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Clients Communication

First type:
Client: Hello , Hi are you available for my work?
Me: Welcome to my services.
Thanks for your interest
I hope you are doing well. Yes I am available for
your work.
Kindly discuss your project or share all details
about your project.
Client: I am good. Yes I am sharing my details
about work.
Client: these are my instructions
Me: Thank you so much for this.
May I know your good name?
Client: I’m Julia.
Me: Nice name. Julia Would you like to wait a little
bit? Because I am checking complete details about
our project, and I will back very soon with proper
guidelines or plan.
Julia: Yes sure. I am waiting
Me: Julia Are you there?
Julia: Yes I am here:
ME: Julia Thanks for waiting.
Me: I checked all details carefully and I am cleared
about your work. Or I have some questions.
Julia: ans
ME: when you need your completed work?
What is deadline of your work?
Julia: I need this work ASAP. Or one day .
Me: Alright I will provide your work before given
your deadline.
Julia: Thanks it sounds great.
Julia: what is your price for this work ?
Me: Julia what is your budget for your work? You
can share your budget.
Jilua: my budget is $10?/ I have no idea
Me: kindly increase your budget, I will do your
work on my priority and will deliver ASAP.
Me: I will do your work $20
Julia: you are offering $10 for this work.
Yes I am offering $10 for this work , but I am
starting your work right now and I will provide
your work before your given deadline. No doubt
you are very kind hearted person and really
deserve quality work. This is just for quality.
Me: But if you want to spend $10 for this work no
worries I am ready for this.
Julia: No No I will pay $20 I know it’s urgent. I am
just looking to your final delivery.
ME: Thank you so much I am sending you offer for
$20 kindly accept this I will start my work right
Thank you so much. I am sending you $20 offer
you can accept this. I am starting your work right
Julia: Yes I:ve done.
Me: Thanks Julia I will back very soon with your
final work. Have a good day.
Julia: Ok
2nd Type
Client: helloo I have this type of work and I shared
all details about my work and also I attached a file
about project instructions and guidelines. Would
you like to help me?
Me: Welcome
Ask for waiting.

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