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作者:职图创始人 Ruiwan Xu

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工作至今,作者拿到过 offer 的美国名企有 Abercrombie & Fitch, Ogilvy, Amazon 等. 作为面试帝,

目前所有能 onsite 的公司就能拿到 offer, 以下是多年总结的纯干货经验,倾情奉献!

一般流程为三步, 第一轮 HR 来简单了解情况,薪资要求,审核下你有没有这个职位必备的技

能。 如果没有问题,就会把简历发给 Hiring manger(招聘经理),让他们决定要不要进入下一轮,
主要是技术面,看你是否有能力胜任这个工作。 最后就是大家最担心最紧张也是最期待的,on
site(最终面), 这一轮通常会有 3-5 位面试官,每人 45 分钟,30 分钟面试 15 分钟答疑,这些面试

作为应聘者,尤其在需要 H1b 的激烈竞争中,每一次面试都要做详尽的准备。下面是一个面试


1. 详细阅读职位描述,换位思考, 帮招聘官想想他们想招什么样的人,进而准备自己的问

2. 三分钟自我介绍的诀窍, 言简意赅的讲述过去经历,和自己的其他背景,就一定要与应聘

3. 软技能面试可以猜题,准备事例,以不变应万变

4. 掌控面试的节奏,不要被招聘官的连续发问震住,沉着冷静,深呼吸。

5. 诚实,再诚实,不要问了工作去展示一个不是真实的你,如果你一直保持诚实,最后这份

6. 提问的艺术,要提问的有水平,展示出你对公司的了解和你的能力,之后会详细讲述。


1. Why did you apply this position?

力可以胜任,可以给未来公司带来 x, y, z 的好处。

2. Walk me through your resume?


3. Tell me something makes you different/special from other candidates? = Why should we hire


4. Why do you want to work for us? / Why x company?

TechCrunch 上看到贵公司上个月公布了新的 x 产品,还有 CEO 在发布会上的讲话,让我印象深
刻,我自己正好在 y 行业的时候也有过拓展类似 x 产品的营销。这样既显示了你对公司的了解,

5. Can you tell us a little more about your experience at XXXX Company?



6. What is your salary range?


a. 想好自己的数值,可以先到薪水网站上的查询下你这个职位的平均薪水和可以办 H1b 的底
线,比如 marketing analyst 平均薪水是 6 万左右,办 H1b 的最低是 4 万 5, 那你可以自己斟酌一
下,说一个合理的数字。 记得不要说 range(区间),如果你说 “I am expecting 50k -75k base
salary…”那 HR 就只能听到你这个区间的下线,就是 5 万,所以没有必要提出一个 range, 想好
一个数字就好,记得一定要对自己诚实,不要乱说。 最后,一定要强调,钱不是重点, 机会才
是,如果有好的机会,钱都是可以商量的。 “I am looking for a good opportunity, money is not
really my motivator right now.”

b. 第二种策略就是,直接问 HR 他们招聘这个职位的薪资,因为每个部门决定自己
headcount (招人)的时候已经都设定好了薪资,所以如果问一下而 HR 又愿意分享的话,可以省掉
很多讨论时间。 “May I know your salary range you would like to offer?”


以下是美国求职网站 总结的 31 个高频面试问题

1. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

2. How did you hear about the position?

3. What do you know about the company?

4. Why do you want this job?

5. What are your greatest professional strengths?

6. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

7. What is your greatest professional achievement?

8. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

9. Where do you see yourself in five years?

10. What's your dream job?

11. What other companies are you interviewing with?

12. Why are you leaving your current job?

13. Why were you fired?

14. What are you looking for in a new position?

15. What type of work environment do you prefer?

16. What's your management style?

17. What's a time you exercised leadership?

18. What's a time you disagreed with a decision that was made at work?

19. How would your boss and co-workers describe you?

20. Why was there a gap in your employment?

21. Can you explain why you changed career paths?

22. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

23. What would your first 30, 60, or 90 days look like in this role?

24. What are your salary requirements?

25. What do you like to do outside of work?

26. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

27. How many tennis balls can you fit into a limousine?

28. Are you planning on having children?

29. What do you think we could do better or differently?

30. Do you have any questions for us?

建议以上的问题都简单准备以下,也有可能会被问道一些奇怪的问题, 以下是美国知名薪水网站
glassdoor 总结的各大公司面试问的奇葩问题, 给大家开开眼界,以防万一。

1. What would you do if you were the one survivor in a plane crash? – Airbnb

2. What's your favorite 90s jam? – Squarespace

3. If you woke up and had 2,000 unread emails and could only answer 300 of them how would you
choose which ones to answer? – Dropbox

4. Who would win in a fight between Spiderman and Batman? –Stanford University

5. If you had a machine that produced $100 dollars for life what would you be willing to pay for it
today? – Aksia

6. What did you have for breakfast? – Banana Republic

7. Describe the color yellow to somebody who's blind. – Sprint Airlines

8. If you were asked to unload a 747 full of jelly beans, what would you do? – Bose

9. How many people flew out of Chicago last year? – Redbox

10. What's your favorite Disney Princess? –Cold stone creamery




Why is this position open?

Is this position a new or replacement position?

If replaced – May I know what went wrong? What are the things you would like to see changed?

If new—what are you expectations? What would your ideal candidate be like?

Can you give me detailed understanding about what my days might be like?

What particular expertise/skills do you value the most for this position?

就公司发展, 对级别比较高的面试官尤其适用,他们比较看全局

What are the specific challenges you are facing?

Who is the key/primary audience?

Who are the key competitors?

What does success look like to you?

What is your vision?

How much time/budget/resources do you want to spend on XXX project/team/department?

就个人经历发问, 每个人都喜欢将自己的故事,合适的个人问题可以拉近距离

How long have you been working here?

What made you decide to join this company?

What attracts you? What do you like of working here?


面试完成了,记得在 24 小时内一定给面试官发去一封简单的感谢信,一定要 customize 并且说明


“XX, it was my pleasure to meet you and the team, I was very impressed by the creative and fast paced
culture. Our conversion about x industry y product was particularly interesting and look forward to hear
from you. “

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