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112 學年度第一學期 崑山科技大學

通識中心「MY ET 職場英文口說競賽」說明
112 / 9 / 11
1. 參賽對象:本校全部在籍學生。基於公平考量,以下同學不得參加:
(1) 英語系國家之外籍生。
(2) 曾在英語系國家之國中以上正式教育三年以上。
(3) 非英語系國家之學生,但其正式教育係以英文為主要語言者。

2. 比賽分級: 依英文分班為比賽分級依據,分整合、強化、實力三組。

3. 報名方式及日期: 即日起~11/10(五)中午。

4. 參賽名單公告: 11/13(一)於通識中心首頁。

5. 比賽日期: 11/29 (三) 13:20-16:30 (分組競賽,每組一小時)。

6. 自學教室開放練習時間:星期一~五 12:30-13:20 /教學研究大樓 R1002

(1) TA 諮詢及輔導。
(2) 經濟不利學生於開放時間至 R1002 自學至少 4 次(一次至少 40 分鐘),或老師
輔導 3 小時。可申請「語文增能」之補助金 2,000 元。

7. 活動方式:
(1) 比賽當天於線上完成指定之 MyET文章(句數約15-20句)。採跟讀及複誦方式進行。
(2) 比賽必須一次完成,中途無故不得重複進行比賽。
(3) 評分工具為「MyET 線上評分系統」 。(ASAS © , Automatic Speech Analysis
System 中華民國發明專利第 189374 號)

8. 獎勵辦法:
各組: 第一名(1 名):獎狀一張、獎金 2,000 元
第二名(1 名):獎狀一張、獎金 1,500 元
第三名(1 名):獎狀一張、獎金 1,000 元
第四名(1 名):獎狀一張、獎金 800 元
第五名(1 名):獎狀一張、獎金 700 元
第六名(1 名):獎狀一張、獎金 600 元

9. 競賽範圍 : My ET 線上課程 (參考附檔下載說明)

(1) 整合組: 面試英語完全攻略 208 句
1. Why do you want to come and work for this company?
2. What will you bring to the company if we employ you?
3. What do you consider important when looking for a job? What kind of work are you
looking for?
4. Do you have any questions for our company?
(2) 強化組: 商用英語

1. 商用英語(2)超級業務篇/Conversation - Complaints
2. 商用英語(2)超級業務篇/Conversation - Responding to Complaints
3. 商業英語 (3) 職場應對篇/Unit 6.3.3 – Requests

(3) 實力組: 美語走天下 2A/2B

1. Unit 6.4 Obtaining Services 1
2. Unit 5.4 Obtaining Services 1
整合組 My ET 面試英語完全攻略

⚫ Why do you want to come and work for this company?

 This company is the industry leader in its field.
I can learn new things in your company, and at the same time I can offer my services to you.
Your company has earned a very good reputation. I want to be part of such an outstanding
 Because your operations are global, I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of
 After following your firm's progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that your company is
becoming one of the market leaders.
 I would like to be part of the team.
 Your massive scale of operation is well respected worldwide.
 After reading your website, I am familiar with the corporate goals.
 I sincerely believe I can learn and grow with the company.

⚫ What will you bring to the company if we employ you?

 What will you bring to the company if we employ you?
 I am good with people and also a natural leader. People like to work for me.
 I can also motivate others with confidence.
 I am good at prioritizing for results.
 I have the skills and experience to analyze the situation quickly
and focus on action items that have impact to the company.

⚫ What do you consider important when looking for a job? What kind of work are
you looking for?
 What do you consider important when looking for a job?
What kind of work are you looking for?
 I am looking for a career, not a pay check.
 To me, pleasant working environment is the most important.
 I'm looking for a long-term job with a chance for promotion in the future.
 I can do all kinds of office work. I hope you could give me the opportunity to work with you.
 I want a company that gives me a chance to employ my skills and grows with me.
 Having a significant role to demonstrate my abilities and talents is very important.
 I look for a job where I have opportunity to use my skills, to perform and be recognized.

⚫ Do you have any questions for our company?

 What kind of training do you provide?
 How does the company reward outstanding employees?
 How does this department affect the company profit?
 Why did you come to work here? What keeps you here?
 What are the company goals, both short and long term?
 Could you explain your organizational structure to me?
 How would you describe the company culture and personality?
 How would you describe the atmosphere within the organization?
 Will I be able to meet the immediate supervisor for this role?
 Is there a formal process for advancement within the organization?
 What do you value about this company and why do you enjoy working here?
 Are there plans for expansion in your agency within the next few years?
 Would you please tell me about the competencies necessary to perform this job?
 What are the company's strengths and weaknesses as compared to the competition?
 How long have you been working for the organization? How do you feel about your experience
 Does the organization support ongoing training and education for employees to stay current in their
 What is the organizational policy on changing the career path?
 For example, transferring to other departments.
 I am very excited about this position and feel that it would be a great fit.
 What would it take to close the deal on this position today?
強化組 My ET 商業英語
(1) 商業英語(2)超級業務篇/ Conversation - Complaints

Distributor: Hello, Chris, we received the laptops yesterday, but we have a big problem!
The laptops came with Spanish manuals!
Chris Well, I think we can manage to send you the correct manuals right away.
Distributor: I should hope so, this is the second time this has happened and our computer fair starts
next Monday!
Chris Please calm down ma'am, we will Fedex the manuals to you and they should arrive by this
Friday at ten o'clock a.m. your time.
Distributor: But we won't have time to open all the boxes to make sure that they are correct manuals.
It is going to be such a big mess! We simply don't have enough manpower to deal with
this right now!
Chris I'm very sorry about this inconvenience.
We can deduct five hundred dollars from the payment to compensate for all your trouble.
Distributor: Only five hundred! But this is the second time this has happened.
My boss is going to be furious if he finds out about this!
Chris Let me speak with my supervisor to see what we can do about this.
Okay, my supervisor said that we can deduct one thousand dollars for all the trouble and
we will make sure this never happens again.
Distributor: Thank you. Once you find out the Fedex tracking number, please e-mail it to me
Chris We will ma'am, thank you so much for your patience with this matter.
Again we apologize for the inconvenience.

(2) Conversation - Responding to Complaints

Mr. Carter: Hello this is Mr. Carter. We have a problem! You sent us the plasma TVs instead
of the LCD TVs.
Customer Service: Oops, that's not good. Let me see what we can do.
Mr. Carter: The big Christmas sale starts next week, and we have already printed and sent out
all of the ads.
We don't have time to wait for another shipment.
Customer Service: What is the minimum quantity that you would need?
Mr. Carter We need at least three hundred for the door buster sale.
Customer Service: We can ship them express if you can pay for the shipping.
Mr. Carter There is no way I'm going to pay for the shipping. I should not have to pay for
your mistake!
Customer Service: Well, we've been doing business with you for so many years and I am really sorry
this happened.
This is the first time we've ever had this problem.
How about you pay for regular shipping freight cost and we will take care of the
Mr. Carter Okay, I guess we can do that. Thank you for your willingness to solve this
Customer Service: You're welcome. And for the wrong shipment, I will give you the details on how to
return it by e-mail.

(3) Unit 6.3.3 - Requests

Hi, Jim. Do you think that I could borrow your laptop for the afternoon?
What for?
I have a presentation to do today and my laptop is not working properly.
Jim Sure, you can borrow it.
Thank you. Also can you explain the word liquidation for me? I just don't get it.
Jim Why don't we look it up in my dictionary?
Okay, thanks I couldn't find my dictionary this morning either.
Jim You aren't very prepared for your presentation today, are you?
No, I'm not. My daughter had a fever last night, and she kept me up half the night.
Jim Well, you better pull yourself together, because I think the president of the company is
going to be there.
實力組 美語走天下 2B
Unit 6.4 Obtaining Services 1

Clerk: Can I help you?

Lee: Yes, I'd like to rent a car.
Clerk: Do you have a reservation?
Lee: No, I don't.
Clerk: What kind of car do you need?
Lee: A small car would be fine.
Clerk: Yeah, and for how many days?
Lee: Until next Monday.
Clerk: All right. I'll put you in a compact.
Lee: How much would that be?
Clerk: That would be $141.95 per week, and you're permitted seven hundred miles free.
Lee: Sounds okay, but, uh, you know, this compact, uh, do I have to use a - what do you call it?
Clerk: Stick shift?
Lee: Pardon?
Clerk: A stick shi...
Lee: Yes. That's it.
Clerk: For a manual transmission. All our cars are automatic.
Lee: Good. I'm not familiar with a, uh, what do you call it again?
Clerk: Stick shift. Okay. How about something...?

Unit 5.4 Picking Up the Tab 2B

Lee: By the way, do I have to buy, uh, what do you call it? Uh, what do you call it when you
have an accident? And a company pays for the, uh, for the repairs?
Clerk: Oh, you mean insurance.
Lee: That's it.
Clerk: Well, we have several different kinds of insurance.
Collision insurance coverage would be $49.95 a week.
I have my own insurance. Is it necessary to pay that?
Clerk: Well, did you buy your insurance here in the U.S.?
Lee: Yes.
Clerk: Well, you might talk to your insurance agent to make sure that your collision coverage
covers a rental car. Because if there's an accident, you'll have to pay for the full cost of the
repair, regardless of fault.
Lee: You mean through my insurance? I'm afraid I don't understand.
Clerk: Well, let's say you have an accident.
We charge you for the cost of towing and repair, and then you will have to talk to your agent
about reimbursement.
Lee: What do you mean, re- reim-... What did you say?
Clerk: Reimbursement. In other words, getting your money back.
Lee: Oh, I see.
Clerk: So now you're all set.
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