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Legend of Mount Kelud

Mount Kelud is located on the border between Kediri Regency and Blitar Regency in East
Java.Regarding the legend of Mount Kelud, it occurs on the border of Blitar and Kediri
Mount Kelud, which is also a tourist attraction, has a height of 1,731 meters above sea level
Apart from its natural beauty, Mount Kelud is also known for its legendary stories which are
still believed by the local people.
Based on folklore, the origins of Mount Kelud began with the betrayal of the goddess' love
story for two kings. Namely Goddess Kilisuci.

It is said that in ancient times there was a daughter of King Airlangga named Dewi Kilisuci.
He has a beautiful face so that he is liked by many people, especially the kings in Java.
Once upon a time, Dewi Kilisuci was proposed to by two kings, but these two kings were not
from the human race. But from soft people or soft creatures.
The two kings are one Lembu Suro with the head of an ox (cow) and Mahesa Suro with the
head of a buffalo.

Because she was not interested in Lembu Suro or Mahesa Suro, Dewi Kilisuci intended to
reject him.

However, because he was afraid to say this, he made a challenge or asked Lembu Suro for
Dewi Kilisuci was afraid to reject the proposal from the two kings who were known to be
powerful from this refined nation because if they were rejected, a big war could break out.

The goddess then created a competition that could not be done by ordinary humans and
also by gentle people.
The competition involved asking Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro to build two wells on the
peak of Mount Kelud.

The first well that Dewi Kilisuci requested smelled fishy and the second smelled fragrant.
Dewi Kilisuci asked that the two wells be worked on in just one night or until the rooster
With their supernatural powers, Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro agreed. In fact, the two of
them managed to make the well before the rooster crowed.

Remembering that the reason for the competition was just a trick by Dewi Kilisuci to refuse
to marry the two kings, finally the brain-spinning goddess looked for another way.
Then Dewi Kilisuci asked Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro to prove that the two wells really
smelled fishy and fragrant.

Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro were then asked to go into the well to prove that the two
wells smelled fishy and fragrant.

Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro finally agreed to Dewi Kilisuci's request. They then entered
the well he had made.
After the two of them were at the bottom of the well, Dewi Kilisuci immediately ordered the
Jenggala soldiers to fill the well with as many stones as possible.

Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro also died on Mount Kelud at the bottom of the well they made

However, before the two powerful kings from the astral world died, Lembu Suro still had time
to utter his vows.
[1/11 08.56] p: "Yoh, Kediri people are going to be pethuk piwalesku sing makaping kaping
yoiku, Kediri is going to be dadi kali, Blitar is going to be setting, Tulungagung is going to be
dadi Kedung".

Meaning: "Tomorrow the people of Kediri will meet my multiple vengeance. Kediri will
become a river, Blitar will become a field, Tulungagung will become a lake."

This story was then believed to be the origin of Mount Kelud until it has been legendary in
society until now
It is said that it was because of Lembu Suro's oath that he was hurt that Lembu Suro stirred
up the soil in the well to make it erupt into Mount Kelud eruptions every time.

As a starting point for the Lembu Suro oath, the residents on the slopes of Mount Kelud then
carry out offerings every year
This was also done by Dewi Kilisuci to prevent a disaster in the form of the eruption of Mount
Kelud due to the oath of Lembu Suro and Mahesa Suro.

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