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Perception about exercise and fitness

among students of Quaid-e-Azam Medical

College Bahawalpur: A Cross-sectional
We are conducting a study titled "Perception about exercise and fitness among students of
QAMC". The data and answers collected will remain confidential and will be used only for
educational purposes. There are no possible risks or discomforts to you from participating
in this study. Filling this questionnaire will take only 3-5 minutes of your time.

By filling out the form and submitting, we assume that you consent to participate in our

* Indicates required question

1. Name

2. Gender *

Mark only one oval.



3. Age *
4. Academic Year *

Mark only one oval.

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

Fourth Year

Final Year

5. Weight *

6. Height *

7. Daily hours of sleep *

Mark only one oval.

3-5 hrs

5-8 hrs

10-12 hrs

>12 hrs

Fitness and Exercise

8. Rate your fitness from 1 to 5 *

Mark only one oval.

9. Compare yourself with other people of the same age, are you more active or less *

Mark only one oval.

More active

Less active
10. How important do you think fitness and exercise are for overall heath and well *

Mark only one oval.

Not important at all

Slightly important

Moderately important

Extremely important

11. How exercise affects your personal fitness regarding your ability to perform *
routine tasks?

Mark only one oval.

More active

More fatigued

No effect at all

12. Do you think there is a need to receive any formal education/guidance about the *
importance of physical activity & its benefit during med school?

Mark only one oval.



13. How well can you relate with the connection b/w physical activity & its positive *
impact on cognitive function?

Mark only one oval.

Very well

Not sure about it

14. What type of physical activity do you perform? *

Tick all that apply.

No physical activity
Go to college by walking
Light workout
Heavy workout
Sports (cricket, football etc)

15. How often do you engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity( such as *
running, workout or playing sports?)

Mark only one oval.

Rarely or never

Once a month

1-2 times a week

3-4 times a week

5 or more times a week

16. How long do you typically engage in each session of workout? *

Mark only one oval.

10 minutes

20 minutes

30 minutes


17. What are the motivational factors for your physical activity? *

Tick all that apply.

To improve mood
To stay in shape
Body building
To reduce stress
To reduce frustration

18. What are barriers which restrain you from doing exercise? *

Tick all that apply.

Fatigue or lack of energy

Lack of time
Lack of motivation
Fear that physical activity would affect academic performance
Lack of access to exercise facilities
Lack of knowledge about effective exercise methods
19. How would you like to present yourself in your 50's? *

Mark only one oval.

A physically fit doctor who can motivate others

A man who himself is a hospital

20. How significant is the need to develop any fitness or sports facilities on campus? *

Mark only one oval.

There are already enough

Need improvements

No facilities are there

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