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Đề thi 06/02/2021:

Many people believe that it is easier to have a healthy lifestyle in the

countryside. Other believe that there are health benefits of living in cities.
Discuss both views and give your opinions.

While many people maintain that living in cities has relatively extensive health
advantages thanks to advanced medical facilities provided, this essay agrees
that it is easier to be mentally and physically healthy in the countryside because
the environment is so clean and tranquil.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that living in cities may provide people
relatively extensive health benefits. One of the main benefits is that there are a
lot of modern medical services. Indubitably, in the cities, the economic is
frequently well-developed, as a result, which means urban residents here can
probably afford advanced and superior medical services, hence, their health is
likely to be in the best conditions.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that people have many health advantages
when living in the countryside. The first inherent benefit is the clean and
uncontaminated environment. Doubtlessly, since in the rural region, there are
frequently not much industrial activities compared to the urban region, hence, the
carbon dioxide emission, which can cause acute respiratory issues, is likely
minimized. Resultantly, rural people will probably have a better health when they
live in a fresh environment. The second intrinsic benefit is the tranquil
atmosphere. Irrefutably, the pace in the countryside is typically not high,
proportionally, people may potentially reduce their stress level. Consequently,
people may feel relaxed, which can probably relieve their mental health.
In conclusion, while living in the cities may be advantageous to a certain degree,
it seems advisable that living in the countryside is beneficial.

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