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Weekly Test in ENGLISH/ 4th Quarter/ Week 2 Score: _______

A. Directions: Write the correct order of events inside the small box (life cycle of plant) by
writing numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.

B.Directions: Tell what the traffic sign means. Choose the correct answer.

______1. A. Slow Down

B. No left turn
C. You cannot enter

_______2. A. Slow Down

B. No left turn
C. No Parking

________3. A. Slow Down

B. No left turn
C. No Parking

________4. A. Slow Down

B. No left turn
C. No Parking

Performance Task #3 in ENGLISH/ 4th Quarter/ Week 2 Score:__________

A. Directions: Color the Mother Earth to show your concern for environment.

10 – clean and colored appropriately

8 – clean but uses inappropriate color

6 – the output is not so clean

4 – the output has no color

2 – no output

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