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Name: Error Analysis

Percent Difference

When asked to compare two values, one helpful technique is to use Percent Difference.
There are three times when you might use this technique.

1. Experimental to Theoretical (predicted) Value

Theoretical − Experimental
% difference = 100%

2. Experimental to Better Experimental Value (one that is more reliable)

Experimental − Better
% difference = 100%

3. Two Experimental Values

Value1 − Value2
% difference = 100%

Percent Differences have one significant figure, unless the percent difference is greater
than 10% (then use 2 significant figures).

Precision Measure

Precision Measure is how precise a measurement can be made with the measuring device. The
precision measure is usually one-half of the smallest interval marked on the instrument (or
which can be determined without estimation). Meter stick = ±0.05cm

Absolute Error

The absolute error is an estimation of the actual value. Usually, this is the value of a data
with the precision measure attached.

40.3  0.1 cm

% Error

The % error is the absolute error in percentage form. It is used only for calculations.

 0.1 
40.3  0.1=40.3   100% 
 40.3  Please note that the error has 2 sig. fig.
= 40.3  0.25%

Answers are always given in Absolute Error form.

Rules for dealing with errors

Adding or Subtracting Quantities

- the absolute errors are added together

(42.1  0.1) + (41.6  0.1) = 83.7  0.2

(42.1  0.1) − (41.6  0.1) = 0.5  0.2

Multiplying or Dividing Quantities

- the absolute errors are converted to %errors, and the %errors are added together

52.01  0.05 52.01  0.096%

28.06  0.05 28.06  0.18%
 .28 x1.8535 
= 1.8535  0.28%   The % error is then converted to an absolute error.
 100 
= 1.8535  0.0052
= 1.854  0.005

Multiplying Quantity by a Constant

- the absolute errors are multiplied by the constant

2 (42.1  0.1) = 264.52  0.63

= 264.5  0.6

Raising a Quantity to a Power

- multiply the %error by the power

(4.3  0.1) 2 = (4.3  2.3%) 2

= 18.49  4.6%
= 18.49  0.85
= 18.5  0.8
Experimental Errors for Discussion Purposes

Experiments usually have associated errors. There are a couple of kinds of errors that can
occur in experiments that must be reported at a high-school level.

Systematic Errors

Errors that are consistently slightly greater (or lower) than the expected valued are
systematic errors. These errors are regular and predictable. Usually the results are
changed based on a constant amount, or a constant ratio and the predictable nature of the
change is an indicator of a systematic error.

Random Errors

When data vary unpredictably from expected data, we say that the errors are random. Small
amounts of friction on an air table may cause data to have random errors associated. These
random errors are usually because the experiment cannot control all the variables that may
affect the results.

Graph 1.1 The average velocity of a ball rolling

down an inclined plane vs. Time
 x = (0.50block )( )
 x = 0.0125s
• 2.0cms −1
 y = (0.50block )( )
 y = 1.0cm s −1

V • (68.0  1.0cms −1 ) − (4.00  1.0cms −1 )
Slope =
40 (0.715  0.0125s ) − (0.050  0.0125s)
• 64.0  2.0cms −1
0.665  0.025s
• 64.0  3.1%cms −1
20 0.665  3.8% s
= 96.24  6.9% cms −1
• = 96.24  6.64 cms −1

• = 96.2  6.6cms −1
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80

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