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Past papers questions

1) Study of eye is called Ophthalmology

2) Night blindness (xeropthalmia) due to Vitamin A

3) Image formation in Retina

4) Human eye size 576 megapixels

1. Which part of the eye is responsible for controlling the amount of light entering the eye?

a) Retina

b) Cornea

c) Pupil

d) Lens

2. Which structure in the eye is responsible for focusing light onto the retina?

a) Cornea

b) Iris

c) Sclera

d) Optic nerve

3. What is the transparent, curved structure at the front of the eye that helps in focusing light?

a) Retina

b) Lens

c) Sclera

d) Choroid
4. Which type of photoreceptor cells in the retina are responsible for color vision?

a) Rods

b) Cones

c) Cornea

d) Sclera

5. What is the medical term for nearsightedness, a condition where distant objects are blurry?

a) Hyperopia

b) Astigmatism

c) Myopia

d) Presbyopia

6. Which of the following eye muscles is responsible for controlling the size of the pupil?

a) Superior oblique

b) Inferior rectus

c) Ciliary muscle

d) Lateral rectus

7. What is the gel-like substance that fills the space between the lens and the retina in the eye?

a) Aqueous humor

b) Vitreous humor

c) Corneal humor

d) Retinal humor

8. What is the medical term for the loss of the eye's natural lens clarity, leading to blurry vision,
often associated with aging?

a) Glaucoma

b) Cataract
c) Macular degeneration

d) Conjunctivitis

9. Which cranial nerve is primarily responsible for carrying visual information from the eye to
the brain? a) Cranial nerve I (Olfactory)

b) Cranial nerve III (Oculomotor)

c) Cranial nerve V (Trigeminal)

d) Cranial nerve II (Optic)

10. Which part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information received from the

a) Cerebellum

b) Medulla oblongata

c) Occipital lobe

d) Thalamus

11. Which part of the ear is responsible for transmitting sound vibrations from the outer ear to
the inner ear?

a) Cochlea

b) Eardrum (Tympanic membrane)

c) Oval window

d) Auditory canal

12. What are the three main parts of the human ear?

a) Outer ear, middle ear, inner ear

b) Pinna, eustachian tube, cochlea

c) Vestibule, semicircular canals, eardrum

d) Hammer, anvil, stirrup

13. The cochlea is responsible for which function related to hearing?

a) Maintaining balance
b) Transmitting sound vibrations

c) Amplifying sound

d) Converting sound waves into electrical signals

14. Which part of the ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance and equilibrium?

a) Cochlea

b) Semicircular canals

c) Eardrum

d) Auditory canal

15. Which cranial nerve is primarily responsible for carrying auditory information from the ear
to the brain?

a) Cranial nerve I (Olfactory)

b) Cranial nerve III (Oculomotor)

c) Cranial nerve V (Trigeminal)

d) Cranial nerve VIII (Vestibulocochlear)

16. What is the function of the Eustachian tube in the middle ear?

a) Equalizing air pressure between the middle ear and the external environment

b) Transmitting sound waves to the cochlea

c) Amplifying sound

d) Converting sound waves into electrical signals

17. The stirrup, anvil, and hammer are tiny bones in the middle ear. What is their collective

a) Ossicles

b) Cartilages

c) Stapes

d) Malleus
18. Which part of the ear collects sound waves and directs them into the ear canal?

a) Cochlea

b) Oval window

c) Pinna (Auricle)

d) Tympanic membrane

19. What is the condition characterized by a ringing, buzzing, or hissing sound in the ears
without any external sound source, often associated with hearing loss?

a) Tinnitus

b) Vertigo

c) Otitis media

d) Meniere's disease

20. What is the medical term for inflammation of the middle ear, often seen in children, causing
ear pain and sometimes fever?

a) Otitis media

b) Otitis externa

c) Otitis interna

d) Otosclerosis

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