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Subject Grade Date Block week Unit/Lesson/Topic classwork

English L. 8 1/11/2023 2 3 Education / descriptive writing 1 out of 3

Learning Outcome
Write an essay about an inspiring teacher using the essay layout
Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class 8A


Introduction: In your first sentence, explain clearly who or what you are describing. Remember to start your first sentence in
an interesting way to hook your reader and make them want to keep reading! You can do this with a question, some interesting
adjectives, a feeling, an emotion or exclamation

Body paragraph 1

Write your topic sentence:

Reason or Evidence #1:

Reason or Evidence #2:

Reason or Evidence #3:

Write your conclusion:


Prepared by Ms. Joanna Zakaria Page 1 of 2

Subject Grade Date Block week Unit/Lesson/Topic classwork
English L. 8 1/11/2023 2 3 Education / descriptive writing 1 out of 3
Learning Outcome
Write an essay about an inspiring teacher using the essay layout
Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Class 8A

Body paragraph 2

Write your topic sentence:

Reason or Evidence #1:

Reason or Evidence #2:

Reason or Evidence #3:

Write your conclusion:



Finish your writing with a summary about what you have just described. Sometimes it helps to add a thought, or
something else you noticed.

Prepared by Ms. Joanna Zakaria Page 2 of 2

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