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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Camarines Sur
Bula, Camarines Sur




Dear Respondents:


We the GAS Grade 12 students are presently conducting our study on the “Factors Affected the SHS Strand
Choice of G-10 SHS Learners of Bula National High School.” In this connection, we humbly seek your
participation as one of the respondents of our study.

Your cooperation in our study is highly appreciated. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain
confidential and to be used for academic purposes only.

Thank you and God bless!

Respectfully yours,
The Researchers

A. Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents

Name: (Optional) _____________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Current Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Gender: Age: Monthly Income of Family (based on PIDS):

Female 14 and below Poor: Below P10, 957 monthly
Male 15 Low-income but not poor: P10, 957 to P21, 914 monthly
16 Lower middle: P21, 914 to P43, 828 monthly
17 Middle: P43, 828 to P76, 66 monthly
Upper middle: P76, 669 to P131,484 monthly
Upper middle but not rich: P131, 483 to P219, 140 monthly
Rich: P219, 140 and above monthly income
B. Extent of Influence of the Factors in Their SHS Strand Choice
Instruction: Read the question in every item and check the appropriate column that indicates your answer.

Legends: 4 - Strongly Disagree (SD) 3 – Disagree (D) 2 - Agree (A) 1 – Strongly Agree (SA)

4 3 2 1
Financial Capacity
1. I believe that financial status is important in choosing strand in shs.
2. I considered my financial capacity in choosing my strand in shs.
3. I depend my choice on college scholarships.
4. I choose a strand that is cost effective.
5. I believe that my family can afford my chosen strand

1. I believe that I need to consider my skill and knowledge in choosing my strand.
2. I am personally interested in the strand that I choose.
3. I believe this strand will help me to make my course in my college easy to
4. I choose a strand according to my wants and attitude.
5. I personally choose a strand in accordance to my charactereristics.

Family and Peers

1. I choose my strand because someone recommended me this strand.
2. I choose my strand because my friend also choose this strand.
3. I choose this strand because my brother/sister also choose this strand.
4. I choose the strand because of peer pressure.
5. I choose the strand because my friend's college course is related to this strand.

Dream Course/Profession
1. I believe that I need to choose my strand based on my dream course in college.
2. I choose my strand because it is related to the profession I want.
3. I choose this strand because it will fit my dream course in college.
4. I choose this strand because it is anchored to the job I wanted someday.
5. I choose the strand because I have no plan in going to college.

Availability of Strand
1. I choose this strand because the strand I want is not available other schools.
2. I choose this strand solely because it is the only available strand.
3. I choose this strand because it offers a track that fits my college course.
4. The availability of strand in BNHS directly influenced my strand choice.
5. I choose this strand simply because it is available in BNHS

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