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Date: November 24, 2021

Day 2

Topic/s: The Second Prong

My Reflection for the Day

It was once again a tiring but productive day indeed. We dug deeper through storytelling
and explored other techniques to use stories as a springboard for a new lesson. Though I’ve been
using storytelling for at least quite a long time now, I guess that I forgot other important details
such as creating and choosing motive questions that will help my learners to have a little clue
about the story.

I also thought that I forgot how important it is to do fun post reading activities that will
truly help my learners to understand deeply the story. Post reading activities are essential in
absorbing the lesson, and anchoring feelings in the lesson.

Many activities will help our learners to have the feeling of connection and understanding
when given appropriately. Teachers, have vital roles to facilitate learning so we should be
equipped of different materials and knowledge in performing in the said lesson.

I am ready to face new challenges and ready to conquer it all for my learners. I hope that
this seminar will truly help me to become the teacher that my learners needed to accomplish
whatever they need to do.

I also hope that if given a chance to give storytelling, I will execute it accordingly.


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