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I hate plan B!

Because we have so many doubters. We have so many of those people that say “No”
and “You can't do it. That's impossible!”

But when you start doubting yourself that is very dangerous, because now, what you
are basically saying is that “if my plan doesn’t work, I have a fallback plan, I have a plan
B”. And that means you start thinking about plan B and every thought that you put into
plan B, you are taking away now that thought and that energy from plan A. It is very
important/ to understand that we function better if there is no safety net. Because plan B
becomes a safety net. It says that "if I fail then I fall and I get picked up and have
something else there that will protect me."

And that’s not good. Because people perform better when there is no safety net.
People perform better in sports and in everything else if you don’t have a plan B. I’m
telling you, I’ve never ever had a plan B. I said I made a full commitment that I’m going
to go and be a body-building champion! I made a full commitment that I’m going to be in
America. I made a full commitment that I’m going to get into show business and I’m
going to be a leading man. No matter what it takes I will do the work! I will do the work
over and over and over until I get it.

And the same is in politics and everything like that. So, to me, it is very dangerous
to have a plan B because you are cutting yourself off from the chance of really
succeeding. And the reason, one of the main reasons why people want to have a plan B is
because they have worried about failing. "What is if I fail then I don't have anything
else?" Well, let me tell you something:

Don't be afraid of failing because there is nothing wrong with failing. You have to
fail in order to climb the ladder. There’s no one that doesn’t fail. Michael Jordan said in
one of his interviews, when they said “You are unbelievable, you’re one of the greatest
basketball players of all time! I mean tell me about that!” And he says "Well, you’re just
mentioning the successes” but he says “For me, to become the great basketball player, I
missed 9000 shots when I was playing basketball in the NBA games”. So during these
games that he was so successful, he missed 9000 shots! Does it make him a failure? No,
he’s one of the greatest basketball players of all times, but he failed 9000 times! Do you
get it?
We all fail. What is another case is when you fail, you stay down. Whoever stays
down, is a loser. And winners fail and get up! Fail and get up! Fail and get up! You
always get up, that is a winner! That is a winner! I failed in body building. I lost body-
building competitions. I lost power lifting competitions. I lost weight lifting competitions.
I had movies that went in the toilet and that were terrible and got the worst reviews. We
all lose! We all have losses! This is ok and this is why I say: Don’t be worried about
losing, because when you afraid of losing, then you get frozen! You get stiff! You’re not
relaxed. You got to be in order to perform well in anything, if it’s in boxing, or it is on
your job, or with your thinking, is only happening when you relax. So relax! It’s ok to
fail! Let’s just go out and give it everything that you got! That’s what it is all about! So,
don’t be afraid to fail!

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