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Transmission Lines


Take an incremental portion of length z of a two-conductor transmission line.

The equivalent circuit model in terms of the line parameters R, L, G, and C (i.e. in terms of
lumped elements Rz, Lz, Gz & Cz) is shown in the Fig. below. This may represent any of
the two-conductor lines.

It is assumed that the wave propagates along the +z direction, from the generator to the load.

By applying Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) to the outer loop of the circuit in the Figure,
I(z, t)
V(z, t) = Rz I(z, t) + Lz + V(z + z, t)

V(z + z, t) − V(z, t) I(z, t)

or − = RI(z, t) + L (1a)
z t

V(z, t) I(z, t)
As z → 0, eq.1(a) becomes − = RI(z, t) + L (1b)
z t

Similarly, applying Kirchhoff's current law (KCL) to the main node of the circuit,

I(z, t) = I(z + z, t) + I

V(z + z, t)
= I(z + z, t) + Gz V(z + z, t) + Cz

I(z + z, t) − I(z, t) V(z + z, t)

or − = GV(z + z, t) + C (2a)
z t

I(z, t) V(z, t)
As z → 0, eq.(2a) becomes − = GV(z, t) + C (2b)
z t

The above two equations [(1b) & (2b)] are the Time-domain Transmission Line Equations.

(Negative sign indicates decrease in voltage & current as z increases)

Class Note by Santanu Das 1
Transmission Lines

Thumb Rule : For Conversion from Time domain to Time Harmonic Equation

Phasor Eq. may be derived from Time-varying Eq. by replacing

(i) each Time-varying quantity with a Phasor quantity
(ii) each Time derivative with (j) factor

Thus, the Time-harmonic (Sinusoidal steady state / frequency domain / phasor form / space
varying form) Transmission Line Equations

− = (R + jL)I(z) = ZI(z) (3a)

− = (G + jC)V(z) = YV(z) (3b)

d2V dI
Taking the derivative of eq.(3a), 2
= −(R + jL)
dz dz

and employing eq. (3b), = (R + jL)(G + jC)V (4a)
dz 2

d2V 2
or − V =0
dz 2

where  =  + j = (R + jL)(G + jC) = ZY

Eq.(5b) is the Wave Equation for VOLTAGE similar in form to the wave equations for plane
 = Propagation constant (in per meter)
 = Attenuation constant (in Neper per meter or deciBel (dB) per meter)
 = Phase constant (in radian per meter)

[ The general wave equation for E is 2E – 2E = 0

 2E 2
and for a plane wave it is − E=0 for a wave propagation in the z-direction ]
z 2

Taking the derivative of eq.(3b) & using eq.(3a), = (R + jL)(G + jC)I (5a)
dz 2

or 2
−  2I = 0 (5b)

Eq.(5b) is the Wave Equation for CURRENT.

Class Note by Santanu Das 2

Transmission Lines

The solutions of the second-order linear homogeneous differential eqs.(4b) & (5b) are
+ −
V(z) = V0 e−z + V0 e z
→ +z −z 

+ −
I(z) = I0 e−z + I0 e z
→ +z − z 

Here, V0+, V0–, I0+, and I0– are forward and reverse traveling waves amplitudes (at z = 0);
the + and – signs respectively denote a wave traveling along +z and –z directions, as is also
indicated by the arrows. The constants V0+, V0–, I0+, and I0– are evaluated by applying boundary
The eqs.(6a) & (6b) are the transmission line equations in Exponential forms.

The instantaneous (time-varying) expression for voltage is

V(z, t) = Re [ Vs(z) ejt ] = Re [V0+ e–z ejt + V0– e+z ejt]

= Re [V0+ e–z e–jz ejt + V0– e+z e+jz ejt]
= V0+ e–z cos(t – z) + V0– e+z cos(t + z)
assuming V0+ and V0– real.

Similarly, the instantaneous (time-varying) expression for current

I(z, t) = Re [ Is(z) ejt ] = Re [ I0+ e–z e–jz ejt + I0– e+z e+jz ejt ]
= I0+ e–z cos(t – z) + I0– e+z cos(t + z)

Class Note by Santanu Das 3

Transmission Lines

Characteristic Impedance
• Symmetrical Network Parameters

Symmetrical network is a network which is symmetrical with respect to its two ports i.e. any
port may be used as either input or output port. Symmetrical networks have equal input and
output impedances. A uniform transmission line or waveguide is analogous to symmetrical
networks. The electrical behaviour of symmetrical networks can be described by two impor-
tant parameters –
• Propagation Constant ()
• Characteristic Impedance (Z0)

Definition of Characteristic impedance of symmetrical networks :

Characteristic impedance (Z0) of a symmetrical network is defined as the impedance

measured across the input terminals of the network when an infinite number of such
identical networks are connected in cascade.

Explanation : To understand this, assume that an infinite number of identical symmetrical

networks are connected in tandem as shown in Fig. below.

The impedance measured at the input terminals of the first network will have a definite value
depending upon the composition of the networks. This impedance is termed as the
characteristic impedance.

Now disconnect the first network from the circuit and it becomes as shown below.

It will not affect the circuit in any manner because the number of networks still remains
infinite. The impedance measured at the input terminals of this circuit is, therefore, not at all
affected and remains equal to the characteristic impedance Z0.

Now disconnect the entire series of networks from the output terminals of the first network,
and connect at these points the input impedance of the disconnected right-side network having
a value equal to the characteristic impedance of the circuit, as shown in Fig. below.

Class Note by Santanu Das 4

Transmission Lines

It would not affect the behaviour of the first network. The input impedance of only the first
network would remain equal to characteristic impedance.

Thus, when a symmetrical network is terminated in its characteristic impedance, the

impedance measured at the input terminals of the network is equal to its characteristic
impedance Z0.

New Definition : Characteristic impedance of a symmetrical network is the input impedance

of the network when it is terminated with its characteristic impedance.

Under this condition, the network is said to be matched (correctly terminated).

Characteristic Impedance of Transmission Lines

Definition : The characteristic impedance Z0 of a transmission line is the input impedance of

an infinitely long line.

As the line is infinite, there is no reflection from the load end. Under these conditions (no end
of line), the type of termination (load) at the far end has no effect and consequently is not
mentioned in the definition.

Therefore, the characteristic impedance Z0 of a line is the ratio of forward (incident) traveling
voltage wave to current wave at any point on the line (finite or infinite).

V0 + e −z V0 +
Mathematically, Z0 = =
I0 + e −z I0 +

Z0 is analogous to , the intrinsic impedance of the medium of wave propagation.

Alternative definition (For a finite line): The characteristic impedance of a transmission line
is the input impedance of the line when it is terminated with its characteristic impedance.

Thus, Z0 can be measured at the input of a (finite) transmission line if the output is terminated
in Z0.

Alternatively (In Practical measurement), for a finite line it is measured as 𝒁𝟎 = √𝒁𝒊𝑶𝑪 𝒁𝒊𝑺𝑪
where ZiOC is the input impedance with output opened and ZiSC is the input impedance with
output shorted.

Mathematically it can also be seen that the negative of the ratio of reverse / reflected traveling
voltage wave to current wave at any point on the line (finite) is also the characteristic
impedance of the line.
V − e z V−
Thus, Z0 = − 0− z = − 0−
I0 e I0
Class Note by Santanu Das 5
Transmission Lines

Transmission line equations:

− = IZ = (R + jL)I (3a)
− = GY = (G + jC)V (3b)

The solutions: V(z) = V0+ e–z + V0– e+z (6a) I(z) = I0+ e–z + I0– e+z (6b)

Substitute eqs.(6a) and (6b) into eq.(3a),

+V0+ e–z – V0– e+z = Z ( I0+ e–z + I0– e+z) = (R + jL) (I0+ e–z + I0– e+z)

Equating the terms involving e–z , +V0+ e–z = Z I0+ e–z = (R + jL) I0+ e–z

V0 + e−z V0 + Z R + jL
or + −z
= +
= =
I0 e I0  

Equating e+z terms, – V0– e+z = Z I0– e+z = (R + jL) I0– e+z

V0 − e+z V0 − Z R + jL
or − − +z
=− −
= =
I0 e I0  

Substitution of eqs.(6a) and (6b) into eq.(3b) yields

+I0+ e–z – I0– e+z = Y (V0+ e–z + V0– e+z) = (G + jC) (V0+ e–z + V0– e+z)

Equating the coefficients of e–z terms, +I0+ = Y V0+ = (G + jC) V0+

V0+  
or +
= =
I0 Y G + jC

Equating e+z terms, – I0– e+z = (G + jC) V0– e+z

V0 −  
or − −
= =
I0 Y G + jC

V0 + V0 − Z R + jL  
Therefore, Z0 = +
=− −
= = = =
I0 I0   Y G + jC

Putting  = Z Y = (R + jL)(G + jC)

Z R + jL Series Impedance (Z) / m

Z0 = = = R 0 + jX0 =
Y G + jC Shunt Admittance (Y) / m

where R0 and X0 are the real and imaginary parts of Z0.

Note: R0 should not be mistaken for R - while R is in ohms per meter; R0 is in ohms.
Class Note by Santanu Das 6
Transmission Lines

The reciprocal of Z0 is the characteristic admittance Y0, that is,

1 Y G + jC
Y0 = = = = G 0 + jB0
Z0 Z R + jL

The propagation constant  and the characteristic impedance Z0 are important properties of the
line because they both depend on the line parameters R, L, G, and C (primary constants of a
transmission line) and the frequency of operation.

Primary Constants → R, L, G, C
Secondary Constants → , Z0

Class Note by Santanu Das 7

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