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Class 7


Chapter 11

A. Tick the correct option

1.In unicellular organisms, transportation of materials takes place through

Ans Diffusion

2.During transpiration, water is lost from the plants in the form of:

Ans water vapour

3.Which of the following is not a blood vessel

Answer platelet

4.The human heart has

Answer Four chambers

5.The process of removal of toxic metabolic wastes from the body is called

Answer Excretion

6. The waste of human beings consists mainly of

Answer urea

7.The device used to hear the heartbeat is called a

Answer stethoscope

8.Which of these is responsible for blood clotting!

Answer platelets

B State whether the following statements are true or false

1.Transpiration helps to cool the leaf surface. True

2.Green plants absorb water through stomata False

3.Human heart has six chambers False

4.Arteries carry the carbon dioxide-rich blood to lungs False

5.There are four excretory organs in human body. True

6.Plasma is the fluid part of the blood. True

C. Fill in the blanks

1.capilliaries are the thinnest blood vessels.

2 The colour of the vred blood cells is red due to presence of haemoglobin

3.The only vein to carry oxygenated blood is pulmonary vein

4.Colourless part of blood is referred to as plasma

5.Xylem tissue transports water and minerals from the roots to stem.

6.If a person's kidneys are damaged ,doctors remove wastes from the body by a process called dialysis.

D.Match the following

Column A. Column B

1.Defense mechanism. c..WBC

2.Blood clotting. a platelets

3.Coiled tube like structures in kidney. B.nephron

4.Translocation of food. e Phloem

5 Haemoglobin. D.RBC

E.Give one word for the following

1.The only artery to carry deoxygenated blood

Pulmonary artery

2.Organisms that excrete uric acid as a waste product

Uricotelic organisms

3.The process of losing water in the form of vapour from a plant


4.The filtering units of the urinary system


5.The process of transportation of food from the leaves to other parts of the plant


F.Answer the following questions in brief

1. Write any three differences between arteries and veins

Artery Vein

1. These vessels carry blood from the heart to 1. These vessels carry blood from all parts to
various body parts. the heart.
2. Carry oxygenated blood from the heart. 2. Carry deoxygenated blood from the body part
3. Valves are absent. 3. Valves are present
2.In what ways are xylem and phloem important for transportation of materials in plant?
Answer. Xylem transports water and nutrients in the plant, while phloem transports food molecules
to all parts of the plant.

3. Name three types of blood vessels found in our body.

Answer Artery ,Vein and capillaries

4 Starte the difference between transpiration band translocation

Answer. Transpiration is the process by which plants release excess water

into the atmosphere .
Translocation- The transportation of food from the leaves to other parts of the
5. What prevents the blood from going in the wrong direction in the heart?
Ans. The valves prevents the blood from going in the wrong direction in the
6.What are the diseases that can be detected through the examination of
Ans. The diseases that can be detected through the examination of urine are
diabetes, urine infectio, tumor or damage of the kidneys.
G. Answer the following questions in detail
1.Describe the working of human heart with the help of a diagram
AnswerThe function of heart is to pump the blood to all parts of the body. This
is done by regular an alternate contraction and relaxation of auricles and
ventricles.The muscles of the right atrium relax and it receives deoxygenated
blood from all the parts of the body through veins. The deoxygenated blood is
forced into right ventricle by the contraction of right atrium. Then the right
ventricle contracts and it pumps the deoxygenated blood into the lungs to the
pulmonary artery.From there the blood goes to the lungs. During the
contraction of right when trickle the backward flow of blood into right atrium is
prevented by the bicuspid valve. Thus in lungs the blood becomes
oxygenated. At the same time the muscles of left atrium relax and it receives
oxygenated blood from the lungs through the pulmonary vein. This
oxygenated blood is then forced into left ventricle by the contraction of left
atrium. When the left ventricle contracts the oxygenated blood is pumped to
all the parts of the body except lungs through the aorta.The aorta Is the
biggest blood vessels in our body .

2.Explain the process of excretion in human beings with the help of a suitable
Answer Excretion is the process of removal Of toxic metabolic waste from the
body. It takes place through a well developed system of organs called urinary
system. The waste is removed from the body in the form of urine. Urine is a
liquid formed by the combination of urea with water.
3. Name the component of human blood . State the functions of each of
them .
Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen
Platelets are responsible for blood clotting.
White blood cells Safeguard the body from infections by killing germs or by
producing antibodies.
4.Discuss the process of absorption of water and minerals by root hair .
Ans.The roots of the plants have tiny outgrowths from their outer cells called
the root hair. Plants absorb water and minerals through these. The root hair
increase the surface area of the root for the absorption of the water and
mineral nutrients dissolved in water. The water present in soil passes into the
roots here through a semipermeable membrane by osmosis
5.What do you understand by transpiration? State some of its
Ans. Transpiration is a process by which plant release excess water into the
atmosphere. Plants absorb a lot of water from the soil for photosynthesis.
However, all the water absorbed is not utilised by the plant. The excess water
evaporates through the stomata present on the surface of the leaves by the
process of transpiration.
Advantages of transpiration
It removes excess water from the soil of the plant to prevent plant
It maintains salt water balance in the plant
It cool down all parts of the plant
It helps in distribution of dissolved substances to all parts of the plant
6.How is food transported in plants?
Ans. In plants food Is prepared by the leaves through photosynthesis. The
food does prepared is in the form of glucose and is transported to all the other
parts of the plant through a tissue called phloem the transportation of food
from the leaves to other parts the plant is called translocation. The phloem
has cells called the sieve tubes that are placed one above the other to form
long tubes through which food is transported.

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