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I had planned to visit my friends in the city, but a severe storm

prevented it. I had prepared for the trip and had eagerly packed my
bags. However, when it was time to leave, the weather quickly took a
turn for the worse. The rain was pouring down torrentially and the
winds were so strong that it was dangerous to drive.

Although I was disappointed, I decided it was better to wait for the

weather to improve. I contacted my friends to explain the situation and

told them I would be happy to visit them another time. They were

understanding and encouraged me to take care of myself in the

adverse weather conditions.

If the weather had been better, I would have enjoyed a wonderful

weekend with my friends. We would have gone for walks around town,

shared laughs and enjoyed delicious meals together. However, due to

the storm, I had to postpone our plans.

Although I was disappointed, I consoled myself with the thought that

there will always be another opportunity to visit my friends. I look

forward to the time when the weather is more favorable and I can

finally join them.

1. What would you have done if the storm had not hit?

We would have gone out for a walk around the city to tourist places.

2.How long did it take you to plan the trip?

We had planned it for a week before the storm.

3. After the storm did you plan another trip?

Yes, we left it for the next month with all the plans we already had.

4. Your friends were not upset that you cancelled the plans?

They didn't get mad, on the contrary they understood me and we

arranged another day to see each other and spend some quality time

1. What would you have done if the storm had not hit?

2. How long did it take you to plan the trip?

3. After the storm, did you plan another trip?

4. Were your friends not upset that you cancelled your plans?

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