO y nghTa lien quan v6i cau goc. Why don't you ?: Tai sao ban khtSng ? Ban chat la mot lai khuyen.
- D. I f I had missed the last ferry, I wouldn't have been late: Neu toi da tre chuyen Va nguai khuyen khong tham gia hanh dong.
pha thi toi se khong hi tre. Dieu nay phi logic y nghTa voi cau goc. C a u true dong y nghTa ciia no la: i i
Question 2. Dap an dimg la B. The heavy rain prevented us from playing football. SI + suggest + S2 (should) + V nguyen: Ngiroi nao khuyen ai lam gi khac
Giai thich ve mat y n^hTa: Chung toi da khong the chai bong da vi trai mua to Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp: > ; ; I J , , '
= Tnxi nuni to da can vice chung toi chai bong dc'i. - A . Unless you go to the place, you can see her: Neu ban khong di den do thi ban
Cac phirang an khac khong phu hop: " ' ' ^ "^^ CO the gap duac co dy. No khong logic y nghTa vai cau goc.
- A . I f it didn't rain, we could play football: Neu trai khong nnra thi chung toi cd - C. I would rather you go to the place to see her. Cau van nay sai hinh thire ngir
the chai bong dd. Cau van dang sir dung cau dieu kien loai I I de de cap den mot phap. Neu co the ta phai chuyen doi dong tir go thanh went. V i :
dieu kien khong c6 that a hien tai.
Si + would rather + S2 + V2/ed: Nguiri nao thich ai khac lam gi hon
I f clause (qua khir don/were), main clause (S + could/would + Vnguyen
- D. 1 would rather go to the place to see her: Toi thich di din do de gap co dy.
Dieu nay khong dimg voi y cau goc vi thirc te la trai dd mint to vd chung toi dd Cau van nay khong phii hgp vai y nghTa cau goc. V i cau goc mang ham y khong co
khong the chai bong dd. sir tham gia hanh dong ciia ngiroi noi.
- C. I f it hadn't rained, we could play football, khong phii hop voi hinh thirc cau Question 5. Dap an dimg la B. A new house was too expensive for me to buy.
dieu kien. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Toi khong cd du khd ndng tai chinh de mua mot can
- D. It rained heavily and we couldn't play football: Trai mua to vd chung toi dd nhd mai = Mot can nhd mai thi quo nhieu tien doi vai toi de mua. ,^
khong the chai bong dd. Cau van nay sir dung lien tir khong phii hop. Lien tir And Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp:
dimg de noi hai menh de c6 y nghTa bo sung cho nhau. Viec trai mua la nguyen
- A . A new house is so expensive that I can buy it: Mot can nhd mai thi qud ddt
nhan dan den sir vice chimg toi khong the chai bong da. Do vay, ta phai thay and do den noi toi co the mua. N o vira sai y nghTa cua cau van lai vira phi logic y nghTa
thanh so. vai cau goc.
Question 3. Dap an diing la D. / apologized to Mary for having broken her glasses. - C. It is such an expensive house that I can hardly buy it: No qud Id mot can nhd
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: "Toi xin I6i c6 Mary. Toi dd Idm vd cdi kinh ciia cd. " ddt do den noi toi khd md mua duac. No khong sat nghTa voi cau goc.
= T o i xin loi c6 Mary ve viec da lam v a kinh ciia c6 ay. - D. 1 would rather buy a new house: Toi thich mua mot can nhd mai hem. No
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc c6 hinh thirc cau tuong thuat true tiep. khong diing v a i y nghTa cau goc.
Chimg ta da biet: khi cau true tiep dimg sorry thi khi chuyen qua hinh thirc Ta can nha: ; /•
gian tiep, ta can dimg cum dong tir:
afford + V to i n f co kha nang tai chinh de lam gi f '•'
apologize (to s.o) for + V-ing: xin loi (ai) ve viec g i . so + adj/adv + that + clause: ....qua den noi
Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hop: such + noun + that + clause: ....qua den noi
- A . 1 told Mary I had broken her glasses: T o i bao v a i Mary la toi da lam v a cai SI + would rather + S2 + V2/ed + than + V2/ed: A i thich
kinh ciia c6 ay. NcS khong hgp y nghTa ciia cau goc. V i cau goc inang tinh chat cua ngircTJ khac lam gi hon lam g i .
lai xin loi. Nhirng phuong an A chi mang tinh chat la thong bao sir viec. S + would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vnguyen: N g u a i
- B. I admitted breaking Mar>''s glasses: Toi da thira nhan viec lam v a cai kinh nao thich lam gi hon lam gi
ciia Mary. N o khong hgp nghTa vai cau goc. Question 6. Dap an dung la D. /'/?; going to have him repair the car tomorrow.
- C. I denied breaking Mary's glasses: Toi da phu nhan viec lam v a kinh ciia c6 Q\k\h ve mat v nuhTa: Anh dy se sua chiec xe d td nay giiip tdi vdo ngdy mai
Mary. N o khong logic ve y nghTa v a i cau goc. ~ Tdi sH nhd anh dy sira chiec xe d td ndy vdo ngdy mai. ,^ ,
Tron Bo SGK:
LUyfH gmi de Irian- kr r/ii If II i mierrnac, i rung, i^um i tgwg ^nii - ; i^<; v an mmn Cly I!\HH MIT pyvrnUiang Vifl
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Giai thich \h mat ngu phap: se tir choi nhdn ho san xin irng tuyen vao vi tri qudn ly cua toi. Y cau van de cap
have s.o + Vnguyen: nha ai lam gi viec nop ho so chira dien ra. Nhung thirc chat viec nop ho so" va sir viec bj tir choi
da xay ra roi.
Cac phirang an khac khong phu hop:
. D. I couldn't work as the manager because o f the application: Toi dd khong the
- ' A. He is going to have the car repaired tomorrow: Chiic xe cua anh ta se dugc
Idm mot nha quan ly bai ho sa cua loi. Y nghTa cua no khong sat voi y cua cau goc.
sira vao ngay mai. N o khong hop y nghTa vai can.
Ta can nha:
B. I should have had the car repaired tomorrow. Cau van nay sir dung hinh thirc
turn down ^ accept: tir choi chap nhan
ngCr phap khong phij hgp.
- C. I'm looking forward to having him repair the car: Toi rat mong anh ay sira Question 9. Dap an dung la C. Neither beer nor wine is good for your health.
chiec xe 6 to nay vao ngay mai. No khong phu hgp y nghTa voi cau goc. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Bia cung nhu rirau deu khong tot cho sire khde ciia
Tacannha: '•'•'••=''/•• <"' ban = Khongphdi bia ma ciing khongphdi ruau Id tot cho suv khoe cua ban.
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap:
should + have + V3/ed: le ra da nen lam gi (chi dugc
sir dung khi de cap den dieu gi trong qua khir) N l + as well as + N2 + V ( N ! ) : cung nhir

look forward to + V-ing: mong ngong vao dieu gi Neither + N1 + nor + N2 + V(N2): Khong ma cung khong
Either + N1 + or + N2 + V(N2): Hoac ... .hoac
Question 7. Dap an dung la D. Mary was ill since she studied all night last night.
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Cau goc va cau viet lai deu mang chung y nghTa Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp:
Mary hi dm vi cd dy dd hoc hdi suot dem hom qua. - A . Beer and wine are good enough for your health: Bia vd ruau deu tot cho .sire
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: khde ciia ban. No trai voi y nghTa cua cau goc. '
- B. Beer isn't good for your health, so wine is. Cau van nay co hinh thuc ngu
because/ since/as/ seeing that + clause: bai v i . . . .
phap khong dung. Ta khong dung so de dap lai y C U N G K H O N G cua ve triroc.
Cac phuang an khac khong phu hgp:
- D. Either beer or wine is good for your health: Hoac bia hoac ruau la lot cho
- A . Mary studied all night last night and they made her i l l : Mary da hoc bai suot sue khde ciia ban. No khong hgp y nghTa vai cau goc.
dem hom qua vd nhitng hdi hoc da khien co dy bi dm. N o khong ro y nghTa.
Question U). Dap an dung la D. Not only my father but also my younger sister is
- B. Mary's illness on account o f studying all night last night. Cau van nay sai living with me.
hinh thuc ngu' phap (khong c6 dong tir theo ngay sau chCi ngir).
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Bd tdi dang song ciing vai toi. Em gdi toi cUng dang
- C. I f Mary hadn't studied all night last night, Mary would have been i l l : Neu
sdng ciing vol tdi = Khdng chi bd tdi, em gdi tdi ciing dang song ciing vdi tdi.
Mary da khong hoc bai cd dem hom qua thl co dy se bi dm. Y nghTa nay phan lai y
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap:
ciia cau goc.
^Either + N I + or + N2 + V(N2): Hoac ... .hoac
Ta can nha:
Neither + N l + nor + N2 + V(N2): Khong ma cung khong
because o f = due to = on account o f = noun: V i
I Not only + A + but also + B + V ( B ) : Khong chi A ma con B . . .
Question 8. Dap an di'mg la B. My application for the position of the manager was
Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hgp:
turned down.
• A. Either my father or my younger sister is living with me: Hoac bo tdi hoac em
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Toi nop ho saxin I'mg tuyen vao vi tri qudn ly nhimg
sai tdi dang sdng vdi tdi. No khong phu hgp y nghTa vai cau goc.
toi da bi hp tir choi = Ho sa irng tuyen vao vi tri qudn ly cua toi dd bi hp tir choi.
" B. Neither my father nor my younger sister is living with me: Khdng phdi bd tdi md
Cac truong hgp con lai khong phu hgp:
'^ung khdng phdi em gdi tdi dang sdng ciing tdi. No khong logic y nghTa vai cau goc.
- A. I won't succeed in applying for the position o f the manager: Toi se khong
C. I live with my father and my younger sister is, too. Cau van nay co hinh thirc
ihdnh cong trong viec nop ho sa irng tuyen vao vi tri qudn ly. Cau van nay khong
phap khong phu hgp. Ve truac va v^ sau lien tir and khong d6ng nhat loai hinh
dugc chap nhan vi no sir dung thi tuang lai don. NghTa la viec nop ho so chua dien
^9ng tu. Do vay, ciuTng ta khong the dung too trong truong hgp nay dugc.
ra. Nhung thirc chat viec nop ho sff va sir viec bi tir choi da xay ra roi.
Question II. Dap an dung la A. such • so
- C. He is refusing to get my application for the position o f the Tron
manager: Anh ta
_ „ Vlft
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Giai thich ve mat rmir phap: Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp \h mat y nghTa:
B. term (n): ky han. hoc ky many + N p l ....that + clause: ...c6 qua nhicu . . . . den n o i . . . .
C. period (n): khoang, mot khoang (thai gian)
Question 12. Dap an di'ing la B. be hunted • hunted , ,. . ., . ,
p . closure (n): sir dong cira (noi ve tinh trang pha san)
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: . i)^, v • ~ ..H Question 20. Dap an dung la A . had " '
T6ng quat hinh thi'rc bi dong cua dong tir thuang. ,,.!, , ,; Giaijhich ve mat nm~r phap: fa da biet
fbeTv3/ed | had better + Vnguyen: nen lam gi
Quan sat trong cau goc da c6 are. Do vay, be lathanh phan dir. ' ' Cac trirang hgp con lai khong phii hgp voi hinh thirc ngir phap.
Question 13. Dap an dung la A . in • since Question 21. Dap an diing la C. should have
Giai thich ve mat ngir: ^v.«x\^wnnA HIUVJ I,M\A \W^\'^\W\A. =- Qjfu thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta da biet

clause (hien tai hoan thanh) + since + moc thai gian should have + V3/ed: le ra da nen lam gi

Quan sat ta th^y (they ) sir dung thi hien tai hoan thanh. Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Chi gdi tdi hi clan rdng. Le ra chi dy da nen den
nha .sTkhdm ngc'iy hdni cjua.
Question 14. Dap an dung la C. the die • the death
Cac truong hgp con lai khong phii hgp hinh thirc ngir phap.
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ta da biet
- A. must be + V3/ed: hinh thirc nay se tao ra dang bi dong ciia dong tir thuang
....hadn't been f o r + N vai must. Dieu nay khong phii hgp vai cau de cho. -
Question 15. Dap an dung la A. comes • coming - B. would liave + V3/ed: hinh thirc nay se tao dang thirc menh de chinh trong cau
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau da cho sir dung hinh thi'rc rut gon menh de di^u kien loai i l l . N o khong phii hgp vai chii dich ngfr phap ciia cau van da cho.
quan he. - D. could be + V3/ed: hinh thiic nay se tao ra dang bj dong ciia dong tir thuofng
Question 16. Dap an dung la D. By vai could. Dieu nay khong phii hgp voi cau de cho. ''
Question 22. Dap an diing la A . on " 'ii
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau van da cho huang chi'ing ta den voi each sir
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Co rdt nhieii nguai diing the tin dung de nnia sdin.
dung By the time. . AWAW-K-.
Ta CO cum tir: buy something on credits: mua cai gi bang the
By the time + clause (hien tai don), clause (tirong lai hoan thanh). (1)
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp.
By the time + clause (qua khir don), clause (qua khi'r hoan thanh). (2) Question 2 J . Dap an diing la D. the naked eye
Question 17. Dap an dung la A . from Giai thich ve v nghTa: Sao choi thirang khong ctirac trong r(~> hdng mdt thtrang.
... Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Co ciy c6 ^dng can con cho chgy rci n^oai dmrng. Ta CO cum tir: u ith the naked eye: bang mat thirang
Ta CO cum tir: Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp.
prevent + O + from + V-ing: can....lam gi Question 24. Dap an diing la D. that I won't be so late
Gjai thich ve mat v nghTa: Toi da thirc day sam de khong tre ky t h i .
Cac trirong hgp con lai khong phii hgp ve mat cum tir.
Gjiii thich ve mat ngu phap: ta da biet
Question IS. Dap an dung la D. valuable: qiiy gia, c6 gia trj
Giai thich ve y nghTa: Hp c1d Icing phi thcri gian quy bdu cle tiin cc'ii chia khoa. so that + S + modal verb + Vnguyen: de c6 the lam gi

Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat y nghTa: Cac pluiang an con lai khong phii hgp:
- A. priceless (a): v6 gia (ve tien bac) A. so that 1 don't be late. Sai hinh thirc ngir phap (xem cau triic tren).

- B. extremely: circ ky B. in order that 1 can be late: de ten cd the tre, no khong hgp vai y nghTa ciia cau van.
C. in order to be late: de toi tre, no khong hgp vai y nghTa ciia cau van.
- C. expensive: dat do
Question 25. Dap an dung la B. knowledge ,
Question 19. Dap an dung la A . deadline: han chot, han cuoi
S i a j thich ve mat y nghTa: Nang lire tieng Anh tot se giup ban t i m kiem cong
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa.- Cc'ic thi sinh can lini y rang han chot dang ky tham
^'?c de han.
gia ky thi Id ngdy mdng 05 thdng 05. Tron Bo SGK:
Ta c6: knowlegle o f English: nang lye tieng Anh
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A. inconvenient (a): khong thuan tien
- A . expectation (n): sir trong cha, mong tudmg C. unaccountable (a): khong the tinh dirge
- C. condition (n): dieu i<ien B. uncomfortable (a); khong thoai mai
- D. satisfaction (n): sir hai long ,• .1 e y - i i i ' I; ' ,. : . Question 31. Dap an dung la A . childhood (n): thai tha au
Question 26. Dap an diing la B . In spite o f ;,,,,] ,•.( ,j^<„,t,, ; ,
<2iai thich ve mat y nghTa: B6 me cau ay qua doi luc cgu ay len 5. Tir do, cau dy
Giai thich ve ngir phap:^zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
_ ^ d ),•;,,. .y.. ,: , >.: song khong nhd cira vd cgu dy ciing khong co thcri tha du hgnh phiic.
despite + N : mac du Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp:
Ta quan sat thay the bad weather (thai tiet xdu) la mpt danh tir. ,.,„,,,,, B. likelihood (n): sir CO kha nang "
Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp: l" ,, . C. memory (n): ky irc .nJ^;;^^ ( j ^ ' 'i'i '

- A . In spite: khong day du hinh thuc ciia cum tir (in spite oQ ^^ ^1,1, , . D. diary (n): nhat ky ^
- C. Despite the fact that + clause: mac dii ; Question 32. Dap an dung la B . where: nai ma
- D. Though + clause: mac du Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Chung ta dimg dai tir quan he where de thay the
Question 27. Dap an dung la B. put out cho cac tir chi nai chon. Qua thirc, cum tir in the cupboard (trong tu chimg) chi nai
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Nhihig nguai linh ciru hoa da c6 gang dap tat ngon chon.
lira nhanh chong. ^ ^ , Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp:
Cac truong hgp con lai khong phii hgp y nghTa cua cau van: - A . which: cai md, van de md. dimg de thay the cho vat, sir viec
- A . make up: tao ra, bja ra, trang diem - C. in that: ta khong dirge diing giai tir theo ngay trirac that.
- C. keep down: khong dung day, g i u khong cho len - D. there: a do
- D. put away: cat d i , danh dum Question 33. Dap an dimg la: B. infectious (a) lay nhiem
Question 28. Dap an dung la C. the other Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: That khong may. benh ciia anh ta hoa ra cue ky lay
Giai thich vk mat y nghTa: Co hai cay but. Toi lay cay mdu xanh con anh lay nhiem. V) vdy. anh ta can dirge citch ly.
cay con lai. Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp: "^l ^^.^
Giai thich ve mat ngij phap: ta phai nam vUng cac diem ngir phap sau day: - A. influential (a): c6 the lire
- C. individual (a): ca nhan
the others: nhirng cai con lai
- D. inoffensive (a): v6 hai, v6 thuang v6 phat ^ .;
^ " ' another + Nsi: mot cai khac
Question 34. Dap an dimg la C. annoy (v): lam phien, quay ray
the other: cai con lai sau cung
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Toi rat ban. Dimg Idm phiSn toi bdng nhimg cau hoi
';'iA ' • J others: mot so khac ngdn.
Do vay cac phuong an A . the others; B. another; D. others deu khong phii hgp. Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp:
Question 29. Dap an dung la: A . satisfaction (n): sir hai long - A . interrupt ( v ) : ngat lai, gian doan
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Chung toi se hoan trd Igi tien cho quy khcich neu qui " B. argue ( v ) : cai nhau -.
khc'ich khong hai long tuyet doi vai sdn phdm ciia chung toi. " D. contact ( v ) : lien he
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp: Question 35. Dap an dimg la C. specialist (n): (bac si) chuyen khoa, nha chuyen
- B. pleasure (n): niem vui : .1 j; •
- C. ideas (n): y kien, y tirang Gjaj thich ve mat v nghTa: Bai vi anh ta cd ihodt khoi vu va chgm nen ca hai
- D. faith (n): dire tin ^'hdn anh la bi gay.
Question 30. Dap an dimg la D. unsuitable (a): khong thich hgp Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp:
Giai thich v^ mat v nghTa: Sung Id do chai khong thich hap cho bon Ire. Anh A . journalist (n): nha bao, ky gia
nen chon cac nion khac cho chimg. B. surgeon (n): chuyen gia p h l u thuat
Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp y nghTa: •' D. inspector (n): dieu tra vien
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t ••"••h> 5:
Question 36. Dap an d u n g la A . do such
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Question 46 A. patience / ' p e l / n s / B. occasion /a'keljn/
Giai thich ve mat y n^liTa: Co c/iici nhieit con trung xudf hien. vd chung co the
gay ra thiel hai nang ne, dac hiet doi vai cdc vu mua, vi ly do nay nid mot sS nai C. significant /sig'niflkont/ D. laboratory /Is'bDrstri/
Iren the gic'ri thumig xuyen doi dien vai nan doi. Dap an dung la A : patience c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat. Cac tir
Giai thich vc mat ngir phap: do a damage: gay Ihiet hai. Chung ta dung danh tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.
sau such. Question 47 A. economic /illo'nDmlk/ B. favourable /'felvarsbl/
Cac phuang an con iai khong phii hop.
C. influence /'influans/ D. prosperous /'prDspsras/
Question 37. Dap an dung la D. boils (boil): soi ' .^ ^
Dap an dung la A : economic c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cac tir
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Nirdc soi a 100"C.
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat.
C ac phucTng an con lai khong plui hop ngnia:
Question 4H A. necessity /na'sesoti/ B. hesitant /'hezitant/
- A. freezes (freeze): lanh gia -i
- B. frozen ( V 3 ) : dong lai C. powerful /'pauofl/ D. nominate /'nDmineit/

- C. melts (melt): tan chay Dap an dung la A : necessity c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai. Cac tir
Question 3H. Dap an dung la A . buying con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: That dang de chung ta doc cuon sach nay. Question 49 A. institute/'instltjult/ B. literature/'Iltr3tf3(r)/
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: C. publicity/pAb'llssti/ D. mobilize/'maubslalz/
be worth + V-ing: that dang de lam gi Dap an diing la C : piihlicity co dau tiong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir
Question 39. Dap an dung la C . in con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
Giai thich ve mat ngCr nghTa: X i n vui k i n g lien he voi chung toi neu quy khach
Question 50 A . projector / p r 3 'd3ekt3(r)/ B. modify / ' m o d l f a l /
can toi nhung djch vu na\
Ta da hiet: he in need of: can C. qualify /'kwDllfal/ D. reasonable /'rilznabl/
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hop. Dap an diing la A : projector c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir
Question 4(1. Dap an dung la C . capable (a): c6 nang lire, c6 kha nang con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: Dieu rd rang Id doi vg chong Ire nay c6 nang lire Question 51 f^ap ixn dinig la A . Thong tin a cau 2 doan 1: Charlie Chaplin was
de tiep quan nhd hang dy. nwtivated to make the film by a reporter who, while interviewinif him, happened
Ta da b\k: to describe the workinf; conditions in industrial Detroit. Charlie Chaplin dirge ggi
be responsible for: c6 trach nhiem cam hi'nig lain bg phini b&i mot phong vien md trong liic phong van ong dd linh cd
- B. reliable (a): dang tin ciiy mo ta nhung dien kien Idm viec Igi thdnh pho cong nghiep Detroit. Cac chon lira
- D. able (a): c6 the con lai khong dinig y bai van.
Question 41. How did you get there? Question 52. Dap an diing la A. Thong tin a cau 3 doan 1: ... that healt/iy younfi
Dim vdo ngir nghta vd ngi7 caiih. la chon C. I just drove there. farm boys were lured to the city to work on automotive assembly lines... nhung
Question 42. Whose dictionary is this? trai trdiig khoe mgiili d iidng trgi hi ihii hut ten thdnh pho lam viec Iren cdc day
Dim vdo ngu nghia vd ngircanh. la chon D. I think your brother left it. <-lniyen lap rap 6 to.
Question 43. Which color do >ou prefer? Cac chon lira con lai khong dinig y bai van.
Dim vdo ngu nglmi vd ngu cdnh, ta chon C. The while one is nice. B. bj xua duoi khoi cac trang trai nuoi cirii
Question 44. Where can we make a phone call, sir? C. dirtjc hira cap cho cho tot hon
Dim vdo ngu nghia vd ngu cdnh, la chon B. Go ahead and you can see a post D. bj biioc phai riri khoi cac trang trai nuoi cirn
office opposite a high school. Question 53. Dap an dinig la D. to jostle: .xo day chen Ian. Cac chon Hra con lai sai
Question 45. How long w i l l it take us to replace the lights in the meeting room? ngliTa tir.
Dua vdo ngii-nghia vd ngircanh, la chgn A. A few hours. Question 54. Dap an dinig la B (canh ma dau bo phim nhSm tao chii y tao ra mot
'ien tiroiig am tliam Irong dau ngircri xem)
Tron Bo SGK:
78 79
I iircii jjmue nUDl m mi uii J mien U U L , Iluna, i mm i letif; ^im i f^i> p mi inmn
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A. giai thich each dien xuat cua Chaplin
Cac clion lira con lai sai y bai van;
A. gioi tliieu nhan vat chinli C. phe phan he thong nha may cV thap k i 30
C. tao boi canh cho toan bp tinh tiet D. ban den nhOrng bat Igi ciia cong nghe ' " " ^
D. phai bay tinh huong cua cong nhan Question 61. Dap an dung la A. Thong tin d dau doan 1: Reading to oneself is a
Question 55. Dap an dung la C - khong c6 ket qua, v6 vong modern activity which was almost unknown to the scholars of the classical and
Cac chon lira con lai sai nghTa tir. medieval worlds, while during the fifteenth century the term "reading"
Question 56. Dap an dung la B. Dai tir This chi canh cai may phan phat bCra an bj undouhtly meant reading aloud. Dgc tham mgt minh la mgt hoat dgng hien dai ma
true trac dugc mo ta trong cau di trirdc. A\<v,iwi;'; ; A f;! srHib on q s ' 1 hSu nhir khong he dirge biet den doi v d i cae hge gia thai cd dien va thai trung c6,

Cac chon lira con lai sai y bai van: jv, ,jr!blj nic; tifioTt uuh ml r- trong khi vao the ky 15, ndi den dgc nghTa la dgc Idn tieng. Cac lira ehgn con lai
(B, C, D ) sai nghTa:
A. tinh canh ciia cong nhan trong mot nha may f; -/tig^-axMi A . V:.V m A t o H ' '
C. sir true trac cua cong nghe the ky 20 ^ - B. hau nhu khong cd nai rieng t u de hge i b ii , A, •

D. canh mot day chuyen lap rap dang van hanh ' , . C. sir dgc tham chua dirge phat hien / H.Js( •
Question 57. Dap an dung la C. Chirng 2/3 bp phim dugc quay ben ngoai mot nha D. ngurdi ta t i m sir giai t r i qua viec dgc
may. Thcing tin a dau doan 4: Scences of factory interiors account for only about Question 62. Dap an dung la D. Dinh nghTa cua commonplace (adj): dmrc sir dung
one - third of Modern Times, ...Nhii-ng canh quay hen trong nha may chi chiem rongrdi. pho hien. thong dung. Cac lira ehgn eon lai ( A , B, C) sai nghTa.
1/3 bo phim Thcri hien dgi : i r.., r r , i , , , Question 63. Dap an dimg la D. Thong tin d cau 2 doan 2: Examinations of
Cac lira chon eon lai sai y: factors related to the historical development of silent reading have revealed that
A. 2/3 bo phim khien khan gia thich thi'i nhat it became the usual mode of reading for most adults mainly because the tasks
B. 2/3 bg phim tao cam giae nan long themselves changed in character. Sir khao sat cac yeu to lien quan den sir phat
C. 2/3 bg phim C O tinh phe phan hon phan con lai trien cd tinh Ijch sir cua viec dgc tham cho thay rang dgc tham da t r d thanh loi dgc
Question 58. Dap an dimg la D. Tac gi;i c6 nh§c d i n cae dac diem cua bg phim thong dung ddi v d i da so ngirdi Idn vi ban than viec dgc da thay doi ve ban chat.
nhu: A : hai hir&c chcim hicm, B: phe phan, C: giai tri, nhirng khong cho rang bg Cac lira chon khac sai y. , ,
phim se dira den mot cugc each mang xa hoi. Thong tin a can cuoi cimg: It does Question 64. Dap an dung la C. Thong tin d dau doan 3: The last century saw a
not otter a radical social message,...Bg phim khong dua ra mot thong diep xa hgi steady gradual increase in literacy and thus in the number of readers. As the
CO tinh cap tien,
number of readers increased, the number of potential listeners declined and thus
Question 59. Dap an dung la A. Trong bg phim Th/i hien cfai, nhu cau cua cong
there was some some reduction in the need to read aloud. The ki vira qua chinig
nhan kiiong he dirge dap I'rng day dii. Thong tin a hai cau cuoi doan 4: The feeding
kien mot sir gia tang deu dan cua sir hiet chir. Khi so nguai hiet doc tang, so ngutri
machine malfunctions, hurling food at Chapline, who is strapped in his position
doc tiem ndng gidni hat va do vay nhu cau doc Urn tieng ciing gidtn di.
on the assembly line and cannot escape. This serves to illustrate people '.v utter
Cac chon lira con lai (A, B, D ) sai nghTa:
helplessness in the face of machines that are meant to serve their basic needs.
A. giam nhu cau dgc Idn tieng *
Cai may phan phc'il phan an true trac, no nem Ihi'rc an tai tap vao Chaplin, I lie do
clang hi kct tren day chuyen lap rap khong the thoat ra tlugc. Canh nay nhctm muc B. sir phat trien cua t h u vien
dich minh hoa sir thi'ic thii cua con ngmri khi do! dien vai nhimg may mac dmrc che D. giam so ngudi nghe , ,
ra de phiic vu nhiivg nhu cau ccr han cua con ngmri. Question 65. Dap an dung la B . Thong tin d cuoi doan 4: However, whateverits
Cae ehgn lira eon lai khong diing v6i ngi dung bai van. virtues, the old shared literacy culture had gone and was replaced by the printed
B. T h a i hien dai mo ta mgt xa hgi bj ea g i d i hoa qua do xet tir quan diem mass media on the one hand and by books and periodicals for a specialised
xa h g i . ' • • readership on the other. Tuy nhien, dii lai ich cua viec doc la gi di nira, thi cai nen
C. Dieu kien lam vice tai cac nha may 6 to thap ki 30 rat cang thang. van hoa chia se tri thiic cua ngciy xua ciing da hien mat vd hi thay the hai mot ben
D. Tac gia khong xem Thai hien dai la mgt bg phim hoan hao. la bdo chi va mgt ben la sdch va va cac an phdm dinh ki danh cho cac doc gid
Question 60. Dap an dung la B. Ngi dung bai van la nhung y kien nhan .xet danh chuyen ngdnh.
gia ve mgt trong nhirng bg phim du-ge ira thich eira Chaplin, ehir khong: Cac chon lira con lai (A, C, D ) sai nghTa:
Tron Bo SGK:
orv 81
Luy^n giai Oi tru&c k) t/ii DH 3 miin Bdc, Trung, Nam Tieng Anh - Ngo van Minh
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A. sir suy giam cac chuan mirc hoc van OE T H I THU" SO 04
B. sir cai tiSn kT thuat in kn ^j^^
, ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Th&i gian lam bai: 90 phiit
D. sir thay doi thai do cua cac nha giao due
Question 66. Dap an dung la B. So doc gia c6 giai han chuyen \h mot nganh kien Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that
closet in meaning to each of the following questions. , ,j, ,
thuc rieng biet. Cac chon lira con lai A , C, D sai nghTa:
A . T u each ciia nhiJng nguai doe chuyen ve cac phuong tien truyen thong dai Question 1: We were all surprised when my father suddenly gave up smoking.
chung. A. We were very happy when my father suddenly gave up smoking.
C. M o t yeu c&u doi vai mot so doc gia thuoc mot nganh kien thuc dae thu. B. A l l o f us found it surprising when my father suddenly gave up smoking.
D. L u o n g sach phai doc danh cho cac nha chuyen mon. C. A l l o f us found it surprised when my father suddenly gave up smoking.
Question 67. Dap an dung la D . Doe cho mot so thinh gia nghe n uftri M D. Most o f us found it surprisingly when my father suddenly gave up smoking.

Cac chon lira eon lai ( A , B, C) sai nghTa. 2.3 Question 2:1 don't often find it difficult to he successful.
A. Seldom do I have trouble being successful.
A. tham gia vao mot buoi thu giong
B. Seldom did 1 have difficulty being successful. ' '!
B. gioi nghe thuat noi truac cong chung
C. Seldom have I find being successful. ' '' ' '
C. quan tam den ngon ngiJ noi
D. I never find it difficult to be successful. •
Question 68. Dap an dung la A . KT nang doc khong phii hop ^ ,v.« <
Question 3: Fortunately, John helped her save the boy out of the flame. .
Cac chon lira con lai ( B , C, D ) d6u la nhirng yeu t6 cham dut ton tai cua nen van
A. I f it hadn't been for John's help, her boy would have stuck in the flame.
hoa ehia se t r i thuc cua thai xua:
B. Unfortunately, John didn't come in time to save the boy out o f the flame.
B. cac phuang tien truyen thong dai chung
C. Without John's help, the boy wouldn't have died in the flame. ' • •
C. sir da dang ve tai lieu hoc
D. It was careless o f John to leave the boy in the flame. ' *
D. so doc gia chuyen nganh
Question 4:1 would rather you answered my questions immediately. ^ * ' '^'^
Question 69. Dap an dung la B . Sir suy giam vice doc Ian tieng la do tae dung lam
A. I suggest asking my questions immediately. '
phien nguai khac ciia no.
B. I would prefer you to answer my questions immediately. ' ** ' '
Cac chon lira con lai A , C, D deu dung y bai van.
C. I have you answer my questions immediately. ' '
A . viec doe Idn tieng ph6 bien a thai xua han thai nay D. I like you to answer my questions immediately. '
C. sir thay d6i thoi quen doc mot phan la do nhung thay doi \k xa hpi, van hoa Question 5: We got lost because we had left the map at home. ''
va cong nghe A. Without the map, we couldn't go far. *" '
D. khong phai tat ca cac an pham dku thich hgp d l doe Ian tieng B. We would get lost i f we didn't have the map J
Question 70. Dap an dung la B . Tac gia c6 giai thi'eh thoi quen doc da thay doi nhu C. We got lost, we must have left the map at home. ' o*k .
the nao. D. Leaving the map at home was the reason why we got lost.
Cac lira chon con lai A , C, D sai y bai van. Question 6: If you want my advice, I would forget about being rude to him.
A . chung minh cac phuang phap doc da cai tien A. I f I were you, I would forget about being rude to him.
C. thay doi thai dp ciia mpi nguai doi v a i viec doc B. It's reasonable for you to rude him. ' '" '
D. khich le sir phat trien vi$c doc C. It's worthless ruding him.
Tir eau hoi 71 - 80, cac em khong gap phai nhieu kho khan khi lam bai v i hau nhu D. Y o u must stop ruding him. ' '''
cac em da dugc tiep xiTc vai tir mai a cac bai truac. Chiic cac em may man. Question 7: He closed the door as soon as I entered the room.
71. B 72. C 73.B 74. A 75. C A. No sooner he had closed the door than I entered the room. ' '
76. D 77. C 78. A 79. B 80. B B. Hardly had he closed the doors and I had entered the room.
C. N o sooner had I entered the room than he closed the door, r '
Tron Bo SGK: D. Before I entered the room, he had closed the door. . ' '
^ M I m M M M tTM m V M.^ r VMM 'Kf> M i * ^ r I

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Question S: He was so thirsty that he ciran/c three glasses of beer. uestion 21: - does she intend to take a short rest?
A. He was too thirstv to drink three glasses o f beer. - Every two hours.
B. So thirsty was he tliat he drank three glasses o f beer. V A. How long B. How often C. How much D. Since then
C. Because he was thirsty, he could drink three glasses beer.{f, ,> v.iv.. >v\ Question 22: Hang on! I ' l l just go and have a look.
D. in spite o f being thirsty, he drank three glasses o f beer, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A • U U V V V V W YA V; A. wait a minute B. come on C. shut up D. go on
Question 9: ft wasn't careful of you lo let children go out late at night. \ Question 23: He is very on meeting Vietnamese people and making friends
A. Why didn't you let children go out late at night? • with them.
B. Shouldn't you have let children go out late at night? * A. fond B. interested C. keen D. depend
C. Y o u had better not let children go out late at night. ^ , Question 24: When the police arrested that man, he wrote
D. Y o u shouldn't have let children go out late at night. ,,•[ JQ j ^ ^ M ( } A. a letter B. an interrogation
Question 10 : It took 40 minutes to fly lo Ha Noi. C. questionnaire D. statement o f witness
A. The flight to Ha N o i spends 40 minutes. Question 25: In many countries, university professors earn Government
B. The flight to Ha N o i costs 40 minutes. IViJnister. '•.'S*m^''-''f^':m<''^'}^'''\'"iy> 5'-

C. The flight to Ha N o i lasted 40 minutes. A. as more as L ri ain ;' B. as much than

D. This is a forty minutes flight to Ha N o i . C. as much as D. much as
Question 26: That house is in a terrible state, you can see it for years.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
A. isn't painted B. hasn't been painted
to each of thefo/lowing questions.
C. wasn't painted D . hadn't been painted
Question / / . L e t ' s go for a walk, we? Question 27: Make exercise a part o f your daily
A. w i l l B. do C. shall D. must A. regularity B. chore C. routine D. frequency
Question 12: I ' m sure they were lies! Question 28: Computer is one o f the most important o f the 20"' century.
A. telling B. making C. doing D . saying A. inventing B. inventories C. inventions D. inventors
Question 13: "Gold, as well as silver, in price," he said. Question 29: Medical researchers are continually looking for ways to
A. have fallen B. has fallen C. fall D. are falling control and cure diseases.
Question 14: He's an extremely child. He cries easily. A. prevented B. be prevented C. prevent D. preventing
A. sensitive B. nonsense C. sensible D. senseless Question 30: You have taken far too many responsibilities.
Question 15: the storm, the ship couldn't reach its destination on time. A. in B. on ' ' C. out D . upon
A . In case o f B. In spite o f C. Because o f D. But for Question 31: I could tell from the look on her face that something terrible had
Question 16: Most Englishmen prefer tea coffee, don't they? happened.
A. for B. to C. o f D. on A. frightened B. frightening C. frighten D. to frighten
Question 17: Why didn't you make him for the damage? Question 32: It was that he couldn't finish it alone.
A. paid B. pay C. paying D. to pay A . a so difficult work B. a so difficult j o b ' .
Question IH: 1 wish I hadn't said it. I f only I could C. such a difficult j o b D. such a difficult work •,. .
A. turn the clock round B. turn the clock down Question 33: I hope you don't mind me so late at night.
C. turn the clock back D. turn the clock forward A. to telephone B. telephoning C. telephone D. telephoned
Question 19: Speaking English w i l l be easy i f you use it as your mother Question 34: Smoking is a very bad habit, which many people find difficult
language every day.
A. fluent B. frequently C. frequence D. fluently A. beat B. break C. interrupt D . prevent
Question 20: I've for the j o b and I hope I get it. Question 35: Helen is suffering from an o f influenza.
A. appointed B. applied C. presented D. succeeded A. attack B. outbreak C. infection D. symptom
Tron Bo SGK:
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet toDownload Ebook Tai:part
show the underlined
state for about four billion six hundred million years and is thousands o f times
that needs correction in each of the following questions. larger than the Earth. By studying other stars, astronomers can predict what the rest
o f the Sun's life w i l l be like. About five billion years from now, the core o f the Sun
Question 36: Each o f the rooms have its own bathroom. ' ' " '
will shrink and become hotter. The surface temperature w i l l fall. The higher
A B C D * "'^ V,:<y' ^
temperature o f the center w i l l increase the rate o f thermonuclear reactions. The
Question 37: By the time you come, we would have been ready everything. outer regions o f the Sun w i l l expand approximately 35 million miles, about the
A B C D distance to Mercury, which is the closest planet to the Sun. The Sun w i l l then be a
Question 38: The woman, who daughter is a doctor, is working at my hospital. red giant star. Temperatures on the Earth w i l l become too high for life to exist.
A B C D Once the Sun has used up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it w i l l begin to
Question 39 I would like to identify for the position o f a nurse advertised on T V shrink. After it shrinks to the size o f the Earth, it w i l l become a white dwarf star.
The Sun may throw o f f huge amounts o f gases in violent eruptions called nova
explosion as it changes from a red giant to a white d w a r f After billions o f years as
last night. .^ a white drawf, the Sun w i l l have used up all its fuel and w i l l have lost its heat. Such
Question 40: Mary as well as her parents are nervous when traveling by train to a star is called a black dwarf. After the Sun has become a black drawf, the Earth
A B C D will be dark and cold. I f any atmosphere remains there, it w i l l have frozen over the
Tokyo. Earth's surface.
Question 41: She has been working hardly for two days and now she feels tired. Question 51: It can be inferred from the passage that the Sun
. <; : A B C D A. has been in existence for 10 billion years
Question 42: Hardly had he gone out than things went wrong. B. is approximately halfway through its life as a yellow dwarf
A B C D C. w i l l continue to be a yellow dwarf for another 10 billion years
Question 43: Although she was i l l , but she wasn't absent from school yesterday. D. is rapidly changing in size and brightness
A B C D Question 52: What w i l l probably be the first stage o f change for the Sun to become
Question 44: The football match was postponed because the bad weather. a red giant?
A B C D A . Its core will cool o f f and use less fuel.
Question 45: I would like taking part in the games with them. 1 like sports B. Its central part w i l l grow smaller and hotter.
A B C C. It w i l l throw o f f huge amounts o f gases.
very much. D. Its surface w i l l become hotter and shrink.
D Question 53: When the Sun becomes a red giant, what w i l l the atmosphere be like
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that on the Earth? ^ ,
differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following A. It w i l l become too hot for life to exist.
questions. B. It w i l l be enveloped in the expanding surface o f the sun.
C. It w i l l freeze and become solid. j /,
Question 46: A . service B. silence C. variety D. terrify
D. It w i l l be almost destroyed by nova explosion.
Question 47: A. TQcx^Q B. validity C. minority D. phenomenon
Question 54: When the Sun has used up its energy as a red giant, it w i l l
Question 48: A. recognize B. cosumer C. opposite D. register
A. stop to expand B. cease to exist
Question 49: A. pagoda B. photographer C. mechanize D. respectable
C. become smaller D . get frozen tienTi
Question 50: A . dictionary B. relationship C. comedian D. considerable
Question 55: Large amounts o f gases may be released from the Sun at the end o f
its life as a
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. white dwarf B. red giant C. yellow dwarf D . black dwarf
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60.
Question 56: As a white dwarf, the Sun w i l l be • 'b^
The Sun today is a yellow dwarf star. It is fueled by thermonuclear reactions A. a cool and habitable planet vmvSnt
near its center that convert hydrogen to helium. The Sun has existed in its present
B. the same size as the planet Mercury
Tron Bo SGK: 87
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C. thousands o f times smaller than it is today Atomic power is used in several countries but there is always the fear o f an
D. around 35 million miles in diameter ^ ^ ancient. Atragedy once occurred at Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power
Question 57: The Sun w i l l become a black dwarf when ' " plant used to make electricity. The reactor leaked, which caused many deaths
A. the outer regions o f the Sun expand ^ through radiation.
B. it has used up all its fuel as a white dwarf io Now scientists are examing new ways o f creating electricity without harmful
C. the Sun moves nearer to the Earth );,;;•:;> effects to the environment. They may harness the tides as they flow in and out o f
D. the core o f the Sun becomes hotter bays. Most importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently. We do use
solar heaters for swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity o f the
Question 58: The word "there" in the last sentence o f paragraph 4 refers to
solar cells to create more current is necessary. When this happens, electric cars will
A. our own planet B. the core o f a black dwarf
be viable and the world w i l l rid itself o f the toxic gases given o f f by trucks and cars
C. the outer surface o f the Sun D. the planet Mercury
that bum fossil fuels.
Question 59: This passage is intended to
A. decribe the changes that the Sun w i l l go through Question 61: The author mentions the sources o f energy such as wind, steam,
B. discuss conditions on the Earth in the far future petrol in the first paragraph to
C. alert people to the dangers posed by the Sun A. suggest that electricity should be alternated with safer sources o f energy
D. present a theory about red giant stars B. emphasize the usefulness and adaptability o f electricity
Question 60: The passage has probably been taken from C. imply that electricity is not the only useful source o f energy
A. a scientific chronicle B. a news report D. discuss which source o f energy can be a suitable alternative to electricity
C. a work o f science fiction D. a scientific journal Question 62: Before electricity, what was sometimes passed through pipes to heat
Read tlie followin}> passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. Gas B. Petrol C. Steam D. Hot wind
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.
Question 63: What do we call machines that make electricity?
Today we take electricity for granted and perhaps we do not realize just how A. Voltages B. Electric magnets '
useful this discovery has been. Steam was the first invention that replaced with C. Generators or turbines D. Pipes and radiators "
power. It was used to drive engines and was passed through pipes and radiators to Question 64: The main forms o f power used to generate electricity in Australia
warm rooms. Petrol mixed with air was the next invention that provided power. are
Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a motor engine. Beyond these simple and direct A. atomic power and water ' B. water and coal ' ' ^ , ^
uses, those forms have not much adaptability. C. sunlight and wind power D. wind and gas
On the other hand, we make use o f electricity in thousands o f ways. From the Question 65: The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to
powerful voltages that drive our electric trains to the tiny current needed to work a A. harmful effects B. the tides C. scientists D. new ways
simple calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel works that can lift 10
Question 66: Electric magnets are used in steel works to
tons to the tiny electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity. A n
A. lift heavy weights up to ten tons B. test the steel for strength
electric current can be made with equal ease to heat a huge mass o f molten metal in
C. heat the molten steel D. boil a j u g o f water -
a surface, or to boil a Jug for a cup o f coffee.
Question 67: The advantage o f harnessing the power o f the tides and o f sunlight to
Other than atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full,
generate electricity is that they
electricity is the greatest power in the world. It is flexible, and so adaptable for any
A. do not pollute the environment B. are more reliable
task for which it is wanted. It travels so easily and with incredible speed along
C. are more adaptable D. do not require attention
wires or conductors that it can be supplied instantly over vast distances.
Question 68: Which o f the following power sources causes pollution by emitting
To generate electricity, huge turbines or generators must be turned. In Australia
"armful gases?
they use coal or water to drive this machinery. When dams are built, falling water is
used to drive the turbines without polluting the atmosphere with smoke from coal. A. Sunlight B. Petrol C. Water D. Wind
Question 69: The best tittle for this passage could be
Tron Bo SGK:
^ - "Types o f Power Plants"
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B. "Electricity: Harmful Effects on Our Life" . C. A l l o f us found it surprised when my father suddenly gave up smoking. Cau
C. " H o w to Produce Electricity" ,, ,. van nay co hinh thi'rc ngir phap khong dung. Chung ta khong dung surprised, phai
D. " W h y Electricity Is So Remarkable" ,, ,, , diing surprising. V i tinh tir mang hinh thuc ING dugc diing cho vat hay sir viec.
. D. Most o f us found it surprisingly when my father suddenly gave up: Cau van
Read the foUowing passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
nay c6 hinh thirc ngCr phap khong diing. Chung ta khong dung surprisingly, phai
sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to HO.
dung surprising. Chung ta can mot ti'nh tir theo sau tan ngfr gia.
The table tennis match was very enjoyable before ....(71).... lit a cigarette and Question 2. Dap an dung la A. Seldom do I have trouble being successful.
ruined the evening. After ....(72).... smoking, they let the cigarette fall on the Giai thich ve mat ngfr nghTa: Toi thin'mg khong gap kho khan de vurrt qua moi
wooden floor. Unfortunately, they dropped it without putting it out but ....(73).... thi'r = Hiem khi toi gap kho khan de vinrt qua moi thi'r.
paid any attention to it. Even the woman ....(74).... next to the man with the
Giai thich ve mat ngij phap: khi seldom di'rng dau cau thi h i | n tugng dao ngir
cigarette did not notice. Soon, however, there was . . . . ( 7 5 ) . . . . smoke. Suddenly xay ra^
flames ....(76).... up into the air. Someone immediately ran out o f the room
Seldom + trg tir + S + V nguyen hoac Seldom + have/has/had + S + V3/ed
....(77).... the fire brigade. T w o or three men got some buckets o f water ....(78)....
the Hre, but it was useless. Everyone in the large hut ....(79).... very frightened. Cac phiroTig an khong phii hgp: v „•,. ..: \
The next moment people rushed towards the main doors. Before the fire brigade - B. Seldom did 1 have difficulty being successful: Hiem khi toi da gap kho khan
arrived, the whole building was on fire. On ....(80).... the burning building, one o f de viral qua moi thi'i: Ta khong chon phirong an nay vi cau goc dimg thi hien tai
the firemen succeeded in rescuing an old woman. don nhirng phuong an B lai diing thi qua khir.

D.nobody - C. Seldom have I tlnd being successful. Cau van nay diing khong dung hinh
Question 71: A . someone B.anyone C. no one
thirc ngQ- phap.
Question 72: A . finish B. fmishing C. finished D. finishes
D.anybody - D. I never find it difficult to be successful: Toi khong hao gicr gap kho khan de
Question 73: A . someone B.anyone C. no one
vuat qua moi thtr. Cau van nay co y nghTa khong sat vai cau goc. Hi<}m khi khong
Question 74: A . she was B. was C. who was D. she
ccS nghTa la khong hao gic'r.
Question 75: A . a lot o f B. many C. a few D. little
D. shooting Question 3. Dap an diing la A. If it hadn't been for John's help, her boy would have
Question 76: A. shoot B. shoots C.shot
stuck in the flame.
Question 77: A . phone B.phoning C. to phone D. for phoning
D. put out Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Thai may. John dd gii'ip co ta ciru lay thdng be khoi
Question 78: A . to put out B. they put out C. putting out
dam chdy ^ Ncu khong co sir giup dd ciia John thi cau con trai cua c6 ay da hi
Question 79: A. was B. were C. has D. have
mac ki't trong dam chdy.
Question 80: A. enter B. entering C. entered D. he entered
Giai thich ve mat nair phap: R6 rang sir viec John ci'ni cau con trai cua co ta dd
dien ra. Dicu nay hgp vai y nghTa cua cau triic
I f it hadn't been for + N , S + could/would (not) + have + V3/ed:
Question J. Dap an dung la B. All of us found it surprising when my father Neu khong co thi ....da (khong) ;
; , suddenly gave up smoking. Day chinh la hinh thirc cua cau dieu kien loai I I I .
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Tdl cd chi'mg toi deu nggc nhien khi ho toi dot nhien
Cac phirang an khac khong phii hgp:
ha think Id = Tat ca chi'ing toi deu cam ihdy that nggc nhien khi ho toi dot nhien
- B. Unfortunately, John didn't come in time to save the boy out o f the flame:
bo thiioc Id.
That khong may. John dd khong den kip liic de ci'ru lay thdng be ra khoi dam chdy.
Giai thich ve mat ngfr phap: Ta can biet . i r
Cau van nay co nghTa trai vai cau goc.
S.o + find + it + adj : A i do cam thay the nao • C. Without John's help, the boy wouldn't have died in the flame: Neu khong co
Cac phirong an khac khong phii hop: •^tr giup dd ciia John ihi thdng be dd khong bi chet trong dam chdy. Y nghTa cua
- A . We were ver>' happy when my father suddenly gave up smoking: Tat cit cau van trai han vai y ciia cau goc.
cht'ing toi deu rat vui khi ho toi dot nhien ho thudc Id. Y nghTa ciia cau van khong • D. It was careless o f John to leave the boy in the flame: John that bdt cdn vi dd
sat vai cau goc da dua ra. thdng he trong ddm chdy. Y ngliTa cua cau van trai han v a i y cua cau goc.
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Question 4. Dap an dung la B. / would prefer you to answer my questions J f I were + O, 1 would + Vnguyen + Ban chat cung la mot lai khuyen
immediately. Cac phuang an con lai khong phii hgp:
Giai thi'ch ve mat v nghTa: Toi mudn anh tra hri nhimg cdu hoi cua toi ngay lap B. It's reasonable for you to rude him: Ban that c6 ly do chinh ddng khi vd 1^vai
tire (cdu goc = cdu viet Igi) ^ng ta. Cau van c6 nghTa trai vdi y ciia can goc.
Giai thich vg mat nuCr phap: Ta can phai biet . C. It's worthless ruding him: Viec vd le vdi dng ta that khong ddng cd. No
S1 + would rather + S2 + V2/ed = S1 + would prefer + S2 + V - to inf; khong sat nghTa vai cau goc.
A i thich ngircri khac lam gi han . D. You had to stop ruding him: Ban phdi diing Igi viec viec vd le vdi dng ta. No
khong sat nghTa vai cau goc (vi dung thi qua khir dan).
Cac phirong an khac khong phu hgp:
- A . I suggest asking my questions immediately: Toi de nghi chiing ta tra hri Question 7. Dap an dung la C. No sooner had I entered the room than he closed
the door. ^ , , ^ . y
nhiing cdu hoi cua toi ngay lap tire. Cau van c6 nghTa khong sat vai nghTa cua cau
g6c. Y trong cau g6c khong c6 sir tham gia hanh dong cua nguoi noi. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Anh ta ddng cira ngay khi tdi di vdo = Ngay khi toi di
vdo thi anh ta ddng cira.
- C. I have you answer my questions immediately: Toi nhir hgn tra hri nhimg cdu
hoi cua toi ngay lap tin.-. Y cua cau van nay khong sat vai y nghTa ciia cau goc. Giai thich ve mat ngfr phap:

- D. I reminded you to answer my questions immediately: Toi dd nhdc nha hgn tra No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + clause (qua khir dan)
lai cdu ciia toi ngay lap tire. Y ciia cau van nay khong sat vai y nghTa cua cau goc. = Hardl> + had + S + V3/ed + when + clause (qua khir dan)
Question 5. Dap an dung la D. Leaving the map at home was the reason why we vua mdi thi
got lost. Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp:
Giai thich vk mat y nghTa: Chiing toi da hi Igc dir&ng vi chimg toi de quen ban
- A. No sooner he had closed the door than I entered the room. Cau van nay sai
do a nha = Viec de quen ban do a nha Id nguyen nhdn khien chiing toi hi Igc
hinh thiic ngiJ phap. Ve theo ngay sau No sooner da khong dao ngiJ.
- B. Hardly had he closed the doors and I had entered the room. Cau van nay sai
Giai thich v e m a t ngir phap:
hinh thirc ngu phap. Ta khong dung lien tir and, thay vac do ta diing when.
Gerund (V-ing) + V + - D. Before I entered the room, he had closed the door: Tnrdc luc tdi bm'rc vdo,
Cac phirong an khac khong phu hgp: anh ta dd ddng cira. NghTa ciia cau van nay khong phu hgp v a i y cua cau goc.
- A . Without the map, we couldn't go far: Khong c6 ban dd trong tay nen chung Question S. Dap an dung la B. .SV; thirsty was he that he drank three glasses of beer.
toi khong the di xa dirac. Y cua cau van nay khong logic y cua cau goc. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Anh ta khdt den noi anh ta uong ba coc bia (cau g6c
- B. We would get lost i f we didn't have the map: Chimg se hi Igc dircmg neu = cau viet lai) yj,.,j
chimg toi khong c6 han do trong tay. Can van nay dang sir dung/Jang thirc cau dieu
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cdc ban can nh&
kien loai 11.
S + V + so + adj/adv + that + clause = So + adj/adv + V + S + clause.
i f clause (thi qua khi'r don/were), main clause (S + could/would + Vnguyen).
No dien ta dieu trai vai thirc te a hien tai. Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp.
N h i m g thirc te chung toi da khong mang theo ban do va chung toi da bj lac - A . He was too thirsty to drink three glasses o f beer: Anh ta qua khdt de udng ha
dirang. coc bia. Cau van nay phi logic y ciia cau goc.
- C. We got lost, we must have left the map at home: Chung toi dd hi Igc din'mg, + Vnguyen: qua de ...
•n Chung toi dl han da de quen ban do a nha. Cau van nay khong sat nghTa vai
- C. Because he was thirsty, he could drink three glasses beer: Bdi vi anh ta khdt
cau goc.
nen anh ta cd the udng ha coc bia. Cau van nay c6 nghTa khong sat vai nghTa ciia
Question 6. Dap an dung la A. If I were you, I would forget about being rude to
cau goc.
• D. in spite o f being thirsty, he drank three glasses of beer: Mat dii hi khdt, anh
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Neu hgn tham khdo y kien toi, toi se quen viec vd le
to udng ha cdc bia. Can van nay sai ve y.
vai dng ta = Neu toi Id hgn thi toi .vJ quen vi('c vd le vai 6ng ta.
In spite o f + N : Mac d i i .
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Thirc chat y cua cau goc la mot lai khiiyen
Tron Bo SGK:
Iiiyen aiai d^- itnr&c hi tin DH S miin BSc, TrUng, Sam 1 i^ng Anh - Ngd Van MInh Cty TNHHMTl 1)1 i /%li<-ii.<: I iel
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Question 9. Dap an dung la D. You shouldn't have let children go out late at night. g_ nonsense (n): nhom tir v6 nghTa, cau noi nga ngan
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ban that hat can khi de hon tre di chai tri vdo hudi C. sensible (a): hieu, biet dieu, c6 6c suy doan
toi = Le ra ban khong nen de bon tre di chai tre vdo budi toi. p . senseless (a): v6 nghTa, dien ro
... Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: \ wnVciriv. Question 15. Dap an dung la C. Because o f ' '' ' ' " '
should (not) + have + V3/ed: le ra (khong) nen lam gi Gjpijjiich ve mat y nghTa: Do co bao nen con tdu da khong the den nai dung luc.
Cac phuang an khac khong phii hop: Ta c6: because o f + N : v i _

- A . W h y didn't you let children go out late at night? Tgi sao ban khong de bon Cac tuong hgp khac khong phii hgp:
tre di chai tre vdo budi toi. Y ciia cau van nay trai vai y cua cau goc. A. In case o f + N : trong truang hgp, phong khi ' ;
- B. I suggest you should let children go out late at night? Toi khuyen ban nen dS B. I n s p i t e o f + N : m a c d u '.''[,'["'•''".
bon tre di chai tre vdo budi toi. Y cua cau van nay trai vai y ciia cau goc. D. But for + N : neu khong ^
- C. You can't help going out with your children late at night: Ban khong the khong Question 16. Dap an dung la B . to
di chai Cling ban tre tre vdo budi toi. Y ciia cau van nay trai vai y ciia cau goc. Giaj thich ve y nghTa: Hau het nguai Anh thich tra hon ca phe phai khong?
Question 10. Dap an diing la C. The flight to Ha Noi lasted 40 minutes. Taco:
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Chuyin bay den Ha Noi mat 40phut (cau goc = cau prefer + s.t/V-ing + to + s.t/ V-ing: thich cai gi/lam gi hon cai gi/lam gi
viet lai).
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hgp. ftri r' *
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap:
Question 17. Dap an diing la B . pay
It takes + thai gian + Vto i n f = S.t + last thai gian: Mat bao lau de lam gi.
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Tai sao ban khong yeu cau anh ta den bii mgi thiet
Cac phirang an khac khong phii hop: hai?
B. The flight to Ha N o i spends 40 minutes. Cau van nay dung sai hinh thuc ngu Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: (i ,
phap. Ta c6
make s.o + Vnguyen: khien/ yeu cau ai lam gi
S.o + spend + thai gian + V-ing: A i mat bao nhieu thai gian de lam gi
Ta c6: pay for damage: den bii thiet hai .f| v ',
- B. The flight to Ha N o i costs 40 minutes. Cau van nay dung sai hinh thiirc ngCf Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp. ,,,
phap. Ta chi dung Question 18. Dap an diing la C. turn the clock back: quay ngugc thoi gian

S.t + cost + s.o + mon tien: Cai gi tieu ton cua ai bao nhieu tien. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: L/ac gi toi da khong noi dieu do. Gid ma toi co the
quay ngirac thcri gian.
- D. This is a forty minutes flight to Ha N o i . Cau van nay diing sai hinh thuc ngir
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp
phap. Ta khong diing minutes, phai dung minute.
Question 19. Dap an dung D. fluently (adv): mot each luu loat
Question 11. Dap an dung la C. shall
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Noi tieng Anh lini loat se tra nen de dang neu ban su
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Hinh thuc cau hoi duoi dang dac biet
dvng no hang ngdy nhir tieng me de.
Let's , shall we? Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta c i n trang tir de bo nghia cho speaking.
Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hgp ve mat ngu phap. Cac phuong an khac khong phii hgp. {(.(il
Question 12. Dap an dung la A . telling Fluent (adj): luu loat
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: tell lies: noi doi frequently (adv): mot each thuong xuyen ,j 7
Cac phu-ang an khac khong phu hgp. frequence (n): su thuirng xuyen . ,,
Question 13. Dap an dung la B . has fallen Question 20. Dap an dung la B . applied (apply)
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: N1 + as well as + N 2 + V ( N 1) Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Toi da nop ho sa dtr tuyen vao cong viec ay vd toi hy
Cac phuang an khac khong phii hgp. ^^"g se dtrac triing tuyen. ,
Question 14. Dap an diing la A . sensitive (a): nhay cam, d l bi ton thu-ang ' a c6: apply for: nop ho SO irng tuyen
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Thdng be nay rat nhay cam. No that dikhoc. Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp: j J^.Y ,,
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hgp: Tron Bo SGK:
Liy IISHH MIV UVVH hhang Viet
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- A . appoint ( v ) : bo niiiem . A . i s n ' t p a i n t e d : khong dung c i n i g v a i for + khodng thai gian
- C. present ( v ) : t r i n i i bay , C. w a s n ' t p a i n t e d : khong diing c i i n g v a i for + khodng thai gian
- D . succeed i n ( v ) : t h a n h c o n g . D . h a d n ' t been p a i n t e d : khong dung c h u n g v a i t h i h i e n t a i d a n t r o n g c i i n g m o t
Question 21. D a p an d u n g la B. H o w often
cau. • :• ' :r r;,-
G i a i t i i i c h ve m a t nizir n g h i a : - Co du kien nghigiai lao nhir the nao? Question 27. D a p an d u n g la C. r o u t i n e ( n ) : t h o i t h u a n g , le t h u o n g
- Ci'f hai gia dong ho mot Idn. 7 n j a i t h i c h ve m a t y nghTa: Hay I hire hien vi^c tap thi due nhu Id mot phdn cong
T a c6: H o w often : bao n h i e u Ian? . viec hdng ngay.
Cac p h u a n g an c o n l a i i<.h6ng p i i i i h g p : Cac phu-ang an khac k h o n g p h i i h g p : , j,, ,
- A . H o w l o n g : d u n g de h o i ve bao lau. . A . r e g u l a r i t y ( n ) : sir deu dan
- C. H o w m u c h : d u n g de h o i ve bao n h i e u ( t i e n ) . . B . c h o r e ( n ) : viec v a t thu-ang ngay .:^.^..;..::J:cd'y^
- D . Since t h e n : N g a y sau d o . D . f r e q u e n c y ( n ) : sir t h i r a n g x u y e n •''I ; : • i xy-
Question 22. D a p an d u n g la A . w a i t a m i n u t e ^Hev/w/i 2^. D a p an d u n g la C. i n v e n t i o n s li ' ' '
G i a i t h i c h ve mat y nghTa: D g i m o t t i . T o i se d i v a t i m x e m . G i a i t h i c h ve m a t y nghTa: May tinh la mot trong nhibig phdt minh quan trong
T a c6: h a n g o n = w a i t a m i n u t e : d g i m o t t i nhdt ct'ia the ky 20.
Cac p l u i o n g an khac k h o n g p h i i h g p : G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngir phap: '
B . c o m e o n : d e n d a y nao
one o f the/ t i n h tir s a h u u + N p l : m o t t r o n g n h i r n g .
C. shut up: i m m i e n g
T a c o : i n v e n t i o n ( n ) : sir phat m i n h
D. go o n : t i e p tuc
Cac p h u o n g an khac k h o n g p h i i h g p :
Question 23. D a p an d u n g la C. keen
- A . i n v e n t i n g ( V - i n g ) : phat m i n h
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngir phap:
- B . i n v e n t o r i e s ( N p l ) : n h i r n g bang k i e m ke
be keen-on = be interested in = be fond o f + s.t/V-ing: t h i c h c a i gi/lam g i - D . inventor s ( N p l ) : cac nha phat m i n h
Question 24. D a p an d u n g la B. an i n t e r r o g a t i o n : sir t h a m v a n Question 29. D a p an d i m g la C. prevent
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t y nghTa: Khi vien cdnh sat bat giir ngieai dan 6ng nay thi ong G i a i t h i c h ve m a t v nghTa: Cdc nha nghien cuu Y hoc khong ngimg tim kiem
ta dd thirc hien mot ban thdm vdn. phirang phdp khong che, ngdn chgn vd chira tri cdc benh tat.
Cac p h u o n g an khac k h o n g p h i i h g p : G i a i t h i c h ve mat ngir phap: T a da biet
- A . a letter: m o t la t h u ' •to + V n g u y e n , Vnguyen
- C. q u e s t i o n n a i r e : b a n g cau h o i
Cac p h u o n g an khac k h o n g p h i i h g p .
- D . statement o f witness: l o i k h a i
Question 30. D a p an d i i n g la B. o n
Question 25. D a p an d u n g la C. as m u c h as
G i a i t h i c h ve mat y nghTa: Ban da dam nhiem qua nhieu vdn di.
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t y nghTa: (J nhieu nieac, cac gido sir dgi hoc hm'mg dmrc mm
T a c o : take o n : d a m n h i e m , nhan lay
Immg ngang Thu tir&ng Chinh phii.
Cac p h u a n g an khac k h o n g p h i i h g p :
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngir phap:
• A . take i n : c h o a t r g
earn as m u c h as....: kiem dugc nhieu tien n h u
• B . take o u t : r u t k h o i -
Cac p h i r a n g an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h g p v a i h i n h thurc ngir phap.
" D . take u p o n : t r a n h luan v a i a i ve d i e u g i , chat v a n a i ve d i e u g i
Question 26. B. hasn't been painted J / . D a p an d i i n g la A . frightened . . .,,
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t y nghTa: Ngoi nha nay dang trong tinh trgng xuong cdp Irani
Q i a i t h i c h ve mat v nghTa: Toi co thi nhan ra dirac sir sa hai tren guang mat co
trong. Ban co the nhdn thdy rang no khong dwac son si'ra trong nhieu nam nay.
ta rang co dieu gi do that ghe ran da xdy ra.
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngir phap: Quan sat ve sau, t a nhan t h a y g i a i tir for d a n g dirge
T a c 6 : f r i g h t e n e d l o o k : anh mat s g hai
d i m g . C h i co t h i hien tai hoan thanh m a i d u g c phep d u n g t r o n g t r u o n g h g p n a y .
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngir phap: Chung ta dung hinh thuc V3/ed nhu mot tinh tir de
Cac p h u o n g an c o n lai k l i o n g phii h g p :
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the hieny bi dong. - J''' »•
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Cac plurcTiig a n kliac k h o n g pliii hcrp. Question 42. Dap an dung la B. than • when
Question 32. Dap an dung la D. such a difficult work Cjjai thich: Chung ta diing cau true: Hardly + thi qua khi'r hoan thanh (dao ngu)
Giai thich ve mat ngu- phap: M-' ? + when + thi qua khur dan: Chang bao lau thi
...such + N + that + clause; ....qua den noi | Question 43. Dap an dung la B. but • bo "but"
Gjai thich: Cau true "Although" (mac du) noi len sir tuang phan hanh dong 6
Question 33. Dap an dung la B. telephoning ^
hai ve cua cau, khong can dung "but" nua.
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Toi hy vo>'^ hgn .vt~ khon^ thdy phien khi Idi clien
Question 44. Dap an dung la B. because • because o f
thogi cho hgn mndn nhir vdy vdo ban ctem.
GjajJiiich: Because o f + noun: D o / b a i dieu gi ' M ' H V
Giai thich ve mat nm'r phap: '""^
Question 45. f)ap an dung la A . taking • to take
mind (O) + V-ing: ....thay phien | ^. Cjjai thich: Would like + V-to infinitive...? Thich lam di^u gi khong?
Question 34. Dap an dung la B. break (v) pha va, lam gay, t u bo
Question 46. A. service/'s3:vis/ ' ' B. s i l e n c e / ' s a l b n s /
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: ///// ihiioc Id Id inol thai qucn xdu nid nhiini ngmri
thdy that khd c1e tir hd. C. v a r i e t y / v a ' r a l a t i / D. t e r r i f y / ' t e r l f a i /

Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp: Dap an dung la C : variety c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet tliii' hai. Cac tir con
A. beat (v): danh bai lai CO dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu nhSt. < , , -
C. interrupt (v): ngat, lam gian doan Question 47. A . recipe/'resapi/ B. v a l i d i t y / v a ' l i d a t i / >•
D. prevent(v): ngan chan C. minority / m a l ' n D r o t i / D. phenomenon / f o ' n D m i n a n /
Question 35. Dap an dung la B . outbreak (n) sir bung no, sir boc phat Dap an dung la A : recipe co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thiV nhat. Cac tir con
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Helen dung hi nhiem hC'nh trong dat dich cinn nay. lai CO dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.
Cac phirang an khac khong phii hop:
Question 4H. A . recognize Prekognalz/ B. consumer / k 3 n ' s j u l m 3 ( r ) /
- A . attack (n) sir tan cong
- C. infection (n) sir nhiem triTng hay nhiem benh C. opposite /'Dpazit/ D. register / ' r e d 3 l s t 3 ( r ) /
- D. symptom (n) tricu chung cua benh Dap an dung la B: consumer c6 dau trong am danh vao am ti6t thi'r hai. Cac tir
Question 36. Dap an dung la B. have • has con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhSt.
Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Ta c6 Question 49. A . pagoda /pa'gauds/ B. photographer /fa'tDgrafaCr)/
each o f the/tinh tir so hiru + N p l + Vsi C. mechanize / ' m e k a n a i z / D. respectable / r l ' s p e k t o b l /
Question 37. Dap an dung la C . would • will Dap an dung la C : mechanize c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu' x\\\k. Cac tir
Giai thich ve mat ngfr phap: con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai.

By the time + clause (hien tai dan), clause (tiiong lai hoan thanh) Question 50. A. dictionary / ' d i k / a n r i / B. relationship / r l ' l e l j n / l p /
Question 38. Dap an diing la B. who • whose C. comedian / k a ' m i l d i a n / D. considerable / k a n ' s l d a r a b l /
Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Dap an dung la A : dictionary c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat. Cac tir
whose + danh t u con lai c6 dau am danh vao am tidt thir hai.
Question 51. Dap an dung la B. Mat trai hien dang a giira chirng sir t6n tai cua no
Question 39. Dap an dung la B. identify
"hu mot anh t i Hon mau vang. Thong tin a cau 2 doan 1: The Sun has existed in its
• apply
present state for about four billion six hundred million years..M\\i ton tai
Giai ve mat y nghTa: apply for + cong viec: nop ho sa vao cong viec gi
'•"ong trang thai ciia no da 4 t i 6 tram trieu nam nay... .va a cau 2 doan 2: About five
Question 40. Dap an dung la B. are • is
^'llion years from now, the core of the Sun will shrink and become hotter. Chirng
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap:
^ t i nam nua, loi ciia mat trai se co riit lai va tra nen nong han.
. ^ I N l + a s w e l l a s + N2 + V ( N 1 ) -
Cac chon lira con lai A , C, D sai y bai van: ,
Question 41. Dap an dung la B. hardly • hard)
A. Mat trai da ton tai 10 t i nam roi. '
Giai thich: Hard (adv): sieng nang, vat va Tron Bo SGK:
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C. Se tiep tyc la mot anh t i hon mau vang them 10 t i nam nira. Question 57. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin a dau doan cu6i: After billions of years
D. Dang nhanh chong thay d6i kich ca va dp sang. ^ a white drawf, the Sun will have used up all its fuel and will have lost its heat.
Question 52. Dap an dung la B. Giai doan thu nhat ciia tien trinh tra thanh mot ga Such a star is called a black dwarf. Sau hang t i nam lam mot anh t i hon mau trSng,
khong lo mau do. Thong tin a doan 2: About five billion years from now, the core mjt trai se dung het nguyen li^u cua no va mat het nhiet, M o t ngoi sao nhu t h i goi
of the Sun will shrink and become hotter...Chimg 5 ti nam nira, loi cita mat trai la mot anh t i hon mau den.
se CO rut Igi va tra nen nong hem. Cdc giai doan tiep theo: Nhiet do ciia he mat Va o phan sau cu6i doan 1: and is thousands of times larger than the
gidm ha. Nhiet do cao hem d lam se day nhanh toe do cdc phdn wig nhiet hach. earth..-vd km hov trdi dat hdng nghin Idn.
Cdc vitng be mat se gidn na chimg 35 tri^u nam ticc hang khodng each tit mat triri Cac lira chon con lai ( A , C, D) sai y bai van: , i v
den sao Kim. Ngdi sao gdn mat trai nhat. Mat trai khi dy se la mQt ga khong la A. vung be mat gian na Ian y ; / ' . : • , :

mau do. C. tien lai gan trai dat . . . i .

Cac lira chon con lai A , C, D sai y bai van. D. loi \rd nen nong hanzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJ
A. Loi mat trai ngupi di va sir dung it nhien lieu hon. Question 5S. Dap an dung la A. Th6ng tin a cau 3 doan cuoi: After the Sun has
C. Se phat ra nhirng \uong khi khong 16 become a black drawf, the Earth will be dark and cold. Sau khi mat trdi thanh mot
D. Be mat nong han va co rut lai anh ti hon mau den, trdi dat s<? tai om vd Ignh leo.
Question 53. Dap an dung la A . Thong tin a cuoi doan 2: Temperatures on the Cac lira chon con lai ( B , C, D) sai y bai van.
Earth will become too high for life to exist. Nhiet do tren trai dat se tra nen nong Question 59. Dap an dung la A . Bai van nham muc dich m6 ta cac giai doan ma
den mirc sir song khong the ton tai. mat trai se kinh qua, chi'r kh6ng phai: „ , .
Cac chon lira con lai B, C, D sai y bai van. B. ban ve cac dieu kien tren trai dat trong tuang lai xa ,
B. K h i quyen trai dat bj nuot chirng vi mat trai phinh to C. canh bao moi nguai ve nhirng hiem hoa den tu'mat trai
C. K h i quyen trai dat dong bang va ran lai D. dira ra mot gia thiiyet ve nhirng ng6i sao khong 16 mau do
D. K h i quyen trai dat gan nhu bj huy diet vi cac vu no nova Question 60. Dap an dung la D. Bai van c6 the dirge trich tir mot tap chi khoa hoc.
chir kh6ng phai:
Question 54. Dap an dung la C. Thong tin a dau doan 3: Once the Sun has used
A. mot bien nien sir khoa hoc
up its thermonuclear energy as a red giant, it will begin to shrink. Sau khi mat
B. ?not ban tin 'A )>.>;
trai, luc nay la mot ga khong 16 mau do, diing het nang lugng nhiet hach cua no, no
se bat dau teo nho lai. C. mot truyen khoa hoc vien tirang
Cac chon lira con lai ( A , B, C) sai y bai van. Question 61. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin a cu6i doan 1: Beyond these simple and
Question 55. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin a cuoi doan 3: The Sun may throw off direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability. Ngoai nhirng c6ng dung true
huge amounts of gases in violent eruptions called nova explosion as it changes tiep va dan gian nay, nhirng dang nang lugng ay chang c6 may ung dung gi khac.
Cac lira chon khac sai y:
from a red giant to a white dwarf Mat trcri c6 the phdt ra nhimg hrang khi khong
lo theo timg dat phun trdo dir doi goi Id cdc vu no nova khi no thay doi tic mot gd A. de ggi y rang dien nen dirge dijng xen ke vai cac nguon nang lirgng an toan han
khong id mau do thduh mat anh ti han mau trdng. C. dc ham y rang dien khong phai la nguon nang lirgng huu ich duy nhat
Cac chon lira con lai ( A , C, D) sai y bai van. D. de thao luan xem ngu6n nang lirgng nao c6 the la mot thay the thich hgp
cho dien
Question 56. Dap an dung la C . Thong tin a cau 2 doan 3: After it shrinks to the
size of the Earth, it will become a white dwarf star. Sau khi mat triri teo lai hang Question 62. Dap an dung la C. Thong tin a cau 3 doan 1: / / VIY?.V 'u.sed to drive
engines and was passed through pipes and radiators ta warm rooms. No [hai
kich thirac trdi dat, no se thanh mot anh ti hon mau trdng. Va a phan sau cuoi doan
nirdc] dirac diing de van hdnh dong ca vd truyen dtiac qua dng vd may sirdi de
1: ...and is thousands of times larger than the earth...vd Ian han trdi ddl hdng
•lu-ai dm d phdng.
nghin Idn.
Question 63 Dap an dung la C. Thong tin a cau 2 doan 3: It is flexible, and so
Cac Ivra chon con lai ( A , B, C) sai y bai van:
adaptable for any task for which it is wanted. Dien c6 tinh Huh dong vd do do de
A. tra thanh mot hanh tinh nguoi va c6 the cu trii
thich inig vdi hdl ky' cdng viec ndo cdn den no.
B. bang kich thiroc sao K i m
Cac chon lira khac kh6ng c6 th6ng tin h6 trg hoac khong dii y: )
D. CO duong kinh chirng 35 tri^u dam
A. dien re tien va de dung
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B. dien dirge diing de chay dong ca
D E T H I THLT S O 0 5
D. dien ccS the la dugc tao ra de dang
Thdi uian Idm bdi: 90 phdt
Question 64. Dap an dung la C. Thong tin o dau doan 4: To ffenerate electricity,
liufje turbines or f^enerators must he turned. Mudn Icio ra dien. can phai lam quay Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
nhwig luoc - bin lire Id qiiunh nhCmg may phdt dien khdng Id. closet in meaninff to each of the followin}- questions.
Question 65. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin a cau 2 doan 4: /// Australia they use
Question 1: "Be careful or you may get lost and run out of money, " she said.
coal or water to drive this machinery. (J Uc, ngm/i la dung nude hodc l/ian dd de
A. She advised me to be careful or I might get lost and run out o f money.
van hdnh nhurig c6 may nay.
Cac chon lira khac khong c6 thong tin ho trg: B. She told me to be careful i f 1 got lost and run out o f money.
Question 66. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin o can 2 doan cuoi: They may harness C. She warned me to be careful or I had to get lost and run out o f money.
the tides as they/low in and out of hays. Cdc nhd khoa hoc cd tlie khai thdc sire D. She ordered me to be careful and I might get lost and run out o f money.
mgnh cua ihuy trieu khi chiing dang len vd hg xudng d cdc vinh hien. Question 2: "Why are you so late? The plane has just taken off " he said.
Cac lira chgn khac khong lam hanh dong dang len va ha xuong. A. He told me why I was so late, the plane had just taken off. ••
Question 67. Dap an dung la A. Thong tin a giua doan 2:....cnid from the huge B. He asked me not to be late, the plane had just taken o f f
e/eclrie magnet in steel works thai can I if) 10 tons to the...vd tir khoi nam chdm C. He asked me why I was so late and said the plane had just taken o f f
dien khong 16 Irong nhd may luyen I hep cd the ndng durrc JO idn cho den.... D. He said he was late and the plane had just taken o f f ,,
Question 68. Dap an dung la A . Tliong tin a toan doan cuoi: Now scientists are Question Hardly had I arrived at the .station when the train left.
e.xaming new wavs of creating eleclricily without harmful effects to the A. The train leaves as soon as we arrive at the station. ;
environment. They may harness the tides as they flow in and out of hays. Most B. No sooner I had arrived at the station than the train left.
importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently. We do use solar heaters for
C. I had hardly arrived at the station when the train left. i '
.swimming pools hut as yel improvemeni in the capacity of the solar cells to create
D. The train didn't leave early as we had expected.
more current is necessary. When this happens, electric cars will he viable and the
Question 4: You should prepare carefully for the opening ceremony.
world will rid itself of the toxic gases given off by trucks and cars that burn fossil
A. The opening ceremony should have prepared carefully.
fuels. Hien gid cdc nhd khoa hoc dang xem xel cdc phurrng phdp nidi de sinh dien
B. The opening ceremony must have prepared carefully. yf.^ ' \i.
md khong 1dm hgi mdi Iruxmg. Ho c6 the khai thdc sire mgnh cua thuy trieu khi
chiing ddng len vd hg xuong if cdc vinh hien. Quan Irgng hon ca, hg hi vgng luv C. The opening needs to be preparing carefully.
giir dnh ndng hieu qua hov. i hiing la hien dang dung nhCmg thiet hi dun nirdc D. It's important that you prepare carefully for the opening ceremony.
chgy bang ndng hrgng mat Irdi cho cdc be bcri ninmg van con cai lien kha ndng lini Question 5: Nobody can deny that he is a new hero.
dien ciia pin mat Irdi de Igo ra dong dien Idn han. Khi 1dm din/c dieu nay, d to A. Everybody said him to be a new hero.
chgy dien se Ihdnh cong vd the giiri se khu hd nhinig khi thai doc hgi thai ra tir xe B. It is a fact that he is a new hero.
idi vd xe d to chgy bang nhien lieu hou ihgch. C. He is known by a new hero.
Question 69. Dap an dung la B. Thong tin odoan cuoi: ....the to.xic gases given off D. People said that, he was a new hero.
by trucks and cars that burn fossil fuels... ./7/7;77;^' khi thai doc hgi thai ra tir xe lai Question 6: 1 didn 7 arrive in time to save the boy. '
vd xe 6 to chgy bang nhien lieu hda ihgch. A. The boy wasn't saved by me.
Question 70. Dap an dung la D. "tai sao dien nang dang diroc luu y den the" B. Unless I was late. I wouldn't save the boy.
'}•( Cac nhan de khac khong hgp ngi dung bai doc: C. I f I arrived in time, I would save the boy. '
A. cac loai nha may dien D. Had I arrived in time, 1 could have saved the boy.
<">>'• B. dien: nhung tac dung c6 hai cho doi song cua chi'ing ta Question 7: Life on earth will be destroyed if people keep cutting trees for their
'^^ C. each san xuat dien own benefits.
71. A 72. B 73. C 74. C 75. A A. I f we stop to cut trees for our benefits, the life on earth w i l l be better.
76. C 77. C 78. A 79. A 80. B B. I f we don't continue to cut trees for our own benefits, life on earth will be
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C. Life on earth will be destroyed unless people stop cutting trees for their own j^ark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
benefits. (0 each of the followinf> questions.
D. The more trees we cut for our own benefits, the worst the earth becomes. Question 16: The woman reports that the men to take the goods back,
Question 8: She pointed out his mistakes to him. contrary to their company's policy.
A. He pointed out his mistakes. ,, j A. considered B. suggested C. refused D. admitted
B. His mistakes were pointed out to him. Question 17: Joing World Irade Organization (WTO) offers private companies of
C. He was denied pointing out mistakes. Yiet nam a lot of opportunities with oversea ones.
D. He didn't be pointed out his mistakes. A. to cooperate B. cooperating C. cooperate D. cooperated
Question 9: They informed me that they had seen that fdm three times in Thailand. Question 18: Rarely at night. He usually has a glass of milk instead.
A. They informed me that that film had been seen three times in Thailand. A. my father drinks B. do my father drink
B. I was informed that they had seen that film three times in Thailand. C. my father drinks D. does my father drink
C. I was informed that they had seen that film three times in Thailand.
Question 19: Although i him to give up the boring job, he put my
D. It was informed me that that film had been seen three times in Thailand.
advice aside.
Question 10:1 have just read the teller you sent me this morning.
A. admitted B. considered C. persuaded D. suggested
A. The letter has just been read you sent me this morning.
Question 20: The managers of the company have just founded a better solution to
B. I have just read the letter which was sent to me this morning.
the financial problem
C. The letter which has been read was sent me this morning.
A. last B. late C. lately D. finally
D. ! have just been read the letter you sent me this morning.
Question 21: The president of the corperation had finished his
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part speech than his secretary entered the meeting room.
that needs correction in each of the following questions. A. no sooner B. hardly C. by the end of D. scarely
Question 22: Unfortunately, both of the men did not pay to the
Question 11: You should take the map for case you get lost [n the forest.
speech which was made by Mr. John this morning. " ' ''
A. attention B. attentively C. attentive D. attend
Question 12: The government have just passed land laws for 20 days but they
Question 23: Athough she is very busy with her business, she her
family well.
are not applicable for the residents.
A. looks for B. looks up C. looks after D. looks at
Question 24: After financial problems, the company's strategy is to stop
Question 13: He considered to buy a new house but he has already changed his
producing to avoid bankrupt.
A. temporarily B. wasteful C. determined D. temporary
mind because he supported his two daughters who are studying at
Question 25: Most young people are coming to big cities to look for jobs as there
* of choice for their determination.
the university.
A. widen B. large C. various D. variety
Question 14: When you can't get any help by complaining on the phone, you
Question 26: The survey that over 90% students are using A T M cards
issued by Dong A bank.
can send the customer services department a handwritten letter to
A. points B. performance C. indicates D. composes
Question 27: We refresh ourselves or we won't exist in the market.
explain your problem clearly.
A. productive B. confused C. competitive D. unpolished
Question 15: The cinematographer doesn't make an important contribution for
Question 28: According to the global survey 400 million people speak
A B •i\^.y:)\] C
^"glish as their mother tongue.
the finished motion picture. jn,, ,,1
A. exactly B. almost C. approximately D. relatively
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KM 1 A C
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Question 29: So far. we have not received any about the bad services C. Yes. please sit down,
from customers. p. Ihere is only one by the windown.
A. complain B. appreciation C. praise D. complaints Question 43: What are your music preferences?
Question JO: With a growing o f yearly ititerests, we will A. 1 am not good at playing guitar.
demonstrate how we are developing. B. I like collecting music instruments. ' •''
A. accountant B. accounting C. number D. a number C. Listening to folk songs and romantic music gives me pleasure.
Question 31: In order to remain develpoment, I suggest we all run D. 1 have a big collection o f music instruments.
after our competitive strategies. . ji Question
-zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA44: How are you doing?
A. temperated B. imperative C. permanent D. limitation A. Everything is out o f order.
Question 32: I f we keep working hard like that, we w i l l be of B. I m O k .
overcoming difficulties that we have encounted. C. It's ages since I last met my doctor.
A. able B. capable C. nearby D. acceptable D. I think everything is out o f my control.
Question 33: The president o f the corporation made such a(n) speech that Question 45: You have a beautiful house.
everyone listened to his words. A. You're welcome.
A. perishable B. impressive C. attracted D. interested B. No problem. rriij
Question 34: They a lot o f valuable time looking for hopeless love. C. T h a n k \ o u very much for your consideration. 'j : i;
A. spent B. took C. purchased D. ensured y D. It"s very kind o f you to say so. '1 • ' '
Question 35: The university o f eight faculties and they are traing thirty
Mark tlie letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
two majors.
differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
A. includes B. hold C. consists D. caught
Question 36: .loining World Trade Organization ( W T O ) offers
companies o f Viet Nam a lot o f opportunities to cooperate with oversea ones. Question 46: A. potato B. development
A. owned B. inhcritage C. private D. cautious C". victorious D. introduce
Question 37: The charity union has been looking for for the Question 47: A. throughout B. nevertheless
campaign called "for the poor". C. susceptible D. photographer
A. volunteers B. unemployment C. employed D. responses Question 48: A. familiar B. temporary
Question 38: We can't help checking all contracts signed last year in order to be in C. contemporary D. miraculous
with the tax that we paid. Question 49: A. television B. difference
A. compare B. comparation C. accordance D. agreement C. individual D. consequently
Question 39: It was their relationship that led to successful business. Question 50: A. preformance B. monotonous
A. collaborative B. directly C. various D. reduced C. mysterious D. flourish
Question 40: We live in the city when we were young.
^ead the foi/owin}' passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. get used to B. w i l l have to C. would have D. used to
"heet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60.
Question 41: I lave \ o u ever considered a career in speaking in public?
A. I really do not like going far from home. It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get an education,
evertheless. it has been said that today children interrupt their education to go to
B. No. I have not thought about it. .j.^,: ^'ytWmy
^*^'i«ol. The difference between schooling and education implied bv this remark is
C. I t ' s very interesting.
D. See you later. I am having a meeting.
Education is much more open - ended and all - inclusive than schooling,
Question 42: Are there any seats left?
ducation knows no limits. It can take place anywhere, whether in the shower or
A. There is not any fresh air in the waiting room.
'lie j o b , whether in the kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal
B. There is not enough leg-room for passengers. Tron Bo SGK:
Luy?n gidi de trmrc la ihi DH J mien Bdc, Trung, Nam Img AHH - i\Sd VSH MWH
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learning that takes place in school and the whole universe o f informal learning. The Question 56: Which o f the following would the writer support?
agent (doer) o f education can vary from respected grandparents to the people A . Our education system needs to be changed as soon as possible. - <^
arguing about politics on the radio, from a child to a famous scientist. Whereas B. Going to school is only part o f how people become educated.
schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises. A
C. Schooling is o f no use because students do similar things every day.
chance conversation with a stranger may lead a person to discover how little is
D. Without formal education, people won't be able to read and write.
known o f other religions. People receive education from infancy on. Education, then,
Question 57: The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to
is a very broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong process, a process that starts long
A. newest filmakers B. political problems
before the start o f school, and one that should be a necessary part o f one's entire life.
C. workings o f governments D. high school students
Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalilzed process, whose general
Question 58: Because the general pattern o f schooling varies little from one setting
pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Throughout a country, children
arrive at school at about the same time, take the assigned seats, are taught by an to the next, school children throughout the country
adult, use similar textbooks, do homework, take exams, and so on. The pieces o f A. are taught by the same teachers B. have the same abilities
reality that are to be learned, whether they are the alphabet or an understanding o f C. do similar things D. have similar study conditions
the workings o f governments, have been limited by the subjects being taught. For Question 59: From the passage, we can infer that a high school teacher
example, high school students know that they are not likely to find out in their A. is free to choose anything to teach .
classes the truth about political problems in their society or what the newest B. is not allowed to teach political issues
filmmakers are experimenting with. There are clear and undoubted conditions C. is bound to teach programmed subjects
surrounding the formalized process o f schooling. D. has to teach social issues to all classes n-. -
Question 60: Which o f the following is T R U E according to the passage?
Question 51: This passage is mainly aimed at
A. The best schools teach a variety o f subjects.
A. listing and discussing several educational problems
B. Students benefit from schools, which require long hours and homework.
B. telling the difference between the meaning o f two related words
C. Education and schooling are quite different experience.
C. telling a stor\ about excellent teachers
D. The more years students go to school, the better their education is.
D. giving examples o f different schools
Question 52: In the passage, the expression "children interrupt their education to Read the followin}^ passaf^e and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
go to school" mostly implies that sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.
A. schooling prevents people discovering things At the beginning o f the nineteenth century, the American educational system
B. schooling takes place everywhere was desperately in need o f reform. Private schools existed, but only for the very
C. all o f life is an education rich. There were very few public schools because o f the strong sentiment that
D. education is totally ruined by schooling children who would grow up to be laborers should not "waste" their time on
Question 53: The word "all - inclusive" in the passage mostly means education but should instead prepare themselves for their life's work. It was in the
A. including everythingg or everyone B. going in many directions face o f this public sentiment that educational reformers set about their task. Horace
C. involving many school subjects D. allowing no exceptions Mann, probably the most famous o f the reformers, felt that there was no excuse in
a republic for any citizen to be uneducated. As Superintendent o f Education in the
Question 54: According to the passage, the doers o f education are
state o f Massachesetts from 1837 to 1848, he initiated various changes, which were
A. only respected grandparents B. mainly politicians
soon matched in other schooldistricts around the country. He extended the school
C. mostly famous scientists D. almost all people
year from five to six months and improved the quality o f teachers by instituting
Question 55: What does the writer mean by saying "education quite often produces
teacher education and raising teacher salaries. Although these changes did not
surprises"? bring about a sudden improvement in the educational system, they at least
A. It's surprising that we know little about other religions. increased public awareness as to the need for a further strengthening o f the system.
B. Educators often produce surprises. Question 61: The best title for the passage could be
C. Informal learning often brings about unexpected results. A. The Beginning o f Reform in American Education
D. Success o f informal learning is predictable. B. Nineteenth - the Century o f Reform
Tron Bo SGK:
1 AO
lJWH.ll Jl,llll U L I I W I l L III l l l l m i J iilll-ll u u i , , 1 1 w u ^ , I m i l l m-iij; ; iiiii j ,gi} nm _
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'/yuestion 70: According to the passage, which o f the following is a ciiange that
C. A l l i g h t for Change
I). American Hdiication in the [beginning o f t h e 19"'Century plorace Mann instituted'.'
Question 62: The passage implied that to go to a private school, a student ;\ increased pa\r students
needed 'imrit- ?«<.,. ?, g. the matching o f other di.stricts" policies '
A. a high level o f intelligence B. a strong educational background C. better teacher training
C. a lot o f none D. good grades p . the t n e - month school year
Question 63: The word "desperated ly" in the passage mostly means Head the followinii passage and mark t/te letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. ob\y B. urgently C. completely D. partly glteet to indicate t/te correct wordfor each of the hianlis front 71 to HO,
Question 64: I'he author o f the passage puts the word "waste" in quotation marks
Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair o f shoes, and as es.sential to
thousands o f school children . . . . ( 7 ! ) . . . . a pencil and rubber. Schools have tried to
A. does not want students to waste their time on education /
.(72). •• their use by ....(73).... them in science lessons to save time, but by not
B. is quoting someone else who said that education was a waste o f time
allowing them to be used in math classes. But when children do their homework, a
C. thinks that education is not really a waste o f time
pocket calculator is a must. But nowdays in Britain, calculators can be used freely
[). wants to emphasize how much time is wasted on education
in school examinations, and already in many schools the only sound to be heard
Question 65: According to the passage, Horace Mann wanted a better educational
....(74)... a mathematics examinations is the sound o f children lapping out their
s\m for Americans because
A. Massachesctts residents needed something to do with their spare time
Many parents feel that their children are not being given a basic ....(76).... o f
B. education at the time was so cheap
the facts and figures. The ....(77).... o f addition, division, substraction and
C. all citizens should be educated in a republic
multiplication is a part o f training in logics which is important for every child. It
D. people had nothing else to do except go to school
teaches them to ....(78).... a series o f steps necessary in coming to conclusion.
Question 66: 1 he weird " r e f o r m e r " in the passage mostly means
....(79).... a calculator, the child can reach the right answer, but have no idea at all
A. people who tr-\o ciiange things for the better •"•if
....(80).... he got them.
B. people wiio belie\ that education is wasted C. alike D. as
Question 71: A . like B. likely
C. people who realK enjoy teaching ^. Question 72: A . prevent B. stop C. force D. limit
D. people who work for the government Question 73: A . allowing B. accusing C. apologized D. making
Question 67: Ihe word "citizen" in the passage mostly means Question 74: A . while B. during C. when D. at once
A. a person who lives in a particular city Question 75: A . ideas B. answers C. decision D. thought
B. a person who works in a particular place Question 76: A . understanding B. success C. knowledge D. intelligence
C. a person w ho works, especially one who does a particular kind o f work Question 77: A . process B. deadline C. recess D. progress
D. a person who has the legal right to belong to a particular country Question 78: A. take B. make C. bring D. make up
Question 6H: f r o m 1837 to 1848, Horace Mann Question 79: A . By B. With C. For D. From
A. raised money for the educational development in Massachesctts Question 80: A . what B. which C. how D. when
B. managed education in the state o f Massachusetts
C. funded many projects to improve the educational system for Americans J>IEN G I A I D A P A N
Question 1. Dap an dung la A. She advised me to be careful or I might get lost ami
D. worked as a headmaster in a school in the state o f Massachusetts
oui of money.
Question 69: According to the passage, which sentence is N O T TRUE?
^ Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: "Hay can than neti khnng ban se hi Igc va bi mat
A. Horace Mann suggested schools prepare children for their life's work.
tiin " = -Co ay khuyen l6i can than neu khong thi to! .st' bi lac va bi mat tieti"
B. Horace Mann was a famous US educational reformer.
Giai thich ve mat ngiT phap: Ta c6
C. Horace Mann brought about changes in many schools in the United States.
D. Horace Mann began raising teachers' salaries. ^nguyen + + or + S + will/may + Vnguyen: Hay... n^u khong t h i ^ ^
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Ban chat cua chu true nay la mot lai kluiyen. Ta lai c6 Cac
C phirang an con lai khong phii hgp:
advise s.o + V t o inf: khuyen ai nen lam gi . A.A The train leaves as soon as we arrive at the station: "Chuyen tdu rcri khdi
ftgay khi chung tdi den nhd ga. " Cau goc de cho dang sir dung thi qua khir, ma dap
Cac phirong an eon lai khong phu hgp ve mat ngu nghTa so vai cau goc:
A sir dung thi hien tai don nen khong phii hgp ve mat ngu phap.
- B. She told me to be careful i f 1 got lost and run out o f money: Co ay baa tdi
. B. No sooner I had arrived at the station than the train left. Cau van nay diing
hay cdn than neu tdi hi Igc va bi mat lien. sai hinh thirc ngif phap. Ta can biet
- C. She warned me to be careful or I had to get lost and run out o f money: Co dy
No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + S + V2/ed =
cdnh hc'io tdi hay can than neu khon^ thi tdi phai hi lac va mat tien.
S + had + no sooner + V3/ed + than + S + V2/ed
- D. She ordered me to be careful and 1 might get lost and run out o f money: CV;
dy ra lenh cho tdi hay can than va tdi se hi lac va hi mat tien. ... vira m a i . . . t h i . . .

Question 2. Dap an dung la C. He asked me why I was so late and said the plane . D. The train didn't leave early as we had expected: "Chuyl'n tdu da khdng rcri
had just taken off. srrm nhirchiing tdi mong dai. " Khong phii hgp ve mat ngir nghTa so vai cau goc.
Giai thich ve mat nm'r nghTa: "Tgi sao ban den qua tre nhu vgy? May bay vim Question 4. {)ap an dimg la D. It's important that you prepare carefully for the
mai cat cdnh. anh dy ndi" = "Anh dy hoi tdi tgi sao tdi lai den qua tre nhu vgy vu opening ceremony.
thong hdo rang may bay da vira mai cat cdnh. " Giai thich ve mat nau- nghTa: "Bgn nen chudn hi chu c1do cho budi l^ khai
Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Cau van de cho la dang cau tuong thuat true tiep. trinmg" "That sir Id c/uan trong cidi v('n vice hgn chudn hi chu ddo cho budi U
va khi chuydn qua cau gian tiep, ta phai tuan thu mot so quy tac sau: khai trinmg. "
+ Ve d§u cua cau goc dang sir dung a thi hi?n tai dan (are) va dual dang cau hoi, Giai thich ve mat nuir phap: Ta c6 cau triic sau can phai ghi nha.
nen khi durge chuyen qua cau gian tiep, thi cua cau phai dugc chuyen sang thi qua It"s important that + clause (S + Vnguyen vc'ri moi hinh thirc chu ngu):
khi'r dorn, va dual dang cau khang dinh. that la quan trong doi vai viec gi do.
+ Menh de thir 2 trong cau goc sir dung thi hien tai hoan thanh (has taken), nen
Cac phirang an con lai khong dimg:
khi chuyen qua cau gian tiep, thi ciia cau cung phai dugc chuyen sang thi qua khu
- A. The opening ceremony should have prepared carefully: "Budi l^khai truang
hoan thanh.
IS ra dd duac chudn hi chu ddo. "
Cac phirong an con lai khong dimg:
- A . He told me \vh> i was so late, the plane had just taken off: "Anh dy ndi vdi should have + V3/ed: le ra da nen lam gi
tdi tgi sao tdi Igi den tre nine vgy. mdy hay dd vira mai cdt cdnh. " V i cau goc de diing de dien ta mot sir nuoi tiec da dugc d i l n ra trong qua khir.
cho sir dung cau hoi a dang cau true tiep, nen khi chuyen qua cau tuong thuat gian - B. The opening ceremony must have prepared carefully: "Budi li khai truang
tiep, ta phai diing asked de dien dat day dii y nghTa cua cau van. dt hdn dd duac chudn bj chu ddo." la CO ckuiriic:
- B. He asked me not to be late, the plane had just taken o f f "Anh dy yeu cdu Idi
must have + V3/ed: at han da ...
khdng (luac trd, mdy bay dd vira mai cdt cdnh ": Dap an nay khong phii hgp ve mai
de the hien sir suy doan c6 ca sa ve viec da dugc dien ra trong qua khu.
ngu nghTa so vai can goc.
C. The opening needs to be preparing carefully: "Budi le khai trmmg can duac
- D. He said he was late and the plane had just taken off. "Anh dy ndi anh dy dii
chudn hi cdn than. " Trong cau nay c6 2 loi sai:
trc' vd mdy bay dd vira mai cdt cdnh. " Dap an nay khong phu hgp ve mat ngfr nghTa
so voi cau goc. f In'r nhat, cau goc de cho sir dung cum tir The opening ceremony, nen khi
chuyen qua cau can nghTa, ta cung phai g i u nguyen lai y nghTa cua cau g6e.
Question.?. Dap an dimg la C. I had hardly arrived at the station when the train left.
Thiir 2, doi vai cau triic ngir phap ciia dgng tir need, ta c6 cac luu y sau:
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: "Tdi vira mai den nhd ga thi chuyen tdu rai khdi
(cau goc = dap an) S + need + V t o inf: ....can lam gi (ham y chii dgng)
Giai thich v^ mat ngir phap: Caii goc d^ cho thirc chat la dang dao ngir ciia dap S.t + need + V-ing: can lam gi (ham y b j dgng)
an C vai cau triic] Question 5. Dap an dung la B. // is a fact that he is a new hero.
S + had + hardly + V3/ed + when + S + V2/ed Siaj_thich ve mat ngu- nghTa: Khdng mot ai c6 the phii nhdn rdng anh dy Id mQt
= Hardly + had + S + V3/ed + when + S + V2/ed: ^*th hiing mai. = Thirc te anh dy dung la mot anh hiing mai.
... vira m a i . . . t h i . . . Cac phirang an eon lai khong phii hgp: •
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- A . Everybody said him to be a new hero: Moi ngin'ri noi anh dy la mot anh hung tren trdi ddt se hi huy di^t. Cau van nay dien dat khong dung ve mat ngir nghTa so
nu'ri. Ta khonfi cd can true said s.o + Via inf. vai cau goc.
- C. He is i<.nov\ by a new hero: Anh dy dtrac biet bai mot anh hiing mai. Khong . D. The more trees we cut for our own benefits, the worst the earth becomes.
dung y nghTa so vai cau goc. Cau van nay dien dat sai hinh thirc ngO phap. Ta khong diing the worst, ma phai
* Ta CO the su dung cau triic known as - dteffc biet n/tir la, de dien ta dung y dung the worse, de dien dat cau triic so sanh hon: cdng..., cdng...
nghTa so voi cau goc. Question H. Dap an diing la B. His mistakes were pointed out to him.
- D. People said thai he was a new hero: Ngtrai ta noi rdng, anh dy da la mot anh Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Co dy da chi ra 16i sai cua anh dy cho anh dy =
hiing mai. Cau g6c de cho dang su dung a thi hi$n tai don, trong khi dap an D dien di sai ciia anh dy da duac chi ra cho anh dy. 11 ,; r ;
dat cau voi thi qua khi'r don. Cac phirong an eon lai khong phii hgp v^ mat ngir nghTa so vai cau goc:
Question 6. Dap an dung la D. Had I arrived in lime, I could have saved the hoy. A. He pointed out his mistakes: Anh dy da chi ra iSi sai cua anh dy.
Giai thieh ve mat ngir nghTa: Toi da khong den kip de ciru cau he = Neu toi den C. He was denied pointing out mistakes: Anh dy da hi tirchoi chi ra iSi sai.
kip liic thi toi da c6 the ci'ni cau he. D. He didn't be pointed out his mistakes. Cau van nay diing khong dung ngir phap.
Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Sir viec Toi khong den kip de ct'ru cau he da dien ra Question 9. Dap an dung la cau C. I was informed that they had seen that film
trong qua khi'r. Ta c6 cau true hgp voi y nghTa cua cau goc nhu sau: ree times in Thailand.
Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Ho da thong bdo vai toi rdng ho da xem bo phim
Had + S + V3/ed, S + would/ could + have + V3/ed
do ha Idn a Thai Lan = Toi duac thong bdo rhng ho da xem bo phim do ba idn a
Da\c chat la dang dao ngu cua cau dieu kien loai 3 voi Had dung dau cau
Thai Lan.
mang y ngiiTa nhir ehfr if. Cac phuang an con lai khong diing vai hinh thiirc ngir phap.
Cac phirang an con lai khong phu hgp: Question 10. Dap an diing la B. / have just read the letter which was sent to me
- A . The boy wasn't saved by me: Cau he da khong duac ci'ni hoi toi. Khong sat this morning.
nghTa voi cau goc. Giai thich ve mat ngfr nghTa: Toi viro mai doc la thu md ban gui cho toi sdng
- B. Unless I was late. I wouldn't save the boy: Trie phi toi tre. toi se khong ci'ni nay = Toi vua mai doc Id Ihu md duac gui cho toi sdng nay.
cau he. Cau van nay khong hgp hinh thuc ngir phap va y nghTa cua cau goc. Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngir nghTa so vai cau goc:
- C. I f I arrived in time, I would save the boy: Neu toi den kip luc, toi se^ ci'ni c(w - A . The letter has just been read you sent me this morning. Cau van nay khong
he. Cau nay dang sir dung cau true cua cau A\hw kien loai I ! de dien ta dieu khong dung hinh thirc ngfr phap.
CO that 6- hien tai. Ditni nay khong phii hgp vai y cau goc v i cau goc de cho dien ta - C. The letter which has been read was sent me this morning. La thu md dirac
sir viec da dien ra trong qua khi'r. dpc ihi duac giri cho toi sdng nay.
Question 7. Dap an dung la C. Life on earth will be destroyed unless people stop - D. I have just been read the letter you sent me this morning: Toi vira mai duac
cutting trees for their own benefits. doc hi thu ban dd gin cho toi sdng nay.
Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Sir sdng tren trdi ddt se hi huy diet_ neu con ngmri Question 11. Dap an dung la B. for case • in case: phong khi
cu tiep luc chat cay vi lai ich cua ban than = Su song tren trdi ddt se hi huy diet Ta c6: in case + clause: phong khi
nc'u con nguai khong ditvg viec chat cay vi lai ich ciia ban than. Question 12. Dap an dung la A . have just passed • has just passed
Giai thich ve mat ve mat ngu phap: Giai thich: The government la danh tir tap hgp a hinh thirc so it nen dgng tir
Unless + clause: N^u...khong.... theo no phai la s6 it.
Cwf-vZ/Vm/J. Dap an dung la A . to buy • buying
Cac phuang an con lai khong phu hgp:
Ta eo: consider + V-ing: xem xet khi lam gi
- A . i f we stop to cut trees for our benefits, the life on earth w i l l be better. Cau
Question 14. Dap an dung la C. customer services department • customer service
nay c6 hinh thirc ngir phap khong phii hgp voi y nghTa cua cau goc.
department: phong djch vii cham soc khach hang
stop + to i n f d i m " lai de lam gi Q«ey//w/j 75. Dap an dung la C. for • to
stop + V-ing: tir bo vice gi Ta c6: make a contribution to s.t: e6ng hien cho dieu gi
- B. I f we don't continue to cut trees for our own benefits, life on earth w i l l be 6«f.v//V>rt 76. Dap an dung C:
.lestroyed: Neu cluing ta khong tiep luc chat cay vi lai ich cd nhdn thi cuoc song Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta c6 ii,, ,,; •;
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refuse + V-to inf: tir choi lam viec gi Giai thich ve mat v nuhTa: Mac dii toi da thuyet phuc anh ky tir bo cong viec
Cac plurang an kliac khong phii ligp: chan do nhung anh ta da gat nhung lai khuyen ciia toi sang mot ben.
Question 20. Dap an diing C : Chiing ta nhan thay, cau van tren sir dung thi HIEN
consider + V-ing: do dir kiii lam gi/ can nliac khi lam gi
T A I H O A N T H A N H . Chu lately - gan day, dugc sir dung trong thi nay. Va no c6
suuizest + V-ing: de nghi lam gi (ngu-ai noi c6 tham gia vao hanh dong)
hai vj tri: cuoi cau hoac dau cau. Cac sir lira chgn khac khong phii hgp: A. last - Ian
admit + V-ing: thira nhan lam viec gi sau ciing/ Ian gan day nhat, no dugc diing trong thi Q U A K H U ' D O N , va no dirng
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Nguai phu nir ay thong bao rang nhung ngirai dan kep giiia chii ngir va dgng tir thuang. B. late - t r i , no vira la tinh tir, vira la trang tir,
ong kia khong chju mang hang tra lai theo chinh sach cua cong ty. va late khong dirng trong thi HIEN T A I H O A N T H A N H . Finally - rot cugc, cuoi
Question 17. Dap an dung A : ciing thi, niS khong bao gia dirng cuoi cau trong thi H I E N T A ! H O A N T H A N H .
Giai thich ve mat nm'r phap: Ta c6 Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Cac lanh dao cua cong ty nay vira mai tim ra mot
giai phap tot hon cho van de tai chinh.
offer + S.O + S.T + V-to inf: mang !ai cho ai de lam gi
^Mc'.v/wrt 2 / . Dap an diing A : r, •
Giai thich v^ mat y nuhTa: Viec gia nhap vao To chuc Thuong mai the giai
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: Cau triic ngir phap chii dao ciia cau van tren la: No
mang lai cho cac doanh nghiep tir nhan Viet Nam nhieu ca hoi de hgp tac vai cac
sooner than : vira mai thi Menh de di kem vai No
doanh nghiep nirac ngoai.
sooner dugc diing a thi Q U A K H U ' H O A N T H A N H , menh de di kem sau chir
Question 18. Dap an dung D . does my father drink
T H A N dugc diing a thi Q U A KHU' DON. Chir N O SOONER c6 hai vj tri: hoac no
Giai thich ve mat ngu' phap: Ta da biet dirng giiia t r g tir H A D va V3/ed hoac no dirng dau cau. Trong trirang hgp N O
chu- rarely - hiem khi, hau nhir khong. No c6 ha vi tri dung trong cau. SOONl-R dirng dau can thi hien tugng dao ngir xay ra vai menh de di kem vai N O
- Dung ngay trucSc dgng tir thuang ( V o ) SOONER. Cii th^ nhusau:
V i du: 1 rarely drink coffee at night: Toi hiem khi uong ca phe vao buoi toi. No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + clause (thi qua khir don). Hardly va
- Dung nga> sau dgng tir lohe Scarely c6 cau triic ngu phap giong nhau:
V i dii: She was rarely late for meeting: Co ay hiem khi tre hgp trirdc day! Hardly/ Scarely ....when : vira mai thi
- Rarely dung dau cau. Trong trirang hgp no dirng dau cau tiii hien tugng dao Cach diing ngu phap ciia menh de di kem vai chir Hardly/Scarely va sau chir
ngir xay ra. Neu no dirng dau cau dang diing thi hien tai don, qua khir dan, hien when cung nhu vi tri ciia chir Hardly va chu Scarely giong y het '
tai hoan thanh, qua khir hoan thanh, c6 hinh thirc nhir sau:
No sooner than Nhung cau true nay chi khac nhau a mot cho:
* R A R I T . Y + does/ do + S + V - nguyen ven (hien tai don) chCr than dugc diing trong cau triic No sooner, nhirng chir when dugc diing trong
* R A R i - L Y + did + S + V - nguyen ven (qua khir don) cau triic Hardly/Scarely.
* RARL-.LY + has/ have + S + V-3/ed (hien tai hoan thanh) By the end o f + moc thai gian: den cuoi '•• '
* R A R i ; L Y + had + S + V - 3/ed (qua khir hoan thanh)
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Ngai chii tich ciia tap doan vira mai ket thuc bai phat
6 cau van da cho sir dung thi hien tai dan. bieu thi c6 thu ky ciia ong ta di vao phong hgp.
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: H i ^ m khi bo toi uong bia - rugu vao buoi toi. Bo toi Question 22. Dap an diing A : Ta c6 dien ngir pay attention to s.t: chuy vao dieu
thuong uong sua. Attentively (adv): mot each cham chii; attentive (adj): cham chu; attend (v)
Question 19. Dap an dirng C. persuaded tham du . w,. ,
Giai thich ve mat nuu phap: ta c6 Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: That khonf^ may. cd hai ngimi dan ong nay da khong
persuade + s.o + V-to inf: thuyet phiic ai lam gi chu y den hai dien van cua ong John sang nay.
5Me.y//Vw 2 i . Dap an diing C. looks after "{
Cac sir lira chgn A . B va D khong phii hgp v i :
Look for: tim kiem; look up: tra ciru; look at: nhin vao J
admit + V-ing: thira nhan lam viec gi
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Mac dit cd dy rat ban vai cong viec kinh doanh
consider + V-ing: do du/ can nhac khi lam gi nhung CO dy van cham S()c gia dinh tot.
suggest + V-ing: d^ nghj lam vi^c gi (nguai noi c6 tham gia vao hanh dgng) Question 24. Dap an diing D: temporary (adj): tam thai, nhat thai, duong thai
H O A C SI + suggest (that) S2 + (should) + V-nguyen ven: A i do khuyen (de Temporarily (adv): tam thai; wasteful (adj): lang phi; determine (v): kien djnh,
nghj) nguai khac lam viec gi (nguai noi khong tham gia vao hanh dgng) kien quyet
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Giai t h i c h ve mat y nghTa: Sau nhung tn'r nggi tai chinh. chicn hate tarn thcri S + spend + thai gian + V-ing:
cua cong ty nay la ngimg sdn xiidt nhdm trdnh strphd .sdn. A i do danh bao nhieu thai gian de lam g i .
Question 25. Dap an dung D: variety (n): sir da dang, nhieu loai ivhac nhau; (Tiaj thich v6 mat v n^hTa: Ho mat nhieu thai gian de san l i m mot tinh yeu v6
widen (v): mcr rong, cai tao, nang cao; large (adj); rong; various (adj): i<hac
nhau (nhieu loai) Question 35. Dap an dung C: consist of: bao gom
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Da so cdc ban Ire dang c6 xii hur'rng den cdc thdnh r^aj thich ve mat y nghTa: Triarng dgi hoc nay gom co I dm khoa va ho dang ddo
phd km de tun viec Idm vi cr do ho cd nhieu lira chgn cho sir thang tien. ;, i , , , tgo ba muai hai chuyen ngdnh.
Question 26. Dap an dung C: indicate (v): cho thay r^ng, chi ra rSng, chirng minh Question 36. Dap an dung C: private (a): tir nhan ; ,,; ,< ,
njai thich ve mat y nghTa: Viec gia nhgp vdo To chirc Thinmg mgi The giai
Point (v): chi vao (vat gi); mang lai cho cdc doanh nghiep lir nhdn Viet Nam nhieu c(r hoi hap idc viri cdc
performance (n): sir bieu dien, sirtrinh bay, buoi bieu dien doanh nghiep nirdc ngodi.
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Cupc khdo ci'ru cho ihdy rang hem 90% sinh vien Question 37. Dap an dung A : volunteers (n) nhCrng nguai tinh nguyen
dang sir dung the nit tien tir dong A TM do ngdn hang Dong A phdl hdnh. Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Hoi lir ihien nay hien dang lini nhimg linh nguyen
Question 27. Dap an dung C: competitive (adj): canh tranh vien cho chien dich "danh cho ngirdi ngheo ".
Productive (adj): nang suat; confuse (v): lam cho boi roi; unpolish (v): khong Question 3H. Dap an dung C: be in accordance with: hop voi/ khop v6i
trau chuot, khong got diia, khong danh bong Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Chimg la khong the khong kiem ira Igi nhimg hop
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Chimg ta phdi tir thay doi chinh ban than minh neu dong dd dirac ky nam ngodi de .rem ihir chimg co khdp vdi so ihue mil chimg la dd
khong chimg ta si^ khong the ton tai trong ihi Irm'mg day canh tranh. dong hav khong.
Question 28. Dap an dung C: approximately (adv): sap si, g^n bSiig gMes7/^>/j J9. Dap an dung A : collaborative (a) no luc hop tac >'
exactly (adv): mot each chinh xac; almost (adv): hau nhu; Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Chinh nha no luc trong moi quan he da dan den sir
relatively (adv): tuojig doi thanh cong trong cong vice cua ho.
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Theo cuoc khdo ciru tren phgm vi todn cdu, c6 Question 40. Dap an dung D: used to + V-nguyen: dii tirng lam gi (dien ta thiSi
khodng 400 trieu nginri noi lieng Anh nhir tieng m<; de. quen trong qua khu)
Question 29. Dap an dung D: complaints (n): sir phan nan Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Chung toi da tirng song trong thanh pho nay tir khi
chung toi con tre.
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Cho tai bay gid, chimg ta vdn chua nhgn duac lai
Question 41. I lave you ever considered a career in speaking in public?
phan nan ndo cua khdch hang ve nhimg dich vii toi te do.
Dua \o \a \ \n canh, ta chon C. ft 'v very inleresliiig. ^.
Question 30. Dap an dung C: number (n) con so - a number of: so/nhieu........
Question 42. Are there any seats left?
Giai thich ve mat y nghTa: Vai con so lai nhiign tang hang nam. chimg ta se
Dua vao y nghTa \ \n canh, ta chon D. There is only one by ihc windown.
chimg minh cho moi iigirdi I hay rang chimg ta dang phdt trien nhu the ndo.
Question 43. What are your music preferences? ,,v
Question 31. Dap an dung C: permanent (a) vTnh h^ng, vTnh ciru
Dua \ao y nghTa va van canh, ta chon C. Listening to folk songs and romantic
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: De giir vimg sir phdt trien ben vimg. toi de nghi
music gives me pleasure.
chimg la phai theo .sal cdc chien lirac mang linh canh tranh cua chimg la.
Question 44. Wow iwc yon do\n^^
Question 32. Dap an dung B: capable (a) co kha nang - be capable o f : co kha
nang, co the.... Dua \ao y iighia va \an canh, ta chon B. I'm Ok. [ ., r •
Question 45. You have a beautiful house.
Giai thich ve mat v nghTa: Neu chimg la cir Hep luc lam viec sieng nang nhir thi
Dua \ao v nghia \ van canh, ta chon I). It's very kind of you to say so.
nay ihi chimg ta se vin/t qua nhiivg kho khan ma chimg la dang doi mat.
Question 33. Dap an dung B: impressive (a) an tugng Question 46 A . potato /pa'teltaU/ B. development /di'vebpmsnt/
Gjai thich ve mat v nghTa: Ngdi chit dch ciia tap doan dd co mot bdi dien vdn C. victorious / v i k ' t D I r l a s / D. introduce / i n t r a ' d j u i s /
qua an tirang den noi tdl ca moi ngirdi deu Idng nghe. Dap an diing la 0 : introduce co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cac tir
Question 34. Dap an dung A :
Con lai co diiu trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai.
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1 IX
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Icitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the formal learning ihat takes place in
4 7 A. throughout / 9 r u : ' a u t / B. nevertheless /nevada'les/
.fchool and the whole universe of informal learning. The agent (doer) of education
C. susceptible / s s ' s e p t s b l / D. photographer /fo'tDgrafaCr)/ can vary from respected grandparents to the people arguing about politics on the
Dap an dung la B. nevertheless c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu tir. Cac tir radio, from a child to a famous scientist. [...] People receive education from
con lai ccS dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. infdncv on. Education, then, is a very broad, inclusive term; it is a lifelong process, a
Question 48 A. familiar / f a 'mlllsCr)/ B. temporary / ' t e m p r a r l / process that starts long before the .start, and one that should he a nece.s.sary
part of one's entire life. Gido due khong cd gidi han. No cd the di^n ra hat ki ddu,
C. contemporary / k a n ' t e m p r a r l / D. miraculous / m i ' r a e k j s b s /
Dap an dung la B. temporary c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur nhat. Cac tir
luc <i'^'"^ '''"^ '-'""f^ ^4"
C M A 7 ^ nhir liic dang Idi may

keo. No bao gdm ludn ca viec hoc chinh quy a trmmg Idn loan ho the' gidi hoc tap
con lai ccS dku trong am danh vao am tiet thur hai. phi chinh quy. Ngmri Idm cdng viec gido due the chat cd thS Id cdc bde dng hd ddng
Question 49 A. t e le v is io n /'t e llv I S n / B. d if f e r e n c e /'d if r a n s / kinh cho den nhuvg ngmri dang tranh edi ve chinh tri tren ddi phdt thanh. tir mot
di'ra tre den mot nhd khoa hoc noi danh. Ngmri ta tiep nhdn gido due tir thiia du tha
im.M'.-S'! r C . individual / i n d l V l d j U a l / D. consequently / ' k o n s i k w a n t l i /
trd di. Vdy thi, gido due Id mot tir rat rong nghia bao hdm het thay moi thir: do la
Dap an dung la C. individual c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cac tir
mot dc'n trinh Iron ddi, mot lien trinh hat ddu tir rat Idu tnrdc khi ta dc'n trmrng, vd Id
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
mot lien trinh edn phdi Ira thdnh mot phdn khong the thieu trong ddi ngmri.
Question 50 A. performance / p a ' f D i m a n s / B. monotonous / m s ' n D t a n a s / Cac lira chon khac khong c6 thong tin ho trg:
C. mysterious / m i ' s t l a r i a s / D. flourish /"flArl// A. viec di hoc ngan can nguai ta kham pha sir vat ( ;
Dap an diing la D: flourish c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat. Cac tir B. viec di hoc dien ra khap nai >i
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur hai. D. viec giao due hoan toan bj lam hong bai viec di hgc I' • •
Question 51. Dap an diing B. Neu sir khac nhau ve y nghTa giCra hai tir c6 lien Question 53. Dap an diing A. Bao gom mgi thiir va moi nguai (cd gdc Id dong tir to
quan. fhong tin a bo cue bai van: doan nhap de va hai chu diem ma dau hai doan included ~ bao gom). Cac chon lira khac sai ngu' nghia:
tiep theo; B. di theo chieu hirang
// is commonly believed that school is where people go to get an education. C. lien quan den nhieu mon hoc a truang ^
Nevertheless. It has been .said that today children interrupt their education to go to D. khong chap nhan ngoai le nao
.school. The difference between .schooling and education implied by this remark is Question 54. Dap an diing O. Thong tin a doan 2
important. Ngm'ri la ihm'rng cho rang truang hoc Id noi nginri ta tim den de dime Cac lira chon khong neu het mgi nguai c6 the lam cong viec giao due:
gido due. Tuy nhien. ngmri ta ciing dd noi rang ngdy nay tre em ho ngang sirgido A. chi cac bac ong ba dang kinh
due di den trm'mg hoc. Su khac biet giira viec hoc a trwmg vd sir dirge gido due B. chu yeu la cac nha chinh trj
ham chira trong hai phdt hieu nay rat quan trong.
C. phan dong la cac nha khoa hgc noi danh
- Education is much more open ~ ended and all - inclusive than schooling.
Question 55. Dap an diing C. Thong tin a doan 2: Whereas schooling has a certain
Education knows no limits. Giao due la mot tir mang tinh ma va mang tinh bao
predictahilily, education quite often produces surprises. A chance conversation with
ham hon la sir di hoc.
o stranger may lead a person to discover how little is known of other religions.
- Schooling, on the other hand, is a specific, formalilzed process, whose general
Trong khi viec hgc a truong c6 tinh de doan trudc a mot chirng mirc nao do, thi giao
pattern varies little from one setting to the next. Ngirgc lai, sir di hoc la mot tieii
due thucmg dem lai nhfrng dieii bat nga, mot chuyen tinh c a vai mot nguai la c6 the
trinh c6 bai ban cu the ma khuon mau ciia ncS hau nhu chang thay doi gi tir moi
l^hien nguai ta phat hien ra minh hau nhu chang biet gi ve cac ton giao khac.
truong nay den moi truang khac.
Cac lira chgn khong neu het mgi nguai c6 the lam cong viec giao due:
Cac lira chon khac khong c6 thong tin ho trg:
A. that dang ngac nhien khi chiing ta hau nhu chSng biet gi \k cac ton giao khac
A. Met ke va thao luan vai van de giao due.
B. cac nha giao due thirang tao ra nhirng dieu bat nga
C. ke mot chuyen vc nhfrng giao vien xuat sac.
D. CO the doan truac dirge sir thanh cong trong cong viec hgc tap phi chinh quy
D. dua ra dien hinh ve nhfrng trirang hoc khac nhau.
Question 56. Dap an diing B. Thong tin a doan 2: fEducalion] is a lifelong
Question 52. Dap an dung C. Thong tin a doan 2: [...] Education knows no limits. Pf'ocess, a process that starts long before the start of school, and one that should
It can lake place anywhere, whether in the shower or on the job, whether in the
Tron Bo SGK:
a nece.s.sary part of one's entire life. [Giao due] Id mot lien trinh Iron dai, mot
Luyi'n giat ue inrov hi mi uii J mien MUL, nun/;, > <u„i. . - j... . ••••
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tiSn trin/i hdl ctau lir ral Iciii Inir'rc klii la ctSn trirang va la mot lien irmh can phai qua r g n g va k h o n g the t r u e tiep nhac den cai each giao due d M y ; L o a i bo D ( N e n
mr lhanh mot pfian khong the thieu /rang clai ngiiai. giao due M y vao dau the k y 19) v i cCing k h o n g nhac den cai each.
Cac lua c h o n khac k h o i i g c6 t h o n g t i n l u i t r g : Question 62. D a p an d i m g C . T h o n g t i n d : private .schools existed, hut only for the
A . he t h o n g g i a o due cua niroc ta can phai thay d o i c a n g s a m c a n g t o t verv ri^h. C'6 trirdvg lu: nhimg chi ddnh cho nhirng ngmri rat gidu.
C. d i hoc o t r u a n g la v o ich v i hoc sinh ngay nao c u n g l a m n h & n g v i e c n h u nhau Ba lira ehgn eon lai k h o n g h g p nghTa:
D . k h o n g ccS v i c e hoe tap c h i n h q u y t h i ngircri ta se k h o n g biet doc biet v i e t m o t t r i n h d o t h o n g m i n h cao
Question 57. D a p an d u n g D. M a c h van cho thay tir " t h e y " ehi cac hoc s i n h t r u n g B. m o t nen g i a o due v i r n g ehae ' ' • •''
hoc. cac c h o n lira khac k h o n g eo can cir: [ ) . d i e m so cao
A . cac nha lam p h i m m o i nhat Question 63. I^ap an d i m g B. (moi each khan thiet) = desperately
B. cac van de c h m l i ti i Question 64. Dap an d i m g C . I^ir waste t r o n g ngoac kep cho thay ro rang la tac gia
C. hoat d o n g ciia cac c h i n h p h i i khong d d n g y v d i y kien cua ai do cho rang d i hge thirc sir la mot sir lang p h i t h a i gian.
Question 5H. D a p an d u n g C . T h o n g t i n cv dau doan 3: Schooling, on the other Ba lira ehgn eon lai k h o n g h g p y nghTa:
hand, is a specific, formalilzed process, wliose general pattern varies little from A . Tac gia k h o n g m u d n hge sinh lang p h i t h d i gian vao viec hgc.
one selling to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at .school at about the B. T r i c h dan kVi ai d o n d i rang giao due la m o t sir l a n g p h i t h d i g i a n
.same time, take the a.ssigned seats, are taught by an adult, use similar textbooks, do D . N h a n m a n h so l i r g n g t h d i gian da bi lang p h i cho g i a o due
homework, lake e.xams. and so on. N g u o c l a i . sir d i hoc la m o t tit-n t r i n h co bai ban Question 65. D a p an d i m g C . I'hdng t i n d : Horace Mann, probably the most famous
cii the ma k h u o n m a u cua ncS hku nhir c h a n g thay d o i g i tir m o i trircmg nay den m o i of the reformers, foil that there was no excuse in a republic for any citizen to be
t r i r o n g khac. Kh'ap ca n u d e , trc eon den t r i r d n g m o t g i d nhir n h a u , n g o i vao cho uneducated. Horace M a n n , eo le la ngirdi ndi t i e n g nhat t r o n g cac nha cai each, eain
dirge s;ip sAn. d u g e da\i m o t n g i r d i t r u d n g t h a n h , sir d u n g n h i r n g c u o n sach giao thay rang k h o n g ed e d g i t r o n g m o t nirdc cgng hda ma edng dan lai th<4t hoc.
khoa t u o n g tir n i i a i i . lam bai tap ve nha, t i i i cir, van van va v a n v a n . Ba lira ehgn eon lai k h o n g h g p nghTa:
Cac lira c h o n khac k h o n g eo t h o n g t i n ho t r g : zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
A . Dan eu tieu bang Massachusetts c;in gi do dc^ lam v d i thiri gian ranh roi ciia hg.
Ij' A . dirge da> b o i giao v i e n g i o n g nhau B. G i a o due t h d i ay riit it ton k e m .
B. CO n a n g lire g i o n g nhau D . N g i r d i ta c h a n g biet lam g i khac hon la d i hgc.
D . CO d i e u kicMi hoc tap t u o n g tir nhau Question 66. D a p an d i m g A . D i n h nghTa ciia " r e f o r m e r s " ( n h a cai each). Ba d i n h
Question 59. t ) a p an d i m g C . T h o n g t i n a doan 3: Throughout a country, children nghTa con lai deu sai.
arrive at school al about the same time, take the assigned .seals, are taught by an Question 67. D a p an d u n g D. D j n h nghTa ciia " c i t i z e n " ( c o n g d a n ) . Ba d j n h nghTa
adult, use similar textbooks.... Khdp ca nunc, tre con den trmmg mot gi('r nhir con lai deu sai.
nhau. ngdi vdo clu) dmrc .sCip sCin. dmrc day boi mot ngmri Irirmig ihdnh. sir dung Question 68. f ) a p an d i m g B. T h o n g t i n d : As Superintendent of Education in the
nhirng cuon scich giao khoa tinrng tir nhau '^tate of Massachesetis from ISJ^ to IH4H. he initiated various changes, which were
Cac lira c h o n khac k h o n g eo t h o n g t i n h6 t r g : ^oon matched in other schooldi.stricis around the country. La thanh tra giao due a
A . dirge tir do ehgn bat cir thir g i de day ''eu bang Ma.ssachu.setts tir IH37 dim IH4S. 6ng dd lham gia khai sm'mg nhidu thay
B. k h o n g dirge phep da> n h u n g van de c h i n h t r i ' "i khac nhau. nhirng thay doi md cluing hao Idu sau dirc/c bdt chir&c lam theo lai
D . phai day n h u n g van de xa h o i cho m o i l o p ^^c hai CO iruvng hoc tren ca mn'rc.
Question 60. D a p an d i i n g C . T h o n g t i n nam t r o n g bo cue toan bai \an: doan 2 va Question 69. D a p an d i m g A . Horace M a n n k h o n g he de n g h i nha t r i r d n g ehuan bi
doan 3 neu ro m o i t i r o n g phan g i u a viec giao due va vice d i hoc a t r i r d n g . c i o hoc sinh sau nay d i lam vice de kitMii .sdng; d n g c h i t a n g nam hgc tir 5 t h a n g
Cac lira ehgn khac k h o n g eo t h o n g t i n ho t r g : ' j " 6 t h a n g . va cai t h i e n chat l i r g n g giiio \n b<1ng each de .xirdng viec dao tao sir
A . n h u n g t r i r i r n g l o t nhat day nhieu m d n khac nhau P^9m va t i i n g l i r o n g c h o h g . Ba lira ehgn con lai k h o n g d i m g y bai v a n .
B. hgc sinh h u o n g Igi tir t r i r d n g hoc. v i t r i r i m g y e u cau hge sinh hoe n h i e u g i d ^^estunt 70. D a p an d i m g C . N a n g cao chat l u g n g dao tao g i i i o v i e n c h i n h la viec
va lam n h i e u bai tap d nha ^ oraee M a n n de .\uat; d n g k h o n g de .\uat n h i r n g viec edn lai ( A : tang l i r o n g cho hgc
D . hgc sinh cang d i hge n h i e u n a m t h i sir giao due eiia c h i i n g c a n g t o t h o n B: bat chirde c h i n h sach ciia eiic quan hat khac: D : nam hoe dai nam thang).
Question 61. Di\p an d i m g A . (Nhung kluri dciu ciia cdi each Irong nen giao due 72. D 73. A 74. B 75.^B
My) L o a i bo B (19 - The ky ciia cai each) va C {Dau tranh cho thay doi) v i y tirdng • ^ 77. A 78. A 79. B VV'l'* 80. C
Tron Bo SGK:
Luy^n giai dk tnrAc k) llil DU J miihi Hac, I rung. Nam I leng Anh - IKgo VhH MIWI _ _ ^ Z . Lty IMHH MIV DVVH Khang Vi^t
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Question H: .John hasn't been back to his hometown for nearly 5 years.
D E T H I THU" S O 0 6
/\ John didn't come back iiis hometown 5 years.
Thai fiian lam hai: 90 phut
B. The last time John came back his hometown is 5 years.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is C. It has been nearly 5 years since John last went back to his hometown.
closet in meaninfj to each of the following questions. . D. It is nearly 5 years since John went back to his hometown.
Question 9: The train didn 7 start on lime.
Question I : Because of the had weather, the plane couldn't land.
A. The train made a late departure.
A. The weather was so bad that the plane couldn't take off.
B. The train made a late arrival. > • - •
B. The bad weather guided the plane couldn't land.
C. The train didn't make a departure in time.
C. The plane couldn't land due to the bad weather. ...^ w<
D. The train didn't start as usual.
D. The place couldn't land thanks to the bad weather. .r^t..; /
Question 10: Seeing her boyfriend again seems to be a great pleasure to all of us.
Question 2: If there were an express train. I would catch it immediately.
A. A i l o f us seem to be greatl> pleased to see her boyfriend again.
A. Were there an express train, I would catch it immediately.
B. A l l o f us seem to greatly please to see her boyfriend again.
B. I wanted to catch an express train, but there were no ones.
C. By seeing her boyfriend again make us greatly pleased.
C. 1 w ish there was an express train. D. We all please to see her boyfriend.
D. I f only there is an express train.
Question 3: It's my father's job to take care of patients. Mark the letter .4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each ofthefollowiu}' questions.
A. It is my father' duty to take care o f patients.
B. M y father is responsible for taking care o f patients. Question II: The police stated that the accident soon. '' '
C. M y father is keen on taking care o f patients. A. w i l l be investigated B. had investigated
D. Taking care o f patients is my father's pleasure. C. is being investigated D. would be investigated
Question 4: iVHO means world Health Organization. Question 12: fhere are chances that Manchester United the last match
A. W H O is on behalf o f World Health Organization. against Juxentiis
B. W H O stands for World Health Organization. ^•'''^on B. w i l l win C. has won D . would w i n
C. W H O is translated from World Health Organization. Question 13: to the national park before, .Sue was amazed to see the geyser.
D. W H O is explained about World Health Organization. A. Being not B. Not having been
Question 5: I like playing football. I like listening to music a little. C. Have not bee D. Having not been
A . I like playing football as well as listening to music. Question 14: Hardly the captain o f the team when he had to face the
B. I would rather play football to listen to music. problems.

C. I prefer playing football to listening to music. A. had he been appointed B. did he appoint
D. I don't like playing football as much as listening to music. C. was he being appointed D. was he appointing
Question 6: It was such an interesting book that it satisfied me. Question 15: It is six years we mo\ed to Chicago. ' "

A. This was an interesting book which satisfied me. • ^- B. that C. since D. after '
B. The book wasn't boring enough for me to feel bored. Question 16: I am sorry. I have forgotten a table at the restaurant for you.
C. The book was too interesting for me to be satisfied. A. reserving B. to reserve C. having reserved D. to be reserved
D. The book was interesting enough to satisfy me, wasn't it? Q'*estion 17: our children may be, we cannot go picnicking in this weather.
Question 7: I never came to this city, so I couldn't meet him. A. Though excited B. E.xcited as

A . Never did I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. C. Because o f excitement D. Exciting
P^esY/V;// IH: I am leaving the key under the pot in the garden you should be
B. Never do I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him.
^ n i e earlier than usual.
C. I f only I had come to this city, I could have met him.
» A . because B. in case C. so that D. though
D. I wished 1 had come to this city, I could have met him. Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 19: Be patient you won't succeed. Question 34: We all need friends whom we can when we are in trouble.
A. because B. or C. unless D. otherwise A. call on B. break o f f C. live on D. go by
Question 20: Goddard developed the first rocket to fly faster Question 35: Don't let poachers get hunting animals. They deserve to be
A . than sound is B. as does sound C. than sound D . as sound is
Question 21: Hcrh^ in soups and sauces. ' ' A. o f f B. out o f Con D. away
A. are used to be B. are often used '
l^ark the letter A, B, C or D oh your answer sheet to show the underlined part
C. often use D. get used to being that needs correction in each of the following questions.
gMt'.v//Vm 22. Susan couldn't help when i told her the joke.
A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh D. laughed Question 36: Some students are plaving football, the others are playing tennis.
Question 23: Your hair needs Y o u ' d better have it done tomorrow. A B C D
A. cut B. to cut C. being cut D. cutting Question 37: M i n h is excellent at E-.nglish but his sisters are absolute hopeless.
Question 24: Quite people have complained about his behavior A B C D
people have voiced their support for him. Question 38: N o matter what difficult the test was, he succeeded in passing it.

A. a few / Many B. very few / Some A B C D

C. a lot / Few ; , , j , , , D. a few / Very few Question 39: One disadvantage o f this j o b is that it takes me only 5

Question 25: As soon as you hear the alarm, you all have to leave the A B C J.,,,;,,,.,

building minutes from my house to the office.

A. on the verge B. under law C. at no time D. without delay D

Question 26: have tried their best to protect the environment, but their Question 40: According to the weather forecast, it w i l l be mostly cloudy with
efforts seem to be nothing compared to what people are doing to harm it. A B
A . Poachers B. Industrialists outbreaks o f rain on the South.
C. Conservationists D. Producers C D
Question 27: Jane likes watching films, but she is not keen on any kind. Question 41: There are only a little coffee left, but enough for both o f you.
A. specially B. certainly C. largely D. particularly A B C D '
Question 2H: In a report submitted to the government yesterday, scientists Question 42: He spoke so f'astly that I couldn't understand anvthing.
that the building o f the bridge be stopped. A B C D
A. banned B. complained C. said D . recommend Question 43: She is the more beautiful girl that 1 have ever seen.
Question 29: I f you come to the theatre late, you have to wait until the to get A B C D ' "
in. Question 44: What did you used to do for fun when you lived in the countryside?
A. break B. interval C. refreshment D. half-time A B C D
Question J^l'.The jokes Jack tell are as old as Question 45: During the rush hour, the road m the city are very busy.
A. the earth B. the mountains C. the hills D. the oceans A B C D
Question 31: As soon as Kate failed to do the j o b the third time, she got the
^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
A . promotion B. recommendation differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
C. rearrangement D. sack fuestions.
Question 32: I read the contract again and again avoiding making spelling
mistakes. Question 46: '"'^ '
A . w i t h a view to B. In view o f C. by means o f D . in terms o f A. privilege B. finish C. facility D. temperate
Question 33: your effort and talent, we wonder i f you can work full time Question 47:
for us.
A. telephone B. international C. comfortable D. necessary
A. Regarding B. In regard o f C. With respect to Tron
D . OnBo SGK:
behalf o f
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Question 48: C. Help your family learn to prepare food for themselves.
A. tcclinology B. tomorrow C. study D. offence D. Have your whole family take gourmet cooking classes together.
Question 49: Question 54: Wh> arc better restaurants especially preferable for frequent travelers?
A. information B. ridiculous C. existence D. importance A. The food is usually better for your health. -'is'>
Question 50: , , ,,, B. The tables are better. ; .fn zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
.i i ,
A. majestic B. maloourislied C. outstanding D. ordinary C. You can call ahead for reservation.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer D. You w i l l not have to eat alone.
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 55. Question 55: Why is lightweight luggage important for the traveling businesswomen?
As more women in the United States move up the professional ladder, more are A. It provided space for dirt>' clothes.
finding it necessarv to make business trips alone. Since this is new for many, some B. It allows for mobility. ,r lo,
tips are certainly in order. I f you are married, it is a good idea to encourage your C. It can double as a briefcase. i
husband and children to learn to cook a few simple meals while you are away, D. It is usually big enough to carry all business documents.
•fhey w i l l be much happier and probably they w i l l enjoy the experience. I f you w i l l
Read the fo/lowinfi passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
be eating alone a good deal, choose good restaurants. In the end, they w i l l be much
better for your digestion. You may also find it useful to call the restaurant in sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 60.
advance and state that \ o u w i l l be eating alone. You w i l l probably get better A combination o f water, salt, air pollution, sun, sand, and wind is destroying
.service and almost ccrtainl> a belter table. Finally, and most importantly, anticipate the huge statue outside Cairo. This five - thousand - year - old statue, which
your travel needs as a businesswoman: this starts with lightweight luggage which
has the body o f a lion and the face o f a human being, is too badly damaged to be
you can easily manage even when fully packed. Take the folding case inside your
completely saved. First, there is not a good drainage system around the statue and
suitcase, it w i l l come in extremely handy for dirty clothes, as well as for business
too much water has been running into the stone statue for several years. As a result,
dt>cumcnts and papers \ o u no longer need on the trip. A n d make sure you have a
tiny pieces o f salt have been left on the stone and have damaged it. Second, air
briefcase so that you can keep currently required papers separate. Obviously
pollution from the increasing amount o f traffic in Cairo is also destroying the
experience helps, but \ o u can make things easier on yourself from the first by
ancient statue. The air is so full o f poisonous gases that it is damaging the statue
careful planning, so that right from the start you can really have a good trip.
even faster. Third, the statue is being destroyed by extremes o f temperature. The air
Question 51: W hi> is the author's intended audience?
is very cold at night, but during the day the stone o f the statue becomes very hot
A. Working women who have no time for cooking. ^
under the strong sunlight. Other natural forces such as severe sandstorms attack the
B. Husband and children o f working women. statue as well. Finally, the tourists who visit the statue every day also cause a lot o f
C. Working women who must travel on their own. damage to it.
D. 1 lotcl personnel who must cater to working women.
Question 56: Which o f the following is N O T true about the statue?
Question 52: Which o f the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Part o f it looks like a person B. It is in the centre o f Cairo
A. A greater percentage o f women are advancing professionally in the US
C. It is very big D. It is badly damaged
than previously.
Question 57: According to the passage, the statue was built
B. Professional men refuse to accompany their female colleagues on
business trip. A. 500 years ago B. in the 10* century , '

C. I-ach year there are more female tourists in the United States. C. in the 5"'century D. 5,000 years ago , .
D. Businesswomen become successful by showing a willingness to travel alone. Question 58: A l l o f the following are mentioned as causes o f damage to the statue
Question 53: In this passage, what advice does the author have for married EXCEPT

women? A. temperature B. fires C. air pollution D. tourists

A. Stay home and take care o f your family. Question 59: The word "ancient" in the passage mostly means
B. Encourage your husband and kids to be happy and have fun while you are A. very old B . very big C. modern D . beautiful
awa\ Tron Bo SGK:
Uiy^H f>Ull ae irmw KI mi tm ^ mien auv, i lunf-, ivum i mn^ MUH ^ . I^JU P U H minn -•— Cty TNHH MTVDVyH Kliang Vi?t
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Question 6ft: It can be inferred from the text that Read the followin}" passa}ie and mark the letter A. B, C or D on your answer
A. tiny pieces o f salt have been put on the statue to prevent damage sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70.
B. there is little damage to the statue
Walt Whitman, boni in New York, in 1819, was one o f America's unusual
C. the statue was built for entertainment many years ago • ,fj r
literary figures. As an individualist, he rambled through the countryside seeing
' D . human beings as well as nature cause much damage to the statue , |
people and places, and making them his own. His experiences in earning a living
were varied; at times he was a printer, a teacher, a carpenter, a nurse and
Read the followin}; passaffe and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
newspaper editor. He was a big-hearted man, open and accepting. He gave freely o f
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65.
his time by carr> ing for the wounded during the C i v i l War. Though he lived in the
After inventing dynamite, Swedish- born Alfred Nobel became a very rich
city, he often spent time in the country, developing his strong sense o f nature,
man. However, he foresaw its universally destructive powers too late. Nobel
which carried through to his poems. In 1855 he collected the verses he had written,
preferred not to be remembered as the inventor o f dynamite, so in 1895, just two
and published them in one thin volume, "Leaves o f Grass", a book which he
weeks before his death, he created a fund to be used for awarding prizes to people revised and rewrote all the rest o f his life. The book was ridiculed by some poets
who had made worthwhile contributions to mankind. ()riginall\e were five and generally ignored by others, probably because his verse forms were not
awards; literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Ficonomics was added traditional. He had felt that it was necessary to achieve a new poetic form in order
in 1968, just sixty - seven years after the first award ceremony. to communicate his views. His reputation didn't grow until after his death, and it
Nobel's original legacy o f nine million dollars was invested, and the interest on reached a high pKiint in the 1920s. Since then, Whitman's style has greatly
this sum is used for the awards which vary from 30.000 dollars to 125,000 dollars. influenced modem poets. .
Bvery year on December 10, the anniversary o f Nobel's death, the awards ^ M t '.v//»/i 66. The best title for this passage is ' ii,v '
(gold medal, illuminated diploma and money) are presented to the winners.
A. Leaves o f Grass B. A Country Man
Sometimes politics plays an important role in the judges' decisions. Americans
C. Walt Whitman D. Poetry; A New Form
have won numerous science awards, but relatively few literature prizes.
Question 67: Whitman's big heartedness is shown by his
No awards were presented from 1940 to 1942 at the beginning o f World War
A. visiting the countryside B. being an individualist
11. Some people have won two prizes, but this is rare; others have shared their
C. rewriting "Leaves o f Grass" D. carrying for the wounded
Question 68: ihe passage says that during Whitman's life time, other poets
Question 61: When did the first award ceremony take place?
A. 1895 B. 1901 C. 1962 D. 1968 A. accepted him B. communicated with him
C. praised him D. laughed at him
0 «e.v//rt« «52.-Why was the Nobel prize established? • |.
Question 69: We can assume that Whitman was ignored because he
A. To recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity ,j
B. To resolve political differences A. wrote in a new form B. rambled through the countryside
C. published his poems D . rewrote his book
C. To honour the inventor o f dvnamite
Question 70: fhe word "rambled" is most similar to the meaning of.
D. To spend money
A. stopped briefly- B. walked slowly
Question 63: In which field have Americans received the most awards? ^
B. traveled quickly D. marched excitedly ' ,'
A. literature B. peace C. economics D . science
Question 64: In how many fields are prizes given? ^ead the followin}' pmsage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. 2 B. 5 C. 6 D . 10 ^heet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
Question 65: Which o f the following statements is NOT true?
The wanning o f the Pacific Ocean has created weather patterns ....(71).... strongly
A. Awards vary in monetary value. '* effect the world. When the water is warm, the ....(72).... o f rainfall in Indonesia and
\. Ceremonies are help on December 10 to commemorate Nobel's invention. the surrounding regions decreases. Australia could ....(73).... experience a drought in
C. Politics can play an important role in selecting the winners. "lam parts. On ....(74).... hand, Chile (which borders the Pacific Ocean) is preparing
D. A few individuals have won two awards. for . . . . ( : ' ^ \. In Pakistan and northwestern India, the weather pattern
•^akes the rainy season weaker and makes the area much drier.
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Cac dap an C(Sn lai khong phu hgp:
This happening is called El Nino and is used ....(76).... weather forecasters to
make long-range weather predictions. They also know that El Nino w i l l ....(77).... . B. I wanted to catch an express train, but there were no ones: To! nnion don
unusually heavy rains to the southwestern part o f the United States and make the chuyen tdu loc hdnh nhimg khong c6 chuyen ndo. Cau goc de cho dang sir dung
central part o f the county drier at the same time. ' ' '•• cau dieu kien loai I I dien ta ircVc muon dieu khong c6 that cV hien tai , trong khi dap
According to research, weather forecasters ....(78).... know about the coming an B dang dien dat sir viec da dien ra trong qua khi'r.
weather with certainty. N o w everything has become completely differrent. , C. I wish there was an express train. Cau van nay khong hgp ngiT phap (neu
EI Nino itself used to be ....(79) It would occur every two to seven years. dugc phai la there were).
But know, this weather pattern is becoming more frequent. We cannot say when . D. I f only there is an express train. Cau van nay khong hgp ngfr phap
and how often tornadoes or cyclones occur. Scientists are unsure o f the reason for Question 3: Dap an diing la B. My father is responsible for taking care of patients.
this ....(80).... on the global scale either. Giai thich ve mat nm'r n^hTa: ('dng viec cua bo toi Id chdni vrir benh nhdn = Ho
A. whether B. what C. that D. when toi CO trdch nhieni chdni s(')c benh nhdn.
Question 71:
Question 72: A. deal B. figure C. amount D. number Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta co cau triic:
Question 73: A. however B.ever C. nevertheless D.even be responsible for: co trach nhigm lam vi^c gi.
Question 74: A. the other B. another C. other D. others
Cac phuang an con lai khong pliii hgp:
Question 75: A. angry B. strict C. severe D. cruel
- A . It is my father' duty to take care o f patients. Sir dung sai hinh thiVc ngfr phap.
Question 76: A. at B. to C. on D. by
- C. M> father is keen on taking care o f patients: Bo toi thich chdni s('>c benh
Question 77: A. bring B. fetch C. carry D. take
nhdn. Khong sat nghTa so voi cau goc.
Question 78: A. used to B. get used to C. used to be D. are used to
- D. Taking care o f patients is my father's pleasure: Chdni s(')c benh nhdn Id niem
Question 79: A. incredible B. predictable C. remarkable D. notable
viii cua bo toi. Khong sat nghTa so vai cau goc.
Question 80: A . shift B.change C. transfer D. transformation
Question 4. Dap an dung la B. WHO stands for World Health Organization.
DIEN GIAI DAP AN (iiai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: WHO co nghla Id To chuc Y Ic the giai. (cdu goc
= dap dnj
Question I: Dap an dung la C. The plane couldn't land due to the had weather. Giai thich ve mat ngiT phap: ta co ciiu true: stand for: co nghTa Id. viet tat (=
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: VI thc'ri tiet xdu nen may bay khong the hg cdnh = mean)
May hay khong the hg cunh v'l ihc'ri tiet xdu. Cac piurong an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngfr nghTa so vdi can goc:
Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Ta c6 cau true - A. W H O is on behalf o f World Health Organization: WHO lhay nidi cho To
because o f = due to + noun/ noun phrase: do, t a i . . . i chuc y ic The giai.

Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hgp: - C. W H O is translated from World Health Organization: WHO dime dich li'r To
chuc y le The giai.
- A . riie weather was so bad that the plane couldn't take off: l^hai tiet qua xdu
den noi indy hay khong the cat cdnh. Cau van nay dien dat khong dung y nghTa so • D. W H O is explained about World Health Organization: WHO dirac giai thich
ve To chuc }' le The gu'ri.
vai cau goc.
- B. The bad weather guided the plane couldn't land: Thai tiet xdu da ddn den Question 5: Dap an dung la C. I prefer playing football to listening to music.
viec may hay khong the hg cdnh. Giai thich ve mat ngfr nghTa: Toi thich cluri bong dd. l6i it thich nghe nhgc =
- D. The place couldn't land thanks to the bad weather: May hay khong the hg T^oi thich chai bong dd han Id nghe nhgc.
cdnh nhcr tiwi tiet xdu. Cau van nay dien dat khong dung y nghTa so v o i cau goc. Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Ta co cau true:
Question 2: Dap an dung la A. Were there an express train, I would catch it prefer + V - i n g . . . to + V-ing ...: thich lam gi han lam g i .
immediately. t* Cac phirang an con lai khong phu hgp: ^'
Giai thich ve mat ngt'r nghTa: Neu c6 chuyen tdu toe hdnh, toi se don ngay lap " A. 1 like playing football as well as listening to music: Toi thich chai bong dd
tth: (cau g()C = cdu dap an) eiiiig nhirld nghe nhgc. Can nay dien ta y nghTa khong dung so vdi cau goc.
f Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau goc de cho dang sir dung hinh thurc cau dieu • B. 1 would rather play football to listen to music. Cau nay khong dung ve mat
kien loai I I , ma dap an A thirc chat la dang dao ngu ciia cau dieu kien loai II vai
•^Kif phap. Ta co cau true:
dong tir were di'rng dau cau dong vai tro nhu If. Tron Bo SGK:
S + would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vnguyen: thich lam gi hanEbook
lam g i .Tai:
B. The last time John came back his hometown is 5 years. Cau van nay sai hinh
- D. I don't like playing football as much as listening to music: Toi khong ihich thirc ngir phap (dang le phai la vmv, khong diing i.s).
C. It has been nearly 5 years since John last go back to his hometown. Cau van
chri hong da nhlcii ninr la ?ighc n/iac. Cau nay dien dat khong dung vai y nghTa
,iay sai hinh thirc ngiT phap (dang le phai la khong diing ^'o). • '
ciia cau goc.
Question 9. Dap an diing la A. The train made a late departure.
Question 6: Dap an dung la A. T/iis was an interesting hook which satisfied me.
Gjai thich ve mat nmT nghTa: Chuyen tdu dd khong khdi hdnh dung gia =
Giai thich ve mat ngir nuhia: Do Id I (/men sckh qua hay den noi no dd lam toi
C'huven tdu dd khdi hdnh tre.
hdi long = Qiiyen sdch hay den noi dd lain toi hdi long. ,.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngir nghTa so vai cau goc:
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngir nghTa so voi cau goc:
B. The train made a late arrival: Chuyen tdu dd den tre.
- B. riie book wasn't boring enough tor me to feel bored: Quyen sdch khong da
C. The train didn't make a departure in time: Chuyen tdu da khong kh&i hdnh
Idm de toi cam tlidy clidii.
kip gi(r-
- C. The book was too interesting for me to be satisfied: Quyen sdch qua hay den D. The train didn't start as usual: Chuyen tdu dd khong khdi hdnh nhtr throng le.
noi Idi khong hdi long. Question 10: Dap an diing la A. All of us .seem to he greatly pleased to .see her
- D. The book was interesting enough to satisfy me, wasn't it? Quyen sdch hay hoyfriend again.

den noi Idm hdi long toi. phai khong.' Giai thich ve rnat ngiT nghTa: Gap lai han trai cua c6 dy dirdmg nhir Id mot niSm
Question 7: Dap an dung la A. Never did I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. vui Ian ddi vai tat cd chi'mg toi = Tat ca chimg toi dirc'mg nhir rat vui khi gap Igi
Ciiai thich ve mat ngu ngina: Toi khong hao gid den thdnh phd ndy. vi vdy toi ban trai cua cd dy. ;'.(]'(.• v.- T
khong the gap anh dy. li \iu goc ddp dn) Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp ca ngir phap Ian y nghTa.
Question 11. Dap an diing la D. would be investigated
Giai thich vc' mat nmT phap: Dap an A thirc chat la dang dao ngfr v a i trang tir
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cdnh sdt tuyen ho vu tai nan ndy se sdtn dirac dieu tra.
)ie\'er so voi cau goc. - Ve mat ngir phap: Ta nhan djnh rang cau d^ c6 dang cau tirang thuat gian tiep
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp:
(dau iiieu la stated that). Ta khong diing cac thi tuang lai dan va hien tai tiep dien
- B. Never do I come to this city, so I couldn't meet him. Cau nay khong dung ve
trong can tirang thuat gian tiep (ngoai trir cac truong hcrp dac biet nhu dong tir
mat ngir phap. V i can goc dang dung dong tir 6 thi qua khir dan (came), nen khi
tuang thuat staled phai a hinh thirc state). Do do, cac phuang an A va C deu bj
dao ngir, ta phai miron t r g dong tir did. loai. Con hai phirang an B va D, ta chi chgn mot trong hai. Vu tai nan dirac diiu
- C. I f only I had come to this city, I could have met h i m : Gid md toi den thdnh
phd ndy. thi toi cd the gap anh dy. tra - mang nghTa bi dong. Do do, D la dap an duy nhat dung.
- D. 1 wished to come to this city to meet him: Toi mong mudn den thdnh phd ndy Question 12. Dap an diing la B. w i l l w i n
de gap anh ta. Cau van nay khong sat vdi y ciia can goc. - Vc mat ngir nghTa: Cd nhieu khd ndng dgi Manchester United se thdng dqi
Juventus trong Iran ddu cuoi cung.
Question 8: Dap an diing la D. / / is nearly 5 years since John went hack to his
• Ve mat ngir phap: Ta diing will trong thi tuang lai dan de the hien sir chac chan
hay sir san sang thirc hien dieu gi trong tuang lai hoac hien tai khi c6 tinh huong
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: John dd khong tra ve que hinmg trong khodng gdn hay van canh cii the. Cau van c6 chi tiet: '"there are chances - cd nhieu khd ndng"
5 ndm nay =^ Dd gdn 5 nam ke lu-khi John trd ve que hmrng. •lieu nay cho ta biet c6 sir dur doan ve tuang lai dira vao y chu quan hoac khach
Giai thich ve mat nmT phap: Cau goc de cho dien ta mot sir viec a thi hi^n tai quan ciia nguai noi. "
hoan thanh vcSi khoang thoi gian cii the nearly 5 years. Nen khi chuyen qua mot
Vi du: Woman: 1 can not lift this case: Toi khong nhac noi cai vaii nay.
hinh thirc \t lai can \ a i y nghTa tirang dirong, ta c6 cau true sau:
Man: I w i l l help you: Toi se giiip chj. (sir san long)
It's + khoang thai gian + since + S + V2/ed: Da ke tir k h i . . .
Cac phirang an con lai khong phii hgp: Q « « Y / « n / J . Dap an dung la B. Not having been ; .
A . John didn't come back his hometown 5 years: John dd khong tra ve que anh Ve mat ngiT nghTa: VI trirdc day khong dirac den cong vien quoc gia, (nen) Sue
dy 5 ndtn rdi. Cau goc de cho sir dung boi canh ciia mot sir vice da .\ay ra trong qua dd nggc nhien khi thdy mgch phun nude.
khir nhirng van con tiep tuc den hien tai va tirang lai. Hanh dong John khong quay Ve mat ngfr phap: Ta chii y den "before - tmoc day", do vay ve cau c6 chira
trd ve que hirang anh dy da dirge dien ra 5 nam, nhurng ciing c6 the tiep tuc den ^(^fore phai a thi hien tai hoan thanh. Han nti-a, ta c6: "not + having + V3/ed: v;
tuang lai, chir chira he kct Ihiic trong qua khir. '-'hira..." diing de chi l i do khi hai ve cua cau c6 ciing chung mot chii ngir nhung
Tron Bo SGK:
134 •'
trong ve dau tien thi ehii ngir bj tihuyet (dugc hieu ngam).Download Ebook
Xet a cac goc Tai: ta
do tren, Cac phirong an c o n lai khong phii hgp:
chon B la dap an duy nhat dung. - A. because + clause: h&i vi - menh de trang n g u chi ly do
Question 14. Dap an dung la A. had he been appointed C". s o that + clause (S + modals + Vnguyen): muc dich Id. nhdm. de, cot de -
- Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Doi tnnrng ciia clot dime ho nhieni chmi hao Idu ihi anh dy iTienh de trang ngu chi muc dich

dd phdi doi mat vai nhieii Idio khan. D. Though + clause: mac dii, dii cho - menh de trang ngir chi su tuang phan , ,
- Ve mat ngir phap: K h i hardly dung dau can thi iiien tugng dao ngu xay ra. Ta c6 Question 19. Dap an dung la B. or
cau true ngir phap nhu sau: , Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Hay kien nhdn neu khong hgn se khong Ihdnh cong.
Hardly + had + S + V3/ ed + when + clause (qkd): khong hao Idii.... Ihi.... . V x m a t ngu phap: Trong cau dieu kien loai 1, ta c6 mot each dung het si'rc dac
Hardly + had + S + been + V3/ed + when + clause ( Q K D ) (bi dong) biet: ntni mcMih de gia sir dugc dung nhir mot loi menh lenh, nghTa la no du-gc bat
j a u bang mot dong ti'r nguyen m a n (nham khuyen ran hoac de dga), thi ta dung chu
Question 15. Dap an dung la C. since or - neu khong llii. roi tiep theo la menh de chinh.
- Ve mat ngir n^hTa: "Dd 6 nam kc' ti'r khi chimg toi chuyen den Chicago. " Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp voi cau van:
- Ve mat nm'r phap: A. + clause: hoi vi - menh de trang ngu chi muc dich. ' '
Clause ( H T H T ) + since + moc thcri gian/ clause ( Q K D ) C. Unless + clause = I f . . . not: Neu khong... t h i . . . . ).
Hoac: It is + khoang thai gian + since + clause ( Q K D ) D. othcrw isc: neu kliong ihi - khong dimg trong cau dieu kien.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vai cau van: Question 20. Dap an dung la C. than sound

A . when: k h i ; B. that: ma va D. after: sau khi: khong phii hop voi cau true ngfr - Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Goddard dd phdl ininh ra len lua dau lien hay vdi loc do
nlian/i lion dm lhanh.
- Ve mat ngfr phap: Ta quan sat thay day la dang cau so sdnh han cua trang tir
Question 16. Dap an dung la B. to reserve
fast \a faster. Nliir ta biet :
- Ve mat ngu nghTa: Xin Idi. Toi da quen dgt cho a nhd hang cho hgn. I 1 i
- Ve mat ngiT phap: Ta sir dung cau true: ' ^.wv^ ... short adj/adv-er + than +...
I \

forget + V - to infinitive: quen lam gi Ta loai dap an ( A , B. D ) vi chiing sai hinh thuc so sanh: i
Limy: forget + V - ing: quen lam viec gi roi (hanh dpng da xay ra) A. than sound is \
Question 17. Dap an dung la B. Excited as B. as does sound «
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Mac cho sir hao hire ciia hon Ire, chiing Idi cung khong the D. as sound is
di dd ngogi Irong liuri del nine ihe nay. TriC'l ly: Da la hinh thuc so sanh hon thi phai c6 than. Trong sir lira chgn B va D
khong CO than ncn sai. Sir lira chgn A c6 chua than nhung ta khong chgn vi is
- Ve mat ngiT phap: C) day, chimg ta c6 the sir dung linh Itr di'nig dan can de dien
khong dugc dung g day. Thay vao do, ta co the dimg does vi ve dau cau van c6
ta y tirong phan:
dimg dong tir Ihu6ng/A'. x.v,,
Adj + as + S + may/might/can/could + Vtobe, clause = Question 21. Dap an diing la B. are often used
Although/Despite the fact that/ Much as/ Even though + clause, clause " Ve mat ngir nghTa: Thao moc thm'rng duw sic dung trong canh vd nirac .sot.
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop voi cau van: - Ve mat ngu phap: Chu ngir cua cau van la "thdo moc' khong the tir thirc hien
A . Though + clause: mac du. dii cho hanh dong "sir dung''' ma la Thdo moc ihudng dinrc .sir dung - mang nghTa bj dong.
C. Because o f + N / N . P : bai vi Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp voi ciiu van:

D. Exciting: tinh tir nay diing trong trirong hop mang nghTa chii dong. A. arc used to be: diroc dimg Id - hinh thiic ngir phap nay khong phii hgp vai
cau van da cho.
Question 18. Dap an dung la B. in case
- Ve mat ngu nghTa: "Toi de ch'ia khoa nhd a dia'n chdu Ima Irong vir&n phong D. get used to + N/ V-ing: cpien vai - dien ta mot thoi quen hay sir thich nghi
^^^i hien tai (khong phii hgp vai ngu canh cau van da cho).
khi hgn ve sdni lurn hinh ihirdng. "
C. often use://;(/r377j:,'f//V//^'- mang nghTa chii dong. ' ' •
- Ve mat ngCr phap: Dira vao nghTa cua cau van, ta sir dung cau true sau day la
phu hgp nhat. 22. Dap an dimg la A . laughing :Ju''{« •
in case + clause: phong khi
Tron Bo SGK:
- V6 mat ngir nghTa: Susan khana the khonn cinri khiDownload Ebook
toi ke chuyen cmri Tai:
cho cd ciy Question 27. Dap an diing la D. particularly
nghe. Ve^mat ngfr nghTa: Jane thich .xem phi/n nhim^^ cd dy khong dgc hiel quan tdm
- Ve mat nmT phap: clin the loai ndo cd. , j , ,
, . can't help + V-ing: khong thg khong lam g i . . . . | • Ta cd: particularly (adv): mot cdeh ddc hiet -^^^ , . .
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:
Question 23. Dap an dung la D. cutting
A. specially (adv): mot each rieng biet, cabiet. chi danh cho
- Ve mat ngCr nghTa: T()c ciia ban can dmrc cat. Ban nen cli cat toe vao ngay mai.
B. certainly (adv): khong nghi ngd, dirt khoat, chSc chjn
- Ve mat ngir phap:
C. largely (adv): d mot chirng mirc. chu yeu / t iM;'
' S.t + need + V-ing: cai gi can duoc lam (mang nghTa bi dong) Question 28. Dap an diing la D. recommend
Lmi y: . Ve^mat nnH nahia: Trong hdn htu) cdo de trinh len chirih phu ngdy hdm qua.
* Dong tir need diing vdi V-ing mang nghTa bj dpng khi chu ngir la vat hoac sir cac nhd khoa hoc de nghi cdng trinh xdy dimg cau phai ngimg lai.
vat. sir vice. . Ve mat nu.Q phap:
* Cau true tuong dong: S.t + need + V-ing = S.O + have + S.T + V3/ed
Recommend + that + clause (S + Vnguyen (ap dung cho moi chii ngu-)
Question 24. Dap an dung la D. a few / very few
- Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Khd nhieu nginri than phien ve each xir sir cua anh ta. Hdu Ta quan sat tha\g tir nguyen mau BE dang duoc diing. Xet ve y nghTa va
nhir khong cd ai len lieng wig hp anh ta. ciu true nen ta chon D; recommend.

- Ve mat ngu phap: Ta c6: Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vdi cau van: '
quite a few + danh tir dem duoc so nhieu: khd nhieu A. ban sb from sth/doing sth: cSm ai lam gi f4i.-i' : i

few: qiid it. haii nhtr k/wng - dien ta dieu it oi, ca nguai noi va nguoi nghe deu B. complain (to sb) about/ o f sth: keu ca, than phien, oan trach " ' ' '
hieu rang hau nhir khong c6. C. say sth to sb: ndi dieu gi vdi ai
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop voi cau van: giiev//«/j 29. Dap an dung la B. interval
A. Many: w/z/'t'//- khong phiT hop vdi nghTa cua cau van. - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Neu ban den nhd hdt Ire, ban phdi chd din giira budi chieu
B. very few: (/tid it, hdu nhir khong (ham y phii djnh). mai dirac vao. ' i
some: mot vdi - khong phii hop vdi nghTa cua cau vSn. Ta cd: interval (n): khodng thai gian giira hai sir ki?n gi, luc nghi giua budi diSn
C. a lot: nhieu - dirng sau dong tir thudng. kfch hay chieu phim
Question 25. Dap an dung la D. without delay Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vdi cau van:
- Ve mat ngu nghTa: Ngay khi nghe tieng coi hdo dong, tdt cd moi ngirai phdi rdi A. break (n): g i d giai lao
khoi tod nhd ngay lap tire. C. refreshment (n): sir tinh dudng, nghi ngai •'•'•''^ i

Ta cd cum tir: without delay: khong dirae ehdm tre, ngay lap ti'rc D. half-time (n): g i d nghi gifra hai hiep dau '
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vdi cau van v i : Question 30. Dap an diing la C. the hills ' '
A. on the verge (oO: d ngirdng cira ciia - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Nhinig chuyen dua Jack ki thi xira Idm roi. '' •''
B. under law: dirdi anh hirdng ciia phap luat/ qui djnh
C. at no time: khong bao gid, khong chan chir
Question 26. Dap an diing la C. conservationists
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: NInmg nginri bao ve moi tnn'mg no lire het sire de hdo ve
t Ta cd cum tir bat bien: as old as the hills: cdxira.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop.
Question 31. Dap an dung la D. sack
rat eii '
[ '

Ve mat ngu nghTa: Sau 3 Idn khong Idm lot cdng vice, Kate dd bi sa ihdi.
moi tnrdng nhirng nhmig no lire ciia ho dmmg nhir vd nghTa so vai nhimg gi con
Ta cd: get the sack: hi .sa thdi
ngm/i dang tan phd.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vdi cau van: ' ««« i'
Taco: conser\aUon\st (n): ngirdi hdo ve moi tnr&ng
A. promotion (n): sir thang tien, sir thang chirc
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vdi cau van v i :
B. recommendation (n): sir gidi thieu, ti^n cur
A . poacher (n): ngudi san trpm, xam pham
C. rearrangement (n): sap xep lai
B. industrialist (n): nha t u ban cong nghiep
Question 32. Dap an dung la A. with a view to ' '
D. producer (n): nha san xiiat
Tron Bo SGK: 139
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V6 mat ngu imhTa: Toi doc di doc Igi hew hap dong vai hy von^ tranh difoc Question 40. Dap an dimg la D. on the • in
nhtmg loi sai chinh ta. Chiing ta dimg giai tir in de chi cae phirong hirang. ,-, . , i. , , , . .,
Ta c6: with a view to doing sth: veri hy vong. y djnh lam cc'ii gi Question 41. Dap an dung la A . are • is
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop vai can van: Ojai thich: There + dgng tir s6 it + danh tir sozyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWV
I 't/danh tir khong Akm dirge. Trong
B. in view o f sth: xet thay. boi vi trucrng hop nay "coffee" la danh tir khong dem dugc nen ta phai dimg "is".
C. by means o f sth: being each sir dung cai gi Question 42. Dap an dimg la C: fastly • fast:
D. in terms o f sth: \ih mat, diroi dang, trong thai ky Giai thich: Fast (adv): Nhanh chong ^;
Question 33. Dap an dung la C. With respect to Question 43. Dap an dimg la B: the more • the most
- Ve mat nm'r n^hTa: Vc'ri m) lire vd tdi ndng ciia ban. chung toi tir hoi lieu ban co Giai thich: Trong dang so sanh bac nhat ciia tinh tir dai. ta co: the most + tinh tir
thC' lam vice iron tluri gian cho chung toi. j a i . C) can tren, "beautiful" la tinh tir dai ,
Ta c(S: with respect to sth: ve. doi vol... Question 44. Dap an dimg la A : used • use
Cac dap an eon lai khong phii hgp vai cau van: Gjai thich: Used to + Vnguycn: da tirng lam gi (dien ta thoi quen trong qua
A. regard to sb/ sth (with sb/sth): danh gia ai/ viec gi * khir). Khi chiing ta muon thiet lap dang nghi vkn vai cSu true nay thi ta co dang
B. in regard o f sth: lien quan den viec gi chung: did + use to + Vngiiyen?
D. on behalf o f thay mat cho Question 45. Dap an dimg la C: road • roads
Question 34. Dap an dung la A. call on Giai thich: Danh tir "road" phai a dang so nhieu "roads" d^ phii hgp vai dong tir
- Vc' mat ngCr n^hia: ('hung ta can nhimg ngirai ban md co the a ben ta nhimg liic "to be - are".

ta gap kho khan. Question 46 A. privilege /'privallds/ B. finish / ' f i n l j / '

Ta co: call on sb: ghe thdm ai
C. facility / f a ' s l b t l / D. temperature / ' t e r n p r 3 t j 3 ( r ) /
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp v6i cau van:
Dap an dimg la C: facility co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir ci^i lai
B. break o f f (v): ngirng noi
CO dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
C. live on (v): song nha vao
D. go by (v): di qua, troi qua Question 47 A. telephone/'tellfoun/ B. i n t e r n a t i o n a l / i n t a ' n a j j n a l /

Question 35. Dap an dung la D. away C. comfortable /'kAmftabl/ D. necessary /'nesasari/

- Vc mat nmT nuhTa: Dimg de nhimg ten sdn trom trdn thodt khoi toi sdn hat cfpng Dap an dimg la B: international co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cae
vat. (7////;^' dang bi trimg phgt. tir con lai co dau trgng am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
Nhir ta da biet: get a\va\ Irdnh khoi. thodt khoi Question 48 A . technology/tek'nobdsi/ B. tomorrow/ta'mDrau/
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vcSi cau van: Ml

C. study /'stAdi/ D. offence h'knsf

A. get otT(v): xuong xe, thoat toi
Dap an dimg la C: study co dhu trgng am danh vao am tiet thir nhat. Cac tir con
B. get out o f sth/ doing sth (v): ne tranh, tir bo
l^i CO dau trgng am danh vao am tiet thir hai.
C. get on (well with someone) (v): hoa thuan (vai ai)
Question 36. Dap an dimg la C . the others • others Question 49 A . information/infa'meljn/ B. r i d i c u l o u s / r i ' d l k j u b s /
Ta co: Some other: Mot so so con lai C. existence /ig'zlstans/ D. importance / i m ' p D i t n s /
Question 37. Dap an diing la 1). absolute • absolutely Dap an dimg la A : information co dau trgng am danh vao am tiet thir ba. Cac tir
Ta ccS: tobe + adv + adj (trang tir dimg gifra dong tir tobe va tinh tir) ^on lai CO dau trgng am danh vao am tiet thir hai.
Question 38. Dap an dimg la A . what • how
Question 50 A . majestic / m s ' d s e s t i k / B. malnourished / m s e r n A r l / t /
Ta co: N o matter how + adj/adv: Cho dii
Question 39. Dap an dimg la A . disadvantage • advantage C. outstanding /aut'staendir)/ D. ordinary /'Didnri/
Dap an diing la D: ordinary co d^u trgng am danh vao am tiet thir nhat. Cac tir
Giai thich ve mat nml ngliTa: Mot dieu thuan Igi ciia cong viec nay la toi chi
mat 5 phiit de di den eo quan. t ' lai CO dau trgng am danh vao am tiet thir hai.
Tron Bo SGK:
Luyfii gitii de triri'rc ki thi DH.? mien Bat; Trung, ISam lieng Anh - Ngo VSn MMh ^
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Read the fitllowinf' passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer DE T H I THLf SO 07
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 51 to 55. Thdi gian lam hai: 90 phiit
H U O N C ; 1)AN H O C
yfark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part
- business trip: cluiyen cong tac • ;iriv'j J'-n'' '-J''^'
that needs correction in each of the following questions. ,, . ,
- encourage: khuy^n khich. khich le J U I . H M I M K I -rjH.'-j ,;: r ,-;
- in advance: trircVc (ve thai gian) in i;f.(; > Question I: Rotation o f crops are to grow different crops on the same land
- anticipate: dir tinh cai g i . giai quyet triroc ' A B C
- lightucight: nhe '' M''^' " irom year to year.
- pack: hop. goi, tui deo, ba 16 D •
- currentK: vao thdi gian hien nay .ini;... Question 2: As i f he had stood on a chair, he could have been able to reach the
- obviousK: c(S the tliay ro rang, mot each ro rang '''' A B C D
- separate: ton tai rieng re. tacli ra. chia ra shelf ^ ' .
51.C 52.A >}.C . 54.A 55.B Question 3: Although slightly damaged by fire, the building was eventually
Read the followinfi passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer restored to its original splendour.
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions front 56 to 60. D
H l I O N ( ; I).\ HOC ) Question 4: Government has done no headway in the fight against inflation;
- combination: ket hop hoiic phoi hap vai nhau A B
- statue: tirong indeed, the situation has worsened recently. , . ,, A
- human being (n): con ngiroi C D
- damage (n): sir hu hai Question 5: The increasing from 5 million to 350 million speakers o f English
- damage (v): lam hong, gay hu hai ciho (cai g i ) A B
T damaging (a): C O tac dong .\au has not come about because o f any special merits i n the language
- drainage: sir tieu nircVc hoac rut nuac; he thong cong ranh thoat nuac C D
- ancient: \ua, c6, rat gia itself. ,
^ attack: sir tan cong, cong kich
\fark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
- sandstorm: bao cat
to each of the following questions. * ' *'
- poisonous: c6 noc doc
56.B 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.D Question 6: I think he w i l l j o i n us ? ,,,
A. doesn't he B. w o n ' t he C. w i l l he D. do I ^
Read the followinff passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer Question 7: Studies indicate collecting art today than ever before, f , ,
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65. A. there more people B. more people that are ^,
6IB 62.A 63.D 64.C 65.B C. that there are more people D. people there are more
Read the followinff passable and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer Question H: Regina, you have never met before, is a genius in painting.
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70. A. that B. whose C. whom D. whomever
66. C :•> ,v 67.D 68.D 69.D 70.B Question 9: There are not many interesting o f news in the 'Evening".

Read the followinff passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer A. parts B. articles C. loads D . items
Question 10: On November 5, a lot o f fireworks are o f f in England.
sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
A. set B. gone C. sent , j n;,! D. burned
7I.C 72.C 73.D 74. A 75.C
Question II: Police believe that there is a between the 2 crimes.
76.D 77.A 78.A 79.B 80.B
A. chain B. link C. connector D. ini.xture
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iMven miide marc ki t/,1 DH J mien Bac, Iruhg, mm Downloadmm
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Question 12: the reports are not good enough to be printed. Question 28: it"s a matter o f life and death. As a consequence, we w i l l give it
A. On my own B. Out o f the ordinary
C. I f you ask me D. Telling the truth A. review B. thoughts C. opinions D. consideration
Question 13: During the war, we many relatives. Question 29: Without natural resources w i l l be used up within a hundred
A. lost touch with B. take for granted
A. preservation B. maintenance C. conservation D. protection
C. made a mention o f D. set an example for , ,
Question 30: Taking photographs in this world renowned museum is
Question 14: Y o u can contact us i f anything with our plan.
A. goes wrong B. comes bad C. is out o f luck D. loses control
Question 15: The president refused to make any judgement the situation. A. absolutely B. highly C. seriously D. strictly
Question 31: I am taking the final examination tomorrow morning.
A. on B. with C. for D. o f
Question I am fed hanging around here with nothing to do. A. ! am sorry to hear that. That can't be right.

A. up on B. out o f C. up with D. by C. Ciood luck. n . What a pity.

Question 17: I could not the peak o f the mountain in the foggy weather. l2Mt'.v//V,»« 1 have passed my examination in computer theory.
A. get over B. make out C. see through D. go into A. I f s ver\e o f vcm to say so. B. f h a f s a good idea.
Question 18: Constantly staying in cold weather may bring pneumonia. C. Let's go for some drink. D. Congratulations! ••
A. in B. about C. up D. on Question 33: Please accept my apologies for being late for the meeting. '
Question 19: Carbon emissions from airplanes and other pollutants to global A. You reaH\t need to apologize for that.
warming. , ) B. It "s my daily routine. '
A. attribute B. stem C. contribute D. spark C. It depends on your thoughts.
Question 20: He was with bribery after he offered to pay the policeman a D. Y o u are out o f order.
sum o f money to overlook the offence. 2wi'.sY;«rt .?'^. It's not your fault.
A. charged B. accused C. sued D. suspected A. You "re welcome. •
Question 21: Some endurance events may be rescheduled i f such high pollution B. Forgive me. I ' m terrible sorry about the misunderstanding.
levels a health risk to most athletes.
C. I am indifferent to anyone around ine. '
A. create B. present C. run D . face
D. The result w i l l not be as good as expected. '
Question 22: Improving the overall environmental quality is a long-term battle in
Question 35: Thank you very much for > our useful information about the match.
which we do want the participation o f everyone in society in order to results.
A. About twice a week. B. Never mind.
A. realize B. reap C. bear D. generate
't's a pity. D. Yes. I would love to
Question 23: Hundreds o f people in the hardest-hit zone are at from disease
unless a tsunami-like aid effort is mobilized. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
A, threat B. menace C. risk D. danger differs from the rest in t/ie position of the main stress in each of the following
Question 24: The result is impossible to predict with any degree of. questions.
A. certainty B. assurance C. insurance D. probability Question 36: A. poverty B. nuinerous C. tolerate D. interfere
Question 25: Parents play a role in a child's upbringing in the formative Question 37: A. fascinate B. otherwise C. remember •.justify
years. They are really the driving force behind whatever the children do. Question 38: A. technician B. directory C. clearance D. considerate
A. supporting B. crucial C. starring D. title Question 39: A. disadvantage B. consequence C. honorific D. inexpensive
Question 26: With three days to before the high school graduation Question 40: A. congratulate B. independent C. possibility D. opportunity
examination, he had to digest such a lot o f facts.
A. go B. come C. remain D. spare M(irk the fetter A, B, C, f- D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
Question 27: Television came into and became a competitor with the closet in meaninff to each of tite fo//owinf{ questions.
motion pictures.
Question 41: Yuu don't have to come hack to our room on time. • •
A. practice B. enforcement C. use D.Tron
life Bo SGK:
A . Y o u needn't coming back to our room on time. Download Ebook Tai:
Question 50: The girl is getting there. Her father is very busy with his business.
B. It's not necessary for you to come back to our room on time. A. The girl, who is getting there, her father is very busy with his business.
C. You mustn't come back to our room on time. ' / i i j ' - J ! ' B. The girl whose father is very busy with his business is getting there. '
D. I need come back to our room on time, needn't I? C. The girl who father is getting there is very busy with his business. '
Question 42: Is there any likelihood for them to overcome the difficulty? D. The girl's father who is getting there is very busy with his business.
A. Are tiiey likely to overcome the difficulty? , .
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
B. Hardly do they overcome the difficulty. i .W?, \ , sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 55.
C. They have difficulty overcoming the problem. , , ^
Man is a land animal, but he is closely tied to the sea. Throughout history the
D. I don't know i f they overcome the difficulty.
sea has served the needs o f man. The sea provided man with food and convenient
Question 43: He demanded to meet the doctor.
way to travel to many parts o f the world. Today, nearly two thirds o f the w o r l d '
A. He needed meeting the doctor. B . He wished to meet the doctor.
population live within 80 kilometers o f the sea coast.
C. He insisted on meeting the doctor. D. He asked to meet the doctor.
In the modern technological world, the sea offers many resources to help
Question 44: The sofa would take up much space in this room.
mankind survive. Resources on land are beginning to be used up. The sea,
A. The sofa is small enough to be put in this room.
however, still can be hoped to supply many o f man's needs.
B. There isn't enough space in this room for the sofa.
The list o f riches o f the sea yet to be developed by man's technology is
C. The room is large enough to have the sofa in it.
impressive. O i l and gas exploration have been carried out for nearly 30 years.
D. The sofa is so large that it can be put in this room. /; Valuable amounts o f mineral exist on the ocean floor ready to be mined.
Question 45: Let's go for a walk. h
Fish fanning promises to be a good way to produce large quantities o f food.
A. Walking gives me a pleasure. B. 1 like walking. The culture o f fish and shellfish is an ancient skill practiced in the past mainly by
C. Would you like to go for a walk. D. I suggested going for a walk. [ the Oriental people.
Question 46: Although his leg had been broken, he managed to get out of the car Besides oil and gas, the sea may offer new source o f energy. Experts believe
before it was exploded. that the warm temperature o f the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in
A. In spite o f his broken leg, he managed to get out o f the car before it exploded. a steamship. Ocean current and waves offer possible use as a source o f energy.
B. His broken leg didn't prevent him from escaping from the car before it exploded. Technology is enabling man to explore ever more deeply under the sea. The
C. His leg had been broken when the car was exploded. development o f strong, new materials has made this possible.
D. In spite his broken leg, he manage to get out of the car before it was exploded. The technology to harvest the sea continues to improve. Experts believe that by
Question 47: The older I get, the less I want to listen to pop music. the year 2000 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food, minerals
A. 1 don't like listening to pop music. and energy sources o f the sea w i l l be largely solved.
B. As I get older, I want to listen to pop music less.
Question 51: The major thing that the sea offers man are ^, ^ , ,
C. The older 1 get, the little 1 want to listen to pop music, .ii , i
A . fish and oil , .
D. Because I am older, I don't want to listen to pop music.
B. minerals and oil s c d ' '
Question 48: She is too old to have any more children.
C. warm temperature and ocean current ,| ,^zyxwvutsrqponm
< A-zyxwvut
> v,
A. The older she get, the less children she has.
D. the food, energy sources, and minerals i;
B. So old is she that she seldom has more children.
Question 52: The sea serves the needs o f man because , ,
C. Scarcely does she have children because o f her age.
A . it provides man with food B. it offers oil to man ^jj <
D. She can't have any more children because o f her old age.
C. it supplies man with minerals D. A l l o f above y ,
Question 49:1 like watching TV more than playing football.
Question 53: We can conclude from this passage that ^g^i . . i ; ; ' ^ . r .
A. I prefer watching T V to play football.
B. I would rather watch T V than playing football. A . the sea resources have largely been used up «:rij...<"' =

C. 1 don't like playing football less than watching T V . B. the sea, in a broad sense, has not yet been developed ii'jjt-if I'jr' ..'
D. I'd rather watch T V than play football.
Tron Bo SGK:
Cty TNHH MTV D VVH Kliang Vift
C. the problem that prevent us from using the food, minerals and energy
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o f the sea have already been solved Question 59: "...Moreover, as hamburgers, ice - cream, and other high - fat foods
D. by the year 2000, the technology w i l l be good enough to exploit all the sea become popular in Japan....". What does "moreover" mean?
resource ; A. however B. also C. then D. yet
Question 54: The word "Oriental people" in the fourth passage probably Question 60: " . . . the rates o f heart disease and cancer are increasing there as well".
mean Where docs "///fz-c" refer to? ;,-
A. The people in Asia B. African people iiwVm>Yu,\ A. in the United States B. in Cuba
C.European D. American people tii i U t w *, C. in Japan D. in Cuba, Mauritius, and Hungary
Question 55: The best title for this passage is ei fiiJ.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
A. Sea Harvest B. Sea Food sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65.
' C. Technology for Exploiting the Sea D. Man and the Sea
Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human
Read the followinf> passuf^e and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
intervention. In May 1996. the World fiealth Organization ( W H O ) , an agency o f
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 60.
the United Nations, was authorized to initiate a global campaign to eradicate
As a result o f years o f research, we know that too much animal fat is bad for smallpox, fhe goal was to eliminate the disease in one decade. A t the time, the
our health. For example. Americans eat a lot o f meat and only a small amount o f disease posed a serious threat to people in more than thirty nations. Because similar
grains, fruit, and vegetables. Because o f their diet, they have high rates o f cancer projects for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that smallpox could
and heart disease. In Japan, in contrast, people eat large amounts o f grains and very actually be eradicated, but eleven years after the initial organization o f the
little meat. The Japanese also have very low rates o f cancer and heart disease. In campaign, no cases were reported in the field.
fact, the Japanese live longer than any one else in the world. Unfortunately, when The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations but also to isolate
Japanese people move to the United States, the rates o f heart disease and cancer patients with active smallpox in order to contain the spread o f the disease and to
increase as their diet changes. Moreover, as hamburgers, ice - cream, and other break the chain o f human transmission. Rewards for reporting smallpox assisted in
high - fat foods become popular in Japan, the rates o f heart disease and cancer are motivating the public to aid health workers. One by one, each smallpox victim was
increasing there as well. People are also eating more meat and dairy products in sought out, removed from contact with others, and treated. A t the same time, the
other countries such as Cuba, Mauritius, and Hungary. Not surprisingly, the disease entire village where the victim had lived was vaccinated.
rates in these countries are increasing along with the change in diet. Consequently,
By A p r i l o f 1978, W H O officials announced that they had isolated the last
doctors everywhere advise people to eat more grains, fruit and vegetables and to
known case o f the disease, but health workers continued to search for new cases for
eat less meat and fewer dairy products.
two additional years to be completely sure, in May, 1980, a formal statement was
Question 56: What is the main idea o f this passage? made to the global community. Today, smallpox is no longer a threat to humanity.
A. Doctors advise people to eat more grains, fruit and vegetables. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.
B. Eating meat causes cancer and heart disease. Question 61: Which o f the following is the best title for the passage?
C. The kind o f diet we have can cause or prevent diseases. A. fhe World Health Organization B. The Eradication o f Smallpox "
D. Children eat the same way their parents eat. C. Smallpox Vaccinations D. Infectious Diseases
Question 57: Why do the Japanese have low rates o f cancer and heart disease? Question 62: What was the goal o f the campaign against smallpox?
A. Because they eat a lot o f grains and very little meat. A. To decrease the spread o f smallpox worldwide. •
B. Because they do not eat animal fat.
B. To eliminate smallpox worldwide in ten years. ''^'^
C. Because their diet changes.
C. To provide mass vaccinations against smallpox worldwide.
D. Because they live longer than anyone else in the world.
D. To initiate worldwide projects for smallpox, malaria, and yellow fever at the
Question 58: "...the Japanese live longer than anyone else in the world". What same time.
does anyone else mean?
Question 63: According to the passage, what was the strategy used to eliminate the
A . Some other people B. A l l other people '
spread o f smallpo.x? jc.o •;! •
C. Most other people D. Nobody
A. Vaccinations o f entire village
148 Tron Bo SGK:
Luy?n gidi dk trir&c ki thi DH 3 miin BSc, Trung, Nam Tiing An/i - !\go Van Minit Cty TNHH MTV D VVH Khang Vi$t
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B. Treatment o f individual victims Question 67: People read newspapers so that they can.
C. isolation o f victims and mass vaccinations A. remain up to date with current affairs
D. Extensive reporting o f outbreaks B. be satisfied with a quick look at the front page
Question 64: How was the public motivated to help the health workers? C. quickly glance at the headlines
A. By educating them ' D. know about several sections ,• ; ,^ ,1

B. B y rewarding them for reporting cases g « g 5 / / » n 6*. According to the passage,

H Ja d J i - i ' , •
C. B y isolating them for otherszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
' fmrjalTH
A. the most important news is all on the front page
D. By giving them vaccinations B. only the Sunday edition is important because it is larger than usual
Question 65: When was the formal announcement made that smallpox had been C. we can find news about sports, art, music, etc... in magazines only

eradicated? D. newspapers help us to know everything about what is going on in the world
A. 1996 B. 1976 C. 1978 D . 1980 Question 69: Which o f the following would be the most suitable title for the
Read the foUowinf; passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer A. Newspapers and Magazines
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70.
B. Newspapers: A Rich Source o f Information
The American humorist. W i l l Rogers, used to say, " A l l I know is what is read C. Both Newspapers and Magazines Are Interesting
in the newspapers". This was an exaggeration for humorous purposes, but it is true D. A l l We Know Is What We Read in the Newspapers
that newspapers are an important source o f information. Many people begin their Question 70: The words "going o n " mean most nearly
day by reading the paper. In this way they learn what is going on in the world. A. happening B. acting C. performing D. informing
Sometimes, however, they don't have time to read the news carefully and must be
satisfied with a quick look at the front page; at other times they may be in such a Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
hurry that they have time only to glance at the headlines. sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
There are newspapers to satisfy every reader. In the big cities there are many ^ Cotton has been grown for thousands o f years in places as ....(71).... apart as
types o f papers, with several different editions every day. In small towns there are Mexico, China, Egypt, and India. American colonists . . . . ( 7 2 ) . . . . to grow cotton in
fewer newspapers and perhaps only one edition each day. In some areas the paper the early 1600s. Before 1800, cotton was a great luxury, more expensive than silk.
is printed weekly. ....(73).... so many workers were needed to pick it (74)...., a huge increase in
Most newspapers have several sections, especially on Sundays when the the number o f slaves in the American South ....(75).... in much greater cotton
edition is the large than usual. There are, in addition to the front page with the most production and a fall ....(76).... the price. This, and the new technology o f the
important news, the sports section, the society page, the comics, the amusement industrial ....(77)...., made cotton the cheapest fabric in history. By 1820, cotton
section, a business page, and the editorials. • -..(78).... more money for the United States than tobacco, and more money
Another type o f publication which helps keep the population informed is the worldwide than sugar. Many Southern farmers and plantation . . . . ( 7 9 ) . . . . believed
magazine. Some magazines are published weekly; others are put out monthly. that slave labour was . . . . ( 8 0 ) . . . . for them to make money growing cotton.
There are news magazines, literary magazines, and magazines for such special Question 71: A. long B. away C. out D. far
interests as photography, sports, art, and music. Some are primarily for men, others
Question 72: A. started B. brought C. came D. carried
for women, and there is a selection o f children's magazines, too. In the United
Question 73: A. after B. although C. despite D. because
States, there are publication for every taste and interest.
Question 74: A. In addition B. Since C. However D. Therefore
Question 66: The passage states that Question 75: A. took B. resulted C. brought D. was
A . newspaper provided people with a lot o f humorous stories Question 76: A. to B. in C. down D. o f
B. newspapers are important because they have several sections Question 77: A. factory B. reform C. revolution D. company
C. newspapers provide people with a lot o f information Question 78: A. w i l l make B. has made C. makes D. had made
D. the magazine offers more information than the newspaper Question 79: A. keepers B. owners C. growers D. directors
Tron Bo SGK:
Questipn 80: A . necessary B. based C. certain D. made
Linen}iiai,lcinnhk)ihl DII3 num uai'. iniiif;, i\am IlerifjMini~i\}>i) vimmnm
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DIEN GIAI DAP AN Fa thay rang tan ngfr a v | tri so 3, ma whom dimg de thay the cho cac tir chi
pguai lam chirc nang tan ngfr. Vay whom phai a vj t r i so 3 (theo y luan cua ly
Question I: Dap an dung la B. are • is thuyet). Nhirng ta da biet dai tir quan he phai dugc dat dirng ngay sau danh tir ma
Giai thich: N I + giai tir + N2 + V ( N 1 ) "-^ " no thay the.
Question 2: Dap an dung la A. As i f • i f lam sang to: S* + V + O*. S + V + O (3).
( i i a i thich: Dung i f de hgp hinh thire can dieu kien loai i l l . '' fan ngfr so 3 c6 moi quan he vdi S* hoac O"
Question 3: D;ip an dung la A. slightly • heavily '""
Xet v4 mat chirc nang va vj t r i : Ta da biet whom se thay the cho tan ngfr O (3).
Giai thich ve mat y nghia: Mac dii bi pha hiiy nang ne do hoa hoan, rot cuoc toa
IVia whom phai dirge dat ngay sau danh tir no thay the. NghTa la no se dirng ngay
nha van dugc khoi phuc lai dang ve nhir ban dau.
sau S* hoac ( ) * . Nhirng dii dirng a vj tri nao, ca thanh phan con lai S + V phai
Question 4: Dap an dung la B. done • made dirge kem theo whom (nghTa la O (3)). De thi lai c6 tinh diing whom la phirong an
Ta c6: make no headway: khong c6 huong giai quyet, khong c6 tinh dot pha ira lai diing thi whom se bj khuyet d i .
Question 5: Dap an dung la A. The increasing • The increase Gia sir ( ) * c6 moi quan he vai O (3):
Giai thich: Chung ta dung tir increase a goc do danh tirde chi sirgia tang. S* + V + O*. S + V + O (3) • S* + V + O* + O (3) + S + V .
Question 6: Dap an dung la B. won't he
- Ve mat ngfr nghTa: Toi ng/ii anh ay se tham gia ciing chung ta. phdi khong? hinh thirc tr^c nghiem: S* + V + O* + + S + V.
- Ve mat ngCr phap: Ta nhaii tha\g day la dang cdu hoi diioi. Trong do, ve dau
Ket luan: Neu dirng ngay sau vimg trong can dien ma c6 chCi ngir va dong tir thi ta
cua cau van dang a hinh thi'rc khang djnh he will nen luan ra ve sau phai a hinh chgn whom.
thi'rc phu djnh wont't he. l a c6 dang long quat cua cau hoi duoi nhu sau: Chirng minh: Marr> is an excellent student. We met her last night.
S + V + O (cau khang djnh). t r g dong tir/dpng tir dac biet + not + S?
We met the woman. We told her about the problems.
S + V + O (cau phu dinh), t r g dong tir/dgng tir dac biet + S? • Marry whom we met last night is an excellent student.
Question 7: Dap an dung la C. that there are more people
Neu trac nghiem: Marr>' we met last night is an excellent student.
- Ve mat ngiT nghTa: C'dc nghien cihi cho hay ngdy nay c6 nhieii ngin'ri sini tdni
nghe thiigt hon tnrdc.
Question 9: Dap an dimg la D. items
Ve mat ngir phap: Ta quan sat thay dong tir indicate: chi ra, cho thdy.
- Ve mat ngfr nghTa: Co rat nhieu mdu tin khong thu vi trong ban tin Buoi toi.
•' Dong tir nay bao g i a cung c6 dang: "indicate that + clause ".
Ta c6: item (n): khoan, mon
Sir lira chgn A , B va D khong phii hgp vai hinh thirc ngir phap trong cau \hn.
item o f news: mau tin
Question 8: Dap an dimg la C. whom
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i : KI.,, ,
- Ve mat nm"r nahTa: Regina, ngirai md ban chira timg gap trm'rc day Id mot thien
A. part o f sth (n): phan, bg phan
tdi hoi hoa. it"
B. article (n): dieu khoan, bai bao
- Ve mat ngir phap: Whom diing de thay the cho nguai (her, him, them,...) va lam
C. load of sth (n): hang dong, khoi, rat nhieu cai gi , --
chirc nang tan ngfr.
Question 10: Dap an diing la A. set
; Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van:
• Ve mat ngfr nghTa: Vdo ngdy mdng 5 ihdng 11, rat nhieu phdo hoa se dur/c ban
A. that: c6 the thay the cho who, whom, which. Dac biet that dirge dimg sau cac
hinh thirc so sanh nhat nlur: the first, the only • hoac sau cac dai tir bat djnh: all,
Ta ccS: set something ofT(v): lain cho (caigi) no tung
little, anything,...
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van:
Dieu cam: That khong dirge diing trong menh de quan h^ co dau piiay phia trirac.
B. burn something off: dot cai gi
B. whose: dimg de thay the cho tinh tir sa hfru nhir: his, her, their, its....
C. go otT(v): ban ra, no (siing dan)
D. whomever: bat cu ai - noi chung ve nhieu ngirai. Trong cau van da cho
D. send o f f (for sth): giri dat mua
Regina da dirge xac djnh.
send sth off: giri cai gi bang biru di?n , ,
Phuang phap trac nghiem cua chir whom.
Quan sat cSu triic sau: S ( I ) + V (2) + O (3). ^^estion II: Dap an dung la B. link - K'^Z ~
Tron Bo SGK:
•-Ygjnat ngfr nghTa: Cdnh sat cho rang c6 moi lien he giira hai vu an.
Cty TNHH MTVDVVH Kliang Vi^t
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Ta c6: link (n): cho noi. mot lien ket, sir lien ket Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vai cau van: /
Cac dap an con lai khong pliii hop vai cau van: ^Hl A . get over (v): binh phuc, phuc hoi i i ii!;:
A . chain (n): day, chuoi, vat lam rang buoc ^H' C. see through (v): nhin thay, thay ro ban chat cua sir viec ; :
,v C. connector (n): vat ket noi I - ^ D. go into (v): vac, xem xet
D. mixture (n): sir pha tron, sir hon hop ' ' '^^'i Question 18: Dap an dung la D . on
Question 12: Dap an dung la C. I f you ask me ' ' ' Ve mat ngir nghTa: (Jben ngodi thai tiet Ignh gid qud Idu de mac henh viemphdi.
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Neu nhir ban hoi thi toi se cho ban hay nhCmg ban hdo cdo In CO. br\n^ on {v): ddn den . ^y.r . , .
nay chua du tot de in dn. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van: VA.ivJ , • > ,
Ta c6: I f you ask me: niu ban hoiy kic-n toi ' ^'""^ '•^"•'^"^ * A. bring in ( v ) : dira vao, dem vao, mang laizyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUT
' V
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vol cau van: B. bring about (v): gay ra, mang lai dieu gi khong hay '
B. out o f the ordinary: khong binh thuong, khac thuong C. bring up (v): nuoi dirang, giao due
A . on one s own: mot mmh. cua rieng ai Question 19: Dap an dimg la C. contribute
D. telling the truth: noi that . Ve mat ngir nghTa: Viec thai khi cachon tir may hay vd cdc chdt gay d nhi^m
Question 13: Dap an dung la A . lost touch with khdc gdp phdn lam tdng nhiet do trong hdu khi quyen.
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Trong chien tranh, chung toi da mat lien lac vai nhieu ho Ta c6: contribute to ( v ) : ddng gdp, gdp phdn !;i Ji,,,
hang thdn thuoc. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i : (if;)! ...

l a CO cum tir: lose touch with sb: khong con tiep xuc, mdt lien Igc vai ai ^ A. attribute sth to sb/sth (v): cho la, do, quy cho ( ( ^ l i i ' i n

Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop vai cau van: B. stem from sth (v): xuat phat tir ;i t i ) .
B. take sb/ sth for grant: cho la dieu dT nhien, cho rang ai/ cai gi dung D. spark (v): phat ra tia lira i- v O; ) , , , i
C. make an mention of: de cap den mot sir viec Question 20: Dap an dung la A . charged /Hi: i
D. set an example for sb: lam gucmg cho ai - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Anh la hi buoc toi hoi lo sau khi anh ta dua cho cdnh sdt mot
Question 14: Dap an dung la A . goes wrong so tien h'm de chgy toi.
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cdc ban c6 the lien lac vai chung toi khi ke hogch ciia chitng Ta CO cum tir bat bien: charge sb with sth/ doing sth: buoc toi ai ve dieu gi
ta CO gi tra ngai. (mang tinh chdt ve lug/) \ Vivv u
Ta c6: go wrong: sai lam. tra ngai Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i :
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop vai cau van: B. accuse sb o f doing sth (v): buoc toi, to cao, khien trach ai ve dieu g i
B. come bad: tra thanh toi t?, khong tot C. sue sb for sth (v): kien ai ra toa ve viec gi
C. out o f luck: khong may D. suspect sb o f sth/ doing sth (v): nghi ngg ai do ve vi^c gi i'. -
D. lose control: mat kiem soat Question 21: Dap an dung la B. present i i ) (/' .
Question 15: Dap an dung la A . on • Ve mat ngir nghTa: Nhimg cuoc kiem Ira sire khoe c6 the dirac len lich Igi neu
- Ve mat ngij nghTa: Tdng thong choi bo tat cd nhmig phdn qiiyet Irong trin'mg futtc do 6 nhiem cao gay anh hirdng nghiem trong den .sire khde cua hdu het cdc
hap nay. doiig vien.
- V e mat ngir phap: make a judgement on something: phdn quyet dieu gi Ta c6: present ( v ) : dira, trinh, nop, gay ra, Igo ra
Question 16: Dap an dung la C. up with Nhirng dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i :
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Toi chdn viec phdi di quanh qudn quanh day md khong cd A. create (v): sang tao, gay ra, lam \< i
viec gi Idm. C. run (v): chi huy, dieu khien, quan ly i
Ta CO cum tir: be fed up with sth: chan nan ve dieu gi D. face (v): dirang dau, doi pho • •>'• • .
Question 17: Dap an dung la B: make out Question 22: Dap an dimg la A . realize ' '
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Toi khong the tiep tuc a tren dinh nui trong thai tiet smniil V j mat ngir nghTa: Vi^c cdi thi^n todn bO chdt lu<pig moi trirang song la mot
mil. trinh Idu ddi md chung toi muon sir tham gia cua tat cd moi ngmri trong xa hen
Ta c6: make out (v): gidi quyet. ton tgi, dien bien
Tron Bo SGK:
Ihu^^ugrc ket qud.
Luyfii jjidi zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
di trin'rcki thi DH3 miht BAc, Truii^. lit 'ng An/i - /\go Van Minh
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a c6: come into use ( n ) : dira
1 £ vdo sir dung. I'mg dung ihire te
Nhir ta bict: realize (\: ///// clirac. ihiic fiien . practice ( n ) : viec liiyen tap. ren luyen
C a c dap an con lai khong plni hap vai can van v i : enforcement (n): sir buoc phai tuan theo hay sir thi lianh
B. reap ( \ ) : thii\c\i hoach (thiroiig dung trong rriiia v u ) D. life (n): cugc song, sir song
p, ' •
C . bear ( v ) , (n): chin dung, chong do. con gau (- f) < '.'• : Quest i on 28: Dap an dung la D. consideration

D. generate ( v ) : phat ra ' ! « ! ••nn!. c"'.<T %•. ». Vgjnat nm'r nghTa: Ddy Id vdn de song eon. C 'ho nen. eht'ing la se phai edn nhde
Quest i on f)ap an di'ing la C . risk
- V e mat nm'r n^hTa: Hang I ram ngia'ri a khu vuv dC- hi bao tan cong dang a trong T a c6: consideration ( n ) : vfrcc////7/7C/C-, A C / ; ; AC'/ i- i

tinh trang hi de doa nen khong thiiv hicn nhiivg chien hare chong Igi song than. " Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp vai cau van v i :
T azyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
CO cum tir: to be at risk: hi dc doa hcri khd ndng co the mat mat, that bai A . review ( n ) : sir xem xet, danh gia
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp vai cau van v i : jfiy -J j u o d G s n i K i B. thought ( n ) : suy ngliT, y kien (thoughts la hinh thi'rc so nhieii ciTa danh tir
A . threat ( v ) : de doa thought)
B. menace ( v ) : uy hiep. de doa C. opinion ( n ) : quan diem (opinions la hinh thuc so nhieu ciia danh tir opinion)
D. danger (n): nguy c a , moi de doa ^Ht'.vAwrt 29. Dap an dung la C . conservation -u^ ;
Quest i on 24: Dap an dung la A . certainty . Ve mat ngir nghTa; Neu khong dirae bao ton. tdi nguyen thien nhien se hi can
- V e mat ngCr nghTa: Khong the dodn hiet ehde ehdn dmre ket i/iid. kiet trong vdng mot trdm ndm.
Nhu' ta biet: certaintv': sir tin ehde. sir ehde ehdn T a c6: conservation (n): sir bao ton ''
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop v6i cau van v i : Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp vai can van v i : ,H >
• B. assurance (n): sir c|u;i quyet. cam doan A . preservation ( n ) : sir gift gin, bao quan ^^
C . insurance ( n ) : sir bao hiem f B. maintenance (n): sir bao duong. duy tri
D. probability ( n ) : kha nang c6 the xay ra D. protection (n): sir bao ve
Quest i on 25: Dap an dung la B . crucial Quest i on 30: Dap an dung la D. strictly
- V e mat ngfr nghTa: Ba me dong mot vai tro c/iian trong trong vice niioi day eon - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Nguvi ta ngdn edm tuyet doi viee ehup anh <r nhimg bdo
Icing danh tieng tren the gidi. ,
edi trong nhiivg ndin thdng trirang thdnh. Ho thire sir Id eho dira vCmg ehde khi eon
tre Idm hat ei'r viee gi. T a c6: strictly (adv): mot edeh nghiem khde
Nhir ta biet: crucial (a): quyet dinh, cot yeu Cac dap an con lai khong phiT hgp vai cau van v i :
Cac dap an con lai khong phi'i hop vai cau van v i : A . absolutely (adv): hoan toan. tuyet doi
A . supporting (a): phu. c6 tam quan trong thtr yeu B. highly (adv): cao, het sue, a mirc do cao • -
C . starring (a): chinh, troi han '- C. seriously (adv): nghiem trang, nghiem trong, nguy cap
D. title ( n ) : tieu de, danh hieu Quest i on 31: I am taking the final examination tomorrow morning. - ' >
Quest i on 26: Dap an dung la A . go r^ira vao y nghTa va van canh, ta clign C . Good luek.
- V c mat ngCr nghTa: Trong 3 ngdy trade khi bin're vdo k}' thi tot nghiep phd thong, Quest i on 32: \ e pa s s e d my e x a mi na t i on i n c omput e r t he or y .

anh ta dd phai sdp xep lai eo he thong nhmig kien thi're dd hoe. l ^i r a v a o y nghTa v a v a n c a nh, t a chgn D. Congratulations!
Nhir ta biet: go before sb/sth ( v ) : dinre dira ra vdi ai/ edi gi de thdo lugn Quest i on 33: Please accept my apologies for being late for the meeting.
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp vai cau van v i : f^ya vao y nghTa v a van canh, ta chon A. You really don 7 need to apologize for
B. come before sb/sth ( v ) : dirge trinh bay vai ai/cai gi Ak xem xet, phan xet
C . remain ( v ) : diiy tri ^' * est i on 34: It's not your fault.
D. spare ( v ) : Xo long dung thi'r, tiet kiem. ranh roi Dira vao y nghTa va van canh, ta chgn B. Forgive me. I'm terrible sorry about

Quest i on 27: Dap an dung la C . use ^' '^misunderstanding.

- V e mat nml nghTa: Tivi dirae dira vdo sir dung vd trd thdnh dot thit egnh Irani' ' * ^st i on 35: Thank you very much for your useful information about the match.
vdi ede nen dien anh. ^M"a vao y nghTa va van canh, ta chgn B. Never mind.
Tron Bo SGK: 1 S7
Question 36: A . poverty / ' p D v a t i /
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B. numerous / ' n j u l m a r s s / f fiiai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta can nha cau triic:

C. tolerate / ' t o b r e l t / D. interfere /ints'flaCr)/ demand + V t o inf = insist on + V-ing: nai ni dg dugrc lam gi

Dap an dung la D: interfere c6 dku trong am danh vao am tiet thu ba. Cac tir con Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp:
lai CO dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r nhat. A. He needed meeting the doctor. Cau van nay khong diing ve hinh thiic ngir
phap. V i need + V-ing: can duac lam gi do (bj dong) va chii the dugc nhSc den
Question 37: A . fascinate /'faesinelt/ B. otherwise /'Adawalz/
phai la vat. Trong khi chii the trong cau nay la nguai (he), vi the phuong an A sai
C. remember/rl'memb3(r)/ D. j u s t i f y / ' d S A s t l f a l / B. He wished to meet the doctor. Anh ay muon gap bdc .sT. Cau triic ngu phap
Dap an diing la C: remember c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur hai. Cac tir rfugrc su dung trong cau nay la wish + to inf: muon... 6& dien ta mot mong muon
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu nhat. nao do, trong khi cau goc su dung dong tir demand mang nghTa yeu cau.
D. He asked to meet the doctor. Anh ay da yeu cau dS gap bdc sT. Cau nay sir
Question 38: A. technician/tek'ni/n/ B. directory/dl'rektari/
dung cau true ask + Vto inf yeu cau lam gi do. Va cau true ngii- phap nay khong
C. clearance /'kliarans/ D . considerate / k a n ' s l d a r a t / tuong dong vai y nghTa cua dong tir demand + Vto inf.
Dap an diing la C: clearance c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur nhat. Cac tir Question 44: Dap an dung la B. There isn't enough space in this room for the sofa.
con lai co dau trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r hai. Giai thich ve mat ngij- nghTa: Chic'c ghe so pha se chiem nhieu khong gian
Question 39: A . disadvantage/disad'vaintlds/ trong can phong nay = Khong c6 dii khong gian trong can phong nay cho chiec
ghe so pha.
B. consequence / ' k o n s l k w a n s / Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: Cau goc sir dung cum tir: take up: chiem giu, ndm git7
C. h o n o r i f i c / t J n a ' r i f l k / Hinh thirc ngu phap trong cau viet lai sir dung cau true adj + enough: dii...
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat ngir nghTa:
D. i n e x p e n s i v e / i n l k ' s p e n s i v /
A. The sofa is small enough to be put in this room: Chiec ghe so pha du nhd di
Dap an diing la B: consequence c6 dSu trong am danh vao am tiet t h u nhat. Cac
duac dgt trong can phong nay.
tir con lai c6 d4u trong am danh vao am tiet thi'r ba.
C. The room is large enough to have the sofa in it: Can phong du rong dC' dgt
Question 40: A . congratulate / k a n ' g r a e t j u l e l t / chiec ghe so pha.

B. independent / i n d l ' p e n d a n t / ^ D. The sofa is so large that it can be put in this room: Chiec ghe so pha qua Ian
den noi no co the duac dgt trong can phong.
.|.^-i!rf: C. p o s s i b i l i t y / p t J s a ' b l b t i /
Question 45: Dap an dung la D. I suggested going for a walk.
D. o p p o r t u n i t y / D p a ' t j u l n a t i / Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa.- Hay di bo thoi nao = T6i dt' nghi chung ta di bg.
Dap an diing la A : congratulate c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu hai. Cac Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Ta can nha cSu true:
tir con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thu ba. Let's + Vnguyen = S + suggest + V-ing: Chiing ta hay...
Question 41: Dap an diing la B. It's not necessary for you to come hack to our ai do de nghj lam gi (nguai noi co tham gia hanh dong)
room on time.
Question 46: Dap an diing la A. In spite of his broken leg. he managed to get out of
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghia: Ban khong can phai tra ve phong Mng gia = Ban
'he car before it exploded. . •' •
khong can thiet phai tra ve phong diing gia.
Q j j i thich ve mat ngu nghTa: Mac du chdn cua anh ay bi gay nhimg anh ay da
Question 42: Dap an diing la A. Are they likely to overcome the difficulty? sd de thodt ra khoi chiec xe hai truac khi no bi nS = Mac du bi gov chdn
there is likelihood + of: c6 the/co kha nang la gi nhtrng anh dy da .xoay sa de thodt ra khoi chide xe hai truac khi no bj' no.
be likely + Vto inf: c6 the/co kha nang la gi S i j i thich ve mat ngu phap: T a can nha cau tnic ciia menh da trang ngir chi sir
'^^ngphan nhusau:
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hgp.
Question 43: Dap an diing la C. He insisted on meeting the doctor. Although + clause: Mac d i i . . .
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: Anh ay da yeu cau de gap bac sT = Anh ay nai >" In spite o f + Noun/ noun phrase: mac d i i . . .
de dirac gap bdc si. phuong an con lai khong phii hgp: ,A
Tron Bo SGK:
158 1 <Q
Cty TNHH MTVDW H Khtrng Vift
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H i s b r o k e n leg d i d n ' t prevent h i m f r o m eseaping f r o m the ear before it
Ca phuong an con lai khong phu hop:
exploded: f a / c/uin hi }idy cuci cinfi dy dd khdny, nf^dn anh dy khoi vice ihodi khoi
A. I prefer watching TV to play football. Cau nay sur dyng sai hinh thirc ngir
c/iic'c xc lifi fnidc khi no hi no. C a u nay k i i o n g sat ngiiTa so v a i can goe.
1 lis leg liad been b r o k e n \\hen the car was e x p l o d e d : Chdn ciui anh dy hi gdy phap.
n h aD . Ta chi c6 cau true:

khi chicc xc hiri hi no. N o i d u n g ciia can na\ k h o n g p h i i h g p v a i can goe. ^ + prefer + V-ing + to + V-ing : ai do thich cai gi hem cai gi|
D. I n spite his b r o k e n leg. he manage to get out o f the car before it was
B. I would rather watch TV than playing football. Cau nay sur dung sai hinh
e x p l o d e d . C a n nay sir d u n g sai h i n h thiVc ngir phap. i'a k h o n g c6 cau true /// spiie. thirc ngir phap. Ta chi c6 cau triic:
ta c h izyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
CO cau true /// spile of • noun/noun
Question 47: B. As Igcl older. I want to listen lo pop music
{ ) a p an d i m g la S + would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vnguyen
G i a i t h i c h ve mat ngir n g h i a : C'dng gidzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I hi tdi cdng it mudn nghe nhac pop
Ai thich lam gi hon lam gi
Khi tdi gid, tdi itniudn nghe nhac pop hern. C. I don't like playing football less than watching TV: Tdi khong thich xem
G i a i t h i c h ve mat ngi'r phap: I'rong cau goc. ta t h a y c 6 h i n h tlu'rc so sanh hon bong dd it h(m xem ti vi. Cau nay c6 noi dung khong tirong thich so vai cau goc.
nhu sau: The • linh Id ngdn er.... the tinh id ngdn -er (hodc dang tinh tir ngdn Question 50: Dap an diing la B. The girl whose father is very busy w ith his
khdc): cdng... cdng... business is getting there.
Cac p h u o n g an c o n lai k h o n g plui h o p : Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Cd gai dang den day. B6 ciia cd dy dang rat bgn
A . I don't l i k e l i s t e n i n g to p o p m u s i c : Tdi khong thich nghe nhat-pop. N o i dung vdi cdng vi^c = Cd gdi cd bo dang rat ban vai cdng viec dang den day.
ciia cau na\g t i r a n g I'rng v a i cau goc de c h o . Giai thich ve mat ngir phap: Cau viet lai sur dung menh de quan he vai dai tu
C. T h e o l d e r I get, the little I w a n t t o listen to p o p m u s i c . C i i u nay sir d u n g sai quan he + noun: diing de thay the cho tinh tir so hiru.
cau true so sanh h a n ciia ti'r lillle. ta phai d i i n g tir h'ss. Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hop:
[ ) . Because ! a m o l d e r . I don't want to listen to p o p m u s i c . B(ri vi tdi Id •ngiidi
- A. The girl, who is getting there, her father is very busy with his business: Co
gid nen tdi khong mudn nghe nhac pop. C a u nay d i e n dat n o i d u n g k h o n g ibiroing
gdi, nginri dang den day, hd cd dy dang rat ban vai cdng vi^c cua minh. Day cung
I'rng v d i cau gcx;."" la dang ciia menh de quan he, tuy nhien khong nhan manh y nghTa cua sir viec so
Question 48: Diip an d u n g la D. She can't have any more chihiren because of her v6i cau goc.
- C. The girl who father is getting there is very busy with his business. Trong cau
old age. goc sir dung tinh tir so hiru {her father), vi the khi chuyen qua dang thiirc menh de
G i a i t h i c h vc mat ngfr n g h i a : Co dy qua gid (ten noi khong the sinh con duyc quan he, ta phai diing dai tir whose.
nua ^- i 'd dy khong the sinh am dicgc nxra hiri vt tudi gid cua minh. - D. The girl's father who is getting there is very busy with his business. B6 cua
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngi'r phap: C a u goc dc c h o sir d u n g cau true: too... to...: CO gdi, ngudi md dang den day thi rat ban vdi cdng viec cua minh.
...qud... den ndi md khong...
Read the follow ing passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answ er
Cac p l u r a n g an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i hcrp:
sheet to indicate the correct answ er to each of the questionsfrom 51 to 55.
A . r h e o l d e r she gets, t h e less c h i l d r e n she has: Co dy cang gid thi cd dy cdng
CO it con. serve: phyc vu • :
B. So o l d is she that she s e l d o m has m o r e c h i l d r e n : Cd dy qua gid provided S.O with S.T: lo lifu cho, cung cap
den ndi cd dy : J» ,
hiem khi sinh dime nhieu con hon. convenient: thich hop, tien Igi, thuan tien ^,11110
C. Scarce!) does she have c h i l d r e n because o f her age: Cd dy hiem cd con bai v'l technological: thupc ve cong ngh^ :i
dp tudi cua minh. resource: tai nguyen, nguon '
Question 49: D a p an d u n g la I). I'd rather watch TV than play football. mankind: nhan loai in .pi'iu\j

G i a i t l i i c h ve m a t ngir nghui. T6i thich xem ti vi lurn Id chai hong dd. (Cau goc survive: song sot, con lai, song qua dugc ,1
= cdu viet lai) need (n): nhu cau *,
G i a i t h i c h ve m a t ngir phap: T a can n h a cau true: need (v): can phai, can thiet " v . •
S + w o u l d rather + V n g u y e n + than + V n g u y e n : Tron Bo SGK:
impressive: gay an tuong
1 Ir^n A i do thich lam gi hon lam gi.
Luyfttgiai (!('• innn ki thi BHzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
3 mien Bac, irung, j\am ileng /\nn - rsgo van IM inn

- exploration; hoat dong tham do, tham hiem, khao sat

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. threat: sir de doa
- carry out: hoan thanh cai gi, thirc hieii hoac tien haiih mot thi nghiem . malaria: bcnh sot ret
- mineral: khoang san . strategy: chien Urge
- quantity: lucmg, so lugng, khoi lirong
. mass: khoi. dong. so dong. quan chung. dai chiing •^ ' ' '
- shellfish: loai dong vat c6 vo, nhat la nhimg dong vat an dugc nhir trai,
\accination: sir chung ngira hay dugc chiing ngira ' " •
so, vem, cua va torn
. isolate: CO lap. each li \; ,
- ancient: xua, co, rat gia " '
. spread: trai. dang ra, truyen di i o j a r i T j>i(^,-f ] y,;f:^ - . ' i: , >
- exploit: khai thac, boc lot, Igi dung.
. worldwide: khap n o i . khap the giai if:'• •
- temperature: nhiet do , , , \,
. assist: gii'ip do. t r g l i
steamship: tau thuy chay bang hoi nirdc .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
.^.^-^^ f i,,>i, |
. entire: toan bg. hoan toan r.-i'ii ;
- enable: cho phep, gii'ip cho/ c6 the xay ra
- vaccinate: chiing ngOa bang each chich v^c-xin '•'A 1
- harvest: thu hoach, gat hai - search: soat t i m , t i m ra ^ n/; ^
- oriental people: ngudi phuang Dong - community: cgng dong, phai, nhom
51.D 52.D 53.B 54.A 55.D - transmission: sir phat, truyen

Read the fo/lowinfi passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer 61.B 62.B 63.C 64.B '''> 65.D
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 56 to 60.
Read the following' passaf^e and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your ans
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 66 to 70.
- as a result of: hau qua la do HI)6N(; DAN H O C ,
consequently: do do, v i vay, bdi vay, cho nen
- humorist: nha hai hirdc o.'n o>ltin >••'
- ' gram: hat ngu coc
- exaggeration: sir cudng dieu, phong dai, lam qua miirc
- in contrast: so vdi cai gi - humorous: hai hu-dc, v u i , khoi hai
, - I amount: tong so, lirgng, so tien - satisfied: thoa man /ifiyj.,;,,/, . i ;
heart disease: benh tim - comics: dien vien hai '
« moreover: va chang, han niJa
- amusement: tro vui, tro giai t r i , sir thich thu (! ;
- , dairy products: thirc pham lam tir sua nhu bo, pho mat, sCra chua
- editorial: (thugc) bien tap vien, bai xa luan .''ri
- research: nghien ciru - primarily : chii yen u
56.A 57.A 58.B 59.B 60.C
- put out: bo, vi'rt d i , cong bo, san xuat
Read the followinf> passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer - publication: sir xuat ban. sir cong bo /
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 65. 66.C 67.A 68.D 69.A 70.C
- smallpox: b^nh dau mua Ifead the following passa};e and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answe
- widespread: pho bien, Ian rong
sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
- eliminate: loai ra ^ID 72.A 73.D 74.B 75.B
- intervention: sir can thiep 76.B 77.C 78.D 79.B •- 80.A
- agency: dai l i , chi nhanh, so, cue
- authorize: uy quyen, uy nhiem, phe chuan
- initiate: de xirdng, khdi sir, khofi xuong
- campaign: chien dich
- eradicate: trir diet, thu tieu ... i foe
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Question 8: People think she came to the hall before others.
D E T H I THLT S O 8 A. She had come to the hall before others.
ThM gian lam bai: 90 phut B. No sooner had she come to the hall than others came, ^'if -f
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is C. Hardly had she come to the hall when others came.
closet in meaning to each of the following questions. i -(i n, , D. She is thought to be the first to come to the hall. '
Question 9: It is very important for him to quit smoking.
Question I: The garage is going to repair the car for my father. >' -
A. Smoking isn't good for your health. •* > * • '
A. My father is going to have the garage to repair the car for him. ' ' -r
B. Smoking damages your heath. ^
B. My father's car will be repaired by the garage. >. •
C. Ifind it important for you to quit smoking. ' i :'•:< .
C . My father is going to have the car repaired by the garage, ufc qini;
D. It is important that he quit smoking.
D. My father's car needs repairing by the garage. ix! ni n? asiii
Question 10: Mary wished she hadn't bought the .second -hand computer.
Question 2: A train leaves at 6 o'clock every morning.
A. If Mary had been careful, she wouldn't have bought the second - hand computer.
A. There are six trains every morning.
B. Mary didn't regret buying the second - hand computer.
B. There is a train leaving at 6 o'clock every morning.
C . Mary regretted buying the second - hand computer. ^.. , ,
C. There is a- six trains at 6 o'clock every morning.
D. It's Mary's fault to buy the second - hand computer.
D. At 6 o'clock every morning the train leave.
Question 3: Taking morning exercise helps you keep fit. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
A. It's worth taking morning exercise to keep fit differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
B. Unless you do morning exercise, you will be healthy. questions.
C. Should you take morning exercise, you will be healthy.
Question II: A. industry B. loudspeaker C. landscape D. purify
D. Keeping fit, you mustn't take morning exercise.
Question 12: A. glorious B. industrious C. vigorous D. conscious
Question 4: The plane will take off before we arrive at the airport if we don't leave
right now. .iw//jrwrt SK Question 13: A. disaster B. communicate C. meanwhile D. anxiety
Question 14: A. confidence B. attractive C. talkative D.occupy
A. The plane doesn't wait for us if we don't leave right now.
Question 15: A. significant B. engineer C . furthermore D. interact
B. Leave right now or we missed the plane.
C . Don't leave in time, we will miss the plane.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part
D. If we don't want to miss the plane, we had to leave right now. that needs correction in each of the following questions.
Question 5:1 had had no experience of playing tennis but I quickly picked it up.
A. I could play tennis well because \d had no experience of it. Question 16: If they had needed any help with the work, they would have '
B. Despite my lack of experience at tennis, 1 quickly picked it up. A B C
C . Lack of experience at tennis prevented me from pick it up quickly. called ours immediately. //,
D. Unless I had had experience of playing tennis, I picked it up quickly. D
Question 6: The bicycle was very expensive, I couldn't afford to buy it. Question 17: I le said that he would prefer dating a girl with good ,
A. The bicycle was so very expensive, I couldn't afford to buy it. A B
B. It was such an expensive bicycle that I couldn't afford to buy it. communication skills because she was easier to get along.
C . The bicycle was too expensive for me to buy it. /•::]:-^.h C D
D. So expensive the bicycle was that I couldn't afford to buy it. Question 18: On the next morning he got up and walked down to the river
Question 7: Although she is over forty, she looks very young. A B C :
A. Being a forty - year woman, she looks very young. to wash himself
B. She looks very young. Actually she is over forty.
C. She is not so old as her age.
D. She is still young because she is over forty. Tron Bo SGK: 165
Question 19: Ihc United Nations hiis organized campaiuns Download Ebook
(or a poor such as Tai:
Question 31. Peter: "What a fantastic cook you are, Margaret!"
A B C Margaret: "
free education, building schools for children . . . h«r\ A. Sorry, I don't think so. B. No, no, it's not tru&.
I) C. It's kind o f you to say so. D. I ' d pr,^er it.
Question 20: The world should be a better place i f we had known hundreds o f Question 32: M y mother has a for a bargain.
A B A. big nose B. fast foot C. good eye D. keen sense
years ago what we know today about the earth's environment. Question 33: One can't help compassion for the people who lost their
c n homes in the earthquake.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to inilicate the correct answer A. to feel B. but feel C. from feeling D. in feeling
to each of the followin}i questions. Question 34: broken into while we were away on holiday.
A. We had our house B. Thieves had our house
Question 21: The go\ernment stopped the local companies from inipcMting fake
C. It was our house D. They have
milk powder o f public health.
Question 35: Climate change and rising global food prices, which are .all
A. in the interest B. to the best
people, are at the top o f the agenda.
C. for the attention I ) , on the safe side
A. a cause for concerns to B. o f concern to •
Question 22: the hard evidence against him, the Jurx had no option but {o
C. alarm bells from D. a cause for alarm at ,
find him g u i l t \
Question 36: I sent the prospectus to you by post weeks ago. It by now.
A. Ciiven that B. In \w o f C. In regard to 1) \ h a \w t o
A. should have arrived B. would have arrived
Question 23: Those ballpoint pens are made in a large o f colors and st\les. v
C. must have arrived D. is supposed to arrive
A. .scries B. range ('. collection I ) , network
Question 37: global solidarity, the world would not be better prepared for
Question 24: He promised me an Oxford dictionary and to m> great JON, he.....'!:.,
the influenza H I N I pandemic. tttilWzyxwvutsrqponm
- m- v.--.
his word. "
A. On account o f B. Thanks to C. I f not D. But for
A. stood by B. stuck at C. went back on I ) , held o\\\o
Question 38: Anti-terrorism forces were full alert during the Olympic
Question 25: I he development o f laser use is a major in medicine.
A. breakawa\. breakup C. break-in [ ) . breakthrough
A. in B. under C. on D. at
Question 26: Don't be b\g ad\crti.sements.
Question 39: The principal w i l l declare the ceremony open as soon as all the
A. fooled around B. taken in C. put out I ) , seen through
graduates and guests
Question 27: The management team came criticism for the way they
A. w i l l have sat B. have been seated •) ; ; ,
handled the situation.
C. w i l l be sitting D. have seated
A. in for B. up w ith C. up against D. out in
Question 40: The mini dress , but now it is making a comeback.
Question 28: We are running out o f petrol so w e ' l l have to .stop at the ne.xt
A. was once a fad thought to be finished
filling station.
B. was once thought to be a finished fad '
A. over B. o f f C. by 1). in
C. was a fad once thought to be finished
Question 29: Peter: "Let me pay for the meal,"
D. was a fad thought to be once finished '"^
Margaret: " ""
Question 41: Peter: "What do you usually do on Sunday night?"
A. It's on me. B. it's my round.
Margaret: " time I go out with my friends".
C. I ' l l make it. D. Never remind me.
A. Most B. The most C. The most o f D. Most o f the
^z/t-.v/zwi J^i*.-Peter:'"if \n ask me. action mo\ics are great." f\
Question 42: different in character we are, we have been mutual friends
Margaret: " " ,
since our childhood.
A. Y o u can say that again! B. N e v e r m i n d !
A. However B. Despite being C. Although D. Whatever ,
C. That's that. D. Sure, it's my pleasure.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 43: "How was your visit to the dentist?" "It was painless.
Download Ebook I . Tai:
On the other hand, medical studies have shown changes in the brain cells of
worried". some people who use mobile phones. Signs of change in the tissues of the brain
A. mustn't have B. needn't have and head can be detected with modem scanning equipment. In one case, a traveling
C. didn't need to be D. wouldn't have salesman had to retire at young age because of serious memory loss. He couldn't
Question 44: in Paris before, he didn't know his way around when he took remember even simple tasks. He would often forget the name of his own son. This
his family there. , . ,„an used to talk on his mobile phone for about six hours a day, every day of his
A. Not be living B. Never having lived ,^ ^ v^rorking week, for a couple of years. His family doctor blamed his mobile phone
C. His not living D. Because he has lived use, but his employer's doctor didn't agree.
Question 45: Of the ten beauty spots my brother visited, left a lasting What is it that makes mobile phones potentially harmful? The answer is
impression on him. . ».. radiation. High - tech machines can detect very small amounts of radiation from
A. none of which B. not one of them mobile phones. Mobile phone companies agree that there is some radiation, but
C. which none D. and none of them they say the amount is too small to worry about.
V (1
Question 46: Well, I'm afraid I have to be going. As the discussion about their safety continues, it appears that it's best to use
A. Thanks for coming, i " - B. Yes, I have enjoyed it. mobile phones less often. Use your regular phone i f you want to talk for a long
C. Sounds good. D. Have a good day. time. Use your mobile phone only when you really need it. Mobile phones can be
Question 47: Bye! very useful and convenient, especially in emergencies. In the future, mobile phones
A. It's my pleasure. B. Bye! Have a good day. may have a warning label that says they are bad for your health. So for now, it's
C. Mee too. • " D. How well you sang. wise not to use your mobile phone too often. ' '
Question 48: You look more beautiful today! Question 51: According to the passage, cellphones are especially popular with
A. Thank you. It's nice of you to say so. B. The same to you. young people because
C. No problem. D. You're right to say that.
A. they make them look more Stylish
Question 49: When does the warranty expire? B. they are indispensable in everyday communications
A. You can pick it up next month.
C. they can not be replaced by regular phones ,.
B. Six months from date of purchase.
D. they keep the users alert all the time
C. You should always check warranty.
Question 52: The changes possibly caused by the cellphones are mainly concerned
D. I would like you to write me a check. with
Question 50: How much will be the discount?
A. the arteries of the brain ''
A. It is so long for a contract term. B. We can't afford.
B. the smallest units o f the brain '
C. Twenty percent. D- We have just compiled the file.
C. the resident memory '' '
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer D. the mobility of the mind and the body
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60. Question 53: The word "means " in the passage most closely means
Millions of people are using cellphones today. In many places, it is actually A. "meanings" B. "method" ,
considered unusual not to use one. In many countries, cellphones are very popular C. "transmission" D. "expression" ' M
with young people. They find that the phones are more than a means of Question 54: The word •>«/t'n//a//v" in the passage most closely means
communication - having a mobile phone shows that they are cool and connected. A. "certainly" B. "possibly" C. "privately" D. "obviously"
The explosion in mobile phone use around the world had made some health
Question 55: "Negativepublicity" in the passage most likely means
professionals worried. Some doctors are concerned that in the future many people
A. the negative public use of cellphones
may suffer health problems from the use of mobile phones. In England, there has
B-poor ideas about the effects of cellphones
been a serious debate about this issue. Mobile phone companies are worried about
the negative publicity of such ideas. They say that there is no proof that mobile ;'C. widespread opinion about bad effects of cellphones >\o^v^:^u
phones are bad for your health. t). information on the lethal effects of cellphones u 1..

168 Tron Bo SGK: 169

Question 56: Download Ebook Tai:
D o c t o r s have t e n t a t i v e l y c o n c l u d e d that c e l l p l i o n e s m a y been co n ce r n tliat the S o c i a l Security fund m a y not have e n o u g h money, t o

A . change t h e i r users" t e m p e r a m e n t ("iiltlll its o b l i g a t i o n s i n the 2 1 " ' c e n t u r y , wh en the p o p u l a t i o n o f eiderlv Americans
- cNp*^'- ''^'^^ ''^ increase d r a i n a c t i c a l l y . [*olicy makers have p r o p o s e d v a r i o u s w a y s t o
F3. damage t h e i r users" e m o t i o n s
iTiake up the a n t i c i p a t e d d e f i c i t , but a l o n g - t e r m s o l u t i o n is s t i l l b e i n g debated.
C". cause some m e n t a l m a l t i m c t i o n )><- /. .
In the \ears since Roosevelt, other A m e r i c a n presidents have established
D, change t h e i r users" social b e h a v i o u rs
•issistance programs. These include Medicaid and M e d i c a r e ; food stamps,
Question 57: The m a n m e n t i o n e d i n the passage, w h o used h i s c e l l p h o n e too
^.^-rtitlcates that p e o p l e c a n u se t o purcha .se f o o d : and p u b l i c h o u s i n g w h i c h is b u i l t
,,t federal expense and made a v a i l a b l e t o persons o n l o w i n c o m e s .
A . s u f f e r e d serious loss o f m e n t a l a b i l i t y
N e e d \s can also t u r n t o sources other than the g o v e r n m e n t f o r help. zyxwvutsrqponm
B. c o i d d n o l o n g e r t h i n k l u c i d l v y\ d s pe c t r um of pr i v a t e c ha r i t i e s a nd v ol unt a r y or ga ni z a t i ons i s a v a i l a bl e .
* C. had a p r o b l e m w i t h m e m o r y Vo l u n t e e r i s m i s o n t h e r i s e i n t h e Un i t e d St a t e s , e s pe c i a l l y a m o n g r e t i r e d persons.
[). abandoned his f a m i l y U is estimated that a l m o s t 5 0 percent o f A m e r i c a n s o v e r age I 8 d o v o l u n t e e r w o r k ,
Question 5H: A c c o r d i n g to the passage, what makes m o b i l e phones p o t e n t i a l l y ind nearK 75 percent o f U.S. households c o n t r i b u t e m o n e y to c h a r i t y .
h a r m f u l is
Question 61: N e w i m m i g r a n t s t o the U. S. c o u l d seek help f r o m
A. tlieir power o f attraction B. t h e i r radiant l i g h t
A . the U'S g o v e r n m e n t agencies Fi. v o l u n t e e r o r g a n i z a t i o n s
C. t h e i r i n v i s i b l e rays , , , D. t h e i r r a d i n g p o w e r
C. the people w h o c a m e e a r l i e r D. o n l y c h a r i t y o r g a n i z a t i o n s
Question 59: A c c o r d i n g t o the w r i t e r , people s h o u l d ,
Question 62: It t o o k w e l f a r e p r o g r a m s a l o n g t i m e t o g a i n a f o o t h o l d i n the U.S.
A . o n l y use m o b i l e phones i n urgent cases
due to the fast g r o w t h o f r,
B. never use m o b i l e phones i n a l l cases
A. population B. u r b a n i z a t i o n ' •
C. o n l y use m o b i l e phones i n m e d i c a l emergencies
('. m o d e r n i z a t i o n D. i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n
[ ) . keep o f f m o b i l e phones regularl>
Question 63: T h e w o r d " " i n s t i t u t e d " in the first paragraph m o s t l y means
Question 60: f he most suitable title f o r the passage c o u l d be
A . ""enforced"" B. " ' i n t r o d u c e d " C. " e x e c u t e d " D. " s t u d i e d "
A . •• 1 e c h n o l o g i c a l I n n o v a t i o n s and f h e i r Price""
Question 64: The S o c i a l S e c u r i t y p r o g r a m has become possible thanks to
B. " " M o b i l e Phones: A M u s t o f O u r Time""
A . people"s w i l l i n g n e s s t o w o r k B. e n f o r c e m e n t l a w s
C. " T h e Reasons W h y M o b i l e Phones A r e P o p u l a r "
C. d e d u c t i o n s f r o m w a g e s D. d o n a t i o n s f r o m c o m p a n i e s
D. " T h e W a y M o b i l e Phones W o r k " '
Question 65: M o s t o f the p u b l i c assistance programs after the severe
Read the followin}; passafje and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer economic c r i s i s .
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 60 to 70. A . d i d not b e c o m e i n s t i t u t i o n a l i z e d B. d i d not w o r k in i n s t i t u t i o n s
i ' r a d i t i o n a l l y i n A m e r i c a , h e l p i n g the poor was a matter f o r p r i v a t e charities or C. w e r e i n t r o d u c e d i n t o i n s t i t u t i o n s D. f u n c t i o n e d f r u i t f u l l y in i n s t i t u t i o n s
local g o v e r n m e n t . A r r i v i n g i m m i g r a n t s depended m a i n l y o n predecessors from Question 66: That Social Security p a y m e n t s w i l l be a b u r d e n c o m e s from the
t h e i r h o m e l a n d t o help t h e m start a n e w l i f e . In the late 19''' and early 2 0 " ' centuries, concern that
several [iuropean nations instituted public - welfare programs. B u t such a A . the p r o g r a m discourages w o r k i n g people ' *
m o v e m e n t w a s s l o w t o take h o l d i n the U n i t e d States because the r a p i d pace ot
B. y o u n g e r p e o p l e d o not w a n t t o w o r k - '»
i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n a n d the ready a v a i l a b i l i t y o f f a r m l a n d seemed t o c o n f i r m the
C. e l d e r l \e ask f o r m o r e m o n e y * 'v
b e l i e f that a n y o n e w h o w a s w i l l i n g t o w o r k c o u l d f i n d a j o b .
D. the n u m b e r o f e l d e r l y people is g r o w i n g
M o s t o f the p r o g r a m s started d u r i n g the Depression era w e r e t e m p o r a r y r e l i e f
Question 67: Persons o n low i n c o m e s can access p u b l i c h o u s i n g t h r o u g h
measures, b u t o n e o f the p r o g r a m s - Social Security - has become an A m e r i c a n
A . state s p e n d i n g f t i f ^^ : i B. federal e x p e n d i t u r e ' ' *
i n s t i t u t i o n . Paid f o r b y d e d u c t i o n s f r o m the paychecks o f w o r k i n g p e o p l e . Social
C. l o w rents D. d o n a t i o n s ^ j . , ,.
S e c u r i ty ensures that r e t i r e d persons receive a modest m o n t h l y i n c o m e a n d also
provides unemployment insurance, d i s a b i l i t y insurance, a n d o t h e r assistance t o
Question 68: A m e r i c a n s o n l o w i n c o m e s can seek help f r o m

those w h o need i t . S o c i a l Securit> pa>ments t o r e t i r e d persons can start at age 6 2 , ^ A . g o v e r n m e n t agencies B. federal g o v e r n m e n t

but m a n y w a i t u n t i l age 6 5 , w h e n the payments are s l i g h t l y h i g h e r . R e c e n t l y , there n o n - g o v e r n m e n t agencies D. state g o v e r n m e n t

Tron Bo SGK:
1 70
Question 69: Public assistance has become more and Download
more popular Ebook Tai:
due to the jaj thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Gara chudn hi sua chiec xe hai cho bo toi = Bo toi
A . people's growing commitment to charity .^iidn bi CO chiec xe hai dugc sira bai gara.
B. innovations in the tax system Qia\j\\\c\\ mat ngii- phap:
C. young people's voluntarism only ! i ; ! ' M HzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
have sth done: c6 cai gi du-gc lam (ham y bj dong)
D. volunteer organizations
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hgrp: ij! i^ i
Question 70: The passage mainly discusses ;
A. M y father is going to have the garage to repair the car for h i m . Sai hinh thirc
A . immigration into America i i
ngff phap
B. public assistance in America , , ,
have S.o + Vnguyen: nha ai lam gi
C. funding agencies in America
D. ways o f fund - raising in America B. M y father's car w i l l be repaired by the garage. Cau goc de cho sir dung thi
tircmg lai gan (is going to).
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
. D. M y father's car needs repairing by the garage: Xe hai cua bo toi can dime
sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
sira chira bai gara. Cau goc de cho sOr dung thi turomg lai g§n d i l n ta sir viec chan
How men first learnt to . . . . ( 7 1 ) . . . . words is unknown; in other words, the chSn du-gc xay ra. Trong khi phu-ong an nay d i l n ta y nghTa nhu- mot lai khuyen.
origin o f language is a . . . . ( 7 2 ) . . . . A l l we really know is that men, unlike animals, Question 2. Dap an dung la B. There is a train leaving at 6 o'clock every morning.
. . . . ( 7 3 ) . . . . invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Chuyen tau rai .sdn ga veto lite 6 gia moi sang =
things so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed Co mot chuyen tau rai vao luc 6 gia moi sang tgi sdn ga.
. . . . ( 7 4 ) . . . . certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those Giai thich ve mat ngCr phap: Chung ta su dung hinh thurc rut gpn ciia menh de
sounds, and which could be written down. These sounds ( 7 5 ) . . . . spoken or quan he.
written in letters, are called words. Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngir nghTa so v o i cau goc:
Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these - A . There are six trains every morning: Co 6 chuyen tau moi sang.
thoughts in words that . . . . ( 7 6 ) . . . . powerfully to our minds and emotions. This - C. There is a-six trains at 6 o'clock every morning. Sai hinh thuc ngOr phap (phai
charming and telling use o f words is what we call literary . . . . ( 7 7 ) . . . . Above a l l , the la train).
real poet is a master o f words. He can . . . . ( 7 8 ) . . . . his meaning in words which sing - D. A t 6 o'clock every morning the train leave. Sai hinh thiirc ngir phap (phai la
like music, and which by their position and association can . . . . ( 7 9 ) . . . . men to tears. leaves)
We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully, . . . . ( 8 0 ) . . . . they will Question 3. Dap an diing la C. Should you take morning exercise, you will be
make our speech silly and vulgar. , , ^ , healthy.
B. invent C. make D. discover Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Tap the due hudi sang giup ban giit duac sire
Question 71: A . create
B. mystery C. legend D. secret khoe = Neu ban lap the due buoi sang, ban se c6 sue khoe.
Question 72: A . story
B. however C. somehow D. somewhat , Giai thich ve mat ngiJ phap: Thuc chat cau nay mang y nghTa cua lai khuyen.
Question 73: A . whatever
B. to C. with D.upon E^e dien dat y nghTa do, ta c6 th^ dung cau true ciia cau dieu kien loai I v a i should
Question 74: A . at
B. whether C. however D. though dung dau cau dong vai tro nhu If\/Q mat y nghTa.
Question 75: A . i f
B. attract C. appeal D. lure Cac phuong an con lai khong phu hop:
Question 76: A . interest
B. style C. form D. prose A. It's worth taking morning exercise to keep fit: That dang de tap the due buoi
Question 77: A . work
B. carry C.convey D. transfer ^^ng giif Jang.
Question 78: A . transmit
B. break C. take D. send B. Unless you do morning exercise, you w i l l be healthy: Tru phi ban tap the
Question 79: A . move
Cor D. although "^^t- buoi sang, ban se duac khoe mgnh.
Question 80: A because B. so
C). Keeping fit, you mustn't take morning exercise: Giit dang, ban khong duac
DIEN GIAI DAP AN ^^^p tap the due buoi .sang.
Question 1. Dap an dung la C. My father is going to have the car repaired by the ^'*estion 4. Dap an diing la B. Leave right now or we missed the plane.

garage. Sjai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: May bay se cat cdnh truac khi chiing ta den sdn
Tron Bo SGK:
neu nhu ban khong di ngay bay gia = Rai khoi ngay bay gi(r neu khong thi
1 ^ ^
Download Ebook Tai:
chiitig tci se IcJ chiiycti hay. , C. The bicycle was too expensive for me to buy it. Cau van sir dung hinh tluic
Giai thich ve mat imCr phap: Can goc de cho sir dung dang thi'rc ciia cau dicii ngCf phap k l i ^ ' i g P'liJ hop. D o i vai cau true qua... den ndi md
kien loai I , va dap an cau viet lai sir dung ciiu true: ^/7r;«^^.••xuat hien trong cau ma chii ngfr cua cau iiy voi tan ngfr cuoi cau deu chi ve
fTiot d6i tirgng thi ta khong d u o c phep d u n g tan ngu-ay. ),,,,,
Vnguyen + or + S + modais + Vnguyen: . . . neu khong
D. So expensive the bicycle was that I couldn't atTord to bu\. Cau van nay
Cac phiiang an con lai khong phii hop: " f diing sai hinh thiTc dao ngfr cua So. Cau dung se la So expensive was the bicycle
- A . The plane doesn't wait tor us i f we don't leave right now: Chiiyen hay khoiii, that 1 couldn't afford to buy it. Can liru y:
(lai chioig la neu chiing la khong cti ngay hay gur. Cau van nay sir dung sai can true
S + V + so + adj/adv + that + clause =
cua can dieu kien loai I . Cau dung se la: The plane won't wail for us ij we don't
So + adj/adv + V + S + that + clause. -."-n
leave right now.
- C. Don't leave in time, wc w i l l miss the plane: Khong din/c di .sat gic'r. chung ta Question 7. Dap an dung la B. She looks very young. Actually she is over forty.
.se /(> chuyc'n hay. Khong dien dat dung y nghTa so vai cau goc. Giai thich ve mat nuiT nghTa: Mac dii c6 ay dd ngodi 40 luoi nhinig eo ay troni^
- I ) . I f wc don't want to miss the plane, we had to leave right now: Neu chung in rJl Ire C '6 dy trong rat tre. Thirc te Id co ay dd ngodi 40 tuoi.
khong nnion la chuyen hay. chung ta phai di ngay hay gi(r. Cau van nav' sir dung Cac phircrng an con lai khong pluT hop ve mat ngir nghTa so voi cau goc:
. A. Being a forty - year woman, she looks ver> young: /.('/ mot ngirdi phii nu
sai can true cua cau dicu kicMi loai 1. Cau dung se la If we don't want to mi.s.s the
ngodi 40 tuoi. c6 dy trong rdt tre.
plane, we have to leave right now.
. C. She is not so old as her age: ( V; dy khong qua gid nhir dp tuoi cua minh.
Question .'). Dap an dung la B. Despite my lack of experience at tennis. I quickly
- D. She is still young because she is o\er forty: Co ay van con tre hoi vi co dy
picked it up.
ngodi 40 tuoi. ^ ,
Giai thich ve mat ngCr n^hia: Toi dd khong c6 kinh nghiem chai tennis nhimg lot
Question H. Dap an dung la I). She is thought to he the first to come to the hall.
da hoc duac each clioi nhaiih chong Mac dii thieu kinh nghiem chai tennis
Ciiai thich ve mat nm'r nghTa: Mpi ngirdi nghlco dy den hoi trirdng truvc nhuvg
ninmg toi dd hoc dirac cxkh choi nhanh chong.
ngirdi khdc - ('d dy dirac cho Id ngirdi ddu tien den hoi trirdng.
Ciiai thich ve mat nmu phap: Ta c6 cau true:
Giai thich ve mat nm'r phap: Cau \t lai sir dung dang thi'rc bi dong so vxVi cau
despite + Noun/ Noun phrase: mac dii
goc. Ta thay trong cau goc, dai tu she dong vai tro nhir mot tan ngfr, \ fhi cua
Cac phirong an con iai kliong phii hop ve mat ngO nghla so vdi cau goc: dong tir duoc sir dung a dang hien tai dan (think), vi the. khi chu>(3n qua dang bi
- A . 1 could pla\s well because I had had no experience o f it: Toi c6 the dong trong ciiu viet lai, she dirge dira len dong \ a i tro clui ngir, va dong tir dirge
ch<ri tennis gioi hoi vi toi khong c6 kinh nghiem. chuyen ve dang bi dong ciia thi hien tai don (is thought).
- C. Lack o f experience at tennis prevented me from pick it up quickly: Thien Cac dap an con lai khong pluT hop:
kinh nghiem choi tennis dd ngdn chan idi hoc dirac each ch<ri nhanh chong. - A. She had come to the hall before others: Co dy dd den hoi trirdng trirdc nhimg
- D. Unless I had had experience o f playing tennis, I picked it up quickly: Trirphi "girdi khdc. Cau goc de cho sir dung hinh thirc cau mang y kien (people t h i n k
loi CO kinh nghiem choi tennis tin toi hoc dirac each chri nhanh chong. that), trong khi phirong an A sir dung hinh thirc kh<ing dinh chkc chan. V i vay
Question 6 Dap an dimg la B. // IIY/.V such an expensive bicycle that I couldn't Phuong an nay khong phii hgp \ mat ngfr nghTa so voi can g6c. ' '
afford to buy it. ^^,,,,,„., B. No sooner had she come to the hall than others came: Co dv vi'ra den hoi
Giai thich ve mat ngu nghTa: ('hiec xe dap c6 gid rat ddt, toi khong du khd ndng 'nrdng thi nlumg ngirdi khdc den. Can ni\\g phii hgp ve mat ngfr nghTa so vdi
de mua no ('hiec xe dap cptd ddt den ndi toi khong du khd ndng de mua no. caugcK.
Giai thich ve mat ngu phap: C. Hardly had she come to the hall when others came: Co dy vi'ra mdi den hoi
'firthig thi nhuvg ngirdi khdc tai. Cau nay khong phii hgp ve mat ngfr nghTa so v di
It + be + such + noun + that + clause: ...qua... den noi ma... >viii
^au goc.
Cac dap an con lai khong phiT hop:
' rong 2 dap an B va C, ta can liru y cau triic sau:
- A. I he bic>cle was so ver> expensive, I couldn't afford to buy it. Cau van nay
No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + S + V2/ed
sir dung sai ve mat ngi'r phap. Ta can nha:
= Hardly + had + S + V3/ed + when + S + V2/ed : . . . vira m d i . . . t h i . . .
S + so + adj + that + clause: ...qua... den noi ma...
Tron Bo SGK: ^ L _- ^ 1
Luyhtgi^^truAckithlbHSmiSnMc, li^gzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Anh-NgS f Snim m
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C. m e a n w h i l e / " m i : n w a l /
Question 9. Dap an dung la D. // is important that he quit smoking.
D. anxiety /aei)'zal3ti/
Giai thich ve mat ngtr nghTa; That la quan trpng cfoi vai anh ay d& tir ho vi0c hut
Dap an diing la C; meanwhile c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thur nhat. Cac
thuoc = That la quan trong rang anh dy tir ho viec hut thuoc.
con lai c6 dau trpng am danh vao am tiet t h u hai.
Giai thich \k mat ngur phap: Tir cau goc de cho va cau viet lai, ta c6 2 cau true ri/")-! J

tuong duomg ve mat ngii phap va ngu nghTa nhu sau: Question 14. A. confidence /'konfidsns/ B. attractive /a'traektiv/
It is very important for s.o + Vto inf: That la quan trong de ai lam gi C. talkative /'tDlkstiv/ D. occupy /'tJkjupal/
It is important that + S -H Vnguyen: That la quan trong de ai lam gi Dap an diing la B: altraciive c6 dau trpng am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir
Cac phuong an con lai khong phii hop ve mat ngir nghTa so vai cau goc: con lai c6 diiu trpng am danh vao am tiet thir nhat.
- A. Smoking isn't good for your health: Hut thuoc Id khong tot cho sire khde citu Question 15. A. s i g n i f i c a n t / s i g ' n i f l k a n t / B. engineer/endji'nia/
hgn. C furthermore/f3:d3'mD:(r)/ D. interact/intar'aekt/
- B. Smoking damages your heath: Hut thuoc Id Idm hgi sire khde ciia hgn. Dap an diing la A: significant c6 dau trpng am danh vao am tiet thir hai. Cac tir
- C. I find it important for you to quit smoking: Toi thdy that Id quan trong dS con lai c6 dau trpng am danh vao am tiet thir ba.
hgn tir ho thuoc Id. Cau nay sir dung dai tir khong khop so v6i cau goc. (Cau goc: Question 16 Dap an diing la D. ours • u s . ' ; ,
h i m , dap an C: y o u ) Cluing ta can tan ngir theo sau dpng tir. ' i
Question 10. Dap an dung la C. Mary regretted buying the second - hand Question 17. Dap an diing la B. dating • to date ;
computer. Theo sau would prefer + V t o i n f i
Giai thich ve mat ngir nghTa: Mary inrc gi c6 dy dd khong mua chiec mdy tinh Question IH. Dap an dung la A. On • in
cu = Mary dec vi dd mua chiec mdy tinh cS. Ta diing giai tir in truac cac buoi trong ngay. ;
Giai thich ve mat ngii' phap: Cau goc de cho sir dung cau uac (wish) 6 qua khir Question 19. Dap an dung la C. a poor • the poor
dien ta dieu uac khong c6 that a qua khir: Ta diing mao tir The + tinh tir de tao thanh danh tir chi chung cho mot loai, cpng
I S + wish + S + had + V3/ed ~| ;d6ng (the poor: nguai ngheo)
Ta c6: S + regret + V-ing: A i do tiec vi da lam gi (trong qua khir) Question 20. Dap an diing la A. should • would have been de hap vai cau dieu
Iki^n loai 111.
Cac phuomg an con lai khong phii hap ve mat noi dung so vai cau goc:
Question 21. A. in the interest
- A. I f Mary had been careful, she wouldn't have bought the second - hand
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Chinh quyOn ngdn cdm cdc cong ty dia phircmg nhdp khuu
computer: Neu Mary can than thi c6 dy dd khong mua chiec mdy tinh cS.
sua hot gia vi (ptan Idni den sire k/ioc cpng dong.
- B. Mary didn't regret buying the second - hand computer: Mary dd khong tiec vi

Ta c6: in the interest o f sth: stnjium Idm ve viec gi '
dd mua chiec mdy tinh cu.
Cac dap ati con lai khong phii hap vai cau van v i : '
- D. It's Mary's fault to buy the second - hand computer: Do Id loi sai cua Mary vi
B. to the best o f sth: la tot nhat cho cai gi, vi?c gi '
dd mua chiec mdy tinh cU.
C. for the attention o f sth: sir tap trung, sir chu y ve viec gi
Question 11. A . industry / ' i n d a s t r i / B. loudspeaker / l a u d ' s p i : k 3 ( r ) /
C. landscape /"laendskelp/ D. purify / " p j u a r l f a l / D. on the safe side o f sth: ve van de an toan cua cai gi . ;i

Dap an dung la B: loudspeaker c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thiir hai. Cac tir Question 22. B. In view o f
con lai c6 dau trong am danh vao am tiet thiir nhat. " Ve mat ngir nghTa: Xet den nhimg ehimg eic phgm tpi md anh dd gdy ra, hpi
dong .xet .xir phdi hunc tpi anh ta.
Question 12. A . glorious f g b l r i a s / B. industrious /in'dAstrias/
Xet cum tir bat bien, ta thay: in view o f sth: xel thdy, xet din ( . o ni a '
C. vigorous rvigoras/ D. conscious /"kDnJas/
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hap vai cau van v i :
Dap an dung la B: industrious c6 dau trpng am danh vao am tiet thiir hai. Cac tir
A. Given that - khong ton tai dang nay
con l ^ i CO dau trong am danh vao am tiet thiir nhat.
C. In/with regard to sb/ sth: lien quan den ai/ cai gi zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
Question 13. A. d isaster / d l ' z o : st3(r)/ ,
WJk D. With a view to doing sth: vai y djnh, hy vpng lam cai gi
B. c o m m u n i c a t e / k a ' m j u l n l k e l t / A
Tron Bo SGK: 177
Question 23. B. range
. Ve mat ngir nghTa: Nhimg cay hiit hi do dime sdn xudi vc'ri nhimg kieti dang vci
mdu sue khde nhau.
Xet cum tir bat bien, ta c6: a range o f color: ^/w
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp vai cau van v i :
c a c W O T /

m \uestion 28. B . o f f
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Igi ^ang kc tiep.
Ve mat ngur nghTa: Xe ciia chung toi sdp hh xdng, vi vdy chung toi phdi dimg

Ta c6: stop o f f (v): do Igi. ngimg Igi mot thai gian ngdn trong ehuyen di
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vdi cau van v i :

A. a series o f sth: mot day, chuoi, loat cai gi A . stop over (v): ngirng de a lai dau mot thai gian ' o ; , ^
C. stop by (v): den tham nha ai, ghe qua
C. a collection o f sth: mot dong, chong
D. stop in (v): luu lai, a lai jin! u/;.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
> J. , :
D. a network o f sth: mang luai, h? th6ng
Question 29. A. It's on me .
Question 24. A . stood by
. Ve mat ngir nghTa: De toi trd tien hira an nay.
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Anh ta hi'ra se dira eho l6i euon tif dien Oxford va khong de
A. h's on me: Hay de toi trd/Den hrgt ctia toi.
toi that vong, anh ta dci giir hri hihi cm minh.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i : .
Nhir ta biet: stand by: thirc hien. thi hdnh (hri hira)
B. it's my round: No la phan cua toi.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i :
C. I ' l l make it: T o i se lam dieu do.
B. stick at (v): miet mai, ben bi '
D. Never remind me: Dirng c6 nhSc toi. , '
C. go back on one's word (v): khong giir loi hua Question 30. A . Y o u can say that again! ^ ^.^j, ,
D. hold onto sth (v): khong cho hoac ban cai g i , giir hoac can lai cai gi
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Neu hgn hoi y kiSn toi thi toi se trd lai rdngphim hdnh dong
Question 25. D. breakthrough hay tuyet.
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Su ma rgng vice sir dung tia la-de Id mot dot phd trongy hoc. Xet ve mat ngir canh cua cau van, ta thay chi c6 dap an A la phu hgp: Cam any
Ta c6: breakthrough (n): sir choc thungphong tuyen. .sir dot phd kien hay eita hgn.'/That the sao!
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp vai cau van v i : Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp v i : lofti;
A . breakaway (n): sir ly khai B. Never mind: Dirng ban tam. ^ ,^
B. breakup (n): sir tan ra. sup do C. That's that: Dimg lathe
C. break-in (n): cuoc tan cong vao ngan hang , D. Sure. It's my pleasure: Cbk ch5n roi. Do la vinh hanh cua t o i .
Question 26. B. taken in Question 31. C . It's kind o f you to say so. . , ,
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Dimg v()i tin nhimg cptdng edo lira hip. - Ve mat ngir nghTa: Bgn Id mot ngmri ndu an gidi, Margaret a.
Nhir ta bict: take in (v): vgi tin, liraphlnh. eho a trp Xet ve mat ngir canh ciia cau van, ta thay chi c6 dap an C la phii hgp: Cdm cm vi
ban dd noi nhir vdy.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i :
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp ve mat nghTa: ' '"
A . fooled around (v): lang phi thai giaii
A . Sorry, I don't think so: X i n 16i, toi khong nghi vay. '
C. put out (v): thoi tSt. dap tat
B. N o , no, it's not true: Khong dau, di^u do khong dimg.
D. see through (v): lam den cimg, nhin thay ro ban chat sir viec
D. I ' d prefer it: Toi thich dieu do han. ' "
Question 27. A . in for
Question 32. C . good eye
- Ve mat ngCr nghTa: Doi quan ly Id mite tieu eiia sir chi trich vi each hg xir ly tinh
J Ve mat ngir nghTa: Me toi rat cd tdi trong vier trd gin <:nrj ph/j^ ' ^'
hiidng. Ta C O cum tir: a good eye for sth: c6 cap mk tinh tirang, sang suot trong viec gi
Ta c6: come in for sth (v); Id miie tieu eiia edi gi, doi tucmg cong kich Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp vai cau van v i : ? «e AY/Vm J i . B . but feel - H . t i i j J l t .

B. come up w ith sth (v): tim ra, kiem ra Ve mat ngu nghTa: Co ngmri khong the giup dirge gi ngogi trie bay to sir cam
C. come up against sb/ sth (v): doi mat hoac chdng doi ai/ cai gi ^hong doi vai nhihig nginri bi mat nha trong VII dong dat.
D. come out in sth (v): man noi len i- Ve mat ngi'r phap: Ta c6: But + N/S.O: ngogi trir dieu gi, ngogi trir ai.

Tron Bo SGK: 179

Cac dap an con lai kliong phii hgp voi can van v i : Download Ebook Tai: Cly TNHH MTV DVVH KItang Vift
A . to feel - khong phii hop ve mat ngir phap. nest ion 3H. C. on
C, from feeling Ve mat ngfr imhTa: Lire Itrang chdng khung ho cdnh gic'ic cao dp trong mua gidi
D. in feeling khong phii hop ve mat ngliTa. Olympic.
Question 34. A . We had our house f Nhir ta biet: in full: day dii. toan bg. trgn ven, khong bo sot eai gi.
- mat nvSx nghTa: Nfui chiing loi hj clot nhgp Irong khi chi'ing loi clang cli du Cae dap a-i con lai khong phii hgp voi cau van.
lich. Question 39. B. have been seated s .^.i
- Ve mat ngir phap: Ta c6 cau true: !,
. Ve mat ngir nghTa: ///('// trirong si/ tiiyOn bd khai mac biidi le ngay khi tc'it cd cdc
S + have + O (thing) + P.P: ai do eo eai gi du-gc l a m . . . . | ' ' hoc vien fdt nghiep vd khcich mdi dd dn dinh did ngdi.
Cac phuang an [J, C va D: khong phii hgp vol y nghTa cua cau van da cho. - Ve mat nnu phap: Tuong lai don + as soon as + hien tai hoan thanh

Question 35. B. o f concern to Ta quan sat thay can van sir dung as soon as (ngay khi) - menh de trang ngir chi
thoi gian. Chiing ta khong dirge sir dung cac thi tirong lai trong menh d l trang ngO
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Sir lluiy doi khi hchi vc) gid cd thirc phdm tren todn cdu dang
chi thoi gian :ien ta loai cac dap an " A . w i l l have sat" va "C. w i l l be sitting".
tang Id chii de chinh trong ciioc hoi l/iao vd dc'iy cilng Id nidi cpian tdm ciia fdt ca
Dira vao ngfr nghTa ciia can de cho. ta can phai diing hinh thirc bj dgng, nen ta
nioi ngm'ri.
tiep tiic loai D. have seated. i/lo.. • ,
Ta eo: o f concern to someone: nidi qiiaii tdm. .siicpicni tdm ddi vdi ai
Question 40 C. was a fad once thought to be finished
Cae phirang an con lai khong phii hgp \ 6 i can van v i :
- Ve mat ngu nghTa: C 'di vdy ngdn ndy dd limg Idi thai, nliimg bdy gid no trd nen
" A . a cause for concern to" va "D. a cause for alarm at": khong hgp hinh thi're ihinh hdnh Inr lai.
ngfr phap v o l cau \an da cho. Trong cau dang sir dung hinh thirc so nhieu climate
- Ve mat ngCr phap: Nhir ta biet once eo cac vj tri sau: no !ot( i ! /.
change and rising global food prices nen ta khong diing mao tir a sail dgng tir tohe + diirng dau cau (v.
(are). + dirng ngas trirde dgng tir thucrng
C. alarm bells from: nhfrng bao dgng tir (khong phii hgp ve mat nghTa). ^ M e v / / V > / i I ) . Most o f the
Question 36. A . sluniid have arrived - Ve mat ngfr nghTa:
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Tdi dd giri cho ban mol id qiiang cdo cpia birii dien cc'ich ddy Peter: ihin ihiimig Idm gi vdo Idi Chii nhdt? jin
mciy Inchi rdi. Bdy gic'r, le ra no dd den ncri. Margaret: Tdi ddnh hdu het thai gian di chai citng vdi nhimg ngirdi ban he.
- V c mat ngi'r phap: - Vc mat ngu- phap: Most of: thuong dirge diing truce cae tir nhu: the, these,
should t ha\ ^ V3/ed: Ic ra dicn ta dieu dang le phai \a> ra cr those, them, us, you.
qua khir.
Cae dap an con lai khong phii hgp. • '/ ( .
Cac dap an B. C \ D khong phii hgp voi can van v i : Q//t'.vA/Vm </2. A . However !ovH V >
B. would + have + V3/ed: da> la hinh thirc eiia menli dc chinh trong cau dieu
- Ve mat ngiT nghTa: Mac dii tinh each khc'ic nhau nhimg chiing tdi Id hem thdn
kien loai I I I . ngay n'r khi cdn nho.
C. must + have + V3/ed: at hiin da. chfic han la.
" Ve mat ngir phap: , y (..!; ; i
D. suppose to + Vngiiyen: gia sir - mang nghTa gia dinh.
However + adj/adv + S + V(tobe), clause
Question 37. I ) . But for
- Vc mat ngir nghTa: khong cd sir dodn ket cua todn nhdn loai thi the gidi dd f)a\a dang dac biet ciia m^nh de trang ngir chi s\ tirorng phan. Thyc chat la No
"latter howHowever.
khong CO sirchiidn bi lot cho dicli cum Hl.WI den nhir rely.
Cae diip an con lai khong phii hgp voi cau van: '' '
Nhir ta biet: But for + N/N.P: neu khong c6...
B. Despite+ N/N.P
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp voi cau van v i : ^
A . on account o f + N / N.P: boi v i C va D: although/whatever + clause (S + V ) , clause. • ' »\\\
Q«W/V>/j-/.?. B. needn't have iv V
C. tiianks to sb/sth: nho eo ai/ cai gj
I ^ . i f not: neu khong (sir dung trong van noi) y.e mat ngu nghTa: Bern di khdm rang the ndo rdi? " "No khong con dau nita. Le
Tron Bo SGK: ^ ' o / khong cdn phai lo Idng. ,.^,<. ...j. > >.
lMy?n giaiO^ rnnrc ki (hi DM J mihi BJc, Trung, ISam Tieng Anh - Ngo Vdn Minh Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Kliang Vi(t
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- V e m a t ngir p h a p : S + n e e d n ' t + have + V3/ed: dang ra/le ra khong canphai... HUONG DAN H O C i
Cac dap an c o n 'lai k h o n g p h i i h o p : consider: suy nghT ve ai/cai g i , c o i (ai/cai g i ) n h u m g t cai gi
, unusual: la, khac thucrng '
A. mustn't: khong duxrc phC'p - c h i sir cam doan ( k h o n g phu h o p ve mat ngCr nghTa).
e x p l o s i o n : sir n o ; sir gia tang Ian va d o t n g g t
C. d i d n ' t need t o be: khong can phai - k h o n g p h i i h g p ve mat ngir phap.
. c o n c e r n : lien quan i-.i-r^ ,
D. w o u l d + ( n o t ) + have + V 3 / e d : dd (khong) c6 the - x u a t hien t r o n g m^nh de
. issue: phat h a n h . ban bo, cap phat
c h i n h c u a c a u d i e u k i e n loai I I I . wy.wjr i r y . / ) -i/ful H v>
. negative: t i e u c u e '
Question 44. B. N e v e r h a v i n g l i v e d
. publicitN : sir c o n g k h a i ' , "•'
- V e mat ngir nghTa: Vi c/iiia linig .song (/ Pari trin'rc day nen khi dan gia dinh ciia
. o n the o t h e r h a n d : mat khac, ( n o i ) theo each khac '
minh den. an/i la da k/iong hici diarng sd c/uanh do.
. medical: y klioa '.
- V e m a t ngir p h a p : D i r a v a o chirc n a n g v a v j t r i c i i a before t r o n g c a u d e c h o , ta zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
. study: sir hoc tap, n g h i c n ci'ru, sir t i m t o i
CO the lien he den p h o tir never: n e v e r . . . before: chua hao gicr... Irin'rc day.
- b r a i n : b o nao, t r i tue
LICK y: V i t r i ciia never:
- tissue: m o ' '
+ d i r n g gifra t r g d o n g t i r v a d o n g tir c h i n h .
. detect: k h a m pha, hoac nhan ra (cai g i ) la c 6 that
+ d u n g dau cau: c 6 hien t i r g n g dao ngir x a y ra. " ! i»l
- scan: x e m . k i e m tra rat t i m i ; q u e l qua ^1
Ciic d a p an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h g p v a i cau v a n :
" A . N o t be l i v i n g " v a " C . H i s not l i v i n g " : sai v e h i n h thurc n g i r p h a p . - e q u i p m e n t : t r a n g thiet b i
III' :
- b l a m e : k i i i e n trach ij
D. Because he has l i v e d - k h o n g p h i i h g p ve mat ngiJ nghTa. v:y, \
- potentiallx : m g t each t i e m nang, t i e m tang
Question 45. B. not one o f t h e m ! -w.M
- r a d i a t i o n : sir birc x a ; n h i e t , nang l i r g n g , . . . dirge birc xa |
- V e mat ngCr nghTa: Trong 10 I hang canh md anh Irai toi dd tham quan thi chdng
- appear: xuat h i e n , thay dirge j
CO niri ndo trong so do de lai an linmg sdii sac vai anh dy.
- c o n v e n i e n t : I h i c i i h g p , tien I g i , thiian tien
- V e mat ngir phap: T a ccS: not one o f them.- khong... trong so do/ ho
- emergencN: khan cap, c a p c i r u
Cac dap an c o n lai k h o n g p h i i h o p v a i cau v a n :
A . None of t h i r a n g dirge d i i n g t r i r o c cac tir han d j n h n h u : the, these, those,... v a Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
cac dai tir them, tis,... sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61 to 70.
C. w h i c h none: sai h i n h thirc ngfr phap. 61.C 62.C 63.C 64.A 65.A

Question 46. W e l l , I ' m a f r a i d I have t o be g o i n g . 66.C 67.D 68.B 69.C 70.A

Dira v a o y nghTa v a v a n c a n h , ta c l i g n A. Thanks for coming.
- traditionally: theo truyen thong
Question 47. B y e !
- p r i v a t e : tir. r i e n g , ca n h a n , tir nhan
D^ra v a o y nghTa va v a n canh, ta c h g n B. Bye! Have a good day.
- c h a r i t y : hoi tir t h i e n , t o chirc ciru te
Question 48. Y o u l o o k m o r e b e a u t i f u l t o d a y !
- i m m i g r a n t : n g i r i i i nhap c u
Dira viio y nghTa va v a n c a n i i , ta chgn A. Thank you. It's nice of you to say so.
- predecessor: n g i i o i tien n h i e m , v i e c lam t r u a c , cai d i t r u o c • •,.
Question 49. W h e n does the w a r r a n t y expire? - h o m e l a n d : que h i r o n g . T o quoc ' .
D i r a v a o y nghTa va v a n c a n h , ta c h g n B. Six months from date of purchase.
- institute: vien. trii sa n r i J i r ' , r / :rtv^, ; .
Question 50. H o w m u c h w i l l be the d i s c o u n t ?
- i n d u s t r i a l i z a t i o n : sir c o n g n g h i e p h o a
Dira v a o y nghTa va v a n c a n h , ta chgn C Twenty percent.
- avaiiab ilit N : sir san sang, sir san c 6
D. licMi tir anddixw^ de IKM t i r , c u m tir hoac m e n h de de d i e n ta y b o s u n g .
f a r m l a n d : v i i n g dat d i i n g de canh tac, ch5n n u o i < . ,.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer c o n l l r m : k h a n g d i n h . t h o n g qua, xac nhan ,\Vi;/<,
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60. t e m p o r a r y : t a m t h a i , nliat t h a i , lam t h a i
51.A 52.B 53.8 54.8 55.C relief: chain/ dap n o i ; n o i bat
56.C 57.C 58.C 59.A Tron Bo
6 0SGK:
measure: bien phap
- Download
institution: vien. iioi, to ciiiVc (dirge thiet lap xa hoi. giao due, tonEbookgiao...)Tai:
- deduction: dien djch, sir khau trir DE T H I THU" S O 9 ^
- paycheck: sec thanh loan ; t : ,,1,, ,1 Tlioi }>ian lam hai: 90 phut
- modest: khong Ian ve so lircrng, quy mo: vi'ra phai ,,,,, Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
Ex: a modest income: mot khoan thu nhap vira phai ,|i . , , answer to each of the following' questions.
- , income: thu nhap, doanh thu i, , , g i / f . v m ^ / ' ^ h c is nt>t accustomed up late.
- insurance: hop dong bao hiem, tien bao hiem ,..^ . ,
A . to get B. to getting C. by getting D. getting
- disabihty: sir 6m yen, tan tat ..^i,.,,
Question 2: She reminded us to the test paper to check for spelling mistakes.
- assistance: su gii'ip da ; , '
A . go over B. go o f f C. go into D. go on
- slightly: nho
Question 3: MN mother aKva\ reminds us harder for a better future.
Ex: a slightly bigger house: mot ngoi nha hai Ian hon ^^^^^
A . study B. studying C. to study D. studied
- fulfill: thirc hien hoac hoan thanh cai gi ' '.
- obligation: bon phan, nghia vii Question 4: Wc can"t bear under high pressure like this any more.
* elderly: gia, cao tuoi . ., , , A . working B. to work C. work D. worked
- dramactically: mot each dot ngpt Question 5: I to ask you some more personal questions.
- propose: de nghi, dc xuat, dir dinh A . had better B. like C. would like D. don't like
- anticipate: tinh, dir tinh (cai gi). giai quyet truac (ai/ cai gi) ^ Question 6: Unless you tell the truth, they you immediately. ,
- deficit: so tien thieu hut. so ng viig1 qua thu nhap, so lugng thain hut A . have punished B. w i l l have punished ...j ,
- debate: cugc tranh luan C. had punished D. w i l l punish
- establish: thiet lap. kien lap, thanh lap Question 7: Hue 1 was bom and grown up is a beautiful city.
—' purchase: mua, sam, tau A. that B. where C. when D. which
- federal: (thuoc) lien bang
Question 8: We from my close friends since we moved here. 1 j j , ,
- expense: sir tieu tien. phi ton , . ^, '
A. didn't hear B. hadn't heard ,1'
- income: thu nhap, doanh thu
C. h a \ c n t heard D . w o n ' t have heard .,
- spectrum: quang pho, mot day hoac chuoi day dii hoac rgng
Question 9: Y o u should a position o f an accountant.
- estimate: u6c tinh chi phi, kich thuac, tri gia...
A. apply for B. agree to C. worry about D . tell from
- agency: dai la, chi nhanh; sa, cue
Question 10: Lack o f money me from buying that new car.
- urbanization: sir do thi hoa
- modernization: sir hien dai hoa A. pre\ented 1^. refused C. provided D. agreed
Question 11: D o n t worry. She w i l l driving soon.
- industrialization: sir cong nghiep hoa
- enforcement: sir buoc phai tuan theo hay dirge thi hanh A. used to B. get used C. be accustomed D. get used to
- donation: vat tang, ci'ing; vice tiing, ci'ing Question 12: the workers speak Japanese so well. ,,
- institutionalize: the che hoa A. Most o f B. Almost C. A lot o f D. Much o f
- function: chi'rc nang, nhiem vu Question 13: I f only I a bicycle. 1 am tired o f walking to school everyday.
- expenditure: so lugng da tieu dung, hanh dong tieu dijng A. am having B. w i l l have C. had had D. had
- voluntarism: y chi luan Question 14: The man what to do yet.
- commitment: sir giao pho, dira hoac chuyen; lai cam ket; tinh trang tan A. hasn't decided B. decided C. w o n ' t decided D. is decided
.' ';! I' tarn hoac sot sang (vai cai gi)
Question You will heart disease i f you don't do morning exercise.
- innovation: qua trinh doi moi
A. suffer from B. prevent from C. go over D. point out
Read the followi/tfi passai>e and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
Question 16: I f they had obeyed his father, they
sheet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to 80.
A. haven't been punished B. wouldn't have been punished
71.B 72.B 73.C 74.D 75.B
C. w o n t have been punished D. didn't punished , , .
76.C 77.B 78.C 79.A 80.C
Tron Bo SGK:
Luy^n gidi ad tru&c M r/ii DH 3 miin BJc, Truiig, Nam Tieng Anii - Ngo VSn Minll Cty TNHH MTV DVVH Khang Vt^t
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Question 17: Your headache is worse. Y o u your doctor. ^ornm^nX?, on politics and governments as well as on a variety o f social matters. In
A. should see should have seen this way, the modern cartoon has become a very powerful force influencing people
C. have seen D. A and B are correct in Europe and the United States.
Question Hi: 1 am afraid that she w o n t remember the letter to him. Unlike most American and European cartoons, however, many Chinese
A. send ing B. send ' C. sent D . to send cartoon drawings in the past have also attempted to educate people, especially
Question 19: By the end o f this year, 1 my English course. those who could not read and write. Such cartoons about the lives and sayings o f
A. w i l l finish B. have finished great men in China have proved e,\tremely useful in bringing education to illiterate
and semi-literate people throughout China. Confucius, Mencius and Laozi have all
C. w i l l have finished D. must have finished "
appeared in very interesting stories presented in the form o f cartoons. The cartoons
Question 20: M y husband has been unemployed since we to the city.
themselves have thus served to illustrate the teachings o f the Chinese .sages in a
A. moved B. have moved C. had moved D. are moving
very attractive v\ay.
Question 21: They are going to celebrate their weeding party September
In this sense, many Chinese cartoons are different from Western cartoons in so
2009. far as they do not depend chiefly on telling jokes. Often, there is nothing to laugh at
A. since ' B. on > Cat ' i ' ^ * ^ ^ D . in when you see Chinese cartoons. This is not their primaiy arm. In addition to
Question 22: I f only you him yesterday. commenting on serious political and social matters. Chinese cartoons have aimed at
A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D . see spreading the traditional Chinese thoughts and culture as widely as possible among
Question 23: Y o u should tennis to provide yourself with some relaxation. the people.
A, take in B. take up C. take on D . take over Today, however, Chinese cartoons have an added part to play in spreading
Question 24: It is no use the magazine everyday. knowledge. The\r a very attractive and useful way o f reaching people
A. to read B. read C. reading D . having read throughout the world, regardless o f the particular country in which they live. Thus,
through cartoons, the thoughts and teachings o f the old Chinese philosophers and
Question 25: Can you tell me the story in ?
sages can now reach people who live in such countries as Britain, France, America,
A. detail B. secret C. belief D . generation
Japan, Malaysia or Australia and who are unfamiliar with the Chinese culture.
Question 26: my close friends are living in the countryside.
Until recently, the transfer o f knowledge and culture has been overwhelmingly
A. Lot o f B. Much o f C. Many o f D. The number o f
from the West to the East and not vice versa. By means o f cartoons, however,
Question 27: They are building a bridge 1999 to 2002. publishing companies in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore are now having
A. in B. at C. from D. on success in correcting this imbalance between the East and the West.
Question 28: Have you ever read the novel by M r . John? Cartoons can overcome language barriers in all foreign countries. The vast
A. to write B. writing C. written D . wrote increase in the popularity o f these cartoons serves to illustrate the truth o f
Question 29: he is tired, he tries to work hard. Confucius's famous saying "One picture is worth a thousand words."
A. However B. Despite C. Futhermore D. Although
Question 31: Which o f the following clearly characterizes Western cartoons?
Question 30: is nothing I could do for you.
A. Originality, freshness, and astonishment.
A. I f B. I here C. Whether D . Unless
B. Humour, unexpectedness, and criticism.
Read the followin}^ passai>e and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer C. Enjoyment, liveliness, and carefulness. ' '
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 31 to 40.
D. Seriousness, propaganda, and attractiveness.
In the West, cartoons are used chiefly to make people laugh. The important
Question 32: Chinese cartoons have been useful as an important means o f
feature o f all these cartoons is the joke and the element o f surprise which is
A. educating ordinary people B. spreading Western ideas
contained. Even thougli it is very funny, a good cartoon is always based on close
C. political propaganda in wartime D. amusing people all the time
obscr\ation o f a particular feature o f life and usually has a serious purpose.
Question 33: Fhe major differences between Chinese cartoons and Western
Cartoons in the West have been associated with political and social matters for
^srtoons come from their
man\. In wartime, for example, the proved to be an excellent way ot
spreading propaganda. Nowadays cartoons are often used to make short, sharp A. purposes B. nationalities C. values D . styles
Tron Bo SGK:
giai dS tnr&c ki thi DH 3 miht Bdc, Trung, ISam Tieng Anh - Ngo Van Minh ^ A .periodic B. e l e c t r i c C.contagious D. suspicious
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Stion 43:
"Question 44: A. organism B. p r e v e n t i o n C. attraction D. engagement
Question 34: The pronoun " t h i s " in paragraph 4 mostly refers to ....
Question 45: A . p o p i i l a r i t \. p o l i t i c i a n C. documentary D. laborator>
A. a propaganda campaign [ i . a piece o f art • •
C. an educational purpose D. a funny element • •'' : ' Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined
Question 35: f h e passage is intended to present piirt that needs correction.
A contrast between Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons ^ '
Question 46: M a n y people have f o u n d the m o n o t o n o u s b u z z i n g o f fhe viivi/ze/a i n zyxwv
B. an opinion about how cartoons entertam people the 2 0 1 0 - W o r l d - C u p matches so a n n o > e d .
C. a description o f cartoons o f all kmds the world over , Question 47: I n o r d e r n o m o n e > would bewasted, w e had to account for every
D. an outline o f Western cartoons and Chinese cartoons penny w e spent. , ;t,f!) uv/ir , .v.
Question 36: Which o f the following could be the best title for the passage? Question 4H: I h e team leader demanded f r o m his team m e m b e r s a serious attitude
A. A very Powerful Force in Influencing People t o w a r d s w o r k , g o o d t e a m s p i r i t , a n d tiiat the> w o r k h a r d .
^J,, B. Cartoons as a Way o f Educating People Question 49: In mv judgment. 1 think H e m is t h e best physicist among the
Ijj C. Chinese Cartoons and Western Cartoons scientists o f t h e S E A r e g i o n . ^,

D. A n i-\cellcnt Way o f Spreading Propaganda Question 50: A f t e r a i i a i \ z i n g t h e steep rise in p r o f i t s a c c o r d i n g to y o u r r e p o r t , it

Question 37: In general. Chinese cartoons are now aiming at w a s c o n \d t h a t \ ( H i r a n a l y s e s w e r e c o r r e c t .

A. illustrating the truth o f Chinese great men's famous sayings Read the followin}> passage and mark the letter A, B. C. or I) on your answer
' B. bringing education too illiterate and semi-literate people in the world ^ sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the i/uesiions from 51 to 60.
C. spreading the Chinese ideas and cultural values throughout the world
lt"s o f t e n said that w e learn things at t i i c w r o n g time. University students
I), dis.seminating traditional practices in China and throughout the world
frequently d o t h e m i n i m u m o f w o r k because t h e \ " r e c r a z y a b o u t a g o o d st Ki a l l i f e
Question 38: The word "imbalance" in paragraph 6 refers to
instead. C h i l d r e n often scream before their piano practice because it 's so b o r i n g .
A. the mismatch between the East cartoons and the West cartoons
ThcN h a v e t o b e g i \ c n g o l d s t a r s a n d m e d a l s t o b e p e r s u a d e d t o s w i m , o r h a \ t o b e
B. the influence o f the East cartoons over the West cartoons b r ib ed t o t a k e e x a m s . B u t t h e s t o r v ' i s d i f f e r e n t w h e n \ o u " r e older.
C. the dominant culture influence o f the West cartoons
O v e r the \cars, I s e d o n e mv share of adult learning. A t 3 0 , 1w e n t t o a c o l l e ge
D. the discrimination between the West culture and the East culture and did courses in History and l-jiglish. It w a s a n a m a z i n g experience. F o r
Question 39: Which o f the following is most likely the traditional subject of s t a r t e r s , 1 w a s p a y i n g , so t h e r e w a s n o reason t o b late - i w a s t h e o n e f r o w n i n g
Chinese cartoons? and d r u m m i n g m y l i n g e r s i f t h e t u t o r w a s l a t e , n o t t h e o t h e r w a y r o u n d . I n d e e d , i f I
A. The stories and features o f the lives o f great men the world over. could persuade h i m t o linger f o r a n e .xtra five minutes, it was a bonus, not a
B. fhe illiterate and semi-literate people throughout China. 'H i i sa n ce . I w a s n ' t frightened to ask questions, a n d h o m e w o r k w a s a pleasure not a

C. Jokes and other kinds o f humour in political and social matters. pain. W h e n I passed an e x a m , I h a d passed it f o r m e a n d m e l o n e , n o t f o r m y

D. The philosophies and sayings o f ancient Chinese thinkers. parents o r m \. I h e satisfaction I got was entirely personal.

Question 40: According to the passage, which o f the following is true? Some people fear g o i n g back t o .school because they worry that their brains

A. Western cartoons always have a serious purpose. lave g o t r u s t y . B u t t h e Jov is t h a t , a l t h o u g h s o m e p a r t s h a v e r u s t e d u p , y o u r brain

B. Cartoons w i l l replace other forms o f writing. leant all kinds o f other things since \ o u were y o u n g . It has learnt t o think
^^ependentl) and flexibly a n d is m u c h b e t t e r at r e l a t i n g o n e t h i n g t o a n o t h e r ,
C. Cartoons can serve various purposes.
" a t y o u l o s e i n t h e r u s t d e p a r t m e n t ,zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFE
you g a i n i n t h e m a t u r i t y d e p a r t m e n t .
D. Language barriers restricted cartoons.
''1 s o m e w a \ s . age is a p o s i t i v e plus. I'or instance, when you're calm and
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word thai ^^'l^ply d o s o m e t h i n g carefully again and again, eventually y o u ' l l get the hang o f it.
differs front the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the followinfi ^ '-'onfldencc \ o u h a ve i n o t h e r areas - f r o m b e i n g a b l e t o d r i ve a c a r , p e r h a p s -
questions. ^^'is t h a t i f \ o u c a n ' t , s a y . b u i l d a c h a i r i n s t a n t l y , y o u d o n ' t , l i k e a c h i l d , w a n t t o

Question 41: A. adventure B. advantage C. advertise D. adverbial

Question 42: A. imagine B. inhabit C. continue D. disappear
Tron Bo SGK:
clestrov your tlrst pathetic attempts. Maturity tells Download Ebook
you that you w i lTai:
l , with B. adults think more independently and flexibly than yoimg people
application, eventually get there. C. experience in doing other things can help one's learning
I hated piano lessons at school, hut 1 was good at music. And coming back to p . young people usually feel less patient than adults
it. with a teacher who could explain wh} certain exercises were useful and with Question 5S: It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that maturity is a positive plus in
musical concepts that, at the age o f t e n . 1 could never grasp, was magical. Initially, (lie learning process because adult learners ji. i ; , i ( 11. v . n . i K
I did feel a bit .strange, thumping out a piece that Td played for my school exams A. pay more attention to detail than younger learners
with just as little comprehension o f what the composer intended as I'd had all those B. are able to organize themselves better than younger learners
\ears before. But soon, complex emotions that 1 never knew poured out from my C. are less worried about learning than younger learners
fingers, and suddenly 1 could understand why practice makes perfect. ^ ,
D. have become more patient than younger learners ^'i <
Question 51: It is implied in paragraph 1 that Question 59: It is implied in the last paragraph that when you learn later in life,
A. parents should encourage young learners to study more you
B. \ o u n g learners are usually lazy in their class -I A. should expect to take longer to learn than when you were younger
C. young learners often lack a good motivation for learning " "' B. can sometimes understand more than when you were yoimger
D. teachers should g i \ xoung learners less homework " C. are not able to concentrate as well as when \ o u were younger

Question 52: The writer's main point in paragraph 2 is to show that as people grow D. find that you can recall a lot o f things you learnt when yoimger
Question 60: What is the w r i t e r s main purpose in the passage?
A. I o encourage adult learning. '
A. the\ a more positive attitude towards learning ^ * v" \-,
B. To describe adult learning methods.
B. thc\t learn as well as younger learners
C. To show how fast adult learning is. i -J"
C". thcN tend to learn less as they are discouraged
D. To explain reasons for learning.
1). thc\t more impatient w ith their teachers
Mark the letter A. li. C or D on your cmswc'r shed to huhiulc the seiUence that
Question 5.^: Ilie phrase " f o r starters" in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
is closest ill nieciniii}^ to eacli of the followiii}^ questions.
A. first and foremost B. at the starting point Question 61: It is English pronunciation that puzzles me most. -t i
C. at the beginning D. l o r beginners -j/ iv A. Pronouncing I!nglish word is not complicated.
Question 54: While doing some adult learning courses at a college, the writer was B. I was not quick at English pronunciation at school.
surprised C. Puzzling me most is how to pronounce 1-Jiglish.
' A . to get on better w ith the tutor B. to feel learning more enjoyable D. I j i g l i s h pronunciation is dirtlcult for me.
C. to have more time to learn D. to be able to learn more quickly Question 62: Ihe woman was too weak to lift the suitcase.
Question 55: In paragraph . i , the word "rusty" means A. The woman wasn't able to lift the suitcase, so she was very weak. •
A. impatient because o f having nothing to do B. The woman, though weak, could lift the suitcase. '
B. not as good as it used to be through lack o f practice C. So weak was the woman that she couldn't lift the suitcase. ^' '
C. staying alive and becoming more active D. The woman shouldn't have lifted the suitcase as she was weak.
D. covered w ith rust and not as good as it used to be Question 63: When I arrived, they were having dinner.
Question 56: I he phrase "get there" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to " "• A. I came in the middle o f their dinner.
A . arrive at an intended place with difficulty The\e their dinner as soon as I arrived. "
B. achieve \ o u r aim w ith hard work C. When they started having their dinner, I arrived.
C. have the things you have long desired I came to their invitation to dinner. ,i. a
D. receive a school o f college degree Q'ftfstion 64: They couldn't climb up the mountain because o f the storm. \
Question 57: A l l o f the following are true about adult learning E X C E P T , ^ - Ihe storm made it not capable o f climbing up the mountain. ,:,
A . adult learners have fewer advantages than young learners Their climbing up the mountain was unable due to the storm.

Tron Bo SGK:

C. r i i o s t o r m m a d e t l i e m i m p o s s i b l e t o c l i m b up the Download
mountain. Ebook Tai:
I ) . I h c s t o r m d i s c o u r a g e d t h e m f r o m c l i m b i n g up the m o u n t a i n . strike against s o l i d r o c k s , the r o c k s are s l o w l y w o r n a w a y . In t h i s w a y , ( 7 2 ) .....
Question 6 5 : S l i g h t l > m o r e t h a n t w e n t y - f i v e percent o f t h e students in the c l a s s very h a r d r o c k s are w o r n a w a y by the w i n d .
c o m e from Spanish-speaking countries. W h e n p a r t i c l e s o f r o c k s o r s o i l became loosened i n a n y w a y , r u n n i n g w a t e r
A . A c o n s i d e r a b l e p r o p o r t i o n o f the students in the class are S p a n i s h . carries t h e m d o w n the ( 7 3 ) . . . . S o m e r o c k s and s o i l p a r t i c l e s are c a r r i e d into
B . S e v e n t y - l i v e percent o f the students in the class speak S p a n i s h . streams a n d t h e n i n t o the sea. j., >

• C. T h e percentage o f the students s p e a k i n g Spanish fell b y t w e n t y - f i v e percent. L a n d that is c o v e r e d w i t h trees, grass and other plants w e a r s a w a y v e r y s l o w l y , and
D . A s m a l l m i n o r i t N o f the students in the class are H i s p a n i c . so loses v e r y ( 7 4 ) .... o f its s o i l . T h e roots o f plants h e l p to ( 7 5 ) the r o c k s and

Question 66 Because thev erected a b a r n , the cattle c o u l d n ' t get o u t i n t o the whciit soil in place. W a t e r that falls o n grasslands runs a w a y m o r e s l o w l y t h a n w a t e r that
falls on bare g r o u n d . T h u s , forests a n d grasslands ( 7 6 ) .... t o s l o w d o w n e r o s i o n .
field. , vi^f'l ••^'t'
Even w h e r e the land is ( 7 7 ) c o v e r e d w i t h plants, som e e r o s i o n goes o n . I n
A. The\d a b a r n so that the cattle, w o u l d get i n t o the w h e a t f i e l d .
the s p r i n g , the ( 7 8 ) s n o w t u r n s i n t o a large q u a n t i t y o f w a t e r that then runs
B. In o r d e r not to keep the cattle a w a y f r o m the wheat f i e l d , they erected a barn
d o w n h i l l in streams. ( 7 9 ) .... a stream carries a w a y some o f t h e s o i l , the stream bed
C. I hc\d a barn in case the cattle c o u l d n ' t get out i n t o the w h e a t f i e l d .
gets deeper a n d deeper. ( 8 0 ) .... thousands o f years o f such e r o s i o n , w i d e v a l l e y s
D . The> erected a b a r n , a n d as a result, the cattle c o u l d n ' t get o u t i n t o t h e wheal are often f o r m e d .

Question 67 " W o u l d \ ( H I like SCMTIC m o r e b e e r ? " he asked. Question 71: A . h o l d s up B . cleans out C. carries o u t D. picks up
A He asked m e i f I w a n t e d some beer. Question 72: A. though B. still C. e v e n D.such
B. 1 Ic w a n t e d t o inv itc me f o r a glass o f hcer. ,'. Question 73: A, backside B. hillsides C. borders D. topside
'C. He o f f e r e d m e soniie m o r e beer. 1 Question 74: A . large B. little C. f e w D. much
1). H e asked m e w o u l d I liike some m o r e l h e e r . Question 75: A . store B. back C. stay D. hold
Question 6H: " S t o p s m o k i n g or \ o u " l l be i l l . " tiliie d o c t w t o l d me. Question 76: A. facilitate B. aid C. assist D. help
A . 1 was w a r n e d against s m o k i n g a lot o f cigarettes. Question 77: A. thinly B. strongly C. t h i c k l y D . scarcely
B. f h e d o c t o r suggested siiK>king to treat i l l n e s i i . Question 7H: A. melted B. b u i l d i n g C. m e l t i n g D. formed
\ 1 was o r d e r e d not to s m o k e t o r e c o v e r f r o m iSliiess. Question 79: A. Till B. As C. U n t i l D.Although
1). i he d i K t o r a d v i s e d m e t o g i v e u p s m o k i n g to a\t>jd iWness. Question 80: A. During B. A m o n g C. A f t e r D. In
Question 69 W ealth\s the> w e r e , t h e y w e r e far f r o m l i a p p \
A. I lies w e r e as w e a l t h y as t h e y w e r e happ>.
B. I h e y w e r e n o t h a p p y as t h e y w e r e w e a l t h y . Question 1. D a p an di'ing la B: be accustomed to s o m e t h i n g / d o i n g s o m e t h i n g : quen
v o i d i e u gi/lam v i e c g i
C. I-veil i f t h e y w e r e w e a l t h y , t h e y w e r e not h a p p y ,
n. . A l t h o u g l i the> w e r e w e a l t h y , t h e y w e r e not h a p p y . Question 2. D a p an d u n g la A: go o v e r : x e m xet kT l u & n g , vu-crt q u a

Question 70: " W e ' r e h a v i n g a r e u n i o n t h i s w e e k e n d . \Vh\t y o u come'^' Question 3. D a p an d u n g la C: r e m i n d s o m e o n e + V - t o i n f i n i t i v e : nhSc n h a ai lam

dieu g i
.lohn said to u.s.
A . J o h n c o r d i a l l > i n \d us to a r e u n i o n t h i s w e e k e n d . Question 4. D a p an d u n g la A: c a n ' t bear = c a n ' t stand + V - i n g / s o m e t h i n g : khong
the c h j u d u n g d i e u gi
B. J o h n s i m p l y asked us w h y w e w o u l d n ' t c o m e to a r e u n i o n
Question 5. D a p an d u n g la C: W o u l d l i k e + V - t o i n f i n i t i v e : m u o n l a m d i e u gi
C. J o h n d i d n ' t u n d e r s t a n d w h y w e c a m e to a r e u n i o n .
Question 6. D a p an d u n g la D: C a u d i l u k i e n loai I : I f n o t = unless
1). John asked us w h y w e d i d n ' t c o m e to a r e u n i o n t h i s w e e k e n d .
- Unless + clause ( h i e n t a i d a n ) , m a i n clause ( t h i t u o n g l a i d o n )
Remt tlie followin}^ passaffe and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer Question 7. D a p an d u n g la B: D a i tCr q u a n he W h e r e ( n a i m a , n a i do, n a i ay) d u n g
slieet to indicate the correct word for each of the blanks front 71 to HO. M thay the c h o n h i r n g t i r ngiJ c h i n a i c h 6 n .
W i n d , water, air. ice a n d heat a l l w o r k to cause e r o s i o n . A s the w i n d blows
Question 8. D a p an d u n g la C: t h i h i ^ n t a i hoan t h a n h + since + t h i qua k h u
o\cr tiic l a n d , it o f t e n ( 7 1 ) s m a l l grains o f sand. W h e n these g r a i n s o f sand <Iorn/m6c t h a i g i a n

Tron Bo SGK:
Cty TSHH Ml I / M ! / / Kliang Vi^t
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Question 9. Dap an dung la A : apply for + vi tri cong viec: nop ho so xin dir tuyen
Question 33. Dap an dimg la A : Y doan bon so vdi y trong doan mot va hai, sy
vao cong vi#c gi
l^hac biet chinh yen ciia phim hoat hinh Trung Quoc va phim boat hinh phuiang Tay
Question 10. Dap an dung la A; prevent someone from doing something: ngan can la o' "muc dich" lam phim.
ai lam dieu gi
Question 34. Dap an dung la D: tir "This" trong doan bon thay the cho "yeu to vui
Question II. Dap an dung la D: get used to something/doing something: tra nen nhon" dupe de cap trong cau di triroc.
quen \cVi dieu gi
Question 35. Dap an dung la A : Muc dich ciia bai doc nay "sir tirang phan giCra
Question 12. Dap an dung la A : most o f the + danh tii- so nhieu: da so/phAn phim hoat hinh phuong Tay va phim boat hinh Trung Quoc".
Ion Question 36. Dap an dung la C: tira de thich hop cho bai nay se la "phim hd^t hinh
Question 13. Dap an dung la D: i f only + thi qua khi'r don: gia ma (dien ta iroc phu-ong Tay va phim boat hinh Trung Quoc". ,i ,. i , •
muon khong c6 thuc a hien tai) Question 37. Dap an dung la C: nhin chung theo doan n^m, phim boat hinh Trung
Question 14. Dap an dung la A : Chung ta chon thi hien tai hoan thanh vi ccS Yet Quoc ngay nay huong den viec pho bien tir tuong va gia tri Trung Qu6c tren kbSp
di'rng cuoi cau the gioi".
Question 15. Dap an dung la A : suffer from something: doi mat/chiu dung dieu gi Question 38. Dap an dung la C: imbalance: sy mat can doi, trong doan van sau, tir
Question 16. Dap an dung la B: Cau dieu kien loai 111: I f clause (thi qua khur hoan nay ngu y chi anh hming van hoa thong trj cua phiro-ng T a y doi voi phirong
thanh). main clause (S + could/would + have + V3/ed) Dong.
Question 17. Dap an dung la D: Question 39. Dap an diing la D: theo doan nam, chu de truyen thong ciia phim
- Dira vao van canh ciia cau van, ta dung should + V-nguyen de the hien loi boat hinh frung Quoc la " triet ly va danh ngon cua cac nha tir tuong Trung Quoc
khuyen. CO dai".
- Dira vao \an canh ciia cau van, ta diing should + have + V3/ed (dang ra da nen Question 40. Dap an dimg la C: theo bai doc, chung ta c6 \hh thay mot sir that la
lam gi) de the hien sir t r i k h ci'r. "phim hoat hinh c6 the phuc vu nhieu muc dich khac nhau".
Question 18. Dap an dung la D: remember + V-to infinitive: nhcV de lam gi
Question 41. Dap an diing la C: "advertise" /'aedvataiz/; cac tir con lai nhaii vao am
Question 19. Dap an dung la C: by the end o f (year, month, ) + thi tuong lai hai. 1 ,
i i q '/sr.' ' (;:'••
hoan thanh
Question 42. Dap an diing la 1): "disappear" /dis3'pi3(r)/; cac tir con lai nhan vao
Question 20. Dap an dung la A : Thi hien tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua khi'r doTi
am hai.
Question 21. Dap an dung la D: In + thang/nam/thang + nam
Question 43. Dap an diing la A : "periodic" /piari'Ddik/; cac tir con lai nhan vao am
Question 22. Dap an dung la C: I f only + thi qua khi'r hoan thanh: gia
ma (dien ta dieu irac muon khong co thuc trong qua khi'r)
Question 23. Dap an dung la B: Take up + mon the thao: theo duoi mon the thao Question 44. Dap an diing la A : "organism" /'Digsnizam/; cac tir con lai nhan vao
dm hai. *
Question 24. Dap an dung la C: It is no use + V-ing: khong c6 ich gi Question 45. Dap an dung la D: "laboratory" /b'bDratri/; cac tir con lai nha'n vao ftm
Question 25. Dap an dung la A : In detail: chi tiet ba.

Question 26. Dap an dung la C: Many o f + danh t:r so nhieu: nhieu Question 46. Dap an diing la D: so annoying, diing tinh tir tan ciing " - i n g " vat/ s^r
Question 27. Dap an dung la C: From + thai gian to + thai gian: t u thai gian nao yi^c nhu the nao
tai thai gian nao Question 47. Dap an diing la A : /// order that + clause (S + modals + Vnguyen
Question 28. Dap an dung la C: Menh de quan he rut gon the): de chi miic dich

Question 29. Dap an dung la D: Although + clause: mac dii, cho dii Question 48. Dap an diing la I ) : hard work: khi noi hai hay nbi^u tir hoac cum tir
Question 30. Dap an dung la B: There dung lam chu ngiJ bang and", cac thanh phan phai dong dang voi nhau. Trong cau nay, hai thanh phan
triroc "and" la cum danh tir nen theo sau and cung phai diing cum danh tir.
Question 31. Dap an dung la B: Y cua doan mot va doan hai, dac thih phim boat
Question 49. Dap an diing la A : bo I think, v i ta da diing In my judgment = I think.
hinh phuong Tay la " hai huoc, bat nga va phe phan".
Question 50. Dap an diing la C: I was, phai diing chii ngu chi nguai " I " de phoi
Question 32. Dap an dung la A : Y doan 3, phim boat hinh Trung Quoc c6 tac dyng
nhir mot phuong tien "giao due ngiroi binh dan". P<?p voi menh de phan tir ma dau cau la "After analyzing".
Tron Bo SGK:
Luy^n giai di trir&c ki tlii DH 3 miin Bdc, Trung, Nam Tieng Anh - Ngd Van Minh Question 71. Dap an dung la D : pick up: cuon len. Cac phuang an khac c6 y nghTa
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thi'ch hgp
Question 51. Dap an dung la C: doan mot ham y "bpn nguai tre ngay nay thieu
hold up:lam tri hoan; clean out: lam sach ben trong; carry out: thuc hien
dpng lire de hoc t$p".
Question 72. Dap an diing la C: even: tham chi
Question 52. Dap an dung la A: trong doan hai, theo y tac gia "nguai Ian c6 thai
Question 73. Dap an diing la B: hillsides: suan nui
do tich cue hon \h viec hoc so vai nguai tre"
Question 74. Dap an dung la B: and so loses very little of it soil: va nha the, r§t it
Question 53. Dap an dung la A: ta c6 cum tir For starters: tren het " '"'
dat. V i "soil" (dat) la danh tir khong dem dugc nen ta khong diing few. Cac tir
Question 54. Dap an diing la B: theo doan hai, khi theo hoc cac lap danh cho
large va much khong phii hgp nghTa trong cau.
nguai Ian a dai hpc, tac gia ngac nhien th§y rSng "minh cam thay hung thu v6i
Question 75. Dap an diing la D : to hold the rocks and soil in place: giir nguyen vj
viec hoc".
tri cua tang da va dat.
Question 55. Dap an dung la B: tinh tir rusty trong doan ba nay y noi tri tue khong
Question 76. Dap an dimg la D : help to do sth. Cac dpng tir trong cac phuang an
dugc t6t nhu xua vi thieu luyen tap.
con lai khong diing vai cau true nay.
Question 56. Dap an dung la B: get there trong doan bon c6 y: cu6i cijng ban se dat
Question 77. Dap an diing la C: thickly covered with plants: c6 cay bao phu day dac
dugc muc dich mong muon neu chju kho lam viec, hoc tap.
Question 78. Dap an dung la C: me/fing snow: tuyet dang tan chay
Question 57. Dap an dung la A: 6 doan bon, quan niem khong dung la: nguai Ian
Question 79. Dap an dung la B: as = When
CO Igi the hon nguai tre trong hoc tap.
Question 80. Dap an dung la C: after thousands of years of such erosion: Sau hang
Question 58. Dap an dung la D : cung a doan b6n, nguai Ion c6 Igi the hpc tap han
ngan nam bi xoi mon nhu the
vi "hp kien tri han nguai tre".
Question 59. Dap an dung la B: 6 doan cuoi, tac gia ham y rSng: theo hpc khi ban
da Ion tu6i, ban c6 the hieu nhieu hon liic tre. DE T H I THU" SO 10 u^
Question 60. Dap an dung la A: ta c6 th^ thay qua bai dpc nay tac gia ngy y: Th&i gian lam bai: 90 pit At
khuyen khich nguai Ion hpc tap.
Question 61. Dap an diing la D : cau g6c: Cach phat am tilng Anh lam toi rdi'tri Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
nhat. Do vay phuong an D la phii hgp nhat. answer to each of the following questions.

Question 62. Dap an dung la C: day la hinh thuc "dao ngu" de nhan manh. Cau Question 1: the strong winds, we couldn't put up the tent.
chu de va phuang an C deu c6 ngliTa: Nguai phu nu ky qua yeu khong the nhac noi A. Because of B. without C . But for D. thanks to
cai vali. Question 2: I the food. I would like to have some soup.
Question 63. Dap an dung la A: phuang an A mang diing y nghTa cau chii Ah: Khi A. am fed up with B. am fond of C . get on well D. approve of
toi d^n hp dang an toi. Question 3: He lung cancer because he smokes a lot.
Question 64. Dap an dung la D : discourage s.o from doing sth: ngan can khong cho
A. died for B. died of C . died D. went off
ai lam gi
Question 4: The house looks very old. It needs
Question 65. Dap an dung la D : cau chii de noi rSng chi c6 25% sinh vien den tir
A. to redecorate B. redecorate C . redecorating D. redecorated
cac nuoc noi tieng Tay Ban Nha, do vay phuang an D dien ta dung y: Mot s6 nho
Question 5: I can't find my book anywhere. I it at home.
sinh vien trong lap la nguai noi tieng Tay Ban Nha.
A. should have left B. am leaving C . must have left D. will have left
Question 66. Dap an diing la D : phuong an nay c6 nghTa hgp vai cau chii de: Vi
Question 6: The car is too old to use. It's high time you another one ' '
hp da xay dung chuong trai nen trau bo khong the ra dong dugc.
A. have bought B. buy '
Question 67. Dap an diing la C: ta c6 cong thirc offer somebody something: mofi ai
C. will have bought D. bought J ' > ! «.«• • af<>
mon gi
Question 7. He was to wait for you during the night. " ''* ' ''
Question 68. Dap an dung la D : advise s.o + Vto inf: khuyen ai lam gi
A. patient enough B. enough patient C . too patience D. patience '•'''^'^)
Question 69. Dap an diing la D : Wealthy as they were = Although they were
Question 8: If I had known your new address, I you. " '•'

A. would visit B. had visited ' .Vi*»vil)
Question 70. Dap an dung la A: invite s.o + something/ Vto inf: mai ai cai gi/ lam
C . will have visited D. would have visited '
Tron Bo SGK: 197
Question 9: It"s you to help me with the work.
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Question 27: Don't until tomorrow what you can do today.
A. fairly B. kind o f C. kind enough D. worth o f A. cancel B. put out C. put o f f D. put down
Question 10: helps us relax after a hard working day. Question 2fi: Hurry up we w i l l miss the last train.
A. Walk B. To walk C. Walking D. Walked A. whether F^. or C. however D. otherwise
Question II: You park here. Move your car to another place. Question 29: They study very hard they w i l l pass the test easily.
A. mustn't B. shouldn't C. don't have to D. have to A. in order to B. so that C. now that D. so as to
Question 12: They were to find that most o f the studens were absent. Question 30: Unfortunately, we lost the match one goal.
A. disappointed B. disappointing C. disappointment D. disappoint A. with B. by C. at D. from
Question 13: They haven't written to me they left for Ha N o i Capital.
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence
A. when B. after C. before D. since
that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. i . ,,
Question 14: Lan felt very sad because she has friends in Ha Noi.
A. a few B. few C. little D. a little Question 31: It doesn't matter to them which film they go to.
Question 15: She left the room saying a word. A. Which tllm they go to matters more than the cost. •
A. but for B. except C. without D. i f not B. rhe> don't mind which t1lm they go to. •
Question 16 1 lardly had he come when the light C. Whatever films are shown, they never see. I'jJ;.! '
A. went iHit B. pointed out C. put out D. gave out D. They don't care about the cost o f the films they see. '
Question 17: Tell me there w i l l be something wrong w i t h my test. Question 32: "'Please don't drive so fast, Tom," said Lisa. .Viv,
A. i f B. what C. which D. when A. Lisa complained about Tom's driving too fast. (! .
Question 18: I f I had a lot o f money, ! B. Lisa insisted on Tom's driving on. 4 ./
A. I would have bought an air conditioner C. Lisa pleaded with Tom not to drive too fast. • ."
B. I w i l l buy an air conditioner D. Lisa grumbled to Tom about driving slowly.
C. I would buy an air conditioner Question 33: He talked about nothing except the weather. ,1 ,
D. I had bought an air conditioner A. He had nothing to say about the weather. , j/i f
Question 19: I smoke twenty cigarettes a day. B. He said that he had no interest in the weather.
A. am getting B. am used to C. get used to D. used to C. His sole topic o f conversation was the weather. i^vu*u.:K«^VV..,
Question 20: We walking to taking a taxi.
D. He talked about everything including the weather. .ttoAw nW-
A. would like B. like C. prefer D. hate
^ M f v / w / / J ^ . He survived the operation thanks to the skilful surgeon.
Question 21: I wish she home early last night, but she didn't.
A. He survived because he was a skilful surgeon.
A. had gone \ ' Iteib:') B. would have gone
B. There was no skilful surgeon, so he died. '^"^
C. went D. would go
C. He wouldn't have survived the operation without the skilful surgeon. ^' **
Question 22: I am o f hearing your excuses.
D. Though the surgeon was skilful, he couldn't survive the operation.,
A. tired B. keen C. proud D. pride
Question 35: She said, "John, I'll show you round my city when you're here."
Question 23: If the weather worse, they w i l l cancel the flight to Ho Chi
A. She made a trip round her city with John.
Minh City. ii-infi:,
B. She planned to show John round her city. 'ff^'•
A. gets B. has got C. w i l l get D. got
Question 24: I to go to school. I w i l l see vou later. C. She organized a trip round her cit\r John.

A. am about B. w i l l go C. used to D. am used to D. She promised to show John round her city.

Question 25: You w i l l he the last to be interviewed. uestion 36: The film didn't come up to my expectations. r /.

A. application B. applicant C. employer D. management A. I expected the film to end more abruptly. ,

Question 26: M y subject is F.nglish. I study it all day. B. I expected the film to be more boring.

A. favourite B. feeling C. famous D. popular t The f i l m was as good as I expected.

D. The f i l m fell short o f my expectations.
198 Tron Bo SGK:
Question 37: There's no point in persuading Jane to change Download
her mind.Ebook Tai:
Contemporary hunter-gatherers may help us understand our prehistoric
A. Jane will change her mind though she doesn't want to. ancestors. We know from the observation of modern hunter-gatherers in both
B. It's useless to persuade Jane to change her mind. ^frica and Alaska that a society based on hunting and gathering must be very
C. It's possible for us to persuade Jane to change her mind. ^obile. While the entire community camps in a central location, a smaller party
l^arvests the food within a reasonable distance from the camp. When the food in the
D. No one wants Jane to change her mind because it's pointless. ' V'. \
area has become exhausted, the community moves on to exploit another site. We
Question 38: James was the last to know about the change of schedule. <' 'li
also notice seasonal migration patterns evolving for most hunter-gatherers, along
A. Everyone had heard about the change of schedule before James did. with a strict division of labor between the sexes. These patterns of behavior may be
(.' B. Among the last people informed of the change of schedule was James. similar to those practised by mankind during the Paleolithic Period.
•• C. The last thing James knew was the change of schedule.
Question 41: The word "domestication" in the first paragraph mostly means
D. At last James was able to know about the change of schedule.
A. teaching animals to do a particular job or activity in the home • i!.
Question 39: Peter had very little money but managed to make ends meet.
B. hatching and raising new species of wild animals in the home
•V A. Peter found it hard to live on very little money.
B. Having little money, Peter couldn't make ends meet. C. making wild animals used to living with and working for humans
• C. Peter could hardly live on little money. D. adapting animals to suit a new working environment
D. Peter got by on very little money. Question 42: According to the passage, subsistence societies depend mainly on ...
A. agricultural products B. hunter-gatherers' tools
Question 40: "Why don't you reply to the President's offer right now?" said Mar>
to her husband. ijjjl'C. nature's provision D. farming methods ' > >'
A. Mary wondered why her husband didn't reply to the President's offer then. Question 43: The word "marginal" in the second paragraph is closest in meaning
to " "
B. Mary suggested that her husband should reply to the President's offer
A. suburban B. abandoned C. forgotten D. disadvantaged
without delay.
C. Mary ordered her husband to reply to the President's offer right now. Question 44: In the lower latitudes of the tropics, hunter-gatherers
D. Mary told her husband why he didn't reply to the President's offer then. A. have better food gathering from nature
^JpB. can free themselves from hunting ''"'i
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer
C. harvest shorter seasonal crops .
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 41 to 50.
D. live along the coasts and waterways for fishing
Very few people in the modern world obtain their food supply by hunting and
Question 45: According to the passage, studies of contemporary subsistence
gathering in the natural environment surrounding their homes. This method of
societies can provide a
harvesting from nature's provision is the oldest known subsistence strategy and has
^ B A . broader vision of prehistoric natural environments "• ' '
been practised for at least the last two million years, it was, indeed, the only way to
obtain food until rudimentary farming and the domestication of wild animals were H | B . deeper insight into the dry-land farming t
introduced about 10,000 years ago. C. further understanding of modern subsistence societies ^
Because hunter-gatherers have fared poorly in comparison with their D. further understanding of prehistoric times ,,,
agricultural cousins, their numbers have dwindled, and they have been forced to Question 46: The word "conditions" in the second paragraph refers to
live in marginal environments, such as deserts and arctic wastelands, in higher A. the environments where it is not favorable for vegetation to grow
latitudes, the shorter growing seasons have restricted the availability of plant life. • p B . the situations in which hunter-gatherers hardly find anything to eat
Such conditions have caused a greater dependence on hunting, and on fishing C. the places where plenty of animals and fish can be found
along the coasts and waterways. The abundance of vegetation in the lower latitudes D. the situations in which hunter-gatherers can grow some crops
of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for gathering a Q'*estion 47: A typical feature of both modern and prehistoric hunter-gatherers is
variety of plants. In short, the environmental differences have restricted the diet 'hat
and have limited possibilities for the development of subsistence societies.
^Ilj^they don't have a strong sense of community \>lv\.j <.
Tron Bo SGK:
900 201
t lie\ e in the forest s for all t heir lif e
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iicnce o f m a n \s w a s s u m m e d up w h e n parents spoke o f t h e m as " t h e
Ijhrarv l a d y " o r j u s t " t h e h e l p e r " .
C. t h e y d o n ' t ha\ a healthy and balanced diet
C h i l d r e n t e n d to r c K on school friends to keep in t o u c h w i t h school w o r k ,
D. t h e \n change their l i \g places (^everal parents spoke o f requests f o r w o r k b e i n g i g n o r e d or refused b y the s c h o o l .
Queslion 4H: A c c t i r d i n g to the passage, w h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g is N O T mentioned? Qncc hack at s c h o o l , c h i l d r e n rarely get extra t e a c h i n g , and are t o l d to catch up as
A. H u n t i n g or fishing develops where there are no or short g r o w i n g seasons. as they can. M a i n short - stay c h i l d - patients catch up q u i c k K . B u t s c h o o l do
^grv' '"'•''^ ^'^^ a n x i e t N about f a l l i n g b e h i n d expressed b y m a n y o f the
B. f he e n v i r o n m e n t a l d i f f e r e n c e s p r o d u c e no e f f e c t on subsistence societies.
^,|,j|dren i n t e r v i e w e d .
C. H a r v e s t i n g f r o m the natural e n v i r o n m e n t had e x i s t e d l o n g b e f o r e f a r m i n g
was taken u p . ^ / t '. vm "' -^'; T h e purpose o f h o s p i t a l t e a c h i n g is t ozyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSR
i, , ^, .

A. m a k e c h i l d r e n m o r e active
D. I he n u m b e r o f hunter-gatherers decreases w h e r e f a r m i n g is c o n v e n i e n t .
B. h e l p t h e m be c o n t l d e n t ,? 'v.v'>— A
Queslion 49: A c c o r d i n g t o the a u t h o r , most c o n t e m p o r a r y and p r e h i s t o r i c hunter-
C. p r o v i d e t h e m w i t h a d v a n c e d education a n.. ,
gatherers share I ) , h e l p the c h i l d r e n receive equal legal e d u c a t i o n
A . onl> the way o f d u t y d i\ n B. so m e p a t t e r n s o f b e h a vi o r ^,/ t'.vm;/ ; 5 2 : T h e w r i t e r o f this article points out that , .
C so m e r e st r i ct e d d a i l y r u les D . so m e m e t h o d s o f p r o d u c t i o n A. e v e r v ' c h i l d in h o s p i t a l receives some t e a c h i n g

Question 50: W h i c h i ) f t h e f o l l o w i n g w o u l d serve as the best t i t l e o f t he passage? B. not e n o u g h is k n o w n about hospital t e a c h i n g

C. h o s p i t a l t e a c h i n g is o f p o o r q u a l i t y -iH^ J .tv •
A . Hunter-gatherers: A l w a y s O n T h e M o v e
D. m a i n c h i l d r e n pass t h r o u g h hospital each year " '"'^
f i . Hunter-gatherers and Subsistence Societies
^wt'.v/ / V> / ; . U : H o s p i t a l t e a c h i n g is p r o v i d e d
C. A B r i e f l l i s t o r \f Subsistence F a r m i n g A. f o r the w h o l e o f the usual school day
I ) . I Ao l u t i o n o f H u m a n s " {"arming M e t h o d s B. in ever\s h o s p i t a l in the c o u n t r y ' luVi kn^ ^ .'
Read the followin}^ passuffe and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer C. f o r a s m a l l p r o p o r t i o n o f c h i l d r e n i- .'
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 51 to 60. D. b\l t i m e teachers i
Question 54: M o s t c h i l d r e n interv i e u e d in hospital p.. j ,
C H I L I ) i ; i ) U C A T I O N IN HNGl.iSH H O S P I T A L S
A. l i k e d h a v i n g maths lessons r e g u l a r K ^
S u r p r i s i n g l y , no one k n o w s how m a n y c h i l d r e n receive e d u c a t i o n in English B. w a n t e d t o p l a y games most o f the t i m e
h o s p i t a l s , s t i l l less the c o n t e n t o f q u a l i t y o f that e d u c a t i o n . Proper records are just C. d i d not expect t o receive any t e a c h i n g
not kept. 0 . d i d not w a n t anv contact w ith t h e i r schools
Question 55: S o m e c h i l d r e n in hospital are able t o keep up w i t h t h e i r s c h o o l w o r k
W e k n o w that m o r e t h a n 8 5 0 . 0 0 0 c h i l d r e n g o t h r o u g h h o s p i t a l each year, and
that ever\d o f s c h o o l age has a legal r i g h t to c o n t i n u e t o receive education
A . the nurses trv {o teach t h e m ,? ; >.
w h i l e in h o s p i t a l . W e also k n o w there is o n l y one h o s p i t a l teacher t o e v e r y 1,000
B. their f r i e n d s h e l p t h e m to d o so
c h i l d r e n in h o s p i t a l .
C". teachers f r o m the school c o m e t o the h o s p i t a l
L i t t l e w o n d e r the latest survey c o n c l u d e s that the extent and t y p e o f hospital
^ t h e i r parents b r i n g t h e m b o o k s f r o m the l i b r a r y ^
t e a c h i n g a v a i l a b l e d i f f e r a great deal across the c o u n t r y . It f o u n d that h a l f the
Question 56: M o s t teachers o f c h i l d r e n in hospitals were
hospitals in l i n g l a n d w h i c h a d m i t c h i l d r e n have no teacher. A f u r t h e r quarter have
A. successful in g e t t i n g the co-operation o f parents •
o n l \ part - t i m e teacher. T h e special c h i l d r e n ' s hospitals in m a j o r cities do best;
B. unable t o get h e l p f r o m o t h e r h o s p i t a l s t a f f ' '
general hospitals in the c o u n t r y and h o l i d a y areas are w o r s t o f f
^-unable to provide a proper teaching program ^'
F r o m t h i s s u r v e y , one can estimate that f e w e r than I in 5 c h i l d r e n have som^
in a p o s i t i o n o f great i n t l u e n c e in the hospital '
contact w i t h a h o s p i t a l teacher - and that contact m a y be as l i t t l e as 2 hours a day.
^^^stion 57: C h i l d r e n in h o s p i t a l w i l l o n l y c o n t i n u e lessons i f
M o s t c h i l d r e n i n t e r \ i e w e d w e r e surprised t o find a teacher in h o s p i t a l at a l l . They
A. their health is better B. they understand teacher's explanation
had not been prepared f o r it b\s o r t h e i r o w n s c h o o l . I f there was a teachcf
^- their teachers c o me to help them study D. they stop p l a y i n g games
the\e m u c h m o r e l i k e l \o read books and d o maths or n u m b e r w o r k ; w i t h o u t ;i
^'*^stio,j 5H: A c c o r d i n g t o the passage, w h i c h o f the f o l l o v v i n g s is not true?
teacher the\d onlv plav games.
^- C h i l d r e n can be t a u g h t w h i l e they are in h o s p i t a l .
Rea.sons f o r h o s p i t a l t e a c h i n g range f r o m p r e v e n t i n g a c h i l d f a l l i n g b e h i n d ii
k e e p i n g a c h i l d b u s y , a n d the later is o f t e n a l l the teacher can d o . T h e p o s i t i o n and ^- C h i l d r e n under 12 are impossible to be received education w h e n they in hospital.
Tron Bo SGK:
^ 203
C. Books from library improve children's studying.Download Ebook Tai: Cty TNHH MTVDVVH Khang Vi$t
D. Leaders o f hospitals do not prevent teachers from teaching children gead the followinfi passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer
Question 59. Children are studying giteet to indicate the correct wordfor each of the blanks from 71 to 80. •"!•<•"
A. within two hours a day
B. ail subjects except from maths )!>zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
.1 Some time ago, scientists began experiments to find out ....(71) would be
C. so that they can get over their diseases. / - possible to set up a "village" under the sea. A special room was built and lowered
D. since they w i l l be in need o f an award. I (72) .... the water o f Port Sudan in the Red Sea. For 29 days, five men lived
Question 60: Where is this survey probably conducted? ^yuv (73) .... a depth o f 40 feet. A t a ....(74).... lower level, another t w o divers stayed
A . A t a Education Institute. B. In hospitals. for a week in a smaller "house". On returning to the surface, the men said that they
C. In gardens for children. D. in orphanage had experienced no difficulty in breathing and had ....(75).... many interesting
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word thai scientific observations. The captain o f the party. Commander Cousteau, spoke o f
the possibility o f ....(76).... the seabed. He said that some permanent stations were
differs front the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the followin).
to be set up under the sea, and some undersea farms would provide food for the
questions. ,; , ,
growing population o f the world.
Question 61: A . protect B. settle C. relate D . compose
The divers in both "houses" spent most o f their time ....(77).... the bottom o f
Question 62: A . elephant B. buffalo C. mosquito D. dinosaur
the sea. On four occasions, they went down to 360 feet and observed many
Question 63: A . supervisor B. dictionary C. catastropher D. agriculture extraordinary ....(78).... o f the marine life, some o f which had never been seen
Question 64: A . abnormal B. innocent C. initial D. impatient before. During their stay. Commander Cousteau and his divers reached a depth o f
Question 65: A . fashionable B. convenient C. significant D. traditional 1,000 feet and witnessed a gathering o f an immense ....(79).... o f crabs which
numbered, perhaps, hundreds o f millions. They also found out that it was
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined ....(80).... to move rapidly in the water in a special vessel known as a "diving
part that needs correction. saucer".
Question 66: Even though the extremely bad weather in the mountains, the Question 71: A. what B. which C. how D. whether
A v.,,;i, B Question 72: A . down B. into C. below D. underneath
climbers decided not to cancel their climb. Question 73: A . at B. in C. on D. from
^ C D Question 74: A. some B. more C. any D. much
Question 67: The media have produced Hve covering o f Michael Jackson's Question 75: A. exercised B. made C.caught D.done
A B Question 76: A. cultivating B. transplanting C. implanting D. growing
U J. : . . , fans around the world mourning for him. Question 77: A . exploring B. enquiring C. inquiring D. imploring
C D Question 78: A . breeds B. forms C. castes D. systems
Question 68 Found in the 12"' century', Oxford University ranks among the Question 79: A. pack B. flock C. school D.herd
A B C Question 80: A . able B. hardly C. possible D. capable
world's oldest universities.
Question 69 Although smokers are aware that smoking is harmful to their Question 1. Dap an dung la A : Because of + noun/ noun phrase: Do bai digu gi/ cai gi

A B C Question 2. Dap an dung la A : To be fed up with something: Chan ngay cai g i /

dieu gi
- ' • health, they can't get rid it.
Question 3. Dap an di'mg la B : Die o f + benh tat: chet v i benh gi
Question 70: B i l l was about average in performance in comparison Qf^estion 4. Dap an dung la C: Need + V-ing: Ckn dugc lam gi (mang nghTa bj dong)

A B Q'*estion 5. Dap an dung la C: Must + have + V3/ed: A t hSn da lam dieu gi

Q'*estion 6. Dap an dung la D : It's (high) time + thi qua khu doti: Da den luc lam gi
with other students in his class.
Question 7. Dap an dung la A : ...adjective/ adverb + enough + V-to infinitive:....c6
^"Jcai gi de lam gi ,,u. .
Tron Bo SGK:
Luypijjidide tniifcki tlii DH 3mienRac, Trtiiif;, Sam Tieng Anh - Ajyf) Van Min/i ^
Download Ebook Tai:
/\ Tat ca bo p h i m ma ho d i x e m deu quan t r o n g h a n gia ve.
Question S. D a p an d u n g la 1): Cau d i c u k i c n loai I I I : I f clause ( t h i qua khi'r hoan
C: D i i p h i m nao d a n g c h i e u c u n g k h o n g bao g i o d i x e m .
t h a n l i ) + m a i n clause ( c o u l d / w o u l d + have »- V3/ed).
Question 9. D a p an d u n g la B: I f s k i n d of + dai tir tan ngir: A i do thcit tot bung/ t i , 0 : H o k h o n g quan tarn den gia vc k h i d i x e m p h i m .

te de lam gi Question 32: "/.am on ili'm^ lai .xc nhaii/i qua. Tom" Lisa noi. (cau goc)

Question 10. D a p an d u n g la C: Cierund ( V - i n g ) d u n g dau cau va l a m c h u c naiig Dap an d i m g la: C - Lisa pleaded w i t h l o m not to d r i v e too fast. , , ,, ; >

c h u ngfr P i d n g i i i i : Lisa tha thief yen can Tom di'ivii lai .xe nhanh.

Question II V)h\) an d u n g la A : M u s t n ' t + V - n g u y e n : K h o n g d u o c phep l a m gi Ta c6: loplead with sh not lo do sth: lha ihiJlyen can ai dini^ Idm ^i.

( n g i i y cam d o a n ) . Cac dap an c o n lai k h o n g phii h o p :

Question 12. r>i\\) an d u n g la A : To be d i s a p p o i n t e d : birc m i n h ( d i m g c h o n g i r o i ) A: Lisa phan nan v i T o m lai xe qua nhanh. , „

Question 13. D a p an d u n g la 1): I h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + t h i qua khiV B: Lisa c i r y c u cau lai xe d i tiep. ,

d o n 'moc t h o i gian D: Lisa than p h i e n Tom lai xe c h a i n .

Question 14. D a p an d u n g la B : l-'ew + danh tir d e m dirge so n h i e u : c6 (qua) it (hi\ Question 33: .4nh dy da k/nhi^ noi mot van de nao khcic n^^oai irir de tai vl- thai
nhir k h o n g c 6 ) lil'l. (cau goc)

Question 15. D a p an d i m g la C : W i t h o u t : ma k h o n g . Dap an d i m g la: C - H i s sole topic o f conversation was the weather.
Question 16 D a p an d i i n g la A : G o o u t : tat . D\cn ^\a\: Anh dy chi noi moi mot de tai Id thai liet. , •
Question 17 D a p an d i i n g la A : If: I j e u rang Cac dap an con lai k h o n g phii h g p : ,j , ,
Question IH D a p an d i i n g la C : Cau d i c u kic-n loai 11: I f clause ( t h i qua k h i r d a n ) + A: A n h ay k h o n g c6 \ k i e n de noi ve t h a i tiet. (j,^ ,(
m a i n clause ( c o u l d / w o u l d + V - n g u y e n ) B: A n h a\o rang c h a n g quan l a m den t h a i tiet. ' - ;•, r v
Question 19. D a p an d i m g la D: Used to + V - i n g : D a t i r n g lam gi (dicMi ta t h o i queii D: C h u y e n g i anh ay c u n g noi den ke ca t h a i ti6t. i(| ji^iioiU ^^\. n\i (-rt!
t r o n g qua k h i r ) Question 34: Anh dy dd sony, sdi cpia ca mo nhd hdc sJphdn thndt ^ioi. (cau goc)
Question 20. D a p an d i m g la C : Prefer + V - i n g + t o + V - i n g : T h i c h l a m d i e u g i - Diip an d i i n g la: C - I le w o u l d n ' t have s u r v i v e d the o p e r a t i o n w i t h o u t the s k i l f u l
h o n d i c u gi operation.

Question 21. D a p an d i m g la A : S + w i s h + t h i qua k h i r hoan t h a n h : D i e n ta dicu - Dien g i a i : Ncn khoni^ nlw hdc si phdn ihndl gioi thi anh ta dd khong qua ditac
uoc n u i o n k h o n g co that t r o n g qua khir cct mo.
: v t www i'-.
Question 22. D a p an d i m g la A : T o be t i r e d o f s o m e t h i n g / d o i n g s o m e t h i n g : met Cac dap an con lai k h o n g phii h g p :
m o i vtVi d i e u gi A: A n h ta s o n g sot d u g c b o i v i anh ay la m o t bac sT phau thuat g i o i . i , a,:'.
Question 23. D a p an d i m g la A : C a u d i e u k i e n loai I : I f clause ( t h i h i | n tai dan), B: K h o n g c6 bac sT phau thuat g i o i , v i vay anh ay da chet. . ; ;i
m a i n clause ( t u o n g lai d o n ) 0 : M a c d i i bac sT phau thuat g i o i n h m i g anh ta da k h o n g t h i qua k h o i . - i
Question 24. D a p an d i m g la A : To be about + V - t o i n f i n i t i v e : C h u a n bi lam d i e u gi Question 35: C o ay n o i , "John. Iiic ndo cm den chi se dan em di thani (juon (juanh
Question 25. D a p an d i i n g la B : A p p l i c a n t : N g u a i n p p ho sa x i n v i ? c , i r n g vien 'hcinhphd noi chi song." (cau g6c)
t h a m dir p h o n g van Dap an d i m g la: D - She p r o m i s e d to show John r o u n d her c i t y . ,/ ,
Question 26. D a p an d i i n g la A : Favourite: Y e u t h i c h , ira t h i c h D i e n g i a i : ( V i dy hi'ni se ddn John di tham quan thanhpho. ....,q
Question 27. D a p an d i i n g la C : Put off: H o a n l a i , t r i hoan Cau goc de c h o d i m g will v a i n g o i thir nhat de d i e n ta kri ht'ra. \)\v
Question 2H. D a p an d i i n g la B: O r : hoac la, neu k h o n g Cac dap an con lai k h o n g phii h g p :
Question 29. D a p an d i m g la B: So that + clause: de ( m e n h de c h i l i d o ) C o ay da d i m o t c h u y e n v o n g quanh thanh pho v a i J o h n . - C a u van neu m o t
Question 30. D a p an d i i n g la B : Lose ( m a t c h ) by + so ban t h r m g : t h u a (tran dau) ^ ^i?c da xay ra ( m a d e - d o n g tir a t h i qua khir d a n ) .
v a i + so ban t h a n g .||B: C o a> dir k i e n se dan John d i t h a m quan thanh pho. m' i, j .i .
Question 31: lip cli xeni phiin nao c///?^' dune. (Cau goc)
C: C o ay da to c h i i c m o t chuyen t h a m quan thanh pho c h o J o h n . >ir! '
- D a p an d i m g la: B - T h e y d o n ' t m i n d w h i c h f i l m t h e y go t o .
^stion 36: Bp phim nay khong hay nhir loi mong dai. (cau g o c ) . . , i :
- D i e n g i a i : di xem phim nao ciing ctirac.
^ a p an d i i n g la: D - T h e f i l m fell short o f m y expectations. - i.;''
Cac dap an con lai k h o n g p h i i h g p : Tron Bo SGK:
buyfit gidi di trir&c M thi DH 3 mien Bac, Trung, J\am i leng /inn-i tgu r un
Download Ebook Tai:
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp:
- Dien giai: not to come up to one's expectations = to fall short of one's
A: Mary tir hoi sao chong minh khong tra lai de nghj ciia chu tjch - c6 tinh chat
expectations: khong nhu mong clai ciia ai.
thac mac.
Cac dap an con lai i<ii6ng phu hgp:
C: Mary ra lenh cho chong cua c6 ta tra lai de nghj cua ong chu tjch ngay bay
A : T o i mong dgi bo phim ket thuc dot ngpt hon. ','U;,\ •>
gjtr - CO tinh chat cua mot menh lenh.
' B: T o i mong dgi phim se te nhat han. (riiiJ <
D: Mary noi cho chong biet ly do tai sao anh ta khong tra lai de nghj ciia chii
C: Bo phim hay nhu mong dgi. tich - hoan toan lac y vai cau goc.
Question 37: Khong c6 ich gi khi thiiyet phiic Jane thay tloiy kien. (cau goc)
Question 41: Tit "domestication " trong dogn van ddu tien co nghia
- Dap an diing la: B - It's useless to persuade Jane to change her mind.
. Dap an dung la: C - making w i l d animals used to living with and working for
- Dien giai: There's no point in doing sth = // '.v useless to do sth: cd lam gi ciing humans: lam cho thii song hoang thich nghi vai dieu ki?n s6ng mai va phuc vu cho
vo ich thoi. con nguai
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: . D\cn giai: domestication (nj: sir thudn lioa, thudn dudng.
"'. A : Jane se thay doi y kien mac dii c6 ay khong muon. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: ,, ,. • •
C: Chung ta c6 the thuyet phuc Jane doi y. ('J'^'ii A: teaching animals to do particular Job or activity in the home -
D: Khong ai muon Jane doi y bai vi dieu do chi v6 ich. - (huan luyen dong vat lam mot viec dac thu trong nha) / \ \
Question 38: James Id ngm'ri ciioi ciing hiel viec thay doi thai khoa hieii. (cau goc) B: hatching and raising new species of wild animals in the home , >
- Dap an dung la: A - Everyone had heard about the change o f schedule before - (ap trung cho na va nuoi nhirng cluing loai dong vat mai trong nha) * •\
James did. D: adapting animals to suit a new working environment '
- Dien giai: A - Mpi ngm'ri da nghe chuyen thay doi thai khoa bieu tric&c James. - (lam cho dong vat thich nghi vai moi truang lam vi^c mai) ' ' *
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: • Vocabulary: •
B: James la mot trong nhirng nguoi sau ciing thong bao viec thay doi thai khoa • wild animal: dong vat hoang da '

bieu. • species of animals: chiing loai dong v^t UDm,!:

• hatch (v): na '
C: Dieu cuoi cung ma James biet la viec thay doi thai khoa bieu.
D: Cuoi cung James c6 the biet viec thay doi thai khoa bieu. adapt (v): lam cho phii hgp vai each sir dung, tinh the " ' ^

Question 39: Tuy Peter co rat it tien nhimg anh dy c6 the xoay sa de song, (can + adapt (oneselO (to sth): thich nghi

g6c) Question 42: Theo dogn van. cac xd hoi song a mt'rc toi thieu phu thupc chu yeu
- Dap an dung la: D - Peter got by on very little money.
- Dap an dung la: C - nature's provision: nguon cung cap cua tir nhien
- Dien giai: D - Peter tuy it tien nhirng xoay sa song dirge,
to get by {on sth) = to make ends meet: xoay sa de song dugc - Dien giai: fhong tin a cau 2 doan I : This method of harvesting from nature's
provision is the oldest known subsistence strategy and has been practised for at
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp:
least the last tvvo million years: Phirang phdp thu Imrm tit nguon cung cap ciia tit
A : Peter thay rat kho khi song dira vao so tien rat it 6 i .
nhien Id chien litgc ton tgi a mite toi thieu co xita nhdt timg dugc biet den va dd
B: V i C O it tien, Peter khong the xoay sa de song dugc.
ditgc con ngiriri thitc hdnh toi thieu trong sudt hai tri^u nam qua.
C: Peter hau nhu khong the song dua vao so tien qua it 6 i .
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: ' ,
Question 40: Tgi sao anh khong trd lai de nghj cita ong chu tjch ngay bay gia nhi-
A. agricultural products: san pham nong nghiep ^
Mary noi vai chong cua c6 ta.
B. hunter - gatherers' tools: cong cu san bat hai lirgm
- Dap an dung la: B - Mary suggested that her husband should reply to the
C. farming method: phirong phap canh tac , ,
President's offer without delay.
- Dien giai: ""Why don'tyou... ?" Id each noi de gcriy, de nghj.
strategy (n): chien lirgc
Ta C O mot each noi khac cung dien ta lai de nghj nguai nao do lam gl - do
subsistence (n): sinh ke, sir song, sir ton t?i , , . ., . .
each noi vai cau true suggest:
SI + suggest + S2 + (should) + Vbare infinitive: de nghj Tron
ai lamBo
khong tham gia vao hanh dong)
Luyjin glai \nrdc M M DH A mien \ani Iwnu Mih \<;,' vnn iviinn
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Question 43. Tir -marginal" a doan van c6 nghiagdn vai Question 46: Tir "conditions " trong dogn 2 d^ cap den
- Dap an dung la: D - disadvantaged (a): khong thuan Igi . Dap an dung la: A - the environments where it is not favorable for vegetation to
- D i l n glai: Djnh nghTa cua marginal (adj): (of land) that can not produce enough grow: nhirng moi trm'rng khong thudn lai cho thuc vat phdt triSn
food crops to make a profit: (chi ddt dai) khong sdn xudt dti luomg thirc de dem hi . Dien giai: Thong tin a cau 2 doan 2: In higher latitudes, the .shorter growing
lai nhugn. seasons have restricted the availability of plant life. Such conditions have
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: ! -1 ' caused....: Tgi nhirng vung cao ham, nhirng mua trong trot ngdn han da Idm han
A. suburban (a): thuoc khu ngoai 6, (cai nhin) han che, hep hoi •" ' chi su hien dien cita thuc vat.
B. abandoned (a): (ve ngucri hoac hanh vi) buong tuong, phong dang Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp:
C. forgotten - hinh thi'rc qua khir phan tir cua dong tir "forget": quen B: the situations in which hunter - gatherers hardly find anything to eat -
Question 44. Tai nhCmg vitng c6 khi hgu thap hem cua vung nhiet dai, ngiroi sun (nhung tinh huong trong do nhirng ngu-cri sSn bat hai lugm hSu nhu khong tim dugc
hat hdi liram cai an)
- Dap an dung la: A - have better food gathering from nature: cd nhung thirc dn C: the places where plenty o f animal and fish can be found •i
phong phu h(m tir viec thu hdi trong tir nhien - (nhiTng nai c6 the tim thay rat nhieu dpng v^t va ca)
- Dien giai: Thong tin a cau 4 doan 2: The abundance of vegetation in the lower
D: the situations in which hunter - gatherers can grow some crops - (nhirng tinh
latitudes of the tropics, on the other hand, has provided a greater opportunity for
huong trong do nhirng nguai san bat hai lirgm c6 the tr6ng mpt so giong cay)
gathering a variety of plants: Ngmrc Igi. sir phong phu cua thuc vat a nhirng vung * Vocabulary:
CO khi hgu thap hem cua vung nhi('t dai dd cung img ca hoi Ian han de thu hdi
- vegetation (n): thirc vat noi chung, thirc vat tim thay a mot moi truong nao do
nhieu logi cay khdc nhau.
- latitude (n): vT do. vT tuyen
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp:
B: can free themselves from hunting - latitudes (n): khu vuc, vung, mien, n h i t la de cap den k h i hau •
- (c6 th^ tir giai thoat khoi cong viec san bat) - restrict (v): han che
C: harvest shorter seasonal crops - plant life: dai song thirc vat
- (thu hoach cac giong cay trong theo mua ngSn ngay han) Question 47: Mot dgc trimg tieu hiSu cita nhirng nguai sdn hdt hdi hram hi?n dgi
D: live along the coasts and waterways for fishing vd tien.sir la
- (song doc theo ba bien va cac thiiy 16 de danh bat ca) - Dap an dung la: D - they often change their living places: hg thuang thay d6i
Question 45: Theo dogn van, nhirng nghien ciru ve cac xa hoi dirang dai dang nai a
song a mire toi thieu c6 the mang Igi - Dien giai: Thong tin 6 cau 2 doan cuoi: We know from the observation of
- Dap an dung la: D - further understanding of prehistoric times: hieu biet them modern hunter-gatherers in both Africa and Alaska that a society ba.sed on hunting
ve thcri tien sir and gathering must be very mobile: Quan sdt nhirng nguai .sdn bdt hdi hram hien
- Dien giai: Thong tin a cau dau doan cuoi: Contemporary hunter-gatherers may ^gi a cd chdu Phi vd Alaska, chung ta biet rdng mgt xa hgi ddt ca sa tren sdn bdt
help us understand our prehistoric ancestors: Nhirng ngieai sdn hat hdi hram hdi hram thi phdi rat ca dong.
dmmg dgi c6 the giitp chiing ta hil'u rd to tien thai tien .sir cua chung ta. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp:
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop:
A: they don't have a strong sense o f community
A: broader vision of prehistoric natural environments
- (hg khong c6 y thuc cgng dong manh) ^''
- (mot hinh anh bao quat han ve nhung moi trirang t^r nhien thai tien sii)
B: they live in the forests for all their life - (hg song trong rung trgn dai)
B: deeper insight into the dry - land farming
C: they don't have a healthy and balanced diet
- (mot hieu biet sau s k han ve viec canh tac dat kho)
- (hg khong c6 mgt khau phan an uong lanh manh va quan binh)
C: further understanding of modern subsistence societies
* Vocabulary: ' rCT.j!:
- (hi^u biet them ve cac xa hoi hi^n dai dang song a muc toi thieu)
mobile (a): ca dgng, luu dong, de h\kn doi '
* Vocabulary:
- ancestor (n): to tien, ong ba A observation (n): sir quan sat i i. ! '
balanced diet: khau phan quan binh :' ' '
- prehistoric (a): thuQC thai tien sij Tron Bo SGK:
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D: Evolution
Question 48. Y tiao sau day khong ctirac de cap den irong doan vein?
r Dap an dung la: B - The environmental differences produce no effect on - (Sir tien hoa cua cac phirong phap nong nghi?p cua con ngu-cri.) *' '
subsistence societies: NhCmg khc'ic hiet vi' moi tnr&ng khong anh hti&ng den ct'ic xu C(iu f"^' '^^"^ "^"^'i ^'^'^ ^^y '^'^'^ '9' ^^"'^ ,
hoi ton lui a iiu'rc loi thicii. . Dap an dung D. , '
- Dien giai: Thong tin a cau cuoi doan 2: In short, the environmental differences Dien giai ve nghTa:
have restricted the diet and have limited possibilities for the development of A. khien cho bgn tre nang dong han ' ,
subsistence societies: Tom Igi. nhCmg khcic hiet ve moi trinmg dd hgn che khdu B. giup bon tre tir tin han '.' , ;
phdn an vd giai hgn nhwig kha ndng phdt Irien cdc xd hoi c6 tm'ic song toi thieu. ('. niang den cho bgn tie mot nen giao due tien tien
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: D. ^ii'ip chung diroc co quycn hoc tap binh dang hop phap trong viec hoc
Cac phirang an khac khong phu hgp \ 6 i nghm cua doan van.
A: Hunting or fishing develops where there are no or short growing seasons.
Cau hoi 52: I ac gia bai viet chi ra rang:
- (San bat va danh ca phat irien nai khong c6 hoac c6 miia trong trot ngan ngay.)
. {)ap an dung B. . . . , ., •> • •;
C: Harvesting from the natural environment had existed long before farming.
. Dien giai \ ngliTa:
- (Thu lagm tir moi truong tu nhien da ton tai rat lau triroc khi nong nghiep ra
A. moi dua be trong btMih vien deu nh;in dirge sir giao due.
B. khong phai tre nao cung diroc day hoc trong benh vien
D: The number o f hunter - gatherers decreases where farming is convenient.
C. chat liigng day hoc a benh vi^n kem
- (So lirgng nguai san bat hai lirgiTi giam si'it noi nghe nong thuan tien hoii.)
D. nhieu tre phai song trong benh vien hang nam "HII • \
Question 49. Theo tdc gia. Iiuti het nhuvg ngm'ri sdn bat hai lirom dumig dgi va Cac phuong an khac khong phu hgp vai nghla ciia doan van.
thdi tien sirco chiing Cau lidi 5.?: Vice day hoc tai b^nli vien mang den ^,
- Dap an dung la: B - some patterns o f behavior: mot so mo thirc hanh v i - {)ap an clung C .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
j j ^ j,

- Dien giai: Thong tin cV cau cuoi bai: These patterns of behavior may be similar
- '^'^'n giai ve nghTa: :ijrt«n o / lau •.
to those practised by mankind (hiring the Paleolithic Period: Nhimg mo thi'fc hdnh
A. loan bg kien thi'ic nhir viec day va hgc trong ngay thuang a trircmg
vi nay c6 the tinrng tir nhir nhmig mo time hdnh vi md con ngin'ri dd thirc hdnh vao
B. trong benh \n nhi a quoc gia nay t
Thai Dgi Do Dd C Ti.
C . cho mot lirong Ire dang dieu trj tai benh vien
Cac chon lira con lai ( A . C. D) deu sai voi noi dung bai van:
[). do cac giao vien lam viec toan thai gian dam nhiem , auv
A: only the way o f duty division - (chi co chung each phan chia nhiem vu) Cac phuong an khac khong phu hgp v o i nghTa cua doan van.
C: some restricted daily rules - (co chung mot so it oi luat le hang ngay) Cau hoi 54: I'han Ion tre dugc hoi \ v iec hgc tai benh vien
D: some methods o f production - (co chung mot so phirang phap s^n xuat) - Dap an dung C".
* Vocabular\': • Dien giai ve nghTa:
- share (v): chia se, co cluing (cai gi) A. thich hgc mon toan hang ngay
- restricted (a): han che, co gioi han B. union danh toan bg thiroi gian de chai cac tro chai
- to be similar to: tuang tir vai C . khong muon tiep nhan vice hoc
Question 50: Cau ndo sau day dirac xem Id nhan de phii hap nhdt cm doan van.'
D. khong muon lien he \ 6 i truong hgc ciia chung
- Dap an dung la: B - Hunter - gatherers and Subsistence Societies
Cac phirong an khac khong pluT hgp vai nghTa cua doan van.
- Dien giai: "NhCmg ngiidi sdn bat hai liram vd cdc xd hoi song d mi'rc toi thieu. " ^<iu hoi 55: Mgt .so tre trong benh vitMi co kha iiang theo kjp bai hgc a trirong
Cac dap an con lai khong plu'i hop:
Dap ail dung B.
A: Hunter - gatherers: Always On The Move
- (NhCrng ngiroi san bat hai lirgm: Luon luon di chuyen.) DiC'i) giai \ nghTa:

C: A Brief History o f Subsistence Farming A, cac y ta no luc de day chung

- ( V a i net ve ijch sir nghe nong de song a muc toi thieu.) B. ban cua chung no giiTp chung hoc '
Tron Bo SGK:
C. cac giao vien cua truang den t|in b$nh vi^n de day cho chiing Ebook Tai:
C. 1 ai cac khu vui chai tre em.
D. b6 cua chung den thu v i ^ n de mugn sach ve cho chung hpc D. Tai trai mo coi.
Cac phuang an khac khong phii hop voi nghTa cua doan van. , Cac phirong an khac khong phii hgp voi noi dung cua doan van.
Cau hoi 56. Phan Ion giao vien day cho bon tre tai cac benh vien Question 61. Dap an dung la: B
- Dap an diing C .
A. /pra'tekt/ B. /'set!/ C. /ri'leit/ D. /kam'psuz/
- Dien giai ve nghTa: ^
Question 62. Dap an dimg la: C
A . van dong dugc sir ung ho cua cac bac cha me
B. khong th^ nhan dirge sir giiip do cua nhan vien cua benh vien khac A. /'elifant/ B. /"bAfabu/ C. /mas'kiitau/ D. / ' dain3 sD :(r)/
C . khong t h i mang den cho bon tre chiro-ng trinh giao due thich hffp Question 63. Dap an diing la: C
CO sir anh huong nhSt djnh trong benh vien A. / • su :povaiz3(r)' B. / ' d i k / i n r i / C. /ka'tsstrafi/ D. /'sgrik/\lt|o(r)/
Cac phuo-ng an khac khong phii hop voi nghTa cua doan van. Question 64. Dap m Ai\n^\k: B
Cau hoi 57: Bon tre a benh vien chi hoc hanh neu
A. /£eb'nD:ml/ ' B B . /'inasnt/ C. / l - n i j l / D. /im'pei/nt/
- Dap an dung C .
Question 65. Dap an diing la: A
- Dien giai ve nghTa: ,•'*•!!;.-. r i ^ w ^ i - M r v -

A . si'rc khoe cua chung tot han ^, A./"fEe/nsbl/ B./kan'viinisnt/ C. /sig'nifiksnt/ D. /trs'dijani/
B. chung hi6u dugc bai giang cua cac giao vien Question 66. Dap an dimg la: A
C . cac giao vien c6 mat tai benh vien va giup chung hoc - Dic-n giai: Sira lai: Even llioii^h ^ De.spite/fri Spite of
D. chung thoi choi cac tro choi Question 67: I
Cac phuong an khac khong phii hop voi nghTa ciia doan van. - Dap an dimg la: B
Cau hoi 58: Theo doan van, cau nao sau day la khong dung? - Dien giai: Sira lai: covering of—> coverage of
- Dap an dung B. Question 68:
- Di^n giai ve nghTa: - Dap an dimg la: A
A . Bon tre c6 the dugc hoc hanh trong khi chung dang n§m vien.
- Dien giai: Sira lai: f'owid Founded: dirac ifidnh kip
B. T r e du-oi 12 tuoi khong du-oc hoc hanh khi chiing dang nam vien.
Question 69:
C. Sach cua thir vien cung gop phan cho viec hoc tap cua bon tre .
- Dap an diing la: D
D. Lanh dao cua cac benh vien khong can tra vi$c day bon tre hoc trong benh
- Dien giai: Sira lai: get rid o f to gel rid of it
Question 70:
Cac dap an con lai d^u dung voi doan van.
- Dap an dimg la: C
C«M / / «/ • 59: Bon tre hoc '
- Dap an dung A . - Dien giai: Sira lai: with other students -— with the other .students.
- Dien giai ve nghTa: Question 71. Dap an dimg la: D. whether: dang cau hoi Yes/No gian tiep
A . trong vong hai gio' dong ho moi ngay ^' Question 72. Dap an diing la: B. into: gidi tir chuyen dong, hgp vdi dong tir
B. tSt ca cac mon trCr mon toan lowered: cac gidi tir khac khong chi sir chuyen dong
C. d^ chung CO the vugt qua b^nh tat (' Question 73. Dap an diing la: A . at: gidi tir di kcm vdi cac danh tir chi cac chieu
D. vi chung can dat mot phan thuong l^hong gian
Cac phirgng an khac khong phii hgp voi nghTa cua doan van. Question 74. Dap an dung la: D. much: tir di trirdc mot tinh tir so sanh bac hon; ba
Cau hoi 60: Cuoc nghien cuu nay c6 kha nang dirge thirc hien a dau? con lai khong dung ngfr phap va ngir nghTa.
- Dap an dimg B. ,i , M, : )i ' • Question 75. Dap an diing la: B. made: to make an observation: quan sat
- D i l n giai ve nghTa: J.,,,,,
Question 76. Dap an diing la: A . cultivating: trong trot, canh tac, khai khan
A . Tai V i ^ n Giao due.
Ba dong tir ci)n lai khong hop nghTa: ,
B. T a i cac b^nh vi?n.
B: transplant (v): ciiy (liia). ghep (tang)
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Question 9. He didn't attention to my explanation.
C: implant (v): cay (thiet bj vao ca the)
D: grow (v): trong A. put t^. make C. take „ D. pay
Question 10: 1 w i l l not cancel the flight
Question 77. Dap an dung la: A . exploring (tham hiem, tham do)
Ba dong tir con lai khong hop nghTa. A. unless we were tired B. i f the weather were bad ,
Question 78. Dap an dung la: B. forms ( o f life): hinh thai su song C. unless it is bad . t,,. D. i f it were fine , ,
Question II. Five miles a long distance for me to walk. :,
Ba danh tir con lai khong hop nghTa.
Question 79. Dap an dung la: C. school (dan ca,...) A. are B. is C. have D. were
Loai A , B, D v i ba danh t u con lai khong hgp nghTa: - < •• Question 12: It's difficult to on the left.

A:dan(s6i) A. get used to driving i,,...^ B. used to drive

B: dan (chim/gia cam) C. used to drivingzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFED
D. accustomed to dri\g

D: bay/dan (dong vat bon chan) Question 13: Mr. Minh was unhappy iiis cliiidhood.
Question HO. Dap an dung la: C. possible (di vai chu ngCf gia it + Vto inf) A. while B. when C. before D. during
A: be able + V t o inf: co nang lire lam gi -^jj^ Question 14: B \e time you repaired the roof, I
B: hardly (adv): hiem khi/ hau nhu khong ^ ^ A. w i l l have left B. had left C. was leaving D. would leave
D: capable o f + V - i n g : CO the lam gi Question 15: M y father seldom coffee in the morning.
A. doesn't drink B. drink C. drinks D. is drinking
Question 16: to the post office?
O E T H I T H L r S O 11
Tlicri gian lam bai 90 p/tut A. Can you show me the way \ i. I don't know the street "
C. Y o u must tell me the way D. Tell me the way '" <•
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct Question 17: M r . Tam is the president o f IB, always helps the poor
answer to each of the following questions.
A. whose B. whom C. o f which D. who
Question /,• I w i l l see you when I in the city. Question 18: The football match was cancelled the bad weather.
A . w i l l arrive B. arrive C. would arrive D . had arrived A. on behalf o f B. due to C. thanks to D amount to
Question 2: It's high time we the river. Question 19: Y o u finish the test before dinnertime.
A . stop polluting w;, , B. stop to pollute A. don't have to 1^. don't want C. would prefer D. w i l l not prefer
C. stopped polluting D. w i l l stop to pollute Question 20: He didn't in finding a better hotel for his parents.
Question 3: the students enjoy taking part in social activitives. A. succeed B. focus C. concentrate D. forward
A. The number o f B. Most o f Question 21: I to ha\ my bicycle repaired at once.
C. Almost .vAu-AwVi' n'>!<\ * D . Many A. had better B. don't have to C would like D. w o n ' t have to
Question 4: There is no toy on the floor, ? Question 22: Although he studied hard,
A. is there B. isn't there C. isn't toy D. is toy
A. he passed the examination B. he failed the examination
Question 5: He saves money C. but he failed the examination D. however he passed theexamination
A . so that he bought a new car B . so that he buys a new car
Question 23: M \r encouraged me part in the English course.
C. so that he is buying a new car D. so that he can buy a new car
A. take B. taking C. to take D. took
Question 6: I ' m sorry. I f I drinking, I w i l l get a stomachache.
Question 24: We were made all the housework before going out. '
A. go on B. go over C. go o f f D. go by
A. do B. doing C. to be done D. to do
Question 7: M y father said that wood could making paper.
Uestion 25: I f he had saved his time, he the examination again.
A . get used to B. be used for C. used to D. be used to
A. wouldn't have failed B. would have failed
Question 8: We have touch with them since 1998.
A . lost B . put C. bring D . kept C. hadn't failed , D. didn't failed
Tron Bo SGK:
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or phrase gead the following passage adapted front Understanding Rural America -
that is closest in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following (nfoUSA and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
questions. " ^fffrect word for each of the blanks from 34 to 43. .^.vw i

Question 26: We have lived there for years and grown fond o f the surroundings. The well-being o f America's rural people and places depends upon many things
That is why we do not want to leave. , the availability o f good-paying jobs; (34) to critical services such as
A. planted many trees in the surroundings ' ' •')f " education, health care, and communication; strong communities; and a healthy
B. haunted by the surroundings ' ' . ' natural environment. A n d , (35) urban America is equally dependent
C. loved the surroundmgs upon these things, the challenges to well-being look very different in rural areas
D. possessed by the surroundings than in urban areas. Small-scale, low-density settlement (36) make it
niore costly for communities and businesses to provide critical services. Declining
Question 27: His new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and
jobs and income in the natural resource-based industries that many rural areas
depend on (37) workers in those industries to find new ways to make a
A. viewing B. regard C. look ' ' D. opinion living. Low-skill, low-wage rural manufacturing industries must find new ways to
Question 2S: Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of challenge the increasing number o f (38) competitors. Distance and
youth remoteness impede many rural areas from being connected to the urban centers o f
A . marked B. shared Chidden D. separated economic activity. Finally, changes in the availability and use o f natural resources
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined located in rural areas (39 the people who earn a living from those
part that needs correction in each of the following questions. resources and who (40) recreational and other benefits from them.
Question 29 Puhlishinu in the U K . the book has won a number o f awards m Some rural areas have met these challenges successfully, achieved some level

A B C of prosperity, and are ready (41) the challenges o f the future. Others have
neither met the current challenges nor positioned themselves for the future. Thus,
recent regional book fairs. 'jmriw
concern for rural America is real. And, while rural America is a producer o f critical
• D
goods and services, the (42) goes beyond economics. Rural America is
Question 30: During our tour o f the refiney, it was seen that both propane and
also home to a fifth o f the Nation's people, keeper o f natural amenities and national
treasures, and safeguard o f a/an (43) part o f American culture, tradition,
gasoline were produced in larue volumes. and history.
D '
Question 34: A . challenge B. key C. access D. advantage
Question 31: The first important requirements for you to become a mountain
Question 35: A. because B. while C. when D. since
b'j'um B Question 36: A. styles B. tools C. means D. patterns
climber are your strong passion and you have good health ' Question 37: A. offer B. turn C. force D. make
^ c ';,„ „ D Question 38: A. foreign B. abroad C. lateral D. rural
Question 32: Hardly did he enter the room when all the lighets went out. Question 39: A . effect B. encourage C. stimulate D. affect-
A B C D Question 40: A . involve B. evolve C. bring D. derive
Question 33 A professor o f economy and history at our university develped a Question 41: A. in B.of C. with D. for
A B Question 42: A. research B. impatience C. concern D. stimulus
new theory o f the relationship between historical events and ^'*estion 43: A. abnormal B. simple C. incredible D. unique

financial crises.

Tron Bo SGK:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet Download Ebook
to indicate Tai:
the word or gc'ad the followinf- passaffe adapted from C u l t u r a l G u i d e - O A L l ) , and mark
phrase that is O P P O S I T E in meaning; to the underlined part in each of the (lie letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
folio wing t/uestions. each of the questions from 26 to 35.
Question 44: Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders The issue o f equality for women in British society first attracted national
even exported the surplus. attention in the early 20"' century, when the suffragettes won for women the right
A. sufficiency B. excess C. large quantity D . small quantity n, vote. In the 1960s feminism became the subject o f intense debate when the
Question 45: There is growing concern about the way man has destroyed the women's liberation nunement encouraged women to reject their traditional
jypporting role and to demand equal status and equal rights w ith men in areas such
A. attraction B. speculation C. ease D. consideration as employ ment and pay.
Since then, the gender gap between the sexes has been reduced. The Equal Pay
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
/\ct o f 1970. for instance, made it illegal for women to be paid less than men for
closest in meaninf; to each of the followinff questions.
doing the same work, and in 1975 the Sex Discrimination Act aimed to prevent
Question 46: " D o n ' t forget to tidy up the final draft before submission," the team cither sex having an unfair advantage when applying for jobs. In the same year the
leader told us. liqual Opportunities Commission was set up to help people claim their rights to
A. The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before submission. equal treatment and to publish research and statistics to show where improvements
B. The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before submission. in opportuiiiiies for women need to be made. Women now ha\ mucii belter
C. The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before submission. employment opportunities, though the> still tend to get less well-paid jobs than
D. The team leader simpl>' wanted us to tidy up the final draft before submission men, and very few are appointed to top jobs in industry.
Question 47: " M y company makes a large profit every year. W h y don't you invest In the US the movement that is often called the "first wave o f feminism" began
more money in it?" my friend said to me. ill the mid 1800s. Susan B. Anthony worked for the right to vote. Margaret Sanger
A . M y friend suggested his investing more money in his company. wanted to provide women with the means o f contraception so that they could
B. M y friend persuaded me to invest more money in his company. decide whether or not to have children, and Flizabeth Blackwell. who had to fight
for the chance to become a doctor, wanted women to have greater opportunities to
C. I was asked to invest more money in my friend's company. ^
study. Many feminists were interc^'eil in other social issues.
D. M y friend instructed me how to put more money into his company. ^
The second wave o f lemii n in the i960s. Women like Betty I'riedan
Question 48: " M u m , please don't tell dad about my mistake," the boy said.
and (lioria Steinem became associated with the fight to get equal rights and
A. The mother was forced to keep her son's mistake as a secret when he insisted.
opportunities for women under the law. An important issue was the Fqual Rights
B. The boy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his father about his mistake.
Amendment (FiRA). which was intended to change the Constitution. Although the
*h ^'^'^ '^^y begged his mother not to tell his father about his mistake.
ERA was not passed, there was progress in other areas. It became illegal for
D. I he boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake any more.
enipioNcrs, schools, clubs, etc. to discriminate women. But women still find
Question 49: " Y o u shouldn't have leaked our confidential report to the press, " liard to advance beyond a certain point in their careers, the so-called glass ceiling
Frank!" said Jane. .-> 'hat pre\ents them from h a \ i n g high-le\el jobs. Many women also lace the
A. Jane accused Frank o f having cheated the press with their confidential report. problem o f the second shift, i.e. the household chores.
B. Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential report to the press In the i980s. feminism became less popular in the US and there was less zyxw
C. Jane suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report to the press. "I 'erest in solving the remaining problems, such as the fact that most women still
D. Jane blamed Frank for having flattered the press with their confidential report ^ 3 "! much less than men. Although there is still discrimination, the principle that it
Question 50: " I f you don't pay the ransom, w e ' l l k i l l your boy," the kidnappers ^'lould not exist is widel\.
told us.
^f^stion 51: It can be inferred from paragraph I that in the 19''' century
A . The kidnappers pledged to k i l l our boy i f we did not pay the ransom.
A. British women did not complete their traditional supporting role
B. The kidnappers ordered to kill our boy i f we did not pay the ransom.
B. most women did not w ish to have equal status and equal rights
C. The kidnappers threatened to kill our boy i f we refused to pay the ransom. C. • British women did not have the right to vote in political elections
D. The kidnappers promised to k i l l our boy i f we refused to pay the ransom.
^ - suffragettes fought
Tron Bo SGK: for the equal employment and equal pay
Luyfn gW di truAc ki thi DH J mISn BUc, 1 rung, fVam I mg Ann - isgo van mnn
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Question 52: The phrase "gender gap" in paragraph 2 refers to Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
A. the visible space between men and women differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
B. the difference in status between men and women
C. the social distance between the two sexes M\/< \ Question 61. A. future B. prospect C. guidance D. involve
D. the social relationship between the two sexes U I O J D ' l . i n . - i Question 62. A. facilitate B. hydrology C. participate D. intimacy
Question S3: Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger, and Elizabeth Blackwell are Question 63: A. represent B. permanent C. continent D. sentiment
mentioned as Question 64: A. romantic B. reduction C. popular D. financial
A. American women who were more successful than men Question 65: A. optimist B. immediate C. fabulous D. accuracy
B. American women with exceptional abilities • '''H
C. pioneers in the fight for American women's rights ][fark the letter A. B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that
D. American women who had greater opportunities best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 54: The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) ' ' '' ' Question 66: He behaved in a very strange way. That surprised me a lot.
A. was not officially approved A. He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much.
B. changed the US Constitution B. I was almost not surprised by his strange behaviour.
C. was brought into force in the 1960s C. What almost surprised me was the strange way he behaved. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihg
D. supported employers, schools and clubs Wm* D. His behaviour was a very strange thing, that surprised me most.
Question 55: In the late 20"' century, some information about feminism in Britain Question 67: He cannot lend me the book now. He has not finished reading it yet.
was issued by

A. Having finished reading the book, he cannot lend it to me.
A. the Equal Rights Amendment B. the Equal Pay Act of 1970 B. He cannot lend me the book until he has finished reading it. ' ' " '
C. the Equal Opportunities Commission D. the Sex Discrimination Act C. Not having finished reading the book, he will lend it to me " '''
Question 56: Which of the following is true according to the passage? D. As long as he cannot finish reading the book, he will lend it to me.
A. The movement of feminism began in the US earlier than in Britain. Question 68: Crazianna is a big country. Unfortunately, it has never received
^ B. The women's liberation movement in the world first began in Britain. respect from its neighbours.
C. The US movement of feminism became the most popular in the late 20* century A. Crazianna has never received respect from its neighbours because it is a big
D. The British government passed laws to support women in the early 20"' century country.
Question 57: The phrase "glass ceiling" in paragraph 4 mostly means B. Crazianna is such a big country that it has never received respect from its
A. an imaginary barrier B. an overlooked problem neighbours.
C. a ceiling made of glass D. a transparent frame C. It is Crazianna, a big country, that has never received respect from its
Question 58: Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? neighbours.
A. There is now no sex discrimination in Britain and in the US. D. Though Crazianna is a big country, it has never received respect from its
B. Many American women still face the problem of household chores. neighbours.
C. An American woman once had to fight for the chance to become a doctor. Question 69: His academic record at high school was poor. He failed to apply to
D. British women now have much better employment opportunities. that prestigious institution.
Question 59: It can be inferred from the passage that A. His academic record at high school was poor because he didn't apply to that
A. the belief that sex discrimination should not exist is not popular in the US A) prestigious institution.
B. women in Britain and the US still fight for their equal status and equal rights B. His academic record at high school was poor as a result of his failure to
C. the British government did not approve of the women's liberation movement apply to that prestigious institution.
D. women do not have better employment opportunities despite their great efforts C. Failing to apply to that prestigious institution, his academic record at high
Question 60: Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? school was poor.
A. Opportunities for Women Nowadays B. Women and the Right to Vote Jj^. His academic record at high school was poor; as a result, he failed to apply
C. The Suffragettes in British Society D. Feminism in Britain and the US to that prestigious institution.
Tron Bo SGK:
Liy ItSHH MTVDVVH Khang Vi$t
Question 70: Smoking is an extremely iiarmful
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iiabit. You sliould give it up attempts have been made to establish one. The only non-problematic definitions go
immediately. (jack to agricultural meaning (for example, cereal culture or strawberry culture) and
A. When you give up smoking immediately, you w i l l affect your health with niedical meaning (for example, bacterial culture or penicillin culture). Since in
this harmful habit. anthropology and .sociology we also acknowledge culture clashes, culture shock,
B. Y o u should g i \ up smoking immediately and you w i l l fall into an extremel\ and counter-culture, the range o f reference is extremely wide.
harmful habit. Question 71: According to the passage, the word culture
C. Stop your smoking immediately so it w i l l become one o f your extremely A. is related to the preparation and use o f land for farming i
harmful habits, B. develops from Greek and Roman literature and history *'; , •'.
D. As smoking is an extremely harmful habit, you should give it up C . comes from a source that has not been identified ! .
immediately. D. derives from the same root as civilization does ; s.
Read tiie followin}^ passiif^e adapted front A. Brifms' article on culture, Question 72: it is stated in paragraph 1 that a cultured person
Microsoft® Student 2008, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer A. has a j o b related to cultivation
sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 71 to 80. B. takes care o f the soil and what grows on it •
Culture is a word in coinnmn use with complex meanings, and is derived, like C. has knowledge o f arts, literature, and music * -^'''V* ' ' ' ' '
the term hroadcasiin^, from the treatment and care o f the soil and o f what grows D. does a j o b relevant to education
on it. It is directiv related to cultivation and the adjectives cullund and cultured arc Question 73: The author remarks that culture and civilization are the two words
part o f the same verbal complex. A person o f culture has identifiable attributes, that
among tiiem a knowledge o f and interest in the arts, literature, and music. Yet the A. share the same word formation pattern
word culture does not refer solely to such knowledge and interest nor, indeed, to B. are both related to agriculture and cultivation • ,
education. At least from the 19"' century onwards, under the influence ot C . have nearly the same meaning ;
anthropologists and sociologists, the word culture has come to be used generall\ D. do not develop from the same meaning
both in the singular and the plural {cultures) to refer to a whole way o f life ot
Question 74: It can be inferred from the passage that since the 20* century
people, including their customs, laws, conventions, and values.
A. schools and universities have not taught classical literature, philosophy, and history
Distinctions have consequently been drawn between primitive and advanced
B. classical literature, philosophy, and history have been considered as core subjects
culture and cultures, between elite and popular culture, between popular and mas.s
C . classical literature, philosophy, and history have not been taught as
culture, and most recently between national and global cultures. Distinctions ha\
compulsory subjects
been drawn too between culture and civilization the latter is a word derived not.
I . D. all schools and universities have taught classical literature, philosophy, and history
like culture or agriculture, from the soil, but from the city. The two words arc
Question 75: The word "attributes" in paragraph I most likely means
sometimes treated as synonymous. Yet this is misleading. While civilization and
A. aspects B. fields C . qualities D. skills
barbarism are pitted against each other in what seems to be a perpetual behavioural
pattern, the use o f the word culture has been strongly influenced by conceptions ol Question 76: The word "static" in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
evolution in the 19"' century and o f development in the 20"' century. Cultures
evolve or develop. They are not static. They have twists and turns. Styles change A. regular B. balanced C . unchanged D. dense
So do fashions, fhere are cultural processes. What, for example, the word cultured Question 77: Which o f the following is N O T stated in the passage?
means has changed substantially since the study o f classical (that is, Greek and A. Anthropology and sociology have tried to limit the references to culture.
Roman) literature, pliilo.sophy. and history ceased in the 20"' century to be central B. Distinctions have been drawn between culture and civilization.
to school and university education. No single alternative focus emerged, although C. The word culture can be used to refer to a whole way o f life o f people.
with computers has come electronic culture, affecting kinds o f study, and most D. The use o f the word culture has been changed since the 19"' century.
recently digital culture. As cultures express themselves in new forms no\ Question 78: It is difficult to give the definitions o f the word cidture E X C E P T for
everything gets better or more civilized. its
The multiplicity o f meanings attached to the word made and w i l l make ii A. agricultural and medical meanings ^; !, , .
difficult to define. There is no single, unproblematic definition,
Bo SGK: man) L B. historical and figurative meanings i >,
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C. philosophical and historical meanings W i l l you tell me the way to + nai d^n?
D. sociological and anthropological meanings How can I go to + nai ddn?
Question 79: Which o f the following is N O T true about the word culture? Question 17. Dap an dung la D: Chung ta dung dai tir quan he Who (ngirai ma) de
A. It is a word that cannot be defined. tiiay the cho ngirai. Who lam chi'rc nang chu ngCr.
B. Its use has been considerably changed. . , iii i i . Dap an dung la B: due to something: d o / b a i di^u gi.
C. It differs from the word civilization. Question 19. Dap an dung la A : have to + V-nguyen: phai lam dieu gi (mang tinh
D. It evolves from agriculture. khach quan) = don't have to + V-nguyen: khong phai lam di^u gi
Question 80: The passage mainly discusses Question 20. Dap an diing la A : succeed in doing something: thanh cong trong vi$c gi
A. the distinction between culture and civilization :>-ji!iOi: ji; !i\oil ;"Jtff" Question 21. Dap an dung la C: would like + V-to infinitive: mu6n lam dieu gi.
B. the figurative meanings o f the word culture Question 22. Dap an dung la B: Although + clause, clause: Mac dii nhung....
i C. the derivatives o f the word (Menh de trang ngiT chi sir nhirgng bg voi Although thi ta khong dung tir But.
D. the multiplicity o f meanings o f the word cM//w/-e Chiing ta can nha them mot dieu quan trong nQa do la: y nghTa cua v^ theo sau
Although va ve con lai luon luon trai y nhau.
DIEN GIAI DAP A N Question 23. Dap an dung la C: encourage someone to do something: khi'ch le ai
lam gi.
Question 1. Dap an dung la B: Chung ta dung hien tai don de the hien ke hoach
Question 24. Dap an dung la D: be made + V3/ed: bj hk buoc lam gi.
trong tuang lai.
Question 2. Dap an dung la C: I f s (high) time + thi qua khi'r don: da den luc nen Question 25. Dap an dung la A : Cau dieu kien thu I I I : I f clause (thi qua khir hoan
thanh). main clause (S+ would / could + have + V3/ed) dien ta dieu trai vdi thirc te
lam gi i-iv.
trong qua khir. Them nua, y nghTa ciia hai ve trong cau dieu kien loai I I I luon luon
Question 3. Dap an dung la B: most o f the + danh tir so nhieu: da so
bo sung cho nhau.
Question 4. Dap an dung la A : Cau hoi duoi (Tag Question) vai there lam chu ngfr
thi ta van phai sir dung lai there trong phan hoi duoi. 0/ev//V>//2<5. ^'roH'(dgngtirn6i) + t i n h t i r : t r a n e n .v! ,
Question 5. Dap an dung la D : so that + clause (S + modal + V-nguyen): de ma, Dap an diing C: grown fomi of the surroundings (tra nen yeu thich moi truong
s6ng .\ung quanh) = loved the surroundings.
nhSm muc dich (menh de trang ngiJ chi muc dich).
Cac phuong an sai: J
Question 6. Dap an dung la A : go on: tiep tuc, tien trien
^ A : planted many trees in the surroundings (trong nhieu cay a moi trirang xung
Question 7. Dap an dung la B: to be used for: dugc diing de lam gi
song quanh).
Question H. Dap an dung la A : lost touch with someone: mat lien lac voi ai
B: haunt (c6 ma am. bj am anh).
Question 9. Dap an dung la D: pay attention to something: chu y vao dieu gi, dat
D: pos.sessed hy/with (bj am anh).
tam t ri vao dieu gi.
Question 27: ' =
Question 10. Dap an dung la C: Cau dieu kien loai 1: Unless = I f not (thi
Dap an diing la D : review = sy phe binh, bai phe binh mot cuon sach, bai bao..);
hien tai don), main clause (thi tuong lai dan).
opinion = sir danh gia.
Question 11. Dap an dung la B: chi s6 do luang +• dong tir so it
///.V new work has enjoyed a very good review from critics and readers: (Tac pham
Question 12. Dap an dung la A : get used to + V - i i g : quen voi dieu g i .
mwi ciia ong ay nhan dirge sir danh gia rat tot cua cac nha phe binh va doc gia.)
Question 13. Dap an dung la D: during + khoang thci gian: trong suot quang thai gian
^ A , B, C la cac phuong an sai: viewing (suy nghT v^ ai/cai gi); regard (sit quan
Question 14. Dap an dung la B: by the time + thi qua khi'r don, thi iiua khir hoan thanh
tam den ai/cai g i , de cap den cai gi); look (cai nhin).
Question 15. Dap an dung la C: Trong can c6 sir dung tir seldom (hiem khi) thi cau do
Question 28:
kiiong dirge dung a the phii djnh vi nguyen nghia ciia seldom da ham y phu djnh.
Dap an diing la B: universal (pho hiin, chung), shared(c6 chung cai gi, chia deu).
Question 16. Dap an dung la A : K h i chung ta muon nha ai do chi duang, chung ta
^ Such problems as haste and inexperience are a universal feature of youth. (Cac
CO th(} dung mot trong cac each noi sau:
^an de nhir sir hSp tap va thi^u kinh nghiem la d i l m dac trung ciia thanh nien.)
- Can you show me the way to + nai den?
A, C, D la cac phuang an sai: marked (bieu 16, bieu thj); hidden (che giau);
- Can you tell me the way to + nai d^n?
"Ppora/ec/(tach rai, chia tach). ..•^.i..
- W i l l you show me the way to + nai den? Tron Bo SGK:
uestion 35:
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Question 29: Dap an dung la B: lien tir while (trdi Igi/lrong khi) dung de noi hai sir vi?c doi
Dap an diing la A : Publishing in the U K Published in the U K 9P nhau. And, while urban America is equally dependent upon these things, the
Published in the UK, the book has won a number of awards in recent regional -hallenges to well - being look very different in rural areas than in urban areas.
hook fairs. (Xiiat ban a A n h , qiiySn sach ay da gianh dugc mpt s6 giai thuong cua Va trong khi viing do thi M y phu thugc dong deu vao cac yeu to nay thi cac thach
cac hoi chg sach trong khu vuc gan day.) • " "- . • urc doi vai cugc song a cac vung nong thon khac nhieu so vai vung do thj.)
Khi i<et hgp hai cau c6 chung chu ngiJ, ta g i u lai menh de chinh va riit gon menh A, C, D la phuang an sai: because (vi, do bai); when (khi); since (bai v i , ke tir).
de phu. Menh de phu c6 t h i rut gon thanh: uestion 36:
- V - i n g (present participle phrase) mang y nghia chii dong. 't'^^ Dap an diing la D: pattern: mau, kieu, hinh thuc. Small-scale, low-density
- V-ed/V3 (past particple phrase) mang y nghTa bj dgng. ettlement patterns make it more costly for communities and businesses to provide
R6 rang menh de phu mang y nghTa bj dgng (The book was published in the critical services. (Hinh thuc dinh cu thua that vai quy mo nho khien cho cac cgng
UK) nen ta dung hinh thuc qua khu phan tir. 'ong va doanh nghiep ton kern trong viec cung cap cac djch vu then chot.)
Question 30: A, B, C la cac phuang an sai: .style: phong each, kieu, loi - dung d l chi tirng
Dap an dung la B: it was seen —> we saw •ong hgp cu the chi'r khong mang tinh khai quat; tool (dung cu); means (phuong
During our tour of the refinery, we saw that both propane and gasoline were ifn, each thirc).
produced in large volumes. (Trong chuyen tham nha may Igc dau chung ta thay Question 37: fi - ; i ;
pruban va xang dau dugc tinh che voi dung lugng Ion.) Dap an dung la C: force S.o + Vto inf ep bugc ai lam gi ' "
Ta thay trong cum giai t u dugc riit gpn ciia m$nh de phu dung dau cau c6 tinh ' Declining jobs and income in the natural resource-based industries that many
tir so huu "our" nen menh de chinh phai d dang "we". ral areas depend on force workers in those industries to find new ways to make a
Question 31: iving. (Van de giam siit viec lam va thu nhap cua cac nganh cong nghiep dua vao
Dap an dung la D: you have good health —> good health tai nguyen ma nhieu vung nong thon le thugc bugc cong nhan cua cac nganh cong
The first important requirements for you to become a mountain climber are nghiep nay t i m each mai d^ kiem song.) .VisiT'/ '

your strong passion and good health. (Nhung yeu cau quan trgng dau tien de tro A, B, D la cac phuang an sai: offer (S.o) something = cung cap/ tao ca hgi; turn
thanh nha leo nui la ban phai c6 niem dam me Ion va sue khoe tot.) (dgng t u noi) + tinh t u = chuyen, lam cho; make S.o + Vnguyen thi = khi^n/ bat
Ta phai theo cau true song hanh: cac danh t u lam bo ngu cho dgng t u "be" dugc huge ai lam gi
noi voi nhau bang lien tir dang lap "and". Question 38:
Question 32: Dap an diing la A : foreign competitors (doi thu canh tranh nuac ngoai)
Dap an dung la A : did he enter —• had he entered B, C, D la cac phuang an sai: abroad (adv) = a nuoc ngoai; lateral = a ben;
Hardly had he entered the room when all the lights went out. ( A n h ay mai vira rural = thugc ve nong thon (khong phii hgp ve nghTa ciia doan van).
budc vao can phong thi tat ca bong den tat.) Question 39:
Ta C O cSu true Hardly + had + S + V3/ed ...when.... (vira m o i . . . t h i . . . . )
Dap an diing la D: affect (v) = anh huang. Finally, changes in the availability
Question 33: and use of natural resource located in rural areas affect the people who earn a
Dap an dung la A : economy (nen kinh te) —> economics (kinh te hgc) living from those resources... (Cuoi cimg, nhung thay doi ve sir c6 sSn va viec sii
A professor of economics and history at our university developed a new theory of dyng tai nguyen thien nhien tai cac vung nong thon anh hudng den nguai dang
the relation.ship between historical events and financial crises. (Mot vj giao su kinh song nha cac nguon tai nguyen d o . . . ) .
te hgc va Ijch su ciia truong dai hgc chung ta da phat trien mot ly thuyet moi ve moi A, B, C la cac phuang an sai: effect (n) = hau qua/ sir anh huang; encourage!
quan he giiJa cac su ki?n lich su va cac cugc khiing hoang tai chinh.) stimulate = khuy^n khich
Question 34: Question 40:
' Dap an dung la C: access (to) = ca hgi/ quyen su dung. ... access to critical
Dap an diing la D: derive .something from something = nhan dugc tir. ...and
services such as education, health care, and communication... (ca hgi su dung cac
those who derive recreational and other benefits from them, (va nhirng nguai nhan
djch v^i then chot nhu giao due, cham sue khoe va thong tin lien lac). dugc sir giai t r i cung nhu cac Igi ich khac tir nhung tai nguyen ay).
A, B, D la cac phuang an sai: challenge of= thach thuc; key to = giai phap, bi
quyet de dat cai g i ; advantage of= thuan Igi
Tron Bo SGK: 229
A, B, C la cac phirang an sai: involve (V-ing) something Download
= quan Ebook
lain Tai:
i n d c
C : The team leader ordered us to tidy up the final draft before submission.
cai g i ; evolve from S.t = rut ra, suy ra (v5n de gi) bring = mang lai (Nguai to truang ra lenh cho chung toi s§p .xdp gon gang ban thao cuoi cimg truac
Question 41: Dap an dung la D: ready for S.t ( s i n sang) khi nop.)
Question 42: D: The team leader simply wanted us to tidy up the final draft before
Dap an dung la C. tir concern dug^c nhac lai Ian thu hai nen ta dung v a i mao tir submission.( Nguai to trirong chi muon chung toi sip xep gon gang ban thao cu6i
xac A\n\\the Thus, concern for rural America is real. And. while rural America ciing truac khi nop.)
is a producer of critical goods and services, the concern goes beyond economics. Question 47:
(Do do sir quan tarn ve nong thon tai M y la c6 that, va trong khi nong thon M y la Dap an dung la B: My friend persuaded me to invest more money in his
nai san xuat hang hoa va djch v i i then chot thi m6i quan tarn vucrt khoi pham vi company. (Ban toi thu>et phuc toi dau tu nhieu han niJa vao cong ty cua anh ta.)
kinh te hoc.) -My company makes a large profit every year. Why don't you invest more money
Question 43: in it?" my friend said to "Hang nam cong ty chung toi dat Igi nhuan rat cao.
Dap an dung la D: unique (doc dao, chi eo mot). Rural America is also home to
Tai sao anh khong dau t u nhieu hon nfra vao cong ty?" ban toi noi vai toi.
a fifth of the Nation's people, keeper of natural amenities and national treasures,
A, C, D la cac phuang an sai:
and safeguard of a/an unique part of America culture, tradition and history. (Nong
A : l a phai doi his thanh my. ! • '
thon M y cung la nai an cu cua mot phan nam dan so quoc gia, nai gin giir dac
trirng thien nhien va tai san quoc gia, va dong thai no gin giiJ mot phan dpc dao C : Cau nay mang hinh thuc bi dong chi'r khong phai la cau tuang thuat gian tiep.
cua nen van hoa lua nuac, truy^n thong va Ijch su nuac M y . ) .uif, no i D: Cau nay khong mang y nghTa giong v6i cau true tiep.
A, B, C la cac phuong an sai: abnormal (khac thuang); .simple (don gian); Question 48:
incredible (la thuang) Dap an dung la C : Ta c6 cong thuc beg S.o Vto inf (nai xin ai lam gi). The boy
Question 44: begged his mother not to tell his father about his mistake. (Th^ng be nai xin me
dirng noi cho ba no biet \h loi \km cua no.)
Dap an dung la D: abundance # small quantity ,
Fruit and vegetables grew in abundance on the island. The islanders even Cac phuong an sai:

exported the .surplus. (Cay an qua va rau dugc trong rat nhieu tren dao. Tham chi A. The mother was forced to keep her son's mistake as a secret when he
nguai dan dao cung xukx kh4u lugng du thira.) insisted. (Ba me bj bat buoc phai g i u bi mat loi lam cua cau con trai khi no khang
khang doi nhu vay.)
A, B, D la cac phuang an sai: sufficiency (sir day dii); excess (sir virgt qua gioi
large quantity {s,b\vtqn%\an) , ,p B. The boy earnestly insisted that his mother tell his father about his mistake.
Question 45: (Thang be c6 nai me noi cho cha no biet ve I6i lam cua no.)

Dap an dung la C : concern ease D. The boy requested his mother not to talk about his mistake any more. (Cau
There is growing concern about the way man has deystroyed the environment. be yeu cau m? cau dung noi ve loi lam cua cau ta nua.)
(Ngay cang c6 moi quan tarn ve each ma con nguai da va dang hiiy diet moi trirong.) Question 49: "You shouldn't have leaked our confidential report to the press.
A , B, D la cac phirang an sai: attraction (sir thu hut); speculation (sir su\ Frank!" said Jane. "Frank, le ra anh khong nen tiet 16 ban bao cao mat cua chung
ta cho bao gioi biet!" Jane noi.
doan); consideration (sir luu tarn, sy suy xet)
Question 46: Ta CO cau true: Shouldn 7 have + pa.stparticiple: le ra da khong nen lam gi
Dap an dung la B : remindS.o + Vto inf ( n h k ai lam dieu gi) Dap an dung la B: Criticize S.o + for + Ving = phe binh ai do lam viec gi;
"Don 7 forget to tidy up the final draft before submission, " the team leader told disclose = tiet lo. Jane criticized Frank for having disclosed their confidential
us. " D u n g quen sSp xep gon gang ban thao cuoi cung truac khi nop" nguai to fepori to the press. (Jane phe binh Frank da ti^t 16 ban bao cao mat cua hp cho bao
giai biet.)
truang bao chiing t o i .
—> The team leader reminded us to tidy up the final draft before .submission. (Ngucri A : accuse someone of doing/ having done something = cao buoc ai do lam cai
t6 trirong nh§c chung tiii sSp x^p gon gang ban thao cuoi cung truac khi nop.) - 8'- Jane accused Frank of having cheated the press with their confidential report.
A, C, D la cac phuang an sai (Jane cao buoc Frank do danh lira bao chi bang ban bao cao mat cua ho.)
A : The team leader asked us to tidy up the final draft before submission. (Nguai C : .Jane .suspected that Frank had leaked their confidential report to the press.
to truang yeu cau chung toi sap xep gon gang ban thao cuoi cung truac khi nop.) (Jane nghi ngq Frank da tiet 16 ban bao cao mat cua ho cho bao giai biet

Tron Bo SGK:

D: flatter (xu ninh). Jane blamed Frank for having flattered Ebook
the press withTai:
their C: the social di.uaiicc between the two sexes (khodng each giira hai giai).
confidential report. (Jane d6 loi la Frank xu ninh bao gioi bang ban bao cao mat D. the .social relationship between the two sexes (m6i quan h# xa hpi giira hai
cua hp.) giai nam va nir). ;.M.:,/f!u r:
Question 50: "If you don't pay the ransom, we 'II kill your hoy, " the kidnappers Question 53: Susan R. Anthony, Margaret Sanger and Elizabeth Blackwell are
told us. "Neu ong khong tra tien chugc, chung toi se giet con trai o n g n h u n g ten fticnlioned as (Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger va Elizabeth Blackwell
bat coc cho chung toi hay. •• • J • jirgc de cap nhu la ) . J ,/,.,
Dap an dung la C. The kidnappers threatened to kill our hoy if we refused to Dap an dung la C: pioneers in the fght for American women's rights (nhung
pav the ransom. (Nhung ten bat coc de doa giet con trai chung toi neu chung toi ^girai tien phong trong cong cugc dau tranh cho quyen Igi phu niJ M y ) . Trong bai
khong chju tra tien chuoc.) xuat hien: //; the US the movement that is often called the "first wave of feminism"
Cac phirang an sai: <V',VK\\(\ begem in the mid IHOOs. Susan B. Anthony worked for the right to vote. Margaret
A : pledged to do .something = hi'ra mot each trjnh trpng se lam gi \ Sanger wanted to provide women with the means of contraception so that they
B: order someone to do something: ra lenh ai lam gi could decide whether or not to have children, and Elizabeth BlackM'ell. who had to
D: promise to do something = hira lam gi fight for the chance to become a doctor, wanted women to have greater
opportunities to study. (Trong phong trao dau tranh a M y , Ian song doi nu q u y i n
Question 51: It can be inferred from the paragraph 1 that in the 19"' century,
Ian thi'r nhat bat dau vao gifra the ki 19. Susan B. Anthony doi quyen bau cu,
(Ta C O the suy ra t u doan 1 rang a the ki 19, )
Margaret Sanger inuon phu nfr dirge cung cSp cac bien phap tranh thai de hg c6 the
Dap an dung la C: British women did not have the right to vote in political
quyet dinh sinh con hay khong, va Elizabeth Blackwell, nguoi dau tranh cho co hoi
elections. (Phu nfr A n h khong c6 quyen bo phieu trong cac cuoc bau cu chinh trj).
trathanh bac s7, muon phu nfr C O nhieu C O hgi hgc tap han.) ^ .
Trong bai xuk hien: The issue of equality for women in Bri.stish society first
A: American women who were more .successful than men (nhung phu nir M y
attracted national attention in the early 2(f'' century, when the suffragettes won for
thanh dat han nam gioi).
women the right to vo/e.(Van de binh dSng danh cho phu niJ trong xa hoi Anh Ian
dau tien thu hut sir chu y cua ca nirac la vao d4u the ki 20 khi nhung nha &k\x tranh B: American women with exceptional abilities (nhung phu nu M y vai kha nang
phi thucnig).
cho niJ quyen gianh dirge quyen bau ci'r cho phu nir.)
D: American women who had greater opportunities (nhung phu niJ M y c6 nhieu
Cac phuang an sai
cahgi hon).
A: British women did not complete their traditional supporting role (phu nfr
Question 54: -'The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) " Tu chinh an vh
Anh khong hoan thanh vai tro truyen th6ng phuc v i i cua minh.)
Quy^n binh dang ( E R A )
B: most women did not wish to have equal status and equal rights (phan Idn phu
nU khong ao uac c6 dja vj va quyen Igi binh dang.) Dap an dung la A : was not officially approved (khong dirge chinh thuc thong
qua). Trong bai xuat hien: Although the ERA was not passed ...(Mac dii Tu chinh
D: suffragettes fought for the equal employment and equal pay (cac nha dau
ve Quyen binh dang khong dugc thong qua...),
tranh dau tranh cho viec lam va tien luong binh dSng). Trong bai xu^t hien: InjlK
1960s feminism hecame the subject of intense debate when the women's liberation .ji., Cac phirang an sai:
movement encouraged women to reject their traditional supporting role and to B: changed the US Constitution (lam thay doi Hien phap Hoa K y ) Wl.J .
demand equal status and equal rights with men in areas such as employment and ' C: H'a.v brought into force in the 1960s (c6 hieu lire trong thap nien 1960).
pay. (Trontz thap nien 1960, thuyet nam nfr binh quyen tra thanh de tai cho cuoc D: supported eniplovers, .schools and clubs (ung ho giai chu, trirong hoc va cau
'9cbg.) •
tranh luan gay g5t khi phong trao giai phong phu niJ dong vien phu nCr tir bo vai tro
phyc vu truyen thong va doi hoi dja vj va quyen Igi binh dang v6i nam gioi trong QMestion 55: In the late 2(f' century, some information about feminism in Britain
cac ITnh virc nhu viec lam va tien lirong.) ^oa issued by (Vao cuoi the k i 20, mot so thong tin v^ phong trao phu nO
Question 52: The phrase "gender gap " in paragraph 2 refers to (Cum tu **Anh dugc cong bo bai )
gender gap trong doan 2 de cap den ) Dap an dung la C: the Equal Opportunity Commission ( U y ban Nghien cuu Ca
Dap an dung la B: the difference in status between men and women {s\f khac ^ ' Binh dang). Trong bai xuat hien: the Equal Opportunity Commission was set
biet ve dja vj giCra nam va niJ). ^•••to publish research and statistics to show where improvements in
Cac phuong an sai: opportunities for women needed to he made. (Uy ban Nghien cuu Co hgi Binh
A: the visible .space between men and women (klioang each ro rang giira nam va nfr).
Tron Bo SGK:
919 911
d a n g di r ge t hanh l ap. . . d 6 c o n g b o c ac nghi en ci ' ru v aDownload Ebook
t hong k e c h o t hay Tai:
ngi r di
ty P: Br i t i sh women now have much bet t er empl oyment oppor t uni t i es. ( Ng a y n a y
c an n a n g c a ozyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ca hoi c h o p h u ni r ) . phu nO' - ^ " h C O c a hoi t i m vi ec l am nhi eu hon. ) Tr o n g bai x uat hi ^Mi : • Women now
f f f f vc much bel t er empl oyment oppor t uni t i es. . . "
Ca c phi r ong an A , B, D deu k hong di r ge c h a p nhan: t he Equal Ri ghi s
Amendment ( Ti i c hi nh an Qu y e n bi nh d a n g ) ; t he Equal Pay Act of 1970 ( Luat Question 59: I t can be i nf er r ed f r om t he pas. sage t hat ( Ta c 6 t he s uy t i r
j j (^an v an r ang )
Tr a k r ong bi nh d a n g n a m 1 9 7 0 ) ; t he Sex Di scr i mi nat i on Act ( Luat c h o n g p h a n bi e(
gi cVi t i nh) . E) ap an d u n g l a B: women i n Br i t ai n and t he US st i l l f i ght f or t hei r equal st at us

Question 56: Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng i s t r ue accor di ng t o t he passage ? ( Di ei i nao and equal r i ght s ( phu ni r a A n h v a M y v an c o n d a u t r anh c h o dj a vj v a q u y e n I gi

s au d a y d u n g s o v ol d o a n v a n ? ) j , j nh d a n g c h o c hi nh h g ) . Tai An h : - t hey . st i l l t end t o get l ess wel l - pai d j obs t han

„ i en. ond ver y f ew ar e appoi nt ed t o t op j obs i n i ndust r y " ( ho t h u o n g n h a n nhCr ng
Da p an d u n g l a A: The movement of f emi ni sm began i n t he US ear l i er t han i „
c ong vi ec c 6 i i r ong t hap h o n n a m gi di v a r at i t p h u nf r di r ge b 6 n h i ^ m v a o nhi r ng
Br i t ai n. ( Ph o n g t r ao p h u ni r a My zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
bat d a u s o m h a n a An h ) . Cu t he l a: Th o i di em
chi ' rc v u di ' r ng d a u t r ong n g a n h c o n g nghi ep) . Tai My : - t her e i s st i l l di scr i mi nat i on.
s o n g d a y p h o n g t r ao n a y a A n h l a ' i n t he ear l y 20^ ' ' cent ur y " , v a d M y l a "/ / ;
( van c o n c 6 si r p h a n bi et v e gi ai t i nh) .
mi d I SOOs " .
Ca c d a p an sai : '*
Ca c phi r ang an sai :
A: t he bel i ef t hat sex di scr i mi nat i on shoul d not exi st i s not popul ar i n t he US
B: The women' s l i ber at i on movement i n t he wor l d f i r st began i n Br i t ai n. i PUonj ^
( ni em t i n r ang si r p h a n bi et gi di t i nh se k h o n g t on t ai , k h o n g di r ge p h o bi en t ai
t r ao gi ai p h o n g p h u ni r t r en t he gi oi bat dau t ai An h ) .
My . ) Tr o n g bai x uat hi en: ' t he pr i nci pl e t hat i t shoul d not exi st i s wi del y
C: The US movement of f emi ni sm became t he most popul ar i n t he l at e 2( f '
accept ed. " ( nguy en t ac l a si r p h a n bi et gi di t i nh se k h o n g t on t ai du- gc du- gc c h ^ p
cent ur y. ( Ph o n g t r ao p h u nCr a M y t r o n e n di r ge q u a n t ar n nh^ t v a o c uoi t he ki 20) , nh^ n r gng r ai . ) J.
Y n a y k h o n g d u n g vi : ' I n t he l 9HOs, f er mi ni sm became l ess popul ar i n t he US. . . '
C: t he Br i t i sh gover nment di d not appr ove of t he women' s l i ber at i on movement
( Tr o n g t hap ni en 1 9 8 0 , p h o n g t r ao p h u ni J t r a nen i t d u g c q u a n t a m d My . . . ) .
( chi nh phi i A n h k h o n g t an t hanh p h o n g t r ao gi ai p h o n g p h u n u - y n a y k h o n g c d
D: The Br i t i sh gover nment pa. ssed l aws t o suppor t women i n t he ear l y 2( f t r ong bai . )
cent ur y. ( No c u n g k h o n g di r ge de c a p t r ong d o a n v an. )
D: women do not have bet t er empl oyment oppor t uni t i es despi t e t hei r gr eat
Question 57: The phr ase "glass ceiling" i n par agr aph 4 most l y means ef f or t s ( phu nf r k h o n g c d c a hoi t i m vi ec l am t ot h a n ma c di i n o l i re r at I dn) .
( Cu m t i r " gl ass cei l i ng" d d o a n 4 e o nghTa gan v ai ) Question 60: Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng woul d be t he best t i t l e f or t he pa. s. sage? ( Si r
Da p an d u n g l a A: an i magi nar y har r i er ( mo t r ao c an a o ) . Tr o n g bai zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
xunt Iva c hgn n a o s au d a y l a t i r a d e t hi ch h g p nhat c h o d o a n v a n ? )
hi en: pr event s t hem f r om havi ng hi gh- l evel j obs ( ngan c h a n h p k hoi c ac c ong
Da p an d u n g l a D: Femi ni sm i n Br i t ai n and t he US ( Ph o n g t r ao p h u nCr t ai A n h
vi ec c a p c a o ) . va My ) .
Ca c phi r ong an sai B . C. D: an over l ooked pr obl em ( mg t v a n d e bj b o q u a ) ; ci Ca c phu- ong an sai l a A , B, C vi c h i mg chi neu t i r ng y mg t t r ong d o a n v an:
cei l i ngmade of gl ass ( t r an n h a l am b a n g t huy t i nh) ; a t r anspar ent f r ame (mgt Oppor t uni t i es f or Women Nowadays ( Co hoi d a n h c h o p h u nf r n g a y n a y ) ; Women
k h u n g si r gn t r ong s uot ) . and t he Ri ght t o Vot e ( Ph u ni r v a q u y e n bau ci ' r ) ; The Suf f r aget t es i n Br i t i sh
Question 58: Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng i s NOT ment i oned i n t he passage? ( Y n a o sau Soci et y ( Ca c n h a d a u t r anh c h o nf r q u y e n t r ong x a hoi A n h ) .
d a y k h o n g di r ge d e c a p t r ong d o a n v a n ? )
Question 61: f ut ur e / ' t j u: t ; 3( r ) / pr ospect / - pr Dspekt / ,
Da p an d u n g l a A: Ther e i s now no sex di scr i mi nat i on i n Br i t ai n and i n t he US.
( Hi en n a y a A n h v a M y k h o n g c 6 si r p h a n bi et gi oi t i nh. ) gui danc e/ ' gal dns / i nv ol v e/ i n' v Di v / .

Ca c phi r ong an sai : Da p an d u n g l a D: i nvol ve / i n' vDi v/ c d t r gng a m r ai v a o a m t i et t hur hai . Ca c

B: Many Amer i can women st i l l f ace t he pr obl em of househol d chor es. ( Nhi eu phi r ang an k hac c d t r gng a m r ai v a o a m t i et t hi r nhat .
p h u ni r M y v a n c o n doi ma t v 6i v an d e c o n g vi ec nha. ) Tr o n g bai x uat hi en: Man}
Question 62: f aci l i t at e / f o' sl l l t el t / hy dr ol ogy / hal 'drDbdsi/
women al so f ace t he pr obl em of t he second . shi f t s, i . e. t he househol d chor es. ( Nhi cu
p h u nu' My c u n g doi ma t v oi v a n d e " c a l amt hi r hai " , nghTa l a c o n g vi ec nha. ) par t i ci pat e/ par t l sl pel t / i nt i mac y / ' I nt l mas i /

C: An Amer i can woman once had t o f i ght f or t he chance t o become a doct or Da p an d u n g l a D: i nt i mac y / ' i nt l masi / .
( Mg t p h u ni r M y d a t i r ng d a u t r anh c h o c a hoi t r a t hanh bac sT. ) Ngi r ai p h y ni r
stion 63: r epr esent / r epr l ' zent / p e r ma n e n t / ' ps i mans nt /
l a El i zabet h Bl ac k wel l . - • •
cont i nent / ' kont l nant / s ent i ment / ' sent l mant /
Tron Bo SGK:
^ Dap an dung la A: represent /reprl'zent/ c6 trpngDownload
am ra'i vao Ebook Tai:ba.
am ti8t tliu
\ ta khong diing menh de trang ngO chi nguyen nhan vai "because", khong
Cac phucmg an khac c6 trpng am rai vao am tiet thu hai.
h<?P >'•
Question 64: romantic /raU'maentik/ reduction /ri'dAkJn/
B: ta khong diing menh de chi ket qua vai "such.. .that", khong hgp ngir phap
popular/'ptJpjsbCr)/ ,. >, financial/fal'nasnjl/ C: day la cau nhan manh chii tir "Crazianna".
Dap an dung la C: popular /'pDpJ3b(r)/, c6 trong am rai vao am tiSt thu nhki. Question 69: His academic record at high school was poor. He failed to apply to
that prestigious institution. (Ket qua hpc tap ciia cau ay a trung hpc kem. Cau ay
Cac phuang an khac c6 trpng am rai vao am tiet thu hai.
l^hong th^ nop dan vao truang danh tieng do.)
65; optimist/"Optimist/ immediate/l'mi:dl3t/ ^ Dap an diing la D: Cau thir nhat chinh la nguyen nhan dan den ket qua a cau thur
fabulous /'faebjabs/ accuracy /'ajkjalasi/ hai. Do do ta diing "as a result" de chi moi quan he nhan qua nay.
Cac phuong an sai:
Dap an diing la B: immediate /I'mildlat/ c6 trong am rai vao am tiet thu hai
A: Y cua cau nay sai y cua cau goc.
Cac phuang an khac c6 trong am rai vao am tiet thu nhat.
B: His academic record at high school was poor as a result of his failure to
Question 66: apply to prestigious institution. (Ket qua hoc tap ciia cau ta a trung hpc rSt
Dap an dung la A: Ta phai diing m^nh de quart khong giai hgn vai dai tir kem la nguyen nhan ciia viec khong the nop dan vao truong danh tieng do.)
quan he which di sau dau phay de lam ro y cho ca menh de truac. Cu the menh C: Cum hien tai phan tir (-ing) ket hgp vai menh de chinh khong dien ta m6i
dien ta y nghTa chinh He behaved very strangely, menh de quan he la menh de phu quan he nhan qua.
dien ta y phu "That surprised me a lot". Question 70: Smoking is an extremely harmful habit. You should give it up
He behaved very strangely, which surprised me very much. (Anh ay cu xu rat ki immediately. (Hut thuoc la la thoi quen cue ky tai hai. Ban nen bo hiit thuoc ngay.)
la, dieu nay lam toi rat ngac nhien.) Dap an diing la D: Ta sir dung menh de chi nguyen nhan bat dau bang "as " (bai
Cac phiJ-ong an sai:
D: ta khong diing dai tir quan he "that" sau dau phay. ^ • C a c phuang an sai:
B. C cac phuang an sai: "be surprised" khong phai la y chinh. H P A: Y ciia cau nay sai so vai cau goc.
Question 67: He can not lend me the book now. He has not finished reading it yet. B: You should give up smoking immediately and you will fall into an extremely
(Bay gia anh ay khong the cho toi mugn cuon sach dugc. Anh ay chua doc xong.) harmful habit. (Anh nen bo hut thuoc ngay, va anh se bat dau mot thoi quen cue la
Dap an dung la B: Ta thay moi quan he ve thai gian ciia hai cau nen ta dung tai hai. Y ciia cau nay sai so vai cau goc.
menh de trang ngu chi thofi gian vai "not...until". C: Stop your smoking immediately so it will become one of your extremely
Cac phuang an sai: harmful habits. (Bo hiit thuoc ngay nen no se tra thanh mgt thoi quen cue ky tai
A. cum tir "having V3/ed" de chi hanh dgng doc sach do hoan tAt. Having hai. Y ciia cau nay sai so vai cau goc.
finished reading the book, he cannot lend it to me. (Doc xong cuon sach nhung anh Question 71: According to the passage, the word culture (Theo doan van,
ay khong the cho toi mugn dugc.) 'ir culture )
C. Not having finished reading the book, he will lend it to me. (Chua dgc xong Dap an diing la A: is related to the preparation and use of landfor farming (lien
cuon sach nhung anh ay se cho toi mugn.) quan den su chuan bj va sir dung dat trong trot).
D. menh de bat dau bSng "as long as" (mien la) la menh de chi dieu ki|n ciia Y trong doan van: " derived...from the treatment and care of the
"Oil and of what grows on it. " (Tir culture \ukt phat tir vi^c cham soc dat trong va
cau dieu kien loai I .
ihO-ng thir mgc tren dat do.) ^ .Mynin. .
Question 68: Crazianna is a big country. Unfortunately, it has never recei^^-'^'
Cac phuang an sai:
respect from its neighbours. (Crazianna la mot quoc gia Ian. Khong may thay, 'i"
chua he dugc cac quoc gia Ian can kinh ne.) B. develops from Greek and Roman literature and history (phat trien tir nen van
'^9c va lich sir ciia Hy Lap va La Ma - khong de cap trong doan van).
Dap an dung la D: Ta c6 hai cau c6 y nghTa doi lap nhau nen ta diing menh
, C. comes from a source that has not been identified (xuat phat tir mot nguon
trang ngiJ chi su nhugng bp vai "though".
chua dugc ro).
Cac phuang an sai vi:
^ t>. derives fi-om the .same root as civilization does (bat nguon ciing mot nguon
Tron Bo SGK:
^ ^ i h u tir civilization.
Download Ebook Tai:
D, al l . school s and uni ver si t i es have t aught cl assi cal l i t er at ur e, phi l osophy, and
Tr o n g bai x uat hi en: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
" Di sl i f i ct i ons have been dr awn l oo bet ween cul t ur e and
ci vi l i zat i on " ( Ngi r ai t a cf i ng da hi eu r a si r kl i ac bi et gi i r a cul t ur e v a ci vi l i zat i on) . f j i st or y ( t at c a c ac t r i r ang p h o t hong v a dai h g c deu d a y v an h g c c 6 di l n, t r i et h g c

Quest i on 72: I t i . s sl at ed i n par agr aph 1 t hat a cul t ur ed per son ( Do a n 1 va I j ch si r .

nei i r ang mo t n g u a i c o v an hoa ) Quest i on 75: The wor d " at t r i but es " i n par agr aph I most l i kel y means
( f i r " at t r i but es' " t r ong d o a n I CO nghTa gan v di )
Da p an di i ng l a C : has knowl edf ^ e of ar t s, l i t er at ur e, and musi c ( c 6 ki en t hi ' rc v |
n g h e t hi i at . v an h o c v a a m n h a c ) . Da p an d i mg l a C : qual i t i es: dac t i nh ,

Tr o n g bai \ i i at hi en: " A per son of cul t ur e has. . . a knowl edge of and i nt er est i n Ca c p h i r c n g a n sai : ,. ,

t he ar t s, l i t er at ur e, and musi c. " • , A. <r/ . v/ wc7. v ( cac khi a c a n h ) ,rt

B. f i el ds ( cac I Tnh vi r c) vv- ^
Ca c phi r ang an sai : , ; ^ , , . 5. , uh ' ' f^

A . k h o n g khi Vp y nghTa t r ong d o a n v 5 n . D. ski l l s ( cac kT n a n g )

B. k h o n g khcVp y nghTa t r ong d o a n v a n . ' Quest i on 76: The wor d " st at i c zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJI
" i n par agr aph 2 coul d best be r epl aced by

D. k h o n g k h o p y nghTa t r ong d o a n v a n . ( Ti r • • st at i c" t r ong d o a n 2 c 6 t h^ t hay t he phi i h g p nhat bai )

Quest i on 73: The aut hor r emar ks t hat cul t ur e and ci vi l i z at i on ar e t he t wo wor ds Da p an d i mg l a C : unchanged { khong t hay d6i , n h u c u ) .

t hat Ta c gi a n h a n xet r ang cul t ur e v a ci vi l i zat i on l a hai t i r Tr o n g d o a n v an x uat hi t *n: " Cul t ur es evol ve or devel op. They ar e not st at i c. "

Da p an d i mg l a D: do not devel op f r om t he same meani ng ( k h o n g bat ngi i on t u ( Cac nen v an hoa t i en t r i en hoac phat t r i en. Ch i mg k h o n g nhi r c Q) . Do v ay : " be

c i mg mo t nghi a) . I ' r ong bai . \ i i at hi en: " Di st i nct i ons hav e been d r a wn t oo bet ween not st at i c " t i r ang d o n g v 6i " evol ve or devel op " .

cul t ur e and ci vi l i zat i on; t he l at t er i s a wo r d der i ved not . l i ke cul t ur e or agr i cul t ur e, Ca c phi r ong an sai : , „ v, i , .

f r om t he soi l , but f r om t he ci t y. " ( Ngi r oi t a ci i ng hi eu di r ge si r k hac bi et gi ua A rc' ^' / / / ^/ / " ( t hi r cTi i g xi i yen) ' ifirjfi!*;,
cul t ur e v a ci vi l i zat i <m. t i r t hi r hai k h o n g nhi r t i r cul t ur e hoac ci vi l i zat i on bat n g u o n B bal anced{ ckn bang) 'ivnnk,

ti r di i t t r ong ma n o bat n g u o n t i r t hanh t hj . ) D dense { <ML\ v^v • > *

Ca c pi nr oi i g an sai : Quest i on 77: Whi ch of t he f ol l owi ng i s NOT . st at ed i n t he passage ? ( Di ei i nao sau
A . shar e t he same wor d f or mat i on pat t er n ( c i mg ma u t i r l oai - k h o n g di r ge de day k h o n g di r ge neu t r ong d o a n v a n ? )
c ap t r ong bai doe. ) Da p an d i mg l a A: Ant hr opol ogy and s oc i ol ogy hav e t r i ed t o l i mi t t he
B. ar e bot h r el at ed t o agr i cul t ur e and cul t i vat i on ( ci i ng l i en q u a n den n o n g r ef er ences t o cul t ur e. ( Nh a n c h i mg h g c v a X a hgi h g c da c6 g Sn g han c he y nghTa
nghi ep v a t r ong t r gt - k h o n g c hi nh xac. ) l i en q u a n den cul t ur e. )
C . have near l y t he same meani ng ( c 6 nghTa gan n h u n h a u - sai ) . Do a n I C O d e c ap: " under t he i nf l uence of ant hr opol ogi st s a n d soci ol ogi st s, t he
Quest i on 74: I t can he i nf er r ed f r om t he passage t hat si nce t he 2 ( f ' cent ur y wor d cul t ur e. . . i o r ef er t o a wh o l e wa y of l i f e of peopl e, i ncl udi ng t hei r c u s t o ms ,
( Ta CO t he suy l i t doct n van I d t i r t he ki 20 ) l aws, c onv ent i ons , and v al ues " ( chi u anh hi r ang c ua Nh a n c h i mg h g c v a X a hgi
Da p an d i mg l a C : cl assi cal l i t er at ur e, phi l osophy, and hi st or y have not been hpc, t i r cul t ur e. . . d e c a p den eac h si nh s ong ci i a n g u o i d a n . b a o g o m p h o n g t uc ,
t aught as compul sor y suhj eci s ( v an hoc c 6 di en, t r i et h o c v a I j ch si r k h o n g c o n l a ' u?t p h a p , l uat l e v a c ac gi a t r i ) < .

mo n h o c bat h u g e ) . Ca c phi r ong an sai

Tr ong d o a n d o c x uat hi en: " t he st udy of l i t er at ur e, phi l osophy, and hi st or y B: " Di st i nct i ons hav e been d r a wn bet ween cul t ur e and ci vi l i zat i on. " y nay di r ge
o d o a n dau 2 .
ceased i n t he 20 cent ur y t o he cent r al t o . school and uni ver si t y educat i on " ( vi ec
h o c v an h g c c 6 di c' n, t r i et h o c v a l i ch si r k h o n g c o n l a c ac mo n c hi nh y e u t r ong
C: " r i i e wo r d cul t ur e c an be us ed t o r ef er t o a wh o l e wa y o f l i f e of peopl e. " y
gi ao d u e dai h g c v a p h o t hong t r ong t he ki 2 0 ) .
"iy di r ge neu d c uoi d o a n i . zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIH
LD : • • The us e o f t he wo r d cul t ur e has been c h a n g e d si nce t he 19" ' cent ur y. " ( Vi ec
Ca c p h u o n g an sai :
I ' dung t i r cul t ur e da t hay doi t i r t he ki 19. ) t r ong bai x uat hi en: " t he us e of t he
A . school s ami uni ver si t i es have not t aught cl assi cal l i t er at ur e, phi l osophy, and
I' til

hi st or y ( cac t r ucVng phi ) t hong v a dai h o c k h o n g c on d a y v an h g c c 6 di en, t r i et hgc cul t ur e has been st r ongl y i nf l uenced b y c onc ept i ons of evol ut i on i n t he 19
v a I j ch si r nua. )
P u r y and of d e v e l o p me n t i n t he 2 0 c ent ur y " ( vi ec si r d u n g t i r cul t ur e da chi u
B. cl a. ssi cal l i t er at ur e, phi l osophy, and hi st or y have been consi der ed as con'
i' h u o n g ma n h me c ua k hai n i e m v e si r t i en hoa t r ong t he ki 19 v a si r phat t r i en a
subj ect s ( v an h g c c6 di en, t r i 6t h g c v a I j ch si r di r ge x e m nhi r c ac mo n h g c chi nh. ) l k i 20, )
Tron Bo SGK:
Luyjnglaicfeirtr^ckUlitVH J Htl^H Bat', irun^, i^um imiia Hiiii-iysv run ^MIHH --.
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Question 78: It is difficult to give the definitions of the word culture EXCEPT fo^ D E T H I THU* S O 12
;7.v (That kho de dira ra djnh nghTa ciia tir culture ngoai trCr )
Dap an diing la A: agricultural and medical meanings (y nghTa ve nong nghiep A. Hay chon cau tra l(ri dung nhat liitg vi'ri ky tir A, B, C hoac D ciia mdi cau ho
va y hoc). Doan 3 c6 de cap: "The only non-problematic definitions go back to Question I . You will be late unless you
agricultural meaning...and medical meaning" (Cac djnh nghTa khong kho hieu chi A. don't hurry B. wouldn't hurry C. didn't hurry D. hurry
xuat phat tir nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hoc.) Question 2. It's very hot. I suggest swimming.
Phirang an B, C, D sai vi theo dap an A chi cac nghTa ve nong nghiep va y hoc A. go B. should go C. to go H D.going
moi khong gay kho hieu: historical andfigurative meanings (nghTa ve ijch sir va an Question 3. Drive carefully or accidents easily. '<zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgf
- i. -
du); philosophical and historical meanings (nghTa ve triet hoc va ijch sir);
A.are happened B.happening C.happen D. is happened
sociological and anthropological meanings (nghTa ve xa hoi hoc va nhan chung
Question 4. One of the diseases mankind has ever faced is AIDS. j
A. worst B. worse C. best D. badly
Question 79: Which of the following is NOT true about the word culture?
Question 5. Up to now, I letters from her. '
!, (Dieu gi sau day khong dung ve tir culture?)
A. received vn. j B. had received , • '
Dap an dung la A: Jt is a word that cannot he defined. (Do la mot tir khong th^
C. would have received D. have received ' • ' ' " ^ V ' ,zyxwvutsrqpon
A< " ,
djnh nghTa).
Question 6. I regret you that your health is getting worse.
' Doan 3 c6 de cap: "The multiplicity of meanings attached to the word made and
A. informing B. to inform C. informed D. being informed
will make it difficult to define. " (V6 s6 nghTa gan lien v6i tir nay da va se lam cho
Question 7. They worked hard so that they a bigger house.
viec djnh nghTa gap kho khan - nghTa la khong phai la khong the.)
A. have bought B. would have bought '
Cac phuang an sai:
C. could buy D. are going to buy
' B: Its use has been considerably changed. (SOr dyng tir nay da thay doi dang
Question 8. They failed the important examination their laziness.
A. because B. because of C. even though D. despite
C: It differs from the word civilization. (No khac biet so vai tir civilization).
Question 9 they nor I am responsible for the bad result.
D: "// evolves from agriculture. " (No bat nguon tir nong nghiep).
A. Either B. None C. Most D. Neither
Question 80: The passage mainly discusses (Doan van chu yeu ban luan
Question 10. J\\Qy (WAn'X slop although it rained heavily.
Dap an dung la D: the multiplicity of meanings of the word culture (sir da dang
A. to drive B. drive C. drove D. driving
nghTa cua tir culture).
Question II. Your son you.
Cac phuang an sai:
A. takes after B. look after C. takes off D. gives up
A: the distinction between culture and civilization (sir khac biet giira culture va
Question 12. I feel embarrassed. Why do you keep me?
civilization- chi dugc de cap a doan 2).
A. looking for B. looking at C. looking out D. look after
B: the figurative meanings of the word culture (nghTa an du cua tir culture -
Question 13. The number added to 99.
khong phai chu de chinh cua doan van).
C: the derivatives of the word culture (cac tir phai sinh cua tir culture - khong A. up B. off C. in D. for '
Question 14. Seldom does she her children. She is always busy.
phai chu de chinh cua doan van.)
A. look for B. looks after C. look after D. looks for
Question 15. She has not come '
I t A. late B. already C. yet D. not yes
question 16. I f you smoking, your health will be worse.
A. quit B. keep C. avoid D. gave up
uestion 17. Most of the goods in the country are exported.
A. made B. to make C. making D. make
Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 36. They when I phoned at 4:00 p.m.
Question 18. Don't let a good chance
A. go by B. go off C. go over D. on A. had cooked B. have been cooking
C. were cooking D. are cooking
Question 19. Please your cigarette before entering the room.
Question 37 his dangerous illness, he didn't go on the picnic.
A. put up B. put down C. put out D. put aside
Question 20. She was sick last week, so she has to study harder to with her A. Much as B Despite C. In spite of D. Owing to
Question 38. He plays guitar than I do.
classmates. ' .;. i^iaaaiJ^ ) Jor! vij/>:!;,'".;> i
A. the best B. good C. well D. better
A. take after B. keep pace with C. take up D. go down
Question 39. You had better leave early there is a lot of traffic.
Question 21. A large number of workers Chinese very fluently.
A.speak B.speaks speaking D . has spoken A. in case of B. as i f C. if only D. in case
Question 40. The stream provides us water.
Question 22. The cost of living has recently.
A. from B. with C. by •• D. of
A. gone up B. gone away C. gone out D. gone by
Question 23.1 think the room doesn't need B. Trong nidi cau sau co diira mot loi sai duffc Mnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay tint
A. redecorate B. redecorated C. redecorating D. to redecorate ra loi sai do va sira lai cito dung. ^
Question 24. Let's go there on foot ?
A. Shall we B. will we C. don't we D. do we Question I. My brother speaks English more fluent than I do.
Question 25. Be patient! Don't to learn a foreign language in a week. A B C D
A. expect B. appriciate C. consider D . believe Question 2. You had better don't say anything when he appears.
Question 26 the famous singers, I like Dam Vinh Hung best. A B C D
A. Between B. Among C. Middle up D . Besides Question 3. 1 had my father to hang the picture on the wall because I am not
Question 27. In spite of his broken leg, he to escape from the flame. A B
A. managed B. persuaded C. avoided D . considered tall enough to do this.
Question 28. They said that they the work since 7:00 o'clock.
Question 4. I didn't write to him since I moved to the city to live.
A. had done B. were doing
C. have done D . have been working A B C D
Question 5. She used to working for my father's company when she
Question 29. Nobody a word about the accident.
A. are saying B. say C. says D . have said
graduated from the university.
Question 30. Could you me a favor?
A. do B. make C. provide D . supply
Question 6. My hair is so long. 1 am going to have it to cut tomorrow. r
Question 31. Don't forget me a message when you go home.
A. send B. sending C. to send D . having sent
Question 7. Do you know where is Hoang l^ong Hotel? It is at 43 Nguyen
Question 32 persuading him to go to bed earlier.
A. There is no point in B. We used to Trai street.
C. It is very difficult D I N ; D . We get used to
Question 8. She wishes she didn't write the letter to him last night.
Question 33. She hasn't her decision what to say to him.
A. supplied B. done C. lead D. made 2uestion 9. It is the more interesting book I have ever read.
Question 34. We haven't finished the novel written by Nam Cao.
A B C D *
A. to read B. read C. to be read D. reading Question 10. She asked me don't to stand by the window. !'.• ;
Question 35. She drove me home because my motorbike was
A B C D ' " ' '
A. brought about B. brought up C. broken down D. broken into
Tron Bo SGK:
C. Hay Viet lai can t/ii'r liai sao alio y rtffiiui ciia no aionff v&iy Ebook Tai:can
nf-ltia ciia
W their cash (6) at any one time would increase (7) costs. And the
gov dd clio ^ post office says we cannot expect all their service grilles to be (8) "at
Question 1. It's ages since we last met him. times when demand is low".

We haven't i| It's the same with hotels. (9) waiters and kitchen staff must finish
1 when it suits, dinning rooms close earlier or menu choice is curtailed. As for us
guests, we Just have to (10) with it.
Question 2. She said nothing when leaving the room. ,^ . ,
She left : Question I A . How often B, How far C. How much D. How long
Question 2 A . member B. group C. staff D. management
Question i. He advised me to write her soon. Question 3 A . Be sure B. Ensure C. Sure D. Surely
He suggested Question 4 A . freshman B. recruit C. guide D. keeper
Question 5 A . prices B. prize C. value D. worth
Question 4. They have such an interesting book that they read it everyday. Question 6 A . payment B. registers C. controlling D. fees
Their book is so Question 7 A . employment B. import C. management D.running
Question 8 A . enjoved B. serving C. occupied D. connected
Question 5. We couldn't drink the tea because it was very hot. Question 9 A . Because B. On account i C. Owing to D. Much to
The tea was too Question 10 A . put out B. put down C. put o f f D. put up

Question 6. "We w i l l solve the problem tommorow," he said. DIEN GIAI DAP AN
He said that A. Hay c/ion cdu trd Im dung nliat ling vm ky tuA, B, C hoac D cua nuV cdu hoL
Question 1: D.
Question 7. The dress is too long for you to wear. - Cau dieu kien loai I : I f clause (thi hien tai don), main clause (thi tirong lai dan)
You had better fP Unless = if. not : trir phi, neu khong; m?nh de diing vai unless luon a
the khang djnh nhirng no ham y phii djnh.
Question 8. I never drive carelessly. Question 2: D. Suggest + V-ing: de nghj lam gi (nguai noi c6 tham gia hanh dong)
Never Question 3: C .
- Chung ta diing thi hien tai don trong cau nay vi day la cau yeu cau. .
Question 9. " W h y don't you quit smoking?" he said to me. - Chung ta khong diing the bi dong voi dong tir happen.
He advised Question 4: A.
# Ta dung dang so sanh bac nhat ciia tinh tir trong trirong hop nay. Dang so sanh
Question 10. We couldn't play football because o f the heavy rain. Dac nhiit ciia tinh tir nhir sau:
The heavy rain prevented tlie + short adjective-est hoac the most + long adjective
- Bad —• worse —> worst: te - > te han te nhat
», D. Hay doc dogn van sau titat cCin titan roi c/ton cdu tra l<yi dung cau hoi. Question 5; I). Up to now + thi hien tai hoan thanh: cho tai bay gia + thi hi?n tai
fioan thanh
(1) have you queued for what seems like hours at the post office or
the supermarket because there weren't enough (2) on duty to man all the Question 6: B. Regret + V - to infinitive; hoi tiec khi phai lam gi (thong bao tin gi
Co ve khong t6t lanh)
service grilles or checkout counters? (3) in these days o f high
unemployment it must be possible to (4) cashiers and counter staff? Yet, Question 7: C so that + clause (S + modal + V-nguyen): de ma, nh^m muc dich
supermarkets, hinting darkly at higher (5) , claim that unshrounding all Question 8: B . Because o f + noun/noun phrase: bai v i , do bai
Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 36: C . Chung ta dung thi qua khu tiep dien v a i hanh dgng nau Sn v i
Question 9: D. Neither nor : i<h6ng ma cung khong
Question 10: D. Stop + V-ing: ngirng lam viec gi (dang lam ma dirng lai) hanh dgng nay xay ra trudc va keo dai so v a i hanh dgng d i | n tho^i xen vao luc 4
gia chieu.
Question 11: A Take after: giong y het •
Question 37: D. O w i n g to + noun/noun phrase: do bai, bai v i .;r i MWJ ;
g H ^ 5 / / o « / 2 . - B . Look at someone: nhin vao ai I ? ' / M':;
Question 38: D. Dang so sanh hon cua good la better.
Question 13: A . Add up to: len t o i , dat tai - -
Question 39: D. In case + clause: phong khi ; In case of: trong truong hgp
Question 14: C . look after: cham soc. Seldom (hiem k h i ) dirng dau cau nen hien
Question 40: B. Provide someone with something: cung cap cho ai cai gi
tirgng dao ngu xay ra v o i cau do. Neu cau van dang dugc de cap chi dung duy
nhat dong tir thuong thi khi dao ngiJ chung ta phai mugn t r g dgng tir Do/Does va B. Tronn mfii cau sau cd cltiia mot loi sai duoc Mnli dau A, B, C hay D. Hay tint

dgng tir chinh trong cau ay (dong tir thuong dang dugc de cap) luon luon a dang ra lf>i sai do va siea lai cho dung.

nguyen mau. Question 1: B . fluent —• fluently

Question 15: C . Yet dugc diing trong thi hien tai hoan thanh va no thuong dugc Giai thich: Chung ta phai dung trang tir a vj t r i B v i a vj t r i A la mgt dgng t u
dung a the phu djnh hoac nghi van. Yet thuong dung cuoi cau. thuang (trang t u bo nghTa cho dgng t u thuong).
Question 16: B . Keep + V-ing: cu mai lam gi Question 2: A. don't —* not isjji
Question 17: A . ChiJ make trong truong hgp nay dugc hieu la san xuat Giai thich: Had better + V-nguyen: tot hon het nen lam g i ;
- Dung menh de rut ggn Had better not + V-nguyen: tot hon het khong nen lam gi
Question 18: A . Go by: troi qua, vut qua (thai gian, ca hoi) Question 3: A to hang —• hang - mth
Question 19: C . Put out: dap tk Giai thich: Have someone do something: nha ai lam viec gi r •
Question 20: B. Keep pace with someone: theo kjp ai, duoi kjp ai ^ Question 4: A . didn't write —• haven't written
Question 21: A A large number o f + danh tir so nhieu + dgng t u so nhieu Giai thich: T h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + moc thai gian/ thi qua k h u dan
Question 22: A Go up: tang gia, len gia (gia ca) Question 5: A. working—^ work '
Question 23: C Need + V-ing: can dugc lam gi (mang nghTa bj dgng) Giai thich: Used to + V-nguyen: da tirng lam viec gi '
Question 24: A Cau hoi duoi c6 dang: Let's + V-nguyen ? thi phan hoi duoi Question 6: D. to cut —> cut
CO dang shall we Giai thich: have something done (V3/ed): c6 cai gi dugc lam (mang nghTa bj dgng)
Question 25: A Expect + V-to infinitive: mong dgi, mong cha ' Question 7: C. is Hoang Long Hotel —> Hoang Long Hotel is
Question 26: B Among: trong so
Giai thich: Trong cau tren, ta da mugn trg dgng tir Do de thiet lap dang nghi van
Question 27: A Manage + V-to infinitive: xoay sa d l lam gi cho dgng tir know nen tat ca cac tir ngir con lai phai a diing vj t r i t h u t u cua no.
Question 28: A Cau van tren thugc loai cau tuang thuat gian tiep. Chung ta nhan Question 8: B. didn't write —> hadn't written
thay rSng Since (7:00 o'clock) xuat hien a cau tren, di^u nay cho thSy nguyen van Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua khir hoan thanh (dien ta dieu uac muon khong c6
true tiep cua cau nay la thi hien tai hoan thanh. Chinh vi vay, chung ta phai dung
thuc trong qua khir).
thi qua k h u hoan thanh khi tuang thuat no sang dang cau tuang thuat gian tiep.
Question 9: C . more —• most
Question 29: C. Nobody dung lam chu ngir trong cau thi dgng t u di theo no phai la
Giai thich: Dang so sanh cue cap ciia tinh tir dai c6 dang: ;. _
dgng t u so it: Nobody + dong tir so it
Question 30: A . Do someone a favor: ban cho ai mot an hue
Question 31: C . Don't forget + V-to infinitive: dirng quen lam dieu gi
# the mosl + tinh tie dai
Question 10: A. don't—> not f:

Giai thich: Ask s.o not to do something: yeu cau ai khong dugc lam g i .
Question 32: A . There is no point in doing something: Khong c6 ich Igi khi lam g i .
Question 33: D. Make a decision: qiiyet djnh C Hay viet lai cau thie hai sao choy nghTa cua no giong v&iy nghJa cua cau goc
g«£?A7/o/i J-^; D . Finish + V-ing: lam xong viec gi da cho.
Question 35: C . Break down: hong, hu (may moc) Question 1. We haven't met him for ages.
Giai thich:
Tron Bo SGK:
- Ve mat ngu nghTa: Cau goc c6 nghTa la: da nhieu nam Download EbooktoiTai:
roi tir khi chiing gap
anh ta Ian sau cung. Cau viet lai c6 nghTa la: Chung toi khong gap anh ta trong
nhiJng nam qua.
/J. Hay chpn cau trd loi dung n/idt I'mg voi ky tuA, B, C hofic D ciia mdi cau hoL
- V i mat ciu true: It's ages (years) since + thi qua khir dan = thi hien tai hoan
thanh (dung dang phu dinh ciia dong tir hoac dong tir mang nghTa phii djnh). ^ifgstion 1: " M u m , I've got 600 on the T O E F L test." - " "

2. She lefit the room without saying a word. Good j o b ! B. You are right. C. Good way! D. Oh, hard luck!
Giai thich: Question 2: My mother told me to for an electrician when her fan was out o f
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Cau goc c6 nghTa: Co ta da khong noi gi khi roi khoi can
y^. send B. write C. turn D. rent
phong. Cau viet lai c6 nghTa: Co ta roi khoi can phong ma khong noi lai nao.
Question 3: Through an , your letter was left unanswered.
- Without + noun/V-ing: khong c6 cai gi/lam gi
A. oversight B. overcharge C. overtone D. overtime
Question 3. He suggested I should write to her soon. * *T
Question 4: " H o w many times have 1 told you football in the street?"
Giai thich: SI + suggest (that) + S2 + (should) + V-nguyen: Khuyen/de nghj ai
A. not to have played B. not playing
lam gi (nguoi noi khong tham gia hanh dong)
Question 4. Their book is so interesting that they read it everyday. C. not to play D. do not play

Giai thich: Question 5: He to the doctor after the accident, but he continued to play
....such + noun + that + clause
A. must have gone B. didn't have to go
= so + adjective+ that + clause:....qua den noi.... '.. nwv
C. should have gone D. couldn't go
Question 5. The tea was too hot for us to drink. ]MJ§'
Question 6: The United States consists o f fifty states, has its own government
Giai thich: too to : qua d^n noi khong the (cau true nay
A. each o f that B. they each
ngu y phu djnh).
I lie. hence each D. each o f which
Question 6. He said that they would solve the problem the following day.
Question 7: " D o n ' t worry. 1 have tire at the back o f my car."
Giai thich: A p dung cau tuang thuat gian tiep:
A. other B. others C. the other D. another
Cau true tiep Cau gian tiep
Question H: There was nothing they could do ..leave the car at the roadside
will would where it had broken down.
tommorow the following day/the next day
A. unless B. than C. but D. instead o f '
Question 7. Y o u had better shorten the dress so that you can wear it. Question 9: Lora: "Your new blouse looks gorgeous, Helen!"
Giai thich: Helen: " "
- Shorten something: lam ngSn cai gi A. You can say that again. B. Thanks, I bought it at Macy's.
- So that + clause (S + modal + V-nguyen) C. It's up to you. D. I ' d rather not.
Question 8. Never do I drive carelessly.
Question 10: Only when you grow up the truth. xicjifijjtj /•
Giai thich: Never dung dau cau thi hien tugng dao ngir xay ra ngay trong cau A. w i l l you k n o w B. you w i l l know
do. C. do you know D. you know
Question 9. He advised me to quit smoking. Question 11: " D o n ' t fail to send your parents my regards." - " " ,, .
Giai thich: Advise someone to do something: khuyen ai nen lam gi
Question 10. The rain prevented us from playing football.
Giai thich: Prevent someone from doing something: ngan can khong cho ai lam
t . Good idea, thanks, y.,,,!

. You're welcome.
, B. It's my pleasure.

D. Thanks, I w i l l .
y^^-j j., ;

P^'/on 72; "This library card w i l l give you free access the Internet eight
D. Hay doc ctogn van sau that can than roi chon cau trd lai Mng cau hoi.
^'^•to B. in C. from D. on i^,
l.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A
"^'/oM 13: - "Should we bring a lot o f money on the trip?" ,^ , .-^.r ,
6. B 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. D
A. i j j . M . " ' ^ ^ ^ we decide to stay longer." _ -ri :
Tron Bo SGK: B. So that C. Though D. In case
Question 14: he arrived at the bus stop when the busDownload
came. Ebook Tai:
Question 29: It is very important for a firm or a company to keep the
A. No sooner B. Not until had ^lianges in the market.
C. No longer has D. Hardly had A. touch with B. up with C. track about D. pace of ,
Question 15: John: "Do you think that we should use public transportation to Question 30: "Buy me a newspaper on your way back, ..?"
protect our environment?" - Laura: " " A. do you B. can'tyou C.don'tyou D. will you >
A. Well, that's very surprising. B. Of course not. \u bet! Question 31. You need a dictionary, ? M
C. Yes. it's an absurd idea. D. There's no doubt about it. /i^ don't you B. do you C. needn't you D. need you
Question 16: Susan's doctor insists for a few days. Question 32. Miss. Thuy was born and grown up in C)uang Ngai Province, but
A. her resting B. that she is resting , she with her husband in Ho Chi Minh city now.
C. that she rest , D. her to rest : A. lives B. is going to live C. was living D. has lived
Question 17: "I'd rather you home now." Question 33. Did they come here foot?
A. went B. go C. gone D. going A. by B. with C. on D. from
Question 18: "Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuses!" Question 34. I don't know how my feeling.
A. taking B. having C. doing D. making A. expressing B. to express • C. expressed D. express
Question 19: John paid $2 for his meal, he had thought it would cost. Question 35. Many people wear teeth today.
A. not so much as B. not so many as A. false B. homemade C. imitate D. making
C. not as much D. less as Question 36 a beautiful tree!
Question 20: Jane law for four years now at Harvard. A. What B. How C. Why f j , , D. How is ,
A. studies B. studied Question 37. The students are at maths. y,:
C. has been studying D. is studying A. clever B. good C. successful D. A and B
Question 21: "How do you like your steak done?" - " " Question 38. They to help me. They are kind people.
A. Very much B. Well done A. are willing B. eager C.avoid D. are likely
C. I don't like it much D. Ver>' little Question 39. Wine is rice.
Question 22: The kitchen dirty because she has just cleaned it. A. made of B. made up C. made from D. consist of
A. may be B. should be C. can't be D. mustn't be Question 40. A lot of progress has been since their country became
Question 23: She had to hand in her notice advance v/hen she decided to independent.
leave the job. made B. done C. built D. created ;v/s*«'
A. in B. with C. from D. to
Question 24: We couldn't tly because all the tickets had been sold out. B. Tronfi mdi cau sou cd cliiia mot loi sai du-f/c danh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay
f'm ra loi sai do vi) sua lai cito dun};. ,, .
A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economics
Question 25: There should be an international law against Question 1. It spends us 20 minutes to tidy the room everyday.
A. afforestation B. forestry C. reforestation D. deforestation *f A B C D ..p.

Question 26: They didn't find in a foreign country. Question 2. I don't mind to drive you home i f you are tired.
A. it easy live B. easy to live A B C D
C. it easy to live D. it to live easy Question 3. Your house is more bigger than mine. How long ago did you buy it?
Question 27: The forecast has revealed that the world's reserves of fossil fuel vvil' A B C D '
have by 2015. Qi*estion 4. The house is very small that they can't live there. '
A. used off B. taken over C. run out D. caught up A B C D
Question 28: 1 won't change my mind what you say. Question 5. I haven't come back to Hue city when my father flied to Thailand.
A. whether _ B. no matter C. because D. although A B C D
Tron Bo SGK:
Download Ebook Tai:
uestion 10. It is difficult for me to do the thing.
Question 6. After hearing the information, I felt very happily.
I have
Question 7. The milk is too sour for us todrmk jt. '
A - ;}« B C D • • D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than rdi chon cdu trd hri dung cdu hoi
Question 8. Some o f the students js good at speaking English. Forest is a large area o f land ...(1)... with trees. But a forest is much more than
A B C D just trees. It also includes smaller plants, ...(2)... as mosses, shrubs, and
Question 9. We are fed up at washing ever>'day. We would prefer to have it vvildflovvers. in ...(3).... many kinds o f birds, insects, and other animals make their
A B C home in the forest. Millions upon millions o f living things that can only be seen
i.., ^ M I . . under a ...(4)... also live in the forest.
D _ The forest ecosystem is highly complicated. The trees and other green plants
Question 10. Y o u shouldn't get up lately in the morning. K> -(jfiJ biCJ - U , ., use ...(5)... to make their own food from the air and from water and ...(6),.. in the
A B C D soil. The plants themselves serve as food for certain animals. These animals, in
C. Hay viSt lai cdu tliir hai sao clioy nfihia ciia no gidnfi v&iy nghia cua edit turn, are eaten by other animals. After plants and animals die, their remains are
goc da clio ... V, ...(7)... by bacteria and other organisms, such as fungi. This process returns
minerals to the soil, where they can again be used by plants to ...(8)... food.
Question 1. I never suspected that he stole my handbag. ^^
Although individual members o f the ecosystem die, the forest itself lives on. i f
A t no time • the forest is wisely managed, it provides us ...(9)... a continuous source o f wood
and many other ...(10)....
Question 2. Although they are good at English, he didn't accept them.
Question 1 A. sourrounded B. discovered C. covered D. seen
Much as
Question 2 A. such B. so C. as well D. instance
Question.? A. opinion B. addition C. knowledge D. furthermore
Question 3. " I am sorry. I am late," she said to him.
Question 4 A.eyes B. glasses C. radar D. microscope
She apologized
Question 5 A. sunlight " 'inshine C. powreful D. light
Question 4. I wish I hadn't broken the glasses. Question 6 A. golden aritime C. minerals D. vitamin
Question 7 A. broken down B. broken into C. broken o f f D. broken out
Ifonly •
Question 8 A. do B. bring C. istall D. make
Question 5. It's a pity. We don't have a passport now. Question 9 A. by B. with C. from D. o f
1 wish Question 10 A. output B. production C. producer D. products


Question 6. He said he was not guilty o f breaking into the house.
He denied A. Hay chon cdu trd Uri diing nliat ling v('ri ky tir A, B, C hoac D cua mdi
cdu hoi.
Question 7. They didn't accept my application for the j o b . ». Question 1: "Me ai, hen /hi TOEFL cua con dgt 600 diem." (cau goc) ' •'-
M y application " Dapan: A - G o o d j o b ! : Z'J/t/i/c/!
Dien giai: Cach noi chuc mimg hoac khen nggi.
Question 8.1 was late for the flight. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: ' '•'^'^^p '
When I B: Y o u are right: Con noi dung. '.•.b^i^o':'
C: Good way!: Cach nay hay.
Question 9. Reading books gives me pleasure. D: Oh, hard luck!:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
6i, thirc la rui ro! (cau cam than)
I am

Tron Bo SGK:
Question 2: "Me toi hcio toi di nuri tha cli^n clen vi niciy Ebook
qugl hi hong." Tai:
goc) uestion 8: "Chdrg biet Idm gi han hg danh phdi de chiec xe lai hen Id dmmg nai
- Dap an: A - send ffid no hi hong." (cau goc)
- D i l n giai: to send for sh: di mai ai den Dapan:C-bu' ». ;J--M!,IJ : iij.i.<v„M

Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: Dien giai: there is nothing one can do but + infinitive: chdng biet Idm gi hem la
Cac dap an C va D vai dong tir "turn" va "rent" khong di vai giai Xxifor. ^anhphdi.
B: to write for sth: viet thirden (mot cong ty) de hoi xin cdi gi. Cac chgn lira con lai ( A , B, D) khong phii hgp vai cau true tren.
Question 3: '"Do sa siicit. Id thuciiu ban van chira dirac hoi dm." (cau goc) Question 9: Lora: ""Chiec do .sa mi mai cua ban trong that dep, Helen g\" (cau goc)
- Dap an: A - o v e r s i g h t _ o i ! l i ( ? ; f:^.q^! <'fK„!!!?/ J^vnvl - . i ^
, Dap an: B - Thanks, I bought it at Macy's.
- Dien giai: oversight (n): sir sa suat *| ,, „ , j i (f,, , Dien giai: Cam ori, toi dd mua no a qudy cua Macy. Day la loi dap lai lai khen
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: ^/u; Wi.'(t.i t^ng.
B: overcharge (sb) (for sth) (v): ban gia qua dat . Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: .
C: overtone (n): thai do hoac tinh cam ngu y, sir ggi y jvfriotiJ enrtiki A: Ban CO the noi lai cau ay. --"-'iff JM'i

D: overtime (n): sir lam them ngoai gia C: Tiiy ban. -

Question 4: "Toi noi ban Idwng dm/c chai bong da Iren dmmgpho bao nhieti hi,, D: Toi khong muon nhu the.
roi'T' (cau goc) Question 10: ""Chi khi ban trin'mg thdnh bgn se biit su that." (cau goc)
- Dap an: C - not to play . Dap an: A - w i l l you know
- Dien giai: to tell sb (not) to do sth: bao ai dirng lam gi - Dien giai: K h i Only when dirng dau cau d l nhan manh, phai c6 hien tirgng dao
Cac chgn lira con lai A . B va D khong dung cau true cua dgng tir tell. ngir xay ra.
Question 5: "Le ra anh ciy nen di khdm bdc si sou vu tai nan, nhimg thay vi the anh Cac chgn lira con lai ( B . C. D) sai cau triic. - '^^
dy van tiep luc chai." (cau goc) Question II: ""Dimg quen gin hri hoi thdm cua toi den bo me ban nhe." (cau g6c)
- ii , - Dap an: D - Thanks, 1 w i l l
Dap an: C - should have gonezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
- Dien giai: le ra phdi di khdm bdc sTnhtmg Igi khong di - Dien giai: Cdm an, toi se Idm vdy. Day la lai cam on va hira se thirc hien.
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: fail to + Vinflnitive: khong lam gi
A: must have gone: k hhn da di kham bac sT - cau noi c6 y suy luan. Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: ^"
B: didn't have to go: khong can thiet phai di kham bac sT. (, A : Good idea, thanks: Y kien hay, cam an.
D: couldn't go: khong thk di kham bac sf dirge, mau thuan y v6i lien tir but. B: It's my pleasure: Khong c6 gi.
Question 6: '"Ntrac My bao gom 50 bang, moi bang c6 bQ may chinh quyen rieng.' C: YouVe welcome: Dirng khach sao/Khong c6 g i .
- Dap an: D - each o f which Question 12: ""The tint vien nay se cho phep bgn truy cap Internet miin phi mot
- Dien giai: (dai tir quan he, tan ngir cua giai tir) fgdy 8 tieng." (cau g6c)
Cac chgn lira con lai khong phii hgp. " Dap an: A - t o
Question 7: "'Dimg lo. Toi c6 them mot cdi lop khdc sau xe." (can goc) r Dien giai: access (n) to sth: loi vao, duang di vao, ca hoi hoac quyen sir dung
C4i gi
- Dap an: D - another
- Dien giai: another + danh tir so it: (cai/ngirai) khac, them (mot ngirai hoac \ a ' ' Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: cac giai tir in, from, on khong di vai danh tir
Cac chgn lira con lai khong phii hgp: Question 13: ""Chung ta c6 nen mang theo nhiiu tien cho chtiyen di nay khong
A: other + danh tir so it: (cai) kia, (nguoi) kia (khi chi c6 hai va cai thir nhat (I'l (cau goc)
dugc de cap den va thuang theo sau bai the, my. your, his, her...) Dap an: D - In case

B: others: dai tir thay cho danh tir so nhieu, khong can danh tir theo sau. ^ien gm: In case: de dephong/dephongkhi
C: the other + danh tir so it: cai/nguai kia (trong nhieu cai/ngirai) "Yes. In case we decide to stay longer. ": "Co. De phong khi chung ta quyet
^halgildu hem"
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp: ''
Tron Bo SGK:
A : Because + clause: B6i vi...(menh de chi ly do) Download Ebook Tai:
^ay, chung ta dung so sanh bac ngang phii dinh not so as va dung much khi van
B: So that + clause: De.. .(menh de chi muc dich)
so sanh la so tien.
C: Though + clause: Mac du...(menh de chi sir tuomg phan)
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop: *' '^^ ' '''J^- '•>•->' 'ti .
Question 14: "Anh ay vira mai ciSn tram thi xe huyt denT (cau goc)
B. not so many as: dung cho danh tir dem dugrc. ' ' ' ' >'
- Dap an: D - Hardly had
C. not as much va D. less as - khong dung hinh thijc ciia so sanh bSng.
- Dien giai: Hardly....when: vira m o i . . . t h i (c6 dao ngiJ) ,.^
Question 20: ''Hien tgi Jane dd hoc ngdnh ludt duac bSn nam a tru&ng dai hqc
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop voi c§u triic ngfr phap cua cau de cho. fjavard."'(cau goc)
Question 15: John: "Ban c6 nghi rc'tng chwig ta nen sir dung nhung phtnmg tip, , Dap an: C - has been studying ' ; v . i : • ' *
giao thong cong cong de hdo ve moi iriimig khongT (cau goc) , Dien giai: Dung thi Hien tgi hodn thdnh tiep diin de chi mot hanh dong khai
- Dap an: D - Laura: "There's no doubt about it: Khong nghi nga gi ve viec nO,, (jiu tir qua khi'r va tien hanh lien tuc cho den hien tai.
lam dy." .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
. i... . ....... i •- ..I iiov nsqr.? Question 21: ''Ban thich dn mem bip - tet nhu the ndoT (cau g6c) " '
- Dien giai: Dap an D la loi tan thanh y kien cua nguai noi. r,,,- 5^ . Dap an: B - well done ' '
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop:
. D i l n giai: Tra lai cho cau hoi ve each an mon b i p - t e t : rare:/a/;/wg(//M/w:
A: Well, that's very surprising: A , that ngac nhien. (to ve ngac nhien)
chin vira; \&M'ell done: chin ki.
B: O f course not. Y o u bet!: Tat nhien la khong. Anh c6 the c h k ve dieu do. Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: 1.
(dong y viec ay khong nen lam)
A. Very much: rkx nhieu.
C: Yes, it's an absurd idea: Vang, do la mot y tuang v6 ly. (dong y rang do la
C. I don't like it much: Toi khong thich no lam.
mot y tuong phi li)
D. Very little: rat it.
Question 16: "Bdc sT cua Susan nhdn manh cd dy cdn nghi ngai mot vdi ngciy."
Question 22: "Nhd bep khong thi bdn duac bai vi cd ay vira mai lau chili xong"
(cau goc) (cau goc)
- Dap an: C - t h a t she rest - Dap an: C - c a n ' t be
- Dien giai: Dung thi present subjunctive trong menh de that sau cac dong tu chi
Dien giai: Suy luan chSc chkn ve mot vi^c phu djnh o hien tai: hip khong the
y chi; to insist that la mot trong nhung dong tir ay. ban dirge vi vira mai dirge lau don.
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop.
Cac chgn lira con lai ( A , B, D ) khong phu hgp vg mat ngir nghTa: rieng D :
Question 17: "Toi thich hdy gid ban ve nhd hcmr (cau goc) (musn t) thi mang nghTa cam doan chu khong mang nghTa suy luan.
- {)ap an: A - went ^ Question 23: "Co ay phdi nop gidy bdo nghi vi?c trirdc khi c6 dy quyit dinh thoi
- Dien giai: Ta c6 can triic would rather: v/pc." (cau goc)
SI + would rather + S2 + V2/ed + [than + V2/ed]: ai do thich nguai nao khac • Dap an: A - in advance
lam dieu gi (hai chii ngir)
• Dien giai. in advance: trudc/sdm
Luu y: S + would rather (+ not) + Vnguyen (+ than + Vnguyen) (mot chii ngfr)
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp.
Cac dap an con lai khong phu hop.
Question 24: "Chung toi khong thi di chuyin bay hang phS thong bai vi tdt cd ve
Question 18: ''Lam an don dep sgch se cdn phdng cua minh vd thoi vi^n ca nay
^dirac bdn hit." (cau goc)
«(;." (cau goc)
Dap an: B - economy
- Dap an: D - making
Dien giai: Dung danh tir de chi phuang each di may bay:
- Dien giai: make excuses: vien candy cd no ,
economy: hang ph6 thong/binh dan
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop.
Ibusiness: hang doanh nhan ,f; •
Question 19: "John dd trd hai do la cho bira dn cua minh, khong nhieu nhu anh
'Cac dap an con lai khong phu hgp: o i--,! ./• wnU/.;;
dd nghi" (cau goc)
^. economic (a): thugc v^ kinh te, c6 Igi
- Dap an: A - not so much as
economical (a): tiet kiem
- Dien giai: Cau van da cho de cap den bira an t n gia hai do. Cau noi ke tiep c 6 )
. economics (n): kinh te hoc - '.li* <Xi WJ . . i f .
so sanh so tien ma John da tra khong nhieu han so tien ma anh ta da doan t r u a c
Tron Bo SGK:
luypigiai W iriaVc S7 Wii ini .i mwii auL, IFWII^, zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I • » » • • "-•'t,' ••••• i i ii» ••••^ r
Download Ebook Tai:
Question 25: "Tdt haii hct nen co mot ho Inch quae le clnhi}:, lai nan pint nw^.-' uestion 32: A. Chiing ta diing thi hien tai dan trong trirong hop nay v i sir viec "c6
(can goc) IJuiy song ciing vdi chong tai Thanh pho Ho Chi M i n h " la mot sy that.
- Dap an: D - deforestation ' 4 is. i Question 33: C . On foot: di bo
- Dien giai: deforestation (n): sir/nan pha rirng 6 ,v'i* •
g M t ' . v m ; / / B . How + V-to infinitive + noun: lam cai gi nhir the nao ' ' '
Cac dap an con lai khong phii iiop: !ti!!
Question 33: A. False teeth: rang gia , '
A: afforestation (n); sir trong ca\y rirng
Question 36: A. Cau cam than diing voi What (What + noun!) i,; :
C : forestry (n): lam nghiep Question 37: D. To be clever/good at + mon hoc: gioi ve mon hoc nao do
D: reforestation (n): sir tai trong rirng :m. Question 3H: A. I'o be w i l l i n g + V-to infinitive: s5n sang lam dieu gi
Question 26: ••Ho khon^ thciy ckhlan^ khi son^i a marc n^oai." (can goc) Question 39: C . To be made from: dugc lam tir ,it; ni; ,
- Dap an: C - it easy to live Question 40: A. Made progress: tien bg, dat dugc thanh tuu A
- Dien giai: S + (not) + to fhidit + adj + Vto infinitive i :«>ft' A li'\
Cac dap an con lai khong pliii hop. ' " "'''''''''' '^-yh'A/^WM-'fi^-m'i
B. Tronii nwi cau sau cd cltmi mot Idi sai dm/c ddnh dau A, B, C Itay D. Hay
chi ra loi sai do va siia lai clio diinff.
Question 27: ••Dir hdo cho hay ccic nhien lieu hoa thach dir Inr ciiii the ^i('ri se can
(can goc) , , , Question I: A. spends —• takes
- Dap ;in: C - run out (liai thich: It takes someone + khoang thoi gian + V-to infinitive: ai dcS mat bao
- [y\hzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
\ %yM \loninout(ofslh)\hel.cankiet lau de lam gi = Somebody spend + khoang thai gian + V-ing: ai do mat bao nhieu
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. thai gian d i lam gi. rImM v. ,
A. use o f f (v): gMe\7/Vw 2; A . To d r i v e d r i v i n g ?!
B. take (sth) over (v): daochinh. nam quyen ^ jviv. CJiai thich: M i n d + V-ing • ,
D. catcii up (with sb) = catch sb up: duoi kip Question 3: A . More —• bo more
Question 2H: " Toi se klion^ doi y cho dii ban c6 noi ^i di mni." (cau goc) Giai thich: - V o i dang so sanh han ciia ti'nh tir ngSn, ta khong diing more ngay
- Dap an: B - no matter -r triroc tinh tir dugc so sanh. Ta chi diing more truoc dang so sanh hon cua tinh tir
- Dien giai: no matter wiiat: dii gi di nua dai ma thoi.

Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. - Dang so sanh hon ciia tinh tir ngdn: S + to be + short adjective- er ; ,
Question 29: "Dap I'mg nhilvg lhay d()i tren thi trmmg la dieii quan trong thiet yen Question 4: B: Very so

doi v('ri nidi doanh nghiep va cong ty."' (cau goc) Giai thich: so + adjective/adverb + that + clause: qua den noi
- Dap an: B - up witli Question 5: C. when —• since , ,
- Dien giai: to keep up with sth: duoi theo kip Giai thich: f h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua khir don/moc thai gian
Cac dap an con lai khong phii hop. Question 6: D . happily —» happy
A: to keep in touch with sb: giir liC-n kic voi ai Giai thich: Feel + adjective: cam giac nhu thi nao 'r •
C: keep track o f Ian theo dugc dau vet, theo k p dugc dien bien Question 7: D . it —<• bo it
D: to keep pace w i l i i : theo kip dugc toe dcVnhip do cua cai gi Giai thich: SI + V + too + (for someone) + V - to infinitive: qua den noi
Question 30: ••Mua cho ininh cuihi lap chi tren dm,vg ve. dm/c cln'tT (can goc) khong the N g u o i hoc thirang hay h\ku lam trong viec diing cSu triic nay. Hg
l^hong biet liic nao thi diing tan ngu' cuoi cau.
- Dap an: D - w i l l you
- Dien giai: " w i l l you" dirng cuoi mot cau d the menh l?nh de yeu cau Ijch sir. I + Neu chu ngCr cua cau va tan ngir cuoi cau la mot thi chung ta phai bo tan ngir

Cac dap an con lai khong phii hgp. W"-'. «.>..-..: + Neu chii ngir cua cau va tan ngir cu6i cau la hai doi tirgng khac nhau thi ta

Question 31: A. Cau hoi duoi ( l a g question): Neu ve truoc o the khang dinh thi fJng tan ngu ay (He is too tired to repair the house). . , .
phan hoi duoi 6 the pliii dinh va ngiigc lai. 1 Ion niia. neu ve truoc khong diing dgng Juestion S: C. are ' ,
tir dat bict hay t i g dgng tir ma chi diing duy nhat dgiig tir tluiong thi ta phai mirgn Giai thich: some o f the + danh tir so nhieu + dgng tir s6 nhieu
trg dong tir DO d i thiet lap phan hoi duoi. Question 9: li. a { w i t h
Tron Bo SGK:
Giai thich: to be fed up with something/doing something: chan ngay dieu gi
luy^n fjidi de JrMc kHIti DH J mien BAc, I leng Ann - lygo vun mmn
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Question 10: B . lately—* late O E T H I THU" S O 1 4
Giai thich: Late (adv): t r i , muon; lately (adv): gan day A. Hay chon cau tra lai dung nhdt irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hogc D ciia
C. Hay Viet lai cau thu hai sao cho y ng/tia ciia no giong v&iy nghia cua cau fndi cau hoi.

goc da cho Question 1: Neil Armstrong was the first man . . . . on the moon.
A . to walk B. walking C. walked D. has walked
Question 1. A t no time did I suspect that he stole my handbag. Question 2: Our industrial output from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this
Giai thich: A t no time = Never: Khong bao gia A t no time hay Never dung dau year.
cau thi hien tugng dao ngiJ xay ra ngay trong menh de theo sau ngay sau no. A . rises B. has risen C. was rising D. rose
Question 2. Much as they are good at English, he didn't accept them. . nv, Question 3: Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone.
Giai thich: Although + clause = Much as + clause: mac du, cho du ^ iiv;,- A . Whether B. When C. Because D. That
Question 3. She apologized to him for being late.
Question 4: Even i f you are rich, you should save some money for a day.
Giai thich: Apologize to someone for something/doing something: x i n loi ai ve A . windy B. rainy C. foggy D. snowy
viccgi • • Question 5: Laura had a blazing with Eddie and stormed out o f the house.
Question 4. I f only I hadn't broken the glasses. A . gossip B. chat f, C. word D. row
Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua khi'r hoan thanh = I f only + thi qua khur hoan Question 6: A l l students should be and literate when they leave school.
thanh: gia ma, uac gi ( d i l n ta dieu uac muon khong c6 thirc trong qua khu). A . numerate B. numeric C. numeral D. numerous
Question 5. I wish we had a passport now. Question 7: broken several world records in swimming.
Giai thich: S + wish + thi qua khu dan: gia ma, irac gi (dien ta dieu uac muon A . She is said that she has B. People say she had
khong thirc a hien tai). C. She is said to have D. It is said to have ,^^5 •.
Question 6. He denied having broken into the house. Question «: B i l l : "Can I get you another drink?"
Giai thich: Deny + V-ing: choi (da) lam gi Jerry: " "
Question 7. M y application for the j o b wasn't accepted/was turned down. A . Forget it B. No, it isn't
V Giai thich: Turn down: tir choi dieu gi; ap dung cau true bj dong trong truang C. No, I ' l l think it over D. Not just now
hgp nay v i tan ngfr m y application for the j o b dugc dua ra lam chu ngCr trong cau Question 9: L i z : " Thanks for the nice gift you brought to us!" ;
thi'r hai. Jennifer: " "
Question H. When I came to the airport, the plane had taken off. !'»»'<>" A . A l l right. Do you know how much it costs?
Giai thich: K h i toi den san bay thi may bay da cat canh = T o i da tre chuyen B. Not at all. Don't mention it.
ba>. Diing thi qua khu dan cho hanh dong den, dung thi qua khu hoan thanh cho sir C. Actually speaking, I myself don't like it. ajnuu-j'to .mf
viec may bay cat canh; Take off: (may bay) cat canh D. Welcome! It's nice o f you.
Question 9. 1 am interested in/ fond of/ keen on reading books. Question 10: She had to borrow her sister's car because hers was . . . .
Giai thich: Dpc sach mang lai cho toi nhidu ni^m vui = T o i thich doc sach. To
A . out o f work B. out o f order C. o f f work D . o f f chance
be interested in = to be fond o f = to be keen on something/doing something.
Question II. Ben: " " .
Thich/quan tam tai dieu gi
Jane: "Never mind." .r .,
Question 10. 1 have difficulty in doing the thing.
A . Congratulations! How wonderful!
Giai thich: It + to be + difficult + for someone + V - t o infinitive = someone +
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned. ^.
have difficulty in doing something: ai do gap kho khan trong viec g i .
C. Thank you for being honest with me.
D. Hay doc doan van sau that c&n than roi chgn cau tra IM dung cau hoi
D. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday? .r?
I.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A
Question 12. " Y o u can go to the party tonight . . . . you are sober when you come
6. C 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. D home."
A . as long as B. as well as C. as far as D . as soon as
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 13: W e w i t h a s w i m i n the lake. Download Ebook Tai:
Question 29. H i e captain as w e l l as a l l the passengers v e r y f r i g h t e n e d b y the
A . gave i n B. c o o l e d o f f C. got out D. t o o k u p strange noise.
Question 14: A s the d r u g t o o k the boy became q u i e t e r . A . have been B. w a s C. is "• D. w e r e
A. action B. i n f l u e n c e C. e f f e ct D. f o r c e Question 30: It is i m p e r a t i v e .... what to d o w h e n there is a f1re.
Question 15: i v e w a r n e d y o u m a n y t i m e s .... the f r o n t d o o r u n l o c k e d . A . he must k n o w a b o u t B. that e v e r y o n e k n o w
A . not l e a v i n g B. w o n " t leave C. not t o leave D. d o n ' t leave
C. that he knew D. w e knew
Question 16: " T h e i n f l a t i o n rate in Greece is f i v e t i m e s .... m y c o u n t r \ , " he said. Question 31: I h e y used t o m e t o take u p j o g g i n g as it is such good
A . as h i g h as that in B. as m u c h as exercise.
C. as m a n y as that i n I ) , more than ' ' A . advise B. said S""^" C. suggested D. prepare
Question 17: It is true that t h i s c o u n t r y produces m o r e o i l t h a n . . . . ? '• Question 32: The p a i n t i n g was l o o expensive f o r m e
A . any a n o t h e r c o u n t r y B. any c o u n t r i e s else '^'^
A . t o b u \. b u v i n g C, buy D, t o be b o u g h t
C. any a n o t h er c o u n t r i e s D. a n\y else
Question 33: A l t h o u g h it is very
Question IS: N o t h a v i n g w r i t t e n about the required t o p i c a low mark.
A . he can w r i t e the b o o k ^- '
A . the teacher gave m e B. 1 was g i v e n "'^
B. but he can w r i t e the b o o k '
C. the teacher gave D. m \n w a s g i v e n
Question 19: T h e y ' r e s t a y i n g w i t h us .... the t i m e b e i n g u n t i l t h e y c a n a f f o r d a C. so he i s n ' t interested in w r i t i n g the b o o k '

house. D. h o w e v e r , he w i l l w r i t e the book

A. during B. f o r C. at D. i n Question 34: H e is such that w e a l l k n o w h i m .
Question 20: W e have b o u g h t e x t r a f o o d o u r guests stay t o d i n n e r . A . a f a m o u s singer B. a f a m o u s
A . so that B. w h e n C. i f • * D . in case C. s i n g w e l l D. a v e r y f a m o u s singerzyxwvutsrqponmlkji
' n "* -
Question 21: T h e I n t e r n e t has enabled people t o .... w i t h each o t h e r m o r e q u i c k l y . Question 35: H e u s u a l l y spends his free t i m e books written in English.
A. interconnect B. i n t e r l i n k C. interact D. intervene A. reading B. read read D.have read
Question 22: M r . B l a c k : ' I ' d l i k e t o t r y on these shoes, please."
Question 36: the age o f 18, she left h o m e and s u p p o r t e d herself.
Sales g i r l : " . . . . v i l M "
A. O n B. W i t h C. D u r i n g D. A t
A . B y a l l means, sir. •^
'^ B. T h a t ' s r i g h t , sir.
Question 37: t u r n i n g d o w n the radio? I t ' s very n o i s y .
C. W h y not? D . I ' d love t o .
A. Would >ou mind B. W o u l d y o u l i k e .
Question 23: M a r g a r e t : " C o u l d y o u open the w i n d o w , please?"
C. D o y o u l i k e D. I d o n ' t m i n d
Henry: " "
Question 38: She is w i l l i n g t o h e l p ,^ j^^.^y« .^^..
A . I a m , o f course B. Y e s , w i t h pleasure
C . I feel sorry D. Y e s, 1 can V A . the p o o r B. a p o o r C. so p o o r D. such p o o r

Question 24: I m i g h t , I c o u l d n ' t open the d o o r . ' Question 39: the bad weather, they decided t o cancel the f l i g h t .

A . H o w e v e r hard B. A s t r y A. Despite B. I h a n k s t o C. O n a c c c o u n t o f D. A c c o r d i n g t o
C. T r y as D. N o matter Question 40: Siie was rude h i m yesterday.
Question 25: M a r t h a , J u l i a and M a r k are 17, 19 and 20 years o l d A. to - B. w i t h C. o f D. b y
A. independently B. separately C. r e s p e c t i v e l y D. r e s p e c t f u l l y
B. Tronfi sau cd diuii motzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVU
hV sai cluyc adnh dau A, B, C hay D. H ay
Question 26: he does s o m e t i m e s annoys me v e r y m u c h .
'"M ra ioi sai do yd sua l(ji c/ io dunf;. 7? * • •
A. What B. W h e n C. H o w D. W h y
Question 27: S i n c e he f a i l e d his e x a m , he had t o .... f o r it a g a i n . Question 1: A c c o r d i n g w i t h h i m , w e have t o discuss the m a t t e r later.

A . take B. sit C. m a k e D. pass A B C D , '

Question 2S: I f e v e r y o n e h o w w o u l d w e c o n t r o l the t r a f f i c ? question 2: H i s recently k n o w l e d g e o f E n g l i s h a d m i r e s us.
A. could tly B. can f l y C. Hies D. had t l o w n A B C D
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 3. They prefer going for a walk to stay at home. Ebook Tai:
Question 7: I wish I hadn't told the truth.
A B C D I f only
Question 4: It took me a hour to fly from Ho Chi M i n h city to Hue Citadel.
A B C D , Question 8: It was so late that nothing could be done.
Question 5: I can't afford to buy the expensiye car. I am going to buy ,^ It was too
A B ;, 1,
a more cheaper one. , i . ^ ' - j ^ . ^ : v ; ; ' . o r b^^^ i^v,.v Question 9: I solved the problem in two hours.
It took
Question 6: There is no point at telephoning her. She has iust gone out, j,,.
A B C D Question 10: Our room is going to be painted by him.
Question 7: He is looking forward to travel to Bangkok where he first met her. We are going to have him
Question 8: Haye you eyer been to American? Yes, I did. .,^1
D. Hay doc doan van sau that c^n than roi c/tpn cau trd l&i dung cau hoi
Question 9: This is the man whom daughter is working for my company now. Michael Faraday, an English (1) physicist, was the son o f a poor
A B C D blacksmith. After very (2) schooling he was apprenticed to a bookbinder.
Question 10: I am so pleased to haying tjie opportunity to yisist the country. The boy worked (3) all day and studied at night. One day a man on
A B C D entering the shop found a boy at work binding an encyclopedia, and at the same
time studying hard at the article on (4) in it.
C. Hay Viet lai cau tliu Itai sao choy ng/tia cua no giong v&iy ngftia cua cau
The man was (5) to see the boy so interested in a very difficult subject
gocdaclto and questioned him. He found out that Faraday, working late at night, had already
Question 1: Y o u should haye your hair cut. been (6) experiments o f his own, though he was too poor to possess
anything but a homemade battery! When a man gave him four tickets for the
Your hair needs
lectures which Sir Humphry Davy was then (7) at the Royal Institute,
~* ; K r the boy was as much delighted (8) someone had given him a fortune. He
Question 2: We couldn't go because o f the heayy ram.
went to the lectures and made (9) o f what he heard. A t the end o f the
lectures, he sent his notes to the great scientist and asked him for work. Later,
Davy made him as his assistant. This began his (10) career.
Question 3: " Y o u had better not lend her any more money, M i n h , " he said.
He adyised Question I: A. experimental B. experiment C. famous D. experienced
Question 2: A. a little B. little C. few D. a few
* f.
Question 4: 1 haven't been to the village for 3 years. Question 3: A. hard B. hardly C. seldom D. better ,
Question 4: A. electrify B. elect C. electricity D. election , . >
Question 5: A. surprised B. surprising C. amazing D. amusing
Question 6: A . made B. done C. doing D. making
Question 5: He spends so much money on clothing.
^estion 7: A. widened B. delivering C. performing D. spreading
Question 8: A. as i f B.even i f
-* C. as though D. as soon
^stion 9: A. information B. paper
Question 6: Tuan has difficulty in studying English. C. notes D. notice
Qftestinn in A . scientific D. experiment
It is B. science C. scientist

Tron Bo SGK: 265

'lt fjllll Ul> innUM III! ifii •> mail ijiu, I i M i i / , , . . . • • f . - T , . „ ^
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iiestion 19: B. thanh ngfr for the time being: tam thai trong thai gian nay

nui'Si 20: I) in case + : de phong khi
A. Hay clion van trd U'ri di'iiifi nhfit I 'ntfi vdi k y tirA, B, C lioac D ctia m oi cCiu lun.
Question 21. C. Interact with sb = to comnuinicate vsith sb. Dong tir interconnect
Question I A. cluing ta dung td-jnllnitixe do rut gon nienh dc quan he sau cum tif
^j, interlink: can thiep vao vice gi
the first, the last, the onl\g cau nay the first man \ o walk on the moon =
^M£^vm;« 22: ,4. I K all means, sir: C ir tir nhien. thua ting. ' , ' (•
the Urst man who walked on the moon. Question 23: B. Yes. with pleasure: Vang, rat san long.
Question 2: B. cluing ta dung thi present perfect de dien ta \c gi da .\a> ra va van
Question 24: C. I r\s 1 might (= However hard I tried): Cho dii toi co giing may
con keo toi hien tai \ trong tirong lai. di niia.
Question .?: I), ta c6 dien ngCr The fad thai, nlur va\ lam chirc niing ciia niot Question 25: Q\ : theo tuan tir nhir trcii ,
dai til (juan he tha\o tir ihe fuel diroc hieu ngam va la clui ngiT cho dong tir dirot Question 26: .\ . What: Nhirng gi ma. diing nhir mot dai tir quan he
surpnscd cvenone.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Question 27: B. sit for an exam = do an e.xam: di thi. Phirang an A khong diing vi
Question 4. B. ta co thanh ngCr to save or keep m oney for a rainy clay: dc danh tien
chiing ta chi co to take exam: tham gia vao ki thi. khong co giai tir for.
dw iihrrng hic can thiet vc sau.
Question 2H: A. how would we control the traffic... la dau hieu ciia cau dieu kien
Question 5: I), tir row: vu cai nliaii loai II Ho \a>. menh de gia sir phai la "If ever\one could lly."
Question 6 A. numerate: hiet lam cac phcp tinh ca ban
Question 29: B. l a da biet khi hai clui ngir dirge iicii bang "as vsell as"" thi dong tir
Question 7 : ('. ila\a loai can bi dong \6i cac dpng tir co y nghia tirirng thuat sc dirge chia tiico chu ngfr thir nhat. "The captain"" hi danh tir so it nen dong tir
I rong can n;'i\e said to have broken .several records phai so it: hon nfra. tinh luiong nay chac clian da xa\a nen ta khong diing thi hien
Question S: I). Can hoi la loi luoi diing them riroii hoac bia, nen can dap an thich tai. Chi C O "was"" moi thich hgp.
hop iihal tioiig bon plurong an la Ni^ just now: Bay gio thi chira Question 30: B. la co: It is + imperative, important, vital, essential + that +^ S
Question 9: B. i)a\a can dap lich sir va than nutt khi ngirai khac cam an chi'ing ta + Vnguyen \en • ..i u
\ \c gi cluing ta da lam cho ho. Question 3 1 :A. Advise someone to do something: khiiven ai nen lam gi
Question 1 0 B. out of order: bi hong ma_\ Cac phirong an con lai: out of work: Question 32:.\ o to : qua den noi
that nghiep; oft' work: dirge nghi lam; off chance diing vai cum lir on the off Question 3 3 :\ . Although + clause, clause: mac dii nhirng
chance co ngliTa chi Jc can m ay. Question 34. A such + noun + that +clause: qua den noi
Question / / B. \ can dap Never mind: Dtm ^ han k irn lam ^'/, thiiang de diing dap Question 35. A. Spend + khoang thiri gian + V-ing: danh thai gian de lam gi
lai loi xin loi. Question .?6 I). At the age of + sci dem: a do tuoi
Question 12: .4. as long as: mien la. Question 3 7 :A. Would vou mind + V-ing? Cam phien (anh. chi, em )? - LcTi
Question /.? B. C ( H I | o f f lam mai me yen cau lich sir
Question 14 C. thanh ngfr to take etfect: phat hiiy tac dung Question 3H: A. the + adjective = noun (danh tir diing de chi cluing mot loai. nu)t
Question 15. C. cluing ta co can triic warn sb not to do sih: canh bao ai dirng lam gi
Question 16: .\ . chiing ta diing tinh tir hif^h de noi ve sir lam phat cao; han nCra- Y^klu: the rich: ngircii giaii. the poor: ngiriri ngheo
cluing ta phai diing dai tir quan he that sau as high as de thay the cho danh t'f Question 39: C. On account of = Because of + noun/noun phrase: do boi, boi vi
inJJalion di triroc - ' Question 40: A. f o be rude to someone: v6 le vai ai
Question 17: C. any other countries: bat ci'r nh&ng quoc gia nao khac. Phirong an A
B. Tron}! m oi cau sau co chiia m ot Idi sai dinrc ddnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay
khong diing vi chiing ta khong diing chung any vai another: phirang an B va P
'"" ra Idi sai dd vd siia lai cho dun}{.
kiuing dirge chap nhan vi tir else chi diing sau cac tir de hoi: What else? W'^"'
else'?.... 1 loac sail cac tir anybody else, nowhere else Q'* estion I: A. with — to
Question 18: B. menh de thir nhiit la mot menh de hien tai phan tir. nen chCi ngi*^ ^ i i i j h i c h : According to someone: theo y kien ciia ai
ciia dong tir .\ <)i having written phai ciing cluing vai chii ngfr ciia menh de theo sai'' ^"^stion 2 : A. recently —> recent '*
do vay chi co B la phirang an diing. liiajjiuch: adjective + noun
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 3: D . to stay—* to staying Download Ebook Tai:
Question 6. It is difficult for Tuan to study English.
Giai thich: Prefer + V - i n g to + V-ing: thich lam gi horn lam gi
Giai thich: Have difficulty in doing something = It is difficult (for someone) to
Question 4: A . a —• an , •, something: ai do gap kho khan trong viec gi
Giai thich: A n hour: mot ti^ng dong ho i.> •
Question 7. I f only I hadn't told the truth. ''' " ' " ''
g«^jr//ort 5: D. More cheaper—+ cheaper * ' •
Gjai thich: Wish + thi qua khii hoan thanh = I f only + thi qua khu hoan thanh:
Giai thich: Dang thurc so sanh hon ciia tinh tir ngSn: tinh tir n g S n e r >" rna (dien ta dieu uac muon khong c6 that trong qua khir) "
Question 6: C a t - * in • ' ^ ^ J ^ ' - ' I « i 'UAnii . <i. < . . .»>•-
Question 8. It was too late to do anything. '
Giai thich: There is no point in doing something: that la v6 nghTa khi lam gi Giai thich: too to : qua den noi khong (mang y nghTa phii djnh)
Question 7: B . To travel —> to travelling Question 9. It took me t w o hours to solve the problem.
Giai thich: Look forward to + V-ing: mong ngong dieu gi * Giai thich: It takes someone + khoang thai gian + V - t o infinitive: A i do mat bao
Question 8: D. Did —> have " " Ilude l a m g i
* Giai thich: Cau hoi Yes/No question bat dau bang mot t r g dgng tir hay mot Question 10. We are going to have him paint our room. i, !
dgng tir dac biet thi cau tra lai dirge ket thiic bang chinh t r g dgng tir hay dgng tir Gjai thich: Have someone do something: nha ai lam gi ,-, t ) - , , , ^ ' - .<• ,.
dac biet ay (no c6 the a the khang djnh hay phii djnh).
Question 9: B. Whom —• whose D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than roi chgn cau tra l&i dung cau hoi
Giai thich: Dai tir quan h? Whose (cua nguai ma) thay the cho cac tinh tir so l.A 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A
huu nhir his, her, 6.D 7. B 8. A 9.C 10. A
Question 10: B . T o having - + to have
Giai thich: T o be pleased to do something: vui mirng de lam dieu gi
C. Hay viet lai cau thir Itai sao cho y nghia ciia no giong v&iy nghia cua can
^P>4. Hay chgn cau tra l&i dung nhat irng v&i ky tu- A, B, C hoac D ciia moi
goc da cho.
cau hoi. n/1 '
Question 1. Your hair needs cutting. Question 1: " W h y don't you sit down and ?"
Giai thich: S.t + need + V - i n g : Cai gi can dugc lam gi (mang y bj dong) A. make yourself at peace B. make yourself at rest
Question 2. Without the heavy rain, we could have gone. "* C. make it your own home D. make yourself at home w<»^^'"''>'''
Giai thich: Without + noun, S + could/would + have + V3/ed: Neu khong Question 2: " Y o u have cooked so many dishes. There are only three o f us
(dang thiJc cua cau dieu kien loai III khong dung If: for lunch."
Without + noun/noun phrase = I f not ) A. wouldn't B. oughtn't C. needn't D . couldn't
Question 3. He advised M i n h not to lend her more money. Question 3: The Second World War in 1939.
Giai thich: Advise someone to do something: khuyen ai nen lam gi A. brought about B. turned up C. broke out D. lookout
= should + V-nguyen = had better + V-nguyen Question 4: " W e ' d better i f we want to get there in time. ,
Question 4. It's three years since 1 last went to the village.
A. turn down B . speed up C. take up D. put down
Giai thich: S + have/has + not + V3/ed + for + khoang thai gian = I f s *
^"estion 5: The temperature takes place varies widely from material to
khoang thai gian + since + S +last + V2/ed: T o i da khong trong , . "laterial.
Question 5. I f 1 were him, I wouldn't spend so much money on clothing.
A. which melting B. at which melting . ji
Giai thich: A n h ta tieu nhieu tien cho viec mua sam quan ao = neu toi la anh
C. at which they melt D. which they melt <«
thi toi se khong tieu nhieu tien cho vi^c mua s^m quan ao. (Dung cau di6u k i f n l'^^'
^'*estion 6: The village was visible through the dense fog. "
II de the hien lai khuyen hoac lai phan nan)
only B. barely C. mostly D. hard
Tron Bo SGK:
i - H i y i i j - i i i i tie If w i n m iiii^
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liestion 20: "Ne\r be late for an interview you can't get the job."
Question 7: without animals and plants?
A. What would lite on earth be like IV How would life on earth be for A. unless B. otherwise C. o r s o I), i f not
C. What w i l l life on earth be like D. How w i l l life on earth be like Question 21: I f it for the heav\, the accident would not have
Question S: Harr>: "Are you ready. Kate? fhere's not much time left." (happened. ..^^jj ^ . ,•
Kate: "Yes. just a minute !" /\ weren't B. hadn't been C. isn't D. were
A. No ionuer B. I won't finish C. I'd be OK I). I'm coming Question 22: I he sk> was cloudy and foggy. We went to the beach
Question 9: " you treat him. he'll help \ o u . He's so tolerant." A. however B. even though C. so [). yet
A. No matter how B. In addition to C. l-ven though D. As i f Question 23: I le never lets anything him and his weekend tlshini; trip.
Question 10: I could not the lecture at all. It was too difficult for me. A. come between B. come on . , ,
A. get along B. make o f f C. take in D. hold on C come up D. come among
Question II: I did not want to believe them, but in fact was true Question 24: .loan: "Our friends are coming Mike?"
A. what the> said B. what has said Mike: " I ' m sorry, but I can't do it now." wvii
C. that the\e said I), which they said A. Shall Nou make some coffee, please ' '
Question 12:zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
"Ww'W recogni/e .lenn> when you see her. She a red hat." B. Shall I make >(ni like .some coffee .^rjiZ M 7 i
A. u ill wear B. w i l l be wearing C. wears D. is wearing C. Wh\t we cook some coffee /.^
Question 13: Alfonso: "I had a reall\d time. Thanks for the lovely evening" D. Would >ou mind making some coffee '! 'Svcv
Maria: " Question 25: Our boss would rather during the working hours.
A. I'm glad >ou enjoyed it B. Yes. it's really good A. us not chatting M. we didn't chat C. us not chat D. we don't chat
C. Oh. that's right D. No. it's verv kind o f you
Question 26: the rise in unemployment, people still seem to be spending
Question 14: Ihis shirt is that one. more.
A. as much expensive as B. not nearly as expensive as
A. Despite B. Although C. l-ven though D. Nevertheless
C. a bit less expensive D. much far expensive than
Question 27: Hardly his words. Believe him!
Question 15: Ihe sign "NO f RI-SPASSING" tells you "
A. he breaks B. he broke C. does he breaks I), does he break
A. not to photograph - B. not to smoke
Question 2S: He told he had seen a ghost.
C. not to enter D. not to approach
A.if B.enthough C.whether D as i f
Question 16: Sue: "Can >ou help me with my essay?"
Question 29: Fortunately, the Hood has
Robert:" "
A. gone down B. gone over C. gone up D, gime
A. Yes, I'm afraid not. B. i think that, too.
Question 30: Unless >ou your diit\ you mustn't tell anything.
C. Not completely D. Why not? j'nWoo
A. go through B. go over (". go along [ ) . go in
Question 17: The instructor blew his whistle and
Question 31: He insisted meeting \ou. not Mr. Thuan. ^^y,
A. o f f the runners were running B. o f f ran the runners
A- in B. at C. on D. from
C. o f f were running the runners D. the runners run o f f
Question IH: She built a high wall round her garden 'stion 32: My father me to his friends last night.
A. to enable people not taking her fruit A. iiitrodi ced B. complained C. play D. begin
B. so that her fruit would be stolen Y^stion 33: fhe garden supplies us green vegetables ,
C. to prc\ent her fruit from being stolen ' ^• ^y B.for C. with
D. in order that her fruit not be stolen ^'*estion 34: His answer is based my opinion.
Question 19: Before I left for my summer camp, my mother told me to take u a i ' i i ^- with IV on C.for I), from
clothes with mc it was cold. <festion 35: Can NOU tell the differences between them'.' r •
A. despite B. in case C. so that I ) , whereas ^ from B. o f f C. on I), for
Tron Bo SGK:
^wmj^Y" ty— — — ^

Question 36: The meeting w i l l be held January.

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C. Hay Viet lai cdu thie hai sao cho y nghia cua no giong vai y nghta ciia cdu
gdc dd cho
A. at B. since C. in D. on
Question J7:They fall love with each other ' Question I. You can't visit the United States i f you don't have a visa.
A. in B. at C. on D . for
Question 38: He put an end the destruction. ^ .
Question 2. " D i d you lend your car to a boy?" he asked. B. to C. with D. in
He asked me i f
Question 39: Unfortunately, he disapproved what 1 said.
A. with B. o f C. at D. from
Question 3. Susan felt sick because she ate too much cream. ,,
Question 40: He didn't agree with me
A. about B. on Cat
the behavior.
D . by ' '
If .1..^.'.
B. Trong nuVi cdu sau cd chira mot iSi sai du<^c ddnh dau A, B, C hay D. Hay Question 4. He started work for the company five years ago.
He has been
tint ra Idi sai do vd sira lai cho dung. i n r . ; Str

Question 1. Mary and M r . Steve is my relatives. They Hye i n America now. Question 5. M r . Thanh cleaned the floor for me.
A B C D I had
Question 2. The cost o f living have risen fast recently.
A B C D Question 6. Please don't make noise here.
Question 3. Seldom does my father watches films after 9:00 P.M. He usually rd rather
goes to bed at the time. Question 7. She left home when she was fifteen.
At the
Question 4. Would you mind not to smoke here? "
A B C D Question 8. Mary was born 25 years ago.

Question 5. Among the high buildings I like yours mostly. • It is 25 years

A B C D '
Question 9. Who does this car belong to?
Question 6. The book which you are going to buy is written byiJapanese.
Whose 9
. A B ' C D
Question 7. U is likely raining .You should bring a raincoat
Question 10. Y o u should take care o f your children.
I suggest
Question 8. He spoke such fast that we couldn't understand anything.
D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than roi chpn cdu trd l&i dung cdu hoi.
Question 9. It is his j o b that he earns a lots o f money.
A B C D Most large cities now have an underground (1) as the French "Metro".
^ h e n you need to change (2) , you usually have to walk along bare,
Question 10. M y wife always prides herself with cooking. Surely, she cooks
Uninteresting corridors. Sometimes, i f you are lucky, (3) w i l l be buskers:
people playing music in the (4) o f earning a few pence, they w i l l be very
very well '' i f you throw a few coins into the hat which they have placed on the
(6) — i n front o f them, but they w i l l go on playing happily
you don't. These buskers give us a moment o f (8) as we
Tron Bo SGK:
/:77jf7; 77? marc KTWI ftffJ rriKll n u t , iiuug,. »uffi > it^.ig m n - 1 'Si> Cty TSHHMTVDV'VH KItang Vifl
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rush for our trains. It is a pity, then, the authorities are against busking, and do Cac phuong an sai: A. turn down (v$n nho am thanh/ tir ch6i); C. lake up (theo
what they can do to stop it. Buskers may be (9) the law, but I think that duoi ham me); D. put down (de xuong).
most people are glad to have (10) music to brighten their busy lives.
Question S: Cau van da de cap la cau phuc vai menh de quan he a giOa cau c6
B. group C. organization D. ground (Jpng tir so it (takes) nen chii tir ciia no phai la so it (mealting).
Question 1: A. system
Question 2: A. trains B. ferry C. boats D. flight Dap an dung B. The temperature at which me/tinf> lakes place varies widely
B.having C. there in-ji u ' D. there is jrom material to material. (Nhi^t dp dat den mire sir tan chay xay ra a do thay doi
Question 3: A. it
C. thought ; • ; - D. regard nhieu tiiy theo vat li^u.)
Question 4: A. believe B. hope
D. pleased Question 6:
Question 5: A. pleasant B. pleasure C. please
B. ground C. land D. road ' *' Dap an dimg B: barely vira van, chi du. The village was barely visible through
Question 6: A. soil
C. asif though (he dense fog. (Ngoi liing chi hi^n ra \a ma trong strong mil day dac.)
Question 7: A. even i f B. ever
C. style D. standard Cac phirong an sai: A. only (chi); C. mostly (phan Ion, chii yeu la); D. hard
Question 8: A. pleasure B. hope
(sieng nang).
Question 9: A. breaking B. promising C. cutting D. destroying
D. few Question 7: Ta ap dung cau dieu kien loai II de de cap den dieu khong c6 that a
Question 10: A. a few B. little C. a little
hien tai.
Dap an dimg A. What would life <m earth be like without animals and plants?
DIEN GIAI DAP AN (Cupc song trcMi trai dat se ra sao neu khong c6 dpng, thyc vat?)
A. Hay clwn cdu tra Iffi dung nlidt irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hoac D cua moi Question H:
c(iu ltdi. Dap an la D. '
Question 1: Cau hoi vc thanh ngir. Harry: 'Are y(ni ready. Kate.' There's not much time left. "
Dap an dung D: makL' yourself al home (cur tir nhien nhir a nha). Why don 7 you Kate: "Yes. Just a minute. I'm coming '."
sii down and make yourself af home? (Sao anh khong ngoi xuong va cur tir nhien Ilarr>: Kate, anh chuan bj xong ehua? Chung ta khong eon nhieu thai gian nira.
nhuanha?) K.ite: \ ' a n g . chiT mot lat. Toi den ngay day.
' ac phuang an sai: A, B, C vi logic nghTa cua cau vSn. Cac phuong an ci)n lai khong logic nghTa.
Question 2: A. AV; longer (khong con nfra); B. / won't finish (Toi se khong hoan tat); C. I'd
he OK (Toi khong sao).
Dap an dung C: ta c6 cau true needn't have + V3/ed: le ra da khong can thiet
Question 9:
lam gi
Dap an dimg A: No matter how: bat ke ra sao, m3c du
"You needn't have cooked so many dishes. There arc only three of us for
"\'o matter how you treat him. he 'II help you. He's so tolerant. " (Dii chj doi xir
lunch. " (Le ra chi khong chuan bj qua nhieu mon an nhir the. Chung toi chi c6 ba
vai anh ay ra sao thi anh ay ciing se giiip chi. Anh ta rat khoan dung.)
nguai dung cam trira thoi.)
Cac phuong an sai:
Cac phirang an sai D: A. wouldn7 have + V3/eddung trong menh de chinh cau
B: in addition to (them vao) •
dieu kien loai III; B. oughtn't phai c6 "to" theo ngay sau; couldn't have + VS/ed
C: evc}i though (mac dii) dimg cho m^nh de trang ngir chi sir nhirgng bo de clii
dimg trong m^nh de chinh cau dieu ki^n loai III. •lai y doi lap nhau.
Question 3: D: (/.s//(nhu the la)
Dap an dung C : break out (khai phat bat thinh linh). The Second World War Question 10:
broke out in 1939. (The chicMi thir hai bung no nam 1939.)
Dap an dimg C: take in (hieu/ cho a tro): I could not take in the lecture at all. It
Cac phurong an sai: A. bring about (dem lai ket qua/ xay ra); B. turn up (xuat ^as loo difficult for me. (Toi khong hieu clu'it gi ve bai giang ca. No qua kho doi
hi^n); D. take out (lay di). ^oitoi.)
Question 4: Ccic phirang an sai: A. gel along (hoa thuan); B. make off (di mat, ciion goi); D.
Dap an dung B: speed up (tang toe dp). "We d belter speed up if we want to gel ^°ld on (nam chat, giir chat).
there in time. " (Chung ta nen tang toe neu muon den do kjp gia.)Tron Bo SGK:
9W Zf.
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B: "I think that, too " (Toi cung nghT the), the hien su dong y vai y kien nguai
Question 11: Ta da biet m?nh de danh tir (noun clause) bat dau bang what c6 the
lam chu ngir trong cau va dpng tir cua cau do a hinh thuc so it.
Dap an dung A: / did not want to believe t/iem, hut in fact, what they said was C: Not completely. " (Khong hoan loan vay.) the hi^n y phii djnh vai vSn de gi.
true. (Toi khong muon tin ho, nhung th^t ra nhCrng gi hp noi la dung.) Question 17: Vai dao ngir khi dua trang tir chi nai chon ra dau m#nh de ta khong
c5n diing tra dong tir ma chi vi^c dua ra truac chu tir:
Cac phuong an B, C , D sai ve phuong di|n ngir phap.
Trang tir chi noi chon + dong tir + chO tir
Question 12: .\uvvjV.>i\ v'A
Dap an diing B: The instructor blew his whistle and off ran the runners. (Huan
Dap an dung B
luyen vien thoi coi va cac van dpng vien chay vyt di.)
"You 'II recognize Jenny when you see her. She will be wearing a red hat. "(Anh
se nhan ra Jenny khi anh gap c6 ay. Co ay se dpi chiec non mau do.) A, C la hai phuang an sai ve hinh thuc dpng tir ("run" khong the chia a thi Qua
khir tiep dien trong tinh huong nay.)
Cac phuCTng an khac sai ve y nghTa ciia thi. ,_i„^| , • .
D khong dupe chap nhan. sai hinh thirc dpng tir run —+ ran . "
Question 13: j'ij Question 18:
Alfonso: "I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely evening. "
Dap an dimg C. Ta c6 cum tir: prevent + S.t/S.o + from...{ngan chan cai gi/ ai
Alfonso: Toi dugc huang khoang thai gian th^t tuy?t. Cam on em ve buoi t6i khoi)
tuy^t vai. She built a high wall round her garden to prevent her fruit from being stolen.
Dap an diing A: I'm glad you enjoyed it (Toi vui vi anh da thi'ch thu.) (Co ay .\ay birc tuang cao xung quanh khu vuan de ngan ch§n trai cay bj hai trpm.)
Cac phuang an B, D khong dupe chap nhan vi chung la cau tra lai cho cau hoi Cac phuang an sai:
Co - Khong. A: cau triic dimg phai la: enable S.o + Vto inf (khien ai do c6 kha nang lam gi)
Ta khong chpn C: Oh, that's right (6, dupe roi) - khong logich vai y ciia cau B: so that + S + modals + Vnguyen diing de chi muc dich.'.sY; that her fruit
hoi. •.(-• would be stolen " (de trai cay trong khu vuan c6 ky se bj danh cSp), khong phii hpp
Question 14:
Dap an dung B: So sanh khong bSng: not as/so + tinh tir/trang tir + as D: in order that + menh de chi myc dich.
Question 19:
"This shirt is not nearly as expensive as that one. " (Chiec ao sa mi nay gan
Dap an dimg B: in case + clause: phong khi/keo ...
nhu khong d§t bang chiec ao kia.)
Cac phirang an sai: Before I left for my summer camp, my mother told her to take warm clothes with
me in case it was cold. (Truac khi toi di cam trai he, me toi nhSc toi mang theo
A: trucrng hpp nay sai hinh thuc ngir phap
quan ao am phong khi trai lanh.)
C: truang hop nay sai hinh thuc ngiJ phap
Cac phuang an sai:
D: truang hap nay sai hinh thuc ngir phap. Tr^ng tir chi cap dp "far" phai dung
A: despite + N/N.p
truac "much": far (too) much. C: .so that + clause
Question 15: Day la hinh thuc xuat hi?n tren cac bien bao: NO + V-ing (Cam...)
D: whereas (= while) + m?nh de chi sy doi lap
Question 20:
Dap an dimg C: not to enter (khong dupe vao).
Dap an dung B: otherwise/ or else (neu khong)
Cac phuang an khac khong hpp nghTa.
"Never be late for an interview, otherwise you can't get the job. " (Dimg bao
Question 16:
gia den phong van tre, neu khong ban se khong xin dupe viec.)
Sue: "Can you help me with my essay? " (Ban hay giup toi lam bai tieu lu^n nay
A, D la cac phuang an sai: unless (trir khi)
nhe?) C: Sai cau triic. -
Dap an dung D: fVhy not? (T^i sao toi l^i khong giiip chii?) - day la cau dong > Question 21: ^" ] • " V'
truac lai de nghj. Dap an dung \kB: hadn't been
Cac phuang an sai: Menh de chinh da cho c6 dang: S + would + have + V3/ed, do do m?nh de gia
A: "Yes, I'm afraid not" (Vang, toi e rSng khong the) la cau tra lai cho cau h^" ^i>: S + had + V3/ed '"- • •-
Co - Khong. Tron Bo SGK:
// // hadn 7 been for the heavy storm, the accident would Download Ebook
not have Tai:
happened. Question 39: B. Disapprove o f something: khong tan thanh vai dieu gi
(Neu khong vi tran bao khung khiep do thi tai nan da khong x a y r a . ) Question 40: B. Agree with someone on something: t i o n g y vai ai di^u gi
Question 22:
Dap an dung A . dung"however" de noi h a i menli de doi lap nhau. Tir noi cau B. Tronfi moi cau sau c6 chira mot loi sai dietrc t^dn/i dau A, B, C hay D. Hay
nay c6 cac vj t r i dau. g i i r a hoac cuoi cau thCr iiai. Truac va sau "however" phai c6 tint ra loi sai do va sira lai cho diing.
dau phay hoac dau cham.
Question 1: A . is are
The sk\' was cloudy and foggy. We went to the beach, however. (Trai nhieu may va
Giai thich: Chung ta phai diing dong tir s6 nhieu d^ phii hgp vai chu ngu so
CO suang mu. Tuy nhien, chung to! van di ra bai bien.)
nhieu (noun and noun). „,v<V' '•• ••.«<..•,••.»•.•
B, C, D la cac phuong an sal: B. even though (du, mac du) chi sir nhugng bp; C.
Question 2: B . have —* has
SY; (nen, cho nen) chi ket qua va D . yet (tuy nhien) , jzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Giai thich: Chimg ta phai diing has vi dong tir trong cau nay bi chi phoi bai
Question 23: _ „ ^^yt* '^HM
The Cost o f living lam chirc nang chii ngij-.
Dap an di'mg A : ta da biet come between...and(anh huong)
Question 3: B. watches watch AIOH I I S W I m(\: V ......
He never lets anything come between him and his weekend fishing trip. ( A n h a y
( i i a i tliich: Seldom dirng dau cau tren neu hien tirgng dao ngfr xay ra. N ^ u
khong bao gicr d^ dieu gi anh huang den chuyen di cau ca cuoi tuan.)
trong can chi dung duy nhat don}( tir thuvnf; hay done tir kitiem khuyet thi khi
B, C , D l a cac phuong an sai: come on (bat dau/tiep tuc...); come up (xay ra)
dao ngu ra chimg ta phai mwan fro dona tir DO hoac diva dons tir khieni
khong CO tan ngir; among dung cho nhcSm nhieu han hai va khong di chung voi litMi
khuyet dang dirge sir dung len dirng ngay truac chii ngfr va dong tir chinh trong cau
tir and.
luon phai diroc sir dung a dang nguyen mau. ,
I '"I <, ; ,, .
Question 4: C . to smoke —• smoking
Question 24:
Dap an dung 1). Would you mind making some coffee, Mike.' ( M i k e , phien anh Giai Ihich: Would you mind + V-ing? Cam phien (anh, chi )? ( L o i yeu cau
lich sir)
pha mot it ca phe nhe.)
Cac phuong i n sai A . B, C vi ta khong dung cac hinh thirc tren de yeu cau ai Question 5: I), mostly —» best
lam gi Ijch sir. GJaithich: Su dung dang thirc so sanh nhat ciia good. i ' - L
Question 25: Question 6: I), by in ' ' '

DapandiingB ^ vn ' G i a i l l i i c h : fo be written in + ngon ngCr: dirge viet bang ngon ngir g i . '
S I + would rather + S2 + V2/ed + Question 7: C. r a i n i n g - ' to rain
Our boss would rather we didn 7 chat during the working hours. (Sep khong Gi;ii ihicli: To be iikels + V-to infinitive: c6 le (c6 th^ lam d i l u gi)
thich chung ta tan gau trong gia lam viec.) ^Ht's7/V<» ,V.-B. Such —so
Question 26. Despite + Noun/noun phrase: mac du, cho dii Gjailhjch: ... so f adjective/ adverb + that + clause: qua den noi
Question 27: D. Hardly di'rng dau cau thi hien tirgng dao ngCr xay ra. Question 9: I ) , a lots o f - * a lot o f
Question 28: D. As if: nhuthe , \ Giiii thicji: a lot o f lots o f * ilanh tir khong dem dugc/danh tir dem dirge so
Question 2 9 : A . Go down: rut xuong nhieu
Question 30: A . Go through: hoan thanh cong viec, thao luan chi tiet Question 10: B. with on vivj nwufi 'U^V. '
Question 31: C . Insist on: nhan manh vao, khang khang rang Giai thich: I'ride oneself on something: ai do tir hao ban than ve dieu g i .
Question 32: A . Introduce someone to someone: Gidi thieu ai voi ai
Question 33: C . Supply someone with something: Cung cap cho ai cai gi "i C. Hily viet lai cau thi'r hai sao cho y nfjhla ciia no gionn vaiy ngliTa cua cau
Question 34: B . Base on something: dira vao dieu gi Hoc dd cho.

^MevA/o/i A . Tell from: phan bi^t '.VS. wiW Question I I iiless you lui\ a \, >ou can't visit the United States.
Question 36: C . in + thang
Giai thich: Cau dieu kien kiai I : I f not = unless : trir phi,
Question 37: A . Fall in love: phai long (yeu ai)
"^'^1 klioiig (niciih de diing vol Unless luon d the khang dinh nhung no mang y
Question 38: B. Put an end to something: cham dirt dieu gi "ghia plui dinh)
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 2. He asked m e i f I had lent m y car t o a b o y . Download Ebook Tai:
G i a i t h i c h : C a n can d u o c t i r o n g t h u a t g i a n t i e p a d a n g cau h o i k h o n g bat dau
bang tir dh h o i m a bat dau b a n g m o t d o n g t i r dac biet hay m o t t r g d o n g t i r , k h i A. Hay chon cau trd l&i diing nhdt irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hoac D cua mdi
c h u y ^ n d o i n o qua cau gian t i e p ngoai cac q u y d j n h n h u l i i i t h i , d o i cac t i n h tir so
hCru, t r a n g t i r c h i t h a i g i a n t h i ta c o n p h a i t u a n theo cac q u i d j n h s a u : Question 1 M r . T h o m a s was in a h u r r y , he stopped his car t o h e l p the
+ D u n g I f hoac W h e t h e r de bat dau cau t u a n g t h u a t .
+ Cau g i a n t i e p phai d the k h a n g d i n h . lijuiiii, A. M u c h t o B . M u c h as C. Despite D. Because
Question 3. i f Susan h a d n ' t eaten t o o m u c h c r e a m , she w o u l d n ' t have felt sick. Question 2. I ' m not sure, but 1 k n o w the bridge w i l l be b u i l t i n J u l y .
G i a i t h i c h : D i i n g cau d i e u k i e n loai 111 d ^ d i e n ta m o t sir that k h o n g c6 t r o n g qua A . so l o n g as B . as far as C. as l o n g as D . a c c o r d i n g to
khir. C a u d i e u k i e n loai 111 c 6 d a n g : I f clause ( t h i qua k h i r hoan t h a n h ) , m a i n clause Question 3. 1 must r e m e m b e r up early t o m o r r o w .
(S + w o u l d / c o u l d + have + V 3 / e d ) A. g e t t i n g B . got C. have gotten D . t o get
Question 4. He has been w o r k i n g for the c o m p a n y for 5 years. '•^ > Question 4. "Please me a f a v o r ? " he said to me.
G i a i t h i c h : A n h ta h i t d 5 u lam viec c h o c o n g t y do each day n a m n a m A. m a k e s B. do C. p r o v i d e D. install
= A n h ta da lam viec c h o c o n g ty do dirge n a m n a m r o i . C h u n g ta d u n g t h i h i e n tai g««//V'« T h e y h a v e n ' t w r i t t e n to y o u , ?
hoan t h a n h t i e p d i e n de n h a n m a n h sir t i e p d i e n c i i a hanh d o n g . A. h a v e n ' t t h e y B . d i d n ' t they C. have they D . h a d n ' t they
Question 5. 1 had M r . T h a n h clean the f l o o r . Question 6. - She has been y o u since 10: 00 A . M .
G i a i t h i c h : H a v e s o m e o n e do s o m e t h i n g : nhof ai l a m d i e u g i . - O h , r e a l l y ? 1 w i l l be there soon.
Question 6. \'A rather y o u d i d n ' t make A. w a i t i n g f o r B. l o o k i n g at C. p u t t i n g o u t D. getting o f f
G i a i t h i c h : S I + w o u l d rather + S2 + V 2 / e d : a i t h i c h ai l a m d i e u g i h a n Question 7. M y sister is going to a job tomorrow. She has been
Question 7. A t the age o f 15, she left h o m e . unemployed for t w o w e e k s

G i a i t h i c h : A t the age o f + so d e m : a d o t u o i A. l o o k i n g for B . l o o k at C. l o o k o u t D. look for , .

Question 8. It is 25 years since M a r y w a s b o r n . Question 8. I ' m g o i n g t o b u i l d houses for poor o n l y .
G i a i t h i c h : It is + k h o a n g t h a i gian + s i n c e + t h i qua k h i r d o n : D a ke tir A. a ^ < B . another C. the D. other
khi Question 9. D r i n k i n g and s m o k i n g lots o f dangerous diseases.
Question 9. W h o s e car is t h i s ? A. result f r o m B . cause C. b r i n g up D . lead
G i a i t h i c h : S o m e t h i n g b e l o n g t o s o m e o n e : c a i g i t h u o c ve ai Question 10. Y o u s h o u l d take o f y o u r a b i l i t y to find a better j o b .
W h o s e + n o u n + t o be? C a i gi cua ai? A. advantage B . disadvantage C. o p i n i o n D. notice
Question 10. I suggest y o u take care o f y o u r c h i l d r e n . Question 11. T h e r o o m was toys.
G i a i t h i c h : S I + suggest (that) + S2 + ( s h o u l d ) + V - n g u y e n : ai d o de nghj ai A. a lots o f B. too much C. m a n y o f D. full o f
lam gi UM 'Question 12. A f t e r I breakfast, I w e n t to s c h o o l .
^- had B . was h a v i n g
D. Hay doc doan van sau that can than roi chon cau trd l&i dung cau hoi.
C. w o u l d have had D. had had
l.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.D «fi uwA ''f, .A
stion 13. B y the t i m e he arrives, they for T h a i l a n d .
6. B 7. A 8. A 9. A 10. C
^. w i l l have left B . s h o u l d have left
t '•liadleft D . w o u l d have left
tion 14. It is i m p o r t a n t f o r y o u E n g l i s h before y o u go to E n g l a n d .
"•'•VJ i f. - nW*' '••'•An ) V m>\lv'
study B . s h o u l d study C. studied D. to study
,.'U :,l ftv
tion 15. In spite o f financial p r o b l e m , they the plans.
• went on B. went o f f C. p u t o f f D. put out
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 1 6 . My f o r m t e a c h e r is m a k i n g a
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tomorrow. Question 3 3 . [ ' l e a s e n u n c the c h a i r t o another place t o the children.

A . speech B. t a l k C. compose D. literature A. make room f o r B. m a k e a l l o w a n c e f o r

C make up mind D. catch sight o f .
Question 17. W h a t when 1 phoned y o u yesterday morning?
Question 34. M e c a n t p l a y f o o t b a l l a n d
A. w o u l d y o u d o B. w e r e y o u d o i n g
A. neither can 1 B. n e i t h e r I c a n C. either can I D. either I can
C. w i l l y o u d o ' • D. w o u l d have done
Question 35. \ \ e t e n m i n u t e s t o h a v e b r e a k f a s t everyd ax .
Question IH. T h e t i e d o e s n ' t the shirt. Y o u should choose another one.
A . co st s B. w a s t e C takes D. sp e n d s
A. go with R. g o o v e r C. g o o f f D. g o d o w n
Question 36. I A c r y o n e to reduce air pollution.
Question 19. H a d w e k n o w n y o u r n e w a d d r e s s , w e you.
A. want B. n e e d C. w a n t s D. ask
A. should have visited B. h a d v i s i t e d >:
Question 37. H e r b i c \ c l e w a s s t o l e n last n i g h t , s o s h e b o r r o w e d
* C. w o u l d have visited D. w i l l have visited < -
A. mine B. m y C". y o u r b i c y c l e D. m i n e b i c y c l e
g M t ' . v / / « / / - T h a n k y o u v e r y m u c h f o r y o u r h e l p .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
S '
Question 3 S. I I c b l a m e d n i e having broken the w i n d o w .
- ,. . V .
A . b> B. w i t h C. o f D. f o r *;
A . Y o u are i m p o l i t e B. Y o u ' r e w e l c o m e
Question 39. It is w a i t i n g for h i m . H e w o n ' t c o m e back.
C. N o . thank y o u D. Y o u d o n ' t say so
A. used B. p o i n t C worth D. worthless
Question 21. I l e at t h e m e e t i n g w i t h o u t m y e x p e c t a t i o n .
Question 4 0 . H e is e x h a u s t e d . H e fast.
A. turn up B. w e n t u p C. gave u p D. p u t u p
A . has been r u n n i n g B. h a d r u n C. ran D. w o u l d have r u n
Question 22. Y o u s h o u l d h a v e allowance f o r his fault.
B. Tronf; nun cdu sou cd c/ niti mot loi .uii du< / c dan ft ddu A, B, C liay D. Hay
A. made B. d o n e C. brought D. supplied
tlm ra loi sai do vi) siiu lai c/ io di'in^.
Question 2 3 . M \n a r e a l w a y s o b e d i e n t me.

A. with B. t o C. f o r D. f r o m Question I. D o \ ou n i i i i d t o h a v e d i n n e r w i t h m e t o n i g h t ? ' ' ' " ' ' ^

Question 24. O k , I w i l l y o u u p at D a N a n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l A i r p o r t . A B C D

A . see B. t u r n C. p i c k D. leave ^ Question 2 . My m o t h e r p r e f e r s c o o k i n g at h o m e t h a n g o i n g t o r e s t a u r a n t f o r m e a l .

Question 25. T h e y a r e k i n d me. They always help m e when I need. A B C D

Question 3 . A n u m b e r o f s t u d e n t s i n m \s i s g o o d a t m a t h s .
A. O f B. w i t h C. t o D. f o r
Question 26. M y b r o t h e r hearing the noise.
A used to B. g e t u s e d t o C. l o o k f o r w a r d to D. can't stand Question 4. T h e b o o k s w h i c h > o u b o u g h t \ e s t e r d a y w a s p u b l i s h e d i n 2 0 0 8 . ' '
Question 27. W e h a t e b e i n g i n
Question 5. W o u l d v o u l i k e t o h a v e a n o t h e r bars o f c h o c o l a t e ?
A. loan B. c a p i t a l C. dept D. credit
Question 2 H. D o n ' t b e l i e v e t h e m . T h e y a r e lies.
Question 6 . l i e u s e d t o c r \r c a n d i e s w h e n h e is a l i t t l e b o y .
A. telling B. s p e a k i n g C. m a k i n g D. t a l k i n g
Question 29. Y o u c a n u s e t h e c o m p u t e r y o u want.
Question 7 . I ' d r a t h e r t o s t a \t h o m e t h a n g o t o t h e m o v i e . sAVfStt t
A . as l o n g as B. s o l o n g as C . as f a r a s D . l o n g as

Question 30. S h e h a t e s o n the left. p/Vm ft . S o m e o f " t h e p i c t u r e s w a s p a i n t e d b y M r . T u a n l a s t w e e k . '

A. todrixe B. d r i v e C. d r i v i n g D. drove A B C D "
Question 31. N e i t h e r t h e c h i l d r e n n o r t h e b o y the toy. '^estion 9. H e w o u l d l i k e t o h a v e t h e c a r t o m e n d b y t h e e n g i n e e r . '
A. doesn't like B. l i k e s C. like D. d o n ' t like A B C D

Question 32. I saw h i m yesterday evening. "^stion 10. U n l e s s y o u s t o p t o s m o k e , he w i l l d i e o f l u n g c a n c e r . .

A . b> a c c i d e n t B. r e c e n t l y C. in hurry D. b y night A B C D

Tron Bo SGK:

C. Hay Viet lai cau l/tir liai sao cho y ngliTa ciia no Ebook
giong v&iy ngluaTai:
cd^ Becket had one occasional anxiety: the suspicion that he owned more than
goc da clio. yvfould fit ...(6)... into the case. The feeling, when it came, was the ...(7)... for him to
Question 1. I can't cook as well as my young sister does. ^' jj,row something away o f just leave it lying about. This was the automatic fate o f
M y young sister • l,js worn - out clothes for example. Having no use for choice or variety, he kept
just a raincoat, a suit, a ...(8)... o f shoes and a few shirts, socks and ...(9)..., no more
Question 2. He wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize him. jf, the clothing line. He bought and read many books, and left them ...(10)... he
He avoided liappened to be silting when he finished them. They quickly found new owners.

Question 1 A. shown B. owned C. sew ' f'*'" D. make up

Question J. May 1 borrow your car?
Question 2 A.debt B. withdraw C.account D. dictionary
Would YOU mind
Question 3 A. bill B. possessions C. fortunate D. millionaire
Question 4 A. A t B. O f C. In D. For
Question 4. The coffee is so strong that 1 can't drink it. a 07Hii,i'.n ' j u : fv«. i \
Question 5 A. rarely B. scare C.hard D. suddenly
It is such Question 6 A. suitable B. comfortably C. available D. visible
Question 5. You had better not go there by taxi. (<• Question 7 A. sight B. signature C. signal D. scenery
If I Question 8 A. pair B. twice C. double D. couple
Question 9 A. as well B. so long C. as possible D. so on
Question 6. It is not my habit to go to bed so late. Question 10 A. whether B. wherever C. whenever D. whatever
I am not
Question 7. They had hardly gone out when it rained heavily.
A. Hay chon cau trd l&i dung nhat irng v&i ky tir A, B, C hoac D cua ntSi
c&u hoi.

Question 8. They missed the last train because they were late. Question 1: B. Much as = Altho- + clause: mSc du, cho du

I f they Question 2: B. As far as (I knv co nhir (toi dugc biet)

Question 3: D. Remember + V-to infinitive; nha de lam gi (chira lam)
Question 9. " Y o u stole my pen, John," she said. Qm/Zw/i B. Do someone a favor: bang cho ai mot an hue
She accused Question 5: C. Cau hoi duoi (Tag Question), hinh thuc ngCr phap cua hai ve hoan
toan khac nhau. Cy th^ la: ve truac a thi khSng djnh thi ve hoi duoi a thk phu djnh
Question 10. "Remember to check your flight number," she said. vanguoc lai.
She reminded Question 6: A. Wait for someone: cho dgi ai
Question 7: D. Look for something: tim kiem thir gi
Question 8: C. The + adjective = Noun (ham y chi mot cong dong, loai vat)
D. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than roi chon cau trd l&i dung cau hoi
, V i du: The poor; ngiroi ngheo
Becket not only travelled light, he lived light. In all over the world he ...('^ ' vtestion 9: B. Cause: nguyen nhan dan den, gay ra
just the clothes he stood up in, a full suitcase and a bank ...(2).... A r r i v i n g anywhere'
Question 10: A . Take advantage o f something: t^n dyng/Igi d^uig thu gi
with these ...(3)..., he might just as easily put up for a month or a year as for
•estion 11: D. To be full o f something: nhieu thu: gi, c6 nhieu thu gi
single night. ...(4)... long stays, not less than a month, he might take a funished fl^';
sometimes even a house. But whatever the length, he ...(5)... needed anything 'estion 12: D. Hanh dong sang dien ra truac va cham d u l truac so vai hanh
did not have with him. He was, he liked to think, a s e l f - contained person. di hgc. Ca hai hanh dgng noi tren deu dien ra trong qua khu. Do vay, ta phai
^ i g thi qua khi'r hoan thanh d6i vai hanh dpng Sn sang.
Tron Bo SGK:
.uyfnffiui.,^ . . . . . . ^ — Q. ^ f-
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Question /.?; A . By the time + thi hien tai dan, thi tirang lai hoan thanh B. Trong moi cau sau cd citira mot iSisai dmrc ddnh ddu A, B, C hay D. Hay
Question 14: I ) . It + to be + adjective (for someone) + V-to infinitive; that la (im '''' ^" ^'"^ (lung.
de cho ailam dieu gi /Question 1: B . to have —> having
Question 15: A . Go on doing something; tiep tuc lam dieu gi - n i a i thich: Do/would you mind + V-ing?
Question 16: A . Make a speech; doc dien van Question 2; C. than —> to
Question 17: B. Cluing ta dung thi qua khi'r tiep dien trong truang hop nay vi hanh Giaj thich; Prefer + V-ing/something + to +V-ing/something: thich lam dieu
dong "dang lam g i " da dien ra va keo dai trong thai diem thuoc qua khi'r. zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
ei/cai gi hon lam dieu gi/cai gi
( ? M t ^ v / / V > / / A X u ) with: hop v o i . hop tong nhau riwiffc'A \ Question 3: B. is are
Question 19: C. Cau dieu kien ioai I I I (trong truang hgp nay can dieu kien loai l | |
niai thich: A number o f + danh tir so nhieu + dgng tir so nhieu
khong dung If). I f clause (thi qua khi'r hoan thanh). main clause (S + could/would -
Question 4: C. was —• were . ,,
have + V.l'cd)
Giai thich: books (nhirng quyen sach) la chu ngfr dang so nhieu nen dgng tir
Question 20: li. YouVe welcome: Anh, chi, khach sao qua/ khong c6 chi
phai C O a dang so nhieu.
Question 21: A . l u r n up: xuat hien, van Ian (am thanh) ^ ^.^
Question 5: C.havibar ' ]
Question 22: A . Make allowance for: chieu c6 ^ \
Giai thich: Another + danh tir s6 it: mgt cai khac
Question 2 3 : B. To be obedient to someone: vang lai ai
Question 6: D. i s w a s - .
Question 24: C. Pick someone up: don ai
Question 25: C. I o be kind to someone; tot bung vai ai Giai thicli: Cac sir vice dugc de cap trong cau dieu da dien ra trong qua khir IKMI

chung ta phai dung V2/ed. Hon nira, cau true Used to dien ta mgt thoi qiien trong
Question 26: I ) . Can't stand + V-ing: khong the chiu dirng dieu gi
qua khi'r. V a i can true na>. chung ta chi diing thi qua khi'r don.
Question 27: C. l o be in dept: mac ng. ng nan
Question 7: A. to sXaystay
Question 2H: A . l e l l a lie: noi doi. noi lao
Question 29: A . As long as: bao lau cung dugc Giai thich: S + would rather + V-nguyen + than + V-ngiiyen: ai do thich lam
Question 30: C. I late + V-ing/doing something: ghet lam gi/dieu gi dieu gi han dieu gi
Question 31: B. Neither + SI + nor + S2 + V 2 : Khong ma cung khong Question S: B. was —> were
Kill su dung can true neither nor chi'ing ta chi'i y cac diem sau:. p'ai thich; Some o f the pictures (trong so nhiTng bi'rc tranh) la chii ngiV so
+ Oonfj til- trong mcnh de phu thuoc vao danh tir dirng gan nor. nhieu nen chung ta phai diing were cho phii hgp vdi chu ngiJ
+ V nghla ciia csiu true nay dii ham y phii djnh ncn niCnh dc diing voi can Question 9: C. to mend -<• mended '
true nsjy khong bao gicV o the phii djnh. Giaj, thich: Have something done (V3/ed): c6 cai gi dirge lam (mang nghia
Qiu'stion 32: A . By accident: tinh ca bj dgng).

Question 33: A . Make room for: don cho cho Question 10: C. to smoke smoking
Question 34: A . iJjajjhich; Stop + V-ing: ngirng lam viec gi
Menh de a the phu djnh and Neither + trg dgng tir/dgng tir dac biet + S:
khong va cung khong * C Hay viet lai can tlii'r hai sao cho v nghia cua no giong v&i y nghia ciia cau
Question 35: C. It takes someone + khoang thai gian + V-to infinitive: A i '^'^^ S^cadcho.

mat thai gian bao lau de lam gi ^''estion 1. M y \ o i i n g sister cooks better than ! do.
Question 36: C. I - \\e ^ dgng tir so it
j f i j a i thich: Toi khong the nau an ngon nhu em gai ciia toi = Em gai ciia toi nau
Question 37: A. Mine = My + noun: cai gi cua toi ;on hon toi.
Question 3S: I). Blame someone for something: khien trach ai dieu gi
'tion 2. He avoided being recognized by wearing dark glasses.
Question 39: D . It is worthless + V-ing: that khong ich gi de lam viec gi
^ 4 1 thich: Chung ta hay tap trung vao cac phirang dien sau:
Question 40: A . Chung ta dung thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien vi sir viec "ch;.i^
A * ^ ' " ^ f "gtr nghTa: Anh ta mang kinh den d^ khong ai c6 tha nhan ra anh ta =
nhanh" cua anh ta c6 de lai hau qm "m^t nhoai" a hi^n tai.
ta tranh bj phat hi^n bang each dec kinh den.
Tron Bo SGK:
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Ve cau true ngO phap: So that + S + modal + V-nguyen (menh de trang ngir c^j
myc dich): de ma, nham muc dich; Avoid + V-ing: tranh lam viec g i ; By + V-ing.
bani» each A. Hay chon cau trd hri diing nhat irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hoac D cua mSi
Question 3. Would you mind lending me your car? ^ can hoi.
Giai thich: Would you mind + V-ing? Cam phien (anh, chi,..)..dugc khong? Question I. In spite o f a newcomer, she is accustomed living here.
Question 4. It is such strong coffee that I can't drink it. , ^ A. with B. for C. to D. in
Giai thich: .... so + adjective / adverb + that + Clause , Question 2. \\txQ'iw?,QA\o what he had done for her. i n . '•
•» ! ''''

= such + noun + that + clause: .... qua ... den noi ... , A. accept B. acknowledge C. propose D . deny > :<MV\ •
Question 3. He is said to be guilty. :(mr>ff f] .,:\Uw
Question 5. I f I were you, I wouldn't go there by taxi. ^ ,
A. total B. generally C. gradual D. eventual •'nV/.'.-'/iV
Giai thich:
Question 4. Are you with your duty?
+ Ve mat ngir nghTa: Ban khong nen den do bang taxi = Neu toi la ban thi toi se
A. accustomed B. acquaintance C. acquainted D. professional >vV
khong den do bang taxi. Question 5. 1 her acquaintance at the wedding.
+ Ve cau true ngCr phap: Had better ( not ) + V-nguyen: tot hon het (khong) nen A. do/with B. do/by C. made/X D. make/with
lam g i ; cau true I f + S + were + O, S + could/would (not) + V-nguyen (cau dien Question 6. It's raining heavily all day. I f you don't wear a warm coat, you
kien loai II ): Neu thi ....( mang y nghTa cua mot lai khuyen hay sy quyet djnii will a cold.
dieu gi.) •• • A. catch B. make C. do D . create
Question 6. I am not used going to bed so late. Question 7. The question 1 would like to ask you is that " W h y do you want
Giai thich: T o be used to + V i n g : quen vai viec gi to be a famous singer?"
Question 7. Hardly had they gone out when it rained heavily. A. final B. last C. ending D . ended
Giai thich: Hardly when : Chang bao lau thi ; Hardly dimg Question fi. 1 sport to keep fit.
daii cau thi hien tugng dao ngO dien ra. A. practise B. train C. do D . make n-'
Question H. I f they hadn't been late, they wouldn't have missed the last train. Question 9. I'm working at a(n) stock company in Ho Chi M i n h City.
Giai thich: Cau dieu kien loai I I I : I f clause (thi qua khi'r hoan thanh), main A. joint B. joined C. participated D. enjoyed
clause (S + could/would + have + V3/ed) dien ta sir that khong c6 trong qua Question JO. M y telephone is out of. Could you lend me yours? JVA^
khi'r. A. work B. order C. thinking D . question
Question 9. She accused John o f having stolen her pen. Question 11. - M y car has just broken down.
Giai thich: Accuse someone o f doing something: buoc toi ai ve dieu gi - Could you lend me ? [ I K ; ; - vMoff. >u\
Question 10. She reminded me to check my flight number. A. yours car B. your C. yours D . your o f car I
Giai thich: Remind someone to do something: nhac nho ai lam dieu gi Question 12. She never goes late. She is
A. timely B. punctual C. timeless D . worthy ,n«.
D. Hay (toe ctoan van sau that can than roi chon cau tra l(ri dung cau hoi
Question 13. We teeth everyday to protect them safely. ,< •:>.i,-
l.B 2. C 3.B 4. D 5. A
A. wash B. rewash C. clear D . brush .
6. B 7.C 8. A 9. D 10. B Question 14. I considered him some more money. .„<
A. to lend B. lending C. give D. to give
Question 15. They permit me football here every morning.
A. playing B. play C. to play , , . , f „ D. played ,
Question 16. They promised on time but they were too late.
A. to come B. coming C. turning up D. to turn o f f
Question 17. He reminded me news on T V this morning.
A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. hearing
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Question 7. Someone opened the doorjust after she rang the bell.
Question 18. They allowed us the door at 6 A . M .
A. open B. close C. to open D. closing She had hardly
Question 19. W i l l you be free this morning? I would love you with me to
Hoang Long Coffee. Question 8. People say that he has been all over the world.
A. going B. to go C. arrive D. to arrive He is
Question 20. They begged me them that letter.
A. send B. sending C. sent i'Y.jl D. to send Question 9. I have to write letters, but I hate it. > v i B ) /turs .la^ .
Question 21.\X was the reason that made him I hate
A. unhappy B. happily C. unhappiness D. unhappily
Question 22. She volunteers help him do difficult exercises. Question 10. Vm sorry that I didn't finish my homework last night.
A. with B. to C. at D. into I wish
Question 23. They to kill me i f I don't apologise to her for being rude.
A. advise B. threaten C. miss D. risk
C. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than roi chon cau trd l&i dung cau hoi
Question 24. They postponed chess with me yesterday.
THE TELEPHONE ^wvy. , „ , , ,,,f:,„...'^i „*^,: .,
A. to play B, play C. to relax D. playing
Question 25. They didn't practise English fluently before applying for the You may use the telephone every day but (1) do you know about it?
The telephone was (2) by Alexander Bell in 1876. Bell was born in
A. to speak B. speak C. talking D. speaking Scotland (3) 1847. Later he went to live in the U.S.A. Bell was always
interested in sound. He wanted to be able to send sound (4) a wire. He
B. Hiiy viet lai cau thir liai sao clio y nfi/na cua no nidnfi v&i y nghia cua cau had a workshop in his house in America and did many (5) there.
gocddcho i .« I V One day, he was doing an experiment in his workshop. He was (6)
Question I. She asked John how he liked her new dress. and spilt some burning liquid onto his clothes. Talking into his telephone. Bell
said, " M r . Watson, I want you to (7) here immediately, please". His
9 assistant, Watson, was in another room (8) from the workshop. However,
he heard Bell clearly (9) his own telephone. Quickly he ran to Bell's
Question 2. A train leaves at 8 o'clock every morning.
workshop. " M r . Bell, I heard every word you said!" Watson shouted excitedly.
There is
Bell had finally succeeded. He had invented the first telephone. Later other
made better ones.
Question 3. He stole some money and was arrested for it.
Question 1 A . how much B. how far C. how long D. how many
He was
Question 2 A . created B. invented C. made D. designed
Question 4. She met Mike when she went to Spain for her holiday last year. Question 3 A. at B. on C. in D. since
Question 4 A. on B. through C. across D. abroad
She wouldn't
Question 5 A . experience B. knowledge C. activities D. experiments
Question 6 A . careless B. carelessly C. careful D. carelessness
Question 5. Someone should do the j o b tomorrow.
Question 7 A . come up to B. overcome C. come over D. go through
The j o b
Question 8 A . furthermore B. as far as C. faraway D. quite different
Question 9 A . on B.about C. at D. into
Question 6. Tve never met a more dependable person than Roger.
Question 10 A . invention B. producer C. specialists D. inventors
Roger is

'{••' (J' >j_'>rt i :

••.'•fV ' ,
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LUyfH giai ae mrffc Kl Tin VH i mien nuc, i run^, i sum i img ^nn - 1 v tnrmmn
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Question 7. She had hardly rung the bell when someone opened the door.
Question 8. He is said to have been all over the world.
A. Hay chgn cau trd Uri dung nItat ung v('ri ky tu- A, B, C hoac D ciia ntdi gHes7/fl/i 9. I hate having to write letters. . ,,.j,fj > ,,,
cau hoi. Question 10. I wish I had finished my homework last night. . iS;
Question 1: C. to be accustomed to + V-ing: tra nen quen v o i diSu gi
C. Hay doc doan van sau that can than rdi chgn cau trd IM dung cau hoi
Question 2: B . acknowledge (v): thira nlian, cong nhan
l.A 2. B 3.C , 4. B 5. D
Question 3: B . generally (adv): noi chung, dai khai, theo thuang le. V i t r i can dien
6. A 7.C 8.C , 9. A lo D
tu phai la trang t u .
^ M e A 7 / o n C . to be acquainted: quen biet ( v a i ) vip,.
Question 5: C. make somebody's acquaintance: bat dau quen biet j ,:, D E T H I TH(S S O 1 8
Question 6: A . catch a cold: bi cam lanh • _ '),.;,.}{;.... n
A. Hay chgn cau trd Icfi dung nhat irng v&i ky tir A, B, C hoac D cua mdi
Question 7: B . the last question: cau hoi cuoi cung if,\.,al-.* . ' i r c s i U i A n . . '
cau hoi.
Question 8: C. do sport: chai thk thao
Question 9: A. j o i n t stock company: cong ty c6 phan Question 1. Y o u had better nothing.

Question 10: B . to be out o f order: bi hu hong ' ''^'' A. saying B. to say C. said D . say

Question II: C. yours = your + noun: cai gi ciia ban (anh, chj, em . . . . ) Question 2. They are not happy because their parents do not very well.

Question 12: B. to be punctual: dung gia A. get o f f B. get up C. get out o f D. get on

Question 13: D. brush teeth: danh rang Question 3. We from her since she left the room.

Question 14: B . lend someone something: cho ai mugn cai gi A. did not hear B. do not hear C. have not heard D. would not hear

consider + V - i n g : suy nghT ve dieu gi Question - / . W e live in the city when we were young.
A. get used to B. w i l l have to C. would have D . used to
Question 15: C. permit someone to do something: cho phep ai lam gi
Question 5. She could not play football the heavy rain.
Question 16: A . promise + V-to infinitive: hua lam dieu gi
A. although B. thanks to C. in spite o f D . because o f
Question 17: C. remind someone + V - to infinitive: n h k nha ai lam dieu gi
Question 6. I f she does not study harder, she the examination.
Question 18: C. allow someone to do something: cho phep ai lam gi
A. does not pass B. would have passed
Question 19: B . would love + V - to infinitive: thich/muon lam gi
C. w i l l not pass D. have passed
Question 20: D . beg someone + V - to infinitive: cau xin/van x i n ai lam dieu gi
Question 7 your help, we could not have finished the work on time.
Question 21: A . make someone + adjectiveA'nguyen: khien ai nhu the nao
A, Due to B. On account o f C. But for D. Because o f
Question 22: B . volunteer + V - to infinitive: tinh nguyen lam dieu gi
Question 8. While we the letter, she interrupted us by asking some
Question 23: B . threaten + V - to infinitive: doa lam dieu gi *
QMt?A7/«/i 2-/; D. delay + V - i n g : tri hoan lam gi
A- typed B. are typing C. were typing D. have typed
Question 25: D . practise + V - ing: luyen tap cai gi *
Question 9. I am used dinner after 8:00 p.m.
B. Hay viet lai cau thiv hai sao cho y nghia ciia no giong v&iy nghia ciia cau A. to have ^ - B. to having C. have D. having
goc dd cho. Question 10. Her English so much recently.
A. is improved B. improved C. has improved D . w i l l improve
Question 1. " H o w do you like my new dress, John?" she said.
Question 11. We couldn't get there on time the terrible accident.
Question 2. There is an eight o'clock train every morning.
A. account for B. on behalf o f C. because D . due to
Question 3. He was arrested for stealing some money.
Question 12. They are grateful her help. •»'»!«'• = "
Question 4. She wouldn't have met Mike i f she hadn't gone to Spain for her
A. with B. from C. o f D . to^'"^**'
holiday last year.
Question 13. U\r new address, I would visit her.
^Mes/Zo/i 5. The j o b should be done tomorrow. ,
" A . have known B. had known C. know D . knew
QM£?.s//on 6. Roger is the most dependable person I've ever met. Tron Bo SGK:
Question 14. We are looking forward from Download
you. Ebook Tai:
Question 31. Dial the number emergency. •
A. to hearing B. to hear C. to be heard D. hearing A. in case B. in case of C. in stead of D. in spite of
Question 15. They leave the party early yesterday because of their Question 32. You should put up a tent it rains.
parents' illness. A. in case B. in case of C. although D. even though
\:. A. must B. have to C. ought to D. had to Question 33. If we more free time, I would have visited you and your family.
Question 16. The room looks bright. They it. A. had B. would have hadC. had had D. are having
A. should have redecorated B. must have redecorated Question 34. The plane at 7:00 a.m every day.
C. ought to decorate D. should be redecorated A. takes off B. gets off C. runs off D. takes in
Question 35. She to me for being late.
Question 17.- My headache is worse today.
-Oh, you your doctor yesterday. A. accused B. apologized C. said D. forgave
A. should see B. were going to see ^ Question 36. My house was damaged by the storm. It needs
C. should have seen D. must have seen > l^^'^ A. being repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. repaired
Question 18. My husband advised me the present job. Question 37. Unfortunately, she heart disease when she was 15 years old.
A. died for B. died of C. cried for D. got off
A. gave up B. giving up C. to give up D. give up
Question 38. It is difficult for us her reaction to the matter.
Question 19 the book helps you widen your knowledge.
A. know B. knowing C. to know D. have known
A. To read B. To be read C. Reading D. Having read
Question 39. I'd rather you home earlier.
Question 20. I can't stand the noise all day.
A. to go B. go C. went D. going
A. to hear B. heard C. to be heard D. hearing Question 40. She won't change her mind what you say.
Question 21 you quit smoking, you will die of lung cancer. A. whatever B. no matter C. on account of D. even though
A. I f B. If not C. Unless D. Without
B. Hay viet lai cdu tltir lial sao clto y ngltia ciia no glong v('rl y nghia cua cau
Question 22 speaking loudly?
gov dd clio.
A. Would you like B. Would you mind
silt Of
C. Do you mind i f I D. They don't like Question 1. He didn't hurry, so he missed the last ferry.
Question 23. I had to use my friend's telephone because mine was If ,.
A. out of order B. get off C. out of work D. run out of
Question 2. The exercise was too difficult for us to do.
Question 24. She has leanmed English 2006.
It was
A. since B. in C. on D. at
Question 25. No sooner the room than the telephone rang.
Question 3. I can't play football as well as Peter does.
A. did I leave B. I had left C. had I left D. do I leave
Question 26. No sooner had he closed the door than the man into his
A. has broken B. had broken C. broke D. breaks Question 4. We stopped working because of the heavy rain.
Question 27. I had the window yesterday morning. Because it
A. to paint < B. to be painted C. painting D. painted
Question 28. It was a boring film that I went home early. Question 5. I last wrote to him two years ago. ^9
I haven't
A. so B. such C. very ^ D. too
Question 29. If I were you, I the truth.
Question 6. We are going to have him redecorate the room.
A. didn't tell B. would tell C. don't tell D. told
H | We are going to have the
Question 30. I don't know why he kept to his friends.
A. to talk B. talked C. to be talked D. talking
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Question 7. It was such strong coffee that I couldn't drink it.:
The coffee A. Hay chon cdu trd liri dung nhdt ling v&i ky tu- A, B, C hoac D cHa mSi
cdu hoi.
Question 8. Unless you send her to hospital, she w i l l die. Question 1: D. Had better + Vnguyen: Tot han het nen lam gi ' ' '
g«t'A'//V'« •2'D-Get on well with someone: Hoa thuan vai ai " '
Question 3: C . T h i hien tai hoan thanh + since + thi qua khir dan •
Question 9. We are fond o f reading books. " Question 4: D. Used to + V-nguyen: Da timg lam gi (dien ta thoi quen trong qua khu)
Question 5: D. Because o f + noun/V- ing: V i dieu g i , bai dieu gi
Question 6: C . Cau dieu kien loai I : I f clause (thi hien tai don) + main clause
Question 10. I think you should visit her tomorrow. (tirang lai dan)
Question 7: C . But for + noun = Without + noun: Neu khong c6 (thuang diing
trong cau dieu kien loai I I I , no chinh la cau true dirge hieu ngam cua I f not....)
Question 8: C . While + thi qua khi'r tiep dien, + thi qua khir dan: Trong khi ,
C. Hay doc dogn van sau that can titan roi chon cdu tra l(fi dung nhdt irn^
v&i ky tuA, B, C hoac D cua nwi cdu hoi.
Question 9: B . Be used to + noun/V-ing: Quen vai cai g i / lam viec gi
HOW T R A N S P O R T A T I O N A F F E C T S OUR LIVES Question 10: C . Trang tir recently (gan day) nam cuoi cau. Trong cau c6 trang tir
... ( 1 ) . . . transportation, our modern society could not exist. We would have no recently thi thi hien tai hoan thanh dugc su dung.
metals, no coal, and no o i l nor would we have any products . . . ( 2 ) . . . from these Question 11: I ) . Due to = Because o f = on account o f + Noun: Do cai gi, v i ly do gi
materials. . . . ( 3 ) . . . , we would have to ...(4).. most o f our time raising food - and Question 12: D. Be grateful to somebody/st: Biet an ai/dieu gi

the food would be limited to the kinds that could grow in the climate and soil of Question 13: D. Cau dieu kien loai I I : I f clause (qua khir dan, hoac sir dung dong
tir "to be" thi were dirge diing cho tat ca cac ngoi), + main clause (couldAvould +
our own neighborhoods.
V- nguyen)
. . . ( 5 ) . . . also affects our lives in . . . ( 6 ) . . . ways. Transportation can speed a
Question 14: A . Look forward to + V - ing: M o n g ngong dieu gi
doctor to the sides o f a sick person, even i f the . . . ( 7 ) . . . lives on an isolated farm. It
Question 15: D. Have to (dang qua khir don la had to) + Vnguyen: Phai lam dieu gi
can take police to the . . . ( 8 ) . . . o f a crime within moments o f being notified.
Transportation enables teams o f athletes to complete in national and international Question 16: B . Must + have + V3/ed: A t han da lam dieu gi (phan xet dieu gi v i

sports . . . ( 9 ) . . . . In times o f . . . ( 1 0 ) . . . , transportation can rush aid to persons in da CO dau hieu)

Question 17: C . Should + have + V3/ed: Dang le ra da nen lam gi (the hien sir nuoi
areas stricken by floods, famines, and earthquakes.
D. Despite tiec vi da khong lam dieu gi)
B. I f not C . Account o f
Question 1 A. Without Question 18: C. Advise somebody + V - to infinitive: Khuyen ai nen lam gi
B. done C. to make D. to do
Question 2 A. made Question 19: C . Gerund ( V - ing) dirng dau can lam chirc nang chii ngir (Subject)
C. Besides D. Furthermore
f)ue<ition 3 A. Otherwise B However Question 20: D. Can"t stand = can't bear + V - ing/noun: Khong the chju dung dieu gi
C.spend D. waste
Question 4 A. cost B take
D. Motion Question 21: C. Unless = I f not: Trir phi, neu khong (nghTa ciia unless da
Question 5 A . Traffic B Transportation C. Movement
•^ang phii dinh. Chinh v i vay, menh de diing v a i unless khong bao g i a a the
B others C. another D. other
tlut'Ktion 6 A. the other Phil djnh)
C. specialist D. doctors
Question 7 A crime B patient Question 22: B. Would you mind + V-ing? Cam phien (anh, chi, ban . . . ) lam dieu
B . port C.scene D. campus
Question 8 A. vard do (lai de nghj lich sir)
B . board C. fight D. revolution
Question 9 A contests Question 23: A. Be out o f order: Bj hu hong
C. contest D. damage
Question 10 A effect B . disasters Question 24: A. Thi hien tai hoan thanh + since + moc thofi gian/claiise (qua khir dan)
^'*estion 25: C . N o sooner + clause (qua khir hoan thanh) + than + clause (qua khir
1). Dac biet, neu "no sooner" dirng dau cau thi hien tirgng dao ngfr xay ra.
^tion 26: C . No sooner + clause (qua khir hoan thanh) + than + clause (qua khir dan)
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 27: D. Have something done (V3/ed): Co caiDownload
gi dugc lam Ebook Tai:
V,'mat cau true ngu phap:
Question 28: B such + noun + that + clause: Qua den noi . S + last + V2/ed + O + khoang thai gian + ago
Question 29: B. Cau &\hu kien loai II ( I f clause (qua khir dan), main clause (S + = S + have/has + not + V3/ed + O + for + khoang thai gian. i * wV -
could/would + Vnguyen) ,..;r , . . Question 6. We are going to have the room redecorated by him.
Question 30: D. Keep + V - ing: Cur tiep tuc lam gi „ , ;; Giai thich: Have someone do something: nha ai lam g i ; have something done
Question 31: B . In case o f + noun: Trong truang hgrp (,,,,;(':• , (V3/ed): c6 cai gi dugc lam.
Question 32: A . in case + clause: Phong khi „ / ,.. «., Question 7. The coffee was so strong that I couldn't drink it./The coffee was too
Question 33: C. Cau dieu kien loai I I I : I f clause (qua k h u hoan thanh). main clause strong for me to drink.
(S + would/could + have + V3/ed) Giai thich: Such + noun/noun phrase + that + clausezyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZY
• i( r ,v,

Question 34: A . Take off: Cat canh (may bay) = So + adj/adv + that + clause ' j
Question 35: B. Apologise to sb for st: Tha thi'r cho ai cai gi •> Question 8. I f you don't send her to hospital, she w i l l die.
Question 36: B. Need + V - ing: Can dugc lam gi (mang nghTa bj dong) Gjai thich: Unless . . . = I f ....not Trir phi, neu khong thi....
Question 37: B. Die o f + benh tat: Chet vi benh gi g«evr/«rt 9. We are keen on reading books. , ,
Question 3H: C. It + to be + adj + (for someone) + V - to infmitine: That la ai Giai thich: To be fond o f = To be keen on: thich lam gi
do lam gi. vti -jJl Question 10. I f I were you, I would visit her tomorrow. i •
Question 39: C . S1 + would rather + S2 + qua khur don ,. > tv Giai thich: ..
Question 40: B. N o matter what + clause: Dii gi di nira - Ve mat ngu nghTa: T o i nghT ban nen den tham c6 ta vao ngay mai = N ^ u toi la
bjn thi toi se den tham c6 ta vao ngay mai.
B. Hay viet lai cau t/iir hai sao clw y ngliTa cua no giong v&iy nglua cHa cau
- Ve mat cau true ngu phap: Cau dieu kien loai I I dung vai dong t u To be "were"
goc cid cho.
cho tat ca cac ngoi ngoai viec dien ta mot s^r that trai hin vai thirc t^ a hi?n tai thi
Question I. I f he had hurried, he wouldn't have missed the last ferry. no con CO nghTa la mot I6i khuyen.
Giai thich: Chung ta ap dung cau dieu kien loai I I I : I f clause (Thi qua khu hoan
C. Hay doc (loan van sau that cSn than roi chon cau tra IM dung nhat.
thanh), main clause (S + could/would + have + V3/ed) vi cau d i ^ i ki^n lo^i III dien
'A 2.A 3.C ' 4.C 5.B
ta mot sir that trai han voi thirc te trong qua khir.
6D, 7.B 8.C 9. A 10, B
Question 2. It was such a difficult exercise that we couldn't do it.
Giai thich:
- Ve mat ngir nghTa: Bai tap nay qua kho den noi chung toi khong the lam dugc ^ D E T H I THLT S O 1 9
Do la mot bai tap qua kho den noi chung toi khong the lam dugc.
A. Hay chon cau tra liri dung nhat irng v&i ky tir A, B, C hoac D cua mSi
- Ve mat cau true ngir phap: ...too ....: qua ....den noi ....khong the . f^au hoi.
= ....that + clause (menh de nay a dang phu djnh)
Question 3. Peter plays football better than I do. Question 1. I f you hadn't helped me, I the answers. ;
Giai thich: A. couldn't find B. couldn't have found ''^ ' '
- Ve mat ngiJ nghTa: Toi khong the chai bong da hay nhu Peter = Peter chai bons f C . didn't fmd ^ D. w i l l have found '''-^
da hay han toi. Question 2. I remember Mr. Nam many times on T V . '
- Ve mat cau true ngu phap: Sir dung dang so sanh han cua trang tir " w e l l " . ^ A . to see B. seeing C. w i l l have to see D. saw
Question 4. Because it rained heavily, we stopped working. 9iestion 3. He doesn't write to her as often as he
Giai thich: Because + clause = Because o f + noun/noun phrase A. was used to B. used to C. got used to D. get used to
Question 5. I haven't written to him for two years. Question 4. I don't like eating the fruit but my father me to eat it everyday
Giai thich: t s r h •( .jtkh- makes B. allowed C. forces D. focus
- Ve mat ngu nghTa: Lan cuoi cimg toi viet thu cho anh ta each day hai nam = ^esticn 5. It's high time you after yourself.
da khong viet thu cho anh ta trong hai nam nay. A. a e looking B. w i l l look C. look D. looked
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 6. I am going to Download
another job. I am giving Ebookjob.
up the present Tai:
Question 22. I smoking last year.
A. look after B. look for C. look out D. look up A. gave up B. gave off C. got off D. got up
Question 7. She hasn't her mind yet. Question 23. Your hair is so long. You should tomorrow. ,
A. made up B. get away C. brought up D. brought about /\ have it cut B. cutting it C. to cut D. had it cut
Question 8. My teacher is making a next week. Question 24. He always keeps his promise, so you can rely him.
A. talk !V t B. speed C. speech rnBl . D. composition on B. from C. in D. at ,
Question 9. I prefer books TV. Question 25. I can't do it alone you give me a hand?
A. reading - to watching B. reading - to watch A. Do you B. Will C. Should D. Had
C. to read - watching D. reading - than watching gy^v/w" •?<5. We haven't written to him 2006.
Question 10. 1 would rather football cartoons. A. since B. in C. at D. on
I A. play-watch , B. played - watched .i <• • Question 27. Would you like lunch with me?
C. playing - watching D. to watch - to play A. having B. to have C. have D. had ..
Question 11. 1 wish 1 the bad news yesterday. ' Question 28. She ask her parents for some advice.
A. knew B. had known .(t:«l!
A. had better B. doesn't mind C. would like D. will have to be
C. would have known D. will have known \W u
Question 29. He complained me about the matter this morning.
Question 12. The man is talking to him is my friend's father.
A. to B. with C. from D. of jjn: .
A. whom B. whose C. who D. which Question 30. I am going to have my father my car.
Question 13. Unless you the roses, they will die. A. tlx B. to fix C. repaired D. repairing
A. water B. don't water C. won't water D. didn't water
Question 31. My brother is very busy he visits me twice a week.
Question 14.- do you go to the movie? A. Although B. Despite C. However D. Furthermore
- Twice a month. Question 32. The government initiated the programme of reform in the 1980s.
A. How long B. How about C. How often D. How much A. economic B. economical C. economist D. economically
Question 15. The strong wind us from driving last night. Question 33. The match was because of the bad weather.
A. persuaded B. prevented C. apologised D. stop A. cancel B. given up C. postponed D. put out
Question 16. Oh, you should have avoided her sad. Question 34. If we had a map now, we lost.
A. to make B. made C. making D. being made A. wouldn't have got B. won't get
Question 17. She suggested fishing instead of walking. C. wouldn't get D.didn'tget • »•
A. go B. should go C. went D. going Question 35. - is it from here to the post office? >
Question 18. A new school in the area now. - Three kilometres.
A. will build B. are being built A. How long ,1 , , , B. How far C. How often D. How much
C. is being built D. have been built I motion 36. He didn't give up his job he won the prize.
Question 19. Unfortunately, I don't have to buy the car now. ^1^- even though B. therefore C. so that D. whatever
A. lot of money B. enough money ^'j&tion 37. Remember to the light before you go out of the room.
C. money enough D. a lots of money fl^^put off B. turn off C. turn up D. take off
Question 20. I don't know my ideas. '^Hfto/i We can't help driving slowly the room was slippery.
A. how to express B. expressed Wi- so B. because C. because of D. but for
C. have to express D. what to express . j^,. , ^PW'Ort 39. This is the man daughter is working at your company.
Question 21. She is to decide this matter. ^- whose B. who C. whom D. that
A.old enough B.enough old ^""S/zort 40. Peter doesn't play football his father does.
C. will be old enough D. elder enough ^- as well as B. so well as C. very well as D. A and B
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B. Hay viet lai cau thir hai sao cho y ngltla cua mi gidng v('ri y ngltla ciia i^easure and to count things in their daily life, ...(5)... to know something about
cdu goczyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
t i ,
jl^e world around them and history to know something about the ...(6)... beings
jl^ey meet every day. Nearly everything that they study at school has some practical
Question 1. The meal was so wonderful that I would remember it in my mind. ^,se in t'lei'" ^^^^ 3"*^ work. But is that the only reason ...(7)... they go to school?
It was j^o, There is more in education than just learn facts. We go to school above all to
learn how to learn so that when we leave school we can continue to learn. A man
Question 2. I f it doesn't rain soon, millions of pounds worth of crops will be lost. (8)..- really knows how to learn will always be ...(9)..., because whenever he
Unless l,as to do .something new which he has never had to do before, he will ...(10)...
(each himself how to do it in the best way.
Question 3. He didn't give up smoking, so he died of lung cancer. A.A.sosothat
Question 1 C.C.sosofar
far D.D.sosolong
If Question 2 A.A.the
others B.B.other
other C.C.others
others D. another
D. another
Question.? A.
A. cultures B.
B. customs C.
C. languages
languages D.
D. habits
Question 4. My wife seldom goes to bed late at night. Question 4 A.A.ourselves
ourselves B.B.themselves
themselves C. himself
C. himself D. herself
D. herself
Seldom Question S A.A.chemist
chemist B.B.literature
literature C.C.history
history D.D.geography
Question 6 A.A.human
human B.B.people
people C. inhabitant
C. inhabitant D. migrant
D. migrant
Question 5. Although it was very noisy, they didn't stop talking. A.A.for
for B.B.why
Question 7 C.C.what
what D.D.which
Despite Question H A.A.whom
whom B.B.who
who C. whose
C. whose D. whoever
D. whoever
Question 9 A.A.successfully
successfully 13.B.perfectly
perfectly C.C.successful
successful D.D.famous
Question 6. It was difficult for us to answer the question, A. lately B. recently C. slowly D. rapidly
We had
Question 7. The knife is so dull that we can't use it. A. Hay chon cau trd loi dung nhat ling vt'fi ky tir A, B, C hogc D cua moi
Ihe knife cdu hoi. •) -Af. wMYf.'M"

Question I: B. Cau dieu kien loai III: If clause (qua khi'r hoan thanh), main clause
Question 8. You had better have your hair cut. (S + could/would + have + V3/ed)
It's Question 2: B. Remember + V- ing: Nha da lam gi
Question 3: B. Used to: Da tirng » vv fl.v.',
Question 9. Would you .-nid not smoking here? Question 4: C . Force someone to do something: Bat buoc ai lam gi
I'd rather Question 5: D. It's (high) time + qua khi'r don: Da den luc lam gi
Question 6: B. Uook for something: Tim kit'in cai gi
Question 10. Even though I admire his result examination, I don't like him. Question 7: A. Make up one's mind: Quyet dinh
Much Question 8: C Make a speech: Doc dien thuyet, doc dien van
Question 9: A. Prefer doing St to doing St: Thich lam dieu gi han dieu gi
Question 10: A. S + would rather + Vnguyen + than + Vnguyen: Thich lam dieu gi
C. Hay doc dogn van sau that can than roi chpn cau tra l&i ctiing nhat
"'^ dieu gi
We send our children to school to prepare them for the time when they will Q'*estion 11: B. S + wish + qua khu hoan thanh: Dien ta dieu uac muon khong c6
big and will have to work for themselves. They learn their own language . . . ( I ) - ' trong qua khi'r ' '~ i '
they will be able to tell others clearly what they want and what they know antl ^"^stion 12: C. Who (ngirai ma) thay the cho ngirai va lam churc nang chu ngir.
understand what ...(2)... tell them. They learn foreign ...(3)... in order to be abl^
'^"estion 13: A. Unless = If not: Trir phi Cau true 6ugc diing
to benefit from what people in other countries written and said, and to make people
'^^•^8 efui dieu kien loai I , va menh de dung v6i unless luon a the khang dinh.
from other countries understand what they ...(4)... mean. They learn arithmetic
Tron Bo SGK:
'*^stion 14: C. How often: Diing de hoi ve sy thuong xuyen dien ra cua hanh dong
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uestion 2. Unless it rains soon, millions o f pounds worth o f crops w i l l be lost.
Question 15: B. Prevent someone from doing something: Ngan can ai lam gi
Giai thich: Unless = I f ....not: Trir phi....; Neu khong ....thi . . . . (dung trong cau
Question 16: C . A v o i d + V - ing: Tranh lam viec gi
(jjeu kien loai I ) . Cac ban nen chu y, m$nh de dung vai "Unless" khong bao gia a
Question 17: D. S + suggest + V - ing: nghj lam viec gi (Trong cau true dung
phu djnh, no luon luon a the khang djnh.
"Suggest", neu chi c6 mot chu ngir thi ta dung V - ing ngay sau "suggest". Cac ban
Question 3. I f he had given up smoking, he wouldn't have died o f lung cancer.
chii y rang dong tir thirtrng dirng ngay sau "suggest" luon luon phai d dang V~,
Giai thich: Cau dieu kien loai I I I : I f clause (thi qua khu hoan thanh), + main
ing va no c6 ham y de cap den nguoi noi c6 tham gia hanh dong.)
clause (Could/would + have + V3/ed), no dien ta hanh dong hay sir v i | c trai hjn
Question 18: C . Bj dgng cua thi hien tai tiep d i l n c6 dang: S + is/are/am + being +
vtVi thirc te trong qua khi'r. Trong cau tren hanh dong "khong bo thuoc ciia anh ta va
V3/ed ' "
cai chet vi benh ung thu phoi" d8u dugc dien dat trong thi qua khii dan. Chinh vi
Question 19: B. Enough + noun: Co dii cai gi (Enough dung truac danh tu)
vay. cau dieu kien loai I I I bat bugc phai dugc ap dung, a ,,,,,,,
Question 20: A . How to do something: Lam dieu gi nhu the nao
Question 4. Seldom does my wife go to bed late at night.
Question 21: A . Adjective + enough: Du (Ian, thong minh, to, . . . ) (enough dung
Giai thich: Seldom (Hiem khi) dung dau cau thi hien tugng dao ngir xay ra.
sau tinh tir)zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
I ..J
Question 5. Despite the great noise, they didn't stop talking.
Question 22: A. Give up something/doing something: Tir bo dieu gi/lam dieu gi
Giai thich: Although + clause = Despite + noun: Mac dii
Question 23: A . Have something done (V3/ed): Co cai gi dirge lam (mang nghia hi
Question 6. We had some difficulty in answering the question.
Giiii thich: It + to be + difficult for someone to do something = S + have
Question 24: A . Rely on someone: Tin vao ai ^' ^ ?
difficulty in doing something: A i do gap kho khan trong viec gi.
Question 25: B. W i l l you ? (Anh, chj) chur? ( L a i de nghj gii'ip da Ijch su)
; t It + to be + easy for someone to do something = Someone has no difficulty in
Question 26: A . Phi hien tai hoan thanh + since + moc thai gian/thi qua khu don
doing something: A i do khong gap kho khan trong vi?c g i .
Question 27: B. Would you like + V - t o infinitive....? M a i ai lam gi
Question 7. The knife is too dull for us to use.
Question 28: A. Had better + Vnguyen = should = ought to + Vnguyen: Nen lam gi
Giai thich: so that = too to : qua den noi
Question 29: A. Complain to someone about something: Phan nan voi ai ve dieu g i
(Hai can true tren chi ca the bdng nhau khi cau true that... & thi hogc y
Question 30: A . Have someone do (Vnguyen) something: N h a ai lam gi
nghia ciia cau vein ma no chi phoi mang nghia phu dinh.
Question 31: C . However: Tuy nhien (No di'rng dau trong menh de thir hai de t he
Question 8. It's high time you had your hair cut.
hien sir trai ngirgc nhau ve hanh dong cua hai menh de.)
(^iai thich: Had better + Vnguyen: Tot hon nen lam gi. It's (high) time + qua
Question 32: A. Economic reform: Cai each kinh te
khir don: Da den liic nen lam gi. Ca hai cSu true nay deu nhSm muc dich th^ hien
Question 33: C . Postpone: T r i hoan
sir khuyen ran nen chiing c6 the dugc dung thay the nhau.
Question 34: C . Cau dieu ki^n loai 11: I f clause (qua khu dom), main clause (S -
Question 9. I would rather you didn't smoke here. f
could/would + Vnguyen)
Giai thich: SI + would rather + S2 didn't + Vnguyen: A i do khong thich nguai
Question 35: B . H o w far: Bao xa (hoi vh khoang each tir v i t r i A den vj t r i B)
l<hac lam dieu gi. Would you mind + V - i n g? Cam phien (anh, chj, c6...) lam viec
Question 36: A. Even though: Mac du, dii cho (No noi hai menh d^ c6 y ngiH'" gi (ioi >eu cau Ijch sir). Trong truong hgp tren, a cau goc, nguai noi dira ra yeu can
tuong phan nhau.) 'a "khong hut thuoc a day". Trong cau thu hai, nguai noi c6 ham y "khong muon
Question 37: B. Turn o f f TSt (den, may moc...) nguai khac hut thuoc d day". Do vay, hai cau true nay dugc dung tuang ddng nhu
Question 38: B. Because: Bai vi (Dirng dAu menh de chi ngiiyen nhan) nhau.
Question 39: A . Whose + noun: Cai gi cua ai (Dai tir lien h? "Whose" dirge din',' Question 10. Much as I admire his result examination, I don't like him.
de thay the cho cac tinh tir sa hiru nhu his, h e r . . . ) Giai thich: Even though + clause = Much as + clause: Cho dii, mac dii ...
Question 40: D. So sanh ngang bang nhau; chung ta c6 the dung "so/as + adj/ adN '
as" neu menh de dang de cap den a th phu djnh. C. Hay (toe doan van sau that can than roi chgn cau Ira Icri dung nhat
'A 2. C 3.C 4. B 5. D
B. Hay viet lai cau t/tir hai sao cho y nglua ciia no giong vmy nghia cua cau
A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. D
Question 1. It was such a wonderful meal that I would remember in my mind.
Giai thich: + adj/adv ....that = ....such + noun + that . . . : qua ...-d^'"
noi.... Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 16 his legs were broken, he managed to escape from the car.
A. Despite B. In spite o f C. On account o f D. Although
A. Hay chgn cau trd IM dung nhat irng v&i ky tu A, B, C hoac D cua nidi
Question 17. I f you had gone to bed early, you tired.
cau hoi.
A . hadn't been B. wouldn't have been
Question 1. M y brother is angry with me. I didn't do some work that I last
C. won't be D . w i l l have been
week. Question 18. She advised me ..carelessly.
i A . would have done B . must have done \p'; |
A. not to drive B . not drive C. not to driving D . don't drive
C. should have done D . w i l l have done '
Question 19. Y o u should finish your homework before going out or you
Question 2 he hurried, he wouldn't have missed the train.
w i l l be punished.
A. Unless B. Without C. I f not D . Had
A-else . , B . soon C. furthermore D. instead o f
Question 3. M y father give me some advice whenever I had a problem.
Question 20 your help, we could solve the problem quite well.
A . get used to B. is used to C. used to D . had better
A. Thanks to B. Due to C. On account o f D. Despite
Question 4.1 wish I the book last week.
Question 21. " I suggest that Tom her."
A. had bought B. would buy
C. would have bought D. w i l l have bought A. should see B. sees C. see D. A and C
Question 5.1 would like to sit Hang and Tuan. Question 22. I f only we a passport now.
A . between B. among C. the middle D. x A- had B. would have C. had had D. are having
' Question 6. He moved to Da Lat to live 1999. Question 23 have you learned English? - For two years.
A . since B. in Cat D. for A. How far B. How much C. How long D . H o w about
Question 7 speaking slowly? 1 hardly understand what you are saying. Question 24. Her story made me last night.
A. Do you like B . Would you like A - t o cry B. crying C. cry D . cried
C. I don't mind D . Would you mind Question 25. You were too late. The plane five minutes earlier.
Question 8. It took me ages to living in the country. A. has taken o f f B. had taken o f f
A. get used to B. used to C. accustomed D. use to
C. was taking o f f D . would take o f f
Question 9. N o sooner than things went wrong.
Question 26. This is the man daughter is going abroad to study.
A . had he come B. did he come C. he had come D . he came
A. who B. whom C. o f who D . whose
Question 10. He raised his hand after I my question.
Question 27. I am the job. I am looking for another one.
A. have finished B . had finished
A . fed up with B. give up C. put o f f D . cut down
C. would have finished D . was finishing
Question 28. Y o u look more today than you did yesterday.
Question II. A number o f people in the area English very fluently.
A.speaks B.speak A. beautifully B. beauty

C. have to be spoken D. has spoken '' C. beautiful D. and more beautiful v

Question 12. We had to book the rooms advance when we decided to Question 29. - There are only two books on the table.
visit the city. - do you like better? rv
A. from B. in C. to D . at A . What B . Which C. Where D . How
Question 13. Let's listen to what they are saying, ? Question 30. There are only two seats left. Y o u sit near the window. I w i l l take
A . w i l l we B . shall we C. w o n ' t we D . shall we one.
Question 14. It always me ten minutes to have breakfast. A . the other B. other ones C. the other one D . others
A . costs B . wastes C. takes D . spends Question 31. H o w many books so far? '
Question 15. Only when I saw his shoes he was there.
A . do you write B . have you written
A . I w i l l realize B . d i d I realize C. d e l realize D . that I realized
Tron Bo SGK:
C. did you write ' ' ' D . are you writing
Question 32. It is d a r k o p e n i n g tiie w i n d o w Download
and the d o oEbook
r? Tai:
Question 7. He d i d n ' t see the s i g n a l , so he d i d n ' t stop.
A. Would you mind B. D o y o u l i k e I f he
C. W h y d o n ' t y o u D. D o y o u m i n d i f
Question 33 o f the people are f r o m A m e r i c a . Question H. T h e man is an engineer. H i s w i f e is w o r k i n g at the h o t e l .
A. Most B. A l m o s t C. T h e m o s t D. M o s t l y The man
Question 34. She t o me f o r the accident.
A. complained B. a p o l o g i z e d C. accused D. e x p l a i n e d Question 9. A s he behaved b a d l y , he was punished.
Question 35. Y o u s i i o u l d n " t have bet the m o n e y the horse race. Because o f
A . on B. at C. f o r D. f r o m
Question 36. Y o u s h o u l d n ' t the bus w h e n it is s t i ll in m o t i o n . Question 10. I l i k e r e a d i n g novels.
A . put a w a y B. get o f f C. get up D. get d o w n 1 am interested
Question 37. She is such a g o o d student that site gets a ever>' year.
A. scholarship B. price C. f a m e D. a w a r d s
Question 38. W e o f w i n d s to create new people. C. Hay doc doan van sau that cdn than rdi chon cdu trd Im dim^ nhdt

A. take advantage B. in charge C. are on b e h a l f D. in a hurry FzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA

- Aer\ r m a n y p e o p l e i n t he w o r l d lear n En g l i sh . . . . ( I ) . . . o f t h e m are y o u n g
Question 39. I w i l l t r a v e l i n g w h e n I retire. ^ ch i l d r e n . . . . ( 2 ) . . . are t een ag er s. M a n y are . . . ( 3 ) . . . . So m e l ear n at sch o o l , o t h er s
A. take up B. take o f f C. t u r n o f f D. t u r n o n learn i n e v e n i n g classes. A f e w lear n En g l i sh b y t h e m se l ve s o r j u s t b y h e a r i n g t h e
Question 40. i he shirt doesn't y o u at a l l . language o n t e l e vi si o n o r a m o n g t h e i r f r i e n d s. . . . ( 4 ) . . . p e o p l e m u st w o r k . . . ( 5 ) . . .
A . suit B. m a t c h C. perfect I), join to learn En g l i sh .

B. Hay viet lai cue cdu tlii'r liai dim vdo cdc tir da goiy sao clio y n}{/ iia ciui Wh y d o a l l t hese p e o p l e w a n t t o learn En g l i sh ? It is d i f f i c u l t t o a n sw e r t h at
q u e st i o n . Y o u n g c h i l d r e n lear n En g l i sh at sch o o l . . . ( 6 ) . . . it is o n e o f t h e i r . . . ( 7 ) . . . .
no}iion{{ v('fiy nf{liia ciia cdu f> dc.
M a n y a d u l t s lear n En g l i sh b ecause it is . . . ( 8 ) . . . f o r t h e i r w o r k . T e e n a g e r s o f t e n
Question I. I t ' s a p i t \ father d i d n ' t go h o m e early. learn En g l i sh f o r t h e i r h i g h e r st u d ies because so m e o f t h e i r b o o k s are ...(9 )...

I wish En g l i sh at co l l e g e o r u n i ve r si t y . . . . ( 1 0 ) . . . p e o p l e lear n En g l i sh b ecau se t h e y w a n t

to read n e w sp a p e r s o r m a g a z i n e s in En g l i sh .
Question 2. It is w o r t h l e s s c o m p l a i n g t o h i m about the matter. Question 1 A. Some B. A l m o s t C. T h e most D. N o n e
If! Question 2 A. Others B. T h e others C. O t h e r D. A n o t h e r
Question 3 A.hero B. adults C. giant D. O i i e e n
Question 3. A l t h o u g h he is r i c h , he is unhappy in l i f e . Question 4 A. Mostly B. M o s t o f C. A l m o s t D. M o s t
In spite o f Question 5 A. hardly B. late C. hard D. lately
Question 6 A . so l o n g as B. because C. o w i n g t o D. since then
Question 4. I he tea was so hot that I c o u l d n ' t d r i n k i t . Question 7 A . subjects B. duties C. plans D. m a j o r
l l was such Question 8 A. informative B. w o r t h C. useful D. s m o o t h
Question 9 A . in B. w i t h C. o n D. f r o m i
Question 5. Wh> d o n ' t w e listen to pop music? Question H) A . Others B. T h e others C. O n e other D. O t h e r

I suggest
Question 6. l i e said that he h a d n ' t stolen n i \.
I le denied M. Hay chon cdu trd lai dung nliat irng vai ky tu A, B, C hodc D cua mdi
u hoi.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question I: C. S h o u l d + have + V3/ed: D a n g ra/ le ra da lam gi i .j ,
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Question 2: D. Trong cau dieu ki^n loai III, neu tir I f cua m^nh de gia dinh ( i f Question 24: C . Make someone + adjectiveA'nguyen: Khien ai nhu the nao/Iam gi
clause) dugc gian luge thi tir "Had" phai du-gc dat len dung thay vi tri ciia tu " I f Question 25: B. V i hai sir vifc "ban den tre va may bay da cat eanh" deu xay ra
va tat nhien cau true ngu phap cua cau ay khong thay doi gi. trong qua khir, them vao do, hanh dgng "may bay eat eanh" xay ra truac so vai
Question 3: C . Used to + Vnguyen: Da tung lam gi (Dien ta thoi quen hay hanh vi?c "ban den tre" nen ta phai diing thi qua khir hoan thanh cho svr vi|c "may bay
dgng dien ra trong qua khu) c|t eanh".
Question 4: A. S + wish + qua khu hoan thanh: Dien ta dieu uac muon khong c6 Question 26: D. Dai tir quan h? "whose" (cua nguai ma) diing de thay the cho cac
thuc trong qua khu. , , , tinh tir sa hiru nhu: her, his, .... Co mot each giiip cac ban c6 the lya chon
Question 5: A. Between and : Giffa cai gi/ai va cai gi/ai • nhanh ma chinh xac ve nhfrng tru-ccng hop phai dung "whose" do la: ngay sau
Question 6: B. In + nam/thang; in + thang + nam "whose" luon luon la mot danh tir (whose + danh tir).
Question 7: D. Would you mind + V - ing: Cam phien (anh, chj . . . ) lam vi?c gi (I6i Question 27: A. To be fed up with something: Chan ngan dieu gi
Question 28: C . Somebody look(s) + adjective: A i do trong nhu the nao
yeu cau Ijch sir) <
Question 29: B. Which: Cai nao r,;vi .,(,( • ,
Question 8: A. Get used to + V - ing: Tra nen quen vai dieu gi -
Question 9: A. S + had + no sooner + V3/ed + than + thi qua khu don Question 30: A. The other + noun: Cai con lai, cai cuoi ciing (chiing ta thay rang
chi CO hai cho ngoi con lai, ban ngoi cho gan cira so, con toi ngoi cho con lai (cho
Trong phan gach chan, ta nhan thay thi qua khu hoan thanh dugc su dung. Vi "No
con lai a day la cho sau ciing dugc xac dinh).
sooner" dung giua trg tir "had" va dgng tir chinh "V3/ed" nen trat tu tir cua cau
Question 31: B. So far: Den luc nay, cho tai bay gia. "So far" dugc diing trong cau
dugc giu nguyen. Nhung neu "No sooner" dugc chuyen ra dau cau thi hi^n tugng
a thi hi$n tai hoan thanh.
dao ngu .\ay ra. Cu the nhu sau:
Question 32: A. Would you mind + V - ing: Cam phien (anh, chj, em ....) lam di^u
No sooner + had + S + V3/ed + than + thi qua khir don
gi (lai yeu cau Ijch sir)
Question 10: B. Thi qua khir don + after + thi qua khir hoan thanh "'^
Question 33: A. Most of the + danh tir so nhieu: Da so
Question 11: B. A number of + danh tir so nhieu + dgng tir so nhieu
Question 34: B. Apologize to someone for something: Xin I6i ai ve dieu gi
Question 12: B. In advance: truoc, sam
Question 35: A. Bet + khoan tien on something: Ca cugc mot khoan tien vao viec gi
Question 13: D. Neu cau hoi duoi (Tag question) c6 dang: Let's + Vnguyen ....?
Question 36: B. Get o f f Buac xuong (xe, tau....)
thi phan hoi duoi, chiing ta phai dung "shall we".
Question 37: A. Scholarship: Hgc bong
Question 14: C . It takes someone + khoang thai gian + V to infinitive: A i do mat
Question 38: A. Take advantage of something: Lgi dyng/ tan dung dieu gi »>
bao lau de lam gi
Question 39: A, Take up + sa thich: Theo duoi sa thich
Question 15: B. Only when (Chi khi) dirng dau cau thi hien tugng dao ngir xay ra.
Question 40: A. Suit + someone: Hgp vai ai (thuang hay de cap den ao quan)
Trong cau nay, do chiing ta dang diing thi qua khiir dan nen chiing ta phai diing
hinh thirc qua khir ciia trg dgng tir "do" la "did" de dien dat. B. Hay viet lai cac cau thir hai dua vao cac tir da gffi y sao cho y nghia cua
Question 16: D. Although + clause: Mac dau .1 "0 giong v&iy nghJa ciia cau goc.
Question 17: B. Cau dieu kien loai 111: I f clause (thi qua khir hoan thanh), main
Question 1. I wish my father had gone home early.
clause (could/would + have + V3/ed)
Giai thich: Chiing ta diing cau true "wish" vai thi qua khir hoan thanh de dien ta
Question 18: A. Advise someone + V- to infinitive: Khuyen ai nen lam gi
^'eu uac muon khong c6 thuc trong qua khir. Ci cau goc, su viec "bo ciia toi da
Advise someone not + V- to infinitive: Khuyen ai khong nen lam gi
l^hong ve nha som" la sy that trong qua khir nen chiing ta diing cau true tren.
Question 19: A. Or else: Neu khong, keo A o
Question 2. I f I were you, I wouldn't complain to him about the matter.
Question 20: A. Thanks to + something: Nhg vao cai gi/dieu gi
Gjai thich: It is worthless + V - ing: That khong dang dk lam gi. Cau true nay
Question 21: D. V6i cau triic "Suggest" ta c6: SI + suggest + (that) + S2 +
mang y nghTa ciia mot lgi khuyen vira mang y nghTa cua sir quyet dinh. Cau
(should) + Vnguyen: Ai de nghj ai lam viec gi
^'fu kien loai II dien ta dieu gi do trai han vai thyc te a hi^n tai. Dac bi?t han, cau
Question 22: A. I f only + thi qua khir don: Gia ma ...: No dien dat mot dieu uac ^'^u kien loai II c6 dang " I f I were ....", no vira mang y nghTa ciia mot lgi
muon khong c6 thuc a hien tai. Cau triic nay c6 each diing nhu cau diet dat vai ^•iiiycn vira mang y nghTa cua sir quyet djnh. Do vay, chiing ta c6 the linh hoat
"w ish" - dien ta dieu uac muon khong c6 thuc a hi^n tai. °a'i doi hai cau true nay voi nhau.
Question 23: C . How long: Bao lau Tron Bo SGK:
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Question 3. In spite o f a rich man, he is unhappy in life. Question 4. The man you are speaking is an engineer.
Giai thi'eh: Although + clause = In spite o f + noun/noun phrase: Mac dii A. to whom B. to who C. that D. whose
Question 4. It was such hot tea, I couldn't drink it. ' Question 5 my parents nor I am going to the party. i.rtv.r b'. <
Giai thi'ch: so + adjective/adverb + that + clause = such + noun + that + A. Both B. Hither C. Neither D. None ;
clause: ....Qua den noi Question 6. Neither Peter's parents nor he listening to the music.
Question 5. I suggest listening to pop music. ''' A. likes B. like C. don't like D . have been ,
Giai thi'ch: Cau true " W h y don't we + Vnguyen? Tai sao chi'ing ta khong ...?'•, Question 7. Both o f you English for two years. .j. ^,
mang y nghTa cua Idi de nghj. Trong lai de nghj nay, nguoi dua ra lai de nghj A. have been studying B. are studying
(nguai noi) c6 tham gia hanh dong. Ben canh cau true tren, chung ta c6 each noi C. has been studying D. is studying '
"S + suggest + V - i n g " ciing mang y nghTa tuong dong. Question H he taken my advice, he wouldn't have failed the test again.
Question 6. He denied having stolen my handbag. A. Unless B. But for C. Without D. Had
Giai thi'ch: Deny + V - ing: Phu nhan lam dieu gi • Question 9. Not only fast, he also drove carelessly. ' " ' '•
Question 7. I f he had seen the signal, he could have stopped. A. did he drive B. he drove ' '
Giai thich: 6 cau goc, sir viec "anh ta da khong nhin thay bien bao, da khong C. he didn't drive D. he doesn't drive ''
dimg xe l a i " la su that va xay ra trong qua khu. V i vay, chung ta diing cau dieu Question 10. Mary is honest his sitter is dishonest. ' ' '
kien loai 111 (dien dat dieu khong c6 that trong qu^ khur) de d i l n dat y cua cau goc. A. whereas B. furthermore C o r else D. otherwise
Question 8. The man whose wife is working at the hotel is an engineer. Question 11. - do you visit your family?
Giai thich: Dai tir quan he "whose" dung de thay the cho cac tinh tu sa huii. - Once a month. ?.-,v,. •
Trong truong hop nay, "whose" thay the cho t u "his") A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How often /
Question 9. Because o f his bad behaviour, he was punished. Question 12. I remember him before. He is a famous writer. .^.jvjS)
Giai thi'ch: As = Since = Because + clause = Because o f + noun/noun phrase: A, meeting B. to meet C. meet D. met .>:bri3i -r
Do boi, boi v i ... Question 13 buying the dictionary. It is useful and informative. ,.
Question 10. 1 am interested in reading novels. A. It is worthless B. It is worth C. We refused D. We decided
Giai thich: Like + V - ing/noun = Be interested in + V - ing/noun: Thich lam Question 14. Remember to keep your room ^,
gi/dieu gi. A. tidy B. tidily C. brightly D. to be tidy
Question 15. Why do you keep at him? '
C. Hay doc doan van sau that c&n than roi chgn cau trd Im dung nhat
A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing D. laughed
l.A " " 2. A 3.B 4. D 5. C
Question 16. M y telephone is out o f order. Can you me yours?
6. B 7. A 8.C 9. A 10. D
A. borrow B. lend C. buy D. sell ' ''''
Question 17. 1 wish the message as soon as possible. ju'i;<
D ETH I TH L r s 6 21 A. reading B. read C. to read D. having read
Question 18. I promised to him as soon as possible.
A. Hay chon cau trd l&i dung nhat ling vori ky tuA, B, C hoac D cua moi cau
A. writing B. write C. to write D. wrote
Question 19. Buy the time you come, I for Da Nang. '
Question 1.1 seeing you at home all day, Tom. Y o u should find a j o b . ' A. w i l l have left B. w i l l leave C. am leaving D. had left
A. Give up B. Can't stand C. Can't help D. Get rid o f Question 20. By the time you phoned, 1 out ViO
Question 2. He is not strong enough to move the chair to the place. A. w i l l have gone B. had gone C. w i l l go D. was going
We giving him a hand. Question 21. Peter and Tom were i l l , so came here.
A. can't help B. can't bear C. can't stand D. are w i l l i n g A. both o f them B. any o f them C. neither o f them D. some o f them
Question 3. I w i l l my friend repair the motorbike soon. y Question 22. You don"t like coffee, ?
A. ask B. have C. order D. beg Bo A. d o n ' t y o u B. shall you C. w i l l you D. do you
Tron SGK:
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Question 23. You behaved badly. 1 didn't your behavior. \p. Trong moi cau sau cd c/tira mot lot sai dwac ddnit dCiu A, B, C hay D. Hay
A. approve of B. depend on C. focus on D. base on
Question 24. Her house was last night, but nothing was stolen.
^^gstion 1. He made a lot of mistakes in text because his carelessness.
A. broken into B. broken down C. put off D. given off A B C D
Question 25. We didn't take of the water as well as we expected. rfifgstion 2. He doesn't enjoy to listen to the music, does he?
A. advantage B. notice C. usage D. intensio i
Question 26. They didn't succeed finding the new resources. ^^.gstion 3. i f I were him, I didn't buy the second-hand car. '' ^ ,
A. in B. on C. at D. with y A B C D
Question 27. My father always reminds us to all the lights when we leave. nuestion 4. To smoke causes lung cancer. 1 suggest you quit smokina
A. turn up B. turn out C. turn off D. turn on A B C
Question 28. We are looking for a job. We have been for two months. as soon as possible. ' ' .'",
A. employ B. employee C. employer D. unemployed
Question 29. The flight to Bangkok was because of the bad weather. Question 5. Every men working here have to quit smoking.
A. destroyed B. damaged C. put off D. put up
Question 6. Every woman have their own right. Our government passed equal sex
Question 30. The book is into three chapters.
A. divided B. cut C. chunk D tear \
Question 7. Would you like having some coffee? It will help me relax?
Question 31. He always himself on cooking well.
A. proud B. prides C. award D. appreciate
Question 8. She spent a lot of time reading interested books.
Question 32. He sometimes of his achievements in medicine with his
A B C D ,
friends. Question 9. It always take us three hours to fly from Vietnam to F4ongkong.
A. boasts B. consists C. approves D. blame A B C D "'
Question 33 walking to school, they took a taxi. Question 10. Miss Phuong whom lent me the book comes from Quang Binh
A. Instead of B. On behalf of C. Due to D. Owing to Jk, A B C D
Question 34. Transportation an important part in our life. ^V. Province. ,
A. stand B. point C. plays D. install
Bp Hay viet lai aiu t/iir hai sao c/io y ngliTa cua no giong v&i y nghia cHa cau
Question 35. Driving carelessly accident easily.
A. brings up B. brings about C. rush out D. lead to
Question 36. She has her salary since she worked here. Question 1. Mrs. Thuy is working at Thanh Nghia Bookstore. She comes from
A. lived up to B. lived on C. focused on D. contributed to ^jing Ngai Province.

Question 37. She was by her uncle in 1993.

A. brought up B. taken up C. brought about D. put away
"^Wo/f 2. I haven't met him for three years. U.
Question 38. Don't believe what he says because he is a liar.
last time
A. with B. in C. at D. for
Question 39. You can stand here you don't step on the grass. '^'^tion 3. "\'t do anything yesterday," he said,
A. so long as B. otherwise C. until D. futhermore said that
Question 40. We our lives to the revolution.
A. devoted B. designed C. cried D. dream ^V/o/i 4. I regret having bought the TV.
Tron Bo SGK: J-
Question 5. It was very bad. so tliev didn't go on the picnic.
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Because A. Hay chon cdu trd Im (tiling nhat urif,' v&i ky tiv A, B, C hoac D cua moi
ciiK hoi.
Question 6. 1 hey had left for Ho Chi Minh City when I came. Question 1: B. can't stand + V - ing: khong the chiu dung d i l u gi , ',' "
They had left Question 2: A . can't help +V-ing: khong the khong lam viec gi I" j , .
Question B. have someone do something: nha ai lam viec gi
Question 7. I f I were you, i wouldn't see him Question 4: A . Chung ta dung dai tir quan he whom de thay the cho tan ngu him. Hon
It is worthless „jja, ta C O speak to someone (noi chuyen voi ai) va ta da biet rSng giai tir dirng triroc
jgj tir q u a n he neu gioi tir do dirng ngay truoc danli tir ma dai tir quan he tha\.

Question H. He failed the examination again. Question 5; C. Neither nor : Khong ma cung khcing
He didn't succeed Question 6: A . Neither + S, + nor + S, + V . : Khong ma cCing khong
Quan sat cau triic tren, ta thay c6 hai c h u ngCr SI va S2 nhung ch: c6 mot dong tir
Question 9. The book is so interesting that I ha\ read it manv times. ^\^tac diing ma thoi. V o i loai cau triic na\i dong tir se phu thuoc vao danh tir
dirng ngav truoc no ( V 2 a tren ccS y n g h i a hi dong tir dugc chia theo S2)
It is
Question 7: A . Both o f + danh tir so nliieu/ dai tir tan ngCr d dang so nhieii {you.
them, us) + dong tir so nhieu. Them vao dcS, trong van canh c u a c a n nay, chiing ta
Question 10. They built the house in 1990.
phiii diing thi hien tai hoan thanh tiep dien de- nhan manh sir k e o dai ciia h a n l i dong.
The house Question S: I ) . V o i cau dieu kien loai III. ta diing trg dong tir had nga> truoc clui
ngiT trong truiTng hop ta khong diing tir I f NcSi each khac had thay tli6 vi t r i cua tir
D. Hav doc doan van sau that ain than roi chgn cau trd Uri dung cdu hoi. If trong truong hop na\
i Qifestion 9: A . Neu Not onl> dirng dau can thi hien tuong dao ngu' se xav ra. Ta
j There are many ( 1 ) . . . . o f pollution in our modern world. A t present, the mdst y '''"I'ly- <-lao ngiT chi xay ra voi mcMih de- dirng nga\u Not only con menh d^
serious sources are acid rain, car exhaust fumes and oil spills. Factory (2) .... gi\ cip lai \n gifr ngu\cn trat tir.
^ out smoke that (3) sulphuric dioxide and nitrogen oxide. These gases combine Question 10: \ Whereas: I rai lai
with (4) in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid and nitric acid. When ii Question 11: I ) . How often rirng ha\ How often dirng dau can d^
rains, these acids dissolve (5) .... the rain and make it acidic. Acid rain is believed sir thuirng \ I dicMi ra ciia hanh dong.
to be the worst pollution (6) It has harmed aquatic life by turning many lakes 'tion 12: A . Remember +V-ing: NluV da lam gi
• into lifeless bodies o f water. Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide and lead ^stion 13: M. It is worth +V-ing: That dang de lam gi ^ It is worthless: That
' which are highlv (7) In big cities, the exhaust fumes build up and pose a healili ig dcing de lam gi
hazard to human beings. Pollution o f the sea by oil threatens (8) life. Mueh 'Stion 14: A . Keep something + adjecti\e: Giir cho cai gi nhir {hi n:io
, o f the oil comes from (9) that clean their fuel tanks while at sea. Offshore oil
Uion 15: C. Keep + V-ing: Ci'r tiep tiic lam gi (y muon noi sir duy tri va keo
wells also discharge vast amounts o f oil into the sea. (10) o f the sea can also
anh dgiig)
be caused by oil spills.
'^stion 16: B. lend: cho mirgn
Question 1 A. sources B. melt C. throw D. storage
^'*estion 17: C. Wish + V-to infinitive: Mong muon lam d\hu gi (can triic na\m
Question 2 A. products B. chimneys C. production D. produce
- |p<l6 C O qu\en lam dieu gi)
Question 3 A. tests B. contains C. hold D. use up
^'^estion IH: C. Promise + V-to infinitive: Ilira lam gi
Question 4 A. water B. air C. atmosphere D. moisture
'^tion 19: A . B> the time + thi hien tai don + thi tirang lai hoan thanh
Question 5 A.about B. with C. form D. in
^^"tion 20: B. B> the time + thi qua khir don + thi qua khir hoiin thanh
Question 6 A. already B. almost C. o f all D. mostly
q^''"" ^ • ' ^ ' - ' i ' l " - ' ' ' o f them: Khong ai trong so hp
Question 7 A. harmless B. poison C. poisonous D. clean
uTf*'"'" 22: I ) . \, cau hoi duoi. neu ve truoc a the kh^ng dinh thi ve sau (phan zyxwvuts
Question H A. marine B. lifeless C. vital D. animal
^ f^i-'oi) o the phu dinh va ngiigc lai.
Question 9 A. ferrv' B. ships C. boats D. path
^xtion 23: A . Approve o f something: Tan thanh dieu gi ^
Question 10 A . Cause B. Pollution C. Damage D. Bo
Tron Destruction
Question 24: A. Break into: dot niiap Download Ebook Tai:
Giai thich: D^i tir quan h^ Whom thay the cho ngurcri va lam chuc nSng tan ngir;
Question 25: A. Take advantage of something: Tan dung cai gi, Igi dung dieu gj YV'ho dijng de thay the cho ngucri va lam chirc nang chu ngir. Trong trirong hgp nay,
Question 26: A. Succeed in something/doing something: thanh cong trong vi^c g. Janh tir :;an dugc thay th^ la She (Miss Phugng) - chirc nang chii ngir nen ta diing who.
Question 27: C . Turn off: tat (den, may moc ) C. Hay viet Igi cau thir hai sao cho y nghla cua no giong v&i y nghia ciia cau
Question 28: D . To be unemployed: that nghiep g^c da cho.
Question 29: C . Put off: tri hoan, hoan lai
Question 1. Mrs. Thuy, who comes from Quang Ngai Province, is working at
^M£f.v//«/i J^A-A. Divide into: chia thanh ' Thanh Nghia bookstore.
Question 31: B . Pride oneself on something/ doing something: tir hao ve dieu gi
Gjai thich: Chii ngir cua hai cau tren: Mrs. Thuy va She chinh la mot nguai.
Question 32: A. Boast of something with someone: khoe khoang dieu gi vai ai Chu ngir trong cau thir hai la She. Chinh vi vay, ta diing dai tir quan h^ Who d^ lien
Question 33: A. Instead of something/ doing something: thay vi dieu gi/ lam dieu g. Icet hai cau ay thanh mot cau.
Question 34: C . play an important part: dong mot vai tro quan trong Question 2. The last time I met him was three years ago.
Question 35: B . Bring about: gay ra, dan den hau qua Giai thich:
Question 36: B . Live on salary/ something: song nha vao dong iuong/ cai gi
. mat ngu- nghTa: Cau goc dien dat: Toi da khong gap anh ta trong khoang thai
Question 37: A. Bring up: nuoi du&ng, nuoi nang
gian hai nam. Cau viet lai yeu cau: Lan cuoi ciing toi gap anh ta la each day hai nam.
Question 38: B . Believe in something: tin vao dieu gi
. Ve mat ngir phap: S + have/has + not + V3/ed + + for + khoang thai gian =
Question 39: A. So long as: mien sao, neu (= iO
The last time + S + V2/ed + + was + khoang thai gian + ago.
Question 40: A. Devote something to something: cong hien cai gi cho cai gi Question 3. He said that he hadn't done anything the day before.
B. Trong moi cau sau c6 chira mot loi sai (tir<rc cfdnh ilau A, B, C hay D. Hay Giai thich: Cau can dugc tuang thuat dang a thi qua khir do-n, khi tucrng thuat
tint ra loi sai ito va sira lai cho dung. no, ta liii mot thi nua thanh thi qua khur hoan thanh. Tir ngiJ chi thai gian
yesterday tra thanh the day before.
Question 1: D . because because of Question 4. I f only I hadn't bought the TV.
Giai thich: Because of + noun/ noun phrase: do bai dieu gi
Giai thich: Regret + V-ing: Hoi tiec vi da lam gi; I f only + thi qua khu- hoan
Question 2: B . to listen —> listening thanh: Gia ma (dien ta mot dieu gi do da khong xay ra trong qua khir)
Giai thich: enjoy + V-ing: thi'ch lam dieu gi Question 5. Because it was very bad, they didn't go on the picnic.
Question 3: C . didn't —> wouldn't
Giai thich: "M^nh de chi ket qua so" va "menh de chi nguyen nhan Because"
Giai thich: Cau dieu ki^n loai I I : If clause (thi qua khu dan), main clause tirong dong nhau trong mat ngu- nghia.
(could/would + Vnguyen) Question 6. They had left for Ho Chi Minh City before I came.
Question 4: A. to smoke —> smoking Giai thich: Thi qua khir hoan thanh + when + thi qua khir dan = thi qua khur
Giai thich: Gerund (V-ing) dung dau cau va lam chiirc nSng chu ngCr. hoan thanh + before + thi qua khir dan.
Question 5: A. m e n ^ man Question 7. It is worthless seeing him.
Giai thich: Every + danh tir so it Giai thich: It is worthless + V-ing: that khong dang de lam gi (cau triic nay c6 y
Question 6: B . have —> has khuyen bao hoac quyet djnh ai do khong nen la gi).
Giai thich: Every + danh tir so it + dong tir so it Question 8. He didn't succeed in the examination again.
Question 7: B . having —• to have Giai thich: Succeed in something/ doing something: thanh cong trong vi^c gi
Giai thich: Would you like + V-to infinitive ? Anh (chj, em) nhe? Question 9. It is such an interesting book that I have read it many times.
(lai mofi Ijch sir) Giai thich: So + adjective/ adverb + that + clause = such + noun +
Question 8: D . interested —> interesting 'hat + clause: qua den noi
Giai thich: Tinh tir interesting (thu vj) dung cho vat; interested (quan tam) Question 10. The house was built in 1990.
cho nguai Giai thich: Diing the bj dong ciia thi qua khur don: S + was/ were + V3/ed
Question 9: A. take—> takes
Giai thi'ch: Cau van tren dung thi hi|n tai dan. Hem n&a It lam chuc nang''' D. Hay dpc dogn van sau thgt c&n th^n roi chgn cau trd l&i diing cau hoi.
chu ngu nen dpng tir theo sau no phai a dang so it. 'A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. D
Question 10: A. whom-* who ^•C 7 . C 8. A 9 . B 10. B
Tron Bo SGK:
D E T H I T H L T S O 2 Download
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liestion 10: T o m : " Can I have another cup o f tea?"
Christy: " "
D E T H I T U Y E N S I N H - NAM 2 0 1 2
A. Be yourself B. Do it yourself C. A l l o w yourself D. Help yourself
Tluri iiian lam hai: 90phut , ,, Question 11: Lora: " Do you mind i f 1 turn on the fan?"
Maria: " "
«F. T H I ( ; 6 M 80 C A I I ( T i l Q U E S T I O N 1 D E N Q U E S T I O N 80) A. Not for me B. Not at all C. Never mind D. Not enough
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to show the underline part that Question 12: Due to ever more spreading poaching, there a dramatic
needs correction in each of the following questions. ^^ tjecline in the number o f elephants over the last decade.
A. has been B. is C. was D . had been
Question 1 • Not until lie got home ho realized he had forgotten to give her
A B C Question 13: make a good impression on her.
A. Only by doing so can I B. Only so ding can I
the Present.
C. Only by so doing I can D. Only by doing so 1 can
Question 14: People don't live the way he shows off, ?
Question 2 I le has hardly nc\cr uiven a more impressive performance thanihjs.
A. don't they B. do they C. does he D . doesn't he
A B ^ .
Question 15: The use o f vitamin and her herbs has become increasingly
Question ? A Lot o f people stop smoking because they are afraid their health
popular among Americans.
A. materials B. ingredients C. supplements D . components
5f.„j.j, , w i l l be alTcctcd and earlv death.
Question 16: N o matter how angry he was, he would never to violence. ,
A. refuse B. resort C. resist D. resolve
Question 4 H i e student must have her assessment form m_\n by the examiner
Question 17: that Columbus discovered America.
A. in 1492 • B. There was in 1492
n: during tiic oral exam.
C. That was in 1492 D. It was in 1492
Question IH: Anna is holding her shopping handbag with one hand and turning the
Question 5 A novel is a stor\g enough to t i l l a complete book, in that the
door handle with
A. other B. another C. the other D . others
, characters and e\ents are usually imaginary.
Question 19: 1 can't find my dictionary at the moment. 1 hope it w i l l up soon.
A. look B. clear C. turn D. come
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer Question 20: The language centre offers courses o f various levels, such as
to each of the following questions. eleinentar)', intermediate, and advanced.
A. advance B. advancement C. advanced D . advancing
Question 6: \k last week, but 1 changed my mind.
Question 21: She started the course two months ago but dropped after
A. would B. had started
only a month. . .
C, have started D. was going to start
A. back B. out C. o f f D . in
Question 7: Ihe principal usually has his pupils waste paper for their mini-projed
Question 22: Nowadays, with the help o f the computer, teachers have developed a
A. having collected B. collect C. collected I ) , to collect
approach to teaching. i
Question H: l i e came a lot o f criticism for the remarks he made m
A. multilingual B. multilateral C. multiple-choice D . multimedia
tele\n inter\.
Question 23: He died lung cancer last month, leaving his wife in great shock.
A. in for B. over C. out o f
A. for B. by C. o f D . in
Question 9: 1 he\e on a busy road a lot o f noise from traffic.
Question 24: He is a very intelligent boy; , he sometimes gets bad marks.
A. I here must luue B. It must have been
A. so B. thus • " C. otterwise D . however
C. I here must be , , D. It must be Tron Bo SGK:
Question 25: I with m y aunt when 1 am on Download Ebook
holiday in Ho Tai:
Chi Minh City In Britain many people rely on daily local activities, e.g. getting to work, doing
next month. the shopping, and visiting friends. People living in urban areas may use buses,
A. w i l l have been studying B. w i l l have stayed . trains or, in London, the Underground, to get to city centres mainly because traffic
Q stay D. w i l l be staying jf often heavy and it is difficult to find anywhere to park a car. Some places in the
country may have a bus only two or three times a week so people living there have
Question 26 Although we have a large number o f students, each one receives
fio choice but to rely on their cars.
In the US large cities have good public transportation system. The EL railway
A. alone B. only C. seperate D. individual
j,i Chicago and the underground systems o f New York, Boston, San Francisco and
Question 27: The children made a funny story and wrote it on the card.
Washington, DC are heavily used. Elsewhere, most Americans prefer to use their
A. up B. o f f C.for n.out
cars, families often have two cars and, outside major cities, have to drive fairly
Question 28: Geometry is a branch o f mathematics the properties of
long distances to schools, offices, banks, etc. Many college and even high-school
lines, curves, shapes, and surfaces. y students have their own cars.
A. that concerning ,,, B. that concerned
Long-distance travel in Britain is also mainly by road, through railways link
C. that it is concerned with D. concerned w i t h
niost towns and cities. Most places are linked by motorways or other fast roads and
Question 29: She passed the National High School Graduation Exam u i t h many people prefer to drive at their own convenience rather than use a train, even
colours. though they may get stuck in a traffic j a m . Long-distance coach/bus services are
A. bright B. flying C. red D. true usuall> a cheaper alternative to trains, but they take longer and may be less reasons,
Question 30: Ann: Do \ o u need help'.'" may be b> air. There are regular flights between regional airports, as well as to and
Kate: " " from London. A lot o f freight is also distributed by road, though heavier items and
A. That's" fine B. No, thanks. I can manage raw materials often go by rail.
C. I haven't got a clue D. That's ail for now In the US much long-distance travel is by air. America has t w o main long-
Mark the letter A, B, C, D on your answer sheet to indicate the word of phrase distance bus companies. Greyhound and Trailways. Amtrak, the national network,
that is closest in nteanin}> to the underlined part in each of the followiw^ provides rail services for passengers. Private railway companies such as Union
questions. Pacific now carry only freight, though in fact over 7 0 % o f freight goes by road.
The main problems associated with road transport in both Britain and the US
Question 31: Although the\d similar political views, their religious beliefs are traffic congestion and pollution. It is predicted that the number o f cars on
present a striking contrast. British roads w i l l increase by a third within a few years, making both problems
A. minor comparison B. significant difference worse. I he British government would like to use public transport, but so far they
C. complete coincidence D. interesting resemblance liave had little in persuading people to give up their cars or to share rides with
Question 32: Within a week on displas at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as neighbors. Most people say that public transport is simply not good enough.
a masterpiece. Americans too have resisted government requests to share cars because it is less
A. a large work o f ' . B. an expensive work o f art convenient and restricts their freedom. Petrol/gasoline is relatively cheap in the US
and outside the major cities public transport is bad, so they see no reason to use
C. an excellent work o f art D. a down-to-earth work o f art
their cars less.
Question 33: Ihcse were the people who advocated using force to stop school
(e.xtracted from Oxford Guide to British and American Culture, Oxford University
l^ress, 2000)
A. publicly said B. publicly supported
Question 34: In Britain and the US most people travel by Y-y."
C. stronglN condemned D. openly critised
A. road B. sea C. rail D. air
Read the followinf,' passaf^e on transport, and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on
Question 3.^: According to the passage, people in London may prefer the
your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question from 3-1
Underground to their cars due to
to 43.
A. heavy traffic B. cheap tickets ' -'f- -
Most journe> i n Britain and the IIS.A are made b y road. Some o f these arc
C. long distances D. air pollution
made on public transport but most are by private car.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 36: I t is m e n t i o n e d in paragrapii 3 that the p u bDownload
l i c t r a n s p o r tEbook
a t i o n i nTai:
US Vitruvius. a T'-century BC Roman, wrote encyclopedically about a r c h i t e c t u r e , and
are g o o d i n the Einglish poet S i r H e n r y W o t t o n was q u o t i n g h i m in his c h a r m i n g l y phrased
A . large c i t i es B . large states C. some states D . a l l cities (lictuin: "Well building hath three conditions: Commoditie, Firmenes, and

Question 37: W h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g is not t r u e a c c o r d i n g t o the passage? p e l i g h t s . " M o r e p r o s a i c a l l y , one w o u l d say today that a r c h i t e c t u r e m u s t satisfy its
. A . F e w c o l l e g e students in the U S have t h e i r o w n cars. intended uses, must be t e c h n i c a l l y sound, and must c o n v e y aesthetic m e a n i n g . B u t

B . T h e u n d e r g r o u n d systems are p o p u l a r in some m a j o r U S c i t i e s . the best b u i l d i n g are often so w e l l constructed that they outlast t h e i r o r i g i n a l use.
Then t h e y s u r v i v e not o n l y as b e a u t i f u l objects, but as d o c u m e n t s o f the h i s t o r y o f
C. M o s t A m e r i c a n s prefers to d r i v e t h e i r cars outside large c i t i e s .
cultures, a c h i e v e m e n t s in a r c h i t e c t u r e that t e s t i f y to the nature o f the society that
D . F a m i l y i n the U S have m o r e than one car.
produces t h e m . These a c h i e v e m e n t s are never w h o l l y the w o r k o f i n d i v i d u a l s .
Question 38: T h e phrase " a t t h e i r o w n c o n v e n i e n c e " i n p a r a g r a p h 4 is closest in
A r c h i t e c t u r e is a social art.
meaning to
A r c h i t e c t u r a l f o r m is i n e v i t a b l y i n f l u e n c e d b y the t e c h n o l o g i e s a p p l i e d , but
A . at an e a r l y and nearby place B . at the fastest t i m e and nearest place
b u i l d i n g t e c h n o l o g y is c o n s e r v a t i v e and k n o w l e d g e about it is c u m u l a t i v e . Precast
C. at the latest t i m e and nearest place D . at an a p p r o p r i a t e t i m e and place
concrete, f o r instance, has not rendered b r i c k obsolete. A l t h o u g h design and
Question 39: W h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g is true about t r a n s p o r t i n B r i t a i n ? construction have b e c o m e h i g h l y sophisticated and are often c o m p u t e r directed,
A. T r a i n s are u s u a l l y cheaper than long-distance coach services |,_ this c o m p l e x apparatus rests o n p r e i n d u s t r i a l t r a d i t i o n s i n h e r i t e d f r o m m i l l e n n i a
B. T h e r e are no r e g u l a r f l i g h t s between r e g i o n a l a i r p o r t s . d u r i n g most structures w e r e l i v e d in by the people w h o erected t h e m . T h e t e c h n i c a l
, e . H e a v i e r items a n d r a w m a t e r i a l s are often t r a n s p o r t e d b y t r a i n . demands on b u i l d i n g remains the elemental ones - to exclude enemies, to
D . L o n g - d i s t a n c e t r a v e l in B r i t a i n is o n l y by r o a d . 'xii; oi;j(! I n n v* c i r c u m v e n t g r a v i t y , and to a v o i d d i s c o m f o r t s caused b y an excess o f heat or c o l d or
Question 40: A c c o r d i n g t o the i n f o r m a t i o n i n paragraph 5, l o n g - d i s t a n c e travelers by the i n t r u s i o n o f r a i n , w i n d , or v e r m i n . T h i s is no t r i v i a l assignment even w i t h

in the U S can choose f r o m mode(s) o f transport. the best m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y .

A . four B . three C. t w o D . one T h e a v a i l a b i l i t y o f suitable materials fostered the crafts to e x p l o i t t h e m and

Question 41: It is stated in the passage that the m a j o r p r o b l e m s o f road transport in influenced the shapes o f b u i l d i n g . L a r ge areas o f the w o r l d w e r e once forested, and

B r i t a i n and the U S are iusi :w their i n h a b i t a n t s d e v e l o p e d carpentry. A l t h o u g h it has b e c o m e r e l a t i v e l y scare,

timber r e m a i n s an i m p o r t a n t b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l .
, A . s p e e d i n g and bad roads B . d r i n k - d r i v i n g and t r a f f i c j a m s
C. t r a f f i c j a m s and p o l l u t i o n D . accidents and p o l l u t i o n M a n y k i n d s o f stone lend themselves to b u i l d i n g . Stone and m a r b l e were

Question 42: A c c o r d i n g to the passage, people i n B r i t a i n refuse p u b l i c transport chosen f o r i m p o r t a n t m o n u m e n t s because they are i n c o m b u s t i b l e and can be
expected t o e n d u r e . Stone is also a s c u l p t u r a l m a t e r i a l ; stone a r c h i t e c t u r e was often
because ' ' •
integral w i t h stone s c u l p t u r e . T h e use o f stone has d e c l i n e d , h o w e v e r , because a
A . they t h i n k it is not g o o d e n o u g h
number o f o t h e r m a t e r i a l s are m o r e amenable to i n d u s t r i a l use and assembly.
B . t h e y see no reason t o use t h e i r cars less
Some regions lack b o t h t i m b e r and stone; t h e i r peoples used the earth itself;
C. p e t r o l is r e l a t i v e l y cheap i n B r i t a i n
tamping c e r t a i n m i x t u r e s into w a i l s or f o r m i n g t h e m i n t o b r i c k to be d r i e d in the
D . they l i k e t o share rides w i t h neighbors
sun. L a t e r t h e y baked these substances in k i l n s , p r o d u c i n g a range o f b r i c k s and
Question 43: T h e w o r d " t h e y " in the last sentence o f the passage can be best
tiles w i t h greater d u r a b i l i t y .
replaced b y
(extractedfrom Microsoft Encarta 2009 Encyclopedia - DCD version)
A . major cities ^ B.Americans
C. the g o v e r n m e n t D . neighbors Question 44: A c c o r d i n g to the passage, the t e r m " a r c h i t e c t u r e " is n o r m a l l y used to
"•^fer to designs and structures that have
Read the following passage on architecture by Lawrence B. Anderson, and mark
A. religious significance B. social i m p o r t a n c e :\;, -
the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
C. t e c h n i c a l D. cultural significance
each of the question from 44 to 53.
Q'*estion 45: W h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g is N O T considered an essential characteristic
A r c h i t e c t u r e is the practice o f b u i l d i n g design and its r e s u l t i n g products, ° f architecture a c c o r d i n g to the passage?
customary usage refers only t o those designs and structures that c u l t u r a l l y A . Strength B. U t i l i t y C. E c o n o m y D . Beauty
significant. Architecture is t o b u i l d i n g as l i t e r a t u r e is t o the printed word.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 46: When well-constructed buildings exist longer Ebook
than their Tai: use
^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase
tliey serve as ffiat is OPPOSITE in mean inf; to the underlined part in each of the following
A . monuments to ancient time heroes B. museums and exhibition questions.
C. witness to major ancient wars D. witnesses to their historical times Question 54: The consequences o f the typhoon were disastrous due to the lack o f
Question 47: The author use the phrase "social art" in the first paragrapii to precautionary measures.
emphasize that architecture is an A. physical B. severe C. beneficial D. damaging
A . art that belongs to a society B. art that is very much socialised Question 55: Vietnam's admission to the World Trade Organization ( W T O ) has
C. achievement o f many people D. achievement o f many sociologists 0V)rmUtd its trade relations vv ith other countries.
Question 48: According to the passage, knowledge about building technology A. balanced B. restricted C. expanded D. boosted

!^ark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
',j A . is always influenced by a wide range o f technological applications differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the followin}>
B. has experienced complete changes for generations o questions.
C. is based on modern technologies rather than traditions Question 56: A. similar B. attractive C. calculate D. chemical
D. includes the experience gained from generation to generation Question 57: A. biology B. inaccurate C. ability D. interactive
Question 49: The word "obsolete" in paragraph 2 mostl> means Question 58: A. tradition B. memor>' C. socialise D. animal
A . out o f date B. out o f place ( ' . o u t o f order D. out o f hand Question 59: A. release B. offer C . amaze D. believe
Question 50: Which o f the following factors must be taken into account in both Question 60: A. rubbish B. career C. actor D. cocktail
ancient and modern architecture according to the information in
paragraph 2? y/P Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence
that is CLOSEST in meaning to each of the following questions.
A . Basic needs and the availability o f materials
B. Fundamental technical demands on building Question 61: Soil erosion is the result o f forests being cut down carelessly.
C. Sophisticated building technologies A. That forest are being cut down carelessly results from soil erosion
D. Basic rules in the building industry B. Soil erosion contributes to forests being cut down carelessly

Question 51: According to the passage, stone and marble were used for buildings C. Soil erosion results in forests being cut down carelessly
D. That forest are being cut down carelessly
o f historical importance because they
Question 62: She prefers going to the library to staying at home.
A. make structures look more attractive
A. She would rather go to the library than stay at home
B. are in flammable and endurable
B. She likes nothing better than going to the library
C. give warmth and comfort to their owners
C. She does not like either going to the librar> or staying at home
D. are non-flammable and last long
D. She stays at home instead o f going to the library
Question 52: According to the passage, today stone has been used less as a
Question 63: She did not study hard enough to w i n the scholarship.
building material because A. She studied hard but she would not w i n the scholarship
A . there ha\ been other more suitable materials for industrial use B. Winning the scholarship did not make her study harder
B. stone architecture is essential to the number o f stone sculptures C. She could have won the scholarship i f she had studied harder
C. it has less influence on the shapes o f buildings and sculptures D. It was very hard for her to w i n the scholarship
D. it has become relatively scarce and more difficult to exploit Question 64:,Uo matter how hard Fred tried to lose weight, he did not succeed.
Question 53: I'he word "their" in the last paragraph refers to A. It did not matter whether Fred could lose weight
A, walls and bricks B. mixtures B. 1 lowever hard Fred tried, he could not lose weight i
C. timber and stone D. regions C. I red tried very hard to lose weight and succeeded
D. It was hard for Fred to lose weight because he never succeeded
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 65: Walking on the grass in the park is not permitted. Ebook Tai:
Schools are (74) these problems in ways that reflect the diversity o f the
A. People like walking on the grass in the park S educational system. They are hiring or training large numbers o f teachers o f
B. We do not have to walk on the grass in the park nglish (75) a second language and, in some communities, setting up
C. We must not walk on the grass in the park bilingual schools. They are opening (76) the traditional Ruropean-centered
j;urriculum to embrace material from African, Asian, and other cultures.
D. You can walk on the grass in the park it" you want to ,,
Question 66: To my surprise, the stranger knew my name. Schools are also teaching cognitive skills to the (77) 40 percent o f
/American students who do not go on to higher education. In the (78) of a
A. It surprised the stranger that I knew my name mfiflj . ' '
recent report by the Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills, "'A strong back,
B. What surprised me most was the stranger's name l u . '.
the willingness to work, and a high school diploma were once all that was
C. 1 was surprised that stranger knew my name ^ ,
necessary to (79) a start in America. They are no longer. A well-developed
D. M y name was the only thing the stranger knew mind, a continued willingness to learn and the ability to put knowledge to work are
Question 67: " I w i l l not leave until 1 see the manager," said the customer. the new keys (80) the future o f our young people, the success o f our
A. The customer was persuaded to see the manager before leaving business, and the economic well-being o f the nation."
B. The customer said he would leave before he saw the manager {Extracted from InfoVSA-CD Version) ' , •
C. The customer refused to leave until he saw the manager
D. The customer decided toleave because he did not see the manager Question 71: A. do B. stay ' ' C. fight D.cope
Question 68: Fiona has been typing the report for an hour. Question 72: A. that B. who C. whether D. what
A. It took Fiona an hour to type the report. Question 73: A . base B. basis C. basic D. basics
B. Fiona finished the report an hour ago. Question 74: A . addressing B. delivering C. distributing D. discharging
C. It is an hour since Fiona started typing the report. Question 75: A. as B. from C. with D. like
D. Fiona w i l l finish typing the report in an hour. Question 76: A . on B. into C. for D. up
Question 69: The situation was so embarrassing tiiat she did not know what to do. Question 77: A . slightly B. mostly C. fairly D. nearly
A. It was such an embarrassing situation; however, she did not know what to do. Question 78: A. minds B. directions C. words D. ways
B. So embarrassing was the situation that she did not know what to do. Question 79: A. make B. take C.get D. bring
C. So embarrassing the situation was that she did not know what to do. Question 80: A. to B. at C. in D. for
D. She did not know what to do, thougli it was not an embarrassing situation.
Question 70: "Please accept my apology for arriving late," said Janet to her emplojer.
A. Janet apologized to her employer for her late arrival. Question 1: Dap an dung la B. Trang tir phii djnh Not until dua ra dau cau de nhan
B. Janet thought she would apologies to her employer for arriving late. manh thi phai dung phep dao ngir (Inversion o f subject and verb).
C. Janet quickly made an apology and the employer accepted it. Sira lai: did he realize.
D. Janet had to make an apology because her employer demanded it. Question 2: Dap an dung la: A , truong hop plui djnh 2 Ian: V i da c6 '•never" thi
khong dung "hardlv" nua.
Read tlie followinf; passage on social issues in American scliools, and mark llw
Sira lai: bo "hardly". " n i i .zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYX
> ,GI ;. MI:!- nBqRif vVi.. w
letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for eachzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
Question 3: Dap an dung la: D. Truang hop lech cau true song song (parallelism):
the blanks front 71 to 80.
sail "they are afraid" phai la 2 menh de tinh ngir: sg rSng sire khoe bj ton hai va sg
In addition to the challenge to be excellent, American schools have been facing chet s6m.
novel problems. They must (71) with an influx o f immigrant children, man) Sira lai: they w i l l die early. • rtr u,;, :;;!',! in
o f whom speak little or no English. They must respond to demands (72) th^' Question 4: Dap an dung la: B. Cau true truyen khien: have/get + object + past
curriculum reflect the various cultures o f all children. Schools must make sure thai Participle. Sira lai: filled in.
students develop (73) skills for the j o b market, and they must consider th^ Question 5: Dap an dung la: D. Khong dung dai tir quan he "that" sau gioi tir.
needs o f nontraditional students, such as teenage mothers. Sira lai: which.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 6: D a p a n d u n g la: I ) "wcis'were f^oin}^ to do
Download Ebook Tai:
stii" d u n g de c h i m o t y Question 24: D a p an d u n g la: D . ( T r a n g tir c h i sir t i r o n g p h a n , d l nhan d a n g v i
d j n l i d a k l i o n g t l i u c hien d u o c t r o n g qua khi'r. Ba d a n g d o n g tir c o n lai sai n g u phap ^I'mg sau dau c h a m p h a y va d u n g t r u a c dau p h a y ) . Ba t r a n g tir c o n lai k h o n g c h i s u
Question 7: D a p a n d u n g l a : B. "to have s/zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
i do si/i". Ba d a n g d o n g tCr c o n lai sai t i r o i i g phiin d o n g t h o i k h o n g kern phep c h a m cau nhir the. iV , i ' v < . > , | ' , s <> ' ,.<

cautruc. Question 25: D a p an d i m g la: D . ( K e t h o p t h i cho ngfr canh t i r a n g l a i : khi di nghi

Question S: Dap a n d u n g la: A . "to come in for crilicisni" (hi cfii Iric/ij. Ha ylio ihdng toi llii sc tr /ai nhd hd coj. Ba c h g n lira con lai sai phep h i e p t h i : loai bo zyxwv
p l i u o n g a n con lai v 6 ngliTa. y\ a B v i ha nh d o n g ' " a l a i n h a " k h o n g t he c o t r uoc vi ec di nghi . Loa i bo C vi

Question 9 D a p a n d u n g la: C. Rut ra kct luan vc m o t vice a h i e n t a i . B v a D bi l ^l i ong t he di i ng t hi hi e n t ai don de c hi t uong l ai t r o n g me n h de chi nh. ' •

loai v i c h u ngir " " I t " k h o n g c h i sir ton t a i . A k h o n g d u n g v i d o n g tir " h a v e " k h o n g di Question 26: D a p an d i m g la: D . (Rieng cho linig ngin'ri). L o a i bo A v i " a l o n e " c h i
v o i c h u ngfr gia ""There". dirng sail m o t d o n g tir lien ket nhir tobe, m a n g nghTa m o t m i n h hoac sau m o t danh tir
Question 10: D a p an d i n i g l a : I ) . M o i ai cir tir nhien an u o n g m o n g i . ' • (niang nghTa chi rieng.. .ma t h o i ) ; L o a i bcS B (dny nhal) va C (rieng le. idch hie/).
Question II: D a p an d i m g l a : B. k h o n g phan d o i k h i ai x i n phep l a m g i . riit ng§n Question 27: D a p an d i m g la: A . To make up a story bja ra m o t m o t can chuyen.
ciia ' " I d o n " t m i n d at a l l " . Ba g i o i ' I f ^-"O" lai k h o n g m a n g nghTa bia c h u y e n .
Question 12: D a p a n d i n i g l a : A . C u m t r a n g ngir ""over the last d e c a d e " la dau hieu Question 28: D a p an d i i n g la: D . Riit ngan m e n h de quan he: (which/that /.v)
ciia t l i i Present Perfect. concerned u i t h : " eo lien cpian den .
Question 13: D a p an d i m g l a : A . Trang tir m a n g n g h l a t u v e t d o i " " O n l y " d u a ra dau
L o a i bo A v i neu ""that" la m o t dai tir quan he t h i ph<ii c h i a d o n g tir " c o n t e n t "
can t h i phai d i m g p h c p dao ngfr ( I n v e r s i o n o f subject and v e r b ) .
L o a i bo B v i t h i e u d o n g tir ""is" t r u o c t i n h l i r ""concerned"
Question 14: f ) a p a n d i m g la: B. Cau hoi d u o i de cap den v i e c n g u o i ta khong
L o a i bo C v i thira c h i i ngir " " i t " , I K zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQ
. ; '^^nrl ;
t h i c l i k i c u klK)e k h o a n g cua anh nay chir k h o n g lien quan den hanh d o n g khoe
Question 29: D a p an d i i n g la: B. T h a n h ngfr " t o pass an e x a m w i t h f l y i n g c o l o u r s " :
k h o a n g . L o a i bo C va D . L o a i bo A v i ve t r u o c da d d a n g p h u d i n h .
//;/ do hang ini.
Question 15: D a p an d i m g la: C . T)anii tir g h c p "'thuoc bo s u n g " . Cac c h o n lira khac
k h o n g g h e p v o i ""v i t a m i n " . Question 30: D a p an d i m g la: B . T i r x o a y x d d u g c nen k h o n g can g i i i p .

Question 16: T)ap an d i m g l a : B. L o a i bo A . C, va D v i c h i d o n g tir ""resort'" m o i di L o a i bo A v i k h o n g co nghTa > '.i\vny'i',\'-\i-\^!

\xVi g i o i tir " " t o " {hdl due dl iidi pliai dimg deniihirldphmmg each ciioi ciuig). I -oai bo C (toi khong Net chut gi) rgniii;!; // /; /
Question 17: D a p an d i m g la: D . D a n g nhan m a n h v o i c h i i ngir gia " " I t " va lien tir l.oa'i bo D (honi nav I lie Id dii) • 'JOfi/ i

""that". Question 31: D a p an d i i n g la: B. S t r i k i n g contrast: sir tmmg phan gay gat =
Question 18: D a p an d i m g la: C . T r u o n g h o p d i m g t i n h tir nhir dai tir thay cho danli significant d i f f e r e n c e khac biet quan t r g n g .
tir so it de t r a n h lap l a i , va "hdii lay kid', m o t t r o n g hai ban t a y , la t r i r o n g h g p xac Ba c h g n lira k i a k h o n g h g p nghTa:
d i n h nen phai d i i n g ""the". L o a i bo A v i ""other" la t i n h tir nen can c6 d a n h tir d i sau A : m o t so sanh n h o . ^ .. •
no. L o a i bo B v i g i o n g nhir A , ngoai ra B la t r u o n g h g p bat d i n h , t r o n g k h i "'ban lax
C: m o t sir t i n h c d ngau n h i e n hoan hao ..
kid' la t r u o n g h o p \ac d i n h . L o a i bo D v i k h o n g the c6 nhieii '"ban tay k i a " .
D : m o t sir g i o n g n h a u t h i i v i . , ,
Question 19: [ ) a p an d i m g la: C . ""To t u r n u p " : {iigm'ri) d e n , t o i . xuat h i e n ; {vat thai
lac) hien ra t r o l a i . Ba c h g n lira con lai k h o n g c h i hanh d o n g ciia vat c h u a t i m thay. Question 32: D a p an d u n g la: C : "•rttot ki^t ttic"' j .(fiii^r , ,|,

Question 20: D a p an d i m g la: C . Tinh tir c h i cap hoc, tao t h a n h m o t bo ba qucn Ba c h g n lira k i a k h o n g h g p nghTa /, i

t h u o c : e l e m e n t a r y , i n t e r m e d i a t e va advance: sa cap. trimgcdp. cao cap. A : m o t tac p h a m nghe thuat r g n g I d n ^

Question 21: D a p an d i m g la: B. to d r o p out ( o f a s c h o o l ) : bo hoc. Ba t r a n g tir con B: m o t tac p h a m nghe tluiat dat tien il.jRi. v: «'
lai k h o n g ctS ngliTa bo hoc. C: to d r o p o f f : ngii t h i e p d i , (so l i r o n g ) g i a m sut. D : to 1): m o t tac p h a m nghe t h u a t thirc t i e n ! , < - : ; . : ihss.. /
d r o p in ( o n sb): ghe v a o t h a m a i .
Question 33: D a p an d i i n g la: B. "cong kitai ung ho". ' ' '
Question 22: D a p an d i m g la: D . ( C a c h day sir d u n g da p h i r o n g t i e n ) Ba t i n h tir c6n A : n o i c o n g k h a i , vira sai nghTa vii'a sai c5u t r u e ; sau d o n g t i r " s a y " k h o n g d i i n g
lai k h o n g h o p nghTa: A : da ngon ngii; B: da plnnmg/gom nliieii phe; C : (cau hoi) •^ot g e r u n d "
CO n h i e u c h o n lira tra l a i . C: len an m a n h me « v >- .«.uv
Question 23: D a p an d u n g la: C . (chet vi mdc henh ndo do). Ba p h u o n g an c o n la'
D : c h i tri'ch c o n g k h a i
k h o n g c h i l i d o chet.
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 34: Dap an dung la: A . Iliong tin cV dau cau Download
ciia doan 1:Ebook
Most Tai:
journey uestior 40: Dap an dung la: B. Thong tin a ca doan 5. In the US much long-
Britain and the USA arc made hy road. Phan Urn cdc chuyen di a Aith vd My d('i, distance travel is hy_qjr. A/nerica has two main long-distance bus companies.
time hien hdng duana ho.zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
«' '>ri>'> Qyeyhound and Trailways. the national network, provides rail .services for
Loai bo B, C va D vi khong co thong tin lien quan. p(i.ssc''if^''f''- Private railway companies such as Union Pacific now carry only
Question 35: Dap an dung la: A. Thong tin cV cau 2: People living in urban areas freight. Ihough in fact over 70% of freight goes by road. 6 M y phan Ion viec van
may use buses, trains or. in London, the Underground, to get to city centres mainly ^Iniy^n dirong dai deu bang may bay. Niroc M y c6 2 cong ty xe buyt dirong dai
chinh, Greyhound and Trailways. Amtrak. he thdng Aubng sk quoc gia, cung cap
because traffic if often heavy and it is difficult to find anywhere to pa-k a cur,
jjch vu tau hoa cho hanh khach. Nhirng cong ty dirong sat t u nhan nhu Union
Nhung nguai song a cac khu do thi c6 th6 sir dung xe buyt, taii hoa, hoac neu „
pacific gitr day chi van chuyen hang hoa, mac du tren thirc te han 70% lirgng hang
London thi su' dung t a u dicn ngam dc den trung tarn thanh pho, chu yeu la vi dong
hoa deu van chuyen bang dirong bg.
xe CO d a y dac v a k h o tini cho do xc.
Question 41: Dap an dung la: C. Thong tin o cau dau doan 6. The main problems
Loai bo B, C va D \ khong c6 thong tin lien quan.
associated with road transport in both Britain and the US are traffic congestion
Question 36: Dap an dung la: A . Thong tin a cau 1 doan 3: /// the U.S large cities
and pollution. Nhirng van de chinh lien quan den viec van chuy6n bSng dirang bg a
have good public transportation system. Tai M y , nhOng thanh pho Ion deu c6
ca Anh va M y la nan ket xe va 6 nhiem.
nhirng he tliong giao thong cong cong tot.
Question 42: Dap an dung la: A . Thong tin a cau giua doan 6. The British
Loai bo B. C va D vi khong c6 thong tin lien quan.
governnent would like to use public transport, but so far they have had little in
Question 37: Dap an dung la: A. '["hong tin 6 can cuoi doan 3: Many college ami
persuading people to give up their cars or to share rides with neighbors. Most
even high-school sludents)iave their own cars. Nhieu sinh vien va ngay ca hoc siiih
people say that public transport is simply not good enough. Chi'nh phii Anh muon
trung hoc cung c6 xe oto ricMig.
nhieu ngiroi han nira chiu sir dung phuong tien giao thong cong cong, nhung cho
Kiiong chon B vi day la thong tin dung thirc te :... and the underground systems
din na> chinh phu van dura thuyet phuc dugc dan chi'ing tir bo .\ rieng hoac chiu
of New York. Boston. San Francisco and Washington. DC are heavily used, and llw
di chung xe vai hang xom. Da so mpi ngirai noi rSng phuang tien giao thong cong
underground systems of New York, Boston, San Francisco and Washington, DC
cpng chua du tot.
arc heav ily uscd...\'a he thong tau dien ngam a New York, Boston, San Francisco
Loai bo B v i diJ kien nay lien quan den nuac M y , , .,
va Washington, DC dirge sir dung rat nhieu.
Loai bo C vi bai chi noi xang re a M y ^^, ,
Khong chon C vi day la thong tin dung thirc te :... Elsewhere, most American
prefer to use their cars. 6 nhung noi khac da so nguoi M y thich dung oto han. Loai bo D vi trai y vai bai (xem A )
Question 43: Dap an dung la: B. Thong tin a cuoi doan 6. Petrol/gasoline is
Khong chon D vi da>' la thong tin dung thirc te :... Families often have two cars
relatively cheap in the US and outside the major cities public transport is bad, so
and.... Cac gia diiih thuong c6 2 oto va,..
'hey see no reason to use their cars less. Gia xang tuang doi re a M y , va ben ngoai
Question 3H: Dap an dung la: I), "bat ci'r ii'ic nao va a dau tuy thich"
cac thanh pho Ian phirimg tien cong cong rat toi, nen ho [nguai M y ] khong c6 ly do
Loai bo .'\ B v a C vi v6 ngliTa
gi de giam bdt sir dung xe rieng.
Question 39: Dap an dung la: C. Thong tin a cuoi doan 4: A lot of freight is also
Loai bo A , C, va D v i sai thong tin.
distributed by road, though heavier Hems and raw materials often go hy rail. M'?'
lugng hang hoa Ion dugc phan p i i o i bang dirong bo, mac dia cac hang hoa coii^^ Q^stion 44: Dap an dung la: D. Thong tin a cau dau doan: Architecture is the
Pf^ctice of building design and its resulting products, customary usage refers only
kenh va nguven vat lieu tiurong di bang tau hoa.
''^ose designs and structures that culturally significant. Kien true la sir thirc hi^n
Khong chon A v i s a i tiurc te: ... Long-distance coach/bus services are usualh '
" l l thiet ke xay dirng va thanh phan cua cong vi?c nay; each dung thong thirong
cheaper alternative tu trains. ... Dich v u xe buyt diriVng dai thuong la mgt chon lU''
^ * t i r nay chi mang nghTa la nhung thiet ke va kien true c6 tarn quan trong va mat
re hon thay tau i i o a , . . .
Khong chon B v i s a i tlurc te: Ihere are regular flights between regioinii
Loai bo A , B va C v i khong CO thong tin ho trg. - ^' ' ' . ' . \ . i - > v , , , .
airports.... Co nhiing chuyen ba\u dan giua cac san bay dia phirang.
^'^^'ion 45: Dap an dung la: C. Thong tin a cau dau doan I (khong nhSc gi den
Khong chon D v i sai thirc te: Long-distance travel in Britain is also mainly /"•
^ '1 kinh te cua kien true): More prosaically, one would say today that architecture
road, through railways link most towns and cities... D\n dirong dai o An''
> ^ "^""•''•^ '^^ /'w/ewc/t'J uses, must he technically .sound, and must convey aesthetic
chu \eu bAng duong bg, m a c d u he thong dirong noi lien hau het cac thj tran V ' '
W^ing. N o i mot each de hieu han, ngay nay nguai ta cho rang kien thuc phai
thanh pho...
Tron Bo SGK:
iMVfii uc » » » L m I I I ! u> ' - >

thoa m a n y d o sir d u n g \
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p h a i \ i r n g c l i a c v c kT t l i i i a t [Sircni^ fh]
v a pli^j van dat eir s a tren n h i i n g t r i i \ e n t h o n g tit-n c o n g n g h i e p h o a m a d a d i r g e t h i r a
q u a n h i e u t h i e n n i e n k i . t r o n g s u o t t h o i g i a n n a \n I o n e a c k i e n t r u e d e u d i r g e
t r i i > e i i d a t y n g l i T a t h a m m y c u a luS IBcduty]
j-ir t r u b d i c h i n h n h u n g n g u a i x a y d u n g n e i i e h u n g . N h i i n g y e n e a u e o b a n - c h o n g
Question 46: f ) a p a n d u n gzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
la: D. I l i o n g t i n a c a n g i u a d o a n : But t he best hiii/ cii),^
x a ' " ' i ' i ? P '-'^•'T ^'^ t''"-'- " - l " ' ' ' " f " ^ ^ ^ .'loc l i i a t t r g n g l i r e ( n g h i a la sao c h o k h o n g b i
lire oftoi s o well conslriictec/ that they outlast their original use. Then they siirviy^ ,
Slip ' ' ' ' x i i o n g ) \ t r a n h d i r g e n h u n g k h o e h i u d o n o n g l a n l i q u a d o h o a c d o s i r x a m
not only as hecnitifiil objects, but as documents o f t he history o f cultun's
i^liap e u a m i r a g i o v a d g n g v a t g a y h a i .
achievements in architecture that testify t o t he nature o f t he society that produces
I n a i b o 3 e h g n lira e o n l a i \ i :
them. N l u r n g n h i r n g t o a n h a d e p n h a t t l u r o n g d i r g e x a y d i r n g q u a t o t d e n do elu 'ln^
A : n h u c a n eo' b a n \ s i r d e kieMii e u a n g u y e n l i e u • , ,^ , , ,
CO t u o i t l i p d a i h o n m u e d i c h s i r d u n g b a n d a n c u a c l u i n g . S a u d o c l u i n g t o n t a i
C : c o n g n g h e ticMi t i e n
k l i o n g n l u n i g n l u r l a n h i r n g vat t h e d e p . m a e o n la b a n g c h i ' r n g c u a i j c h s i r ca c n e n
\an iuSa. n l u T n g t i i a n l i t i r i i \ k i e n t r u e e l u ' r n u m i n h e h o b a n c h a t c u a c a i x a h o i da 1): q i i > d i n h a n t o a n co- b a n t r o n g c o n g n g h i e p x a \g

tao ra elu'ing. Question 5 / . D a p a n d u n g l a : I). T h o n g t i n a e a u 2 d o a n a p c h o t : Stone am i

I.oai b o A . \ C \ sai t h o n g t i n . marble were chosen for important monuments because they are incombustible am i

Question 47: D a p an d u n g la: I). T h o n g tin a 2 can euoi doan I: These edit bi' expected t o endure. D a \ c a m thach dirge ehgn c h o cac kien true quan
achievements are never wholly t he work i f iinlividuals. .Architecture is a social Lin, i r o n g \ 2 tlu'r n a y k h o n g g a \y n o v a d i r g e m o n g d g i .se t o n t a i l a u d a i .
N h i T n g t i i a n h t u n n a \ g b a o g i a h o a n t o a n l a c o n g t r i n h e i i a cac c a n h a n . K i e n I.oai b o s e h g n lira c o n l a i
t r u e la m o t i i g h c t l u i a t c 6 t i n h x a h o i . Question 52: D a p a n d u n g l a : A. T h o n g t i n a e a u e u o i d o a n a p e h o t : The use o f
I o a i ho } e i i o n l i r a c o n l a i \ k i e n t r u e k h o n g p h a i l a : stone has declined, however, beciiiise a number o f other materials are more

' .'\ nghe t l u i a t t l u i g c \ xa h o i amenable t o industrial use am i assembly. T i i y n h i e n . d i i d a b a t dirge sir d u n g \

B: n g l i e t l u i a t d a d i r g e x f i h g i h o a rat n h i c u mot s o \ a t l i e u k h a c t o r a l i n h b o a t h o i i k h i d u n g t r o n g c o n g n g h i e p \ k h i l a p r a p .

(': tli.ciih tiru c u a nhicu n h a x a h g i h o e Question 5J: D a p a n d u n g l a : I). T h o n g t i n o e f u i d a n d o a n e u o i : .Some regions lack
Question 4H: D a p a n d u n g l a : I), l i i o i i g t i n o' c a n e u o i d o a n 2 : .Architecturalform both limber and stone: their peoples used t he earth itself... M o t so \ i i n g t h i e u g o
is ineviiahlv influenced hv t he technolo^ ^ ies applied, hut building technology is \ d a . t ' a e d a n t g e o- n h u n g \ i i n g n a \g n g a \h d a t . . .
conservative and knowledge about it is cumulative, l i i n h t h a i kicMi t r u e t a t \ e i i e h i i i Questiini 54: D a p a n d u n g l a : C . co I g i ' m a n g l a i I g i i e h / m a n g t a i h o a
a n h l u i o i i g e u a e a e c o n g n g h e d e i n r a a p d u n g , n h u n g c o n g n g h e x a y d u n g t h i eo I.oai bo .\ : t h u g e \ a t c h a t ; B: i i g l i i e n i ^ '';'ie. C : g a y t h i e t h a i
t i n h bao i l u i \ k i e n i h u e \ c o n g n g h e d o t i c h l i i y d a n t heo t h o i g i an . Question 55: f ) a p a n d i i n g l a : B. g u , n l a i f p h a t h u \ d a \h
I.oai h o 1 e h g n l u a e o n lai \ i : I.oai b o ,A: l a m c a n b a n g : C : l u a r g n g ; D : d a \i
.A: l u o n e h i u a n h l u r o n g h o i r a t n h i e u i r n g d u n g c o n g nghe Question .^6. B. ' s i m i l o ,
• B: d a t n i i q u a n h u n g t l i a \i t r i e t d c s i i o t n h i e u t h e h e /o'triektiv/ /'ka-lkjuleit/' ''kemikl/
C : d u a t r e n n h u i i g c o n g n g h e h i e n d a i clu 'r k h o n g d i i a t i c n t r u y e n t h o n g
Question .5 7.1). ba i' 191 o d 3 i/
Question 49: D a p a n d u n g l a : A. o u t o f d a t e : l a c h a u , l o i t h a i flp /in'a.-kjurit' AVbiliti/ /,';ektiv/, ,
I . o a i b o .1 e h g n l i r a e o n l a i \ i :
Westion A./tro'dijn/ ^
B: lac l o n g . l a c d i e i i ;
''mem.iri/ /'soii/olai//' / 'aMiimol/
C: h o n g h o e :
%iS,tion 59:\\.:\\'\\:^i
D: (sir bae b i i ) t h a n g tiu'rng
ri'fb/ /bi'li:v/^'
Question 50: D a p a n d u n g l a : li. T h o n g t i n o e a u g i i J a d oan 2 . Although design am i o'niei/y
construction hiive become hii;hly sophisticated and are often computer directed, Question 6 ^ I B , / ' r A b i | / ' =
this complex apparatus rests on preindustrial traditions inherited from millennia'
/ko'rio/ , ';ekto' /"kDktei/1
iluriny, most structures were lived in by t he people who erected them. The technical
demands on huihiiny, remains t he elemental ones - to exclude enemies, to
-"estion 6r D a p a n d u n g l a : I). T r u a n g h g p m e n h d e d a n h i i g f r l a m e l u i n u f r ( v i c e
circumvent i^ ravily. and t o avoid discomforts caused by an excess o f heat or cold (»' "'"g b i d o n b u a h a i d a n d e n d a t x o i m o n ) .

by t he intrusion o f rain. wind, or vermin. M a c d i i c o n g v i c e t l i i e t k e v a x a y d i r n g cl;i ' o a i b o A . V i c e r u n g b i d o n bira bill la d o dat b i x o i m o n ( n g u g e v )

t r a ncMi r a t t i n h \ v a t h i r i r n g d o m a y t i n h d i e u k h i e n , n h u n g c a i c o n g t r i n h phi 'r c tap ' ( x i i b o B. V i c e d a t b j x o i m o n g o p p h a n v a o v i ^ c r i r n g b j d o n b i r a b a i ( n g u g e > )

Tron Bo SGK:
L o a i b o C. V i e c dat b j xcSi n i o n d i i a den haii q u a r i r nDownload Ebook
b a i ( n Tai:
g i r g c
l , o a i b o C: N h a n h c h o n g x i n l o i v a d u g e c h a p n h a n .
g bj d o n bCra y)
l o a i b o D ; Phai x i n l o i v i c h u d o i h o i n h u t h l .
Question 62: D a p an d u n g la: A . ( t h i c h d e n t h u v i ? n b a n a n h a )
Question 71: D. D o n g t u d i v a i g i d i tir " w i t h " h g p nghTa " p h a i d o i p h o v o i " . L o a i
L o a i b o B . ( t h i c h d e n t h u v i e n nhat) y tt i i i i s ; ' Q
do A ( c a n d o w i t h sth/ d o i n g sth: l a m dirge v i c e g i t h i h a y h'\k m a y ) . L o a i bo B ( d
L o a i b o C. ( k h o n g t h i c h d e n thir v i e n m a c u n g k h o n g t h i c h a n h a )
lai nha a i ) . L o a i bo C v i k h o n g tao nghTa.
L o a i b o D . ( o nha thay v i d e n thir v i e n )
Question 72:\. L i e n t i r " t h a t " m a dau c h o m | n h d ^ danh ngQ- d o n g v j . L o a i b o 3
Question 63: D a p an d u n g la: C . neu c h a m h a n t h i da dirge hoc b o n g ( d i e u kien lira c h g n k i a v i sai c a u triie.
loai 3 ) Question 73: C. V i t r i cua t i n h tir. L o a i b o A , B va D sai loai tir.
L o a i b o A : hoc c h a m n h i r n g k h o n g d u g e hoc b o n g Question 74: A . D o n g tir t h i c h h g p v d i tan n g u ''problems" to address a problem
L o a i b o B : v i e c g i a n h dirge hoc b o n g k h o n g k h i e n c 6 ay c h a m h o n giai qu\et m g t \an de. L o a i b o B . Giao phdt, C. phdnphoi va D . thai hoi/cho ve.
L o a i b o C: rat k h o c h o co ay gianh dirge hoe b o n g Question 75: A . English as a second language " la c u m t i r q i i e n t h u g c . B a g i d i tir
Question 64: D a p an d u n g la: B . co g j n g m a y c u n g k h o n g g i a m c a n d u g e con lai v d ngiiTa.
L o a i b o A : CO g i a m c a n d u g e hay k h o n g c u n g k h o n g quan t r o n g Question 76: I ) , ( i i d i tir d i kern v d i " open " m d r g n g eai g i de d o n nhan t h e m eai
L o a i b o C: c o g i a m c a n v a da t h a n h eong , ,,,, nidi Cac g i d i tir eon lai k h o n g tao ngliTa.
L o a i b o D : rat k h o g i a m c a n v i k h o n g bao g i o t h a n h e o n g Question 77: D. T r a n g tir d u y nhat h g p nghTa v d i eon so 4 0 % .
Question 65: D a p an d u n g la: C . K h o n g d u g e g i a m len c o t r o n g e o n g v i e n . Question 7H- C. C'litn tir eo d i n h dd t r i c h d i n I d i n o i ciia a i : In sb's words/ In the
L o a i b o A : n g u o i ta t h i c h g i a m len c o t r o n g e o n g v i e n words ofsb ( t h e o each n d i e i i a . . . t h i . . . ) .
L o a i b o B : k h o n g can phai g i a m len eo ;. Question 79. A . C u m k d t h g p eo d j n h to make a start: khoi righiep hdl dau mot
L o a i b o D : c o t h e g i a m len c o neu m u o n CHOC doi mai. Ba d g n g tir eon lai k h o n g tao nghTa.
Question 66: D a p an d u n g la: C . ngae n h i e n k h i thay n g i r a i t a biet ten m i n h Question HO: A . G i d i t i r co d i n h sau key: c h i a k h o a de m d ra m g t canh eira/ d u a
L o a i b o A : n g u o i la ngae n h i e n k h i thay t o i biet ten t o i den m g t thanh c d n g .

L o a i bo B : d i e u k h i ^ n t o i ngae n h i e n nhat la eai ten eua n g i r a i la

L o a i b o C: t e n t o i la d i e u d u y nhat m a n g u o i la biet DE T H I THLTSO 2 3 '
Question 67: D a p an d u n g la: C . d o i gap g i a m doc x o n g m a i c h j u d i
D E T U Y E N S I N H D A I H O C NAM 2 0 1 2 , K H O I D I
L o a i b o A : k h a c h h a n g dirge t h u y e t phue gap g i a m d o c t r u a c k h i d i
L o a i b o B : khaeh h a n g n o i se d i trirae k h i gap g i a m doe Thffi fiian lam hai: 90 phut
L o a i b o D : k h a c h hang q i i y e t d j n h d i v i k h o n g gap g i a m doc Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that
Question 68: Dap an d u n g la: C . D a n h m a y bao eao ea t i ^ n g d o n g h o roi v a chua xonu differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following
L o a i b o A : D a d a n h m a y x o n g bao eao t r o n g v o n g m g t g i o . questions. ,^ .^^^
L o a i b o B : D a n h m a y x o n g bao eao each d a y m g t g i a
Question I: A. f a c i l i t y B . characterize C. i r r a t i o n a l D. variety
L o a i b o D : M o t g i o nira se danh x o n g bao eao.
ew^.\Y/V;/i 2 . - A . agreement B . Elephant C. m i n e r a l D. violent
Question 69: D a p an d u n g la: B . Q u a n he nhan qua: t i n h H u o n g k h o x i r d e n \w<-
Question 3: A . professor B. typical C. accountant D. develop
k h o n g biet p h a i l a m g i .
Question 4: A. ekclrkian B. majority C. a p p r o p r i a te D. traditional
L o a i b o A : sai quan h ^ y t u a n g : t i n h h u o n g k h o x i r , t u y n h i e n c o ay k h o n g b ^ '
Question 5: A. decay B . vanish C. attack D . depend
phai lam gi day.
L o a i b o C: Sai c a u t r u e : S O + t i n h t i r d u a r a t r u a c c a u de n h an m a n h t h i pli;' Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part
dao ehu ngiJ v a d g n g t i r that needs correction in each of the following questions.

L o a i b o D : sai q u a n he y t i r o n g : k h o n g biet phai l a m g i m a c d u d a y k h o n g p l i ' " Question 6: greetings cards are f o l d i n g and have a p i c t u r e o n the f r o n t
la m g t t i n h h u o n g k h o xir. A B C
Question 70: D a p an d u n g la: A . x i n I 6 i e h u v i den m u g n . and a message inside. '
L o a i b o B : NghT rSng se x i n l o i ehu v i da d e n m u g n .
Tron Bo SGK:
Question 7: Aloha js a Hawaiian word meaning Move', that Ebook
can be used Tai:
to say
uestion 20: It was so kind o f her to put me while I was on a business trip in
A B C D er
e town.
hello or goodbye. A. down B. o f f C. up D. in '
Question 8: The Oxford English Dictionary is well known for including Question 21: He didn't know or stay until the end o f the festival.
A B A. i f to go B. i f that he should go
f many different meanings o f words and to give real examples. C. to go D. whether to go
C D Question 22: smoking is a causative factor o f many diseases, there is no
Question 9: It was disappointing that almost o f the guests Jeft the wedding too ban on tobacco advertising. VJ-.^.M,
A B C D A. However B. Therefore C. Although D . In spite o f
early. Question 23: Mary: " I w i l l never go mountaineering again."
Question 10: When you are writing or speaking English i t j s important to Linda: " M e "
A B A. so ^, B. too . C. neither D . either
use language that includes both men and women equallythe same. Question 24: When Peter was a child, there a cinema near his house.
C D A. used to be B. used to have
C. used to be being , D. used to have been
Marii tlie letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer
to each of the following questions. Question 25: Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her
interpersonal skills, promote friendship, and her own talent. .ur •
Question 11: The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water " ...
A. discover B. discovered C. discovering D. to discover
A. plenty B. poverty C. shortage D. abundance Question 26: Mary: "Thanks a lot for your help." John: " "
Question 12: In a formal interview, it is essential to maintain good eye
A. M y happiness B. M y excitement
with the interviewers.
C. M y delight D. M y pleasure
A. link B. connection C. touch D. contact
Question 27: M y mother had to work 12 hours a day in a factory just to
Question 13: As a(n) girl, she found it difficult to socialise with other
A. make ends meet B. call it a day ^„
students in the class. ^^^.n
C. break the ice D. tighten the belt
A. reserved B. ashamed C. dynamic D. industrious
Question 28: The team was eager to make the loss o f the previous match.
Question 14: He is coming a cold after a night out in the rain.
A. o f f with B. up with C. up for D. away with
A. down with B. up with C. away from D. across with
Question 29: After the car crash last night, all the injured to the hospital
Question 15: It is interesting to take a new hobby such as collecting
in an ambulance.
stamps or going fishing.
A. was rushing B. were rushed C. was rushed D. were rushing
A. up B. in C. over D . on
Question 30: It has been suggested that Mary a computer course in
Question 16: The bad weather caused serious damage to the crop. I f only it
preparation for a steady j o b . '
A. take B. have been taken
A. were B. had been C. has been D . was
C. would have taken D. was taken
Question 17: Before going to bed, he wanted some tea but there was left.
Question 31: Tom : "When are we leaving for the concert?" Kyle: " "
A. nothing B. no C. any D . a few
A. N o problem B. Certainly C. That's right D. Straight away
Question 18: Y o u should look up the meaning o f new words in the
Question 32: Scientists have a lot o f research into renewable energy
dictionary misuse them.
A. so that not to B. so not to C. so that not D . so as not to
A . done B. solved C. carried D, made
Question 19: Television can make things memorable for the reason that it presents
Question 33: New machinery has enhanced the company's productivity and
information an effective way.
A. competition B. competitor C. competitive D. competitiveness
A. on B. in C. with D. over
Tron Bo SGK:
TI\ HH MTV D VVH Khang Vift
so it'sEbook
vvotlli Tai:
Question J4: H i e restaurantszyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
on the island are expensive, a
uestion 42: Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions. She works for a
packed kmch. famous fashion house.
A. taken B. taking C. to take I), take
A. Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions so as not to work for a famous
Question 35: The struggle tor women's rights began in the 18 century during a fashion house. . ' i : ;'-B>i • .. ,, 'A):U!0"II;'/ .'< :
period as the Age o f l-nlightenmcnt. B. Ann works for a famous fashion house, so she always keeps up with the
A.knov\ B, is knowing C. that knew O. knew latest fashions.
Mark the letter A, B, C\ D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase C. Not working for a famous fashion house. Ann always keeps up with the
that is CLOSEST in nieaninff to the underlined part in each of the followin/' latest fashions. ( t
questions. :•' . i ^ > i v M , , . . r i .... ,. D. Despite working for a famous fashion house, Ann hardly keeps up with the
latest fashions.
Question 36: The repeated commercials on T V distract many viewers from
uestion 43: 1 hey drove fifteen miles o f f the main road. Also, they had nothing to
watching their favourite films.
eat tor the day.
A. businesses 11 ad\crtisemcnts C economics D. contests
A. Not only did they drive fifteen miles o f f the main road, they also had nothing
Question .?'' As tourism is more dc\eloped, people worr> a k n i t the damage to the to cat for the day.
floi'lLiLLidJiuiiU! of tiie island.
B. Driving fifteen miles o f f the main road. the> eventually had something to eat
A. Ilowers and trees IV plants and animals
for the day.
( . mountains and forests 1). fruits and \egetables
C. They neither drove fifteen miles olT the main road nor had anything to eat for
Question 3H It is such a prestigious uni\ersit\t onl> excellent students are
the da\
entitled to a full scholarshiji each >ear.
D. rhe> drove fifteen miles o f f the main road until they had something to eat
A. lia\ the right to refuse \^. are refused the right to
for the day.
('. are gi\en tiie right to I). ha\ the obligation to
Question 44: \\\\r coat on. You w i l l get cold. Hi ;
Mark the letter . 1 , B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word
A. You w i l l not get cold unless you put your coat on.
or phrase that is OPPOSITE in ineanin}- to the underlined part in each of the
B. Put \our coat on, otherwise you w i l l get cold.
followinf^ (/uestions. ' "
C. It is not until you put your coat on that you w i l l get cold. ,
Question 39: After li\ da>s on triaL tiie court found him inn(\c:eul o f the crime D. You not only put your coat on but also get cold.
and he was released. Question 45: Ever>'one was watching the little dog. They were greatly amused at it.
A. guilt N B. nai\ C. ininnati\ I), benevolent A. Ever>onc felt great and amused when the little dog was watching them.
Question 40: .Afllueiit families llnd it easier to support their children financially.
B. The little dog was watching everyone with great amusement.
,\ I'ri\ileged B. lnipo\erished C. Well-off I). Wealthy
C. Everyone was greatly amused at the little dog they were watching.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence thai D. fhe little dog was greatly amused by the way everjone was watching it.
best combines each pair of sentences in the followin}" questions.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is
Question 41: Mike graduated with a good degree. llowe\er. he joined the ranks ol CLOSEST in nieaninf* to each of the following; questions.
the unemployed.
A. Mike i^iineil the ranks of the unemplo\cd because he graduated with a good Question 46: "We lost the last game because o f the referee," said the team captain.
degree. A. The team captain said that without the referee, they might have lost the last game.
B. I f Mike graduated with a good degree, he would Join the ranks o f the B. The team captain admitted to the referee that they had lost the last game.
unemplosed. C. The team captain refused to tell the referee about their loss in the last game.
C. Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he Joined the ranks o f the • D. The team captain blamed the referee for their loss in the last game.
unempk)\ed. Question 47: I was astonished that he knew a lot about Vietnamese food.
D. I hat Mike graduatetl with a goiui degree helped him Join the ranks o f the A. I was astonished at his poor knowledge o f Vietnamese food.
unemplos ed. B. It surprised me that Vietnamese food was what he liked most. •! /
Tron Bo SGK:
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C. 1 knew very little about Vietnamese food, which astonished him. roblems" was force tribes toinhabit specific plots o f land called reservations.
D. That he knew a lot about Vietnamese food amazed me. Some tribes fought to keep from (59) land they had traditionally used.
Question 48: Martin missed his flight because he had not been informed o f tiie In many cases the reservation land was (60) poor quality, and Indians
change in flight schedule. • came to depend on government assistance. Poverty and joblessness among Native
A. Not having been informed o f the change in flight schedule, Martin missed /Americans still exist today.
his flight. (extracted from InfoUSA - C D Version)
B. Not having missed his flight, Martin was informed o f the change in flight Question 51: A . herds B. fiocks C. bunches D. packs
schedule. «= t,,,' :•,)',••).•>•;'»••'.<: f-nr' u. Question 52: A . During B. When C. Not until D. Meanwhile
C. Martin missed his flight, though he had been informed o f the change in flight Question 53: A . adapt B. adjust C. vary D. modify
schedule. Question 54: A. to B. like C. for D. with
D. Martin had been informed o f his flight delay, which was due to the change in Question 55: A . bring B. make C. go D. set
flight schedule. r- ,,o;b-»i Question 56: A. deliberately B. marginally C. greatly D. vaguely
Question 49: ' 1 f 1 were you, I would not choose to write about such a sensitive Question 57: A. were B. have been C. was D. had been
topic." the teacher said. Question 58: A. way B.road C. signal D. direction
A. The teacher advised me against writing about such a sensitive topic.
Question 59: A. breaking down B. staying up C. giving up D. coming about
B. The teacher advised me on writing about such a sensitive topic. Question 60: A . in B. with C. o f D. under
C. I was ordered by the teacher not to write about such a sensitive topic.
D. I was blamed for writing about such a sensitive topic by the teacher. Read the following passage on commuting, and mark the letter A, B, C or D on
Question 50: The man wore gloves in order not to leave any fingerprints. your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 61
A. His fingerprints would not be left unless the man wore gloves. to 70.
B. The man wore gloves so that he would not leave any fingerprints. Commuting is the practice o f traveling a long distance to a town or city to
C. The man wore gloves in order that his fingerprints would be taken. work each day, and then traveling home again in the evening. The word
D. in order to leave some fingerprints the man took o f f his gloves. commuting comes from commutaion ticket, a US rail ticket for repeated journeys,
called a season ticket in Britain. Regular travelers are called commuters.
Read the following passage on native American, and mark the letter A, B, C or D
The US has many commuters. A few, mostly on the East Coast, commute by
on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase for each of the train or subway, but most depend on the car. Some leave home very early to avoid
blanks from 51 to 60. the traffic jams, and sleep in their cars until their office opens. Many people accept
The first American immigrants, beginning more than 20,000 years ago, were a long trip to work so that they can live in quiet bedroom communities away from
intercontinental wanders: hunters and their families following animal (51) city, but another reason is "white fiight". In the 1960s most cities began to
from Asia to America, across a land bridge where the Berling Strait is desegregate their schools, so that there were no longer separate schools for white
today. (52) Spain's Christopher Columbus "discovered" the New World and black children. Many white families did not want to send their children to
in 1942, about 1.5 million Native Americans lived in what is now the continental desegregated schools, so they moved to suburbs, which have their own schools,
United States, although estimates o f the number (53) greatly. Mistaking and where, for various reasons, few black people live. . n
the place where he landed - San Salvador in the Bahamas - (54) the Millions o f people in Britain commute by car or by train. Some spend two or
Indies, Columbus called the Native Americans "Indian". 'hree hours a day traveling, so that they and their families can live in suburbia or in
During the next 200 years, people from several European countries followed 'lie countryside. Cities are surrounded by commuter belts. Part o f the commuter
Columbus across the Atlantic Ocean to explore America and (55) up °elt around London is called the stockbroker belt because it contains houses where
trading posts and colonies. Native Americans suffered (56) from the ••'ch business people live. Some places are becoming dormitory towns, because
influx o f Europeans. The transfer o f land from Indian to European - and later People sleep there but take a little part in local activities.
American - hands (57) accomplished through treaties, wars, and Most commuters travel to and from work at the same time, causing the
coercion, with Indians constantly giving (58) as the newcomers moved 'horning and evening rush hours, when buses and trains are crowded and there are
west. In th 19"' century, the government's preferred solution to Bo
Indian '"•afiic jams on the roads. Commuters on trains rarely talk to each other and spend
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their j o u r n e y r e a d i n g , s l e e p i n g , o r u s i n g t h e i r m o b i l e p h o n e , t h o u g h t h i s is not Ques'ion 67: A s m e n t i o n e d in thepassagc. c o m m u t e r s usualK
p o p u l a r w i t h other passengers. Increasing n u m b e r s o f people n o w w o r k at honic A. talk t o each oilier d u r i n g train journcNS , , , ,
some days o f t h e w e e k , l i n k e d t o t h e i r o f f i c e s b y c o m p u t e r , a p a r t i c l e called B. cause t r a f f i c c o n g e s t i o n o n the roads --ly.
telecommuting. 'r,nHzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
' Ci -i^ivf^^l sv", ' - , 1 ,

C i t i e s i n b o t h B r i t a i n a n d t h e U S are t r y i n g t o reduce t h e n u m b e r o f cars

c o m i n g i n t o t o w n each d a > . Some c o m p a n i e s encourage car p o o l i n g ( c a l l e d cat
s h a r i n g i n B r i t a i n ) , an arrangement f o r people w h o l i v e and w o r k near each other to
; C. g o h o m e f r o m w o r k at d i f f e r e n t hours
jl D. g''' t*^ \ Nork at d i f f e r e n t lunirs
r,r 'i< i'l:!:'!

Question 6H: I h c phrase " l i n k e d t o " in paragraph 4 is closest i n m e a n i n g t o

A . satisfied w ith B. connected t o C. shared w i t h

D. related t o
, ; j < ' ( ! t ' zyxwvutsrqpon

t r a v e l together. S o m e U S cities have a p u b l i c service that helps such people to

contact each o t h e r , and t r a f f i c lanes are reserved f o r c a r - p o o l v e h i c l e s . B u t cars and Question 69: A l l o f t h e f o l l o w i n g are measures t o reduce t h e n u m b e r o f cars

pctrol/gas are cheap i n t h e U S . and m a n y people prefer t o d r i v e alone because it j-oniing i n t o t o w n each da\n the L'S and or B r i t a i n L X C L P T

gives t h e m m o r e f r e e d o m . In B r i t a i n m a n y c i t i e s have park a n d ride schemes, car A. car poi>ling/sharingB. t r a f f i c lanes f o r car p o o l i n g
parks o n the edge o f the c i t y f r o m w h i c h buses take d r i v e r s i n t o the centre. C. p a r k - a n d - r i d e schemes I ) , free car parks i n the cit\e
(cxtravled from Oxford Guide to British and American Culture. Oxford University Question 70: I h e w o r d " " i t " in the paragraph refers \o
A . car p o o l B. t r a v e l i n g together
Press. 2000)
C. d r i \g alone I ) , petrol/gas • .
Question 61: W h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g d e f i n i t i o n o f commuting, w o u l d be the author
Read the following passage on learning by Mazur, James E, and mark the letter
o f this passage most p r o b a b l y agree w i t h ?
A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
A . T r a v e l i n g f o r hours f r o m a c i t y o r t o w n t o w o r k i n the c o u n t r y s i d e ever>day question from 71 to H(K
B. T r a v e l i n g t o w o r k and then h o m e again i n a d a y w i t h i n a r u r a l d i s t r i c t .
C. U s i n g a c o m m u t a t i o n t i c k e t f o r a special j o u r n e y s i n a l l seasons o f the year. L e a r n i n g means a c q u i r i n g k n o w l e d g e o r d e v e l o p i n g the abilitv t o p e r f o r m n e w
behaviors. It is c o m m o n t o t h i n k o f I c a r m n g as s o m e t h i n g that takes places in
D. Regular t r a v e l i n g a l o n g distance between one's place o f w o r k and one's home
school, but m u c h o f l u m i a n l e a r n i n g occurs outside t h e c l a s s r o o m , a n d people
Question 62: T h e w o r d •"repeated" i n paragraph I most probabl> means
continue t o learn t h r o u g h o u t t h e i r lives. ; ,
A . b u y i n g a season t i c k e t again B. d o i n g s o m e t h i n g once again
I A c n before the\r school, v o u n g children learn t o w a l k , and t o use their hands
C. s a y i n g s o m e t h i n g again D. h a p p e n i n g again and again
to manipulate tens. f o o d , and other objects. I hc_\e all o f their senses to learn about
Question 63: T h e passage m e n t i o n s that m a n y A m e r i c a n s are w i l l i n g t o travel a
sights, sounds, ta.stes. and smells in their e i n i i i i n m e n t s . Tlic_\n how to interact w i t h
l o n g distance t o w o r k i n order t o be able t o love i n
their parents. sibling.s. friends, and other people important to their w o r l d . W h e n they
A. comfortable bedrooms B. quiet n e i g h b o u r h o o d s ,
enter school, children learn basic academic subjects such as reading, w r i t i n g , and
C. c i t y centres D. n o i s y c o m m u n i t i e s / mathematics. The> also continue to learn a great deal outside the classroom. I'he\n
Question 64: W h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g is true a c c o r d i n g t o the passage? ; which behaviors are likelv to be rewarded and w h i c h are l i k e l } t o be punished. T h e y
A . B r i t a i n has c o n s i d e r a b l e m o r e c o m m u t e r s than the U S learn social skills f o r interacting w i t h other children. A f t e r the> finish school, people
B. T h e U S has c o n s i d e r a b l e m o r e c o m m u t e r s than B r i t a i n must learn to adapt t o the manv m a j i i r changes that affect their lives, such as getting
C. B o t h the U s and B r i t a i n have a great n u m b e r o f c o m m u t e r s married, raising c h i l d r e n , and finding and keeping a job.

D. C o m m u t i n g helps people i n the U S and B r i t a i n save a lot o f t i m e . Because l e a r n i n g c o n t i n u e s t h r t i u g h o u t o u r lives and affects a l m o s t e v e r y t h i n g
Question 65: W h i c h o f the f o l l o w i n g is not true about the L o n d o n c o m m u t e r belf^ ^ e d o , the studv o f l e a r n i n g is i m p o r t a n t in manv d i f f e r e n t fields, l e a c h e r s need t o
A . It is h o m e t o some w e a l t h y business people ^"idersland t h e best ways t o educate children. Psvchologists. .social workers,

B. It is l i k e " b e d r o o m c o m m u n i t i e s " i n the U S c r i m i n o l o g i s t s , a n d o t h e r h u m a n - s e r v i c e w o r k e r s need t o understand how certain

^'^periences change peoples" behaviors, i-jnployers, p o l i t i c i a n s , a n d advertisers
C. It is in c e n t r a l L o n d o n
•^ake use o f the p r i n c i p l e s o f l e a r n i n g to i n f i u e n c e the b e h a v i o r s o f w o r k e r s , voters,
D. It s u r r o u n d s London
and c o n s u m e r s .
Question 66: It c a n be referred f r o m t h e passage that d o r m i t o r y t o w n s i n B r i t a i n
L e a r n i n g is clo.sely related t o m e m o r v . w h i c h is t h e storage o f i n f o r m a t i o n in
are places w h e r e people
"^e b r a i n . P s v c h o l o g i s t s w h o studv inemorv are interested i n how b r a i n stores
A . c o n t r i b u t e t o the local c o m m u n i t y B. are e m p l o y e d l o c a l l y
Tron Bo SGK: 'knowledge, w h e r e this storage takes place, a n d h o w t h e brain later retrieves
C. take part i n l o c a l a c t i v i t i e s D. stay f o r the n i g h t
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knowledge when we need it. In contrast, psychologists who study learning are iiestion 76: It can be inferred from the passage that social workers, employers,
more interested in behaviors and iiow behavior changes as a result o f a person- politicians concern themselves with the study o f learning because they need
experiences. to--
There are many forms o f learning, ranging from simple to complex. Simple A. change the behaviors o f the objects o f interest towards learning
forms o f learning involve a single stimulus. A stimulus is anything perceptible to B. make the objects o f their interest more aware o f importance o f learning
the senses, such as a sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste. In a form o f learniim C. understand a stimulus relates to the sences o f the object o f their interest
known as classical conditioning, people learn to associate two stimuli that occur in D. thoroughly understand the behaviors o f objects o f their interest
sequence, such as lightning followed by thunder. In operant conditioning, people
Question 77: The word " retrieves " in paragraph 4 is closest meaning to
learn by forming an association between a behavior and its consequences (reward
A. generates B. recovers C. creates D. gains
or punishment). People and animals can also learn by observation - that is, by
Question 78: Which o f the following statements is N O T true according to the passage?
watching others perform behaviors. More complex forms o f learning include
A. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with how the stored
learning languages, concepts, and motor skills.
knowledge is used ^\(vt^
(extracted from Microsoft Student 2009 - D V D Version)
B. Psychologists studying memory are concerned with the brain's storage o f
Question 71: According to the passage, which o f the following is learning in broad know ledge.

view comprised of? C. Psychologists are all interested in memory as much as behaviors.
A. acquisition o f social and behavioral skills D. Psychologists studying learning are interested in human behaviors. •<
B. knowledge acquisition and ability development Question 79: According to the passage, the stimulus in simple forms o f
C. acquisition o f academic knowledge
D. knowledge acquisition outside the classroom A. makes associations between behaviors

Question 72: According to the passage, what are the children N O T usually taught B. is created by the senses ' > Uio !

outside the classroom C. is associated with natural phenomena

A. literacy and education B. life skills D. bears relation to perception
C. interpersonal communication D. right from wrong Question HO: The passage mainly discusses
Question 73: Getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a j o b arc A . simple forms o f learning
mentioned in paragraph 2 as examples o f B. practical examples o f learning inside the classroom
A. the situations in which people can not teach themselves C. application o f learning principles to formal education
B. the areas o f learning which affect people's lives D. general principles o f learning
C. the changes to v\hich people have to orient themselves
D. the ways people's lives are influenced by education
Question 74: Which o f the following can be inferred about the learning process Question 1: B/fa'siliti/ /'kasraktaraiz/ /i'rffi/anal/ /vaVaiati/
from the passage? Question!: A/o'griimant/ /'elif(3)nt/ /'minarsl / /'vaialant/
A. It is more interesting and effective in school than that in life. Question 5: B/praTesa/ /'tlplkl/ /a'kauntant/ /di'velap/
B. It becomes less challenging and complicated when people grow older.
Question 4: A/ilek'trijn / /ma'dsoriti/ /a'proupriat/ /tra'di/anal/
C. It plays a crucial part in improving the learner's motivation in school.
Question 5: B/di'kei/ . /'vasni// /a'taek/ /di'pend/
D. It takes place more frequently in real life than in academic institution i '
Question 75: According to the passage, the study o f learning is important in man) Question 6: Dap an dung la: B. folding khong phai la tinh tir; are folding chi c6
fields due to '^ShTa la dang xep/ gap cai gi lai. Sira lai: foldahle c6 th§ gap lai duoc.
A. the great influence o f the on-going learning process ^festion 7: Dap an dung la: C . Khong dung dai tir quan he lluit sau dau phay. Sura
B. the influence o f various behaviors in the learning process
^"^stion 8: Dap an dung la: D . Khong dung cau true song s o n g / o r including...
C. the exploration o f the best teaching methods
giving. Sua lai: ^'n7>;js'
D. the need for certain experiences in various areas Tron Bo SGK:
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^estion 22: D a p an d u n g la: C . V j t r i ciia lien tir bat dSu m e n h de p l u i .
Question 9: I3ap an d u n g la: B, C h i c6: almost alKof) + dunh lir so nhieii. Sua |;,j.
L o a i bo A va B: ( t r a n g t i r ) va D (gicSi tir)
\estion 23: D a p an d i m g la: C . dang riit gon eiia neither w i l l I . li
Question 10: D a p an d i i n g la: 1). IruxTng h o p l i i u a tir d i e p y : da d i i n g equally ti^|
I.oai bo cac lira c h o n eon lai.
k h o n g theni ilie same. Sua l a i : gacli bo the same.
^estion 24: f3ap an d i i n g la: A . C h u ngiT gia there phai d i v o i d g n g tir be de c h i sir
Question II: D a p an d i n i g la: C . C u n i kct h o p nghia: Water .shortage - sir khu„
tai l i i e n h u u ; used to chen \ao de c h i m p t t i n h t r a n g t r o n g qua k h i r nay da
liiem lun'n:
iiig c o n .
Question 12: D a p an d i n i g la: I ) . C u m kct h o p c6 nghTa eye contact - sir giao ii^:^^
L o a i bo B: V i c h i i n g u gia There k h o n g d i v o i d o n g tir have. ,, .
qua (hill nidi.
L o a i bo C: V i sai dang ciia lobe,
Question 13: D a p an d i i n g la: A . ( i t n o i . k i n dao) t i n h tir h g p n g h i a v 6 i phan cuo,
^stion 25: D a p an d i i n g la: A . Cau triic song song ca 3 d o n g tir phai c i m g d a n g
cau ( k h o giao hru v o i ban c i n i g l o p ) .
Nguyen the: develop, promote, discover.
l o a i bo B: xau ho. C: nang d o n g . 1): c h a m c h i . c h u y e n can.
Loai bo cac lira chon kia v i k h o n g d i i n g cau triic .song song.
Question 14: D a p an d u n g la: A . Phrasal \crb to come down with a disease - ijuestion 26: D a p an d i m g la: D. Dap lai 16i cam o n .
pluii iiliiiom heiih. <•... Loai bo cac c h o n lira kia v i k l m i i g h o p ly. /tii^H v o i ' i :3 <>d
I .oai bo B: to come up with an (ideal - nay ra mot sang kien „| ,u
(Question 27- D a p an d u n g la: A . /(; make ihoiher) ends meet: co gdiig song dinrc
I .oa i Ix) C: lo come away from - long ra. di'rl nri khoi >o
King dm nligp lii oi i
I oai ho I ) : clii c6 come a sih - thili CY> hat gap cdi gi .*!•
Loai bo B: lo call ii a day: .\'ghi lay .Xginig lam viec
Question IS: D a p an d i m g la: A . lo take up - clion ngdnh de hoc. clion thi'i iwu
lI'Loai bo C: lo break the ice: Xiia Ian sir lung lung' ngirong iighiu ' '"
khicii de iheo diidi. .
Loai bo I ) : lo lighicn ihe hell: I'hdl linig biioc bung phai lo kiem lien '^5'
l o a i bo B:/</Ac'///-///V// nluhi ngirdi den o tro
Question 2H: D a p ;in d i i n g la: C. lo make up for: bii Igi. bit ddp cho k''
I,oai bo C: lo lake over - dam nhan. liep qiian cong viec
Loai bo A : lo make off wiili sili: Cm cap
I.oai bo I ) : lo lake sh on - nhan ai vdo lam vie<-'
Loai bo B: lo make up with sh: giang lioa lam Idnh vdi ai zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcb
Question 16: D a p an d i n i g la: B. d i e u u6c ngiroc thuc te qua khi'r: d i m g t h i p;la^l
^OA\o [ ) : to make away with sili: lluv liogi giei iliii lieu. Idngphi. \odv an cdp
perfect de c h o biet ••trang tiuii am hon"" da k h o n g c6 thuc t r o n g qua k h i r .
Question 29: D a p an d i i n g la:B. D a n g bi d o n g : diroc lire loc dim den heiih vien
I.oai bo A . C D : v i sai n g u phap. I.oai bo A : V i sai 2 d i e u : dang tac d g n g \ so it.
Question 17: D a p an d i m g la: A . vj t r i cua dai tir. Loai bo C: D i m g dang bi d o n g i i l u r n g phai d i m g d o n g tir so iiliiL-u sau ihe •
i . o a i bo B: \ '•no" la t i n h tir. phai c6 danh tir theo sau. link lir dc chi ra I igp ihe.
I,oai bo C: v i phai ""not a n y " m o i m a n g ngliTa phii d j n h . Loai bo I ) : V i dang tac d g n g .
L o a i ho 1): v i ••a f e w " phai d i t r u a c mot danh tir dem d u g c so n h i e u . Question 30 D a p an d i m g la: A . Fa sir d u n g d o n g tir nguyC'ii man t r o n g m e n h dc
Question IS: D a p an d i i n g la: D. C u m trang tir d i t r u a c m o t n g u y e n the c h i m "latneii: SI i- suggest + that + S2 t V n g u N c n : A i k l u i v c n n g u o i n;'io khac lam gi
dich. l o a i bo ciic d a n g d g n g tir con lai
I.oai bo A \a C: v i sau SY; that phai la m o t menh de c h i m u c d i c h . Qftestion 31: D a p an d u n g la: I). Sgay tire llii trang tir t l i o i uian dc tra l o i c h o when
l , o a i bo B: v i k h o n g ton tai d;ing nay t r o n g t i e n g A n h Loai bo cac lira chon ci>n lai.
Question 19: D a p an d i i n g la: B, D a n h tir way l u o n d i r n g sau g i a i tir //; ( i n Question 32: D a p an d i i n g la: A . D o n g tir d i \iVi tan ngiT research
that ua\ in such a w a y ) . ' o a i bo cac lira chon con lai.
I.oai bo lira c h o n con l a i . Question 33: D a p an d i m g la: I). K h a nang canh tranh < l.V >
Question 20: D a p an d i m g la: C . lo piil sh up - cho ai den a n h a nha m i n h ' o a i bo A \ B : V i k h o n g h g p nghia cua n g u canh. / 'iA
I . o a i bo A : to put sh down - lam ai mdl mal. nhiic ing ai
' o a i bo C: V i k h o a n g t r o n g can danh t u t r o n g k h i conipeliiive la t i n h tir,
I.oai bo B: to put sh off - lliocii ihdc/ long Irdnh ai •^•oai bo D :
I .oai bo D : lo put sh in dgl ai vdo mot vi tri/ nhi('m vu \ ^''^stion 34: Dap an d i m g la: B. Phai d i m g ( i e r u n d ( V i n g ) sau tliaiili n g u //'s worlli
Question 21: D a p an d i i n g la: D. W h e t h e r or < ' o a i bo cac lira chon con lai \ sai dang d o n g tir. .uvAA : , ) o*'!
L o a i bo cac lira c h o n con lai v i sai cau t r i i c . Tron Bo SGK:
Question 35: Dap an diing la: A. Diing hinh thirc part Download
participleEbook Tai:bj
ciia dang dg,^ | bo D: Ldi xe chC'ch khoi dinmg cliinh 15 dam cho den luc ki4ni duffc cdi an: >
Question 44: Dap an dung la: B: Mac do khodc vao neu khong se hi lanh.
rut ngan lie know as: dieac goi Id/ m('nh dan/t Id.
fk Loai bo cac lira chon con lai vi sai y va phi logic
Loai bo cac lira chon con lai vi sai dang dpng tir.
Question 36: Dap an dung la: B. conuiicrcial: qudngcdo tren tivi va radio. A: khong hi lanh neu khong mac do khodc vao. i/ • ^ ( <
C: Se hi lanh sau khi mac do khodc vdo. ,
Loai bo cac lira chon con lai. A i; 1
D: Khong nhung khodc do vao md con hf lanh nira. . si • r > c-
Question 37: Dap an dung la: B. flora and fauna: thirc vat va dong vat
Question 45: Dap an diing la: C . moi ngudi rat vui thich khi nhin con cho nhd.
Loai bo 3 lira chon con lai.
Loai bo cac lira chon khac vi sai y:
Question 3S: Dap an dung la: C . he enlilled to sth: dirge quyen huong cai gi
A: Mpi ngudi cam thdy tuyet vai vd vui thich khi con cho nhd nhin ho
Loai bo A: co quyen tir choi
B: Con cho nhd nhin moi ngudi vdi ve vui thich.
" Loai bo B: bj khuoc tiJ quyen
D: Con cho nhd thich thu vi cdi each md moi ngudi nhin no. »
l,oai bo D: c6 bon phan
Question 46: Dap an dung la: D. Doi trmmg trdch trong tdi vi vi^c doi bong thua
Question 39: Dap an dung la: A. guilty of sth: c6 toi ^ innocent: v6 toi
Iran vira rdi.
Loai bo B: ngay ngo, ngay tho
Loai bo 3 lira chon con lai vi sai y:
Loai bo C : co nhieu sang kien each tan
A: Doi trmmg noi neu khong nhd trong tdi thi doi bong cd the thua Iran vira rdi.
Loai bo D: nhan tir. nhan due
B: Doi trudng thu nhan vai trong tdi rang hp da thua trdn vira rdi.
Question 40: Dap an dung la: B. impoverished: ngheo kho, ban ciing ^ affnoii:
C: Dpi tnnrng khong chiu noi cho trpng ldi hiet viec hp dd thua Iran vira rdi.
giau CO Question 47: Dap ;in diing la: D. Tdi ngac nhien khi thdy anh la hiet nhieu ve thirc
Loai bo A: c6 nhieu dae quyen dac Igi an Viet Nam.
* Loai bo C : kha gia, giau Loai bo 3 lira chon con lai vi sai y: '

Loai bo D: giau co
A: Tdi ngac nhien vi kien thuc ngheo nan ctia anh la ve thuc an Viet Nam.
Question 41: Dap an dung la: C . Mac dii toi nghiep hang gioi nhimg van gia nlujp
: Tdi ngac nhien vi thuc an Viet Nam Id thu md anh la thich nhdt.
hang ngii that nghiep. l,oai bo cac lira chon con lai vi sai y va phi logic. : Tdi hiet rdi it ve thuc an Viet Nam. dieu ndy khien anh la ngac nhien.
Loai bo A: gia nhap hang ngu that nghiep vi tot nghiep loai gioi. ' Question 48: Dap an diing la: A. Vi khong biet Ijch bay thay doi nen nhd mat
Loai bo B: neu (sau nay) tot nghiep loai gioi thi gia nhap hang ngu that nghiep. ^huyen bay. '
Loai bo D: viec tot nghiep hang gioi gii'ip anh ay gia nhap hang ngu that nghiep Loai bo 3 lira chon con lai vi sai y:
Question 42: Dap an dung la: B. Da)ig lam viec cho cong ty th'ri trang noi tii'i'll

Vi khong nhd chuyen bay nen duac bdo cho biet .su thay doi tich bay.
nen liion hum iheo kip nlnmg mot mai nhdt. Nhd chuyen hay mdc dii dd duac bdo cho biet su thay doi lich bay.
Loai bo cac lira chon con lai vi sai y va phi logic: ' Duac bdo cho biet ve viec hodn chuyen bay la do thay doi Ijch bay.
1 Loai bo A: luon luon theo kip nhinig mot mai nhdt de khoi Idm vi^c cho cong (' luestion 49: Dap an diing la: A. Thdy gido khuyen tdi khong nen viet ve mot de tdi
thc'ri trang noi tieng. cdm nhu the.
Loai bo C : vi khong phdi dang lam viec cho cong ty thai trang noi tieng "t'" i^i bo 3 lira chon con lai vi sai y hoac phi logic:
luon theo kip nhuvg mot mai nhdt. Thdy gido cho ldi khuyen ve viec viet ve mot de tdi nhgy cdm nhu the.
' Loai bo D: mac dit dang lam viec cho cong ty thai noi tieng nhimg hdu I'l'" V Duac lenh ciia thdy gido Id khong nen viet ve mot de tdi nhgy cdm nhu the.
khong theo kip nhtmg mot mai nhdt. '.• Bi thdy gido trdch vi dd viet ve mot de tdi nhgy cdm nhu the.
Question 43: Dap an dung la: A. hgp hai cau don thanh mot cau phuc: kho'^'^ Jtion 50: Dap an diing la: D. mang gang d l tranh de lai dau van tay.
nhwig lai xe chech khoi dm/ng chi^h 15 dam ma con khong co gi de an suot ngi'}'- lai bo 3 chon lira con lai vi sai y hoac phi logic:
Loai bo cac lira chon con lai vi sai y va phi logic. >: mang gang de dirge lay dau van tay
Loai bo B: \'/ lai xe chech khoi duang chinh 15 dam nen rot cupc kic'm duac t'" se khong de lai dau van tay neu khong mang gang ••• • '
an cho ngay hom dy. nuion de lai dau van tay nen thao gang ' "
Loai bo C : Khong tdi xe chech khoi duang chinh 15 dam md ciing k/iong ki'-'"'
Tron Bo SGK:
dir(rc cdi an.
51 A. danli tir diiv nliat liop \i aiiinial ct an ^ici sue.Ebook Tai:
fQuestion 64: Dap an dung la: C . Thong tin d cau dau doan 2: The US has many
I.oai bo n. dan cliim; C: nai (clui6i); buong (can); bcS (hoa): D: dan scSi. commuters va cau dau doan 3: Millions of people in Britain commute by car or by
Question 52. l i . \ tri ciiazyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
licMi tir ihoi gian. ./ •"/> - train
I.oai bo A va I) vi la 2 trang tir: loai bo C vi Xol until se bao trircrc mot sir dan Loai bo A va B: khong c6 thong tin so sanh so commuters ban thi dan giira 2 nuoc
chii ngu- \ doiig tir. Loai bo D : vi commuting rat mat thi gia : some spend two or three hours a day
Question 53 C \ tri cua dong tir i<hong tan ngCr (intransitive verb) eac con s o Lroe veling
tinh >ai biet rat Ion. loai bo 3 dong tir kia vi deii doi hoi phai c6 tan ngu' thco s a u : \ Question 65: Dap an dijng la: C . commuter belt (vanh dai commuter) khong nSm a
(thich nghi). B (dicu chinh) va D (sua doi). trung tam London: thong tin a doan 3: ... Some spend two or three hours a day
Question 54: C . gioi tir di theo dong tir : to mistake sb/'sth tor sb/sth nham ai. cai u, traveling, so that they and their families can live in suburbia or in the countryside.
voi ai'cai gi. i.oai bo 3 gioi tir kia. '• Mpt so ngirai bo ra 2 hoac 3 g i d de di duong de cho hp va gia dinh c6 the song a
Question 55: I ) , dong tir d i i > nhat mang ngiiia ihiiiih lap \ ! OAV" • ^ '
khu ngoai 6 hoac a mien que. , ,,
Question 56 C trang tir du> nhat hop nghia \ 6 i suffered pinii cliiu kho s(r nhic,, Loai bo A vi day la th^rc te: Part o f the commuter belt around London is called
Cac trang tir con lai khong hop iigliia: A: mot each c6 >: B: iioi hoi. doi chiii; |) the stockbroker belt because it contains houses where rich business people live.
mot cacii mo- i i o . Mot phan cua vanh dai commuter quanh London dugc goi la vanh dai cua gioi
chung khoan v i d day gom nhCrng can nha ciia nhirng nguai giau c6.
Question 57: ( ' dong tir so it \ chu ngfr la The iransfer o f hind: do do loai bo A \

B dong I I H V I khong licn quan gi den hien lai (do do loai bo B). I.oai bo I ) vi khoiiy Loai bo B vi day la thirc te: .. Some places are becoming dormitory towns,
'ccause people sleep there... Mot so noi dang tra thanh nhirng thi tr^n diing lam
C O moi c|uan he iruiVe sau nen khong dimg tlii hoan lhanli.
ici nghi ve dem... (bedroom commuters = dormitory town)
Question 5H: \ . danh lu di \ o i give mang nghia nhmrng ho. trong khi C. give
Loai bo D vi day cung la thirc te: Cities are .surrounded by commuter belts. Cac
v/g;/,// mang nghia ra t in hicu. I oai bo B \ 1) \ 2 danh tir na\g di viVi gi\c.
thanh pho bi bao quanh boi cac vanh dai commuter.
Question 59 i dong tir du> nhat mang nghia nlnnnig ho t ir ho.
Question 66: Dap an dung la: D . Thong tin a cau cuoi doan 3: Some places are
Question 6lt i gioi lu du\ t t r o n g eau t rue he o f • danh fir khong dem dm n.
becoming dormitory towns, because people sleep there but take a little part in local
dc dicn ta tluioc tinh cua chu ngfr. Duong nhien loai bo ba gioi tir eon lai.
activities. M o t so noi dang tro thanh nhirng thj tran chi dd ve nghi dem, boi vi
Question 61: Dap an dung la: 1). Ihong tin o' eau dau doan 1: L'onimiiling is ihc
|Wgir6i ta ngu d day nhirng chang thay tham gia vao cac hoat dong dja phuang.
\ < > l iraveliiig i / long dishiiue lo a town or city t o work each day. and then
H Loai bo A : dong gop cho cong dong dja phirong. Sai thirc te.
traveling home again in t he evening. C omimiting la ihoi quen di chuyen dirong din
H Loai bo B: c6 cong an viec lam o dja phuang. Sai thirc te.
\ao thanh pho d e lam \iec hang nga> l o i tro \ iiha vao buoi chieu toi.
|p; Loai bo C: tham gia vao cac hoat dong dja phuang. Sai thirc te. Xem thong tin
I.oai bo A: di c h i i \ e n nhieii tieng dong ho tir thanh pho ve mien que de lam vice
chirng minh cho chon lira D .
hang nga\c >')
Question 67: Dap an dung la: B . Thong tin is cau dau doan 4: Most commuters
I oai bo B: d i lam \ vc lai nhii trong nga> trong pham vi viiiig que
travel to and from work at the same time, causing the morning and evening rush

l o a i bo C: dimg \ nhic-u lirol cho cac clui>en di dac biet suot bon iniia trong nan'
Question 62: Dap an diing la: I ) , nghia cua phan tir qua khir repeated
dicMi (happening again and ag;iin)
da qua ro 1;'
( hours, when buses and trains are crowded and there are traffic jams on the roads.
p a n ion commuters di lam roi tro ve nha cung mot luc, tao ra nhirng gio cao di^m
vao buoi sang va buoi chieu t o i , khi ma xe buyt va tau hoa dong chat con tren
Loai bo A : mua lai \ di niiieii lircrt j | d u 6 n g thi ket xe.
I.oai bo B: lam lai viec gi IP Loai bo A: noi chuyen vdi nhau khi di tau hoa. Khong dirng thirc \k: Commuters
I.oai bo C: noi lai dieu gi on trains rarely talk to each other and spend their journey reading, sleeping, or
Question 6.?. Dap an dung la: B . Thong tin d cau 3 doan 2: Many people accept - Using their mobile phone,... Commuters tren tau hoa hiem khi noi chuyen voi nhau
long trip zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA
1 0 work s o that they can live in cpiiet bedroom communilies away Jn'" nia chi doc sach bao, ngij hoac diing dien thoai di dong...
cilv.... Nhieu ngiroi chap nhan \iec di dai den noi lam viec de ccS the song tioH- Loai bo C: ve nha vao nhung gia khac nhau. Sai thirc te: xem chiing minh cho
nhimg khu virc dimg lam noi ve de nghi dem yen tmh each xa thanh ph6,..l;J chon lya B .
I.oai bo A , C. \ D vi sai ngliTa. Loai bo D: di lam vao nhung gia khac nhau. Sai thirc te: xem chirng minh cho
chon lira B.
Tron Bo SGK:
352 ;
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Question 6H: Dap an dung la: B. dong nghTa vai linked to B. tien trinh hpc t r d nen bdt thach thuc han va bdt phi'rc tap han khi ngirdi ta
Loai bo A: liai long v o i : C: chia se voi; D: lien quan vdi tudi
Question 69: Dap an dung la: D. khong c6 thong tin vc bai do xe mien phi a trung C. tien trinh hpc ddng vai trd quan trong trong viec cai thi^n sir hung thu hpc
tam thanh pho. Can cu vao thong tin tV doan chot de: tap d trirdng •,],-•: . j , , .
Question 70: Dap an dung la: C. thong tin da ro a trong can: But cars and Question 75: Dap an dung la: A . Thong tin d cau dau doan 3: Because learning
petrol'gas are cheap in the US, and many people prefer to drive alone because ii continues throughout our lives and affects almost everything we do, the study of
gives ihem more freedom. Nhung xe oto va xang a M y c6 gia re, va nhieu nguoi ua learning is important in many different fields. V i viec hpc tap tiep tuc sudt ca ddi
lai xe di mpt minh han v i lam the mang lai nhieu tir do han. ngirdi va anh hirdng tdi mpi viec chung ta lam. nen viec nghien ci'rii each hpc la
quan trpng trong nhieu trong ITnh vuc khae nhau.
Question 71: Dap an dung la: B. Thong tin a cau dau tien: Learning means
acquiring knowledge or developing the abilily to perform new behaviors. Hoc co l o a i bo cac ehon lira eon lai vi khong cd thong tin ho tra: i;,.
nghia la tiep thu ki^n thi'rc hoac phat trien kha nang thirc hien nhung hanh vi moi. B. anh hudng cua nhieu hanh vi khae nhau trong t i l n trinh hoe tap.
Cac chpn lira con lai khong phai djnh nghTa ciia vi?c hpc xet chung: C. vice kham pha phuang phap giang day tot nhat.
A. tiep thu kT nang xa hoi va kT nang hanh vi D. sir can thiet phai cd nhirng kinh nghiem nao do trong cac ITnh vuc khae nhau.
C. tiep thu kien thuc d nha trirdng Question 76: Dap an dung la: D. thong tin giua doan 3: P.sychologi.sts, social
workers, criminologists, and other human-service need to understand how certain
D. tiep thu kien thirc a ngoai lop hoc
experiences change people's behaviors. Employers politicians, and advertisers
Question 72: Dap an dung la: A : kha nang doc viet vd linh loan ihi hoc a iruviig
make use of the principles of learning to influence the behavior of workers, voters,
B. i' vd D la nlnnig gi Ire con hoc dm/c ngoai doi. Thong tin (>• gdn cuoi doan 2:
and consumers. Cac nha tam li hpc, cac nhan vien edng tac xa hpi, cae nha tdi
Thev also continue to learn a great deal outside the classroom. Thev learn which
pham hoc, ciie nhan \ i c i i boat dpng trong cac dich vu con ngudi can hi^u nhiing
behaviors are likely to be rewarded and which are likely to he punished. They
kinli nghiem nao dd tinrdng lam thay doi hanh vi con ngirdi nhu the nao. Ngirdi sir
learn social skills for interacting with other children. Tre con cung tiep tuc hoc
dung lao ddng, cac niia chinh tri va cac nha lam quang cao khai thac cac nguyen tiic
nhieu dieu ben ngoai lap hoc. cluing biet dugc each cir xir nao thi duoc tlurdng \ ; i

pe t;ip de tac ddng den hanh vi cua edng nhan, eu tri va ngudi tieu dung.
each eu' xiV nao bi phat. Chung b'\k duoc nhung kT nang xa hoi de luong tac \ 6 i
I Loai bo cac lira chpn cdn lai vi khong ed thong tin ho trp:
nhung dua tre khae.
Question 73: Dap an dung la: C. Thong tin o' cuoi doan 2: After they finish school, I A . thay ddi hanh vi cua ddi tuang ma hp quan tam doi vdi tien trinh hpc tap zyxwvuts
people must learn to adapt to the many major changes that affect their lives, such I B. lam ciio ddi tupng ma hp quan tam nhan thuc rd ban v i viec hpc tap

as getting married, raising children, and finding and keeping a Job. Sau khi ra C. hieu dupe each ma mot kich thich lien quan den cac giac quan ma hp quan tam
trirdng, ngirdi ta phai hoc thich nghi vdi nhung thay doi quan trgng cd anh huon>i Question 77: Dap an dung la: B. lay lai, tiui hoi.
den cupe ddi ho, nhu lap gia dinh, nuoi day con eai, tim va giiJ dirae vice lam. Ba lira chpn cdn lai khong ddng nghTa:
Loai bd cac chpn lira con lai vi sai y: A. lam phat sinh; C. tao ra; D. thu nhan dugc
A, tinh huong ma trong do ngudi ta khong the hpc dirge Question 7H: Dap an dung la: C. Tat ca cac nha tam l i hpc deii quan tam den tri
B. nhung ITnh vuc hoc tap cd anh luidng tdi cudc song cua con ngudi nhd va den hanii vi vdi mire d p nhu nhau.
D. nhung each thuc ma giao due anh hirdng den cupe song ciia con ngudi Loai bd A , B, va D vi ea 4 doan chung minh 3 chpn lira nay la thong tin dung:
Question 74: Dap an dung la: D. Thong tin rdi rdc dcac doan: a can cuoi doan I '
It is common to think of learning as something that takes places in school, but Psychologists who study metnory are interested in how the brain stores
much of human learning occurs outside the classroom, and people continue l<> knowledge, where this .storage takes place, and how the brain later retrieves
learn throughout their lives. Ngirdi la thudng nghT vi^c hpc la dieu dien ra tronu ^'knowledge when we need it. In contrast, psychologists who study learning are
nha trirdng, nhirng phan Idn viec hpc cua con ngudi dien ra ben ngoai Idp hpc, more interested in behavior and how behavior changes as a result of a person's
ngudi ta tiep tuc hpc suot ca ddi minh. experiences. Cac nha tam ii hpc nghien cuu t r i nhd quan tam dcMi viec nao bp liru
Hoac a cau cuoi doan 2 (xem giai thich cho eau 27) trii- kien thuc nhu the nao, viec luu trfr kien thuc dien ra d dau, va each ma sau nay
"ao bp khdi phiic kien thuc khi chung ta can den. Ngirpc lai, cae nha tam l i hpc
Loai bo cac chpn lira con lai vi khong c6 thong tin ho trp:
ighien cuu quan tam nhieu han den hanh v i va each ma hanh v i thay ddi nhu la ket
A . hpc d trudng thu v i va hieu qua han ngoai ddi
^I'a cua kinh nghi?m cua con ngudi. o...
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Question 79: Dap an diing la: D . lien quan den nhan thuc. Thong tin a 2 cau doan A. I hope so B. don't mention it
cuoi: Simple forms of learning involve a single stimulus. A stimulus is anything C Don't worry
C. D. thank you.
perceptible to thesenes, such as a sight, sound, smell, touch, or fast. Question 8: Instead of staying around the house all day, you should be out there
NhCrng hinh thuc hpc tap don gian lien quan den mot kich thich dan. Mot kich looking a job.
thich la bat ki cai gi ma cac giac quan c6 tbk nhan biet dugc, nhu hinh anh, am A. for B. after C. into D. at I
thanh, mill, cam giac dung cham hoac vj. Question 9: he was tired, he still watched the final match on TV.
Loai bo cac chon lira con lai vi sai y: ^• ' ; ' A . however B. though C. Because ,.rr i->. D. Despite - , 1
ij, A: tao nen moi lien ket giSa cac hanh vi '•«>• J{'">"" Question 10: part of the mountain road have been washed after the floods.
B: dugc tao ra boi cac giac quan V : A . through B. off C. away D. out
C: kdt hgp vai cac hien tugng tu nhien Question 11: parts of the country are suffering water after the unusually
Question 80: Dap an dung la: D . loan the bai van ban den Cac nguyen tac tang dry summer. '
qudtve suhQc tap. A. shortage B. supply C. thirst D. hunger
Loai bo cac chgn lira sai vi sai y: Question 12: How long ago to learn French? ^ •
A: nhii-ng hinh thuc hoc tap don gian A. have you started B. were you starting
B: cac vi du thirc tien ve viec hoc ben trong C. would you start D. did you start -r''
C: viec ap dung cac nguyen tac hpc tap cho nen giao due chinh quy ' Question 13: the teacher said that I would be able to speak English fluenly
A. in B. by C. since D. till
Question 14: No sooner my ca than the alarm went off
A. The thief had touched B. had the thief touched .
C. touched the thief D. the thief touched iA /
D E T H I T U Y E N S I N H C A O D A N G NAM 2 0 1 2 Question 15: The police have begun an into the accident which happened
Th&i gian lam bai: 90phCit this afternoon.
A. investigation B. investigatory C. investigate . D. investigating
Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer Question 16: Nowadays, most student use calculators in their studies and
to each of following questions. examinations.
Question 1: she was angry that she could not say a word. A. electrical B. electronic C. electricity D. electric j
A. so B. too much C. so many D. such Question 17: they are having their house by a construction company.
Question 2: Susan, remember to apply this sun cream two hours. A . to paint B. painting C. being painted D. painted
A. so B. several C. every D. each Question 18: This carpet really needs can you do it tor me, son? ,
A. being cleaned B. cleaned C. clean D. cleaning
Questions: there is a good film TV tonight. Will you watch it?
Question 19: Jack: "What's wrong with you?"
A. at B. from C. on D. in
Jill : " "
Question 4: I'd rather you to the English-speaking club with me this
A. thank you very much B. I'm having a slight headache
C. No, I don't care D. Yes, I was tired yesterday
A. will come B. came C. come D. to come
Question 20: College students are becoming less dependent ....their teacher.
Question 5: That cannot be a true story .He it up.
A . on B. with C. of D. to
A. Can have made B. must have made ^
Question 21: I hope you will notice of what I am going to you . <
C. Would have made D. should have made
A. gain B. keep C. get D. take
Question 6: Spain have won the championship is not surprising.
Question 22: My teacher reminded me .... my essay carefully before handing it on.
A. That B. how C. which D. what
A. checked B. checking
Question 7: Sarah : Oh my god, I ' v e missed my bus. P
C. to have checked D. to check
Christ: Another will come here in ten minutes ,u
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