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) Explain nationalism
Nationalism is an ideology that emphasizes loyalty, devotion, or allegiance to a nation or nation-
state and holds that such obligations outweigh other individual or group interests.

Nationalism is a political ideology or sentiment that emphasizes the interests and culture of a particular
nation, often in the context of promoting its sovereignty or independence. It can manifest as a sense of
loyalty and pride in one’s own nation, as well as a desire to protect and promote its unique identity.
Nationalism can take various forms, from cultural and civic nationalism to more extreme and
exclusionary forms that may lead to conflicts or ethnocentrism.

2.) Compare and elaborate the difference between nationalism and globalism

Nationalism, as discussed earlier, is characterized by a strong attachment to one’s own nation

and can manifest in various ways, from celebrating national culture to seeking independence. It
often prioritizes national interests and can sometimes be inward-looking.

Globalism, on the other hand, is a response to the increasing interdependence of nations in the
modern world. It recognizes that many challenges, such as climate change or the global
economy, require international cooperation. Globalism seeks to transcend national boundaries
and solve problems collectively, emphasizing the importance of international institutions and

3.) Present recent and update data and impact of nationalism

Nationalist ideology continues to shape global politics today, and yet twenty-first-century
nationalism is faced with a unique set of challenges. For example, migration and diaspora create
cultural, economic and social networks which now bind people across entire continents, let
alone countries. The much-discussed onset of globalisation, together with regional integration,
has also pushed governments to revise their nation-building rhetoric. Some nation-builders have
reacted to globalisation as a potential threat, while others see it as a significant boost to their
country’s power and influence. This is important because of the implications for nation-state
authority and legitimacy; nation-states seek to square national autonomy with deep involvement
in regional alliances, trading networks and international organisations. At the same time, sub-
state nationalists continue to compete for people’s loyalty and support. Today, nationalists must
reconsider the meaning of self-determination, independence
Nationalism is a complex and multifaceted concept that can have both positive and negative effects on
individuals and societies. Recent data and research have shed light on the impact of nationalism in
various contexts around the world.

1. Rise of Nationalist Movements: In recent years, there has been a notable increase in nationalist
movements and ideologies in many countries. This can be observed in the rise of right-wing political
parties and movements across Europe, as well as the resurgence of nationalist sentiments in countries
like the United States, India, and Brazil.

2. Global Politics and International Relations: Nationalism has had a significant impact on global politics
and international relations. It has fueled debates around issues such as immigration, trade, and
sovereignty, often resulting in policy changes and shifts in diplomatic relationships.

3. Identity and Cultural Preservation: One of the main aspects of nationalism is the focus on preserving
and promoting a sense of national identity and culture. Nationalist movements often emphasize the
importance of cultural heritage, language, and traditions, leading to efforts to protect and promote these
aspects within a society.

4. Social Cohesion and Fragmentation: While nationalism can foster a sense of identity and belonging
among certain groups, it can also lead to social divisions and fragmentation. Nationalist ideologies that
exclude or marginalize certain communities based on their ethnicity, religion, or other factors can have
negative societal consequences, including discrimination and social unrest.

5. Economic Implications: Nationalism can also have economic implications. Policies that prioritize
national interests over international cooperation and global integration, such as protectionist trade
measures or restrictions on immigration, can impact economic growth, international trade relationships,
and global supply chains.

It's important to note that the impact of nationalism can vary greatly depending on the specific context
and the manner in which it is expressed. Different countries and societies have different historical, social,
and political factors that shape how nationalism manifests and influences their dynamic.

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