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Beca and the Cullens

by angel of twilightness

Category: Pitch Perfect, Twilight

Genre: Drama, Romance
Language: English
Status: In-Progress
Published: 2013-02-05
Updated: 2013-03-12
Packaged: 2013-08-27 09:31:55
Rating: T
Chapters: 2
Words: 961
Story URL:
Author URL:
Summary: Beca moves to Forks to live with her cousin Bella and her uncle Charlie
but things in Forks are not how she thought they would first fanfic so please
be nice.

1. Chapter 1

**Chapter 1 **


I looked at all the raindrops falling down the window of the police cruiser as we
drove to you jump to conclusions I'm not getting arrested.I'm coming to live with
my uncle Charlie and my cousin and Bella are like the best of friends and shit
because were the same age and we get along really moved to Forks last year because
she wanted to spend some more time with her dad,me on the other hand I decided to
move with my cousin and uncle because I need a break from my parents split up a few
years ago and it still bugs and Bella understand each other because when she was a
baby her mom walked out on her dad and that was that they got a divorce and Bella
has been living with her mom since she was sixteen and then she moved to Forks to
live with her don't have a lot in common but we get on very well all the shy and
clumsy and doesnt speak her mind or stand up for herself and is always happy as
larry,me on the other hand I'm confident not clumsy and if I have a problem with
you I'm not afraid to say it straight to your face.I don't take shit from noone!I'm
not into any of that popularity shit but I was a cheerleader back at Barden
Highschool.I like to DJ and as soon as I graduate from highschool I'm moving out of
dreary little Forks and into sunny uncle is the Chief of Police in Forks and is
stinkin rich!

We drove down the private driveway and stopped in front of the huge white 3 story
house.I had only been here a few time visiting during the summer with came running
out of the house despite the rain to greet me.'Hey Bec its been to long!' she said
while giving me a hug'I know sorry I havn't visited in a while I've been really
busy with my mixes and my summer job'I went into the warm house and Bella told me
she had to introduce me to we walked into the living room I saw a guy sitting on
the couch watching the had bronze hair and golden eyes and his skin was really
pale.'Beca this is Edward my boyfriend'Bella said sitting on the guys lap 'Edward,
this is my cousin Beca'She told him'Nice to meet you Edward'I said not really
caring that he was hot and his voice was so smooth.'How come I'm only hearing about
a boyfriend now Bella?' I asked raisning an eyebrow at her she went all red and
answered ' Well how was I supposed to bring it up in conversation ''Hey Beca It's
raining hjere again and oh bye the way I have a boyfriend''?' I started laughing
which really got her pissed off.'Yeah thats exactly what you were supposed to say!'
I said still laughing.I went upstarirs to unpack my stuff.I was just setting up all
of my DJ equiptment when Bella and Edward walked in'Hey Beca ' said Bella sitting
on my bed while Edward followed her' Have ever heard of knocking?' I asked glaring
at her playfully 'Yehp I just thought it would be easier to walk in'She answered
sticking out her tongue 'Well are you going to tell me what you want?'I asked after
sitting in silence for 2 minutes'Oh!Yeah were going over to Edwards house and we
were wondering if you wanna come?' I didn't even know the guy and already they were
inviting me to his house? 'Well I don't know Edwards family and I still have to
unpack and-' Bella cut me off 'Well if you wanna stay here with Leah then thats
fine by me but I just thought you wouldn't want to bad' she said with a sigh ' Wait
wait wait! Why the hell would Leah be here?' I asked ' Didn't I tell you? My dad
and sue are like a couple now and Sue and Leah are coming over for dinner today
while Seth hangs with his friends' She replied while I was grabbing my jacket.'Well
what are you waiting for lets go!'I said while Bella and Edward laughed at me.

When we got to Edwards house I was just house was half made of glass and it was 3
storys tall.I must have looked like an idiot just standing there with my mouth
hanging open.'Close your mouth Bec you don't wanna catch flies'said Bella
snickering 'Shut up' I said slapping her playfully on the arm. We went up to the
door and Bella just opened it and walked in like she owned the inside of the house
was much more beautiful than the was a black grand piano sitting in the beside the
piano was a couple who looked very woman had caramel coloured hair,pale skin and
golden eyes and the man had blonde hair,pale skin and golden was with the golden
eyes?'Hello,Bella dear!' the man said'Hi Carlisle,Esme'she replied politely 'Beca
this is Edwards adoptive father Carlilse and his adoptive mother Esme'She
introduced me to the two beautiful people standing there.'Nice to meet you both I'm
Beca,Bella's cousin'I said to them'Nice to meet you too Beca'said there was the
sound of people running down the there was 5 beautiful people standing in front of

2. Adoption !

hey guys im reeaally sorry to say this but I cant finish this story cos its just
too hard and ive lost the inspiration :(( so... my fave cuzin is adoptin it.

If you wanna read de rest of it,its being adopted by Lulu2000


P.S im sooooo sorry

End file.

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