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The word “Cheeseburger” is an example of :




d)Word coinage

2. Trespassing belongs to _________ field. (Jargons)

a) medical




3.The Captain along with his team _____ practicing very hard for the tournament.



c)No change

d)None of the above

4. We can take rest now, _____?

a) can we

b)can‟t we

c)cant we

d)couldn‟t we

5. I work with ______ European.

a) a

b) an


d) no article

6. I know how to deal ______ such a clever person.

a) in

b) of

c) with
d) none of these

7. Neither my parents nor my sister ------ ready for the party.

a) is
b) are
c) none of these

8. Break down –

a) to stop

b) to work

c) to fail

d) both a and c

9. Call off –

a) To cancel

b) To continue

c) To begin

10. White elephant –

a) Useful

b) Useless

c) Important

d) None of the above

11. The word Intercom is an example of_______?

A. Clipping
B. Derivation
C. Acronym
D. Blending
12. The word Bandanna originated from –
a) Hindi
b) Sanskrit
c) Marathi
d) French

13. Which one of the following is not a computer jargon?

a) Spam
b) Operating system
c) Data base
14.Synonym of „ Hypocrisy‟
a) pretence
b) honesty
c) sincerity
d) genuine

15. The sinner prayed that his misdeeds would be forgiven. Here the word misdeeds can be replaced by
………………….. (Synonym)

a) transmission
b) transgressions
c) piety
d) sad
16. Antonym of Despise –
a) Detest
b) admire
c) abominate
d) shun

17. Solve the analogy - Car: petrol :: Television: ?

a) Electricity
b) Transmission
c) Entertainment
d) Antenna

18. One who goes on foot –

a) Reticent
b) Intestate
c) Pedestrian
d) None of the above

19. A memorandum (Memo) is considered a brief form of communication for:

a) External use
b) Internal use
c) Informal use
d) None of the above
20. Identify one of the main parts of a letter that includes a short expression such as „sincerely‟

a) Salutation
b) Opening
c) Signature
d) Closing

21. In a Block Format, your name and address goes in the top left corner of your letter. State True or False

a) True
b) False
22. The main point is written in which part of a formal letter?

a) Postscript
b) Closing
c) Body
d) Opening

23. One of the missions of the Peace Corps is to help the people of interested countries meet their need
for trained men and women. People who work for the Peace Corps do so because they want to, but to
keep the agency dynamic with fresh ideas, no staff member can work for the agency for more than five
years. Question: The paragraph best supports the statement that Peace Corps employees

a. are highly intelligent people.

b. must train for about five years.

c. are hired for a limited term of employment.

d. have both academic and work experience.

24. Organizations are big institutions where people work for a common goal and compete with each other
for power and status. In pursuit of their interests, they form groups and sectional interests emerge. As a
result, the goals of the organizations may be drifted in favor of groups' interests and benefits. This
deviation sometimes prevents the emergence of organic systems. Most of the electronic firms have
established research and development departments employing highly qualified and experienced scientists
and technicians. Their expertise and high pay may be a threat to the established order of rank, power, and
status. Most of the senior managers lack the expertise and knowledge of technicalities and new
developments in the field of electronics. So, the manager may feel that working in close cooperation with
the experts may reveal their ignorance and show their experience is now obsolete. Question: As per the
passage, what have electronic firms employed?

A. qualified scientists and technicians

B. qualified teachers and technicians

C. qualified doctors and nurses

D. qualified architects and engineers

25. Organizations are big institutions where people work for a common goal and compete with each other
for power and status. In pursuit of their interests, they form groups and sectional interests emerge. As a
result, the goals of the organizations may be drifted in favor of groups' interests and benefits. This
deviation sometimes prevents the emergence of organic systems. Most of the electronic firms have
established research and development departments employing highly qualified and experienced scientists
and technicians. Their expertise and high pay may be a threat to the established order of rank, power, and
status. Most of the senior managers lack the expertise and knowledge of technicalities and new
developments in the field of electronics. So, the manager may feel that working in close cooperation with
the experts may reveal their ignorance and show their experience is now obsolete.

Question: Policy decision in an organization would give emphasis on

A. replacing old employees with new experienced employees

B. attracting highly qualified and experienced professionals

C. promotion of the old employees

D. provide training to the old employees

26. Organizations are big institutions where people work for a common goal and compete with each other
for power and status. In pursuit of their interests, they form groups and sectional interests emerge. As a
result, the goals of the organizations may be drifted in favor of groups' interests and benefits. This
deviation sometimes prevents the emergence of organic systems. Most of the electronic firms have
established research and development departments employing highly qualified and experienced scientists
and technicians. Their expertise and high pay may be a threat to the established order of rank, power, and
status. Most of the senior managers lack the expertise and knowledge of technicalities and new
developments in the field of electronics. So, the manager may feel that working in close cooperation with
the experts may reveal their ignorance and show their experience is now obsolete. Question: The goals of
the organization will be drifted

A. towards scientists' expertise and knowledge

B. towards financial growth of organizations

C. in favor of groups' interests and benefits

D. towards natural and unimpeded growth of organizations

27. Which of the following is not a type of Project Proposal?

A. Solicited Proposal
B. Unsolicited Proposal
C. Semi-solicited Proposal
D. None of the above
28. The Purpose of writing a technical report usually is to communicate information gained through a
process of technical and experimental work. State True or False
A) True
B) False
29. Which of the following is not a component of a Research Paper?
a) Conclusion
b) Action plan
c) Abstract
d) Reference

30. Diagram in User-manual is____________

a) Mandatory
b) Optional
c) Not required

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