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In mathematics, trigonometry is a way to measure the angles of the triangle using the sine, cosine and tangent.

By the help of SOH CAH TOA we can remember how sine, cosine and tangent work. We can use trigonometry especially
in navigating and sailing by determining the bearing of the vessels. In using radar, compasses and other navigational
instruments we still use trigonometry. We can identify the location of the vessels by determining the longhitude and
latitude of the maps and for that we used trigonometry. The sailors can determine where there vessel at from this point
to the direction of where they are headed.

Many sailors rely on the celestial body to determine the exact position of their vessels. In observing the celestial
body, they use trigonometry to measure the angles such as altitude to help the sailor’s locate their latitude and
longhitude in the map. And because of trigonometry, sailors can choose a course that is short and safer so that they can
avoid collisions. And lastly, sailors will know their exact speed and course, they could adjust their speed and they can
change their route to avoid adverse collisions.

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