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Names and surnames:

Farias Molina Williams Andres.

Lc. Isabel Garcia Farfan.
Homework 2: Writing Your circle of friends
Adrián Carreño is my best friend in the University, we met virtually on
WhatsApp, after talking a lot and realizing that we had the same tastes we
became good friends, very recently I met him in person, is a little lower than
me, just a few inches, He’s pretty skinny compared to my haha, he lives on
May 24th so I went to visit him up to the town where he lives.
He is a bit annoying, is very perfectionist and likes to leave things very well
done to the state of insisting on reviewing a job many times to see if we do
not leave some mistake. He talks a lot, he talks a lot, but he’s very smart and
very wise

One of my friends is Renata, she’s my French course

partner, she’s short, skinny, she’s very pretty and she has
light eyes. We met because of my French course and at
a meeting of the French alliance we met in person, after
talking a lot on WhatsApp we became very good friends,
she lives in Portoviejo, I usually go to visit him when I
am in Portoviejo, of our favorite activities to do together
is to chat or go out to eat at a restaurant near her house.
She is very angry and sentimental, cries for almost
everything, loves to dance and is very affectionate.

Another one of my friends is Kerly, she’s short, I know her

from college, we talked a lot on WhatsApp until she gave
herself the opportunity to meet in person and we became
good friends, she’s pretty nice and she knows how to make
up, lives in Portoviejo and we usually go out with Adrian to
eat or take a walk, she is very energetic, she likes to be paid
attention but is a little clueless

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