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This study's methodology focused on the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) idea and its
relationship to sustainable business practices. Using a mixed-methods approach,
the analysis combined secondary research from a thorough online literature
review with primary research conducted through questionnaires. The study
employed a contemporaneous triangulation approach, integrating quantitative
and qualitative methodologies to comprehend the research inquiries thoroughly.
While secondary research added background and a theoretical foundation to the
study, primary research was conducted to obtain personal observations. To gather
quantitative information on participants' understanding and perceptions of TBL
and sustainable business practices, an online survey that was structured and
based on the research questions was disseminated to a wide range of individuals,
including consumers, company professionals, and employees. A thorough
literature review was conducted utilizing academic databases, reports from
respectable organizations, case studies, and online sources to compile knowledge
on TBL and sustainable business practices. From these sources, pertinent
information and insights were taken out and examined. Regarding data analysis,
participants' survey answers were examined using statistical tools to produce
descriptive statistics and spot trends and patterns. After qualitative interview data
were categorized and transcribed, thematic analysis was used to find recurrent
themes and insights linked to TBL's application. The knowledge, difficulties, and
advantages of TBL and sustainable business practices were concluded by
combining primary and secondary research results. The study's business
implications and potential future research areas were examined based on the
mixed results.

Primary research questions:

1. What in tbl?
2. How is it associated with sustainability of business?
3. How tbl is different from traditional business practices?
4. How does tbl encourage businesses to think about social and environmental
5. Why are the three parts of tbl is important for businesses?
6. How does CSR fit into tbl and how does it help businesses to sustainable?
7. What can businesses do to reduce their impact on environment by following
the tbl principles?
8. What are the advantages for businesses that follow tbl, in terms of how people
see them and their long term profits?
9. How does tbl make businesses think about the future, specifically concerning
the well-being of future generations and earth resources?
10. What challenges do businesses face when trying to use tbl, and what they can
do to overcome these challenges?

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