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1.Biodiversity- variability of life on Earth.

Tied- connected; to connect to

To combat- a fight; to try to stop something harmful from happening
Embrace- to accept, cover
Extinction- a situation in which something no longer exists
Urges- call, to strongly advise someone to do a particular thing
Evolved- developed
Tackle- solve, to try to deal
Ongoing- continuing
Diversity-variety, fact of being different or varied
Preservation-safety, the act of keeping something from being damaged
Make up- compose, consists
Sustain- to support
Myriad- many, countless
Custodians-caretaker, someone who tries to protect, to care smth
Thrive- to grow, flourish, develop
Conserve- to save, to keep and protect something from damage

2. 1) Importance of biodiversity
2) Factors of biodiversity missing
3) Outcomes of losing biodiversity
4) Learn.Share.Act

3. From my point of view, it’s relevant in now a days; with the help of these necessary tips, we
can find a way out of loss. It can be noted that this article gives us a lot of information about
the new term biodiversity. At the present time, this article will be useful for people to learn
more about our world. I learned a lot with the help of this article.

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