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first author, if more add et al/ Journal of Biology Education Vol X No X (XXXX) 1

E-ISSN 2656-3436/ P-ISSN 2615-3947


The Title Of The Manuscript Was Written Using Times New Roman Font
(Size 14 Pt, Bold), Script Title Maximum 18 Words

*Author1) Author2) (Size 12 pt)

author institution and email (Size 10 pt)

*correspondensi author

Abstract defines the essence of research which contains the purpose of research, methods,
results/ findings, conclusions and implication. Abstract is written in English, with the
number of words between 150- 200 words, using Times New Roman font 12 pt, single-
space with justify margin.

Keywords: consist of 3-5 words

Introduction contain background, dialogues of previous research, gap research,
novelty, and research objectives. The template for the format of this article is made in ms
word Times New Roman, size 12 pt ,1.15 space, with margin 2.7 cm for right and bottom.
minimum of 3000 words, exclude abstract and references. Reference writing uses
management references (mendeley, zotero, etc) with APA style (in-text citations).
Maximum similarity is 30%, authenticated by a turnitin check.

Research methods provide a technical explanation of the research procedures used.
Research methods consist of the type of research, the time and place of research, the
population and samples, the research procedures, the explanations of the research
instruments, and the data analyses used to decrypt the answer to the research problem or to
test hypotheses.


Results and discussions contain results that are vividly arranged and concise that can
be arranged in graph, image and chart. The writing of graph and picture descriptions is
first author, if more add et al/ Journal of Biology Education Vol X No X (XXXX) 2

below, for table statements are above such as Table 1 example. The discussion in the article
aims to answer research questions, to answer hypothetical formulas, to show results of
research, to interpret research results, to analyze research using theoretical or to find new
theories. Comparisons need to be made with those of others.
No Aspect Test significance criteria description
1 Critical Pre-test 0,798 0,05 Not significantly
thinking skill different
Post-test 0,019 0,05 significantly
Table 1. Test of Average Differences of Critical Thinking Skill

Figure 1. Sample picture

The conclusion includes summary of results, a clear study discussion, implications
and limitations of research

This part contains a list of references to the cysts in the publication text with
management references (mendeley, zotero, etc) with APA style citation, single flat right
spacing, with a minimum number of references by 15, 80% of them are primary sources
(research articles) from the last 10 years, such as the following example.

1. Research Journal
Laelasari, I & Sholehah, I. (2021). The Relationship Between Student’s Creativity and
Cognitive Learning Outcome Through The Implementation of Project Based
Learning on Biology. Journal of Biology Education, 4 (1) 61-71.
first author, if more add et al/ Journal of Biology Education Vol X No X (XXXX) 3

2. Book
Inch, E.S. Warnick, B & Endres, D. (2015). Critical Thinking and Communication: The
Use of Reason in Argument. London: Pearson Education.

3. Thesis or dissertation
Imawati, R. (2015). Isolasi dan identifikasi bakteri endofit dari rimpang temulawak
(Curcuma xanthorhizza) sebagai penghasil senyawa antibakteri terhadap bakteri
Pseudomonas earuginosa dan Staphyllocuccus epidemidis. Skripsi, Universitas
Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim.

4. Article from website

Hou, H. T. (Ed.). (2012). New research on knowledge management models and methods.

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