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We appreciate your application and wish to get to know you a bit better…please reply to
the following questions according to your background!

Questionnaire Copywriter

Name: _Hiroshi B. Allera__


1. Why did you apply for this job?

2. What are your earliest availabilities for this position?
3. What does Lomography represent to you and what do you like about it?
4. Are you familiar with analogue photography or with our products?

1. As an imaginative individual, I have always been fascinated writing different

stories and it will be a very opportune moment for me to write for Lomography. I
am confident that with my relevant experience as a contributor for a travel and
lifestyle magazine during my program, that I have the skillset to perform a
copywriter role.
2. I can do work immediately.
3. To say, I am new to Lomography and I am willing to learn more of it. Coming
from a journalism background, I am exposed to visual communication and
photography courses. I resonate with the idea of capturing moments and live
through it once again with the power of photography.
4. I do love analogue and will be enthusiastic to get to delve into the edge of it.
Lomography is a great tool I can use to further nurture my writing skills.


5. Name 3 brands/media with a good content strategy in your opinion, and let us
know why they are communicating well.
6. What Magazines, websites or social media accounts are you reading / visiting on a
regular basis?
7. Please suggest 3 individuals which in your opinion could be introduced /
interviewed in a Lomography magazine article.

5. First media outfit is going to be Vogue Philippines, I believe in the local presence
that they dominate with. Next is Novice, growing as an independent brand is such
a big win and the content they produce is just chef’s kiss. Lastly, I will give it to
Nylon Manila for owning their imprint and showing how distinct their stories can
6. I read some articles from Scout but it is not almost as daily, I also like spending
time reading Village Pipol Magazine and Nylon.
7. It will be great to feature Erwan Huessaff for a cover and write about his interest
for food. I also think Janine Gutierrez and BJ Pascual will be good as prospects.


8. How would you describe our final consumers / target group (people who would
buy our products in the shop)?
9. What copywriting and/or marketing projects experience do you have?
10. What would you like to learn at Lomography?
11. What is your salary expectation for this position?

8. Analogue photography is big to young people, everyone likes to have a very

unique experience having their pictures but the youth has a thing for new
experiences. I am sure it is a resurfacing trend and can grow more into a
proliferation of capturing photos, the way Lomography aims its consumers to
enjoy taking photos.
9. Recently I have the opportunity to experience public relations internship in EON
Group to write for lifestyle press releases, some of the clients I have worked with
are Samsung Philippines Electronics, Uniqlo Philippines, and Shangrila. I am also
an experienced digital content writer for Village Pipol Magazine.
10. I want to gain more and enhance my skillset in writing and creating contents. I
am a fast learner and with the foundation from my journalism degree, I am
confident I can be of a help for the team in the long run.
11. My salary expectations will be between 18k – 20k a month.


12. Name one achievement you are proud of.

13. Do you have any other personal projects running? Or what projects would you like
to work on?
14. What do you like to do in your spare time?

12. My proudest moment is when I graduated in college with Latin Honors. I will
cherish it for the rest of my life.
13. Currently, I have no projects in progress, but if I will have the luck to work for
one that will be producing a write-up and make it available to readers. I am fond
of literary pieces and just putted out a zine with my poems compiled in it.
14. I am working with my songwriting skills and trying to get into digesting different
art forms, like bauhaus painting and drag, as much as possible. Moreover, I am
spending my time reading and consuming Korean pop music.

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