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Level : Primary 5
Subject : Science
Title : Unit 11 Revision
Day/date :

Name: __________________

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

1. Soil pollution can lead to _________________ pollution,

____________________ pollution and deterioration of

____________________ condition, and cause the growth of

____________________ and ______________________.

2. Soil pollution is caused by ______________________ and harmful

__________________________ from farms.

3. ________________________________occurs when pollution are released

into the soil.

4. Water pollution can ________________________________ organisms

living in water and people.


5. Water pollution is caused by the dumping of chemical

_________________________ from factories,

________________________ and human

____________________________ into water, harmful

_________________________ from farms that get washed into water

bodies and oil _________________________.

6. __________________________________ occurs when pollution are

released into the water.

7. Air pollution can cause ________________________________ problems,

____________________________ and _____________________________.

8. Air pollution caused by the burning of ______________________,

________________________ and forests, dust and _________________ in

the air and ________________________ from cigarettes.

9. ____________________________ occurs when pollutions are released into

the air.

All answers must be in complete sentences.

1. What harmful substance are realised into the environment from the burning of fuels in




2. How do these harmful substances affect the environment?






3. What are the causes and effects of air pollution?





4. What example can you take from our daily routine that harms the environment?





5. What are the other forms of pollution besides Air, water & soil?




6. What can you do to help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases in

the air?




7. What substance is the cigarette made up of?






8. What are the causes and effects of water pollution?





9. How do oil spills harm organisms living in the water?






10.What are the causes and effects of soil pollution?






11.Identify the types of pollution caused by the following actions of Man and describe their
(a) Burning rubbish:



(b) Pouring waste water into a drain:




(c) Littering:



(d) Driving a car:



1. Carbon monoxide:



2. Acid rain:



3. Biodegradable:



4. Haze:



5. Non- biodegradable:



6. Pollutants:



7. Soot:



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