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(INDIVIDUAL OR GROUP) Choose one out of two

Group Projects: Max - 4 students (Choose one out of two)

1. Interview Based: Choose a topic, prepare a questionnaire (minimum 20 questions), interview minimum
ve people, record response, use this information to write a project report of 800-1000 word length. You
may refer to other sources also. (The Project needs: Front page, content page, statement of purpose, action
plan, project report, re ection, and bibliography; each on di erent pages)
2. One Act Play: choose a story, write a script, submit the script and enact it.

Individual Projects: (Choose one of two)

1. Listening to a documentary/podcast: Choose a topic, listen to the documentary/podcast and write a

project report of 800-1000 word length.
2. Make a video/audio clip: Choose a topic, write a script, voice-over the video/audio, submit the script
along with clip.
All projects need: Front page, content page, Acknowledgement, Certiricate, statement of purpose, action
plan, project report, re ection, and bibliography. (Questionnaires, rating scale, survey forms etc. if any are to
be appended therewith)

(You may choose one of the topics given below or any other similar topic as per your interest)
You have to make pictorial as well as graphical presentation on left hand side of the le. All data should be
collected authentically and hand written essay of 1000 words on right side.


1.Choose ONE topic on which to do research
Suggested topics:
Gender issues
Stress during adolescence years.
Elderly issues.
Attitude of society towards di erently abled person
2. Conduct AN INTERVIEW with few people. Prepare Questionnaire
3. Then write a report upto 1000 words.
4. You may do project individually or in group.

B. Listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or TV documentary on a topic and prepare a report

countering or agreeing with the speakers. Write an 800-1000 words report and submit. (ANY ONE)
TOPIC 1 - Di erent Freedom Movements of our country.
TOPIC 2 - Champaaran Movement
TOPIC 3 - Unsung Heroes of Freedom Movement
TOPIC 4 - Natural destinations of our country
TOPIC 5 - Interview of freedom ghters.
TOPIC 6 - Bene ts of Storytelling
TOPIC 7 - Retelling of fairy Tales
TOPIC 8 - Gender Roles e ect on society.
TOPIC 9 - Attitude of Society towards Women
TOPIC 10 - Major Issues in Parenting Style
TOPIC 11 - Generation Gap- Causes and E ect
TOPIC 12 - Language, LINGUISTIC Chauvinism
TOPIC 13 - Child Labour
TOPIC 14 - Government policies for street vendors
TOPIC 15 - E ect of War.

C. Create your video/audio on any current issue or something artistic.

1. Decide Script.
2. You can have interview with guests.
3. Submit the report

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