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I can solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of time intervals. (3 MD A.


Directions: Read the information, study the map and answer the

Time zones give areas on the earth a time of day that is earlier or later than
the neighboring time zones. This is because when it is day-time on one side
of the earth, it is night-time on the other side. There are 24 time zones
dividing the earth into different times, each with its own name. In the
United States, there are four time zones; Eastern, Central, Mountain and
Pacific. These time zones are shown on the map below. When it is 12:00 in
the Pacific time zone, it is 1:00 Mountain , 2:00 Central and 3:00 Eastern.
12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00

1. How many hours earlier is it in California than New York State?


2. When it is 4:50 pm in California, what time is it in New York



3. When it is 7:15 am in Texas, what time is it in Wyoming?

4. How many hours later is it in Tennessee than Idaho?


5. Emma lives in Massachusetts. She is getting ready for bed, but

decides to call her friend before she goes to sleep. It is 8:37pm

at her house. Her friend lives in Nevada. What time is it there?


6. Keyshawn lives in Iowa. He wakes up at 6:30 am. When he gets

up, he decides that he wants to call his friend in Oregon before

he goes to school. Do you think his friend will be awake? Why

or why not? Support your answer by telling what time it is

where his friend lives.



7. Bonus Question… Write your own time zone problem and solve






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